• Published 25th Aug 2018
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Fallout: Equestria - Remembrance - Pwincess Twiwee

After being activated and leaving her home bunker, Sweetie Belle (bot) must journey out into the post-apocalyptic world of Equestria in order to discover the fate of her namesake. Piecing together the past along the way.

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Chapter 4: Matchmaker

When morning came, and we all awoke, I sat up, looking around to my companions, my friends, and I smiled. I don’t know if I dreamed again, or how much sleep they really got, but I felt like things were going to get better from here.

“Hey, Midas?” I said, slipping from the couch and getting to my hooves. “Thank you, for everything.”

“It’s fine.” Midas said with a smile, “It’s the least I can do for you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, tilting my head and looking to that dragon curiously. “Did I do something for you?”

“You were there.” Midas said, standing and giving a stretch and yawn. “Sometimes, you never realize how lonely you’ve gotten, until you start traveling with someone else and realize what you’ve been missing.”

“You two are not about to kiss, are you?” Alabaster said with a chuckle. “If so, do give me warning, I would rather not witness such things.”

“A little homophobic?” Midas said, spinning round to face that exotic unicorn. “Can’t stand to see two ladies that love each other showing it?”

“Not at all, However I do believe that intimate moments are not meant to be shared with parties not involved” Alabaster said, giving a shrug as he levitated over his cloak. “That kind of relationship is openly accepted in my culture, it would be hypocritical of me to detest it.”

“Huh.” Midas said, looking back to me with a smile. “Well, no worries I wouldn’t kiss her, not like that anyway. She’s like a baby sister to me.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that, parts of me glad the feeling was mutual, I have to admit, other parts not so much, maybe there was more to this than I thought. Why do emotions have to be so complex and difficult.

“Not to mention my barn door doesn’t swing that way.” Midas said, turning around and going to her bed and picking up her satchel. “And honestly, do you even have interest in that kind of stuff Sweets? I mean, unless your father is a pervert.”

“What!” I said, caught by surprise at the sudden question, eyes going wide and giving a nervous smile. “He definitely wasn’t a pervert I can tell you that much!”

“What about my question?” Midas said with a smirk. I think she was enjoying seeing me caught so off guard like this.

“I uh… No, I guess not.” I said, admittedly a part of me was a little hurt by that, but she was right, I don’t even have what I’d need for that, let alone a reason to want to take part in it. “Though, I bet there are sick ponies out there who would make robots purely for that.”

Midas stopped and looked at me curiously, before she shrugged and went back to looking through and packing her satchel. Alabaster going to the small little nook of a kitchen this room came with and started to dig through the shelves and cupboards

I sighed to myself, standing and stretching, collecting the extra blankets and pillows I had taken and folding them neatly and placing them on the couch where I had been laying. Sighing as I looked out the window, part of me still wishing to be back in that dream.

“We should get going soon, I heard Midnight has a report that I might find interesting.” Midas said with a smile, “Says that there could be a big payday in all of our futures if I decide to take it.”

“Oh? And why is that?” I asked “Someplace super dangerous that could get us all killed?”

“In a way, yes.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Something to do with where Twilight, the Ministry mare, died, and a family heirloom that was lost with her.”

“So, grave robbing?” Alabaster said with a chuckle.

“Well, no, if she is telling the truth, we’re going to Maripony, or what’s left of it.” Midas said with a sigh. “We’ll know more once we meet with her and get the report.”

“Well, let’s get moving.” I said, practically rushing out the door, to which Midas and Alabaster looked at me confused before rushing after me. I really didn’t want to stay in that room any longer, or this place. I have a feeling being here is why I dreamed, and as much as I want to stay in those dreams, I need to not dream if I am going to finish my goals.


“I’m not going to lie, where I’m sending you is not the safest place in Equestria,” Midnight said as she looked at the three of us. “Even after Gardens of Equestria and the rebuilding process from things like Project Starlight, Splendid Valley is pretty much untouched out of fear. There’s a few Hellhounds that call it home, Feral Ghouls, and some Alicorns who snapped after Unity was broken.”

“From what I understand, the Maripony facility was mostly destroyed, are you even sure it’s even still there?” Midas said, scratching at her chin. “What is it we’re looking for, all you said in your letter was that it was a family heirloom.”

“It would’ve been in the residential section, which survived the Megaspell detonation,” Midnight said with a shake of her head. “My mother made a note of it in her journal but she didn’t have a chance to recover it. It’s Twilight Sparkle’s original friendship journal that she and her friends wrote in. It would mean a lot to have it recovered.”

“The original Journal of Friendship, huh?” Midas said, looking back to me first, then to Alabaster. “Yeah, I think we can do that. Should be pretty straight forward, Hellhounds have calmed down a bit, Alicorns are a bit more understanding and willing to listen to reason, ghouls, eh… they can be tricked.”

“Wait, you wish to not harm any of these… creatures, that wish to harm you?” Alabaster said with a confused look. “Is it not survival of the fittest out there?”

“Of course it is, but I also prefer to keep collateral down to a minimum.” Midas said, glancing back to Alabaster. “So, What’s this worth to you Midnight, Getting it back isn’t going to be the hardest thing I’ve done, but gotta make it worth risking my neck.”

“This journal is priceless and completely irreplaceable,” Midnight said with a smile. “I would pay you just about anything for it. It’s not only important to my family, it’s a piece of Equestrian history, it’s hard to put a value on it.”

“Well, we could go and fetch it for you, and while we’re doing that you could be deciding just how priceless this book is to you.” Midas said with a shrug. “And if I don’t feel like you’re offering enough, I can just keep a hold of it till you decide to make it worth my time coming back and getting it to you.”

“Hold it!” I said, this conversation had gone by so quick I was losing track of it. “You said this Journal, it was written in by Twilight and her friends, Does that include Rarity?”

“Yes, they all contributed to it,” Midnight said with a nod.

“Do you know if any pony else did?” I asked, taking a deep breath. “It could be important to me that I get to see this book.”

