• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,503 Views, 924 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

Bitter Realization

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I look forward to reading your comments. Thanks again to KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji for their help with this chapter.

Diamond Tiara stood waiting by the fountain in the mall. Looking at her phone's screen, she watched the clock show the time before she tapped an icon which showed a picture of herself and her friends, the CMC. She then enlarged the image to zoom into it, focusing on Applebloom’s.

In the past, Diamond had always been jealous of how close Applebloom was to her family. The Apples may not be as wealthy as the Riches, but they were very much fulfilled and no amount of money could buy that kind of closeness and happiness. Diamond Tiara's own parents were always busy, what with her father running the Rich family business: Barnyard Bargains and her mother being a member of the school board. They barely spent any time with her and whenever they did they constantly reminded Diamond Tiara to be good or, in her mother's case, strictly remind her of her social standing.

Diamond Tiara let out a sigh. Those days had been lonely but things were different now. Back then, she only had Silver Spoon as her best friend and partner-in-crime. Now, she had more friends that she could count on one hand and nothing her mother said could ever change that.

"Diamond Tiara!"

Diamond Tiara turned to her right to see Applebloom jogging towards her, causing her heart to beat rapidly.

"Ah hope ah didn't keep yah waitin' long," Applebloom said as she stood in front of Diamond Tiara.

"N-not at all, I just got here a little while ago," Diamond Tiara assured Applebloom. Truth be told, she was just so excited about hanging out with Appleloom that she came to the mall a little earlier than their meetup time.

"So what do yah want to do?" Applebloom asked.

"Shopping, of course. It is the holidays after all," Diamond Tiara said matter-of-factly. She wanted to do some Christmas shopping and wanted Applebloom to do it with her.

"Who do yah have left to shop fer?" Applebloom asked.

"No one in particular," Diamond Tiara said as she looked away from Applebloom, her cheeks turning rosy. This was her chance to subtly find out what Applebloom would want for Christmas.

"Didja get a present fer Silver Spoon?" Applebloom asked.

At the mention of Silver Spoon's name, Diamond Tiara frowned.

"Yeah," Diamond Tiara answered unhappily.

"Is somethin' the matter?" Applebloom asked as she noticed the change in Diamond Tiara's tone.

"It's nothing. C'mon, let’s go!" Diamond Tiara brushed off Applebloom's question as she started walking away.

"Hey, wait up!" Applebloom went to catch up to Diamond Tiara.

The two of them entered a nearby clothing store and started trying on outfits. Diamond Tiara and Applebloom picked out some clothes for each other. They laughed at some of the goofy outfits they had chosen for one another and complimented one another when they tried on something that actually looked good. Diamond Tiara was really enjoying being with Applebloom, and it also helped take her mind off what happened with Silver Spoon earlier.

As they were checking out some accessories, Diamond Tiara spotted a bow that would look great on Applebloom. She noticed that Applebloom’s usually bow looked a bit old and worn so she might appreciate a new one.

This will look great with the scarf I made for her,’ Diamond Tiara thought happily. "I'll be right back, Applebloom. I'm going to pay for this." Diamond Tiara showed Applebloom the back of the case containing the ribbon before running off to the register.

"Okay," Applebloom said as she went back to looking over some winter wear. She spotted a winter hat that had a design of a tiara that looked like Diamond Tiara's hair clips. "Diamond would love this."

Deciding to get it for Diamond Tiara, Applebloom made her way towards the register with her item in hand. After making sure Diamond Tiara was not there, she proceeded to go stand in line.

"Lyra, please wait up!"

Applebloom turned around in the direction of the voice and saw Bon Bon running after Lyra who had a frown on her face.

"I don't want to talk to you right now, Bon Bon," Lyra said as she picked up her pace.

"But Lyra!"

Applebloom watched with guilt as Lyra and Bon Bon walked away. Those two had been very close friends until Bon Bon's secret got posted online by ‘Anon-A-Miss’. In fact, a lot of friendships were damaged because of them.

