• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,499 Views, 924 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

From bad to worse

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter and as always I look forward to reading your comments. Thanks again to KR Chrome for his help.

Rainbow Dash was relaxing on Sunset's sofa reading the former unicorn's copy of the new Daring Do book, ‘Daring Do and the Princess of Chaos'. She had just checked on Sunset a little while ago and after giving the ill former Equestrian her medicine, she went right back to sleep.

Rainbow Dash was still feeling the lingering effects of her nightmare, as images of Sunset's beaten face would pop up every now and then. But she didn't let that bother her as it was only a nightmare and it would not ever happen. She would make sure of it as she kept telling herself.

As Rainbow Dash was engrossed in Daring Do’s latest adventure, she didn't notice someone sneaking up behind her until they wrapped their arms around her neck.

"Hey there," a voice spoke huskily in Rainbow Dash's right ear, starling the athlete.

"What the?!" Rainbow Dash jumped off the sofa and quickly turned around to see Sunset leaning on the head of the sofa, a flirtatious smile on her lips. "Sunset?! What are you doing up?!"

"I just thought you could use some company," Sunset said, her eyelids lowered and her cheeks red due to her fever. "You don't mind, do you?"

"You should be resting," Rainbow Dash said as she crossed her arms and gave Sunset a disapproving look.

"Don't be like that, Dashie," Sunset said in the same flirtatious tone as she walked around the sofa and towards Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at Sunset's weird behavior.

"Sunset, I'm serious. You need to go back to bed and-"

"I don't wanna," Sunset whined as she wrapped her arms around Rainbow's waist and pulled her close to her, "I want to stay with you."

Rainbow Dash's cheeks turned red as Sunset held her tight against her.

"S-Sunset, cut it out!"

"Why?" Sunset said. "Don't you like me holding you close?"

Instead of answering, Rainbow Dash simply turned away. Honestly, Rainbow did like being held by Sunset, but now wasn't the time for this.

"C-c'mon Sunset, just go back to bed."

“I will if you join me.”


Sunset smiled at seeing Rainbow Dash look so flustered.

"You look so cute right now, Dashie."

Rainbow Dash quickly turned to face Sunset, her face heating up even more.


"Oh yeah," Sunset said dreamily as she lifted her right hand to caress Rainbow's left cheek. "You have such beautiful eyes, Dashie." She then stroked Rainbow’s hair. “And your hair’s so colorful and soft.”

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what she was hearing. She usually found it irritating whenever someone told her she was cute. She was anything but cute! But hearing Sunset call her cute and say that her eyes were beautiful made Rainbow's heart flutter.

Sunset cupped Rainbow's face between her hands as she stared deep into the rainbow-haired athlete's eyes.

"But you're not just cute, Dashie, you're very smart too."

"You're just saying that," Rainbow Dash said but she couldn't look away from Sunset's eyes.

"No, you are smart, Dashie. The girls know it and I know it," Sunset assured Rainbow.

"If I was really smart, I would've asked Applejack why she didn't show up at her bake sale instead of not speaking to her," Rainbow Dash said with remorse, but she quickly regretted what she said when she saw the look of hurt in Sunset's eyes. "Sunset, I'm-"

Sunset silenced Rainbow Dash by placing her thumb over her lips.

"You don't have to apologize, Dashie. I was a royal bitch back then."

"You're not that person anymore," Rainbow Dash assured Sunset as she gently wrapped her arms around the former unicorn's waist.

"Yeah, I have Twilight and you girls to thank for that," Sunset's smile returns as she recalled how the girls reached out to her in friendship. "Although it was a bit rough in the beginning."

"About that....I'm sorry I was such pain," Rainbow Dash apologized. "I guess I was still pretty sore about what you did to us that I kept reminding you how bad you were and even used it as leverage to make you do what I wanted."

Rainbow Dash remembered how she would force Sunset to do whatever she wanted without much protest, like using her as a goalie to help practice her trick shots, but she was so timid back then like Fluttershy that she didn't put up much of a protest. Rainbow even remembered telling jokes about her at her expense. Looking back at it now, Rainbow Dash felt like scum for putting Sunset through all that. That was not what friends do.

"It's okay, Dashie. We both messed up, but what's important is that we learned from our mistakes and become better people," Sunset said as she lovingly caressed Rainbow's cheek with her thumb.

"S-sure," Rainbow stammered. If her reaction to believing Sunset had betrayed her was any indication, then she hadn't changed.

"You're a wonderful person, Dashie, and I'm very glad to have you not only as my friend, but my family," Sunset said in a low voice.

Rainbow Dash felt torn. On one hand she felt happy that Sunset thought of her like that, but the other part of her felt like she didn't deserve the praise.

