• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,570 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

Night Terrors

Author's Note:

I hope you are all having a wonderfull Christmas, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I look forward to your comments. Special thanks to KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji for their help with this chapter.

Applebloom exited the Apple family truck that was driven by her big brother.

"See yah, Big Mac!" Applebloom waved goodbye to her brother as she made her way towards the school. Her plan to get rid of Sunset using Anon-A-Miss had succeeded and not only did her sister and her friends cut ties with Sunset, but now the whole school saw her as the bad person she truly was.

As she pushed the door open, instead of seeing the hallway of the school, she found herself inside a room.

"What the- this looks like Sunset's place," Applebloom realized. She turned back to the door but found it had vanished. "W-what's going on?"

Applebloom was scared. She didn't understand what was happening. She looked around the room until her eyes settled on Sunset's bedroom door. Her legs started moving on their own as she felt something pull her towards the door. She raised her right hand to grab onto the handle and her heart pounded against her chest as she slowly turned the knob. The door slowly opened and what Applebloom saw on the other side shocked her to her core.

For right in front of her was Sunset Shimmer, dangling from the ceiling with a noose around her neck.

Applebloom slowly started backing away. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"N-no, this wasn't supposed to happen! This can't be happening!"

Applebloom's back collided with something and when she quickly turned around she was shocked to see her parents.

"Ma? Pa?"

"Why little seed? Why did yah do it?" Applebloom's father, Bright Mac asked, looking at his daughter with great sadness.

"How could yah make that young woman take her own life?" Applebloom's mother, Pear Butter, asked on the verge of tears.

"No, ah didn't mean fer this to happen!" Applebloom told her parents.

Her parents just simply turned away and as Applebloom reached out to them, they faded away along with the entire room. Once again, Applebloom found herself in a strange room.

"Oh, Sunset."

Applebloom's eyes widened at hearing that voice. She slowly turned around and saw her sister crying over Sunset's open casket.


At hearing her name, Applejack turned to look at her younger sister who recoiled at seeing her lifeless eyes.

"Why, Applebloom? Why did yah take her away from me?"

"Applejack, Ah didn't mean for this to happen. Yah gotta believe me," Applebloom desperately pleaded. "Ah only wanted to spend more time with yah."

"Are you serious?!"

Applebloom was startled by the sudden outburst and quickly turned around to see an angry Diamond Tiara.

"You destroyed someone's life for something as petty as that?!" Diamond Tiara said angrily.

"Yah don't understand, Diamond Tiara. Mah sister was spendin' all her time with Sunset and less time with me," Applebloom explained. "This is the time of year where yah spend time with yer family, but Applejack was spending all that time with Sunset, the same girl who tore apart her friendship with her friends."

"Then what about me? I bullied you and our friends but you offered me friendship instead of getting back at me," Diamond Tiara pointed out.

"Yer different!" Applebloom stated.

"Different how? We both bullied people and blackmailed them to get our way!" Diamond Tiara stated. "You yourself said you hated me for bullying you! Now you're doing the same thing!"

"I never bullied anyone or blackmailed 'em!" Applebloom raised her voice.

"What about your sister? You humiliated her to get what you wanted and I bet you also did it to get back at her," Diamond Tiara suggested.

"No!" Applebloom denied, shutting her eyes tight as she shook her head.

"How could you become so horrible!?" Diamond Tiara shouted.

"It was to get our sisters back!" Applebloom shouted, more to herself than anyone else. "It was the only way!"

"Oh really?"

Applebloom felt a chill run up her spine at hearing that voice. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that Diamond Tiara had disappeared.

"Diamond Tiara?" Applebloom called out her friend's name, wondering where she could have gone.

"Over here."

Applebloom turned to her left and was met with the demonic eyes of Demon Sunset.


"Ah!" Applebloom jumped back in fright, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at Sunset's demonic form.

"Hello there, Applebloom," Demon Sunset sneered at Applebloom.

"W-what're yah doing here?! Ah thought mah sister and her friends took care of yah!" Applebloom shouted, shaking in fear as the demon looked to be behind some kind of mirror.

