• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 1,271 Views, 46 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Remembrance - Pwincess Twiwee

After being activated and leaving her home bunker, Sweetie Belle (bot) must journey out into the post-apocalyptic world of Equestria in order to discover the fate of her namesake. Piecing together the past along the way.

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Chapter 3: Distant Twilight

Author's Note:

I just wanted to say, before you dig into Chapter 3

Thank you, every single reader I have gotten means a lot to me, and I hope you return and read more. Please, Leave a rating and comment, it'd mean even more to me to see support and get critique on what I can work on and improve.

Special thanks goes out to both RuinQueenofOblivion and Megaskullmon for their assistance and support in the production of this chapter.

I found it amazingly easy to lose track of time during this flight, going between staring out the window, to our armor clad friend who seemed fixated on me. Never stopping his stare for anything, a part of me wondered if he was even blinking behind that helmet of his. I only knew his gender simply because I overheard him talking with the pilots.

“So, Uh… Mister, armor guy.” I said nervously “What’s with the staring?”

“Ah, so you’ve noticed.” He said, his voice soft, not at all what I expected. “Well, you see, my Wife had a robot not too different from you. Modeled off the same pony.”

“There are more of me?” I said, jumping to my hooves. “Are they looking for what happened to Rarity and the Original Sweetie too?”

“No, I have to say this much. That robot was made by her ancestor, in a time of loneliness and sorrow.” He said, a hoof lifting and the helmet coming unlatched. Slowly removing it I could at first see his white coat, before his rainbow mane came into view. “You see, My wife is a descendant of Scootaloo, a very close friend to your likeness and namesake.”

“Where is your wife now, Mister..?” I asked, hoping to lead him into speaking his name. He stood quietly for a few moments before he smiled and looked at me with the most gentle eyes.

“With our daughter, in Scootaloo’s settlement over by Ponyville.” He said. “And my name is Spectra.”

To which Midas suddenly shot up, eyes wide as she stood. “Spectra, as in, Husband of Former President Winter Breeze, Spectra?” She said, a hint of both confusion and fear in her voice. “I’m sorry I did not recognize you sooner, President.”

“That’s what he gets for wearing that armor,” one of the pilots called back.

“Are you sure it’s wise to get in the middle of this?” The other pilot asked.

“Hey, what’s the point in going incognito if everyone recognizes you?” Spectra asked with a chuckle. “Not everyone would be thrilled to know that the President is going to visit an exceedingly high ranking member of the NCR that he knocked up during a party.”

“So much for Loyalty then, huh?” Midas said with a smirk. “Didn’t know the new one was yours. So how’d that happen? How’d Winter take it?”

“Oh, Winter seemed to take it perfectly fine to be honest. A part of me thinks she was the one encouraging it to happen in the first place. She planned the party, sent out all the invites, she must of known Midnight was… in her time” Spectra said with a nervous gulp. “Liquor and hormones, nasty combination.”

“Sounds like how I was born… to be honest.” The other Pilot said. “All that and a spa...”

“Hey, General Sparkle has a pretty cute flank, can’t say I’m not jealous,” the first pilot said with a snicker. “Though she’d probably just shoot me instead, crazy snipers.”

“Is it the flank you should care about or the mind of the mare? I would think one should care about her mind and how she feels. Rather then how she looks. Eh I was raised to be to good I guess.”

“Woah. Soldiers with standards? Who ever heard of that.” Spectra said with a laugh. “Look, I was a soldier once too, it’s how I met Winter, I know how much a nice body can get you going just as much as a nice mind, but let’s be honest with ourselves, It’s mostly the body.”

“Woah there hotshot.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Don’t let Winter hear you saying that. Don’t want to see what she does to your carcass after that.”

“Please, She knows I love her mind just as much as her body, and there ain’t one better in the Enclave on both fronts.” Spectra said with a chuckle.

“Well, except for Generals in the NCR.” Midas added with a snicker.

“I am so lost right now…” I said quietly, looking at the two, then to the door that seperated the cabin from the cockpit. “What are you all even talking about?”

“Is it bad that I found…. My husband in a town that killed a lot of the Enclave? I was on leave… and well got drunk. I got married to a Griffin.”

“New Pegasus?” Spectra said, tapping on the door.

“No I don’t wish to say the name. Just I was lucky they welcomed me.”

“I don’t ever intend to get married.” Midas said with a shrug, leaning against the back wall of the cabin. “I don’t want to split my wealth two ways, it’s mine, I earned it.”

“What if they are just as wealthy as you are?” I asked, looking to Midas who just kind of stopped, and looked at me with a dumbfounded look on her face. I guess she never thought about finding some creature with as much wealth or more wealth.

“Not to mention riches aren’t everything.” Spectra added. “Who knows, love could just be around the corner for you waiting to nip you in the tail the moment you least expect it.”

“You never know, could be sitting in the cockpit right now,” the first pilot said with a laugh. “You’re kinda cute for a dragon, I wouldn’t mind…”

The other pilot laughs “Hmm or maybe there could be two. My husband is extremely open bird. He doesn't mind since that’s what his species are like.”

“You’re both lucky that I don’t think anyone back here can fly this thing, elsewise, I’d get to see what two overly brash pegasus look like when they go splat.” Midas said with a groan.

“Actually, I can fly it.” Spectra said with a smirk. “At least they stopped hitting on Winter, or picking on me for what happened with Midnight.”

“Darn, I knew we forgot to do something,” the first pilot said with a chuckle.

“Oh yes I forgot about that.. But I wish to keep my job.” The other laughed.