"And maybe we can be something more," Sunset purred.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widen at this and she felt Sunset's thumb brush over her lips.

"Sunset, what're you saying?"

"What I'm saying is..." Sunset started to lean her face closer to Rainbow Dash’s. "That you and I..."

Rainbow Dash's heart hammered against her chest as Sunset's face inched closer, her eyelids began to lower as she too leaned forward.


Rainbow Dash closed her eyes as she prepared to kiss Sunset, but instead of feeling Sunset's lips against hers, she instead felt something on her right shoulder. She risked opening her eyes to see Sunset's head resting peacefully on it, her closed eyes and steady breathing indicating that she has fallen asleep. She then felt Sunset lean more of her weight against her as her knees started giving in.

"Oh great," Rainbow Dash muttered in annoyance. "Way to leave me hanging, Sunset." But despite her irritation, Rainbow couldn't help but smile at seeing Sunset's sleeping face, "Come on, sleepyhead, let's get you back in bed."

"What can I do for you, Trixie?" Rarity asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"It's not what you can do for Trixie, it's what Trixie can do for you," Trixie said. "By the way, that disguise isn't fooling anyone, especially not the Great & Powerful Trixie."

"For your information, Trixie, this isn't a disguise. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to recognize the outfit worn by Shadow Spades," Rarity corrected.

"Whatever, It's not like Trixie cares," Trixie shrugged.

"Trixie Lulamoon, now there's a dame that could give even Rainbow Dash a run for her money when it comes to having a huge ego. Still, her earlier remark had me puzzled."

"What did you mean by your earlier statement?" Rarity asked.

"You and the Rainbooms have gotten a lot of attention these past two days, and none of it good," Trixie smiled mischievously at Rarity.

"Your point being?" Rarity asked, getting annoyed at Trixie now.

"Since it's pretty obvious that Sunset is behind Anon-A-Miss, Trixie thought she could offer her assistance in helping you reform her, but properly," Trixie explained.

"First of all, we don't require your assistance. Secondly, Sunset is not the one posting the humiliating photos of us!" Rarity said matter-of-fact.

"Oh good, but that still won't change Trixie's plans for her," Trixie said, her mischievous smile never leaving her. "I've had something special planned for Sunset Shimmer for quite a while now."

"You don't say," Rarity said with interest.

"Oh yes, Trixie planned this very carefully. She won't know what hit her," Trixie giggled.

"Now this didn't sound good. What does Trixie have planned for She doesn’t sound like she’s behind Anon-A-Miss, but nonetheless I intend to find out what she's up to."

"Trixie, you can forget whatever plans you have for Sunset. Me and the girls will stop you," Rarity proclaimed.

"Oh really?" Trixie said as the two stared each other down.

Suddenly, they received an alert message on their phones which only meant one thing: Anon-A-Miss just posted another secret.

Both girls checked their phones and saw a photo of Rainbow Dash holding her science paper for which she got a D and written in red letters: “Very poor, see me."

See? She has no brains in that thick head she calls a skull, she couldn't even spell buoyancy! Lol what an idiot! Must’ve taken too many hits in the head with a soccer ball!

"Seems to me like you're going to have your hands full," Trixie snickered as she put her phone away. "See yah."

"As I watched Trixie saunter away, I couldn't help but feel like she has bested me. But no matter, I need to get in touch with Rainbow Dash."

Rarity quickly looked through her contacts and after finding Rainbow Dash's name she pressed the call button. She placed her phone next to her ear and after hearing it ring three times, Rainbow finally picked up.

"Hello?" Rainbow answered.

Rarity was puzzled by Rainbow’s tone.

"Rainbow, darling, are you alright? you sound very..."

"Upset?" Rainbow Dash finished what Rarity was trying to say. "You're darn right I'm upset! I just finished a competitive match in Overwatch and some idiot was trolling and cost us the game!"

"Uh, no. Anon-A-Miss made another post...about you," Rarity said.

"What? Hold on a sec." Rainbow said before hanging up.

Rarity stared at her phone as she waited for her Rainbow-haired friend to call back. She didn't have to wait long as her phone started ringing.

"Oh they are so dead!" Rainbow seethed. "Did you find out anything yet?"

"Unfortunately, no," Rarity was sad to admit.

"Then how did they get a photo of-wait a minute! I had soccer practice when I looked at my test!” Rainbow Dash realized.

"Do you think someone on the team could've taken the photo when you weren't looking?" Rarity theorized.

"Yeah, it makes perfect sense!' Rainbow Dash said.

"Then I have some more investigating to do. How's Sunset doing?" Rarity switched topics.

"She's fine, she uh, woke up a while ago but went back to sleep," Rainbow Dash explained.

"Very well, I'll talk to you later," Rarity said.

"Bye Rares," Rainbow Dash said goodbye before hanging up.

