• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 1,272 Views, 46 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Remembrance - Pwincess Twiwee

After being activated and leaving her home bunker, Sweetie Belle (bot) must journey out into the post-apocalyptic world of Equestria in order to discover the fate of her namesake. Piecing together the past along the way.

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Chapter 5: McIntosh Drop

Author's Note:

I want to personally apologize in advance for the delays in getting this chapter out, I had a few difficulties keeping focus on it and making everything happen the way I wanted it to, and i wanted to Thank every reader of it for being so patient with me. I'll try to keep my Friday-Saturday-Sunday release schedule going in the future.

Happy Reading!

I took my time getting back to the ship, just watching the stars in the sky and the clouds drift by. Taking in the serenity of the moment and having time to myself to just breathe and relax. It’s far too easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of activity and action, and to miss the world around you, despite the land being in ruins, and death being a day to day norm, there is still more beauty to this world then I have ever really noticed.

When I reached the ship, the number of guards hanging around keeping an eye on it had dropped dramatically, I couldn’t tell if it was because Spectra had left, or if the guards are simply going to bed. Either way, greeting the guards as I went to board I couldn’t help but stop and notice one guard off to the side, out of the way, leaning against a tree.

Taking a deep breath, I walked over to where that guard had sat, sitting down beside them and giving them a nudge making them startle awake.

“Woah, woah, it’s okay there sugarcube.” I said with a chuckle. “Just saw you over here and wondered what’s going on, if something was bothering you or something.”

The armor clad pony looked at me, head cocked to one side and I could feel their stare. Giving a little bit of a nervous smile before they finally spoke.

“Oh, sorry ma’am, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on the job.” The pony said, jumping to their hooves, despite the distortion in the voice from the armor, I could tell the pony inside was a mare.

“It’s fine, you’re fine,” I said with a chuckle. “Just sit down, and relax alright? I’m not some high ranking general that’ll grill your bacon for a little bit of laziness.”

“... Yes ma’am.” She said, sitting back down, I could hear the confusion in her voice, I guess she expected the captain of the ship to be some sort of hard driven pony that earned their rank rather than the last one in line given it because there was no one left.

“So, Is there anything bothering you?” I said with a smile. Looking at her with my own head tilted curiously to the side.

“No Ma’am.” She said, going to get back up to which I stopped her again. “Ma’am, please just let me return to my duty, I promise this will not happen again.”

“Do I look mad?” I asked, quirking a brow and chuckling some. “And my name is Sweetie, you don’t need to keep calling me Ma’am.”

“But you are the captain of the Quetzal, we were always taught to give our superiors respect and to treat them with dignity, and that in addressing them we should only ever say yes or no, followed by ma’am or sir, depending.” She said, giving a nervous chuckle.

“Fresh out of the Academy?” I said with a smile. Leaning back against the tree. “I’m not Enclave, or NCR, or anything else, Just a pony, albeit robotic, but still just a pony like you and everyone else.”

“Ma’am?” She said, confusion in her voice continuing to grow. “You’re saying, you’re not affiliated with any group, and yet they gave you this vessel?”

“Eh, not by choice I don’t think, See I was the last one in line and no one else wanted to, so it kind of got passed down to me whether or not I wanted it.” I said with a chuckle. “So relax, I’m not going to court martial you or reprimand you for a bit of informality.”

“Yes ma-... Yes Sweetie.” She said before she relaxed a little and gave a sigh. “I don’t know if this really is the kind of life I want, I thought it was, after the war, what happened in Coltlumbia, it was inspiring, but now I’m not so sure.”

“Coltlumbia, Don’t think I’ve ever heard of that, where is it?” I said, that pony staring at me for a moment before she shook her head.

“We’re not allowed to talk about it with outsiders, Sorry ma’am” She said softly and with a sigh. “In fact, please forget I even mentioned it to you.”

“Why is that?” I said, my curiosity peaked, why was she so willing to talk about it one second, but closed up like a clam the next.

“Standing orders, ma’am.” She said. “As a soldier I am not allowed to speak about, or even reference the Enclave capital without express written instructions from the president himself.”

“So it’s the Enclave Capital?” I said with a chuckle. To which she simply facehooved and gave a sigh.

“As you see, I’m not very good at this.” She said, reaching up and removing her helmet. For the first time I could see her Orange Coat and cream colored mane, “Private Autumn McIntosh.”

“McIntosh, like Big Mac before the war?” I asked, tilting my head curiously and smiling more.

“Yeah, was about six generations ago the first McIntosh popped up in my family line, been a tradition ever since.” Autumn said with a sigh. “Well, unless what great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother Sugar belle said was true, then there was two more macs before us, and we were named after them”

“What do you mean.” I said curiously.

“Well, before the war, Sugar Belle and Big McIntosh were together, it didn’t work out though, the stress of everything and not wanting to move tore the two apart, Sugar Belle didn’t want Big Mac to know that she was carrying.” Autumn said with a sigh. “Thought that if he knew, he’d come back and be unhappy just to be there for her and the foal, and thought it wouldn’t of been what either of them truly wanted.”

“I see… So, Big Mac had a foal he never knew about?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

“Exactly.” Autumn said with a nod. “His son grew up under Sugar Belle’s guidance, and he joined the military and ended up serving under his own dad. Years went by, and Big mac died protecting Celestia, and in his honor, the first mac of my line was named.”

“That’s so…. Sad” I said, pausing a second to think “I mean, having a foal you never knew about, that’s one thing, but having that foal serve in the military under you, and then name their first foal after you when you died, that’s a whole new level..”

“Yeah, I kind of try and not think ‘bout that.” Autumn said with a sigh. “Anyway, his Wife and their daughter got into Stable 66, where everything went all peachy keen for a couple generations, then the Enclave came and opened the stable, took us all out and gave us better lives.”