“So uh, how long till we get there?” I asked, shifting in my seat and leaning against the wall, looking out the window with a sigh. “All this is fun and all, but something about flying is making me really uneasy.”

“Who knew, robotic ponies can get airsick!” Midas said and patted my back. “Its okay sweets, we’ll get there soon enough.”

“Careful, we don’t want to be cleaning up nuts and bolts back there for a week,” the pilot called back. “Or, whatever robots would throw up.”

“Oh come on, I don’t even have a stomach!” I said before groaning softly and turning away from that window. “But maybe looking out the window isn’t a good idea.”

“Oh I’m very sorry miss. I don’t mean to make you sick with my flying. I'd rather not clean up whatever a robot craps out…” The other said softly.

“What part of I don’t even have a stomach do you two not get, the part where I don’t eat, or the part where I don’t have any sort of waste product!” I said, growing quite angry with the two. “And for your information I am powered by a prototype powercore, I have no need for external energy at all, so don’t you go making snide remarks about plugging things into me or something like that!”

“And that, my friends, is how you fluster an Android.” Midas said before she’d lay an arm over me. “Don’t take what they say to heart, they’re just tasteless pilots, y’know, chair force.”

To which, myself, Midas, and even Spectra had a soft chuckle to.

“Oh don’t worry miss The one that married me with my husband also shot me for making jokes at his expense so I know not to anger a robotic creature.”

“Even so, don’t you have any sort of common decency? I mean, I went through this with that NCR Colonel.” I said with a sigh. “Is this going to be a running gag or something, that everywhere I go I get to hear quips and snide remarks about me, just because I’m manufactured rather than born?”

“Her name is Indigo.” Midas said with a sigh. “And I guess you’ll just need to get a tougher skin about it Sweets, I get it too, Dragons aren’t exactly liked in a majority of places in Equestria.”

“Yeah, It’s less to do with you and more to do with the fact that Robots aren’t usually of your caliber out here in the wastelands.” Spectra said. “Most don’t have feelings, and the ones that do are very basic and rudimentary, It’s really nothing against you, it's just a knee jerk response because critters of the wastes are used to using robots as punching bags.”

“Yes that’s I learned that myself the hard way when I tried that on the robot that shot me. I tried being like I was with you. He just turned around brought out his gun and said dance then maybe we will make fun of you later.”

“I wouldn’t do that…” I said, kind of a little embarrassed that other robots could act that way.

“Yeah, and if you tried you wouldn’t have to worry about missing, with the firepower you got you could take down the building they’re in with no problems.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Really though, it’s really nothing against you, ponies and other creatures will just have to get used to the fact you’re just like them, just a little more metallic.”

“So, who made you. I know you’re not another one of Scootaloo’s side projects.” Spectra said with a smile, trying to relax some. “Not sure how many other ponies out in Equestria even know about Sweetie Belle, let alone enough to try and recreate her.”

“Her father.” I said, looking down and sighing. “My father.”

“Hondo?” Spectra said, a little confused. “Pretty sure he died before the war, didn’t he? He didn’t even have any expertise in robotics either…”

“No.” I said softly, looking at that now increasingly confused stallion. “What you know to be truth, is not the truth. Rarity is truly Sweetie’s mother, and her father pursued his career and life with Robronco rather than staying and being a father for Sweetie or a Husband for Rarity.”

“News to me, and I’m used to knowing everything.” Spectra said with a chuckle. “So, tell me Sweetie, where is your father now?”

“He’s…” I said, before locking up, I could feel a familiar claw on my shoulder, and looked up to see Midas smiling down at me.

“He’s gone, Spectra. He passed away just a few days ago, he turned into a ghoul and spent the last two hundred years making her.” Midas said, trying to spare me the memory for the moment.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Spectra said, coming over and kneeling down, smiling at me. “It’s alright though, cause he’s in Elysium now, with Rarity and Sweetie, he’s back with his family.”

“Yeah, I guess.” I managed to squeak out, swallowing my sadness for a moment. “But what about me? I’m a robot, a android, Will I ever go to Elysium? Will I see him again?”

Both Spectra and Midas looked at eachother, then at me, collectively giving me a sigh before I could feel Midas giving me a hug, neither of them knew, or wanted to say anything. I suppose, that is something I’ll have to live with. Do I, as a robot, a singular unit, have a soul?


The remainder of the flight was quiet, I suppose my question caused a bit of tension between the pilots and the passengers. It was a question that would not be easy to answer, and even harder for some to admit. As the ship came in and settled down, the door opened and we departed, giving a wave to our pilots before they took off, Spectra putting his helmet back on and following with.

“Not going with them?” Midas asked, looking to Spectra. “I figured they wouldn’t want to leave the President of the Enclave alone, without any guard.”

“Trust me, I have guards, they just… aren’t seen.” Spectra said, looking between me and Midas for a moment. “The Alliance with the NCR has given valuable information and training to our recon groups, in the words of the NCR’s First Recon, The last thing you’ll never see.”

“Spooky.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Don’t know how I feel knowing I have a crosshair on me at all times.”

“Well, I’m sure they know what they’re doing, so have faith in them.” I said, giving a nervous smile before I looked at the path ahead, I could see structures between trees and a few buildings hidden in tall grass. Almost looked like a story book, a hidden grotto of sorts.

I sighed and looked back to Midas, who seemed rather unphased by it all, and well, Spectra hidden in his armor I had no clue what he was thinking. I looked back to the path, this time I saw a pony approaching us. I couldn’t quite make out the details, but I could tell it was a mare at least, from the distance I believe I could see a horn as well.