"I can't believe she would go behind my back like that."

Applebloom turned again as she saw a group of girls from her school looking over some clothes.

"I know, right? What kind of friend dates the boy you like behind your back?" the girl next to her said.

Applebloom looked away as soon as it was her turn to go up to the register. She paid for her item, got it gift wrapped, and went back to where she had been to see Diamond Tiara looking for her.

"There you are; where did you go?" Diamond Tiara asked. She was a little upset that Applebloom had left without telling her.

"Sorry," Applebloom apologized. “I just went to pay for something.”

Diamond Tiara noticed the sad tone in Applebloom's voice and became worried.

"Hey, what's the matter? I wasn't being too mean, was I?"

"What? Oh no! It isn't that!" Applebloom assured her.

"Then what is it?" Diamond Tiara questioned before realizing something. "Come to think of it, you were kind of out of it throughout school today too."

"Well, I-"

"Oh, it's you."

Applebloom and Diamond turned to the source of the voice to see an annoyed Silver Spoon standing there. She had her arms folded and eyes narrowed as if the sight of the two girls together angered her. Diamond Tiara’s eyes also narrowed angrily at her best friend.

"What are the odds of running into you here?" Silver Spoon asked sarcastically.

"If that's all you have to say then go away," Diamond Tiara said in an angry tone. "I'm not talking to you, remember?"

"Wait, what's going on?" Applebloom looked between them in confusion. She wondered what had gotten between the two girls.

"You see, I misplaced my necklace and when I asked Silver Spoon if she's seen it she said no," Diamond Tiara began. "But Anon-A-Miss posted a picture of her wearing my necklace!"

"Like I said, it didn't look any good on you so I was doing you a favor," Silver Spoon spat defensively.

"Silver Spoon! How can yah say that?!" Applebloom was shocked to hear this. "Diamond Tiara's yer best friend; how can yah steal her stuff?!"

Silver Spoon didn't say anything, although she started to feel ashamed due to Applebloom's words.

Diamond Tiara just glared at Silver Spoon before storming off.

"Diamond Tiara, wait!" Applebloom called out. She gave Silver Spoon one last apologetic look before running after Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara headed towards the girls’ restroom and she threw open the door as she stormed inside. Applebloom gently pushed open the door and saw Diamond Tiara by the sink, rubbing her eyes.

"Diamond Tiara, are...are yah okay?" Applebloom asked carefully.

"Does it look like I'm alright?!" Diamond Tiara snapped, causing Applebloom to flinch, Diamond Tiara's eyes widened as she realized what she had done. "I-I'm so sorry, Applebloom."

"It's okay," Applebloom assured her as she approached.

"Some friend I am, huh?" Diamond Tiara questioned as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. "I guess I haven't really changed. I'm still the same mean person I was before."

"That's not true," Applebloom said gently but firmly. "Yah apologized for shoutin' at me; the old yah would have never done that."

Applebloom grabbed Diamond Tiara by her shoulders and made her distressed friend face her.

"Yah have changed, Diamond Tiara. Sure yah can be a bit stubborn and insensitive at times."

"Gee thanks," Diamond Tiara said sarcastically.

"But yah feel bad fer what yah did and do yer best to make up fer it and be better," Applebloom finished with a smile.

"How can I be better if people won't let go of what I did....like Sunset?" Diamond Tiara whispered the last part sadly.

"What do yah mean?" Applebloom asked.

"At school, when Anon-A-Miss posted those secrets, people have been blaming Sunset for it," Diamond Tiara explained. "Even after she saved us from the Dazzlings’ mind control, they blamed her for this."

"W-well, that's because Anon-A-Miss is set up in her image!" Applebloom quickly explained.

"Yeah, but the old Sunset that ruled the school wouldn't do that," Diamond Tiara countered. "She would work behind the scenes and made sure nothing was traced back to her. I actually admired her for her power and cunning."