"Oh, they did, for a while at least. But since when can those idiots do anything right?" the demon mocked. "They did fell for the same trick twice after all."

"Mah sister ain't an idiot!" Applebloom defended.

"You know she is. You were counting on her stupidity in order for your plan to work," the demon pointed out.

"That's not true!" Applebloom denied fiercely.

"It must have felt really good to manipulate your sister to get what you want, huh?" The demon asked. "And the best part of it all is that she has no idea that it was you."

The room around them changed into a cemetery.

"Look at the result of your actions," the demon motioned behind Applebloom.

Applebloom turned around to see Sunset's headstone.


"Congratulations, sugarcube. You've become me!" the demon shouted as she exited the mirror in the form of a dark cloud before submerging into the ground.

The ground started shaking as an arm shot up from Sunset's grave and grasped Applebloom’s leg. Applebloom screamed in terror as she tried to pry her leg free, but another arm burst from the ground and grabbed her left arm.

"Let go! Let me go!" Applebloom screamed in terror, tears cascading down her cheeks as she struggled against the pale orange arms.

Suddenly, Sunset head emerged from the ground.

"So come join me!"

Sunset's hair burst into flames, her pale orange skin turning blood red. Red bat-like wings sprouted from her back as she rose into the air, taking Applebloom with her. Applebloom continued her useless struggles as Sunset fully turned into a demon.



Applebloom bolted up from her bed, her face is covered in sweat as she panted heavily. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. She looked around her and realized that she was safely back in her room.

"It was a dream. No, it was a nightmare," Applebloom mumbled as she looked at her clock. It was 4 in the morning.

"Ah don't wanna go back to sleep." Applebloom lay on her back. She closed her eyes and immediately saw the demon smiling back at her.

"Ah'm not like her. Ah'm nothin' like her," Applebloom told herself as she turned over in her bed, the image of Sunset hanging herself flashing in her mind.

"You don't understand. She should be dead. Her body temperature is abnormally higher than any normal human."

Nurse Red Heart's words echo in Applebloom's mind. It scared her to hear that Sunset could have died. She began to wonder if they really did succeed in separating Sunset from their sisters. If they had taken things further and posted the secrets of the students of CHS, would Sunset be driven to take her own life? Applebloom shuddered at the thought. Then there was the fact that her sister and her friends did not believe Sunset was Anon-A-Miss anymore so that completely destroyed the whole purpose of the account.

"Ah guess we gotta shut down the account then," Applebloom said before trying to get back to sleep.

"I'm home!" Sweetie Belle announced as she entered her home. She walked up to her room and as she passed by Rarity's inspiration room, she heard muffled sobs.

She approached the door and placed her ear against it. She could barely make out the words 'my fault', 'so stupid' and 'monster'. Sweetie Belle carefully opened the door and peeked inside. Instead of finding the mess of measuring tapes, accessories, and fabric which her sister called ‘Organized Chaos’, she found the room cleaned and organized. She fully entered the room and tried to find her sister.

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle called out. She then spotted something in the corner of the room and as she got closer, her eyes widened when she saw that it was a drawing of Sunset Shimmer. However, the drawing depicted Sunset laying on the floor, face down in a pool of her own blood with a knife beside her.

Sweetie Belle started backing away, a look of horror on her face at what she had just seen.

"We did this."

Startled by the sudden voice, Sweetie Belle quickly spun around to see her big sister. Instead of wearing one of her usual fashion masterpieces, Rarity was wearing a mourning gown, with a long veil that went to her waist as it obscured her face.

"R-Rarity, are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

"How can I possibly be okay when I am responsible for this?" Rarity gestured back to the drawing. "I've plucked a beautiful flower from this world and in doing so made it ugly."

Rarity walked past Sweetie Belle and stood in front of the drawing. She reached a gloved hand out and traced the bloody area.

"I never knew I could be this ugly."