A dark blue Unicorn mare dressed in relatively simple gear approached. She had a short black mane and a tail that curled around a little, she smiled softly when she saw Spectra and then looked at me curiously.

“Mister President, its good to see you again,” she said with a nod. “And you too Midas, who’s your friend here?”

“She’s a member of Midas’ party, I hear their mission into Stable 15 was successful.” Spectra said, “So where’s Twilight? How’s she treating her mother?”

“Wait, you named your new foal Twilight?” Midas said with a snicker. “Family tradition finally come round and bite you in the flank? Going of the fact that you are a Sparkle in a long line of Sparkles, that means her name is the same as the Ministry mare’s”

“You don’t think I haven’t realized that right?” Midnight said with a groan. “But she’s doing fine, her big sister is watching her right now. Though, she has to prepare for her own ceremony soon.”

“Oh?” Spectra said, slight surprise in his voice. “She’s tying the knot already?”

“Wait, didn’t you two name her? Sounds like it wasn’t either of your ideas?” Midas questioned, thinking for a moment. “Don’t tell me the powers that be told you to name her that”

“She is almost 18, and NCR or not she is still a Dayrunner, we have our traditions,” Midnight said with a nod. “And, well that’s complicated but in short, yes. Equestria has a funny way of doing things sometimes.”

“Well, Twilight Sparkle or not.” Spectra said, taking his helmet back off. “She’s still my daughter, and well, I wouldn’t miss a chance to see her.”

“And what is the tradition for picking a partner in your tribe then, Miss Midnight?” I asked, curious about how these ponies have handled such sensitive matters.

“Just Midnight is fine, and the Dayrunners have always been primarily hunters and warriors,” Midnight said. “To earn the favor of a mare, you must prove yourself to her by bringing a trophy of one of your kills before her during the period of the ceremony. If she deems you worthy, she takes you as her mate.”

“Oh.” Curiosity still peaked, but a little more timid to ask anything more. “So uh… what did your mate bring you.” I managed to squeak out, looking at Spectra, wondering if he had to bring her anything to make up for things.

“The heart of a Devildog,” Midnight said with a smirk. “They’re the top predators around here, a very worthy prize. Blaze was a good stallion and a good father for Aurora, I sometimes wish he was still here.”

“Oh, he uh… he passed?” I asked nervously.

“Yes, he was killed by Raiders a couple of years before the NCR was formed,” Midnight said sadly.

“Sorry.” I said and shied away a bit.

“Death is a rather… touchy subject for her right now.” Midas said with a shrug and a sigh. “She just lost her dad not too long ago”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Midnight said as she bowed her head a little. “I wish there was more I could say or do.”

“No, It’s fine. He’s in a better place.” I said, looking at Spectra who simply smiled and nodded. “He’s finally getting to be the dad he always wanted to be.”

“That is good,” Midnight said with a nod and smiled a little. “So, you helped Midas get the blueprints? Thank you for that, these will do a lot of good for the NCR and our allies.”

“Big steps forward from a little pre-war tech.” Midas said, digging into her bag and pulling out the bundles of paper. “I believe you’ll find everything you want is in this.”

Midnight levitated up the bundles of papers and looked them over for a long moment. She nodded and put them away before she looked back at Midas. “Thank you, I’ll make sure these get into the right hooves,” she said before levitating out a bag. “Your payment as agreed.”

“Seems a little light, but you guys never screwed me over before.” Midas said, snatching up the bag and putting in her satchel. “So, what’s next, any more pre war tech you need me to fetch?”

“Actually, we really should focus on my mission…” I said with a nervous chuckle, trying my best not to upset or interrupt.

“Sweets, you already found out more about your mission without doing diddly, we just keep living life day to day and I am sure we’re bound to come across all the information you’ll ever need and more.” Midas said with a chuckle and a ruffle of my mane. “No need to be so impatient.”

“Your mission?” Midnight asked curiously.

“To discover the fates of Rarity and my namesake, Sweetie Belle, and to find out if they have any descendants in the wastelands” I said, looking to Midnight. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything, would you? I already heard that there is a Settlement that a miss Scootaloo calls home, and that she had direct contact with both Rarity and Sweetie Belle.”

“Yes, she runs a settlement near Ponyville,” Midnight said with a nod. “That would probably be your best place to look for anything more than second hoof accounts. Or if you could find Littlepip, she saw some things through memory orbs and she’s from the same Stable Sweetie was in.”

“Sweetie made it into a stable?” I said, ears perking up and a smile coming across my face. “Which! Oh, this is great, that means she wasn’t killed in the blast or anything like that”

“Uh, Stable Two, she was its first Overmare,” Midnight said and blinked a little. “So, your best bet might be to head towards Ponyville.”

“What happened to Stable Two, nothing like what happened to Fifteen I hope.” I commented, looking at Midas, who shrugged and I looked back to Midnight. “I’ve heard of a book, that apparently chronicles some of what happened, should I consider finding a copy?”

“That would be a good idea, I’m sure we can find one easily,” Midnight said with a nod. “There are a few books out there, but Littlepip’s should be the one you want.”

“Well, what about something that makes some money, you know, my kind of business.” Midas said with a sigh. “I get you want to finish your mission, but some things are more important.”

“Sorry, yes, I’ll see if I can find anything,” Midnight said. “You’re free to stay in the village for as long as needed. I’m sure we can work out some sort of sleeping arrangements.”

“No no, no need for that we can handle getting a room or something ourselves.” Midas said with a wave of her claw, before she urged me into a what appeared to be a nearby market stall.

“Why’d you do that?” I asked, looking at her confused and slightly annoyed, I was enjoying the talk.

