• Published 12th Sep 2018
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Doctor Whooves And The Wonderbolt Assassin - Whooves235

When A Murder Takes Place In The Wonderbolts Academy in 2001 BMNR (Before Nightmare Moon's Return) The Dr and Rainbow Dash Must FInd The Killer Before The Wonderbolts Ceese To Exsist

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Chapter 1: The Academy


Dr. Whooves was a strange pony. While he looked like a regular pony on the outside, he was definitely not one on the inside. He was an alien from a planet called Gallifrey in another dimension like the mirror, except "less cute and more extreme," as Dr. Whooves would say. People knew he was not from around Ponyville, but they did not care: he was nice, funny, and had many fascinating stories to tell from his travels.

As Rainbow entered the police box, she mused, "I know this is not magic, but this is impressive stuff, even for an earth pony."

"Ah...Mrs. Dash, welcome!" The Doctor said. "I presume you’re here for training."

"Yes, Mr. Whooves," Rainbow said.

"Please," The Doctor said, "just call me The Doctor."

"Ok… Doctor, where exactly are you taking me to train?" Rainbow asked.

"Well," The Doctor explained "I was thinking, how about going back in time to the Golden Age of the Wonderbolts, when Spitfire herself was still in camp, So that's where I’m taking you."

"So I’m going to time travel!" Rainbow said, excited.

"Yes indeed," The Doctor said.

Just then, the TARDIS began to make noise, and Dr. Whooves said something that sounded Old Ponish.

"Allons-y!" The Doctor shouted.

Wonderbolt flight camp 2001 BMN (Before Nightmare Moon)

As Rainbow exited the TARDIS, she saw the flight camp and was astonished to see what was in front of her: all the buildings looked new, the grass freshly cut, and the runway paved to a perfect coat of black.

"Thank you, Doctor!" Rainbow said, hugging him.

"No problem, Miss. Dash," The Doctor said. "Now remember, there are three things you cannot say to anypony: One, your name; Two, what happens to them in the future; Four....no wait....Three, most importantly, don't change the future by telling people about future events!

"Yes, sir!" Rainbow said. As Rainbow exited the TARDIS she was astonished. She had never time traveled before, and here she was standing in the Wonderbolts’ Camp"

"You! Rainbow Mane!" said a voice. As Rainbow turned around she immediately froze in place. Before her was a stallion with a dark blue coat, his eyes bright yellow and his mane consisting of light, dark, and regular blue. This stallion was none other than Commander Hurricane!

"Where in Celestia’s name are you going!" Commander Hurricane said. "The new recruits are meeting over near the barracks, not the mess hall!"

"Oh, um sorry sir, must have gotten lost," Rainbow said.

"What’s your name, Newbie?" Commander Hurricane asked.

"Um," Rainbow said, quickly trying to think of a name.

"Prism, there you are!" The Doctor said. "I thought that you were near the barracks, why are you at the mess hall?"

"Who are you, Earth Pony?" Commander Hurricane asked.

"John Smith," The Doctor said. "I’m Mrs. Prism’s Personal trainer."

"Personal Trainer?" Commander Hurricane said. "Why would Prism need a personal trainer?"

"Why, because of her missing wing," The Doctor said. "Ever since her horrible accident she has been in my care."

As Commander Hurricane looked back at Rainbow. He could clearly see her metal wing.

"Ok, I’m going to need to see some identification to confirm your identity, Mr. Smith."

As the Doctor pulled out his wallet he flashed a blank sheet of paper in front of Commander Hurricane.

"Ok, you are cleared to be here, Mr. Smith," Commander Hurricane said.

"As for you, Prism," Commander Hurricane said, "I want to see you with the other cadets, and just because you have a metal wing does not mean I will go easy on you, am I clear?"

"Yes, sir," Dash said.

"Good, I will see you in a few," Commander Hurricane said as he walked away towards the barracks.

"Well, I think that went well," The Doctor said.

"Oh my Celestia, I just met the Commander Hurricane!" Dash said. "Time travel is so awesome!"

"Yes, I guess it is," The Doctor said, smiling.

