• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,499 Views, 924 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

A New Beginning

Swirls of colors danced before Sunset as she passed through the portal before she finally emerged on the other side as a human. Sunset flailed her arms a bit as she tried to regain her balance. Once that was done, she took a look around the snow-covered area. It was gently snowing. Ordinarily, Sunset would feel the chilly wind, but thanks to having access to her magic, she was unaffected by it. Sunset took a deep breath through her nose before exhaling. Instead of steam coming from her hot breath, she literally breathed out fire.

“It’s good to be back,” Sunset commented with a smile. As she began to make her way towards the school’s entrance, she heard a familiar voice.

“Leave them alone!”

Sunset looked to her right to see her friends standing protectively in front of the CMC as they were approached by a group of threatening students.

“We’ve waited too long to get back at Anon-A-Miss for getting us in trouble,” a male student with spiky neon green hair said as he glared at the CMC.

“Yah got what yah deserve fer sendin’ secrets in the first place!” Applejack argued, staring down at the group.

“Have you ruffians forgotten that they are under Sunset’s protection?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Sunset ain’t here now, is she?” another male student with short red hair mocked.

“But we are!” Rainbow Dash challenged.

“Sounds like somebody didn’t heed my warning,” Sunset said with a sigh. She then smiled mischievously as she sunk into the ground. A blue glow was left on the spot where she submerged into which traveled towards the group.

“Enough talk!” Another member of the group with blue hair said as he started walking towards the girls. “It’s payback time.”

The group snickered as they moved in on the girls. The Rainbooms readied themselves but then something odd happened. As the angry group got closer, they started shrinking. The started to panic as they continued to shrink until they were no bigger than the girls’ shoes.

“What the hell is going on?!” the redhead shrieked in fright.

Just then, they noticed a blue light on the ground that was coming towards them. Steam was rising from it as it got between the Rainbooms and the tiny group. The group of students was staring at it in fear, waiting for something to happen.

The ground erupted as a giant monster (to them) emerged. Its massive size left them in awe and terror. Its back spikes glowed blue and its footsteps impacted the ground with a thunderous roar. The monster looked down on the trembling group before letting out a mighty roar, making the group cry out in terror before running away. As they fled, they started to return to their normal size.

The monster turned around to face the girls before it pulled a zipper down its front. The Rainbooms watched on nervously as the monster pulled the zipper all the way down its body. They witnessed, much to their surprise, as Sunset Shimmer stepped out of the life-like monster costume with a wide cheeky grin.

“Surprise, girls!”

“Sunset!” The Rainbooms shouted in joy as they ran up to Sunset and shared a group hug.

“It’s good to see you girls,” Sunset said as she hugged her friends back.

“Nice getup,” Applejack grinned as she pulled back to see Sunset’s costume.

"Thanks," Sunset smiled. She winked and banished the costume.

“Did you enjoy your vacation with your family?” Rarity asked.

“I sure did!” Sunset said excitedly. “I really got to know my aunt and dad. And learning about them really helped me learn more about myself.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Fluttershy said, smiling at Sunset. She felt very happy for her friend.

“Let’s go someplace warm and yah can tell us all about it,” Applejack suggested.

“Sounds like a plan,” Sunset agreed before snapping her fingers and transporting all of them to the Sweet Shoppe. They were all seated with warm beverages in their hands.

“Whoa,” Rainbow Dash said in amazement.

“Just a little something Dad taught me,” Sunset said as she took a sip from her cup of lava that was actually cherry-flavored ice cream.

“My word!” Rarity gasped at seeing Sunset drink lava.

“You should see my dad drink something. He literally drinks the glass!” Sunset laughed.

“Don’t keep us waiting! Tell us about your trip!” Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

Sunset started telling her friends and the Crusaders all about her vacation, the places they visited, and the chaos she and her father caused. The girls hung on every word. Hearing stories about their friend’s homeworld was a rare treat considering that they had never bothered to ask her before.

“Sounds like yah had a mighty good time,” Applejack noted.

“Not to mention that I actually feel whole now,” Sunset said.