Diamond Tiara gave Applebloom a sad smile.

"When Princess Twilight stopped her and Sunset tried her best to make up for all the bad stuff she did, I admired her even more. I thought that if I worked as hard as she did then maybe I'll be able to make up for all the bad stuff I’ve done too."

"Yah did make it up to me and the rest of our friends!" Applebloom stated. "Quit sayin' yer that person anymore, because to me yah aint."

Diamond Tiara's heart fluttered at Applebloom's words. Applebloom's belief in her was one of the reasons she was able to even come as far as she did from the horrible person she was prior. Because of her mother, she had been condescending, rude, arrogant, and a complete bitch to her classmates. It was thanks to Applebloom and the rest of the CMC that she found a chance to change for the better.

"Thank you, Applebloom. I don't know what I would do without you," Diamond Tiara thanked Applebloom. Her tone was sincere as she placed her hands on top of Applebloom's.

"Don't mention it," Applebloom said. "It's what friends do fer each other."

"Friends huh?" Diamond Tiara muttered, her heart hammering against her chest as she debated whether or not to act on her feelings. "S-say Applebloom?"

"Yeah?" Applebloom looked at Diamond Tiara who's cheeks turned red.

"There's something.....there's something I want to give you!" Diamond Tiara blurted out. She reached into her shopping bag and pulled out the bow she had bought before handing it to Applebloom.

Applebloom took the bow and looked it over. It wasn't anything too flashy and the bow itself had an apple pattern throughout.

"Thanks, Diamond Tiara," Applebloom thanked her friend as she flashed her a grateful smile.

"Also, I have something I want to say to you," Diamond Tiara said nervously.

"What is it?" Applebloom asked curiously.

"For the longest time. I've been nothing but a bitch to you and your friends. I went out of my way to embarrass you and make you miserable just to bring you down. But despite all that, you still went out of your way to help me be a better person. It’s thanks to your encouragement that I had the courage to stand up to my mother and our relationship has gotten better since then," Diamond Tiara started to say, her heart racing as she mustered up every ounce of courage she had to continue. "I will always be grateful for what you did for me, that's why I...."

Applebloom listened with great interest as Diamond Tiara tried to finish what she was saying and was shocked to see tears spilling from her eyes.

"Diamond Tiara, are you-"

"I know I have no right to say this, but..." Diamond Tiara cut Applebloom off, her voice choking as she spoke. "But I really like you Applebloom. Would you please go out with me?"

Applebloom was left speechless. Out of all the things Diamond Tiara could have said, this was far beyond what she imagined. She watched her former bully look at her expectantly, her legs shaking a little as she awaited her answer.

"I...." Applebloom trailed off as she tried to find the right words. Although she didn't feel the same way, she did find it fun and interesting to hang out with Diamond Tiara. Not to mention she was rather cute.

Applebloom smiled, which caused Diamond Tiara to smile as her heart filled with hope. Applebloom opened her mouth to say ‘yes’ but a thought suddenly hit her which caused her smile to fade: Anon-A-Miss.

Diamond Tiara's smile faltered as she watched Applebloom's smile disappear.


"A-ah'm sorry, Diamond Tiara but I can't," Applebloom regrettably said.

Diamond Tiara's heart shattered into a million pieces.

"O-oh," Diamond Tiara felt tears begin to sting her eyes. "I guess you don't swing that way, huh?"

"That's not it at all," Applebloom said, her voice cracking.

"Then wha-" Diamond Tiara was surprised to see tears in Applebloom's eyes. "Applebloom, what's wrong?"

"Ah'm sorry, Diamond Tiara, but ah can't risk yah getting hurt because of me," Applebloom tearfully said.

"What do you mean? Why would I get hurt?" Diamond Tiara asked, confused as to what Applebloom was saying.

"Because ah'm Anon-A-Miss!" Applebloom confessed.

Diamond Tiara's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"You're the reason the whole school is at eachothers’ throats?"