“So, how did you find out that you’re related to Big mac?” I said, scooting a little closer and laying a hoof on her shoulder. “If you’re alright with me asking.”

“Sugar Belle, on her deathbed in Stable 66, She admitted that she and Big Mac were together and that the foal was his.” Autumn said with a sigh. “We don’t know if she was just a senile old mare, or if she was telling the truth.”

“Well, what do you believe?” I asked “I’m sure you have your own opinion and take on things by now.”

“I think that honesty is always the best policy, and that I think Sugar Belle felt the same way. She may not of remembered everything right, she went through so much and was so alone, but I think she wouldn’t of lied about her relationship.” Autumn said with a smile. “Honestly, I think it gives more meaning to the name, and I wear it with pride.”

“Good attitude to have bout it Autumn.” I said with a chuckle and getting to my hooves. “Anyway, why don’t you come on board and get some rest, I’m sure where ever you sleep in there is better than out here.”

“Yeah, you’re right, though I guess sometimes, I just want to stay out here and look at the stars. I don’t know if Elysium is real or not, but sometimes I just, like to stare at the stars and think that maybe, wherever Elysium is, that they are looking at the same ones along with me.” Autumn said with a chuckle, before she got to her hooves and for the first time ever I noticed she had a horn, as she picked up her helmet in her aura and followed me on board. I stayed quiet, and just thought, I remembering my first night out of the bunker.

“So, uh.” I said with a nervous chuckle as I and Autumn started to go our separate ways, She heading over to a panel in the wall that looked like it could fold down, myself heading to the staterooms. “You going to be staying with us for a while?”

“I think so, why?” Autumn asked with a smile. “I mean, I’ve been posted on this ship since I graduated, The President said there was something special about me and that I needed to be here.”

“Ever figure out what he meant by that?” I asked, stopping and turning to face her.

“Not that I know of, I mean, I always assumed that it was because of my heritage, that Princess Eventide would actually allow me aboard her ship.” Autumn said, pulling the panel down and fluffing the pillow.

“I thought her name was Gambit?” I said with a curious smile, walking over next to her.

“Well, that was her prewar callsign, she kind of had a disgruntled past and didn’t like her name much, so she just went by her callsign instead.” Autumn said, propping herself up and sitting down onto the bunk, starting to take her armor off.

“Callsign, like, military?” I asked, sitting and smiling, helping a little with her armor when and where I could.

“Yeah, She was a Shadowbolt during the war, She survived in this auxiliary stable built alongside Stable 1 in Canterlot.” Autumn said with a chuckle, Looking to me for a moment. “Turns out, she’s half sister to the original Princess of Friendship.”

“Huh, I think I’ve heard that before.” I said with a chuckle, taking a plate from her and setting it aside. “So, Coltlumbia, what happened there?”

“A clash of ideals broken out into full scale war.” Autumn said with a chuckle. “Ponies who wanted the Enclave to return to its old isolationist way, claiming President Winter had made it weak, and Winter with her friends fought back.”

“Huh, Does war happen a lot up here?” I said with a chuckle. “Forgive me, I’m still learning about the wasteland and its history, I was still in a bunker not even powered on less than a week ago.”

“Not that I know of, I mean there are skirmishes left right and center when groups clash and tempers flare, but really large scale all out war has been ultimately avoided.” Autumn said with a yawn. “Anyway, it was nice talking to you Sweetie, I guess I will see you in the morning.”

“Yeah, absolutely.” I said with a smile before getting to my hooves and leaving her to rest, thinking to myself as I walked how much of a interesting mare she was, she seemed so insightful to the wasteland, so full of information and life, just talking to her was nice and relaxing.

“Goodnight Sweetie!” I heard Autumn call out, bringing a groan from the others who had been trying to sleep despite our conversation, I could hear her apologizing to them as I went to my stateroom, laying down onto the bed and just staring at the ceiling, again I found my eyes drifting from the ceiling to the nearby window and up to that starry filled abyss, giving a sigh as I just stared out to them.


I watched as the night sky started to change color and hue, the stars disappearing one by one as the next day arrived. I hadn’t slept all night, I spent the whole time just watching as the stars peacefully twinkled, finding solace in their silence.

Slipping from my bed and coming from my room, I was surprised to find the ship bustling with activity. While there was less than two dozen ponies aboard, they all were hanging around chatting and enjoying a morning beverage, I even caught sight of Midas working the stove preparing food for all who wanted it, honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile more then just then, I think she had a real passion for cooking.

Alabaster was up in the front of the ship, hanging out with Cloud Chaser talking about who knows what, I swear it was a mixture of gibberish, other languages, and crude jokes. Deciding I’d like to go outside and get a moment of fresh air I headed over to the ramp. Looking back at my friends, my crew, I couldn’t help but smile all the more. Everyone getting along so well, it was almost like a dream come true.

Walking from the ship and over to the tree from the night before, I let out a sigh as I sat and leaned by back up against the bark of that familiar tree. Looking at the sky and just having a moment of peace, before I heard the sound of hoofsteps coming up the path, peering around the tree I saw Autumn carrying several bags of what appeared to be food from what I could see.

I hopped to my hooves and rushed over to her side. “Hey there stranger.” I said with a chuckle. “Need any help carrying those?”

She kind of looked at me confused before she smiled. “No, I’m fine, I’ve carried worse things than this.” She slowed her pace, clearly trying to prolong her time from the ship.

Slowing I stayed beside her as we walked. “So, about last night.” I said with a nervous smile.