"Just when I thought I had this case figured out, a new clue pops up and throws off everything. This Anon-A-Miss must be dealt with soon, or else they'll plunge everything into chaos."

"Scootaloo, why?" Applebloom asked.

The CMC, aka the Canterlot Movie Club, were in their clubroom looking over the newest post by Anon-A-Miss. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were really confused until Scootaloo confessed to posting it.

"Because I'm a part of this and I wasn't about to let you girls take the fall alone," Scootaloo explained.

"But Sunset and Rainbow Dash aren't here!" Sweetie Belle said in a panic. "This is bad!"

"Sorry girls, if I didn't do this now then I might have been too late," Scootaloo said, looking at her friends apologetically.

"Oh, Scoots," Applebloom was touched by her friend's loyalty. "Yah big dummy."

" I guess we all are, huh?" Scootaloo said, smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, we really are," Sweetie Belle agreed as the three joined in a group hug. "You girls are the best!"

"Right back at yah," Applebloom agreed, they were all in this together now. There was no going back.

Their group hug was interrupted by a knocking on their clubroom door, Applebloom broke away from the hug to answer the door and is surprised to find Diamond Tiara on the other side.

"Hey there, Diamond," Applebloom greeted her friend.

"Hey," Diamond Tiara responded simply.

Applebloom raised an eyebrow as Diamond Tiara was acting strange. She shifted around nervously and her cheeks were red.

"Do yah need help with somethin'?"

"N-No, I just..." Diamond Tiara swallowed the lump in her throat, this was a lot harder than she thought. "I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to h-hang out after school?"

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle watched on with great interest as.

"Ah'd love to, but ah can't," Applebloom said in a disappointed tone. "My Granny and Big Mac won't be home so it'll just be me and Applejack, and well....she wants me to come straight home."

"Oh," Diamond Tiara was crushed.

"Sorry, but we can hang out tomorrow!" Applebloom quickly said. "Ah'll talk to Applejack so she knows ah'll be busy!"

"Do you promise?" Diamond Tiara said hopefully as she crossed her arms.

"Ah Pinkie Promise!" Applebloom said as she made the motions of the Pinkie Promise.

"Alright then, I'll see you later," Diamond Tiara says goodbye as she turned to leave.

"Later," Applebloom bids her friend goodbye as she closes the door. When she turned around, she is met with knowing looks from Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "What?"

Rainbow Dash placed a newly moistened rag on Sunset's forehead. She watched the former Equestrian wince slightly at the cool touch of the rag before somewhat relaxing.

"Just hang on a little longer, Sunset. Help is on the way," Rainbow Dash whispered gently. She cast a glance at Sunset's hand and with a bit of hesitation she placed her own hand over it. "I can't believe how stupid I was for believing that you betrayed us." The nightmare Rainbow had last night replayed itself in her mind, but she willed those thoughts away as she focused on Sunset. "I will never hurt you the way I did in my nightmares," Rainbow promised as she laced her fingers with Sunset's. "If I want to have a relationship with you, I got to work on my temper."

Rainbow held Sunset's hand for a bit longer before pulling away and making her way out the door. She sat on Sunset's sofa, took out her notebook and pen from her backpack and started listing all the names of the soccer team.

"Can't leave Rarity to do all the investigating," Rainbow Das said to herself as she got to work.

"Ah can't believe Anon-A-Miss posted again," Applejack complained to her friends as they all sat at their usual table.

"I know, but at least we know better than to believe it's Sunset," Fluttershy added.

"But I do wonder which of our sisters took that photo?" Rarity pondered. "I don't think either of them-wait just a minute! Scootaloo!"

"She is in the junior soccer team and they practice with the senior team," Pinkie Pie said as she ate her sandwich in one bite.

"That makes sense. Since Scootaloo is also involved do you think their other two friends are too?" Applejack asked.

"We certainly can't rule out that possibility," Rarity agreed.

"Did anyone call Rainbow Dash to check if she was okay?" Fluttershy asked. When she saw the post she feared what her childhood friend's reaction would be. She did have a habit of letting her temper get the best of her.

"I called her immediately after the post went up. She sounded upset and even brought up the fact that someone from the soccer team could be behind Anon-A-Miss," Rarity relayed what Rainbow Dash had told her.

"We know it's our sisters, but now ah'm beginning to wonder if they're doing this alone," Applejack said.

"Yeah, like Anon-A-Miss is actually this secret group that wants to hurt Sunny!" Pinkie explained excitedly.

"As farfetched as that idea sounds, we can't rule it out I'm afraid," Rarity sighed. "And then there's Trixie."

"What about her?" Applejack asked cautiously.

"She came to me earlier today to offer her assistance in ‘reforming’ Sunset," Rarity told them with air-quotes.