Applebloom nodded as she cried, "Ah'm sorry."

Before Diamond Tiara could speak again, Applebloom bolted out of the bathroom.

"Applebloom, wait!" Diamond Tiara called out her crush's name, holding out a hand towards the closing door. She wanted to go after her but she couldn't will her legs to move. She slowly let her hand fall back to her side as she simply stared at the door.

Applebloom ran as fast as she could, weaving through the crowds of people as she made her way towards the mall’s exit. It had pained her greatly to see the devastated look in Diamond Tiara's eyes when she turned her down but she had no choice.

It's better this way,’ Applebloom thought, but it did little to stop her heart from aching. ‘Ah can't drag Diamond into this mess. Ah can never forgive myself if she got hurt because of me.’

Applebloom knew that once the students found out that she and her friends were behind Anon-A-Miss and the ones responsible for posting their secrets, then all their anger would be viciously directed at the CMC.

We shouldn't have done this!’ Applebloom shouted internally. ‘We should've just confessed in the first place!

Applebloom finally made it out of the mall. She stood to the side of the door, her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. When she finally did, Applebloom stood up, took out her phone and sent a group text to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“Emergency meeting at the clubhouse!”

Scootaloo watched from beside Fluttershy as the Rainbooms explained to Flash and Trixie what had been going on with Sunset.

"That's awful!" Flash said as he looked at Sunset with great concern. "Poor Sunset."

Trixie watched the sleeping Sunset, her worry growing at having heard the details of her condition. She gazed towards Sunset's journal which was resting atop the former unicorn's nightstand before walking towards it.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Rainbow Dash demanded as she watched Trixie pick up Sunset's journal.

"What does it look like? Trixie is sending the princess a message," Trixie said as she flipped open the journal to an empty page. With a flick of her wrist, a pen jumped out of her right sleeve which she caught and she began to write her message to the princess.

Rainbow Dash was about to say something when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Rarity shaking her head. This needed to be done.

"There!" Trixie said as her pen disappeared in a puff of smoke after she finished writing her message. She closed the journal and placed it back on the nightstand. "Trixie has written her message!"

"Great, then you can go now," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hmph, Trixie's business is done anyway," Trixie said before looking at Sunset. "Trixie wishes she could cure Sunset with her magic, but it's best to leave it to the expert."

Everyone in the room was shocked to hear this. Never in their wildest dreams did they think Trixie, the most boastful and prideful student of CHS, maybe even more so than Rainbow Dash would ever admit to someone being better than her.

"Are you okay, Trixie?" Rainbow Dash asked in concern.

"Trixie is fine, Rainbow Dash. It's Sunset that we should all be concerned about," Trixie reminded her before looking at Flash. "Trixie will be going home now. Do you need me to take you back?"

"I-I'm good, Trixie. Thanks, though," Flash said.

"Very well then," Trixie said before she raised her right hand into the air.

"Trixie, wait!" Applejack tried to warn Trixie but it was too late.

Trixie threw whatever she had in her hand against the floor, which caused the entire room to be filled with smoke, making everyone to cough.

"Show off," Rainbow Dash muttered between coughs.

The smoke quickly cleared and Trixie was nowhere to be seen.

"She's gone!" Pinkie said in shock. She started looking around before exiting Sunset's bedroom to check the rest of her apartment. "She really is gone!"

Everyone heard Pinkie Pie’s shout from somewhere in the apartment.

"I guess that's our cue to go as well," Gilda said.

"We already got what we came for," Lightning Dust added as she and her group started making their way out of Sunset's bedroom.

The Rainbooms followed the group out. Pinkie Pie was already at the apartment door with Gummy biting on her hair. The pink-haired party planner opened the door for them, each one thanking her as they exited the apartment.

Gilda stopped as she turned to face the Rainbooms.

"Listen, you probably know that a lot of kids at CHS believe that Sunset is posting their secrets on Anon-A-Miss."