“Sorry if I was out of line, it’s just so exciting to be out and away from the cities.” Autumn said with a sigh, the look on her face said relief rather than exacerbation

“Oh no! Not at all, never, I really enjoyed our talk last night, and I thought about what you said when we were getting on the ship, about the stars.” I said with a chuckle. “I thought nearly the same thing the first night I spent out of the bunker, I found peace and comfort looking at the stars and imagining that somepony in Elysium could look at the same stars.”

“You have somepony in Elysium?” Autumn asked, I could see by the way she was looking at me I had confused her.

“Yeah, I guess.” I said with a sigh. “My Father, my creator.”

“For what it’s worth, that’s less silly then imagining that you’re looking at the same star that your long lost great like, seven times over, grandfather is looking at.” Autumn said with a chuckle, though I could hear her pain. “I mean, I don’t even know if it’s real.”

“Well, you said last night that honesty is the best policy in your belief, and there is no reason to believe that he isn’t your how ever many greats grandfather.” I said, stopping Autumn and moving round in front of her. “I think it doesn’t matter how true it is on a bloodline level, you’re still named after him and in his honor, and I am sure that he’s up there smiling down on you and proud of you.”

“Yeah, I hope so.” Autumn said with a smile, I didn’t notice last night but her smile is so, I don’t know, beautiful? She seemed so earnest in her emotions, like she wore everything on her sleeve and wasn’t afraid of who or what somepony might do with it.

Shaking my head to break the little trance of thought I put myself in, before I smiled back to her “So, heading back from the markets?”

“Eeyup!” She said, setting the bags down and digging through them for a moment. “Got some fresh apples and carrots, oh some celery stalks too! I think I grabbed hay burgers too..”

“Do you always buy supplies for the ship?” I said with a chuckle. “Shouldn’t you use the bits you have for yourself, clothing and such?”

“Nah, Nothing means more to me then my family, and y’all aboard Quetzal are my family!” Autumn said with a smile. “May not be blood, and I might have real family back in Coltlumbia, but nothin’ could replace this ship or the crew in my heart.”

“That’s very noble of you.” I said with a soft smile. “Though I think I would prefer if you spent more of your time and money on yourself then on the ship, that’s my job now alright, and it’s my job to take care of you and everyone else aboard.”

“Nonsense!” Autumn said with a chuckle. “If I am a descendant of Big Mac, that makes me an Apple, and while I may not of been raised like one, I do know that the Apples are always well known for their hospitality.”

“You’re really stubborn about this aren’t you.” I said with a laugh, taking one of those bags she had with my own magic.

“You bet, nothing ever changes my mind once I’ve made my choice.” Autumn said with a chuckle and a nudge at my side. “Just don’t ask me to cook, never been able to do that.”

We just laughed and walked together till we both were up that ramp, to which the soldiers aboard all swarmed around her to see what she had brought back. I couldn’t help but laugh as she handed out little boxes to each of the crew.

“Do you do this often or something?” I asked, smiling at her.

“Yeah, every time we’re someplace I can go shopping. It wasn’t just my caps that I spent, these guys give me their pouches and tell me to pick up things for them because…” Autumn paused and thought about it for a moment. “Huh, guess that isn’t the case anymore is it?”

“What?” I asked, tilting my head and smiling curiously at her.

“Well, before, the Enclave had a rule about how many hands were allowed to leave the ship at a time, and because we’re so small only one or two of us would be allowed to leave at a time.” Autumn said, passing off the bags to the crowd of ponies. “I’m the fastest, I tend to get around quicker then most of them can and because we have limited time during a port call and its rare we all get time away, they just have one pony focus on shopping and the rest do the other duties.”

“Huh. Well yeah I guess that isn’t the case anymore, it isn’t an Enclave ship anymore.” I said with a chuckle. “Though, I think I might keep say, half staff here, give you all time off the ship.”

I wasn’t expecting it, but the crowd erupted in cheers and swept me off my hooves, carrying me around the deck for a few moments chanting and cheering before they finally put me down. I couldn’t help but laugh as both Midas and Alabaster watched on in amazement, chuckling and laughing to themselves.

“What’d I do?” I said with a chuckle, seeing Autumn had been keeping up with the crowd in their little victory lap around the deck.

“You gave them all something that they had been wanting and asking for for months, time to spend off the ship and actually get some RnR.” Autumn said with a laugh, before she turned as she noticed Midas and Alabaster approaching.

“So who’s your friend Sweets.” Midas said with a smirk, looking down at Autumn.

“Autumn McIntosh.” I said, nervously smiling at her, she didn’t seem the least bit phased by their braizen approach.

“Nice to meet you Autumn McIntosh.” Alabaster said, offering a hoof, before Midas knocked him out of the way and looked at her closely.

“You look like an Apple.” Midas said, tapping a claw on her chin. “Guessing that McIntosh name isn’t coincidental.”

“Well, we honestly don’t know if we are or aren’t” Autumn said, giving a bit of a nervous smile. “And I can tell you aren’t full dragon.”

Midas recoiled at that and her eye twitched some. “How, How can you tell that”

“Your face, specifically your muzzle.” Autumn said with a smile. “It shows more pony like features and structure, you’re a halfling, at least.”

“I don’t like you.” Midas said with a scowl. “No one, and I mean absolutely no one, has ever been able to guess that.”

“Not to mention your crest scales aren’t rigid, your body scales lack the typical sheen that dragons have, they are probably softer and more flexible to the touch, should I go on?” Autumn said, sitting and smiling at Midas, who just stared at her with wide eyes before she quickly went to the other side of the ship, clearly lost in thought and slightly horrified.

“How did you know all of that?” Alabaster said, looking over to Midas with a chuckle. “I did not think this was possible.”

“It’s just simple observation and knowing key features that she lacked.” Autumn said with a chuckle. “I mean, you could get it from any book on dragon raising, which, surprisingly there are a decent number of.”