“Look Sweets, you’ll have plenty of time to look at this book, but it’s Midnight’s so you’re going to have to hand it over when we get back.” Midas said, leaning down to look at me. “I get that these are going to be some of the only words you will ever see that were written by Rarity, but trust me, it’s not worth stiffing the client over.”

“I wasn’t going to take it from her” I said with a sigh. “It’s just, if what you said is true and finding out more about Rarity is going to be the hard part, just getting to see some of her writing could be a huge difference in everything.”

“Unlikely, It’s the Journal of Friendship, not her private journal.” Midas said with a sigh. “No use getting all excited over it if you’re just going to be disappointed that it’s going to hold no major information about Rarity, what happened to her, or anything like that.”

“It’s more than that, the entries she wrote show her growing, learning, becoming a better friend. I can only imagine what she learned, and what she wrote, but it could just be an important step in understanding her, and being closer to her.” I said with a sigh and looking away, “I don’t expect you to understand, but this is very important to me.”

“It’s that dream again, isn’t it.” Midas said. “The one you didn’t want to wake up from last night.”

Midnight sighed for a moment and looked at us. “The journal is an important family heirloom, it may even be the only copy of it left in Equestria. I would prefer if it got here undamaged, if you would refrain from reading it then I would appreciate it.”

“But this could be my only chance to read what Rarity wrote!” I said, looking at Midnight, pleading to her with my eyes to please have mercy and let me atleast read it.

“She said no Sweets, that’s that, we’ll get your book for you.” Midas said, looking to me before she gently started to push both myself and Alabaster out the door. Looking back at Midnight, I could see the suspicion on her face, was Midnight up to something? I guess only time will tell.


“So, we have our next retrieval mission, what now?” I said, sitting down and looking at Midas, who was rather happily enjoying a bowl of noodles.

“Simple. We get transport, we go over to maripony, we get the book, we come back, we get paid.” Midas said with a slurp of her food. “Getting transport will be the hard part.”

“Actually, I was meaning to talk to you two on that.” An armor clad pony said, coming over to us. “See, My wife and I, we made a ship for somepony after hers got blown up, and she never wanted to use it, said it couldn’t replace the one she lost.”

“Ah, Spectra.” Midas said, turning round to face our armor clad friend. “Is there a reason why you don’t take that armor off? Or are you just afraid of scarring the foals for life having to look at your ugly mug.”

“Personal reasons, and the reason why I don’t have armed guard following me.” Spectra said simply. “Do you want the ship or not.”

“Why do you want to give it to us?” I asked, looking at him with my head tilted, my curiosity peaked. “Why didn’t she want it to begin with.”

“She didn’t want it because she believes her original ship had a soul, and that any vessel meant to replace it would never be able to.” Spectra said with a sigh. “And it’s just been sitting collecting dust in a Enclave mothball yard, No one wants to fly it after she turned it down.”

“And why is that, is the ship cursed?” Midas said with a chuckle.

“These sailor types, they are a very superstitious bunch.” Alabaster said, making us all turn to look at him. “They fear legend and rumor, as it brings bad luck and death to vessel and crew.”

“Oh, so a bunch of nut jobs, great.” Midas said with a sigh. “So why do they refuse to work with this particular ship?”

“Well, because they say it’s cursed.” Spectra said with a chuckle. “The first crew assigned to it said it was a nightmare, it kept malfunctioning and breaking down, but when it came in for repairs there was no evidence of the malfunctions or any damage or downed systems.”

“Are you trying to say, a ship rejected a crew?” Midas said with a quirked brow looking at me for a second. “I feel there’s more to this story.”

“There is.” Spectra continued. “After the first crew refused to continue working with it, a second crew was assigned and the ship was taken out of the active warship roster. After a few weeks with that crew, members started to refuse to board the ship, saying it doesn’t like them and doesn’t want them aboard.”

“Uh huh…” Midas said, giving a sigh. “And you’re hoping it’ll like us?”

“Not really, I just want to see it put to use and out of mothball.” Spectra said with a shrug. “And giving it to you three would mean that it is no longer Enclave property, No longer our problem.”

“Right, so you write off a cursed ship on us.” Midas said. “And why do we want it?”

“Because it’d be yours, to do with as you want, always on call, never having to wait for another transport to show up.” Spectra said, to which Midas’ eyes went wide and she stared at him for a second. “I’m still offering Enclave shipyards for maintenance and repair, but I think this ship needs to be a free spirit.”

“You’re giving in to the cursed rumors? Come on, don’t play with me.” Midas said.

“I think, maybe it’s like me. The amount of care and love put into it made it something special, something unique.” I said, looking at Midas. “If I can have a soul, why can’t it?”

“It has a name, you know.” Spectra added. “And if Midas would stop interrupting me I’d get to that.”

“Okay, and what’s the name then.” Midas said with a groan, I could tell she was getting increasingly frustrated with the situation the longer this conversation continued.

“Well, It’s named after the ship lost.” Spectra said with a sigh. “We thought she’d feel more at home on it that way, but she never even stepped hoof on it.”

“Name. Come on, stop egging this on and just get out with it.” Midas said, putting down her bowl.

“Well, It’s Quetzal.” Spectra said with a nervous chuckle.

“Wait, That ship, you want us to use that ship!” Midas said, standing up and glaring at Spectra. “That ship belonged to a Princess, and you think you can just pass it off on us!”

“A princess?” I asked, looking at Midas. “What Princess, I thought all the Princesses died during the war.”

“A post war princess, went by the name Gambit, no one really knows her real name.” Midas said, looking at me. “She’s the half sister to Twilight, and the next Princess of Friendship.”

“And why does this affect the ship?” I asked, cocking my head to the side and smiling a bit.

“Because the name is known! Everyone is going to see it plastered across the side of the ship like the Enclave like to do, and they are going to think we’re some special envoy or something like that!” Midas said, frustration boiling over to anger.

“Actually, the ship has no nameplate, it’s what Gambit asked for.” Spectra said. “She said you don’t walk around with a name tag saying ‘Hi, my name is Spectra’ nor does she walk around with one introducing herself as Gambit, so why should a ship need one.”