“Whatever do you mean, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Back when it was just me and Mom, I always felt like something was missing. Besides the obvious,” Sunset chuckled. “I always prided myself and my power, but my chaos magic felt different from my mother. I asked her about it and the only thing she told me was that it was from my father, which got me curious as to who he was and what kind of pony he was.”

Sunset’s expression turned sad as she recalled the fight between her and her mother.

“After I betrayed and abandoned Mom, I fled to this world and I set a goal for myself to prove that I was a better princess than her by taking over the school. You can all guess how that turned out,” Sunset said with a smirk. “But then I met Vice-Principal Luna who turned out to be this world’s version of my mother’s younger sister. I had no idea my mom even had a sister.”

“Ah can imagine ya were confused and surprised to learn that,” Applejack commented as she recalled how she learned about her grandfather from her mother’s side, Grand Pear. To think their mother had been a Pear which meant Applejack and her siblings were all half Pear.

“Boy, was I ever! I was not ready for that bombshell!” Sunset laughed. “I temporarily stopped my plans to find out more about her, but I could never work up the courage to talk to her. So I just observed her actions to try and learn as much as I could. She was always professional at school so I didn’t really learn much.

“You can imagine how frustrated I was. She was the counterpart of a member of my family I had no idea existed but I was too much of a coward to confront her myself. I spent several sleepless nights wondering what she was like and whether or not I was like her. So, instead of focusing on that, I decided to just focus on taking over the school...and breaking you girls apart. I’m so sorry about that.” Sunset looked remorseful as she remembered her past actions. She had been a terrible person and pony.

“It wasn’t all your fault, darling. We are as much to blame for not simply talking to each other,” Rarity assured her friend/crush.

“But anyway, now I feel whole except for one little thing,” Sunset said.

“What’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“I’ve got family and friends but I’m still missing that special someone,” Sunset grinned as she winked at Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity.

“Yah still think of us like that?” Applejack questioned, her cheeks red.

“With how badly we all messed up?” Rainbow Dash asked, her cheeks also turning rosy.

“The key to a good relationship is communication, and I’m afraid we failed at that,” Rarity said, feeling ashamed.

“I’ve told you before that we’re going to work on your issues with me together but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it over dinner,” Sunset answered, smiling cheekily.

The girls smiled at hearing this but it faltered a little.

“What’s wrong?” Sunset asked, noticing their fallen smiles.

“It’s just…” Rainbow Dash looked between Applejack and Rarity.

“Oh yeah, you humans are into the whole ‘monogamy’ thing,” Sunset made air-quotes as she sighed while she looked at her friends seriously. “Look, I won’t force any of you into sharing me but I still want to be with all three of you.”

The girls looked at each other before turning to look at Sunset.

“Ah suppose we can give it a try,” Applejack said.

“LIke Hell I’m missing a chance to be with you,” Rainbow Dash said with a cocky grin.

“One must not shy away from new experiences, especially if they are the key to happiness,” Rarity said with determination.

“I’m happy to hear that,” Sunset said with a smile

“Hello there, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset turned around to see Trixie.

“Oh, hey, Trixie,” Sunset greeted the rookie magician.

“Trixie sees that you are doing better,” Trixie said. “Trixie was very worried.”

“Really?” Sunset was surprised by this.

“Of course! Trixie requires you to be in good health or her plans will be for naught,” Trixie said.

“What kind of plans?” Sunset asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Trixie will happily tell you on Christmas Eve!” Trixie declared.

“Sorry but I already have plans for tomorrow with my friends,” Sunset apologized.

“Trixie understands, for it is all of a sudden and she can’t expect you to drop what you’re doing,” Trixie nodded in understanding but she felt disappointed that she couldn’t give her present to Sunset. She had worked very hard on it.

“Yer welcome to come to mah family’s Christmas party tomorrow,” Applejack invited the amateur magician. “Yah can tell Sunset yer plans there.”

“Really?” Trixie was surprised by the invitation.

“Yep, it’s Christmas Eve and one should spend that day with friends and family,” Applejack said, smiling at Trixie.