“What ever made you interested in that?” I said, smiling at Autumn. “I mean, I didn’t think raising dragons was a common point.”

“Oh, it’s because we found an egg and it hatched.” Autumn said with a giggle. “In Coltlumbia, there is some caverns and caves and I guess a Dragon was living there and abandoned an egg or something.”

“I… you… what?” I said, rubbing at the side of my head. “You explored caverns under the city, you found a dragon nest with an egg, and you thought the best course of action was to take it and raise it yourself?”

“Well, yeah” Autumn said, looking at me slightly confused. “I mean, it’s the right thing to do, right? Not leaving an egg there to freeze and die?”

“What if it’s parents came back for it!” I said with a groan. “You could of ruined that dragon’s chances of growing up happy and normal.”

“Oh, we gave the dragon back to its parents, see, the Enclave chased off the dragons and wouldn’t let them come back for the egg.” Autumn said. “Something about being really uncomfortable with dragons so close by, but when they realized what had happened they offered the dragons their home back and returned the hatchling”

“I… okay, that was really unexpected.” I said, looking at her before giving a sigh. “Well, I’m glad everything worked out okay for you, that was risky but I am happy yo-”

“Oh, no, I got kicked out of Coltlumbia and banned from ever returning for it.” Autumn said, still smiling. “But that’s when I joined the Enclave as a soldier and they put me through boot camp.”

“I…” I said, rubbing at the side of my head, looking at Alabaster who was staring at Autumn like he had just seen a ghost, peering back I could see Midas still pacing back and forth on the other side of the ship, I could see she was mumbling something to herself, probably still trying to come to terms with how somepony could figure her out so quickly and easily like that.

“I’m sorry.” Autumn said, her smile finally turning to a frown. “It’s just, when you grow up in a stable, and then you’re taken and given free reign over an area bigger then you have ever known, you just, find a lot of reasons to be happy and thankful.”

“It’s fine, really it is.” I said with a sigh. “I think, it’s just something that none of us really expected from…”

“A young fresh out of the academy soldier?” Autumn said with a sigh. “Yeah, I get that alot, a lot of the ponies in my flight got creeped out by my cheerful attitude, said that this was the hardest most grueling things they had ever done, and yet I am doing it with a smile and a good attitude.”

“Maybe being a soldier wasn’t the right call for you.” I said with a sigh. “How about this, from now on you’re no longer a soldier aboard this ship.”

Autumn looked at me confused and saddened, nodding slowly as she got up. “It’s alright, I’ll pack my bags and call for a raptor so the enclave can reassign me.”

“No! No no no.” I said, hopping to my hooves and rushing around in front of her. “You have such a good attitude, you can find reasons to smile even in the darkest of times, and I feel like in our coming journeys, that might be something very important, I want you to be the ship’s counselor, and morale officer, if you’re up to it”

She looked at me confused at first, before she smiled brightly once more and suddenly gave me a hug. “You mean it, really?!”

“Y-Yeah, a b-bit too tight… I think you’re denting m-my casing…” I said, squirming and trying to push her off.

“Oh.. sorry.” Autumn said with a giggle. “I mean, it’s something I always wanted to do, help other ponies be just as happy as I am, there are always so many reasons to smile, and I never want to stop smiling!”

“I get the feeling that you didn’t smile much before.” I said with a chuckle.

“Well, no, not really.” Autumn said, rubbing at the back of her head. “Stable 66 was really cramped, privacy was like… next to impossible, we all had to share our rooms, and sometimes two families could end up in the same room, and yeah… it’s not fun when you can’t get up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and have to walk across the room and can’t walk three feet without stepping on somepony else.”

“That… sounds horrible, honestly.” I said, sitting and thinking to myself for a moment, Midas finally coming back over and sitting down beside me and giving a sigh.

“Alright, Look, I’m sorry” Midas said, taking a deep breath. “It’s just, some of that is some of the most protected things in my life and, very few know it, so the fact you can just look at me and get it all like it’s written in a book.”

Autumn nodded and smiled. “Well, for me it kind of is.” She said, getting to her hooves and offering one to Midas. “To me, reading another pony’s emotions is just, second nature.”

“Like your special talent?” I said, trying to look around her to see if she had a cutie mark and if she did what it was.

“My mom thought that too, she said my level of empathy is not normal.” Autumn said with a shrug. “She put me through so much training, she was convinced it was my special talent. I still haven’t gotten a cutie mark, it’s embarrassing being the only adult pony in the Equestria, without one.”

“Your butt marks, they are what you call cutie marks, yes?” Alabaster said, smiling a little more. “My tribe does not get them, and while we do have our own special thing we excel in, mine being healing and potion brewing, there are no marks broadcasting our special ability to the world.”

“Huh.” I said, looking from Autumn to Alabaster and back. “Another reason to go to Scootaloo then.”

“Scootaloo? She was in Coltlumbia during that fight I told you bout” Autumn said with a bigger smile. “She was so awesome, how she helped rescue ponies from that ship that was crashing.”

“My ship, you mean.” A familiar, raspy voice said. “I spent a better part of a decade fixing that thing and getting it working, wasn’t too fun to see it a smoking crater in the ground.”

“But if not for it, you and I would of never met Cloud.” Autumn said with a giggle. “You’re like that aunt I never knew I had or wanted until you were there!”

“Heh, I suppose some things can have a happy ending.” Cloud chaser said. “Well, we’re about to dust off, so you four better get buckled in and ready for take off.”

“Oh? Where are we heading?” Autumn said with a smile.

“Maripony.” Both I and Midas said at the same time.