A spotlight suddenly turned on and dramatically illuminated a nearby mannequin that was wearing Sunset's outfit with a red and yellow wig.

"Oh Sunset, I promise to make amends for what I did to you," Rarity said as she walked towards the mannequin. Sweetie Belle watched as Rarity did something to the mannequin but was unable to see due to Rarity blocking her view.

"There," Rarity said as she took a step back, allowing Sweetie Belle to see what she had done.

Sweetie Belle was shocked to see the mannequin holding a knife in its modified hands and it was pointing straight at Rarity.

"R-Rarity, w-what're you doing?" Sweetie Belle questioned, her voice trembling.

"Seeking justice!" Rarity stated as she took several steps back before running towards the knife with the intent of being impaled by it.

"NO!" Sweetie Belle screamed in horror as she ran faster than she had run before and tackled Rarity, causing both of them to be knocked to the floor.

Both girls lay there, Sweetie Belle holding tightly to her sister, afraid to let go out of fear of her trying again.

"Why?" Rarity asked, her voice monotone. "Why would you stop me?"

Sweetie Belle lifted her head to look at Rarity or as much as she could through the veil.


"But I have to be punished for-"

"Nobody deserves this!!" Sweetie Belle cut her off, angry tears spilling from her eyes.

"Glad you think so.

Sweetie Belle froze. She then heard a dripping noise coming from behind her and she slowly turned her head around to see black ink leaking from the drawing, specifically from the pool of blood. The ink pooled underneath the painting until it finally stopped, only for it to start moving across the floor. Sweetie Belle was horrified at seeing the mass of ink coming closer to them, but then it changed direction and went for the mannequin. It crawled up the mannequin and spread throughout it, completely covering it but not the clothes or wig.

The mannequin suddenly flexed its fingers, startling Sweetie Belle. It moved its arms around as the ink seeped into it, revealing pale orange skin. When the ink on the mannequin receded into its head, Sunset's pale face was revealed. Her eyes were closed with heavy bags under them.

"S-Sunset?" Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

Sunset's eyes snapped open. She looked at Sweetie Belle and Rarity.

"You did this to me."

Sweetie Belle tried to speak but Sunset continued.

"You turned them all against me. You humiliated them, hurt them, all to get rid of me," Sunset spat, her tone monotone.

"I'm sorry, Sunset!" Rarity apologized, now in a sitting position as she removed her veil, revealing two ugly black marks running down her face. "I'll do anything to make up for this!"

"Come here," Sunset beckoned.

Rarity rose from the floor and started to make her way towards Sunset.

"Rarity, please don't!" Sweetie Belle begged as she tried to stop Rarity, her eyes locked onto the knife still in Sunset's hands.

"I must...make amends," Rarity said as she struggled against Sweetie Belle.

"You will, Rarity. You and your sister will make things right," Sunset said before falling to her knees.

"Sunset!" Rarity shouted.

Sweetie Belle looked to Sunset in time to see her fall face first on the floor. Rarity used this moment to break free and was instantly by Sunset's side. Rarity placed her hands on Sunset, only to immediately draw them back as she was burned by Sunset. She tried again and ignored the pain as she managed to flip Sunset on her back. The color had returned to Sunset's face but she was sweating profusely and panting heavily.

"Oh Sunset," Rarity sobbed as fresh tears spilled from her eyes.

"It's okay, Rarity. This isn't your fault," Sunset said weakly.

Sweetie Belle watched on as Sunset lifted up the hand holding the knife and right before her eyes it melted away.

"You shouldn't think of ending your life...It's too precious to let it go to waste," Sunset said, her eyelids becoming heavy. "I...really valued our friendship."

Red veins could be seen spreading through Sunset's exposed skin. Tears welled up in her eyes before turning to steam.

"Thank you...For...Everything," Sunset said before she closed her eyes and her hand fell limp on the floor.

"Sunset?" Rarity whispered her name. "Sunset!"

Rarity collapsed on top of Sunset, wailing in agony at the loss of her friend.