“Then The Great and Powerful Trixie humbly accepts your invitation.” Trixie took off her hat and bowed before Applejack. “Should Trixie bring anything?”

“Just yer holiday spirit,” Applejack said with a wink.

“Trixie will do just that!” Trixie said as she made her way towards the exit. “See you all later!”

“Are you sure about inviting her to your party, AJ?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“Sure Ah’m sure,” Applejack said as a matter-of-fact. “She might be a braggart but she’s not all that bad.”

“I wonder what it is she wants to talk with Sunset about?” Fluttershy asked.

“She did mention her plans to help ‘reform’ Sunset better than we did when she thought you were back to your old ways,” Rarity spoke with air quotes.

“I guess we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what she wants with me,” Sunset said.

Sunset plopped down on her bed. It was good to be back in her apartment. But for some reason, it felt empty.

“I guess I’ve gotten too used to having my family with me now,” Sunset whispered softly but then she remembered her aunt’s gift.

Sitting up, she reached into her bag and pulled out the box containing her bracelet. She then took it out and placed the bracelet on her right hand. Sunset laid down on her bed comfortably and closed her eyes. She breathed softly as she relaxed and focused.

Sunset Shimmer’s eyes snapped open and she now found herself in the dream realm which looked like the night sky that was filled with stars as she stood upon a cloud. She looked at her bracelet as it started glowing.

“Now, how do I use you to find Aunt Lulu?” Sunset questioned.

Just then, Princess Luna popped into existence and hugged Sunset.

“Oh, Sunset! I’ve missed you terribly, my dear niece!” Luna said as she nuzzled her niece.

Sunset nuzzled her aunt back before she pulled away.

“Now! Are you ready to help your aunt with guarding our ponies’ dreams?” Luna asked excitedly.

“You know it!” Sunset answered equally as excited.

“Then hop on my little Dream Catcher,” Luna said as she knelt down in front of Sunset.

Sunset - who was now a pony - trotted over to her aunt and climbed on her back. Luna loved to have Sunset ride on her back. With a mighty flap of her wings, Luna took to the air and flew towards their first destination.

The Sirens had seen better days. Without their magic, they had been forced to retrain their voices so they could sing a decent tune. They also had to take menial jobs to make ends meet. Surprising neither Aria and Adagio, Sonata got a job at a Mexican restaurant.

They were still technically homeless as they were living in a van that they had gotten. Right now, they were having a meal together at a table in the park. All of a sudden, Sunset Shimmer appeared with a pop.

“Yo,” Sunset waved at the Sirens.

“You!” Adagio hissed as she stood up, getting ready to attack Sunset. Aria was already cracking her knuckles, looking for a fight.

“Hey, relax. I come in peace,” Sunset said and she reached behind her back to pull out a platter of tacos. “I ever come
with a peace offering!”

Sonata gasped and grabbed the platter.


Adagio and Aria glowered at their sister before turning their glare at Sunset Shimmer.

“OK, what do you want?” Aria demanded, crossing her arms.

“Look, honestly, I know what it’s like to be stuck in a world without magic. I mean, you girls might’ve tried to use it for the wrong things but losing your magic is like losing a part of yourselves.”

Sunset then took out a box and showed them the red gems that the Dazzlings used to have.

“Our gems!” Aria yelled.

“Hold up,” Adagio said suspiciously. “What’s the catch?”

“Oh, you won’t be able to do that crazy mojo that turned everyone against each other,” Sunset said. “But these can still absorb the negative emotions around you.”

“So, you expect us to hang around places with a bunch of negativity?” Aria scoffed. That was not how they fed. Their magic and singing brought out negative emotions.

“This is the human world. Look hard enough, you can find some pretty toxic places,” Sunset said. “Trust me, I know.”

“Well.” Adagio put her gem back on. “They may not be the same but we appreciate the gifts.”

The rest of the sirens soon followed Adagio’s lead and placed their gems back on.

“Thanks, Sunset!” Sonata thanked the former unicorn.

“Don’t mention it; and if you want, maybe we can hang out,” Sunset offered.

“We’ll think about it,” Adagio said, playing with her gem.

Sunset turned around and started walking away. Adagio observed her fellow Equestrian and smirked.