"That's an odd thing to say," Fluttershy said.

"There's more; Trixie mentioned that she had plans for Sunset for some time," Rarity said.

"What kind of plans?" Applejack asked in a protective tone.

"She didn't say.”

"Then we better keep a really close eye on Trixie," Applejack told everyone who nodded in agreement.

"Ready to go, sis?" Applebloom asked her big sister as she was putting the books she needed in her backpack.

"Eeyup," Applejack said, acting normal as she closed her locker and flung her backpack over her shoulder.

The two made their way outside where Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were waiting.

"Hey there, Applebloom!" Pinkie Pie greeted the youngest Apple.

"Hi there, Pinkie Pie," Applebloom greeted the party girl before looking at Fluttershy. "Hi, Fluttershy."

"Hello, Applebloom," Fluttershy greeted kindly.

"Listen, Appebloom, we won't be going straight home," Applejack started to say.

"How come?" Applebloom asked, a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"As yah know, Sunset's sick and we're taking turns looking after her," Applejack explained.

"Yeah," Applebloom said, feeling slightly relieved that it wasn't about Anon-A-Miss.

"Since Granny and Big Mac won't be home and ah don't like the idea of yah being home all by yerself, ah thought it would be a good idea if yah come with me to Sunset's place while ah look after her." Applejack explained.

"Ah guess that makes sense," Applebloom said. She was not sure how to feel about being at Sunset's place if she was being honest.

"Hello darlings!"

The group of girls turned to the entrance of the school to see Rarity with Sweetie Belle and Nurse Red Heart.

"Nurse Red Heart?" Fluttershy said the school nurse's name in confusion.

"Hello, girls. Principal Celestia has informed me of the situation so it's imperative we get to Miss Shimmer as soon as possible," Nurse Red Heart informed them.

"Yes, ma'am," Applejack agreed.

"I wish we could be there, but we got to go to work," Pinkie Pie grumbled as she kicked a pile of snow.

"Please help Sunset get better," Fluttershy pleaded with the nurse.

"I'll do my best," Nurse Red Heart promised as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy left for their jobs while the rest of the group headed towards Sunset's apartment.

"So, what are Miss Shimmer's symptoms?" Nurse Red Heart asked.

"Well she has a high fever that seems to get worse by the day and she seems to be suffering from delusions," Rarity explained.

"Hmm, that sounds serious," Nurse Red Heart said in worry.

The group soon arrived at Sunset's apartment, and as Rarity inserted Sunset's spare key into the lock she heard some noises coming from inside.

"Sunset, stop, you need your-whoa!"

Rarity looked back to her friends who were equally confused as to what they had just heard. Rarity finished unlocking the door and when she opened it they were all greeted to the sight of Sunset dancing with Rainbow Dash.

"A little help here!" Rainbow Dash pleaded as Sunset dipped her. She was then pulled up and was met with Sunset's sultry eyes. Sunset's left hand was under her thigh as she lifted her right leg up.

"See, Dashie. Dancing isn't too hard. Keep this up and I'll let you lead next time," Sunset said as she gave Rainbow Dash a flirtatious wink. Suddenly, she was hit by another fainting spell as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body went numb. Luckily, Rainbow Dash already had a hold of her so she prevented Sunset from collapsing on to the floor.

The rest of the girls rushed to Sunset's aid and they helped her back to her bedroom. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle watched as Sunset was placed in her bed, taking notice of her heavy breathing, reddening face, messy hair and how violent her coughing was.

"I can see why you girls needed professional help," Red Heart said. "She looks dreadful."

"Can you help her?" Rainbow Dash asked worriedly.

"I'll see what I can do," Red Heart said as she took out her stethoscope from her bag and started to listen to Sunset's heartbeat. Sunset shivered as the cold metal made contact with her bare chest underneath her pajama shirt. "Her heart is beating rapidly."

Sunset opened her eyes slightly to look at Nurse Red Heart who in turn noticed that she had regained consciousness.

"Sunset Shimmer, do you know who I am?"

"Nurse Bubbles!" Sunset giggled.

"It's Nurse Red Heart, Sunset. I'm here to help you, okay?" Red Heart assured the young teen as she took out an electronic thermometer and placed it in her mouth. No sooner had she placed that it started making a beeping noise. She removed the thermometer from Sunset's mouth and when she checked the temperature her face went pale.

"What's wrong?" Applejack asked as she watched all the color drain from the nurse's face.

"She should be dead," Red Heart said in disbelief.

"How can you say that?!" Rainbow Dash demanded, aghast.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked fearfully between Sunset and the frightened looking nurse, both girls unsure of what was happening.

"You don't understand. She should be dead. Her body temperature is abnormally higher than any normal human," Nurse Red Heart said as she showed them the thermometer. "See for yourselves."