“She is a new mother, the father of her newborn foal is here, and her first daughter is on the cusp of a very important ceremony where she’ll pick a mate that she’ll spend hopefully the rest of her life with. I think you’ve wasted enough of the important lady’s time.” Midas said with a groan, peaking out a window and watching as Spectra and Midnight left. “You two can talk and shoot the breeze all day long, another day.”

“But that was rude!” I said with a huff, sitting and crossing my forelegs across my chest. “Could've at least let me say a proper goodbye.”

“Oh, yes, and let you go on with something else for the next hour and a half. Look, for a android, or whatever, you’re really long winded when you want to be.” Midas said with a sigh, looking back to me. “I got places to be, ponies to see, caps and bits to collect, I can’t sit round waiting for you to get bored talking with someone.”

“Could of left without me.” I said, giving a sigh and slumping a little. “I mean, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to waste your time or hers, it’s just this mission, it’s really important to me.”

“And like I said, you figured out so much in just your first day hanging out with me, if you focus and put on blinders and just chase it, you’ll get it done within a week and then what?” Midas said, tapping a foot. “Your purpose will be done, you’ll have no mission left to complete, just going to find a new one? Robots don’t work that way.”

“I…” I said, growing a little confused, sighing a little. “I guess you’re right, I just, I want to get it done, it was my father’s only wish of me.”

“Sorry to be so brutal Sweets, but he’s not here now. You no-life this mission of yours and you’ll end up sitting in a corner wondering why you exist by the end of the week.” Midas said with a sigh. “I care about you, I like having you around, if you just chase after this you’ll end up a pile of scrap metal with nothing in no time, and, I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

I sat there in a stunned silence, Looking at Midas, then to my reflection in the window, giving a sigh before I smiled a little and looked back to my Draconic companion. She had said so much, opened up so much since I met her, a part of me thinks it’s because of what she knows about the old pre-war Sweetie, another, maybe that she actually has grown to understand that I am not that Sweetie, and that I’m my own pony.

“I care about you too Midas.” I said softly, my frustration and anger turning to gentle compassion. “I didn’t consider your feelings about this, and, I’m sorry for that.”

“It’s okay, You’re just, following your programming.” Midas said with a sigh. “But you’re more than that, alright? You’re more than just the culmination of wires, and gears, and programming, you’re a pony just like every other flesh and blood pony out there.”

“I guess.” I said with a quirky smile. “I remember hearing my dad saying something, way back when I was just, well, a pile of parts and circuit boards.”

“What’s that?” Midas said, her concern turning to curiosity, smiling more warmly at me as she moved around and sat beside me.

“Wires only understand the code of it’s command, yet somehow I can tell, you still love me how I am.” I said with a chuckle. “I think it was a song he liked, something about how a android could love, and be loved, and be more than just the sum of its parts and programming.”

“Well, he’s right.” Midas said with a smile. “I can tell you care about me, and I know I care about you. You might be a bucket of bolts and my only friend prone to rusting, but in my mind you’re just like them.”

We just sat there for a few moment, just thinking about what the other had said. Chuckling every now and then and giving each other nudges. A part of me felt there was more to this than just a mutual companionship, or a basic friendship, I found myself looking up to her, admiring her for her strength and determination, wanting to be more like her, like she was an elder sister of sorts.

As time went on, we eventually stood and started to wander around the village, the dayrunners had quite the setup here. There was a good deal of shops and even a few places to grab a bite to eat. I was particularly surprised to see what appeared to be a robotics shop, built into a tree.


The later the day went, the more ponies seemed to show up, many of them dressed in styles of clothing that I had never seen before. I suppose it may of been a way to tell what tribe or village each member was from, assuming that they are all here for a reason. Mares and stallions alike, all showing up, some in small groups some all alone, I suppose this may be because of what Midnight said earlier, something to do with her eldest daughter and picking her mate.

Following the hustle and bustle of the arriving ponies, we found ourselves in a gathering, with Midnight standing on a central podem with, who I assume to be her daughter standing beside her. The first time I had ever seen the foal, Surprisingly, she seemed to look a bit like the Ministry mare as well, I couldn’t help but wonder just what was going on with that little filly.

I nudged at Midas and went to whisper something to her before Midnight spoke, addressing the gathered crowd.

“I’m glad to see all of you gathered here today,” Midnight said. “As there are many of you here who may not be familiar with the traditions of the Dayrunner Tribe, or just need a refresher, the terms of this challenge are as follows. You claim to be the finest hunters and warriors Equestria has to offer, now is your chance to prove yourselves. You must go into the Wilderness and hunt and bring back a trophy of your prey. You will return with your prize or you will not return at all, the Wilderness is unforgiving. Those who return will be judged, and one of you will be chosen by my daughter Aurora to be her mate. This is your last chance if you want to back out, but I wish you all luck, may the best being win.”

I blinked, it was still alien to me to hear ponies, or any creature going out and willingly hunting or killing anything, let alone just for the hoof of a mare. Shaking my head I looked up to Midas, who seemed partially interested at the same time kind of disappointed. Poking at her side a bit to get her attention.

“Hey Midas, what do you think of all this?” I asked, smiling a little nervously.

“Sounds like they ripped off a dragon tradition, and then watered it down a bit to make it mushy and soft enough for ponies.” Midas said with a shrug. “Way back when, dragons had to compete in multiple life threatening events all to retrieve a single item that declared them as the next dragon lord. It’s been lost since the last dragon lord Ember died.”

“I believe we’ve talked about that in the past?” I said, nodding and looking back up to the podem where midnight had been standing. “I believe you called her great great grandma or something like that.”