“Maybe she’s not so bad after all.”

Adagio woke up with a start. She looked around the van she shared with her sisters to find them still asleep before she groaned in annoyance. “What a nightmare.”

Adagio lay back down and tossed around as she tried to go back to sleep.

Rainbow Dash was in her room reading the latest Daring Do book entitled “Daring Do and The Temple of the Moth.” Usually, she would daydream about having adventures like Daring Do but her mind was preoccupied with the strange dream she had.

It was just like the opening cutscene from Kingdom Hearts. She found herself on the beach of Destiny Islands and she saw standing Sunset Shimmer knee-deep in the water. The short remix of “Simple and Clean” played around her as Sunset turned around to face her. She extended a hand out to her as a wave rose behind her.

Rainbow Dash reached inside her pocket to pull out Sunset’s spare key. She could still remember the feeling she had when it turned into her Keyblade. Her phone started ringing and she checked the caller ID to see that it was from Rarity.

“Hello?” Rainbow Dash answered.

Hello, darling. I called to ask if you needed a lift to Applejack’s house for her party?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash got up to look outside her window to see it snowing. It wouldn’t be a good idea to go to the Apple Farm on her motorcycle.

“Sure, that sounds like a great idea.”

Wonderful! I’ll see you in half an hour. Be well, darling Merry Christmas,” Rarity bid her friend goodbye.

“You too.” Rainbow Dash hung up and walked over to her bed. She bent down to reach under her bed and pulled out a box. She lifted the lid of the box to reveal a hand-knitted scarf and hat.

She had knitted it herself for Sunset. They were both blue and the scarf had Sunset’s cutie mark on its ends. As a reminder of who she had to thank for keeping her warm, Rainbow Dash placed the lid back on the box and placed it on top of her bed. She then went to go get some wrapping paper for her present.

Applejack and Applebloom stood before two trees, one apple and the other a pear. Both trees were intertwined at the base of their trunks and when they parted at the top, they formed a heart. Pears and apples would grow on both trees’ branches during the season. The trees symbolized the love Applejack’s parents had for each other when they planted them on their wedding day.

“Hey Ma and Pa,” Applejack greeted. “Life’s been pretty hectic last week with Anon-A-miss, Sunset bein’ sick and the fate of the world being at stake again.” Applejack chuckled before her expression changed to shame.

“Because of my stubbornness and stupidity, Ah nearly lost a dear friend...a family member,” Applejack closed her eyes as an image of Sunset looking very hurt after they confessed that they believed she was Anon-A-Miss. “Sunset is just too kind. Not only did she give a scoundrel like me a second chance, but she wants to still start a relationship with me.” Applejack smiled as she opened her eyes. “Although, Ah do have to share her with Rainbow and Rarity.”

Applejack turned to her left to look at Applebloom who was smiling at her.

“Even Applebloom got herself a girlfriend!”

Applebloom blushed but she still smiled brightly.

“Ah promise myself that Ah will never make the same mistake again, fer Sunset’s sake. She deserves that,” Applejack finished saying her peace and turned to leave. “Ah’ll stop by soon to introduce yah to Sunset. Ah know yah’ll love her as much as Ah do.” Applejack started to walk away.

“Yah coming, Applebloom?” Applejack asked as she turned her head to look at her baby sister.

“Yah go on ahead. Ah still wanna say somethin’ to Ma and Pa.”

“Alright, but don’t take too long, Bloom,” Applejack said before resuming her way back to the house.

Applebloom turned back to face the trees. She took in a deep breath before exhaling.

“Ma, Pa, Ah really screwed up,” Applebloom began. “Ah let my jealousy of Sunset and my anger at Applejack blind me. I created Anon-A-Miss and Ah even dragged my best friends into it. But that wasn’t enough, coz we posted the secrets of other students to get them to believe that Sunset was up to her old tricks again.”

Tears welled up in Applebloom’s eyes as she recalled the hurt faces and broken friendships of Anon-A-Miss had caused. All caused by her and her friends.