“I thought you said she didn’t want the ship, now you’re saying she had a hoof in the development of it?” Midas said, tapping her foot impatiently. “I smell a bit of a lie going on here.”

“No, I promise you, she didn’t want the ship, she helped design it but when it was said and done she didn’t want it anymore.” Spectra said nervously, before he gave a sigh. “Just say yes or no, do you want the ship or not.”

“N-” Midas started to say, before she stopped and looked at me as I gave her wing a tug. Rolling her eyes and throwing up her claws “Fine, whatever, we’ll take the stupid ship.”

“Good, because it’s already on it’s way here.” Spectra said with a chuckle. “I had a feeling you would take it.”

“And if we said no?” Midas said “Like I was about to.”

“Then I was going to attempt to sell it to the Dayrunners, Midnight could use a shiny ship to get around in.” Spectra said, giving a shrug as he turned to walk away. “No need to worry about crew, she’s got full hands already.”

“You just said it was in mothballs!” Midas said, starting to chase after him, both I and Alabaster grabbed her tail to stop her.

“I lied.” Spectra said with a laugh. “I’m Loyalty, not Honesty.”

Once Spectra was out of sight we finally released Midas’ tail, to which she quickly turned round to face the both of us, glaring down at the both of us before she took a deep breath and calmed herself.

“The nerve of some ponies, I swear.” Midas said with a groan.

“Yeah, I guess.” I said with a chuckle. “But you can’t always be honest all the time with every pony.”

“Lying to a dragon is bad for your health.” Midas said with a huff, folding her arms across her chest. “Look, I guess this means we have a ship of our own, no clue what this thing even is going to be, it could be just a bathtub with some balloons tied to it for all we know.”

“Well, anything is better than walking, right?” I said, giving Midas’ side a nudge. “Though we may have a hard time fitting everything into a bathtub.”

“Whatever.” Midas said with a groan, before she looked to Alabaster, digging into her satchel before she pulled out a pouch with some caps in it. Throwing it to him “Go pick up some supplies, gemstones and whatever you eat.”

Alabaster looked down at the pouch before he simply shrugged, picking it up in his aura before he turned and went towards the town’s market. Leaving both me and Midas alone for just the moment.

“So, Sweets.” Midas said, finally finishing her food and looking to me. “You don’t seem to talk a lot, what’s with that.”

“Just, a lot of thinking I guess.” I said, pausing to look down at my hooves for a moment. “This all is just so much to take in so fast, sometimes I think it’s just a little too much and I kind of lock up or something like that.”

“Well, things like terminals and pipbucks have a datastream limit that is a part of their processor and memory, is that something going wrong with you?” Midas said, giving a stretch. “Should we go check out that repair shop, see if maybe there is something wrong with some of your parts.”

“All my self diagnostics say I’m fine, I guess the easiest way to say it, is that I got overwhelmed.” I said with a sigh. “Maybe it’s something programmed into me, or purposely put in my hardware to make me more… lifelike.”

“Yeah, but you been forgetting things, and not keeping up with simple conversations, and it makes me worry that there might be a fault somewhere in you.” Midas said with a sigh. “You realize I’m just concerned, right?”

“I’m fine, really, my diagnostics would catch if something was wrong.” I insisted, giving a nervous smile before simply getting to my hooves and starting towards the door. “I promise things will get better in the coming days, I just need more time to adjust.”

“Alright Sweets, if you insist.” Midas said, with a frown before she simply lazed back in her chair letting me leave.

Spending some time alone gave me time to really think about everything that has happened, from the day I exited the bunker to now. Just finding a quiet spot to sit, and think alone for a little while.


“Hey Sweetie.”

I had started to stir and wake just from the sound of approaching hoofsteps, but when she spoke she startled me awake. Gasping and looking around for a moment before my eyes settled on her, I recognized her as Aurora, Midnight’s daughter. Relaxing some I simply smiled.

“How’s the big day going?” I simply asked, relaxing back against the tree I had dozed on.

“A bit stressful honestly,” Aurora said as she sighed a little. “There’s a lot of ponies here who are all interested in me and I’ve got to pick one of them. I honestly don’t know how I’m supposed to do this.”

“I know what you mean, I’ve only been activated and out and about for a couple of days, and I’ve seen so much of the wasteland already, It’s just all so much to take in.” I said with a sigh. “I’m sure your heart knows and will pick the right one though.”

“Yeah, hopefully,” Aurora said with a smile. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”

“Not at all.” I said, shifting and sitting up a bit more “So many ponies showed up to try and impress you, I guess it’s really flattering knowing that all these ponies want your hoof.”

Aurora took a seat next to me and sighed a little. “Sometimes I wonder how many of them did it just to get in good favor with my mother. With her high position in the NCR I mean.”

“I don’t think many, I mean the only pony I saw here that wasn’t interested in you dropped out, and that was Alabaster.” I said with a smile, holding a hoof out trying to offer a little comfort. “I think they’re here for you, and that your mother’s position isn’t number one in their mind.”

Aurora took my hoof and smiled a little. “I hope you’re right, I just hope that I can make the right decision. There’s a lot of ponies here and I’m going to be out there with them. I’ve known this was coming but, somehow it almost feels like its too soon.”

“Could always go out on a hunt and come back with your own trophy, I mean, if they are allowed to compete for your hoof, you should be allowed to compete for your own freedom and choice, right?” I said with a chuckle.

Aurora laughed a little at that. “Oh I could sure, and maybe I will. You never know, there could be a nice pony out there that catches my eye. I at least want to try before I do anything crazy like that.”

“Well, didn’t you go on some hunts last night? I could of swore I saw groups of ponies heading out.” I said, looking at her with a tilted head. “I even heard that a couple of them may not have gone so well.”

Aurora flinched a little at that. “Yeah, I went out last night, some of them got a little too overzealous and bit off more than they could chew. One downside to this ceremony is that they don’t always come back alive.”

“Well, I didn’t hear anything about deaths, so I guess a no one died last night at least?” I asked, both curious and a little worried “What happens if a hunter dies while they are out and about?”

