• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 10,739 Views, 1,254 Comments

The Untrotted Path - Luna Aeterna Solutae

At the moment before she leaves Equestria forever, Sunset Shimmer's destiny is taken away from her. A new path unmarked by pony hooves is placed before her.

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Now You Don't

When Trixie awoke, she found herself floating in a warm, peaceful fog. Her surroundings were fuzzy and poorly-lit. An incessant chirping kept her from falling back asleep, and she shifted. Motion brought flashes of pain, but she couldn’t scream out. Her awareness gradually faded again, until she shifted and caused herself more pain, and brought herself fully awake. She began to go over what she remembered.

A wonderfully successful show, and a good haul of bits. Meeting with her old mentor. And…

Sparkle.” Her drugged tongue hissed, her voice muffled.

A glance around gradually revealed a dimmed hospital room. She inwardly cringed, thinking of her funds and how a hospital stay would eat into them. She thought of how worried Starlight must be, with poor Trixie laid up in a hospital bed. Gauze wrapped her arms, and a set of tubes shunted into the frog of one hoof, giving direct access to her bloodstream. She thought of one of Sunset’s lessons when she still attended Celestia’s School. Healing tinctures and something to take the edge off whatever pain would be flowing in, up her arm, pushed around her body by the slow throb of her heart. One of her eyes didn’t seem to want to open, but that was okay. The other saw just as well without it.

She followed the tubing with her good eye, trailing one set up to a tree hanging over her bed. Pouches and a drip-feed. She could almost taste the potion, picking apart what might be setting her body right. There was another tube, a deep and rich red, next to the straw-yellow of the invigorant. This she trailed, up to the base of a glass bottle. The pool of liquid there was fed by another tube, and she followed this one; this one terminated somewhere in the dark mass slumped against her bed. Starlight, so distraught that she would give her own lifeblood to return Trixie to health, and would refuse to leave her side.

Gingerly, she reached out her free hoof and trailed it along the mane nestled against her side. Sweet Starlight, soft Starlight, with her lavender scent cutting the antiseptic tang of the hospital air. Eyes the roaming pony had fallen into, a constant companion of ten years. Hooves that had helped her dig a hole and prepare a pyre for her beloved mother. A horn that had struck the blaze that had freed Felicity Lulamoon from her hydra-ravaged body and returned her to the Aether. A will that had helped poor Trixie limp along through school, had shored up her sorely lacking magical talent with raw power.

Beautiful lavender-violet coat hair. A mane of indigo that she adored, with its sharply defined bangs and single strip of vibrant pink.

Trixie floated in the midst of her fuzziness for several seconds before it clicked. This wasn’t Starlight. This was Sparkle. She felt diseased, knowing Sparkle’s blood was seeping into her veins. The idea was making her claustrophobic. Pity the drugs kept her too sluggish to do anything about it.

The pony stirred from her feeble motions, her expression only barely visible in the gloom. A deep frown carved her face as she stared up at Trixie. Was she crying? Had she, Trixie’s mortal enemy, been distraught over how low she had laid Trixie? No, impossible.

“I’m so sorry. It was my turn to charge the wards and… I got sidetracked and forgot.”

So it was Sparkle’s fault. But what was she apologizing for? What had happened?

“I should have done something. Instead I just shut down and… Starlight had to.”

Sparkle lifted a hoof, trailing tubing, and pointed to the other bed. “She’s being treated for burnout. She might have cracked her horn.”

Trixie pawed at her cannon, trying to reach the leads. Sparkle gently pushed her back down, and when Trixie expected her to smother her or… something, she merely adjusted the pillows and drew the blanket up over Trixie’s bruised barrel. Trixie glowered silently at her, but the damn thing just wouldn’t stop talking.

“I… You have a rare blood type. We weren’t going to get enough of it here in time to s-save you. But Sunset told me. Sunset told me everything. That I could give to you. See, what makes your blood special is inherited from your father.” Sparkle chewed the inside of her lip. “Night Light. We have the same dad, Trixie.”

No. She couldn’t actually be related to Sparkle. Could she?

“Sunset thought it was time for me to know, since you showed up here. The documents would have gotten unsealed soon anyway, when I took my name. She looked out for you, even after you left the School.”