“If Ah didn’t see how sick Sunset was fer mahself, who knows how far we would’ve taken things.” Applebloom wiped away her tears and looked back at the trees. “Ah’m already being punished fer what Ah did, an’ Ah’ll do mah best to make it up to everyone ah hurt, especially Sunset, Applejack...and Diamond Tiara.” Applebloom’s cheeks flushed as she thought of her girlfriend.

“She has been pretty supportive of me after me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle confessed to bein’ Anon-A-Miss. She even risked her own life to save us when the evil Sunset tricked us into fightin’ each other in a video game she trapped us in. To think she used to be a bully who would always pick on me and my friends.” Applebloom smiled as she recalled the warmth of Diamond’s hand whenever she held hers as they walked from class to class. “Ah guess Ah’ll have to introduce her to yah too.” Applebloom giggled before turning around to head back to the house.

Thanks for inviting us to the party, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said from her seat in the car next to Rarity.

“Think nothing of it; you girls were already invited in the first place,” Rarity pointed out.

“Still, you could’ve easily uninvited us,” Scootaloo said from behind Rarity in the second row of seats.

“What would be the point of that?” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “You’ve learned your lesson, you said you were sorry and you girls were punished.”

“But Sunset hasn’t punished us yet,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“Yeah, her mom said that she would decide our punishment.” Scootaloo suddenly shivered. “I hope she doesn’t trap us in a game again.”

“I’m certain she won’t,” Rarity assured her.

“Since she’s a princess, maybe she’ll make you her personal servants,” Rainbow Dash joked.

“I have the perfect uniform design in mind!” Rarity joked before she and Rainbow Dash started laughing while their sisters groaned in annoyance.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were the first to arrive at the Apple family home. The pink-haired duo made themselves at home as they had some snacks and enjoyed some apple cider.

“The Apple family cider is always the best!” Pinkie Pie said as she guzzled down a bottle of cider.

“Glad yah like our cider, Pinkie,” Applejack said as she smiled at her party-crazed friend.

“It’s so good to be able to have fun again,” Fluttershy commented before taking a sip from her cup full of cider.

“Yeah, hopefully, we don’t have to face another chaotic threat again,” Pinkie Pie giggled.

“I most certainly hope not!” Fluttershy gasped. “I wouldn’t want Sunset to go through that again.”

“There’s nothin’ to worry about. Sunset has everything under control,” Applejack assured her friend.

“Yeah, it’s not like someone will take Sunset’s chaos magic and only leave her with her harmony magic which she’ll use to clean up the chaos that her chaos magic will cause, leading her to become unbalanced and going critical!” Pinkie Pie said before smiling cheekily. “But what are the odds of that?”

“Besides, we can contact her parents and they’ll come right over to help,” Applejack added. “So there really ain’t nothin’ to worry about.”

“You’re right,” Fluttershy agreed as she took a bite from her cookie. “There’s no need to worry about something that will never happen.”

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo soon arrived, followed by Diamond Tiara and her family.

“Filthy, it’s so good to see yah,” Granny Smith greeted her family's long-time business partner.

“It’s good to see you in good health, Mrs. Smith,” Filthy Rich greeted the Apple family matriarch.

Diamond Tiara spotted Applebloom and immediately walked up to her and gave her a hug. Their families looked with a smile. Even Spoiled Rich managed a slight smile at seeing her daughter with her girlfriend.

“It’s about time our families were joined,” Granny Smith said matter-of-factly.

“Don’t you think it’s a little early to say that?” Spoiled Rich questioned.

“Of course not. Them youngins have a strong bond that will only get stronger,” Granny Smith confidently answered.

A few minutes had passed before there was a knock at the door. Applejack went to answer it and saw Trixie with an air of determination.

“Hi, Trixie,” Applejack greeted the rookie magician as she stepped aside to let her in.

“Hello there, Applejack,” Trixie greeted back as she entered Applejack’s home. “Is Sunset here yet?”

“No, but she should be here soon,” Applejack said as she closed the door only to hear a knock again. “Huh?” Applejack opened the door to see no one outside.

“What the-?” Applejack closed the door; and when she turned around, she came face-to-face with Sunset.

