• Published 12th Sep 2018
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Doctor Whooves And The Wonderbolt Assassin - Whooves235

When A Murder Takes Place In The Wonderbolts Academy in 2001 BMNR (Before Nightmare Moon's Return) The Dr and Rainbow Dash Must FInd The Killer Before The Wonderbolts Ceese To Exsist

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Chapter 6: The Killer Is Reveald

Wonderbolt Barracks - Boys

Thunder Colt was mad. He had joined the Wonderbolts so he could prove to his family that he was not some violent asshole, but so far he hadn’t shown that he has changed.

"Cadet Thunder Colt!" Commander Hurricane said as he barged into the barracks. "You have a lot of explaining to do!"

"Can I for once read my fu..." But before he could finish that sentence Rainbow flew in and pushed Thunder Colt to the ground.

"I got him!" Rainbow said.

"Good job, Prism," Surprise said.

"What in Tartarus is going on? Get this bitch off me now!" Thunder Colt said.

"Cadet Prism, get off him NOW!" Commander Hurricane said.

"But sir, he is the killer!" Rainbow protested.

"He is not the killer until proven so, so until then, GET OFF HIM!" Commander Hurricane said.

Rainbow stood there staring at Commander Hurricane. She was arguing with a Wonderbolts legend, and she did not want to get on his bad side, so she reluctantly got off Thunder Colt.

"Can someone tell me what in the name of Celestia is going on?" Thunder Colt said. "And why did the filly-fooler decided to tackle me like I was some sort of criminal!"

"Ok everyone just shut up!" The Doctor shouted. The group all stared at him quietly. "Thank you. Now to answer your question, Thunder Colt, Spitfire was just poisoned, and the rest of the drinks were poisoned as well. It seems that the killer had poisoned the drinks, and the last people to touch the drinks were the boys, and Tiny and Orion have alibis"

"What so you think I killed them?! That's insane!"

"We have enough evidence to prove it Thunder, now come quietly or we will have to-"

Then all the lights in the barracks shut off.

"Nopony Move!" The Doctor said

"AGH!" said a voice.

"What's going on?!" Rainbow said.

"WAH!" The Doctor said, falling to the ground. "What the..." The Doctor said, examining the box he could hardly see. "Of course..."

"Ohh, are we throwing a nobody can see party?" Surprise said.

As the lights turned on the group could only look at the body of Thunder Colt, a big knife in his back.

"AHHHHH!" the group yelled shocked by the body in front of them.

"Wait, but I thought..." Rainbow said.

"Oh no..." Surprise said as her mane started to deflate.

"Ok, this is getting ridiculous. Doctor, you are going to tell us who the killer is now or I will have you arrested for impersonating a royal detective," Commander Hurricane said.

"EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME BLOODY THINK," The Doctor said, quieting the room. "Ok, I want everypony except Rai...Prism to go to the mess hall, am I clear?"

"Ok," the group said as they each walked out of the room.

"Doctor, what are we going to do?" Rainbow said.

"Mrs. Rainbow," The Doctor said, "I need you to make soup."

The Mess Hall

As the group sat at the table they all were looking at each other, each pony waiting for the other to make a move.

"SOUP’S UP!" The Doctor said as he passed the food around.

"Well, this has been a terrible day for all of us. The Wonderbolts might get shut down, Thunder Colt is dead, and yet we still take dinner," The Doctor said. "And then someone tried to poison Spitfire. Any one of you had the chance to put cyanide in all the drinks. It’s a good thing Spitfire took a drink when she did, or else all the cadets could be dead."

"Well, Doctor, as much as we want this to end, you still have not told us who the killer is, and you know who it is," Commander Hurricane said. "So why don’t you just tell us who it is?!" he yelled.

"Well, dear, Hurricane, it’s because I don't know who it is," The Doctor said.

"WHAT?!" Commander Hurricane said. "Then why did you tell us you knew who it was?!"

"Because, I knew the killer would panic, and in doing so he would react in a way that would give me clues about who it is. In fact, that whole ordeal with Spitfire gave me an idea," The Doctor said.

"And what would that be?" Tiny Dust said.

"Well, poison," The Doctor said before everyone spit out their food. "Eat up. I've laced the soup with a special serum of my making.".

"Ah, I thought it was a little too spicy," Surprise said, eating her food again despite what The Doctor said.

"And the active ingredient of this serum is a type of chemical that reveals the true person he or she is hiding. So, anyone got the shivers?" The Doctor said. There was a crash of thunder and the windows blew open.

"What the deuce is that?" Commander Hurricane said.

"Show yourself, Killer!" Spitfire said.

"Nobody move, stay where you are!" The Doctor said.

"You just had to meddle with my plans, Doctor," a familiar voice said. "It would have been a simple kill, in and out, but then you had to intervene!"

"It can’t be!" Rainbow said.

"Well, then I'm just going to have to improvise!" Tiny Dust said, holding a butter knife.

"Tiny?!" Commander Hurricane said. "You're the killer?"

"Yes, I am," Tiny said. "You see, Commander, it was you who I was trying to kill, but when The Doctor and Prism arrived I had to be extra stealthy, and when a road worker saw me with a knife outside of Commander Hurricane’s office, he had to go."

"But the drinks, you poisoned all of them. You would have died too!" Spitfire said.

"But he wouldn’t," The Doctor said. "I found a box underneath his bed. It had ginger beer, walnuts, and anchovies, plus a firecracker to get a shock."

"I learned about the cure for poison when reading a book I found, so I prepared myself," Tiny said. "After all of you were dead I would have blamed it on you, Doctor. Then I would have killed Hurricane and The Wonderbolts would be shut down!"

"Why, why would you want the Wonderbolts to shut down?" Rainbow asked.

"A couple of years ago I was approached by a stranger. He told me that in the future Nightmare Moon would return, and The Wonderbolts would betray Equestria, turning into a group called The Shadowbolts."

"The Shadowbolts?" Rainbow said, shocked.

"After my daughter was born I decided to act so that I could train my little Lightning Dust in the ways of the Wonderbolts, the proper way!"

"Lightning Dust, that's your daughter's name?!" Rainbow said angrily.

"Yeah, it's a name that will strike fear into her enemies," Tiny said.

"Ok Tiny Dust, by the order of Celestia, you are under arrest for the murder of Thunder Colt and an official Wonderbolt worker!" Commander Hurricane said.

"Not if you can't catch me!" Tiny said, pushing the table forward sending all except Rainbow and The Doctor back into the wall, and he then ran out the door

"Oh no, you don't!" Rainbow said, running after him.