• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 10,735 Views, 1,254 Comments

The Untrotted Path - Luna Aeterna Solutae

At the moment before she leaves Equestria forever, Sunset Shimmer's destiny is taken away from her. A new path unmarked by pony hooves is placed before her.

  • ...

Filly Steps (Edited 11/5)

If Sunset laid very still and kept very, very quiet, the day before couldn't possibly have happened. She was disabused of this notion in extremely short order.

A cannonball of purple fuzz launched itself into her bed, shaking the mattress with a dull creak of springs. It immediately began bouncing over her from one side to the other, adding to the cacophony with its incessant shrieking.


When ignored, the little hellion resorted to nudging at her with its skull, digging its horn into her kidneys.

“M’up, m’up. Wha’ time’sit.” Sunset mumbled into her pillow, eyes tightly shut. Perhaps if she didn't move, the problem would go away.

“Seven. I think. Which means it's time for school!”

Sunset slowly rolled to a sitting position, and leveled a balefire glare at the tiny thing standing over her. To her credit, Twilight stared back with the quiet innocence only found in small children and the intellectually challenged. Sunset blinked slowly and released a slow breath.

“If I get up will you please stop shouting?”

The foal stared for a few seconds more, before nodding once.

Sunset rolled her eyes and slid off her bed, falling to the tiled floor of her bedroom with a quartet of soft clicks. Without a second glance back she made her sleepy, fumbling way downstairs to the kitchen at the base of the tower.

She slammed the door open with her characteristic lack of restraint, and swung her telekinetic aura around with the same. She slumped at her dining table, the coffee engine rattling and chirping behind her. The quiet clicking of the foal’s hooves roused her imperceptibly.

“How did you even get in here? I don't even think Celestia could enter my tower without permission, let alone my bedroom.”

The filly invited herself to sit at the spot directly across from her.

“I-I spent the night. Don't you remember?”

Memory flickered and sputtered behind her eyes. This early in the morning, her brain wasn't firing on all cylinders yet.

The conversation with Celestia only barely been bearable. She had been all “joy of responsibility” this and “this is the opportunity you've been waiting for” that. All while her heart broke with every word.

Then the Pink One had shown up, and things were spotty after that. She made a mental note to probe her psyche for any evidence of tampering. She'd probably forced some kind of emotional connection between her and the filly.

Who was chattering about something or other. She had a sudden realization that she should probably feed her. The filly probably counted as a “houseguest”, and learning on an empty stomach was supposed to be difficult.

“-and I didn't prepare a study guide, what if they give us a test our first day and I fail and they decide that I'm not cut out for school and-”

Sunset nodded and made hopefully affirmative noises. Her horn lit up, a glow of telekinesis clattering porcelain and silverware. The foal’s prattle died down in awe as she levitated no less than six separate objects.

A cup of tar-black coffee set itself in front of Sunset, and a cup of tea before Twilight. Bowls clattered to the oak surface of the table, promptly filled.

“Relax. It's just magic kindergarten.” She took a deep gulp of the lifegiving liquid inside her mug. “You can read, you're already ahead of the curve. They're not going to spring a test first day. Heck, I don't even think magic kindergarten has tests.”

She leveled an eye at Twilight, who was poking the contents of her bowl with her spoon, muzzle scrunched into an expression of sheer confusion.

“M-miss Shimmer, what is this?”

“Muesli. Eat up, it's good for you.” She prodded her own bowl of fruit and oats. “Now hush. Mornings are for breakfast, coffee, and quiet contemplation.”

Twilight’s lips moved, as if committing this to memory. “Er. Contemplating what?”

“How absolutely wrong my life has gone.”

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Sunset Shimmer was in hell. She'd walked Twilight on the short trip to the CSGU campus and had to deal with the filly hiding underneath her, while she listlessly spoke to faculty and found out where Twilight was meant to actually be, managing to get her into her classroom before the bell rang to announce the start of school.

Then, instead of taking a well-earned midmorning nap followed by lunch at a cafe and returning to her alchemy experiments, she sat at her study desk surrounded by a flurry of paper.

Suddenly she stopped. She was overthinking this. Plans, dusty primers far beneath talent… that was Celestia’s method. A method that had held her back for all these years. The only way she had gotten as far as she did was her own hooves-on approach.