“Howdy,” Sunset greeted with a wink before leaning in to kiss Applejack’s cheek.

“S-Sunset?!” Applejack was startled to see her crush with her family already inside, her cheeks turning red from the kiss.

“I hope you don’t mind that I brought my family along?” Sunset motioned to her parents and aunt behind her.

“Of course not. Make yerselves at home,” Applejack encouraged.

“Thank you for having us, Applejack,” Princess Celestia gratefully said to the cowgirl. She was wearing a beautiful and elegant blue coat with the symbol of the moon in front. The coat was a gift from Luna for Hearth’s Warming.

“So we meet again,” Discord said to Trixie.

“Indeed. Trixie hopes that you solved your problems with your daughter,” Trixie said.

“Thanks to you,” Discord said as he looked back to Sunset.

“Wait…” Trixie blinked as she looked between Discord and Sunset. “Sunset’s your daughter?!”

“Yep!” Discord said with pride.

“So you must the young woman who helped my beloved regain his confidence,” Princess Celestia said as she faced Trixie.

“Principal Celestia?” Trixie looked at the princess in confusion. “What are you doing here?’

“I’m not who you think I am,” Celestia said with a kind, motherly smile.

“She’s my world’s version of our principal,” Sunset explained. “She’s also my mom.”

“Your mom?!” Trixie was shocked to hear this. She looked between Sunset and her mother, then her father and her aunt. “Trixie does see the resemblance.”

“Thank you for what you did for my beloved, Trixie,” Princess Celestia said to the magician in gratitude. “If it weren’t for you, who knows what would have happened to us.”

“Trixie is happy to have helped,” Trixie said, although she was unsure of what the princess meant by the last part. “Sunset, Trixie has something she would like to tell you now.”

“Sure, Trixie. What do you want to tell me?” Sunset asked curiously.

“Follow Trixie,” Trixie said as she lead Sunset to the living room.

Sunset’s family and Applejack followed and Trixie motioned for them to sit. The rest of the room’s occupants noticed Trixie and decided to watch.

“Now then, Trixie would first like to apologize for what she did to you and your friends during the Battle of the Bands,” Trixie began as her facial expression changed from confident to shame. “Trixie realized that all of you could have gotten seriously hurt and I am so sorry.”

The Rainbooms were shocked that Trixie apologized and referred to herself in the first person. She rarely did that unless it was serious.

“I have been thinking long and hard and want to make it up to all of you.” Trixie removed her hat and held it in front of her. “So, what can I do to make up for my actions?”

The Rainbooms looked at each other. They smiled as they moved as one towards Trixie. The rookie magician was nervous as the Rainbooms surrounded her but it quickly turned to surprise when they all hugged her.

“Apology accepted, darling,” Rarity said.

“Just like that?” Trixie asked in confusion.

“You said you were sorry and you meant it,” Rainbow Dash said.

The Rainbooms parted from the hug and looked at Trixie with smiles.

“We’ve made mistakes ourselves,” Sunset said. “And you’re owning up to yours.”

Trixie smiled brightly at this. It gave her the courage to do what she was about to do next.

“Sunset, there’s also something Trixie would like to say to you.” Trixie’s tone became serious. “Trixie thinks you’re an amazing person. You inspire me to do my best and to never give up.”

“Wow, thanks, Trixie!” Sunset gratefully said to the rookie magician with a smile. She had no idea Trixie felt this way about her.

Rarity narrowed her eyes at Trixie. She could tell there was more to this.

“Which is why I want to ask you to be my girlfriend,” Trixie confessed, causing the people in the room to gasp. Trixie reached inside her hat and pulled out a beautiful electric guitar and handed it to Sunset. “Trixie made this for you using her own guitar.”

Sunset took the guitar and looked at it with wide, shock-filled eyes. It was painted in her colors and the light bounced off its smooth surface.

“Trixie...I don’t know what to say.” Sunset was stunned that Trixie would remake her own guitar for her.

“Look at the back of the neck,” Trixie instructed.

Sunset did as she was told and was surprised to find a metallic plate with Trixie’s cutie mark on it.