Sweetie Belle could only watch on in despair as she sister mourned over her deceased friend, but then she noticed the red marks on Sunset's body beginning to glow bright red. Smoke started rising from Sunset's body too.

"Rarity, get away from Sunset!" Sweetie Belle cried out, but she was ignored.

Rarity continued to weep over Sunset, ignoring the painful burning sensation she was feeling. Sunset's body started to quickly flash red.


Sunset's body, along with Rarity, was instantly consumed in a bright flash of flame.

"Aaaaah!" Sweetie Belle shot up from her bed, panting heavily as her heart hammered against her chest. She was in bed, in her own room.

"A bad dream," Sweetie Belle told herself once she realized what had happened. "It was just a bad dream."

She flopped back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. No matter how hard she tried, she could not forget her nightmare. She knew what she had to do to clear her conscience.

"This has to stop," Sweetie Belle muttered before trying to go back to sleep, filled with remorse and regret.

Scootaloo was on her way to Rainbow Dash's house to show her a new trick she had learned on her scooter. The young daredevil was excited to spend the day with her honorary big sister. When she reached Rainbow Dash's house, she knocked on the door and waited a minute before it was answered by Rainbow Dash's mother, Windy Whistles.

"Scootaloo! I'm so glad you're here. Come in, come in!" Windy Whistles ushered the young girl inside excitedly.

"Hi, Mrs. Whistles. Is Rainbow Dash here?" Scootaloo asked as she took off her coat and handed it to Windy Whistles before placing her scooter underneath the coat rack by the door.

"She sure is. You came by at a great time. We're currently celebrating something wonderful!" Windy Whistles told Scootaloo as she took her coat and hung in on the coat rack.

"Really? What is it?" Scootaloo asked as she made her way to the living room where she saw Rainbow Dash sitting on one of the sofas, talking to her father.

"Hey, Scoots. Glad to see you could make it," Rainbow Dash greeted as she got up and walked towards her honorary little sister.

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo greeted her idol who rubbed her head affectionately.

"You'll never guess what just happened," Rainbow Dash said, a bright smile on her face.

"What?" Scootaloo asked once she noticed that Rainbow Dash was in a really good mood.

"I'm getting married!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly as she showed Scootaloo her engagement ring.

Scootaloo's mind froze for a few seconds before rebooting.


"I can't believe my little girl is getting married!" Rainbow Dash's father, Bow Hothoof, said tearfully.

"Dad, I'm not a little girl anymore," Rainbow Dash chastised her father.

"You'll always be our little girl, Rainbow," Windy Whistles said as she enveloped her daughter in a hug and was soon joined by her husband.

"Guys," Rainbow Dash groaned, her cheeks turning red but she did nothing to push her parents away.

Scootaloo simply stared at the family in front of her, her mind still trying to wrap around the idea of Rainbow Dash getting married.

"W-who's the lucky guy?" Scootaloo asked.

"Who said anything about a guy?"

Scootaloo's eyes widened as she recognized that voice. She turned to her right to see Sunset Shimmer entering the living room holding a tray of hot beverages.

"Hey Scootaloo," Sunset winked at the young girl as she set the tray down on the coffee table before taking a seat on the sofa.

"Y-you mean that you..." Scootaloo trailed off, unable to complete her sentence.

Rainbow Dash broke free from her parents and sat down next to Sunset. She grabbed her hand and laced their fingers.

"She's my fiancée!"

"Darn right. You're mine now," Sunset purred as she kissed Rainbow Dash on the lips.

Scootaloo scrunched up her face in disgust.

"We're holding the wedding in Equestria and we're moving there too," Rainbow Dash informed Scootaloo as she finished kissing Sunset.

"What?!" Scootaloo shouted.

"I can't wait to show you Equestria," Sunset told Rainbow Dash as she stared deep into her eyes lovingly.

"Yeah, it'll be just you and me...forever," Rainbow Dash said in an uncharacteristically romantic tone.

"Let's go pack your bags right now!" Sunset said excitedly as she and her new fiancée ran up the stairs and towards Rainbow Dash's room.