The girls gathered together to see and when they did see it, it shocked them to their core. Sunset's body temperature was over 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

"H-how can that be possible?!" Rarity said stunned at how high it was.

"It gets worse, I'm afraid," Red Heart said as she placed the thermometer back in Sunset's mouth and it started beeping again. "Take a look for yourselves."

The girls leaned close to the thermometer and took a step back when they saw the temperature. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom took this opportunity to look for themselves and they were stunned at what they saw.

"I-it keeps going up!" Applebloom blurted out.

Indeed, Sunset's body temperature was now at 465 degrees and steadily climbing, but then it got weird as Sunset's body started flashing red. The occupants of the room were left speechless as they witnessed this strange new development.

"I'm sorry girls, but this is beyond my level of expertise," Nurse Red Heart reluctantly admitted as she broke the silence.

A light bulb suddenly lit up in Rarity's head.

"I know someone who can help."

"Who?!" Rainbow Dash demanded as she grabbed Rarity's shoulders.

"Princess Twilight," Rarity said.

"Of course!" Applejack said in realization as she facepalmed. Why hadn’t she thought of that? "If there's anyone who might know what's happening to Sunset it's Princess Twilight!"

"Quick, where's Sunset's journal!" Rainbow Dash said as she started looking around frantically for the journal. Everyone started searching as well and after searching Sunset's entire bedroom, Rarity found the journal in Sunset's backpack.

"I found it!" Rarity cheered as her friends gathered around her.

"Hurry and write the message!" Rainbow Dash said urgently.

"Easy there, Rainbow. We gotta stay calm and think with a clear head," Applejack tried calming the panicked athlete.

"I know, it's just..."Rainbow cast a worried glance at Sunset as she suffered another coughing fit. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to look into the worried eyes of Applejack.

"We're worried too, Rainbow, but like ah said, we need to stay calm," Applejack said. Although, she herself was fighting hard to remain calm; for Sunset's sake.

With all her friends beside her, Rarity quickly wrote the message to Twilight.

"Now all we have to do is wait," Rarity said as she closed the journal.

"Ah hope she responds soon," Applejack said with worry.

"Since there's not much I can do, I should take my leave," Red Heart said.

"Thank yah for coming," Applejack thanked the school nurse.

"I'm sorry I wasn't much help," Red Heart said with regret.

"It's not your fault, Nurse Red Heart. It is as you said. This is beyond your expertise," Rarity assured her.

"Still, I'm sorry," Red Heart apologized as she and the girls walked back to the apartment door.

"Have a safe trip home," Rarity said as she opened the door for Red Heart.

"Thank you. I hope you have a good evening girls," Red Heart said goodbye as she walked out of Sunset's apartment.

The girls said their goodbyes as Rarity closed the door. A heavy silence hung in the air as the girls retreated to Sunset's living room. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle watched their sisters take a seat on the sofa while Rainbow Dash pulled up a chair. All three girls had looks of distress.

"A-Applejack," Applebloom called her sister's attention.

"What is it, Applebloom?" Applejack asked.

"I-is Sunset going to be alright?" Applebloom asked nervously.

"Of course she is!" Applejack answered, putting on a smile to reassure her sister. "Once Twilight gets here, she'll make Sunset as healthy as a horse-ah mean, uh,"

"We know what you're trying to say, Applejack, and you're right. Twilight will make Sunset better, I'm sure of it," Rarity said with confidence.

"We'll just take good care of her in the meantime," Rainbow Dash added as she rose from her seat and went back to Sunset's bedroom.

"Where're yah going, Rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"To check on Sunset real quick," Rainbow answered as she opened the door to Sunset's room. She walked up to Sunset's beside and watched the former Equestrian sleeping peacefully.

Rainbow grabbed a rag by Sunset's nightstand and placed it inside a bowl of water. She wrung the rag before placing it on Sunset's forehead. Satisfied with her work, Rainbow Dash turned around to leave when she felt something grab her arm and pull her back on the bed.

"Whoa!" Rainbow landed on top of Sunset. As she tried to quickly get off of her, she found herself unable to.

"Hello, Dashie," Sunset purred as she had her arms around Rainbow Dash.

"S-Sunset! You were awake?!" Rainbow Dash was taken by surprise. Her cheeks flushed red as she realized how close she was to Sunset's face.

"How can I possibly sleep without you beside me?" Sunset grinned as her hold on Rainbow Dash tightened.

"Sunset, listen, you really need your rest. I don't want you passing out on me again, "Rainbow Dash says with a sigh.

"Pass out? as if I would..." Sunset wasn't able to finish as her eyelids grew heavy before she fell asleep.

"Told you," Rainbow mutters as she pulls herself free from Sunset. She tucked Sunset in and replaced the rag on her forehead. "Sleep well, Sunset."