“They’re recovered from the forest if possible and the body is dealt with in accordance with their traditions.”

“So, what happened last night, want to tell me?” I said, a little more cautiously approaching the subject, that flinch she gave told me it may of been a sore subject for her.

“I was, uh, kinda jumped by a Radstag,” Aurora said sheepishly for a moment. “An archer from a Tribe somewhere near Terra Nova I think it was took it out before it could gore me luckily enough.”

“I see, well, I’m happy you’re alright.” I said with a smile “Is this archer one here for your hoof?”

“Yeah,” Aurora said with a nod. “A lot of ponies have come a long way, I think we’ve got one or two from as far as Nightingale and that’s on the other side of Equestria.”

“Heh, I guess word gets around, doesn’t it?” I said with a sigh. “Guess you must be a really important mare, or just, widely admired if ponies are willing to come from the other side of Equestria and risk their lives just for a chance to be with you.”

“Yeah, well it doesn’t make me any less nervous,” Aurora admitted. “Between you and me I always found this tradition kind of silly. The idea back in the days following the war was to let mares pick the strongest mate who could provide the best for their family. It's not really needed as much these days, but it’s our tradition.”

“Yeah, they might be silly and no longer needed, but traditions are important.” I said with a sigh. “They are your cultural identity, what makes you as a tribe special and unique, and even if other tribes have similar traditions, each and every one of them is unique in their own special way.”

I sat, thinking for a moment, looking up to the sky and realizing it was starting to get dark already. “Though, If I was to guess. A pony who goes out of their way to save you from a radstag clearly has your best interest in mind, and they would of been a hell of a shot to get it and not you.”

“Yeah, you’re right about that,” Aurora said with a soft smile. “I’ll at least think about it, it wouldn’t be fair to the others to make a choice now though. I’ll make my decision soon.”

“Well, I am sure there are some final runners by now, though with the amount of ponies here you could be going out with them for over a week just to pick one.” I said, looking over to her with a smile. “Or, you can pick the one that already proved themselves to you.”

“I might need another chance to check out her cute flank… I mean, check out her hunting skills first,” Aurora said and blushed when she realized she had said that out loud. “She’s going out again in a bit, I’ll, uh go out then.”

“She?” I said with a smirk. “So you’re… admiring a mare then?” I couldn’t help but lean my head back, looking to the sky and chuckling a little. “Do what your heart tells you is right, of the things I know, it seems the heart knows best.”

“Is it that much of a surprise? The ceremony is open to both genders,” Aurora said with a chuckle. “But yeah, I’ll keep that in mind, thank you Sweetie.”

“Hey, just repeating what my dad told to me over the years.” I said with a laugh, though my gaze shifted down to my hooves, kicking at the dirt. “Personally, I don’t have a heart. Not even a robotic one.”

“Sounds to me like you have a big heart, metaphorically speaking,” Aurora said with a soft smile. “You’ve given me a lot to think about, I’m glad you and Midas came by now instead of after all of this. Do, you really think I should give her a chance? What if she turns out to be a big jerk or something?”

“Well, the group you were with when she saved you, how many were there and why was she the only one to attempt a rescue?” I asked, looking over to Aurora with a smile. “I think that kind of speaks magnitudes of her personality.”

“About 4 not counting me,” Aurora said. “I see your point, that would be a strange thing to do if she wasn’t nice. I’ll think about it at least, I’ve got a lot to consider still. I don’t know why she was the only one, maybe the others weren’t close enough, or maybe they didn’t care.”

“Were the others males by any chance?” I said with a chuckle. “While I have no first hoof experience, I do have some knowledge that says males can be rather… stupid, in tense situations, especially around competition.”

“Now that you mention it, yes,” Aurora said with a chuckle. “And come to think of it, wasn’t the original Sweetie Belle bisexual leaning towards mares? I think I remember reading she was dating one of her friends.”

“I wouldn’t know, not something I was programed with.” I said with a shrug before I smiled at her. “And well, even if I was programmed with it, I don’t know what I’d do with it.”

Giving a sigh, I looked first to the sky once more, thinking back to last night, to that dream, still haunting me what all it could of meant. Smiling a little before looked back to Aurora, getting to my hooves and stretching out for a moment before I offered her a hoof once more to help her stand. Life is full of countless wonders and mysteries, and for myself, many of these mysteries may soon answer themselves. Trying to not get lost in thought again I smiled to that pony before me.

“Let’s not think about things like that though, you have some of the most happy and joyous things to think about. You have your whole future in your hooves and no one can make these choices but you.” I said with a slight giggle. “So, instead of letting the pressure get to you, may as well enjoy it and have some fun while you’re at it, right?”

Aurora smiled and let me pull her up then she pulled me into a hug. “Thanks Sweetie, heh, I almost wish you were competing out there, I might just pick you.”

“Hey, look at it this way, be glad Midas isn’t out there.” I said with a chuckle. “Elsewise she may just bring back literally everything.”

I had to make a joke, I had to shift focus, the question of sexuality in a android isn’t something I am even ready to start to consider. Would I one day want that? Would that be something that I could ever really embrace? Honestly I don’t know what the point of it even would be. Sure, I can love, but isn’t there more to a relationship then that?

Great, more questions, why so many questions, why is there always more questions.

“Let’s get going, I think my friends are waiting for me, and honestly, I think you have all the evidence to make your announcement here and now.” I said with a smile as I started to walk towards the town square, taking a moment to look back and check on Aurora, wanting to see if I was going too fast or if she was keeping up.


“I don’t know if I can do this…” Aurora muttered as she looked at me. “This is kind of irregular…”

“But you’re sure, right?” I asked, giving a smile. “Look, everything will be alright. Trust your heart, and trust your friends, alright?”

“Yeah, I’m sure… I think,” Aurora said with a sigh. “I’ll have to talk to mom, and there’s still the ritual preparation before I even pick somepony.”

“You said they go out and risk their lives to try and gain your approval, right? The sooner you pick the sooner the hunts stop and these ponies stop risking their lives.” I said, giving a sigh of my own. “I know it’s not something you can rush, but I think an announcement is the best course of action.”