She smiled to herself and brushed aside the drifts of failed lesson plans. She cracked open her copy of Starswirl’s Principles of Sorcery; A Primer and a clean sheet of paper. Dipping her quill, she began to write.

Sunset smiled despite herself as she waited at the foot of the great stone steps leading into the CSGU building. She sat on the edge of a fountain that dominated the courtyard. Water burbled cheerfully beneath a granite statue of Celestia reading a book to a foal nestled under her wing.

She watched the lavender filly carefully navigate steps half as tall as she was. Even if she was technically Sunset’s replacement, even if Sunset hated foals, even if she'd been ejected from the Princess’ tutelage and saddled with this responsibility, she had to admit that Twilight was cute as a button.

Her greeting died in her throat as she noticed the way the filly slumped at the withers. The flagstones beneath her hooves smoked as her expression hardened. The universe winced and ducked for cover as Sunset got angry.

Then suddenly she took a deep breath and cheered up. As the foal approached she took a gamble and stole a play from Celestia’s book, tucking a forehoof beneath Twilight’s chin and forcing her to look up.

Turquoise eyes met violet ones full of sorrow. They stared at one another for a moment, before Sunset’s eyes drifted towards her muzzle and she puffed out her cheeks. Startled, Twilight broke into a fit of giggles.

“Hey squirt. Did you make any friends today?” At this point she might as well put on a pastel-rainbow wig.

“Um. Not exactly. I wouldn't call them ‘friends’ seeing as how we've only known one another a day. But there was one filly that I liked. We read a book together.”

Sunset smiled as her rage cooled. Twilight was just worn out from her first day. Turquoise telekinesis wrapped the filly and pulled her up, settling the tiny thing on her own shoulders.

“I never checked- am I supposed to take you home?” She glanced over her shoulder, accidentally brushing her snout against the filly’s cheek.

Twilight tilted her head and pressed back, settling her forelegs around the mare’s neck.

“I guess so. Cadance was supposed to watch me tonight, my parents are going out.”

Ah. There was the anger again. She furrowed her brow and sighed, rubbing her forehead with a hoof. Of course Cadance. Her life wasn't going well enough without being forced into close contact with the Pink One.

She tipped her head back again as she briskly trotted off out of the courtyard. “Um… Where do you live again?”

A sleepy voice murmured around the vicinity of her ear. “434 Sunward Way.”

Her eye twitched. One of the thoroughbred districts. Naturally.

The walk over didn't take very long, and likewise jimmying open the gate with her magic. But, Twilight had fallen asleep, so she kept her tread as even as she possibly could as she made the final approach to Sparkle Manor. It wasn't enough that Twilight was apparently a minor noble, a member of the elite. It wasn't enough that she had aced her entry exam, including hatching a baby dragon.

No, the house just had to be tasteful and cozy-looking. Hanging off the side of a mountain tended to restrict the size of residential buildings and the size of property plots. But that didn't stop thoroughbreds from testing the city’s foundations with the largest and most ostentatious estates they could manage.

In contrast, most of Sparkle Manor's plot was well-kept lawn. It even had a solitary apple tree with a rope swing, and some new-looking playground equipment. A flagstone walk bisected the grass, leading up to the steps of the wraparound porch. The building itself looked only sixty or seventy feet on a side, and three floors tall. As opposed to Blueblood Manor, for instance, inside whose ballroom alone could easily fit this entire house.

The sort of house that she'd dreamed about, growing up in the drafty orphanage tucked against the mountain itself as far away from the castle as one could get.

She took a deep breath and stared at the door. Twilight was waking up, and digging in her saddlebags for something. Twilight’s weight leaning one way while she stood there indecisively meant that she toppled over readily, the door snapping open with a loud bang as she hit the floor of the foyer and slammed her head against hardwood flooring.

Two Twilights stood over her and poked her, before calling out something. Sunset couldn't tell, it sounded like her ears were stuffed with cotton wool. She struggled onto her stomach and held her aching head, willing the world to stop spinning.

The squirt was doing something, a complicated dance? No, copying… somepony. She stiffened and frowned as her vision cleared, Twilight sitting before the Crown Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

Cadance for short, Cady to her friends. To Sunset, Pink One, the life-stealing bitch.