“Midnight, a pony here in this village hired us to recover the original copy of the Journal of Friendship from Twilight’s personal quarters in what remains of the Maripony residential block.” Midas said with a sigh.

“How close can you get us?” I said, looking to Cloud Chaser.

“I could get you close enough you can read it from the ramp. But there are some nasty critters in that area, not sure how close I can safely go without drawing attention.” Cloud Chaser said, using a wing to scratch at her side.

“I thought the ship has active paint that can hide it from view.” I said, looking back to Midas who simply shrugged.

“Yeah, but ferals don’t hunt by sight, many of them are blind, they hunt by smell, and sound.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh. “And cloud engines have a distinct smell, and the ship is too large for perfect sound dampening, they’ll still be able to find it, and their activity will draw in hell hounds and alicorn for sure.”

“So, we land a ways away.” Midas said with a shrug. “No big deal, just walk over to it without drawing any attention.”

“Except the fact that you’re walking into ground zero of a balefire explosion.” Autumn said with a sigh. “Radiation is going to be off the charts, the facility has some natural shielding because of the projects, but outside it? You’re goose is cooked.”

“So, close enough that we can get in without dying of exposure, far enough away that we don’t wake up every ghoul and draw too much unwanted attention?” I said, sitting and thinking for a moment. “Ghouls, they don’t really hunt dragons do they?”

“Not really, but they’ll go after you, they don’t know you’re metal.” Cloud Chaser said. “If they didn’t confiscate my armor, I would join you, ghouls leave me alone cause I’m one of them.”

“What about the ship.” Midas said, giving her fingers a snap as she looked rather coyly first to me, then to Cloud Chaser. “Drop us off, then fly around as loud as possible and draw their attention, they’ll chase you right? Fly off and they’ll follow you and all the activity will draw the hellhounds and alicorns with you.”

“Then how are we going to come back and pick you up.” Cloud chaser said with a sigh.

“Fly high enough and engage the active paint, come back as quiet and slow as you can not letting them follow you?” Midas said, that coy grin turning to a nervous and unsure smirk.

“Could work.” Autumn said. “Or we could deploy diversionary troops around the perimeter, they can keep the heat down while drawing activity to them and away from the recovery team.”

“Too risky.” I said “I think we should go with Midas’ plan, it’s crazy enough it might work, and if it doesn’t well, I hope you can fly this thing sideways.”

“Why.” Cloud Chaser said, looking at me through narrowed eyes.

“Because, if the attention comes back to us, and we’re being pursued, the best chance we have is if you can fly in front of us with the ramp down. But because the ramp is on the side of the ship you’ll need to fly sideways for us to be able to jump on.” I said with a sigh, looking to Midas, then Alabaster, back to the other two.

“Fine, but if we scratch the paint you’re paying for it.” Cloud chaser said with a chuckle. “And trust me, this stuff ain’t cheap.”

“Alright, sounds like we have a plan, All hands aboard?” I said, to which Cloud Chaser nodded. “All provisions accounted for?” to which Autumn nodded, looking to Midas and Alabaster. “Looks like we’re ready to get out of here.”

Before we even moved, I could hear the ship spooling up, a faint humming growing louder and louder till I felt the jolt of the ship lifting from the ground and taking to the sky. Looking at Cloud Chaser who simply smiled back at me.

“What? Neural interface, I can pilot the ship from the bathroom if I wanted to.” Cloud Chaser said with a chuckle.

“Neural interfaces are nice and what not, but what if it fails and you can’t get to the cockpit?” Midas said, crossing her arms.

“Then we crash and all of us die in a horrible massive fireball.” Cloud chaser said with a chuckle. “This system is from my old ship, it's infallible, how else do you think one pony alone piloted an entire Thunderhead?”

“Whatever” Midas said with a huff before she turned and walked away, Alabaster quickly following suit behind her.

“Well, I guess Midas isn’t in a good mood today.” I said with a chuckle. “Anypony got any idea why?”

“Woke up on the wrong side of the bulkhead is my guess.” Cloud Chaser said with a chuckle.

“Got a few scales in a twist would be mine.” Autumn said, giving a soft chuckle of her own. “Maybe I should go talk to her, see if maybe I can cheer her up some.”

“Might be a bad idea, she doesn’t seem to really like you very much.” I said with a sigh. “Give her time, she’ll come around and start warming up to you, I can feel it.”

“Hope so, having an irate dragon around can be bad for general morale and health.” Autumn said with a sigh. “Maybe I shouldn’t of been so forward with telling she isn’t full blooded dragon?”

“Maybe, give her some time to cool down and then apologize,” I said, looking back to Cloud Chaser with a smile. “You should head up to the cockpit, even with that fancy neural interface I think I feel safer with you physically at the controls.”

“Got it.” Cloud Chaser said with a chuckle as she turned and headed towards the front of the ship, Leaving just me and Autumn alone for the time being.

“Hey Autumn, would you like to ge-” I started to say before I was cut off by her hoof gently pressing to my lips, she looked at me with a concerned smile before she simply shook her head.

“We both have a lot to do, and right now I get the feeling some things are running a bit hot, let’s not be hasty” Autumn said with a smile, to which I gave a sigh and a nod. I watched as she turned and went back to her bunk before I finally went my own way, making my way back to my room, and laying down on the bed and staring out the window watching the scenery fly past, just taking this moment to be by myself and sort through some of the things I was thinking, and feeling.


I lost track of time, I suppose I dozed a little lost in my thoughts. Being pulled back to reality by the crackling of the PA speaker in my room coming to life.

“We’re here.” I heard Cloud Chaser on the other side say. “Grab your gear and get ready to leave, I can already see the ghouls gathering”

As I left my room, I could feel the tension on the ship. Both excitement and anxiety went through the crew like wildfire, some commenting how they wished they were hooves on ground giving some pain to those ferals, others wishing that they never had to see what this war had caused.