“That makes sense, at least I could say I made my decision,” Aurora said with a nod. “Thank you again Sweetie.”

“Don’t mention it. Sometimes, taking it to something that thinks in binary can actually help.” I said with a chuckle, nudging at Aurora’s side. “Not to mention, I think I know the pony you’ve picked, even as a robot, I can tell you, she isn’t bad looking.”

Aurora smiled a little and then nodded. “I’m going to go talk to my mother.”

“I think she’ll understand, she seems like a pretty progressive mare to be honest.” I said with a nod. “Though, how’s it feel, to have a baby sister when you’re about to start your own life?”

“Weird to be honest,” Aurora admitted. “Mom, never really was interested in taking another mate after Dad died so it caught me by surprise.”

“Are you upset with her for it?” I asked, looking to her for a moment. “I mean, I guess it could be seen as a betrayal to your father, for her to have a foal with another.”

“Maybe a little,” Aurora admitted. “But she’s my family still, and in this tribe family means everything.”

“You sure you’re Sparkles and not Apples?” I said with a chuckle. “What pre war records I have say the Sparkles weren’t an amazingly close knit family, but you couldn’t throw a stone without hitting another Apple.”

“Well, times change,” Aurora said with a smile. “And so do families… speaking of which I should probably go talk to my mom now.”

“Alright, you take care.” I said, waving a hoof in farewell to her before I went off looking for my friends, unsurprisingly finding them in what could only be described as a back alley pub. Walking down the stairs and through the open door, First catching Midas attention she got up and walked over.

“Hey there Sweets, where you been all day” Midas said with a chuckle. “We nearly left without you.”

“What, the ship is here already and no one told me?” I said, looking to her before giving a sigh. “Sorry, I guess I was more… tired, or whatever, then I realized and I fell asleep.”

“Oh yeah, we know, we found you under that tree, tried to wake you, wouldn't budge. Alabaster thought you died.” Midas said, leaning down and laying an arm over by back. “Turns out, he’s a bit of a lightweight when it comes to drinking.”

I looked over to the counter, and Alabaster was passed out cold. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little and look back to Midas with a smirk “You challenged him to a drinking competition, didn’t you.”

“Sweets, how could you ever suggest that kind of thing.” Midas said, stifling a giggle. “He challenged me.”

Walking over to the fainted unicorn and giving his side a nudge. “Hey, mister. Time to wake up.” I said, trying not to laugh, it really was funny that he thought he had a chance.

“Wha… Where am I” He said, starting to stir “D-Did I win?”

“Not even close petunia.” Midas said with a chuckle. “Did you learn any valuable lessons in this little game you decided to play?”

“Yeah… Intoxicating drinks in this land, are much stronger and varied then back home…” Alabaster said before conking out again.

“How many did he drink?” I said, taking him in my magic and lifting him from the stool.

“Oh, about… three.” Midas said with a shrug.

“Three? Three dozen? Or what?”

“Three sips.” Midas said, giggling a bit to herself. “I think the strongest they have ‘back home’ is water.”

“The hell did he drink?” I asked, looking at him with a chuckle. “Sure you don’t want to carry him.” Remembering back to the little conversation we had about Indigo when she got that drunk.

“Just some basic Whiskey, not even the strong stuff, I mean, stronger than a malt or something like that, but barely enough for me to get a buzz.” Midas said with a shrug. “Like I said, lightweight, and I’m going to ignore that carrying question.”

“Guess where he’s from they don’t have a lot of alcohol around all the time.” I said with a chuckle, “So, where is the ship, guessing that’s where your bags are and such.”

“Field outside of town, not too far, almost where we landed when we first showed up.” Midas said, pointing down a path. “It’s not as big as I thought, no weapons worth anything on it either.”

“So, as a warship, it’s kind of bad?” I asked.

“I think as a Warship, it had more weapons then it does now, I think they stripped it.” Midas said, giving a sigh. “Go figure, strip it then give it away so it isn’t your problem anymore.”

“Well, let’s drop sleeping beauty off and get back before Aurora’s announcement.” I said, giving a sigh as we walked down what seemed like endlessly long paths, carrying him just made it all so much harder, he was heavy and my magic wasn’t that good, so I may of dropped him more then a few times.

Nearing the clearing I looked to Midas, she didn’t seem overly excited to see my reaction to what was essentially our ship. As we crested the final hill I saw it, surrounded by armored and armed guards, light little puffs of clouds coming out through the vents along the sides, it looked sleek, like a larger version of a raptor.

“So that’s it then, that’s Quetzal?” I said, looking at Midas.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Midas said with a sigh. “Not as big as I hoped, but enough space for you me and Alabaster here.”

“What all does it have to offer?” I said, assuming she had done more exploring of the ship.

“It has four staterooms, a laboratory, a small arsenal, a medical bay, oh, and a fully equipped kitchen.” Midas said, using her fingers to count the features.

“Sounds nice, why are you so depressed about it?”

“Simple, because it’s small, it’s packed, and I am willing to bet it’s underpowered. Not exactly a staple of comfort and luxury.” Midas said with a groan. “I traded my Hotel suite in Tenpony for this... “

“Hotel suite? Should I start calling you Princess?” I said with a chuckle before putting Alabaster down, pulling a twig from his mane before looking back to the vessel before me. It was an attractive ship, looked fast.

“Like it?” A familiar voice said, making me turn round to see Spectra, armor free for a change. “First of its class, Fast, Quiet, albeit a bit cramped and small inside, but for the three of you it should be more than enough.”

“Funny, You said it was designed for Gambit, she had 5 friends not including herself, yet there is only four staterooms, Where was two of them going to stay.” Midas said, looking at Spectra.

“Well, she and Valen were to share the large stateroom, Butterscotch wanted the stateroom closest to the kitchen, Honeycrisp wanted the interior stateroom, something about motion sickness, Feather wanted the final stateroom, and Ranger, he was happiest when he was surrounded by weapons, so he asked for his stateroom to be turned into a arsenal, there’s a fold up bed somewhere in there.” Spectra said with a chuckle, “Yeah, wasn’t my idea to make this ship like this, but it was built to order.”