“It’s so you can always think of Trixie when you play,” Trixie explained, her cheeks turning red. “So what do you say Sunset? Do you want to be with me?”

Sunset carefully placed the guitar on a stand that she made appear. She walked over to Trixie, cupped her face with both hands and kissed her on the lips.

The room gasped while Sunset’s family cheered.

Trixie’s eyes widened in shock before fully closing and kissing Sunset back. Unfortunately, it had to end as Sunset pulled away.

“Doesn’t that answer your question?” Sunset asked in a sultry voice.

“Yeah,” Trixie said in a trance-like state.

“Although, you have to share me with Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack,” Sunset said as she turned to her other girlfriends who looked very jealous.

“Trixie doesn’t mind at all!” Trixie declared before pulling out another present from her hat. “Trixie would also like to give you this and would like to ask you out for tomorrow.”

“On Christmas?” Sunset raised an eyebrow as she took the present from Trixie.

“Yes, Trixie wants you to be a part of something that is very important to Trixie,” Trixie explained.

Sunset opened the present and it’s an outfit worn by magicians. Sunset looked to Trixie in confusion.

“It’s for tomorrow,” Trixie said.

“Okay,” Sunset shrugged. She was curious as to what Trixie wanted to show her. “But first let me give you your gift.”

Sunset grabbed her magician hat and reached inside to pull out a guitar that looked exactly like Trixie’s.

“It looks just like Trixie’s!” Trixie gasped as she took hold of her new guitar. “It even feels the same.”

“Except for one thing,” Sunset motioned to the back of the guitar’s neck where there’s a metallic plate with Sunset’s cutie mark on it. “Now you can think of me whenever you play.”

Trixie wrapped her arms around Sunset in a hug which the redhead was happy to return.

Four girlfriends?” Diamond Tiara said in disbelief. “I thought that could only happen in books and anime.”

“Maybe this will distract Sunset from punishing us,” Scootaloo said hopefully.

“Don’t count on it,” Sunset said as she appeared behind Scootaloo. “Since you girls wanted to hang out with your sisters more, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing.”

Sunset snapped her fingers and Sweetie Belle was modeling an outfit as Sunset and Rarity worked on it.

“Sweetie Belle, you will be assisting me and Rarity as she works on her new designs,” Sunset winked at Rarity who winked back.

Sunset snapped her fingers as she and Rainbow Dash were passing the soccer ball as they ran up to Scootaloo who was the goalie.

“Scootaloo you’re going to practice with me and Dashie,” Sunset said before wrapping her arms around Rainbow Dash. “And watch us be all lovey-dovey.”

Sunset planted kisses on Rainbow Dash’s face which made Scootaloo gag. Sunset snapped her fingers again. This time she was doing chores with Applejack and Applebloom at the Apple Farm.

“Applebloom will be with me and Applejack to help around more on the farm,” Sunset said.

“That doesn’t soun’ so bad,” Applebloom said before she felt something being placed on her head.

“Safety first, we wouldn’t want you to hurt your precious wittle head,” Sunset cooed as she put a helmet on Applebloom. “We love you, Applebloom.” Sunset and Applejack hugged Applebloom who had a look of horror on her face.

Sunset snapped her fingers and turned everything back to normal.

“Now, let’s enjoy this party!” Sunset said, which caused everyone to cheer.

The party was underway and Sunset enjoyed her time with her family, both from her birth world and this one. She snickered when she made a mistletoe appear above Diamond Tiara and Applebloom’s head. Both girls blushed profusely before Diamond Tiara bit the bullet and kissed Applebloom’s cheek. The whole room erupted in cheers. Sunset made good use of her little trick as she made out with her girlfriends, each one having a dreamy look at the end. Laughter and cheer echoed throughout the Apple family home. Sunset was happy to finally have a Merry Christmas with her whole family. She couldn’t wait to see what the new year had in store.

Author's Note:

This is the end, thank you all so much for sticking with this story until the end. I enjoyed reading your comments and your continued support for this story. I would also like to give special thanks to KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji, thanks to you two I was able to finish this story and I really appreciated your help and support.