Rainbow Dash exited Sunset's bedroom, gently closing the door behind her, as she made her way towards the living room. She saw Rarity, Applejack, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom sitting on Sunset's carpet floor doing their homework.

"I trust that everything was alright," Rarity said as Rainbow Dash returned.

"She woke up for a bit but then passed out again," Rainbow Dash said as she went up to Applejack. "Hey, AJ, do you mind going with me to the store to get some snacks?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Applejack said.

"Do you girls want anything from the store?" Rainbow Dash asked the remaining girls.

After being told what they wanted, Applejack and Rainbow Dash left Sunset's apartment. The two made their way down the stairs in silence and it was only after they left Sunset's apartment building that Applejack spoke up.

"Ah'm guessing that this is more than just a snack run," Applejack pointed out as she cast Rainbow Dash a knowing look.

"Applejack, do you really have a crush on Sunset?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah," Applejack answered simply.

"Why? What is it about Sunset that makes..." Rainbow Dash couldn't finish her sentence as her face started heating up.

"Makes what?" Applejack asked as she notices Rainbow Dash's reddening face.

"That....makes your heart do flips, "Rainbow Dash admitted as her face heated up even more.

Applejack smiled at the embarrassed athlete before responding.

"It was during the time Sunset was helping out at the farm. She struggled a bit on the first day but she sure did improve throughout the week. Ah'm one to admire hard work and Sunset worked her hardest on the farm. Ah think she was trying to prove to herself that she was no longer the person she used to be."

"But when did you started seeing her as a...you know," Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah'm gettin' to that. Ah was really impressed with Sunset's work ethic and if Ah'm being honest she looked really pretty when the sun hits her just right, "Applejack said with a blush. "But it was during the summer festival where Ah realized how Ah truly felt about Sunset. Yah see, Sunset was helping me manage mah family's booth for the festival."

"I remember that! You two were stuck doing that while the rest of us had fun," Rainbow Dash said, smiling cheekily.

"Anyway, as Sunset an' Ah were selling some of the Apple family's special treats, she opened up to me about her mom," Applejack paused, a sad look crossed her face as she remembered what Sunset had told her.

"What's wrong? Is her mom..."Rainbow Dash trailed off, fearing the worst.

"No! she's alive. It's just that Sunset an' her didn't part on the best of circumstances," Applejack assured her. "Sunset told me that durin' her stay here she never stopped missing her mom and that she's been working hard not just to prove she had changed, but to one day face her mom...and tell her how sorry she is."

Applejack wiped a tear from her eye.

"Sunset is a hard worker. She makes mistakes like anybody else and is trying her hardest to own up to them. She loves her mom and wants to do right by her and Ah want to be right there with her every step of the way," Applejack stated as she turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash. "Ah love her drive, how important family is to her, her honesty."

Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow at the last one.

"Her honesty now," Applejack clarified. "That's when Ah knew that Ah wanted to be more to her than just friends."

"Wow, that sounds really sappy," Rainbow Dash mocked which earned her a punch in the arm by Applejack. "I'm just kidding. Seriously, though. That sounds really awesome, Applejack."

"What about yah?" Applejack asked.

"Well..." Rainbow Dash trailed off a bit as she started blushing. "Don't tell anyone this, but I actually had a crush on Sunset since she first arrived at CHS."

"Really?" Applejack said in surprise.

"Yeah, I had no idea about the bad stuff she was doing and during the time we were supposed to teach her about friendship, I was making her into my ideal girlfriend," Rainbow Dash admitted, scratching the back of her head nervously.

"Rainbow Dash, how could yah take advantage of Sunset like that!?" Applejack was stunned to hear this.

"I'm sorry. I know it was a dumb thing to do but it's okay because Sunset already liked to do some of the things I like and she had fun playing soccer with me too!" Rainbow Dash defended. "But I also like that she's a nice person. She accepts me for my faults and tries to help me with them, despite how stubborn I can be. She also doesn't think I'm stupid and that I'm actually smart."

"Uh-huh," Applejack crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash.

"Applejack," Rainbow Dash's tone turned serious as she looked at Applejack. "I don't want us to fight over Sunset, again."

"Ah agree with yah there. Ah also don't think Sunset would want us to do that," Applejack said.

"So, what do we do?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Honestly, Ah don't really know," Applejack said sadly.

"I was afraid you'd say that," Rainbow Dash said as she lets out a disappointed sigh before turning her head to look ahead.

"Ah don't think now might be the right time to think about this. We should focus on making sure Sunset is well so when Twilight gets here she can figure out what's wrong with her and make her better," Applejack pointed out.

"I guess you're right. Why give ourselves more headaches, right?" Rainbow Dash said as she gave Applejack a sideways grin.

