• Published 12th Sep 2018
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Doctor Whooves And The Wonderbolt Assassin - Whooves235

When A Murder Takes Place In The Wonderbolts Academy in 2001 BMNR (Before Nightmare Moon's Return) The Dr and Rainbow Dash Must FInd The Killer Before The Wonderbolts Ceese To Exsist

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Chapter 5: The Supprise Attack

Wonderbolt Barracks - Girls

As Rainbow, Spitfire, and Surprise walked into the barracks they all were eyeing each other, especially Spitfire.

"I still can’t believe it! You failed the Wonderbolt application, then snuck in here?" Rainbow said, breaking the silence.

"Listen, I’m sorry I lied to you," Spitfire said. "I just wanted to be a Wonderbolt so badly."

"Badly enough where you snuck into a military institution?" Surprise said.

"Yah..." Spitfire said. "But you all would have done the same!"

"Not all of us," Rainbow said, "and even if I did, I wouldn’t lie about it!"

"Why?" Spitfire said. "You lied to us about The Doctor. I mean, he walked in here saying he was your personal trainer, then he tells us he also works for Celestia?!"

"Trust me, he knows what he’s doing, ok?" Rainbow said.

But before Spitfire could answer Tiny Dust came in with some food and drinks.

"Hey girls! Me, Orion, and Thunder Colt thought it would be nice If we could all relax and eat together."

"Thanks, Tiny," Spitfire said. "And also, how do we know we can trust you, are you who you say you are, Prism?"

"Because she doesn’t lie," The Doctor said, walking into the room. "Trust me, she would never lie to her friends."

"Yeah, like she did with you?" Spitfire said, sipping her drink.

"That's different, okay? I told her not to tell you," The Doctor said.

"Yeah, I promised not to tell anyone," Rainbow said.

"Prism," Spitfire said.

"What’s wrong?"

"I don't feel so...AGH!" Spitfire said before grabbing her heart and passing out onto the ground.

"SPITFIRE!!" Rainbow said. "Doctor, what’s wrong?"

The Doctor sniffed Rainbow’s drink.

"Sweet Celestia, it's cyanide! Sparkling cyanide!"

"What do we do?" Surprise said.

"Tiny, go alert Commander Hurricane and tell him to meet us in the mess hall," The Doctor said.

"Got it," Tiny said, running out the door.

"Ok, now the rest of you come with me to the mess hall. Prism, carry Spitfire with you," The Doctor said before running out the door to the mess hall.

The Mess Hall

The Doctor barged into the kitchen, followed by the group.

"Put Spitfire on that table," The Doctor said.

Rainbow put Spitfire on the table. She was breathing and was half-awake.

"Doctor, what do we do??”

"Ginger beer!" The Doctor said, turning to Surprise.

"What?" Surprise said.

"I need ginger beer! Get me some now!"

"Doctor, I’m not an expert in poisons, but there's no cure for poison. It's fatal," Rainbow said.

"Here you go, Doctor," Surprise said. The Doctor took the ginger beer and poured it into a glass.

"Well you see, dear Prism, I learned how to stimulate the inhibited enzymes into a cure for this type of situation," The Doctor said, pointing to Rainbow. "Protein. I need protein!"

"Walnuts?" Rainbow said, grabbing them from a cabinet.

"Brilliant!" The Doctor said, grinding the walnuts into the drink, but before he could deliver another order the door was slammed open by Orion, causing a frying pan to fly into the air and hit The Doctor, causing him to fall on the ground jaw-first.

"AGH!" The Doctor yelled before getting up and rubbing his head "Cn Yu Udestnd Mu?"

"Oh no, he bit his tongue," Rainbow said, then turned towards Orion. "Look what you did!"

"Sorry?" Orion said before The Doctor started to wave his hooves in the air.

"I can't understand you. How many words? One. One word?" Rainbow said before The Doctor nodded, then started to move his hooves up and down. "Shake. Milkshake. Milk? Milk? No, not milk? Shake, shake, shake. Cocktail shaker. What do you want, a Harvey Wallbanger?" Rainbow asked frustratedly.

"Harvey Wallbanger, is that a band?" Surprise asked.

"Well, I don't know, I just heard someone say it before."

"How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?" Orion said. "What do you need, Doctor"

The Doctor pointed to a salt shaker.

"Salt, he was miming salt. It's salt he needs, something salty," Rainbow said.

"What about this?" Surprise asked.

"What is it?" Rainbow said.

"Salt." Surprise said.

"No, too salty," Orion said.

"What do you mean that's too salty??" Surprise said. "It’s SALT!"

"What about this," Rainbow said.

"What's that?" Orion asked.

"Anchovies," Rainbow said.

"That works," Orion said, giving them to The Doctor and pouring them into the drink. Then he walked over to Spitfire, making her drink the substance, then turned around and started to wave his hooves again.

"What is it? What else? It's a song? Mammy? I don't know. You Gotta Share, and Care?!" Rainbow said.

"Share, and Care? That's an interesting name for a song, I’ll have to use it sometime," Surprise said.

"I think he means shock. Look, shock. She needs to be shocked," Orion said.

"Right then. Big shock coming up," Rainbow said before grabbing Spitfire and kissing her long and hard. When she released her, smoke came out of her mouth, snapping her awake.

"Oh wow, " Spitfire said. "I have to do that more often." Everyone stared at her. "I mean the cure not the… Nevermind!!"

"What just happened??" Surprise said.

"That’s what I want to know," Commander Hurricane said walking through the door with Tiny Dust. "Doctor, what happened?"

"The killer tried to poison Spitfire," The Doctor said. "I was able to save her."

"Well then good work," Commander Hurricane said. "Doctor, the killer has acted twice now. We should go and get him since you know who it is, just tell us already."

"Don’t worry, Hurricane, the killer will reveal himself to us," The Doctor said.

"Hey… Where is Thunder Colt," Rainbow said.

"He was sleeping, really tired from interrogations, had to almost pull him out of bed to help us with the food and drinks."

"I knew it, he must have put the poison in the drinks!" Rainbow said.

"Are you sure it was him, Prism?" Orion said "Sure he’s mean, but he’s not a killer."

"I’m positive," Rainbow said.

"Well then let's go interrogate sleeping beauty," Commander Hurricane said.