Scootaloo was frozen in horror. Rainbow Dash was leaving for Equestria and she would be living there...with Sunset Shimmer.

"No," Scootaloo denied as her surroundings started to fall apart. "This can't be happening."

The floor underneath Scootaloo gave way as she fell into the dark abyss.


"Nooooo!" Scootaloo screamed as she fell out of bed. She struggled to remove the covers before finally throwing them off. She panted heavily as she scanned her room and realized where she was.

"It was all a dream. Oh, thank God."

Scootaloo sighed in relief, but it was short lived as realized that Sunset taking Rainbow Dash away from her was a very real threat.

"Sunset can't take Rainbow away from me. She just can't," Scootaloo told herself. She then heard a knock on her door before it opened to reveal her parents.

"Scootaloo, are you alright?" Scootaloo's father, Soarin, asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Dad. I just had a bad dream," Scootaloo told her father.

"Was it about that demon again?" Spitfire, her mom, asked. A couple of months ago her daughter had been having nightmares that involved a demon that hypnotized everyone at her school, turning them into her slaves.

"No, it was something else," Scootaloo answered.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Soarin asked as he and his wife approached Scootaloo's bed.

"No, I'm okay," Scootaloo assured them. Talking to her parents about Sunset Shimmer marrying Rainbow Dash and leaving for Equestria wasn’t something she felt comfortable about.

"If you're sure," Spitfire said as she caressed her daughter's cheek.

"Hm-hm," Scootaloo nodded.

"Then get some rest, sweetheart," Spitfire said as she leaned forward and kissed Scootaloo's forehead.

"Goodnight, squirt," Soarin said goodnight to his daughter as he too kissed his daughter's forehead.

"Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad," Scootaloo said to her parents.

Spitfire and Soarin exited their daughter’s room and closed the door behind them. Scootaloo made herself comfortable in her bed as she tried to get back to sleep. But thoughts of Rainbow Dash running away with Sunset plagued her mind.

Rainbow Dash zoomed across the soccer field, dancing around the opposing players as she went for the goal post. A player slid in front of her to steal the ball, but Rainbow Dash simply jumped over them. She lined up her shot and kicked the ball with all her might, sending it zooming towards the goal post. The goalie jumped to intercept but missed it as the ball made contact with the net. The crowd cheered loudly as Rainbow Dash had won them another game.

"Way to go, Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow Dash turned around just in time to receive a hug from her girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer. Sunset picked her up and spun her around, eliciting laughter from Rainbow Dash.

"Babe, cut it out!" Rainbow Dash said, even though she was loving this.

Sunset gently set her on her feet but continued to hold her close.

"Can't help it. You're just so awesome, Dashie."

"Darn right I am," Rainbow Dash agreed before she leaned her head closer to Sunset and kissed her on the lips.
Sunset closed her eyes as she returned the kiss. Everything around them faded as they were lost in the kiss. Rainbow Dash felt like she was on top of the world. Her team was undefeated and going to the championship all because of her and she had the most awesome girlfriend in the world - no the universe! She would even dare to say that she was more awesome than her.

They soon broke the kiss and simply stared into each other’s eyes. Sunset's eyes radiated love, warmth, acceptance, and strength, Rainbow was easily lost in them. Suddenly, Sunset's eyes closed, her hold on Rainbow loosening as she fell forward onto Rainbow.

"Sunset?" Rainbow said her girlfriend's name in confusion as she felt her lean completely against her.

Sunset didn't respond which worried Rainbow Dash. She looked around for help but to her further confusion, everyone was gone.

"Wha-where is everyone?"

Rainbow Dash looked back to Sunset to see her panting heavily, her face covered in sweat as her body temperature started rising.

"Sunset!" Rainbow Dash cried out before looking around for anyone who can help. "Hey! Someone! Anyone! Help!"

"What good is calling for help going to do you?"

Rainbow Dash snapped her head behind her and saw Sunset's demon form.

"Hey, Dashie," the demon used Rainbow's nickname as she grinned malevolently.