Outside The Barracks

As Rainbow stood with the other cadets she could remember her first time in the academy, with all her fellow cadets and friends. Well, almost all of them. As she studied her fellow cadets, she took in their appearances. One was a short stallion, another was a stallion with scars surrounding his eyes, another was a white stallion with a mane and tail consisting of blue, light blue, cyan, and light green with a cutie mark that had a lightning Bolt, then a Music Note on top of the Lightning Bolt. Then a pony caught Rainbow’s eye. She was white with a curly yellow mane, but what caught her the most is that she had a strange resemblance to Pinkie Pie.

"All right fillies," Commander Hurricane said. "You are all here because you want to become Wonderbolts. Well let me tell you, as far as I am concerned none of you are deserving of the title. If you think this will be a walk in the park, then you are wrong!"

Commander Hurricane walked up to the short stallion.

"You think you can become a Wonderbolt, shortie?"

"Yes, sir!" the short stallion said.

"What’s your name, rookie?"

"Tiny Dust, sir!"

Commander Hurricane then walked up to the stallion with scars. "You look like someone who came out of Tartarus, why should you be a Wonderbolt?"

"I want to protect my country, sir!"

"And what’s your name?" Commander Hurricane said. "Scar Face?"

"The name’s Thunder Colt, sir!"

Commander Hurricane then walked over to the stallion with the red shield for a cutie mark.

"And what’s your story, maggot?"

"Name's Orion, sir!" he said. "I have been a fan of the Bolts all my life, and I wanna give it my all!"

"Well then, you better hope you don't flunk out!" Commander Hurricane said.

Then Commander Hurricane moved onto the mares of the group.

"And what’s your name?" he said.

"Name's Surprise Pie, sir!"

"Surprise?" Commander Hurricane "What’s so surprising about you?"

"I don’t know how to fly, sir!" Surprise said, sticking her tongue out.

"If you don’t know how to fly then why are you here?!" Commander Hurricane said.

"I want to have fun, sir!" Surprise said.

"Well, don’t get your hopes up," Commander Hurricane said.

"And what about you?" Commander Hurricane said as he walked up to Rainbow. "What makes you think that you can make it here with a metal wing?"

"I just want to prove myself, sir!" Rainbow said.

"Oh please, you’re not the first pony to walk on this base with a prosthetic wing," Commander Hurricane said. "What makes you so special?"

"Just let me show you what I can do sir!" Rainbow said.

"Well if that’s everyone we can now move on to..." Commander Hurricane said before somepony interrupted him.

"Wait up!!!" the voice said.

As the group looked into the sky they could see a young mare flying towards the camp. As the mare landed Rainbow got a clear view of who had just landed.

"Cadet Spitfire reporting for duty, sir!" she said.

"Spitfire?!" Commander Hurricane shouted. "Who gave you permission to come late?!"

"Sorry sir, I was caught up by… Traffic," Spitfire said.

"Well don’t let it happen again!" Commander Hurricane said. "Now get in line with the others."

"Yes sir!" Spitfire said, then flew next to Dash and stood at attention.

"Now then, before I was rudely interrupted," Commander Hurricane said, "I was going to say that it’s time for room assignments. The boys will get the left cabin and the girls will get the right. I want all of you up bright and early tomorrow."

"Yes, sir!" the group said.

As Commander Hurricane walked away the group split up to head to their cabins. The Doctor walked to Dash. "Did the meeting go well?"

"Yeah, it did," Rainbow said, "but I had no idea Commander Hurricane was so strict."

"Well drill sergeants will be drill sergeants I guess," The Doctor said.

"So what are you going to do?" Rainbow said.

"Well, the TARDIS is safely parked, so I will probably stay in there until you’re done with your training," The Doctor said.

"Oh well, I guess I’ll see you when I’m done," Rainbow said.

"See you later, Mrs. Dash," The Doctor said.

Little did The Doctor and Rainbow Dash know, a figure was spying on both of them, and had heard everything they had just said.

Author's Note:

Hay guys hope you enjoyed the first chaper of the book, The next chaper will come out when I can I am currently working Equestria V.S Tartarus: Battle Of The Century so the next chapter will be done when ever I can make it :scootangel: