• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 10,739 Views, 1,254 Comments

The Untrotted Path - Luna Aeterna Solutae

At the moment before she leaves Equestria forever, Sunset Shimmer's destiny is taken away from her. A new path unmarked by pony hooves is placed before her.

  • ...

Love Pie-Angles (Part 1)

Some might be surprised to learn it, but Pinkie Pie was one of Twilight's favorite friends to spend time with. To others she was loud, obnoxious, a constant source of chatter. But the sheer warmth of her presence was a comfort, and her running monologues tended to fade into white noise.

She was stretched out in the sunshine with a novel nestled between her hooves. Every so often her magic would flick a page, and she'd glance up. Pinkie alternated between reading over her shoulder, vibrating in place, and sprinting in tight circles across the cropped lawn of the park.

Normally Twilight didn't like to be touched, the prospect alone of contact making her flinch. But whenever the pink pony nestled into her side she lifted her chin and brushed their cheeks together with a small smile. Then there was one of the things that most endeared her to Twilight; Pinkie was both highly intelligent and looked at the world through a slightly skewed Pink lens.

It was Pinkie who had introduced her to the concept of words that don't make a sound, but should. Or things that didn't make a sound but had a word that described what it would sound like. She cleared her throat and cut across Pinkie's chatter.

Bliss. To me, it sounds like… flan melting on a warm plate.” She smiled as Pinkie puzzled it over.

Pinkie smiled slowly. “Mm. Soft grass and a warm sunny spot and a best friend nearby.”

Two pairs of eyes glanced up as a chromatic blur zipped over their heads. Unlike Twilight, Rainbow Dash thought Pinkie was just annoying. Undeterred, she waved goodbye to Twilight and sprinted off in the direction Dash had been traveling.

Twilight smiled. Dash would flee, but Pinkie would eventually catch up.

Eventually came sooner rather than later, and Dash just gave up. Pinkie asked for a favor, for her to grab a cloud with some juice left in it and meet her in front of the Town Crater. Dash was interested.

Pinkie squinted, tilting her head as she watched Dash move the cloud into position. “No no. Right there. Little more. No, more down. It has to be perfect. Left. No, my left. Perfect!”

She ducked out of sight as she watched the entrance of the Mayor's temporary office. Town Hall might have been vaporized, but replacement documents still arrived from Canterlot and new paperwork still came in every day.

She stared, a mischievous grin unfolding across her face. Not for the first time, Dash was struck by that almost evil glint in Pinkie's eyes, framed by the candyfloss of her mane.

I wonder if her mane is as soft as it looks?

Dash shook her head to clear it and waited for the signal. Spike cleared the entrance and passed directly under the cloud, and Pinkie gestured frantically. She lashed out with all her might and kicked the cloud, which pulsed and crackled and spat a lightning bolt to ground off the tall flagpole extending from the fountain in the square’s center.

Spike, for his part, jumped several feet off the ground and scattered an armload of scrolls across the ground. Pinkie collapsed into helpless giggles that only grew whenever he began to hiccup. He did chuckle, even as every hiccup ashed another scroll and sent it off to Celestia.

Rainbow smirked, herself, and lashed out a second time. Taken completely off-guard, Pinkie was startled and began hiccuping herself. She floated down and gently patted the pudgy mare's withers to try and sooth them away. She twisted her hooves against the unfamiliar feeling of cobbles beneath her hooves.

Rainbow Dash was a little on the runty side, even for a Pegasus, and was used to looking up at other ponies. Pinkie was no different, but she was on the large side- even for an Earth pony. If the pink mare hadn't been collapsed in a ball of giggles and hiccups, she would barely have been level with her barrel. She swallowed faintly and tried to inject as much cool into her voice as she could.

“Never woulda taken you for a prankster, Pinkie. You're not as annoying as I thought…”

Dash waited and tried to pick apart her response past the laughter and hiccuping, reaching to help the bigger mare to her hooves.

“Are you kidding? I love a good prank. They're a great way for everypony to have fun, and they make everypony laugh!”

Dash chewed her cheek, and pawed at the ground a little. “You wanna hang out?”

She was a little taken aback as Pinkie's gasp seemed to take up all the air in the world. Her eyes grew wide, and that ever-present sparkle of merriment shimmered brighter. Dash could practically see the machinery of Pinkie gearing up to higher intensity, preparing to belt out a neverending stream of ecstatic chatter. She reached out and pressed a hoof to her mouth.

“Just nod.”

Those eyes lidded faintly and she gently pushed the hoof away, deflating a little. “I'd love to. It's a date.”

Her hindlegs flexed and the mare popped up like a cork to land on forehooves, her weight rocking back and the motion repeating. Dash had always thought that Pinkie was a little on the pudgy side, just barely short of the label of a fat pony. For the first time she was realizing under the soft curves of the baker were muscles as toned and hard as Applejack's.

Which was totally why her mouth was dry, realizing that she'd met another pony of incredible athleticism here in Ponyville. Totally.