"You!" Rainbow Dash yelled before looking between the demon and Sunset. "How can you be here?!"

"Don't strain what little brain cells you have, Dashie. That’s not important right now," the demon mocked.

"Don't you dare call me that!" Rainbow Dash shouted angrily. "You have no right to call me that!"

"Like you're one to talk," the demon scoffed "What right do you have to be with me when you so easily believe that I would throw away our friendship?"

Rainbow Dash remained silent. As much as she wanted to retort, she knew the demon was right.

"Nothing to say? Then allow me." The demon rose high into the air, she stared down at Rainbow Dash with a look of disgust and anger.

"Rainbow Dash, you are an arrogant, stubborn fool who dives head first into things and never worries about the consequences. Even when the consequences prove disastrous for your friends, taken what happened between you and Applejack.

Rainbow flinched at that. That was still a sore spot for her. Ever since she found out that she had been tricked by Sunset, she made a promise to herself that she wouldn't doubt her friends again.

"And then there's me,” the demon grinned when she saw Rainbow Dash's body stiffen. "When you were humiliated by Anon-A-Miss for posting the photos of the slumber party, you went ballistic. You were so blinded by your anger that you didn't even hesitate to come after me.”

Rainbow Dash shut her eyes tight. She felt ashamed. The demon’s words stung and what made it worse was how true they were.

"You have learned nothing and repeated the same mistake, and for that you will suffer the consequences," the demon spoke with finality.

Sunset then started coughing violently which drew Rainbow's attention back to her.

"Sunset, what's wrong?!"

Sunset didn't say anything as she felt too weak to even utter a single word. Rainbow Dash was becoming even more worried when she noticed dark circles around Sunset's eyes. She then took notice of the red veins spreading on Sunset's exposed skin. She turned to look at the demon, a furious look on her face.

"What are you...doing...?" Rainbow Dash trailed off as she saw the demon sporting red veins on her body similar to Sunset's.

"Don't look so surprised. The me you're holding right now and I are one and the same. Therefore, we share the same fate, the same end." The demon grinned in satisfaction at seeing the horrified look on Rainbow's face.

Rainbow Dash looked back to Sunset and saw the red veins that had spread all over her face were pulsating. She then started to feel Sunset's body getting warmer and warmer. Rainbow's mind scrambled for any ideas on what to do, but she couldn't come up with a single one. This was beyond her.

"No," Rainbow sobbed, tears pooling in her eyes. "This can't be happening."

"But it is," The demon spoke again. "This is your fault, Rainbow Dash. You did this to me."

Sunset suddenly screamed which startled Rainbow Dash.

"What's wrong Sunset?!"

"Rainbow, it hurts!" Sunset said through gritted teeth, her body started flashing red.

Rainbow gritted her teeth. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. The heat against her arms and body started to become unbearable, but she refused to let go of Sunset.

"Rainbow Dash, I'm scared," Sunset said fearfully as steam started rising from her body.

"It's okay! I'm here for you!" Rainbow Dash assured her, fighting through the intense burning pain she was feeling because of Sunset. The demon and Sunset radiated an intense light that consumed everything, including Rainbow Dash.

Applejack dabbed a wet cloth over Sunset's forehead. The two of them had gone camping together over the weekend when Sunset had suddenly fallen ill.

"Thanks, Applejack," Sunset said gratefully to the farm girl before coughing.

"No problem, sugarcube," Applejack said warmly. "Just get some rest, okay?"

Sunset nodded before Applejack leaned close and kissed her cheek. She then rose up and exited the tent to let Sunset sleep as much as she could in her sleeping bag. She took in a deep breath before exhaling. Sunset's fever was getting worse and Applejack knew they had to cut their trip short and take Sunset to the hospital.

"Better start packing up then."

Applejack then proceeded to gather up their gear and place it inside her family truck. She made her way down to the river to wash up when an unexpected voice calling out to her.

"Howdy, Applejack."