“And then the order was canceled and the ship was repurposed.” Midas said. “So where’s the guns, the firepower, you called it a warship, where’s it’s weapons.”

“Gambit is the Princess of Friendship, remember? She isn’t in the business of killing her enemies with overwhelming firepower.” Spectra said with a groan. “Magicking someone to within an inch of their life and then sparing them is not a good way to make friends.”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little at that, and look back to the ship, it was painted a dark gray, guessing to blend in with the night sky. Its sleek lines glistening in the setting sun, I looked back to Spectra, who had been watching me and smiling.

“Want to see something special, built into it at special request without Gambit’s knowledge?” Spectra said, leaning down to whisper into my ear. “It has active paint, soon to become standard on all Enclave vessels, lets it change its appearance, camouflage, or even become hidden to the eye.”

“So you managed to get that technology out of her?” Midas said with a smirk. “Surprised, she kept that kind of stuff for herself.”

“Who?” I said, looking from Midas to Spectra.

“She was more cooperative when we pardoned her all her crimes and allowed her to live out her days, free of the military.” Spectra said, glaring at Midas.

“Who are you two talking about!” I said, getting louder trying to break their staring match.

“Oh, so you’re in the habit of letting war criminals free so that they give you their technology?” Midas said, grinning all the more. “Tell me Spectra, how far are you willing to take your Enclave down that rabbit hole.”

“Oh come on! Just tell me already!” I yelled now, making Alabaster stir and start to wake up. “Great, now sleeping beauty is waking up.”

“She’s nothing you need to worry about Sweetie.” Spectra said, finally breaking eye contact with Midas to give me a reassuring smile. “She isn’t going to hurt any pony any more.”

“Yeah, she is just the one that killed an entire stable, just for revenge.” Midas said, “Look, there was this mare, and she was really, really bad, and she’s not the kind of pony you want to be around.”

“And she’s your pilot.” Spectra said.

“And she’s our Pil- WHAT?!” Midas said, jumping back away from me and staring at him “You did WHAT?!”

“Got a problem Scales.” A haunting voice said from behind, making us all turn round, approaching a purple mare with a light blue almost white mane, there was some damage around her mouth but for the most part she seemed alright. “Cloud Chaser, Nice to meet you.”

“Cloud-whosywhatnow?” Midas said, eye twitching. “You’re Cricket, an infamous war criminal, you’ve killed thousands!”

“I was Cricket, that aint me no more.” Cloud Chaser said with a chuckle. “A near death experience and being set free from a armor cage that you been living in for a couple hundred years can have a toll on your head.”

“I’m glad to hear that’s all behind you now.” I said and smiled, offering the mare my hoof. She looked at it a moment before she smiled and gave it a shake. “So… what’s with all that damage around your mouth?”

“I’m a ghoul.” Cloud Chaser said with a sigh. “Pre war one, I think they called my special kind Canterlot Ghouls.”

“Yep. She’s older than the wasteland itself.” Spectra said. “She has some of the most in depth knowledge with technology and experience with working experimental tech, like your active paint.”

“Only pony qualified to fly this ship, wish it had a few guns on it but hey, Its still faster than a majority of the Enclave fleet.” Cloud chaser said with a smirk, looking to Spectra. “Guess I’m officially out of that now huh, Signing me and the ship off to work privately now.”

“You retired, remember?” Spectra said with a chuckle. “You were a private contractor when we hired you to fly this ship and design the stealth systems on it, just take it that your contract got passed.”

“Anyway, you should take a couple moments walking round the ship, talk to her crew and get used to her, she’s a quirky little ship.” Cloud Chaser said with a smile. “Welcome aboard, Captain.”

I looked to her, confused and looking to Midas who simply shrugged.

“Captain? I’m Captain of the ship now?” I asked, confusion growing.

“Well, Midas didn’t want it. Alabaster said he was absolutely unqualified, Gambit is nowhere to be seen, so the only pony left that can Captain the ship, is you.” Cloud Chaser said with a shrug. “I’m technically not allowed to Captain another ship after what happened to my last one, and what I did to the Enclave’s Super Dreadnought.”

I smiled a little nervously, before I moved and walked up the ramp into the ship, I was greeted by a surprisingly spacious room, looking around I could see terminals lining the walls and in the center a large map of Equestria.

I couldn’t help but let out a ‘wow’ before I heard it, something that just made me smile and giggle a little, a pony announcing ‘Captain on deck!’ for the first time. I just looked around to all the smiling faces back at me, giving a relieved sigh as I put on my best captain act.

“As you were.” I said, giggling to myself as I walked around this room, stopping at a few of the terminals that line the wall to take a quick peak at what was being done. Following the markings on the walls that lead me back into the ship.

“Having fun?” Midas said, chuckling as she caught up. “Told you, it’s a tiny ship.”

“It’s the perfect size.” I said, looking up to her. “It’s small enough that it can land on and in between buildings, big enough it can carry all our equipment, Just enough space to be comfortable but not so much that you’re wasting it.”

“Eh, I still prefer my hotel suite.” Midas said with a shrug. “Quartermaster is over in the armory, says he gets a lot of supplies loaded on board that he’ll sell to us.”

“I have to buy equipment on my own ship?” I said, lifting a brow as I looked back up to her for a moment. “Guess even on something that’s yours, you still gotta pay for things.” I shrugged giving a giggle.

“Eh, he said something about a lot of the stuff he gets isn’t requisitions from the NCR or Enclave, that a lot of it comes out of his own pocket.” Midas said, looking down at me for a moment. “So, what do you think of it.”

“She.” I said, stopping and looking to her. “Ships are girls, and she’s beautiful”

“Ships are objects, they do not have genders.” Midas said with a groan. “And don’t compare it to yourself, you have a body, it has a hull, two massively different things.”

I was about to say something, when a panel that happened to be over Midas’ head popped loose and fell down, giving her a nice little bonk. I giggled a little and walked over to the wall, softly rubbing on the bulkhead and smiling.