“Yeah, Dragon Lord Ember was my great great grandmother, nothing special, though records say she only had one mate and one clutch of eggs before she was assassinated.” Midas said with a shrug. “Still feels like a watered down version of that, instead of multiple challenges, there is only one, and all they gotta do to prove it, is bring back a piece of it, they could find a dead devildog out in the field, cut out the heart or cut off its head and bring it back, and no one could prove they killed it or not.”

“This has been our tradition for over 200 years,” Midnight said as she approached Midas from behind. “We have precautions to make sure that suitors are honest, there are magical techniques to check the age of a kill and ways to make sure that the suitor is truthful. If they break the rules, they are kicked out and are looked upon with great shame.”

“Oh no, not the great shame!” Midas said with a smirk. “Look here, you want to make it fun and challenging and make sure your daughter comes home with the best of the best, why not have her go out with them, watch them hunt to not only verify the kill, but to assess their ability and hunting technique, Anyone can bag the biggest and the baddest if they are lucky enough, but to do it with the skill and finesse of a true huntsman, gotta be there first claw to see that.”

“She does have a point,” Aurora said as she came up to us.

“Yeah, like oh, I don’t know, taking down a devildog, bringing back the heart and winning the hoof, but then dying in some raider attack.” Midas said with a snicker. “Hunters are warriors, if they cannot defend themselves in battle, then perhaps they cannot be a true huntsman either.”

Midnight shot her a look and Aurora looked down a little. “It, is an option if the mare would like to,” Midnight finally said. “The only role she has is the choosing and the ritual preparation for that. Aurora, would you like to go out with the suitors as Midas suggested?”

“Actually, I would, Midas has a point,” Aurora said with a shake of her head, a little bit of pain could be heard in her voice. “I’ll do it.”

“Bring two guns.” Midas said with a chuckle. “One, for shooting the suitor if they get a little… inquisitive, and the other for signalling for help.” Midas said, taking a moment to dig around in her satchel before pulling out what looked like a pistol, but had a large tube rather then a barrel. “Can take mine, I don’t need it anymore - The group that used these fell apart at the seams when a little bit a corruption made it into their ranks.”

Aurora took it in her magic and examined it for a moment before she nodded and smiled at Midas. “Thank you, that means a lot.”

“Excuse me, uhm, ma’am” A young male’s voice could be heard, turning round to see a cloaked figure approaching, pastting both me and Midas and stopping before Midnight, flipping down his hood to reveal his pale off-white coat and powder blue mane. I couldn’t help but notice, his horn was curved. “I was told there was a tournament, but was not told that it was for the hoof of your daughter, I would like to withdraw my entry, I am not prepared for such… commitments.”

“Of course, we’re not going to force anyone who doesn’t want to participate,” Midnight said with a nod as Aurora looked at him curiously. “You’re free to drop out or withdraw if you want.”

“Thank you.” He said before he turned around, and for a moment I could feel his golden eyes set on me, as if he was surprised to see me as much as I was to him.

“Excuse me?” I said, reaching out a hoof to stop him. “What are you?”

“What do you mean, what am I?” He asked, looking at me. “Do you mean my name? It’s Alabaster.”

“No, I mean, what are you, you don’t like like any pony I’ve ever seen.” I said, smiling a bit. “But it is nice to meet you.”

“We, have no name we call ourselves, but the striped ones call us Lunari, if that means anything to you.” Alabaster said with a confused look. “And it’s nice to meet you Miss…?”

“Sweetie, Sweetie Belle.” I said and smiled a bit more brightly. “And she’s Midas.” Pointing to my dragon companion, who seemed rather displeased with having her introduction taken away from her.

“Ah, Miss Belle, I must ask, what are you?” Alabaster said with a curious smile. “I have never seen a mare of metal before.”

“Robot, Android, whatever.” I said with a shrug and chuckled. “And it’s just Sweetie, no need for such formalities.”

“Robot… Like, the floating orbs and singing ones?” Alabaster said, rubbing at his head.

“Do you mean the Mr. Handy and Spritebots?” Midnight asked as Aurora walked off to get ready to go.

“Is this what you call them?” Alabaster said, before he looked back to me. “These, Mister Handy and Spritebot… Are you like them?”

“Not quite, I mean, I guess yes on a level that I am mechanical and manufactured, but no, because they aren’t simulated to be alive, I am.” I said with a sigh. “Some other ponies I’ve run into seem to think I am nothing more than a walking talking toaster”

“Toaster, What is a Toaster? Is it another type of robot?” Alabaster said confused, looking between all of us.

“It's a kitchen appliance, made for toasting bread.” Midas said in an annoyed tone. “How could you not know that, where have you been all this time, under a rock or something?”

“Well, he said he’s a Lunari, I’ve only heard rumors of them from Riva and the other Zebras from the FRA,” Midnight said. “They’re from a far away land and have mostly lived in caves and grass huts from what I’ve heard. He may not be familiar with your level of technology.”

“Yes, the striped ones, Zebra as you call them.” He said with a nod. “They found us, many moons ago, they taught us how to build with mud and light our homes with tallow, they have taught us much, and asked so little in return.”

“Doesn’t sound like any Zebra I’ve ever met.” Midas said, looking at him closer. “So, what’s with the curved horn, straight horns too drab and boring for you.”

“Drab, what is drab?” Alabaster said, confusedly.

“Nevermind, What’s with the fancy bump on your face.” Midas said with a groan.

“It is as it has been for countless generations, scrolls we have found told stories of how our ancestors had straight horns, like hers.” Alabaster said, pointing to Midnight. “And how we looked far different then we do now, but the Jungle was unforgiving, we had to change to survive.”