Applejack's eyes widened upon hearing the voice and she quickly turned around to see none other than the demon form of Sunset who was leaning against a tree, grinning mischievously at her.

"What in tarnation?!"

"You don't look happy to see me," the demon spoke playfully.

"That's because Ah ain't," Applejack said while narrowing her eyes at the demon. "What do yah want?"

"Nothing much. Just wanted to ask if you had anything to say to your parents when I go see them in Heaven?” The demon asked casually.

"What are yah talking about?" Applejack demanded in confusion. Just what was the demon getting at?

The demon smiled as she knew that her next words would get a reaction out of Applejack.

I'm dying, Applejack."

"Well good riddance, but if yah ask me yah should've been gone since we blasted yah with our Magic of Friendship," Applejack said as she went back to washing her hands and face.

"You truly are a dumb hick," the demon said, amused by Applejack’s comment.

"What did yah call me?!" Applejack turned around to face the demon again, her face turning red with rage.

"I think I know what to tell your parents now," The demon said in delight. "I'll tell them how their daughter lied about how she felt to an innocent girl."

"Ah don't lie!!" Applejack shouted, feeling insulted. "Ah love Sunset! She's family to me!"

"Is she really?" the demon asked as red veins brighter than her skin spread throughout her body. "Then why did you call me a no good snake?"

Applejack froze. She really had said that.

"And let's not forget that you assumed I was guilty before I had even arrived at school,"The demon brought up. "A relationship is based on trust, Applejack. And lies only make it worse."

Applejack gritted her teeth as she listened to the demon. What she said was the truth, which stung her even more.

"You don't deserve to have me," The demon spoke ominously before she burst into flames.

Applejack hurried back to the tent and she noticed a faint glow coming from it. She sprinted the remaining distance and when she entered the tent she was alarmed to see Sunset flashing red as she coughed violently.

"Applejack," Sunset whispered her girlfriend's name weakly before she started coughing again.

"Ah'm right here Sun-Ah!" Applejack tried to hold Sunset's hand but pulled back when she got burned.

"I'm sorry," Sunset apologized weakly.

"Don't be sorry. None of this is your fault," Applejack assured Sunset as her voice started to crack.

"I...I really wanted to....introduce you to my mom," Sunset said as her eyelids felt heavy.

"Don't talk like that. Yer going to be alright," Applejack assured her even as fear started to grip tightly at her heart.

"She....would've....really liked....you," Sunset said before fully closing her eyes.

"S-Sunset?" Applejack asked nervously. When she didn't get a response she went to feel Sunset's pulse. Ignoring the burning pain, Applejack places two of her fingers on Sunset's neck. Her face went pale when she felt no pulse.


Applejack fell to her knees as the full weight of what had just happened crashed down on top of her.

"S-she can't be gone.”

"But she is."

Applejack's eyes widened as the voice that just spoke sounded hauntingly familiar. She turned around to see her mother and father standing at the entrance of the tent.

"Ma? Pa?"

"What have yah done, Applejack?" Pear Butter asked, her voice filled with disappointment.

"Yah lied to that young girl. You led her on and broke her heart," Bright Mac said sadly.

"No, no! ah didn't lie to her!" Applejack denied their accusations.

There was a bright glow behind her which caused Applejack to turn around and see Sunset's body glowing brightly.

"Sunset! Applejack shouted her girlfriend's name as she dove on top of her. Ignoring the burning pain as a bright explosion of light consumed everything.

Applejack's eyes fluttered open as she woke up from her dream. No, it had been a nightmare. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as well as some tears. She looked around and despite her blurry vision, she was able to recognize her friends’ silhouettes.

Rarity was sleeping comfortably in her sleeping bag, but then an odd sensation coming from her hand stirred her from her sleep. Rarity sat up in irritation. She lifted up her left hand and used her right hand to lift her sleeping mask off from her eyes. When she got a good look at what was wrong on her hand, she shrieked loudly

"What the-?!" Rainbow Dash hastily got out of her sleeping bag as she scanned the room to see Rarity standing up and shaking her left hand vigorously.

