• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 10,739 Views, 1,254 Comments

The Untrotted Path - Luna Aeterna Solutae

At the moment before she leaves Equestria forever, Sunset Shimmer's destiny is taken away from her. A new path unmarked by pony hooves is placed before her.

  • ...

Sometimes Birthdays, Sometimes Hearth's Warming

By the time Sunset arrived at Sparkle Manor, the Moon had well risen and the streets were dark. She shouldered through the front door, which always stuck a little bit. She smiled as her hooves followed the sound of voices.

When she pushed the door to the sitting room open, she was struck by the thought that the scene before her wouldn't look out of place in a Normal Rockhoof painting. She was shocked when she put voice to face.

“Shining! When did you get back?”

The doofy colt before her mock-saluted with a grin. No, not a colt anymore. They were only five or so years apart, but Sunset had been twenty going on fifty when they'd met. Five short years had turned the skinny, leggy dork into a real stallion, and a slightly larger dork.

“Just this evening. I think I got in while you were all away. Month long furlough for… bereavement.”

Sunset nodded, staring at the floor. They were all three of them gathered near the hearth where a merry blaze crackled in the grate. This high up, winter never really left- during the daytime summer heat it skulked in shadows and crept back out when the sun set. She smiled and rested a foreleg over Twilight, taking in her mulberry coat.

“If I'd known snapping you out of that funk would be that easy, I would have asked Celestia to bring Shiny home early.”

Those amethyst eyes looked up at her, and the corners of her mouth tilted up. Sunset could see the warmth returning, that small spark of life burning brighter- but the filly’s eyes were still hard and edged, glittering with the reflection of life rather than glowing with it.

“I have something you all need to hear.” She dug through her saddlebag for the packet of paperwork.

“You're secretly a stallion.” Shining, the dork.

“Celestia is sending you on a mission to hunt down the terrible Snapper Snipe?” Shining’s grief had been expected. She suspected Cadance of falling prey to his worse nature.

“You're going to shave off all your hair and live as a dragon named Sparks?” Sunset’s jaw dropped at Twilight actually getting a dig in. She almost teared up at the tinkling laugh she hadn't heard in a month.

She chuckled despite herself and reached out, tucking a foreleg over the filly’s withers. She drew her into her barrel and rested her chin atop her skull, taking a deep breath.

“Well, Spike isn't setting everything on fire anymore so he's going to be coming home. The second thing is…” She took a breath, and her voice hitched slightly. “I went to see Miss Inkwell today, about the will. And… I've been named your guideparent, Twilight.”

The filly’s eyes widened. She hadn't considered in her grief who might care for her- but the choice was obvious. Shining Armor was a guard cadet and spent large periods of time in the Everfree Forest, the Frozen North, the Untamed West; hardening his body and learning to lead ponies. Cadance had her princess-training to consider, and generally didn't have the time to care for a child full-time.

Sunset, however… As far as Twilight knew, the older mare had no friends and no family aside from Celestia. Her schooling had only prepared her to be a professor, or an archmage- and the second hadn't been seen in Equestria for five hundred years. She was soulbound to a phoenix, a creature that lived forever, making her a mare who would never leave her.

Sunset withdrew slightly, and ground her forehooves in small circles, one against the other.

“Do you remember, Twilight? The first Hearth’s Warming that I came here? You were so small…”

Sunset Shimmer stood before the doors leading into Sparkle Manor. Almost unconsciously she adjusted her scarf and jacket, turning the collar up against the chill. A deep breath steamed from her as she reached up to tap the knocker.

After several moments there was a commotion on the other side of the door, and it sprang open to reveal her student, staring wide-eyed up at her with that intense gaze of hers before slamming facefirst into her barrel.

“Sunset!” The mare slid a little bit and allowed herself to be tugged by the tiny filly’s telekinetic aura. Twilight grew stronger every day, she noted with a quiet pride.

The inside of the house had been completely transformed from Sunset’s last visit, garlands and tinsel strewn almost haphazardly everywhere. A fire crackled in the hearth, the rest of the family gathering close under the lights wrapping the massive tree in one corner.

Twilight took her coat and scarf and hung them to dry, and Night Light gave her a mug of steaming mulled cider as Star dashed upstairs.