Trixie thought of attending the School. By the way her peers looked at her, treated her, she knew it was expensive. She thought of her mother managing to provide for her, to make birthdays and holidays special- even when a mind sharpened by vigorous lessons knew there shouldn’t be enough.

Sparkle opened her mouth again, but Trixie was rescued from her inane prattle by the door clicking open. The lights came up, just enough for the white mare who entered to read meters and adjust the flow of chemicals. A cuff was snapped into place around Sparkle’s dock, and she had the decency to blush and try to hold still. The mare clucked slightly and shook her head. With a deft tug of her teeth and quick application of gauze, she jerked the shunt from Sparkle’s hoof.

“It’s been six hours. You can’t give any more, Twilight.”

Confronted by the hydra, Twilight locked up. She couldn’t manage to drag out so much as a squeak, let alone a single thaum of magical power. As she watched one old friend get slammed through her own home, the other stood tall and unleashed a wave of raw magic, pure power that tore at reality.

“I just wanted to help.”

The white mare gave Twilight a brief nuzzle, before helping her limp out of the room. “I know. But Starlight and Trixie need to rest now, and there’s nothing more you can do. A certain pink filly is waiting for you in the visitor room, I think she brought juice and cookies for you.”

The door snapped shut and the lights went back out, leaving Trixie alone with her thoughts and the chirping of the heart monitor next to her. Was it her imagination or was every beep louder? Why was her breath hitching?

She closed her eyes.

A forlorn azure filly sat by herself, holding a book against her chest. The other foals had taken one look at her unadorned state and stuck their noses up. Her Mama had left her in this strange place and said that after passing her test she had to go to school. Trixie had just thought she was doing magic tricks.

A lavender filly edged closer to her, staring at the book. Trixie cleared her throat and ventured a smile. “My name is Trixie, what’s yours?”

The response was quiet, almost fearful. “Twilight. Twilight Sparkle.”

Trixie smiled a little wider and pushed closer. “Do you want to read with me? My Mama reads me this story every night, it’s called The Mare In The Moon.”

The tiny thing nodded faintly and edged closer, close enough that Trixie could smell her lavender shampoo. Was this what a friend was like? Trixie decided she liked it.

Trixie took a deep breath and closed her eyes firmly. She couldn’t manage a single spark. She couldn’t reach out and ground herself in the present. The beeping was getting louder, faster.

New friends joined them. A slow-talking filly from the West they adored. A green filly with a sharp accent, who loved to laugh. A cream one, even smaller and more shy than Twilight. Her Starlight.
A lazy summer afternoon, and a game of baseball. The older mare who had nearly adopted the six fillies trudging across the clipped lawn they’d run and played on. Twilight being taken aside, and then lead home a broken pony.

Noise. A sharp prick. The keening of the monitor slowing, as Trixie began to feel more sleepy. Her eye opened, and she stared across at Starlight sitting up. She was saying something, talking to the ponies that were fussing over Trixie. She slumped back down, her muscles going slack. She was helpless, couldn’t distract herself. Her thoughts ran in circles like a little terrier, snapping at her hooves.

A test. Some demonstration of magic. Trixie tried and tried. She understood the spell, she knew the theory inside and out, backwards and forwards. She just couldn’t manage to will power into the weave.
Looking to her friends to help her. Twilight sitting and staring, her coat mottled. Starlight encouraging her. Betty. Lyra. Moondancer with her nose in a book- but that was just her way. She knew they were laughing at her. She knew she didn’t belong here, she just wanted to keep up.

Sparkle’s blood in her veins. The father Trixie’s mother had never wished to discuss, always telling her “when you’re older”, being Sparkle’s father as well. Trapped in her own mind by injury and chemicals, unable to flee any longer from the truth that had been eating at the center of her ever since she had been expelled. Trixie had always resented her friends for their greater magical talent. Sparkle had ratted her out, but that was just her way- Twilight would sooner give up reading than willfully allow a rule to be broken. Trixie had been the one to come up with the way for Starlight to hide her casting. Trixie had wheedled and cajoled for her to cast a spell for her during an examination.

Staring up at the ceiling as the commotion died down, Trixie wept. Her tongue was thick, and her speech slurred, but that was alright.

“I’m sorry Twilight. I wish I was a better pony.”