“It’s alright Quetzal the nasty dragon isn’t going to do anything to you.” I said softly, glancing over at Midas who had kicked the panel down the walkway and had her arms crossed over her chest and was glaring at me.

“So, you want me to believe it doesn’t like me.” Midas said with a huff, tapping her foot now.

“Treat your ship with dignity and respect, and she will always bring you home.” I said, looking back to the bulkhead for a moment before standing and turning round to face Midas once more. “I get it, you don’t believe in these rumors and superstition, but could you atleast show her a little respect?”

“Respect, a Ship.” Midas said, her annoyance turning to disbelief. “You want me, to respect, a ship.”

“Yes, She is as much your home now as that hotel suite, and should be respected and cared for, not abused.” I said with a chuckle.

“I do not respect my hotel suite.” Midas said with a groan. “Fine, whatever, I’ll respect it- Her. I’ll respect her.”

I smiled and chuckled a little, going round to the large room at the aft of the ship, surprised to find stairs leading downwards, the ship barely looked large enough for two floors and I could only imagine what was down there. Looking to Midas for a moment before I started down the stairs with a deep breath, before I found myself with a glowing orange gemstone planted in a bulkhead, the sudden increase in the sounds of puffing and hissing and the machinery that lined the walls, I could tell this was the engine room.

“She’s a magnificent ship, I can tell just by how well she is constructed and cared for.” I said, looking back to Midas who had followed me down the stairs. “She was made with purpose, and with peace and diplomacy in mind, a very noble cause if you ask me.”

“Yeah, peace and diplomacy, woo.” Midas said half heartedly. “Wars are totally won with peace and diplomacy, and not weapons and armor.”

“We’re not soldiers.” I said, turning around to face her. “We’re just ponies, dragons, and whatever else is aboard this ship. We aren’t here to fight wars or win battles, we’re here as explorers, and historians.”

“What makes you think that?” Midas said, quirking a brow at me and crossing her arms across her chest. “I never claimed to be peaceful, or an explorer, or Historian.”

“You go into pre-war ruins, you find long lost technology or literature, and you recover it for whoever hired you to get it.” I said, smiling a little. “That’s not a typical mercenary's plight, you don’t take murder contracts.”

“I take whatever pays better.” Midas said with a huff. “Sure, I’ve never taken on a client that wanted me to purposely head out and kill someone, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t if the price was right.”

“Uh huh, keep telling yourself that.” I said with a chuckle, finishing exploring this lower level before heading back up to the main deck, going around and introducing myself to the crew and getting guidance on what does what and where I can find certain systems.

Heading back outside, I could see Spectra slumped against one of the landing gears, when he heard my hooves on the ramp he perked up and smiled.

“There you are, I heard that Aurora is about to make her announcement.” He said, chuckling some. “Figured I would stick around and wait for you.”

“Thanks.” I said with a smile, walking past him. I stopped and turned to see that both Midas and Alabaster were nowhere to be seen, I guessed neither of them had interest in this ceremony or announcement and would rather hang out on the ship then follow me around all day.

“Let’s get going, don’t want to miss the news.” I said, taking off trotting down the path with Spectra close in tow. I could hear the hoofsteps of his guards following with, taking a peak to see at least half a dozen armor clad ponies following suit.


“I can’t believe she already picked somepony!” I could hear one pony say as we neared the crowd.

“Yeah, last filly took a week to pick.” Another said, I looked around trying to see if I could recognize any of the ponies in the crowd. Spectra and his guards leading the way now, letting me get close to the podium.

“This is an outrage, barely half of us got to go out and she’s already picked, who’s bright idea was this!” another voice said, making me smile nervously and duck my head.

The crowd was bustling with voices, only every now and then could I make out anything, I couldn’t tell if it was excitement, anger, or annoyance that was on every pony’s mind, but I knew I could relax when I saw Midnight take the podium and give the wooden top a tap to catch attention of the crowd. Everything suddenly falling silent and giving way to Midnight.

“I know a lot of you are disappointed that the choice was made this quickly,” Midnight said as she looked over the gathered ponies. “I admit this is rather unusual for the tribe’s traditions. But it is Aurora’s decision and I ask you to respect that and our traditions, the decision has been made whether you like it or not. If any of you have any objections, you can leave now.”

The gathered suitors didn’t look happy at this development but none of them left. They likely figured that there was always a chance that one of them had been chosen.

“No takers? Good, I didn’t want to have to shoot any of you,” Midnight continued. “Then I will turn it over to Aurora so that she make announce her choice.”

She moved down from the podium as Aurora stepped into view. Her blue fur was marked with symbols that had been painted on it. Her mane and tail were more stylized and she was dressed in a simple leather outfit with the same markings on it.

She looked around the crowd for a moment and then smiled a little when she saw me and the others. She took her mother’s spot at the podium and took a deep breath before she started to speak.

“I won’t lie, this has not been an easy choice to make,” she said as she looked out at the gathered ponies. “I know that a lot of you haven’t had a chance to prove yourselves, but there is one among you who has already done more to prove themselves than any of you could. She is the mare I have chosen to take as my mate.”

The gathered stallions sounded disappointed at that revelation but Aurora smiled a little and nodded as they backed off leaving just the mares. She walked down and up to the remaining ponies before she levitated out a necklace with what looked like several bones and other things in it.

She looked between them before her eyes fell on a reddish pegasus mare with a short purple mane and tail with golden braces on her wings. She walked over to her and gently placed the necklace around the surprised mare’s neck.

“Lightning Flash, when I was in danger you came to my rescue,” she said with a smile as she placed her hooves on the mare’s shoulders. “You protected me and proved yourself worthy of being my mate. If you will have me, I will be yours as well.”

Lightning Flash looked into Aurora’s eyes for a long moment as she tried to figure out what to say. “You really want to pick me?”

“I do,” Aurora said with a smile. “I can’t think of anypony in Equestria that I would rather have than you.”

“Then I will gladly accept,” Lightning said with a smile as she wrapped her forelegs around Aurora.