“Not really an explanation.” Midas said before she threw her claws up and turned around, walking off in a fit of frustration.

“Actually it makes sense to me,” Midnight said. “Curved horns wouldn’t get caught on foliage while you’re moving quickly through the forest. It’s why we typically carry knives, but that’s not always an option.”

“A knife, it is a bladed utensil, yes?” Alabaster said with a tilt of his head. “We have one, but it is not effective at removing tree limbs or vines, much better at slashing meat.”

Midnight rolled her eyes and in a blink of an eye levitated a small blade out of her pack and gave it a light twirl before offering it to him at the hilt. “Dayrunner Hunting Knives are far from mere utensils. We’ve learned to use everything at our disposal to hunt and fight.”

Alabaster looked to the blade, taking it in his magic and examining along its length. “Well, it is… Nice blade, but small.” He said, before he turned and lifted his cloak, pulling what could only be described as a short sword from its sheath. “This, this is traditional blade of… my tribe.”

“Okay, that is impressive,” Midnight admitted and blinked a little.

“Not sharp anymore, need to find sharpening stone.” Alabaster said, giving a sigh before he offered it to Midnight. “Want to hold it?”

Midnight took it in her magic and examined it carefully. “Well, I can definitely say that its well crafted. It looks good.”

“Thank you.” Alabaster said and smiled “If you want, you can have it. I do not think I will be needing it any time soon.”

“So, you’re going to talk about your knives, and then just, give her your only weapon?” Midas said, tapping a foot. “Either you have a deathwish, or you’re hiding something, who’d you steal the dagger from.”

“I did not steal.” Alabaster said, turning to Midas. “Why does the scaled one accuse me of such.”

“My name is Midas, not the scaled one, and you know that.” Midas said with a groan. “No pony is just going to give up their only weapon, especially a priceless family heirloom, unless there is either something wrong with it, or you actually stole it and you’re trying to get rid of a hot item.”

“Never said it was a family heirloom.’ Alabaster pointed out. “And, I do not think I am going to be returning home, for a very long time, journeys of discovery rarely end swiftly.”

Midnight bowed her head slightly. “Thank you, I’ll take good care of it. And yes, I know how that is, let me guess, rite of passage? Go out and find yourself and overcome challenges according to your traditions?”

“Yes and no.” Alabaster said with a sigh. “In my tribe, it is customary for two to be given to each other at birth, they swap places and live with the other’s family until they are of age, once they are ready, they are sent out into the jungle to discover themselves, and then they return, and marry the one they are given to.”

“So, you’re running away from a betrothal.” Midas said with a shrug.

“I don’t think he’s running away, are you Alabaster.” I said with a concerned smile.

“Running away? No, I would never.” Alabaster said, kicking a hoof in the dirt. “I am concerned that, I am not ready for this step, to become what my tribe expects of me.”

“That I can definitely understand,” Midnight said with a shake of her head. “My tribal obligations have never been unreasonable, but. Well, being a Sparkle, sometimes you have certain expectations heaped on you.”

“What does it mean, to be a Sparkle? What is a Sparkle?” Alabaster said, looking to Midnight. “Is it a bloodline? A heritage of sorts?”

“I’m a descendant of Twilight Sparkle, the Ministry Mare for the Ministry of Arcane Science,” Midnight said with a shake of her head. “My mother, Nebula Sparkle, traveled around Equestria to old M.A.S. sites. Me, well, I had a floating robot show up one day and ask me to try and use an Element of Harmony.”

“I see… I will spare you the questions I have.” Alabaster said with a chuckle. “This land, it was our home in the past, but it seems to alien to me, why would any of you ever want to live here? Why did you all not come when we left?”

“When you, left?” Midnight asked and tilted her head a little. “What do you mean?”

“My tribe, we left equestria under guidance from a Princess, even our home in the jungle is better than much of this place.” Alabaster said, looking at Midnight curiously. “Why did she not take you too, why did she leave this place with anything?”

“Uh, it hasn’t always been this way, about what, 213 years ago about, there was a thing called the great war, it did this.” Midas said. “Did you not know that?”

“No, I did not.” Alabaster said, looking even more confused. “If this land has not always been this way, then why did the princess take us away to the jungle?”

“I wish I could tell you, you’d have to ask Luna that one,” Midnight said with a shake of her head. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you more.”

“Luna? The moon?” Alabaster said, turning his attention to Midnight. “The moon does not speak.”

“Uh, no the Princess actually… I’m guessing the Princess who took you away, that doesn’t really sound like something Celestia would do,” Midnight said. “Let me guess, she didn’t exactly leave a name and forwarding address.”

“As I said, many moons ago, we have no memory or scroll describing whom it was that took us, just that she was royalty and that she wished us a better life.” Alabaster said. “Princess Luna…”

“There, is a way to communicate with her, sort of,” Midnight said thoughtfully for a moment. “When she died on the Last Day her consciousness kind of got, scattered. One part of it wound up in the ancestor of a friend of mine from the Imperial War and she can temporarily transfer it through the dreamscape.”

“I thank you for the offer, but I must decline. We will find this when we are ready.” Alabaster said with a smile. “For now, I must be going, I have much to think about.”

“But you have no weapon.” Midas pointed out. “So, you must be running off to die.”

“He wouldn’t of just, given his weapon if he wasn’t confident that he would survive.” I said and gave Midas a bit of a glare. “How about, you come and travel with us, I guess you could say I am on a quest of discovery about myself too.”