She returned and proudly offered her a wrapped package, that proved to contain the ugliest sweater Sunset had ever seen. A quick glance around, and she noticed everyone else watching her wearing similar sweaters.

Hoof-knitted, with a great deal of love and enthusiasm and only a modicum of talent. She begrudgingly dragged it on and settled down on a cushion, with Twilight immediately welding herself to her side.

Once everyone was situated and comfortable, Star Sparkle cracked open a battered hardcover copy of A Hearth’s Warming Tail, and began to read.

Sunset had of course read it before, and had listened to Celestia talk about her personal friend the real Snowfall Frost and how she came to value other ponies. But it was a little different then from now, starting on a new path and staring down the barrel of her past. You could change “Snowfall Frost” to “Sunset Shimmer” and never skip a beat.

“Your parents accepted me at face value. I never… had a family before, Twilight. It was the beginning of understanding a lot of things, like why you all wore and pretended to like those awful sweaters. Because Star made them, and wearing them made her happy.”

Twilight slowly nodded, and squeezed Sunset’s hoof in her own. She smiled softly.

“‘member… your last birthday?”

Sunset smiled. “When you broke into my tower and everyone surprised me?”

Twilight nodded.

Sunset gently stroked her mane. “Of course I do. You made the cake yourself. Best damn cake I've ever eaten…”

They talked late into the night, until Twilight was falling asleep on Sunset’s shoulder. She tucked the filly underneath her and let her conk out.

“There's something else I need to talk to you guys about, now that Twilight is asleep.” She paused, and checked for the tell-tale signs of a filly pretending.

“In the… will, there was some interesting things. Did you know that your parents were paying Trixie’s tuition?”

Cadance furrowed her brow, and Shining blinked.

“I did some more digging. Turns out… Felicity Lulamoon, Trixie’s mom, worked at the observatory with Night Light. And left for an undisclosed reason the year Twilight was born. Trixie’s birth was registered about eight months after she left, on Nightmare Night of that year. It's all in legalese but Raven helped me parse it. Trixie is your half-sister, Shining.”

She took a deep breath.

“With you being a stallion, and military personnel on top of it, you're ineligible to inherit. Twilight is too young, so as the guideparent it falls to me to determine the disposition of your parents’ estate. Raven suggested that I stop the tuition payments and the financial support that Felicity draws, to preserve the estate and because she has no legal claim to either. I have a lot of decisions to make, and… I need you guy's support behind whatever I decide, and your advice. I'm… I started out as an orphan, grew up a scholar, and now I'm a glorified nanny. I don't understand this thoroughbred crap.”

Shining and Cadance linked hooves, and the room fell to silence. After a few moments, Shining spoke up while keeping his eyes on the floor.

“Whatever you decide, obviously we're behind you one hundred percent. I trust you to do right by Twilight. If Trixie really is our sister, then we should do the right thing by her as well.”

Cadance smiled suddenly. “We can do both. I'll send Lord Pants a message to meet tomorrow if he can. You'll be filling the Sparkles’ Parliament seats until Twilight is of age. Fancy was one of their closest friends and allies, behind closed doors at least. They'd start huge rows and the others would shuffle allegiance to either side- with what they wanted to achieve between them. I trust you too, Sunset. I think we can do a lot of good, in honor of the Sparkles’ memory.”

They hashed out a brief battle plan to bring to Fancy Pants the next day. Twilight would likely wish to move fulltime to Sunset’s tower, leaving the Manor and the estate near the Everfree unused. Both were large enough to support a small staff, and Fancy would likely agree to converting both into group homes to catch the runoff from the already overcrowded Canterlot orphanges towards the mountain.

They also agreed that the support for Felicity and Trixie should continue- apparently Felicity and Star had been good friends despite the infidelity. Her tuition costs would be moved to a scholarship they planned to propose. The School for Gifted Unicorns should be for the gifted, not just the wealthy.

Sunset climbed the stairs with a heart lightened by love and the promise of good works. She slipped into bed with Twilight and nestled the filly against her barrel, kissing her forehead.

“Goodnight, my little starshine.”

Author's Note:

terribly sorry for the delay