She definitely wasn't thinking about the way Pinkie had looked at her when she'd said “date”.

It was just the beginning of one of those early-autumn days that seemed to stretch on forever. The sun was just beginning to shine its fullest, suffusing a sleepy warmth across the quiet town. Dash followed Pinkie like a lost puppy, lower than she normally ever hovered. She even walked beside the pink mare for stretches.

When they put sneezing powder in a bouquet and left it for Rarity, Dash tried not to think about how adorable Pinkie's sneeze was.

When they replaced Twilight's quill ink with disappearing ink, she tried not to think about the sun glittering in that cotton-candy mane as Pinkie placed the new inkwell in the exact same spot to avoid suspicion.

When they went through the effort of painting a stand of apples obnoxious patterns and colors, she tried not to think about how that soft burbling giggle thrummed in her own chest.

Later in the day they retired to the lake. It was uncomfortably warm, so they settled on the beach and set up a longer-haul prank. Pinkie had rigged up a hoof-pump and some hosing on the other shore. When somepony investigated an object she'd placed, they'd get a faceful of water.

Pinkie surfaced and pushed her mane out of her eyes, having dived deep into the lake to prime the pump. She smirked at Dash glancing through a spyglass they'd set to watch the trap.

“Anyone come by yet?”

Dash chuckled under her breath. “Fluttershy’s taking the bait.”

Pinkie's eyes widened. “Oh! No no…. She's so sensitive, we'll hurt her feelings with anything we do, much less spraying her in the face with water!”

Just like that, everything clicked together. The way Pinkie acted around her. The way Dash had been slightly uncomfortable around her ever since moving here. The mare's warmth, her simple joy. The way she lived life full-bore and made everypony around her happier, the way she could be just as caring as Fluttershy when she wanted to be.

Of course, her oldest friend could have told her much sooner. Fluttershy knew Dash's cares and worries, how she feared being judged.

I have a crush on Pinkie Pie?

The world seemed much clearer now. She realized she did like Pinkie. And that Pinkie liked her. She swallowed and pulled away from the spyglass.

“Yeah, you're right. Huh. We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff. So, who's it gonna be?”

Pinkie suppressed a chuckle, barely. But she couldn't hide that smirk. “Oh, I've got someone in mind. The toughest around.”

Dash had a sinking feeling. This was all a massive prank, it had to be. Her heart thudded in her chest, and she swallowed. A prank like this, making Dash think Pinkie liked her, confusing her like this? That would be evil. “Do I know them?”

Pinkie giggled, this time. “Oh, yes. You're very close.”

Dash's face fell. This was where the mare would spring Surprise, nerd! out on her. It was like Flight Camp all over, when she'd deluded herself into thinking another filly might ever like her. Then she noticed her reflection. She glanced at the spyglass. Pinkie had set it up. Dash had a ring of lampblack around one eye. She let out a relieved chuckle. “Good one, Pinkie Pie.”

She slipped into the water and laid her wings out flat. Pinkie watched with some interest as she flicked her tail as a rudder and swished her wings to pull herself through the water, almost like flying. She drew closer, and blew bubbles for a moment.

“Pinkie… can we talk?”

Pinkie's heart stopped for a moment. She swallowed faintly. She tapped her hooves, like someone with a painful secret.

“I… It was really fun, hanging out with you today.” Dash pressed her hooves together. “I'm not good at the mushy stuff, but I'll try my best. I realized that… I've liked you since I first moved here, and I was afraid that you might like me too. I'm not as confident as I seem.”

Pinkie glanced up at her, and she was captured by eyes that seemed to fill the world. Pinkie laid forelegs on either side of her neck and gingerly brushed their noses together.

“I know. In Nickerlite, we have this… crystal wall in the deepest part of the mine. We call it the Pairing Stone, and we ask it who we're meant to be with. I… asked it before I left on Roamspringa. I needed to know if I had to come back, or if I could find my destiny in Equestria. I saw… a teeny pegasus with a rainbow mane.”

Dash smiled crookedly. She glanced down at their chests, almost touching. Her breath hitched as she leaned into the embrace. “So does that mean like… we're soulmates, or meant to be together or something?”

Pinkie shook her head. “Not necessarily. It just means…” She laid a hoof on Dash's chest. She was so close now, her sweet breath washing across the pegasus’ lips. “We'll be very close, and happiest together.”

Dash closed the gap with all the bravado she could muster. She expected Pinkie's mouth to taste like vanilla or cake or something, and was surprised to taste peppermint. After several minutes she drew back and caught her breath, warbling out a contented trill.

Pinkie's eyes widened. “OHMYGOSH did you just make a birdy noise at me?”

Dash rubbed the back of her head. “It's a… dorky old pegasus thing. I'm sorry.”

Pinkie pressed closer. The water was cold, but the bigger mare was hot against her. “Do it again.”

Fittingly for the setting, they did it like dolphins.