"It's like Granny always says, ‘yah can't be worried about problems that haven't happened, yah gotta worry about the problems that are happening now’," Applejack said with confidence.

"Race you to the store!" Rainbow Dash said before running ahead of Applejack.

"Hey, no head start!" Applejack called out as she chased after Rainbow Dash.

"Rarity, I'm finished with my homework," Sweetie Belle said as she closed her text book.

"Same here," Applebloom said as she placed her pencil down on her worksheets.

"Very goo,d girls," Rarity said as she watched the two young girls put their schoolwork away in their backpacks. "I'll be right back. I just need to check on Sunset for a bit."

"Okay," Sweetie Belle said simply as she watched her sister go towards Sunset's room. When she saw the door close she immediately turned to Applebloom. "I don't think I can go through with this anymore."

Applebloom didn't respond as she looked back to Sunset's room. She was feeling a little scared after Nurse Red Heart told them that Sunset should've died due to her high fever.

"Applebloom!" Sweetie Belle whispered her friend's name just loud enough for her to hear. Applebloom snapped her head to look at Sweetie Belle who looked on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Ah..ah…" Applebloom couldn't come up with a response.


A loud noise brought their attention to Sunset's room.

"That sounded like Rarity," Sweetie Belle said in worry as she immediately made a mad dash towards Sunset's room, Applebloom following close behind.

When Sweetie Belle threw the door open she saw Rarity holding her hand and looking like she was in pain.

"Rarity, are you...o...kay?" Sweetie Belle trailed off as her eyes landed on Sunset's bed were the former unicorn was coughing violently as her body flashed red. Her eyes widen when she saw steam rising from parts of Sunset's exposed skin.

"What's going on?" Applebloom asked softly as her eyes were glued to Sunset.

Sunset's coughing began to die down along with the steam and the glow. Her breathing soon became steady as her body started to relax.

"Oh dear," Rarity said as she looked at her unconscious friend with a look of pain and worry.

"Are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked worriedly as she approached her sister.

"I'm fine, darling. It's just a little burn," Rarity answered.

"Did Sunset do this?" Sweetie Belle asked as she glanced between Sunset and her sister.

"Not on purpose!" Rarity quickly said. "Truth to told this is the second time I've been burned."

"But how come yah didn't get burned earlier when yah were handling Sunset?" Applebloom asked curiously.

"Hmmm, that is a good question," Rarity thought before extending her hand out above Sunset, she slowly lowered it closer to the former Equestrian before fully making contact with her skin. "Just like last time. I wonder..."

"Wonder what?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"The first time it happened, Sunset was coughing violently like she was just now," Rarity pointed out.

"Wait, so her coughing makes her really hot?" Applebloom asked, scratching her head in confusion. "How does that make sense?"

"I'm not entire sure. Sunset's always been a bit of a mystery to me," Rarity said. "I should really ask Twilight when she arrives."

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked over to Sunset, a worried look on their faces as they wondered what other things about Sunset that they all had yet to find out.

"We're back!" Rainbow Dash called out as she and Applejack returned to the apartment.

The five girls enjoyed their snacks before Rarity and Applejack went to the kitchen to make dinner.

"Can I help you, Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked as she stood next to her big sister as she put on her apron.

"Thank you, Sweetie Belle, but Applejack and I can handle it." Rarity gently turned down her little sister's offer. The last time Sweetie Belle made something, it was unrecognizable. How in the world was it possible to burn cereal, salad and orange juice?

"Oh, okay then," Sweetie Belle said dejectedly.

"Hey cheer up. How about you play some games with me?" Rainbow Dash offered as she laid her hand on Sweetie Belle's shoulder. Sweetie Belle just nodded as Rainbow Dash led her to the living room where they played video games along with Applebloom.

After finishing up another round in the fighting game they were playing, they heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" Rainbow Dash said as she went to open the door. "Hey Shy, hey Pinkie Pie!"

"Hi Rainbow!" Pinkie Pie greeted as she held up a box." I've brought desert!"

"Sweet!" Rainbow said as she let the party girl and animal lover inside.

"How's Sunset doing?" Fluttershy asked as she hung her coat by the coat rack near the front door.

"About that..." Rainbow began to tell them about what they had learned.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy was horrified to learn that Sunset was beyond their help.

"Has Twilight answered back yet?" Pinkie Pie asked urgently.

Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"Not yet."

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were saddened to hear that.

"Not to worry, darlings. Once Princess Twilight arrives, everything will be right as rain," Rarity assured her two friends.

"Yeah, then we can go back to showing Sunset a proper Christmas with all the people she loves!" Pinkie Pie said now having regained her cheer again.