I found Autumn, clad in her armor, Midas and Alabaster all waiting by the door.

“You guys ready.” I said with a nervous smile.

“Sweets, this is what I was born for.” Midas said with a smirk. “Been cracking the skulls of ferals since I was a hatchling.”

“I admit, I was not aware that there were mindless ponies.” Alabaster said. “I have traveled this far mainly with caravans, and they traveled only the secure paths.”

“Well, let’s not give them something to chew on.” Autumn said, my attention shifting fully to her.

“You’re staying here.” I said, to which Autumn looked to me, lifting a hoof and removing her helm.

“Excuse me?” Autumn said with a chuckle. “Ma’am, with all due respect, you have no right to tell me not to protect my captain with my life.”

“As councilor and morale officer, you are needed here on the ship, remember?” I said “You’re not a soldier anymore, you don’t need to fight.”

“Sweetie, I’ve been trained for this, I swore my life to this, and honestly, it’s just the Enclave way.” Autumn said with a soft smile. “No better morale booster, then watching your captain kicking flank and taking names.”

“I said no, now take off that armor and go back to the crew.” I said, narrowing my eyes. “That is an order.”

“As captain, I respect your decisions, but as an Enclave soldier, I have to respect the order of the Enclave, and captain doesn’t leave the ship without an escort.” Autumn said with a chuckle. “Just be happy it’s me and not somepony else, I’m the least trigger happy on the crew.”

“I see…” I said, giving my chin a rub as I thought for a moment

“That, and I don’t think she could bare to harbor the idea that her marefriend was going down into danger without being at her side.” Midas said with a smirk.

“We’re not dating.” Both I and Autumn said at the same time, which brought a nervous smile from me and a soft blush from Autumn.

“Right.” Midas said with a roll of her eyes. “Denial isn’t becoming of either of you, just saying.”

“There is quite clear chemistry between the two of you.” Alabaster added. “Even more then between Aurora and her new mate if I do say so myself.”

“Alright, that’s enough.” I said with a sigh, looking at Autumn who had started to inch away slowly. “What I choose and what Private McIntosh chooses to do in our private time, is none of your business.”

“Yeah! And even if we were dating, which we aren’t, why would we want to hide it from you two, afraid you’d be jealous or something!” Autumn said, stumbling over her words so clearly embarrassed.

I had to admit, she was really cute when she was like this, but giving my hoof a wave between Autumn and Midas to break any exchange the two were about to have. “I believe we have a mission to work on.” I said with a chuckle.

I could feel as the ship came to a halt, Cloud Chaser coming up to us, looking from Midas, to Autumn, Alabaster, then to me, before she smirked. “You know kid, you remind me of myself in my younger days.” She said to me. “Just keep in mind, you might have some hard armor, but there are some things out there harder than that.”

“What do you mean by that?” I said, looking at her curiously.

“There are mutated diamond dogs down there, hellhounds, mean motherlovers.” Cloud said. “They can rip through powered armor like no big deal, They beheaded another canterlot ghoul just like myself not too far away from here.”

“So… they’re strong and capable of ripping through thick armor..” I said, pausing and looking back to Midas and Alabaster, who both seemed unphased, while I could tell Autumn was starting to panic a little.

“Yeah, and while we might be able to put you back together if they rip into you, can’t promise we can put you back together in the right order.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh. “So, if you see one, run, don’t engage, don’t taunt, don’t reason, just get away from it.”

“It’s the one you don’t see you have to worry about.” Midas said with a shrug. “I’ve dealt with a few hellhounds, they aren’t that tough.”

“I have only see one, and it was very keen on giving me a wide berth, I do not believe that they are naturally aggressive.” Alabaster said with a nod.

“All it takes is one.” Cloud Chaser said. “Like I said though, they’re mutated diamond dogs, they like gemstones, and they are likely to be more complaint if you give them gemstones without a fuss.”

“Good thing that Equestria is very rich in gemstones.” Autumn said, giving a sigh of relief. “I have a large collection of them from all around the stable and Coltlumbia, maybe they’ll be interested in them?”

“See, I know we kept you around for a reason.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Go grab your stones, we’re going to need them.”

“Don’t dragons eat gemstones?” I said, looking at Midas

“Yes, Dragons eat gems, no, I am not sparing any of mine.” Midas said giving me a glare. “They are mine, I earned them, and I am not about to throw them to a hellhound so that it leaves me alone.”

“Shiny things aside, we have a more pressing matter.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh. “Like I predicted, The Quetzal is drawing a lot of attention, ghouls are arriving in the dozens and we have nothing that can clear the landing area in a single go, likely to draw even more in.”

“What about landing somewhere else?” Autumn said, looking at me. “Maybe there is a building rooftop or something nearby that isn’t as crowded with zombies?”

“Zombies?” I asked, tilting my head

“Yeah, some ponies like to call Ghouls Zombies because of their appearance.” Cloud Chaser said, shooting Autumn a look. “She’s lucky I know she only calls ferals that.”

“Right, sorry.” Autumn said with a nervous chuckle. “Sometimes I forget that you’re a ghoul.”

“It’s fine squirt, I just wish you would realize that feral or not, ghouls are ghouls.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh. “But that’s a talk for another time, right now we need that pad cleared.”

We said, looking between us for a few moments, thinking quietly amongst ourselves. It definitely wasn’t going to be easy to clear them, and like Cloud Chaser said, the longer we wait the more show up.

I went to speak, before we heard the sound of an explosion below us. Exchanging looks before we’d go to the ramp and look down, ghouls scattering every which way with only a hoof full of injured or dead ones remaining on the pad.