“Robots have tribes?” Alabaster said with a chuckle. “Strange creatures you Equestrians are.”

“I don’t have a tribe, but I do have a mission.” I said with a smile. “And, I could use all the help I can get on it.”

“Nonsense, You have me that’s all you need.” Midas said “What more could he possibly give that I can’t”

“Magic lessons?” Alabaster said, pointing to his horn. “Training in Combat techniques?”

“Or, just companionship, It’s going to be a really long road, and honestly, I don’t know where or how it’s going to end” I said with a sigh. “But, I do know that when you’re with your friends, you’re never too far from home, and you’ll never be alone.”

Midnight smiled a little at that and nodded. “That is very true, I still stay connected with my friends from the war, even if they live miles away.”

“About that.” Midas said. “Could we perhaps, discuss getting Indigo out of that dust bowl you stuffed her in?”

Midnight chuckled and shook her head a little. “Well, she helped you get these plans, I’ll arrange something, don’t worry,” she said before adding jokingly. “Maybe an outpost on the edge of the Crystal Wasteland.”

“Hey, just keep her away from the booze and I think what happened over in Haythens isn’t going to happen again.” Midas said with a chuckle. “She just can’t control herself when she gets around liquor.”

“I have to wonder, Substance abuse is not a new concept to me.” Alabaster said. “This, Indigo, did she have a bad childhood? Something Traumatic that could cause her to wish to do this bodily harm?”

“Yeah, it’s called growing up in the outskirts of Manehattan.” Midas said with a groan, “Look, if you’re going to be traveling with us, couple ground rules.”

“Midas.” I said, giving her a nudge. “Do you really think it’s the time to do that?”

“Hey, no better time than the present, right Curly Que.” Midas said, looking at Alabaster with a smirk.

“Curly Que? Are you attempting to mock me, or give me a term of endearment?” Alabaster said with a chuckle. “I wish to know if I should be upset, or flattered.”

Midas went to speak, which I just nudged her into silence before I smiled at Alabaster. “I think that understanding, will come in time.” I said, taking a moment to glance back to Midas to make sure she wasn’t about to say something she’d regret.

“You get used to it, she does that with everyone,” Midnight said with a shake of her head as she looked back. “I should go check on Aurora and see everypony off.”

“Alright, we’ll catch you later.” I said with a smile, waving to Midnight before Midas, Alabaster, and I turned round and went to find a place to stay for the upcoming night.


As night set over the settlement, myself, Midas, and Alabaster settled into a room we managed to get from a local inn. With all these hunters around we were lucky to get a room at all, I guess having Midnight’s word made life a little easier. Come to think of it, I don’t think anypony has told us the name of this place, or even what Midnight’s role in this place is, oh well, I suppose that is for the morning.

I fetched some blankets and pillows from a closet in the hallway, bringing them in and offering them to my companions, to which and much to my surprise, they both rejected the bedding. Confused I just shrugged and brought them over to the couch where I would be laying for the night, building myself a nice little pillow fort type structure.

“So, What are we going to do tomorrow?” I asked, pulling a blanket over my side and giving a simulated, yet highly realistic yawn. “Still wait for Midnight to come up with something else we can do to make some caps, or bits, or whatever?”

“I suppose so.” Midas said, as she messed with the bedding on the main bed. “I don’t like hanging round one place too long, makes it too easy for things to sneak up on you.”

“Have you a reason to be wary of such a situation?” Alabaster said, having made himself comfortable on the guest bed. “Need I keep my weapon on ready in case of bandits in the night?”

“No, at least, not that I know of.” Midas said, looking at him with mild agitation. “Like I need to be protected anyway, I can handle myself thank you.”

“I think you could handle a whole army on your own Midas, at least if your attitude had anything to say about it.” I said with a chuckle, getting more comfortable with my arrangements.

“Maybe not a whole army, but maybe the entirety of a town’s guard.” Midas said with a shrug, lounging back onto the bed. “Can’t defend against something you can’t see coming just from the sheer number of creatures after you.”

Both I and Alabaster shrugged and laid back into our respective places. Staring at the ceiling it wasn’t long before I heard the familiar sound of sleeping coming from the two beds in the room, peeking up I could see they both had fallen asleep. Laying my head down and closing my eyes, letting my body rest and systems go into standby, I fell into my own sleep.


Floating? Why do I feel like I am floating? Opening my eyes and sitting up, I come to realize that I am in the middle of an ocean, floating on a boat alone. Looking around, calling out hoping to hear something calling back but the only response I get is my own echo.

“What in the hay…” I asked myself, moving to the side of the boat, and looking over the edge, to my surprise what looked back at me, looked like me, but not, I had fur and flesh, not metal and membranes.

It took a few moments before it hit me, I was dreaming, this all is a dream. I looked around, I could see silhouettes moving in the fog, other boats but none of them would respond to me. Starting to panic some I started trying to paddle my boat, but found that it wouldn’t move.

“Do not be afraid, Sweetie.” A haunting voice said, I looked around wondering just where that voice had come from, before I had the urge to look up, I could see a reflection of the world, as if there was water above me, but in my boat, sat a dark blue alicorn.

“Who are you.” I asked, lifting a hoof wanting to see if the alicorn did the same.

“Who I am isn’t a concern, Sweetie. It is who you are that I am worried about.” She said, looking to me with a gentle smile. “You aren’t the same Sweetie that I knew, yet you are her aren’t you.”

“I don’t know what you mean?” I said, confusion rising, looking at myself for a moment “What happened to me, why am I like this?”

“Because inside, it is who you are.” She said, her calm demeanor overwhelmingly creepy. “A little android, who wishes to be flesh and blood, and wants to know what happened to the one before.”