"Rarity, what's wrong?!" Applejack asked in concern as Rarity's scream had cleared away all the sleep in her mind.

Everyone else was also awoken by Rarity's scream and when the last remnants of sleep left their eyes, they were shocked at the state they were all in.

"A-Applejack, why are you on the ceiling?" Fluttershy asked as she saw the farmer standing on the ceiling like she was standing on the floor.

"Why are yah doing on the wall, Shy?" Applejack asked, seeing Fluttershy with her feet planted against the apartment wall.

"Look at me! I'm floating!" Pinkie Pie giggled as she floated across the living room while doing swimming strokes

"What the hell is going on?!" Rainbow Dash asked from her spot on the ceiling.

"Can somebody please help me?!" Rarity screamed as she continued to flail her arm from her spot on the other wall of the room.

"I got it!" Pinkie Pie said as she swam towards Rarity and stopped her flailing arm. She gasped upon seeing who was responsible for making Rarity scream.


"Your stuffed alligator? That's what the screaming was about?" Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance.

"Um, did Gummy just move?" Fluttershy asked as she saw the stuffed alligator flick his tongue. Everyone looked closely at Gummy and were shocked when he turned his head to look at them. He also blinked his eyes.

"He's real!" Rainbow Dash shouted in shock.

"Obviously!" Rarity said as she wiped away Gummy's drool from her hand with a napkin.

"Good morning, everybody!"

Everyone turned towards the direction of the cheery voice to see Sunset Shimmer. But they were more surprised at the fact that she had ponied up.

"Sunset, darling, you ponied up?" Rarity asked in surprise.

Sunset blinked at that and a mirror magically appeared in front of her.

"Huh? I guess I did."

The mirror vanished as Sunset walked to the center of the room.

"What do you say we all have some breakfast before we go to school?" Sunset offered before snapping her finger and instantly everyone was dressed, washed and sitting in a fancy dining hall.

"I-I've never thought that you could do something like this with magic," Rainbow Dash uttered as she and the rest of the Rainbooms look around the room in shock.

"This is nothing. I used to do crazier things when I was a filly," Sunset explained as she clapped her hands. Magically, plates filled with pancakes flew out of the kitchen and landed in front of her friends.

"I made them myself. I hope you like them," Sunset said bashfully as she cast a glance at Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"I'm sure they're delicious, darling," Rarity said as she took her fork and began to dig in.

"Delicious!" Pinkie Pie said as she started wolfing down her pancakes.

"I must agree, darling. These are simply divine!" Rarity proclaimed as she ate her pancakes.

The rest of the group praised Sunset as they joyfully ate their pancakes. When the group was finished with breakfast, Sunset was about to magically clean up when she suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed.


The Rainbooms shouted as the fancy dining hall disappeared to reveal Sunset's living room as the former Equestrian fell on top of her couch. They quickly took her to her bedroom and placed her back in her bed.

"She really needs to take it easy," Rarity commented as she tucked Sunset in.

"Ah'll look after her this time, girls," Applejack volunteered.

"Alright, but let us know if you need anything?" Rainbow Dash requested.

"Sure thing," Applejack nodded.

"We best get ready then," Rarity said as she looks at herself still in her pajamas. It would seem that all of Sunset's magic had worn off when she fainted, except for the food as their stomachs still felt full.

They got ready for school and after saying goodbye to Applejack, exited Sunset's apartment and headed downstairs.

"What do you suppose happened back there?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I have no idea, but I figure it has something to do with Sunset’s condition," Rarity surmised as they exited Sunset's apartment building.

"Well, we better figure this out before....before..." Rainbow Dash trailed off as she stared ahead.

"Rainbow?" Rarity looked at her friend in confusion before looking to where she was staring at and her eyes widened at what she saw.

The buildings were all floating around them, the sidewalks were checker-patterned, there were stairs leading up to the sky and to top it all off it was snowing ice cream complete with the cone.

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," Pinkie Pie said before taking a lick of the ice cream she had caught. "Hmmm, vanilla!"