"Way to keep the hope alive, Rares," Rainbow said, impressed that her fashionista friend just wouldn't give up.

"Of course, I refuse to give into despair. Especially when it comes down to my friends," Rarity said, casting looks of adoration to her friends.

She didn't see the looks of worry Sweetie Belle and Applebloom cast one another.

"See you tomorrow at school, darling," Rarity said to her sister as she got into her parent’s car.

"Sweet dreams, Applebloom," Applejack gave her sister a kiss on the cheek before closing the door to the Apple family's truck. "Drive safe, Big Mac."

"Will do. By the way, Applejack. Granny wanted me to give this to yah," Big Mac said as he handed Applejack a food container. "It's fer Sunset."

"Thanks, Big Mac, and tell Granny thanks too," Applejack said as she took the food container.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said before he started to drive away.

The Rainbooms waved goodbye to the retreating vehicles, before going back inside the apartment building.

"Did yah find out anythin' about the girls being Anon-A-Miss?" Applejack asked as they made their way up the stairs.

"I'm afraid not, darling," Rarity admitted sadly.

"There wasn't time fer them to be alone," Applejack added.

"Although they did show concern for Sunset and Sweetie Belle even offered to help me bathe Sunset," Rarity said.

"That was very nice of her," Fluttershy said, smiling slightly.

"But it still confuses me as to what her motive is," Rarity said as she pondered this question.

"Yeah, same here," Applejack said as she too wondered why Applebloom would be a part of Anon-A-Miss.

The girls soon returned to Sunset's apartment. After Rainbow opened the door and entered the apartment, they started getting ready for bed.

An hour later the Rainbooms were all sleeping peacefully in their sleeping bags, but inside Sunset's room, the former Equestrian was tossing and turning in her bed. Sweat covered her face as her breath was labored. Suddenly, pony ears sprouted from atop her head and her hair extended into a long ponytail. Sunset had Ponied Up in her sleep and as she did a wave of magic spread forth from her.

Princess Celestia was enjoying her afternoon tea in the royal garden. She was taking a break from her princess duties, but she still couldn't escape her work as she had to look over some documents.


Princess Celestia turned her head to the left to see a unicorn filly with a brilliant amber coat, red and yellow mane and tail and a cutie mark of a two toned sun running towards her.

"What is it, my little Sunshine?"

"I finished my levitation exercises!" The little filly said excitedly.

"That's wonderful, Sunset. I'm so proud of you!" Celestia gushed as she nuzzled her filly who she loved with all her heart. Sunset nuzzled back. She loved the warmth that emanated from her mother. It was very soothing.

Celestia pulled away and looked at her daughter. Though her filly was dyed in her colors, she had her sister's moderate cyan eyes and her innocence. Her Sunset was the only family she had left, at least until her sister returned. She continued to gaze lovingly into her daughter's eyes who widened before she collapsed to the ground.

"Sunset, what's wrong?!" Celestia asked.

"Mommy, it hurts," Sunset managed to say as her body started flashing red.

The Sun Princess scooped up her daughter in her hooves. She immediately felt an intense heat radiating from the young filly. Had it been anypony else, they would most certainly be burned. Celestia watched her daughter struggle in her arms in pain, before her eyes widened in horror as red veins spread throughout her body.

"HELP!! SOMEPONY HELP ME!!!" Celestia screamed for help, but she noticed that she was completely alone. She looked down to her daughter as steam started radiating from her body.

"Mommy, please help me!! It hurts!" Sunset begged as she looked into her mother's eyes.

Celestia stared into her daughter's eyes as they were no longer moderate cyan, but red. Tears cascaded down her eyes as she watched her daughter continue to suffer, but it didn't last long as Sunset's body completely glowed an intense fiery red before being consumed by it.

"MOMMY!!" Sunset screamed before she exploded and released an intense blast of energy that consumed everything.


Celestia bolted up from her head, her breath labored as sweat drenched her body. She looked around her room frantically with teary eyes, her heart beating a mile a minute. When she realized that she was in her bedroom she let out a sigh of relief.

"It was just a dream," she murmured as she placed her hoof over her chest. "No, it wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare from the past."

Suddenly her bedroom door burst open to reveal Princess Luna.

"Sister, are you alright?!"

"I'm alright, Luna. I just had a bad dream," Celestia tried to assure her sister.

"Do you want to talk about it, sister?" Luna asked as she approached Celestia's bed.

"It's alright Luna. I'm fine," Celestia declined the offer.

"You're anything but fine," Luna said, narrowing her eyes at her sister. "I saw your dream, Celestia. Tell us about her, sister. Tell us about the filly that is our flesh and blood." Princess Luna switched to the royal 'we' as she got up close to her sister's face, staring deep into her tear-filled and frightened eyes.

"Tell us why she was in so much agony?"