“It’s my mission, my father gave it to me.” I said, as the world twisted and I found myself standing on the ground in, what looked to be a town. Standing in front of a carousel boutique. “To find out what happened to my namesake and likeness, and to her mother.”

“Mother? You mean Rarity correct?” She said, sitting down beside me. “Very few knew that Rarity was truly Sweetie’s mother, how did you come by this information?”

“My Father, he’s her father, her real father.” I said with a sigh. “I’m nothing but a facsimile, made to look like her to ease his broken heart.”

“Yet, in your programming, your mind, your heart, you are her. Not in perfection but you are her.” She said, That blue mare holding a hoof out, guiding me to look into the window. Giving a sigh I simply did as instructed, I was confused on how a robot even dreams, let alone can see ponies I’ve never even met.

Inside the Boutique, I saw them for the first time together, a Stallion, a mare, and a filly. I could feel a tear welling up in my eye before I turned around to see she was gone, Looking around before I just looked back into that building.

“Is this Elysium?” I simply asked, not really expecting an answer. Not taking my eyes off them, watching as he played with a young Sweetie, Rarity making them clothing for what appeared to be, an upcoming hearth warming eve celebration.

“Yes, and no.” I heard her say, looking for her I could still not find her. “Your questions will be answered in time, little bot, including your most important one.”

I stopped and thought for a moment, what did she mean by that, what question was more important than my mission? I could spend all eternity sitting here, watching them in this phantom town. Smiles, laughter, together at last, it was all too much, I didn’t want to wake up and go back to the real world.

Of course, that’s when I did.

Gasping and sitting up, finding both Alabaster and Midas standing over me with worried looks on their faces.

“W-What happened?” I asked, rubbing at the side of my head. “Why do you two look so freaked out.”

“Sweetie. You were mumbling in your sleep.” Midas said, giving a sigh.

“You kept saying, do not wake up, like you were commanding something.” Alabaster added.

“Yeah, I guess I didn’t want to wake up.” I said with a sigh. “I dreamt last night.”

“Wait, Androids can dream?” Midas said, looking at me more closely. “I mean, I can tell your dad put a lot of work into you to make you realistic, but did he really go that far?”

“Perhaps an aberration of your programming” Alabaster said, surprisingly insightful. “Did you see any figures, or anything specific in your dream?”

“Just, a blue mare.” I said, looking at him. “She was an Alicorn, not too much taller than you actually.”

“Mother has visited you.” Alabaster said, grinning widely. “This is a joyous occasion! To be visited by mother is considered one of the greatest blessings, She has not been seen by any member of the tribe for many generations. Some thought she abandoned us.”

“Mother?..” I said, looking at him increasingly confused.

“She is not really our mother, but she is mother of the night and mother of the moon, she watches over creatures like us, to protect us and guide us.” Alabaster said, sitting down and relaxing a little.

“Either way, I think we should get you looked at, if this is a malfunction or aberration of sorts, it needs to be handled.” Midas said, looking to Alabaster. “And you’re not going to throw any parties or sing any songs about this, this does not go beyond this room, Understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” I said, giving another sigh. “She said, that all my questions will have answers, including my most important one, what does she even mean by that, what was my most important question, I thought that was my mission.”

“You asked, not too long ago, you asked about if you could go to Elysium.” Midas said with a sigh. “And, well dragons don’t believe in it, and have our own form of afterlife, there is one uniform fact about it. There is no afterlife, for things without a soul.”

“So, that is what made you two so quiet.” I said with a sigh. “And because I am not living, and I was manufactured, I don’t have one.”

“I think that’s what she meant, your most important question, Do you have a soul.” Midas said, looking to Alabaster who had rather rapidly backed away from the two. “What’s your problem?”

“Spirits are tricky things, if our time with the striped ones has taught us anything, it is that many spirits cannot be trusted.” Alabaster said with a shake of his head “We believe that things we make with our hooves, cannot have souls, as they are made not born, and that if one was to get one, it was a spirit in possession of the object.”

“Yeah, but think of it this way, you were made.” Midas said, tapping a claw to her chin. “Just because you were made inside your mother, doesn’t mean you are any more or less manufactured then Sweetie here.”

“I was born, thank you very much.” Alabaster said with a huff.

“Yeah, but you work on ‘programming’ and you were ‘built’ by the blueprints provided by your parents, kind of like Sweetie was.” Midas said, giving her chin scales a scratch. “In my mind, She has just as likely a chance of having a soul as you or I do.”

Alabaster stayed quiet, looking between Midas and me before he relaxed some and sighed, Shaking his head and mumbling something under his breath before he went over to his bed and laid back down.

Looking back over to Midas as she sat on the couch beside me, I couldn’t help but smile at her. “Thank you for that.” I said softly. To which Midas just shrugged and gave my mane a ruffle.

“Don’t mention it Squirt.” She said, relaxing back into the pile of pillows I had put together. “I’m not going to let superstition and fear of the supernatural get in the way of our little dynamic duo action we got going.”

“Yeah,” I said, smiling and laying my head down, finding myself feeling even more drained and needing a rest just to recharge. Drifting back off to sleep with Midas nearby, feeling even more at ease and safe. The last thing I heard was a gentle voice, whispering to me ‘sleep tight’ before fading away to rest once more.

Level up!

Perk Acquired: A Sparkle of Friendship

Friendship can be one of the greatest motivators around, and as long as your friends are by your side, there’s nothing you can’t handle.

When in a full party, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats Increased by 1.

When traveling alone, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats Decreased by 2.