“Ghouls don’t scatter like that without a reason.” Cloud Chaser said, and the reason didn’t wait long to appear. A deckhand calling out to us, Alicorns incoming.

I watched as Cloud Chaser’s face tensed, she looked at me with a combination of annoyance and concern. The way she braced herself, it’s like she expected an attack that never came.

“What the hay..” Autumn said, as she looked around wondering what was about to happen, we could hear hooves on the hull outside the ship, every now and then a flash of color as a figure dashed by the door, before a large dark purple colored Alicorn landed on the ramp and looked down at us.

“We speak for the Unity.” She said. “The ghouls will not be returning, you can thank us later.”

“What do you want, Unity was destroyed years ago” Cloud Chaser said with a sneer.

“Unity, the goddess, yes.” the Alicorn said, face turning softer, and a smile appearing across her muzzle. “Unity, our village however, is very much alive and well.”

“A village?” Autumn said, looking at Cloud Chaser who simply shrugged. “We had no clue there was any type of civilization here, last time anypony stepped hoof in this area, they never made it out.”

“Yes, and we are sorry that has been the case.” The Alicorn said. “We were confused, and lost in the haze without the Goddess, but many of us have come free from the fog and have banded together with our Hellhound brethren, and have founded a safe haven, founded a new Unity.”

“I see…” I said, looking to Cloud Chaser who still seemed very tense. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, and I welcome you aboard the Quetzal.

Quetzal?” The Alicorn said, looking to me confused. “The great ship of the Princess of Friendship, is she here?”

“No” Cloud Chaser said with a groan. “She has never even stepped hoof on this ship since its completion”

“We understand, it is not the original, much was lost and much cannot be recovered.” The Alicorn said with a nod. “She helped us understand the light, and we the beacon that helped us from the dark and the fog, it is… unfortunate she is not here.”

“Could always go and visit her in Canterlot.” Autumn said with a shrug, which got me to turn around and face her with confusion. “Ever since the new construction started, she has pretty much always been there overseeing it.”

“Canterlot?” I said, “I was told it was destroyed, that there was nothing left there, I need to go there immediately.”

“Kid. Canterlot was destroyed.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh. “This Canterlot-”

“Is just a mere reproduction of the original, much like this vessel.” The Alicorn said, Looking to Cloud Chaser. “Cricket, It has been a long time since we last saw you.”

“Didn’t think you’d recognize me outside the armor.” Cloud Chaser said with a chuckle.

“Your voice, is unmistakable.” The Alicorn said with a chuckle of her own. “Canticum Lunae, she is gone isn’t she.”

“Yeah, she went down in Coltlumbia, Surprised the story hasn’t gotten back to you.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh.

“We are sorry, but many stories of the war never reached home.” The Alicorn said, holding out a leg for Cloud Chaser, I recognized the gesture, as offering a hug.

Cloud Chaser smiled, and gave the Alicorn a hug. “Celestial, I believe was the last name she went by, is she around?” she said with a chuckle. “I owe her big time, elsewise I would of been in the crater too.”

“We are sorry, but she is not.” The Alicorn said with a sigh. “She has started her own quest of self discovery, she wishes to remember who she was before the war.”

“Don’t we all.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh.

“Which war? The Coltlumbia one or the great war?” Midas said, scratching at her head with a groan. “So many wars, why can’t you be specific!”

“The great war is where I lost myself, and so did she” Cloud Chaser said. “Surprising, I know you’ve read my files, guess they only gave you the amended one.”

“Yeah, I guess I did.” Midas said, scratching at her chin as she looked at the Alicorn. “So, we’re here for a book, I guess you wouldn’t happen to have it on you.”

“Yes, we are aware.” The Alicorn said with a smile “We do not touch the quarters of the Princess. You must enter alone if you wish to get her Journal.”

“Do I want to know how you know that.” Midas said with a groan.

“I have a feeling I know.” I said, looking at the Alicorn. “I see it in your eyes, you have the ability to see through others, don’t you”

“Yes little one.” The Alicorn said with a soft smile. “It has been our gift since unity was broken and we became self aware.”

“So, you talk about yourself in the plural I see.” Cloud Chaser said, “Thought that was a thing of the past after Unity was defeated.”

“It is hard for us to adapt to new ways of speaking, this way is all we know.” The Alicorn said with a soft chuckle. “However, if it makes you feel better, I can speak in the singular, it just takes more effort.”

“Speak however you find comfortable most.” I said with a smile. “So, can you protect us while we go and get the Journal?”

“Yes, we can.” The Alicorn said with a smile and a nod.

“And, do you have a name? I mean, I don’t feel comfortable just calling you the Alicorn all the time” I said with a smile and a chuckle, holding my hoof out to her. “My name’s Sweetie Belle.”

“Amethyst Star.” The Alicorn said with a smile.

“Another pony from ponyville before the war.” Cloud Chaser said with a chuckle. “Followed in Ministry Mare Twilight’s hoofsteps. She’s likely one of the first batch of alicorns to serve under unity.”

“Correct.” Amethyst said with a smile. “We do not remember much of our pre war time, but we do recall a great admiration and fondness for the Princess,”

“Great, another pony from before the war that knew both rarity and sweetie, and yet another dead end.” I mumbled.

“Don’t fry a circuit board over it Squirt” Cloud Chaser said with a chuckle. “If everything was meant to be easy, daddy would've known what happened before he ever made you, and you’d have another purpose.”

I stopped and stared at her a little for a couple of minutes, letting my frustration calm and I gave a soft smile and chuckle. “I guess you’re right.” I said with a shrug.

“Think of it this way, Little one.” Amethyst added. “The point of your journey is not your destination, it is the trip itself.”