“Then Lightning Flash of the Pale Sky Tribe, I Aurora Sparkle of the Dayrunners Tribe accept you as my mate and into my tribe and family,” Aurora said as she stroked Lightning’s cheek lightly. “Do you accept this and everything that it entails?”

“I do,” Lightning said and the two mares shared a long kiss.

“Then the ceremony is complete,” Midnight said as they broke the kiss. “Aurora has made her choice and deemed her worthy. Welcome to the family Lightning.”

The other ponies sighed a little before they dispersed leaving just the three of us, Midnight, and the new couple.

Smiling as I stood and approached the new couple, levitating out a small wrapped box for them. “I don’t know if it’s customary in your traditions for a new couple to receive gifts, but, I wanted you to have this.”

“Thank you,” Aurora said as she took it and they opened it up.

I smiled even more warmly as they opened the box, when they could see what was inside I giggled a little “I, didn’t have a lot of time to pick anything up.” I said, looking over to Spectra who chuckled some.

I took a deep breath, I didn’t know how they would react, it was nothing fancy, just something I had kept with me, since before I left the bunker, I doubt my father even knew I had it.

“Its uh… my old circuit board.” I said, kicking a hoof nervously. “Was the first board used to keep my systems in check… In a way, it’s like, a robots heart, of sorts..” I admit, that sounded better in my head and saying it out loud sounded just a lot more creepy.

“Well, uh, thank you Sweetie,” Aurora said with a smile.

“Yeah, thanks,” Lightning added. “Its a nice gesture, but you didn’t have to give us something so personal.”

“It still works too!” I said, lifting a hoof and revealing a wire, plugging it into the board a little green light would start to flash in a steady rhythmic pattern. “I figured… maybe if you ever want to make a little robot or something, you could use it, it’s not strong enough for something my size.”

“We’ll certainly keep it in mind,” Aurora said and then hugged me. “Thanks Sweetie, for everything.”

“You’re welcome, I’m just glad I could be of help.” I said with a smile, Spectra coming over with a, admittedly larger box under his wing.

“I have to admit, I got you two a gift too.” He said with a chuckle. “Though, I don’t think it’s going to be as meaningful as a… robot’s heart.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” Lightning asked as she looked at him curiously.

“Something, a little more useful for a pair of hunters.” Spectra said, placing the box down. “I did read correctly when your paperwork said you were an Archer.” His eyes on Lightning.

“That’s right,” Lightning said with a nod. “My gear is back in my room, but yeah I’m an Archer.”

“Good, then I’m not going to look stupid giving you this.” Spectra said, opening the box and slipping it around to be in full view of the two. Leaning over to take a peak I could see a rather beautifully crafted compound bow, I admit I was rather embarrassed comparing this to my gift, and a little jealous, it was quite the beautiful bow.

Lightning’s eyes went wide when she saw it and gently picked it up, holding it carefully in her hooves as she looked it over. “Wow, thank you very much.”

“Welcome, now… try drawing it, I want to see if the little something special I put in works.” Spectra said with a chuckle.

Lightning looked at it curiously and drew the bow back, she was surprised to see an arrow form in it that looked to be made of magical energy that crackled a little. “Wow, that’s… wow! Thank you!”

“Hey, it’s no big deal.” Spectra said with a chuckle. “Just made it a little more cooler than the average compound bow.”

“I’d say, 20% cooler,” Aurora said with a chuckle as she kissed her new mate on the cheek.

“Don’t you let your baby sister hear you make those kinds of jokes.” Spectra said, chuckling to himself. “I don’t want another generation knowing that one.”

“Heh, I guess some jokes never die.” I said, looking at Spectra. “Even if they should of ages ago.”

“Yeah, say it once and it gets immortalized forever, I swear some ponies need to just watch their mouths and think about what the next generation might remember them by.” Spectra said with a chuckle.

“I blame Spectrum and her mom, she babysat me when I was young, I probably got it from her,” Aurora said with a chuckle.

“Remind me to pay her a visit later, and those gosh darn cloning facilities, I can’t keep covering for Dashlings running around everywhere.” Spectra said with a laugh. “In all seriousness though, I really should get going. Winter is bound to kick my flank if I stick around any longer.”

“It was good seeing you again Spectra,” Aurora said and gave him a hug. “Say hi to Winter and Scootaloo for me.”

“I’ll try and remember.” Spectra said with a smile. “And, remember this, don’t have twins, or have two mates that both had foals at roughly the same time, bad choice.”

“Next time lay off the booze,” Midnight said with a shake of her head. “It was good seeing you again Spectra.”

Spectra chuckled some and walked over to Midnight, giving her a rather direct and brazen kiss before he’d quickly run off before he could get hit. I couldn’t help but laugh at that stallions antics, though I could tell somewhere in him, he really did care for Midnight, maybe just as much as he did for Winter, only he could know.

“Well, We should be going too.” I said and smiled to the three. “It was nice meeting all three of you, congratulations and good luck, and Midnight, We’ll get that book for you in no time.” Smiling and giving each of them a quick hug.

“Thank you, I look forward to it,” Midnight said and hugged back. “And thank you and Midas, you helped us a lot.”

“No problem,” I said with a smile, giving Midnight a second hug before I started back towards the ship, Giving a sigh to myself as I walked down the path alone. Just thinking about how this day had been, everything with the whole ritual, the ship, everything, it’s all so much to take it so quick.

And, I can’t help but say I am excited for what the future holds now, for Aurora and her new mate, for Me, Midas, and Alabaster. I can’t help but say I love this feeling, how everything is speeding up more and more, who knows if we’re ever going to figure everything out, answer every question, but I know we’re going to keep trying.

Level Up!

Perk Acquired: Crusader of the Heart

Robot or not, matters of the heart are not beyond your grasp. Helping others find their true love and mending the broken, you always know just what to do.

Speechcraft increased by +5, Charisma and Intelligence increased by +1

Author's Note:

Again, Thank you so much to the help and support from RuinQueenofOblivion.

Also, wow! First chapter to break the 10k words mark, I don't know if I should be proud or embarrassed.