• Published 12th Sep 2018
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Doctor Whooves And The Wonderbolt Assassin - Whooves235

When A Murder Takes Place In The Wonderbolts Academy in 2001 BMNR (Before Nightmare Moon's Return) The Dr and Rainbow Dash Must FInd The Killer Before The Wonderbolts Ceese To Exsist

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Chapter 4: The Interrogations

Wonderbolts Barracks

As Rainbow, Spitfire, Surprise, Thunder Colt, and Orion headed back to the barracks they still could not believe what had happened.

"I still can't believe it... Murder?!" Spitfire said, still in shock. "Who would do something like that?"

"A meanipants, that's who," Surprise said.

"Guys, we should all just relax," Orion said. "I think that the Doctor knows what he’s doing, at least I hope he does."

"How do we know the Doctor isn’t the killer?" Thunder Colt said "He told us he was John Smith, now he’s this person walking around saying he’s The Doctor? Doctor Who?"

"Just Doctor," Rainbow said.

"So you're his assistant?" Spitfire said.

"Yeah, sorry about lying to you guys. The Doctor said to keep a low profile, but I was telling the truth when I said I came here to fix my flying," Rainbow said.

"So this Doctor, what is he going to do?" Spitfire said.

"Most likely catch the killer, and then we’ll both leave," Rainbow said.

"The sooner the better," Thunder Colt said. "I never trusted you and I was right not to."

"What's your deal, man?" Orion said.

"Yeah, quit being a party pooper," Surprise said.

“Hey, it's not my fault that the Wonderbolt chose such weird cadets" Thunder Colt said.

"We’re not weird! If anything, you're the weird one!" Rainbow said.

"Says the mare with the gay mane," Thunder Colt said. "You people make me sick."

"I’M NOT A LESBIAN!!" Rainbow shouted.

"And so what if she is? That doesn’t make her a bad person," Spitfire said.

"Yeah, I agree," Surprise said.

"Ugh, whatever. The sooner the killer is gone, the sooner I can leave," Thunder Colt said.

Then the door opened and Tiny Dust and Commander Hurricane came in.

"We’re back," Tiny Thunder said.

"Did you find anything??" Rainbow said.

"Settle down, Prism," Commander Hurricane said. "Me and The Doctor are going to question each of you one by one. We want to have at least one suspect."

"I'll go first," Thunder Colt said. "Anything to get away from these weirdos. Besides, I have nothing to hide."

"Now gentlemen, relax. I’ve got this covered," The Doctor said. "Besides, we’re all friends here. I think we can all hear what each other have to say."

"But, it's unethical to do interrogations in front of other people," Commander Hurricane said.

"Well that's how I roll. Now, if there will be no more interruptions we can begin the questioning," The Doctor said.

"Fine by me," Thunder Colt said. "Ask away."

"Ok, Where were you last night?" Commander Hurricane said.

"I was in my bed, reading," Thunder Colt said. "Is it a crime to read?"

"Ok, according to your record, you have been arrested two times for domestic violence," The Doctor said. "Can you explain to us why you got arrested?"

"I live in a rough neighborhood, so I wasn’t surprised that I was mugged. I got into a fight and I ended up getting arrested for it," Thunder Colt said. "The second time was because some guy was being a total asshole to me so I stabbed him."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "What happened to the victim?"

"He didn’t die, just had to get surgery," Thunder Colt said. "I did my time for those acts and then my folks signed me up for the academy, so here I am."

"Thank you, that will be all. You can go sit," Commander Hurricane said. "Orion, you're next."

"Ok," Orion said.

"Ok, Orion, where were you yesterday night?" The Doctor said.

"I was out on the training grounds. Wanted to prepare for tomorrow's session" Orion said "I even talked to some of the other people, so you can ask them if you need confirmation."

"Ok, thank you," The Doctor said. "Surprise, you’re next."


"Ok Surprise, it says here you have a brother, correct?" Commander Hurricane said.

“Yeah, My brother Igneous Rock, he works on a rock farm, he is actually having his choosing ceremony next week I'm so happy for him, hey I should invite all of you over for the wedding, we can have cake, streamers, balloons, oh I can hire a clown too that will be fun, did you know I was once a clown too? That was a really weird summer kinda round the same time I met....." Surprise said before getting cut off by The Doctor.

"Ok, I think that's all, thank you," The Doctor said.

"But we didn’t ask her about last night," Commander Hurricane said.

"If we ask her about last night she will continue to talk. Besides, she’s way too nice to be the killer," The Doctor said before continuing. "Ok Tiny Dust, you're up."

"Ok" Tiny Dust said.

"Ok Tiny, says you have a wife and a kid," Commander Hurricane said.

"Yeah my wife Ice Dust. We just had the baby so we are not sure what to name her," Tiny Dust said.

"Ok Tiny, where where you last night?" The Dr said.

"I was in the mess hall. I got hungry so I went to get some grub," Tiny Dust said.

"Ok, thank you," The Doctor said. "Last but not least, Spitfire."

"Hay, why is Prism not going up?!" Thunder Colt said.

"She was with me the entire night, so she has an alibi" The Doctor said.

"Ugh, so stupid," Thunder Cold said.

"Anyway, Spitfire, I have one question for you," The Doctor said.

"Shoot," Spitfire said.

"Why are you really here?" The Doctor said.

"What do you mean?" Spitfire said nervously.

"Well for one, your record could not be found," The Doctor said. "And secondly, the reason it was not found was that your application to the Wonderbolts was rejected."

"WHAT?!" the group said.

"Ok, fine, you got me. I came here without permission. It’s just that I want to be the best flyer in Equestria, my dad died fighting in the Nightmare war, and I wanted to follow in his hooves."

"Spitfire, give me one good reason I shouldn’t kick you out for being a non-registered bolt," Commander Hurricane said.

"Please, sir, The Wonderbolts is the best thing to happen to me. I promise I will not fail, you can double my training if you have to!" Spitfire said.

"Ugh, fine, but don't make me regret it," Commander Hurricane said.

"Ok that’s everyone. I think I have a good idea of who is who, but I need more time. You all get some sleep tomorrow, you have the training to do."

"Yes sir!" the group said, then the groups split up to go to their separate cabins.

"Doctor, I hope you know what you are doing. The fate of The Wonderbolts depends on you," Commander Hurricane said

"Don't worry, dear Hurricane. This is not my first murder mystery. Besides, I already know who did it," The Doctor said.

"Then why did you not get them?!" Commander Hurricane said

"Because, just like a spider hunting its prey, it takes time and effort to catch a killer, and for now he has us in his web. However, this web is not as strong as he thinks it is," The Doctor said.

"I hope you’re right," Commander Hurricane said.