“But it’s my programming..” I said with a sigh and a shake of my head. “Its all I can think about.”

“But you are more than the sum of your programming, are you not?” Amethyst said with a smile. “Is there not more to you then just the wires that make up your soul?”

“I…” I said, and paused, getting lost in thought for a moment before I turned away and sighed. “I don’t know.”

“You will soon enough, Little one.” Amethyst said with a smile. “We must be going, we are needed back at Unity, you are free to visit.”

“Don’t worry, we will.” Cloud Chaser said with a smile

“Good, We look forward to your arrival.” Amethyst said with a smile before she took off from the ramp, quickly rushing forward as I saw her fly off with at least a dozen alicorns in tow.

“What in the hay just happened.” I said with a chuckle. “I mean, you said they are likely to be reasoned with, but they just came and saved our bacon.”

“Your guess is as good as mine.” Midas said with a shrug. “I think we should get going before they change their mind or come back with a bath.”

I went to ask what Midas meant by that, but I simply shook my head and gave a sigh. “Alright, so we have time to grab our gear and get ready.” I said, looking between my three companions. “We’ll meet back up here and descend when everyone is ready, alright?”

“Well, I’m already ready.” Autumn said with a shrug.

“Don’t need to brag miss goody two shoes.” Midas said with a groan before she started to wander to the back of the ship, I watched as Alabaster followed her back to the Armory while I myself went back to my cabin to run a few diagnostics before we would depart.


As time passed, I could hear hoofsteps around the ship, activity picking up and excitement building. Sighing I climbed from my bed and exited my room, heading back to the front of the ship to where my friends had gathered, I could hear as I walked past the crew, ponies talking about ‘the drop’ and how they wished they were on it, how they wanted to go down there and kick some ghoul flank, and maybe an alicorn’s or two. Chuckling to myself and giving my head a shake, I had to remember these ponies, they’re a different breed, they grew up with death and destruction and war, they live for it.

When I got to my friends, I noticed Midas and Alabaster had their own armor now, adapted for their size, and it didn’t look powered like Autumn’s.

“Suited for Success I see.” I said with a chuckle as I walked up to them, to which Midas and Alabaster chuckled.

“Not my idea.” Midas said, rolling a shoulder and looking back to the plating that adorned her scales. “To be honest, probably adds no more protection than my scales did, but I guess I have to follow protocol.”

“What Protocol?” I said, looking over to Autumn who was rolling her helmet under her hoof.

“Oh, Just standard Enclave operational protocol, the same protocol that demands that a soldier needs to accompany the captain when in hostile areas.” Autumn said with a shrug and smiled at me. “Just following the rulebook ma’am.”

“Right…” I said with a sigh and a shake of my head. “But this isn’t an Enclave ship anymore, and Alabaster and Midas aren’t Enclave Soldiers, why are you making them adhere to protocol?”

“I… Good point.” Autumn said and paused, looking at Midas with a chuckle. “Guess I just really wanted to get you two fitted for some armor, never really know when you might need it.”

“So… I don’t need to wear this silly get up?” Midas said with a groan.

“I guess not, not if you don’t want to.” Autumn said with a shrug, looking over to Alabaster who was not so silently chuckling to himself. “What’s so funny chuckles?”

“You would understand, if you had fur like I have, and packed it into an armored shell, it tickles.” He said with a laugh. “It will take some getting used to, but I appreciate what has been given to me.”

“Alright, so we land the ship and get out?” I said, nervously trying to shift the topic, unsure of why so many of the crew were referring to it as ‘the drop’

“That’s a big negative ma’am.” Autumn said with a chuckle. “Landing pad is clear but not unobstructed, landing risks severe damage to the ship.”

“So, how do we get down.” Midas said, crossing her arms and tapping a foot.

“We jump, and use wings” She said, pausing and pointing to Midas. “Or jump jets.” She stopped and pointed to what looked like a set of folded bars on her and Alabaster’s back.

“What about me?” I said with a sigh. “I have neither of those.”

“You’re also a robot with heavy kinetic servos in your legs, from the height we’re dropping from you should land and catch yourself pretty easily without any damage.”

“Should.” I said with a sigh. “Should isn’t very reassuring.”

“Trust me, you’ll be fine.” Autumn said with a laugh. “The Enclave protocol insists that I go to serve as your protection, not to try and kill you, it’s as safe as it can be.”

I just gave her a nervous smile, before the cabin around us went dark, only lit by a red light on the wall, the door opening not down into a ramp, but sliding along the side of the ship clearing the way.

“Ground Recon Team is clear for drop.” Autumn said into her radio, motioning a hoof for us to line up at the door one at a time, Midas leading with me in the rear.

I went to say something, but the whistle of the engines drowned out my voice, the red light turned green and without warning I felt a push from behind, I watched as Midas jumped with wings flared, Alabaster jumping and I could see those bars flare out and form what appeared to be energetic wings, and then my turn to go.

“This doesn’t look safe!” I said as I was pushed from the door by Autumn, keeping in mind what was said I tried my hardest to keep my hooves under me as I watched the ground rapidly approaching. Closing my eyes and bracing for impact, the only thing I could think or say, was to yell ‘OH FOR CELESTIA’S SAKE!’ as I fell.

I felt what only could be described as dread as I fell, it felt like forever, I wondered if it would ever end or if this was all just a bad dream. I wanted to cry out for Luna to wake me up, but no words came from my mouth, and that's when I felt it, a hard impact and accompanied by a THUD as the world around me came to a halt.


Perk Acquired: Aerial Ace

Whether you’re flying like an eagle, or falling like a brick, your experience in the sky has taught you a few valuable lessons, most importantly being - Don’t look down.

Fall Damage reduced by 50%

Limb Damage Reduced by 20%