"Yeah, we can hear them complaining about it," Rainbow Dash said.

"Did you know that it's because of you guys?" Lightning Dust questioned.

"What?!" The Rainbooms shout in unison.

"How is it our fault that they think it's Sunset?!" Rainbow Dash demanded, feeling insulted that Lightning Dust would even say that.

"It's because we heard you blame her when your pictures were posted," Lightning Dust explained.

"I actually heard someone say that too," Flash admitted as he crossed his arms. "I managed to overhear someone's conversation about how they doubted that Sunset was the one behind Anon-A-Miss until one of them mentioned that she heard you girls saying that Sunset went back to her old ways."

They Rainbooms became visibly uncomfortable from hearing this.

"So it's really our fault that the whole school blames Sunset?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes widening in realization. "What have we done!?"

"Don't sweat it. We'll spread the word that Sunset isn't responsible and that she's at home sick with her friends looking out for her," Gilda assured them, putting an extra emphasis on the word “friends”.

"Why, that's very kind of you, darling. Thank you," Rarity thanked Gilda, although she did notice the slight jab at her and her friends.

"Later," Lightning Dust waved goodbye as she exited the apartment to join the group.

Gilda merely gave everyone a nod before exiting herself and once the group was together. The floor flipped over, causing Gilda and her group to appear in the lobby of the building. The group then made their way outside the apartment building where they proceeded to flap their arms like wings and fly off.

The Rainbooms merely watched the empty spot where the group used to be before slowly closing the door.

"Well, that just happened," Rainbow Dash said, still trying to get used to the weirdness.

"Ah don't think ah can get uses to that," Applejack stated as she let out a tired sigh.

"Quite right," Rarity agreed.

"And I thought the Fall Formal and The Battle Of The Bands were the strangest things I've ever seen," Flash commented.

"Hey, where's Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed that her honorary little sister was missing.

"I thought she was with us," Fluttershy said as she started looking around for Scootaloo.

"Yah don't think she disappeared with Trixie, did she?" Applejack asked with concern.

Rainbow Dash rushed over to Sunset's room and threw the door open. She was met with the wide eyes of Scootaloo who was by Sunset's bedside, her phone in hand and clearly startled by Rainbow Dash's sudden appearance.

"R-Rainbow Dash, you startled me," Scootaloo said, smiling at her mentor as she placed her phone back in her pocket.

"What were you doing?" Rainbow Dash asked as she walked into the room.

"I was making sure Sunset was okay," Scootaloo explained, telling the truth. "When everyone left, I didn't want Sunset to be alone in case something happened."

"That's very nice of you, Scootaloo," Fluttershy said, flashing the younger girl a smile.

"Why did you have your phone out?" Rainbow Dash asked suspiciously.

"Applebloom texted me if I wanted to hang out at the clubhouse, but I texted that I can't because I'm hanging out with you," Scootaloo explained a little nervously. Again she wasn't lying but what she didn't mention was that she would be seeing Applebloom later.

"Okay, but it doesn't look like we'll be doing much hanging out though," Rainbow Dash said regrettably. She had to act like she didn't suspect Scootaloo of being Anon-A-Miss or risk the younger girl finding out that they were onto her and her friends. Scootaloo was a smart girl. "Sorry, Scoots."

"That's okay, Sunset's your friend. You always have your friends’ backs," Scootaloo said with a smile. That was one of the things she admired about Rainbow Dash, her loyalty to her friends. Suddenly, Scootaloo felt a pit growing in her stomach but she ignored it.

"R-right," Rainbow Dash stuttered, feeling like she was stabbed in the heart. She glanced towards the bedroom door to see Fluttershy by the doorway.

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie suggested that we go out to get some pizza. Would you like to come with us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Pizza sounds great Fluttershy, but I'll stay behind to keep an eye on Sunset," Rainbow Dash told her. "What about Flash?"

"Flash said he isn't hungry and he's going to walk with us part of the way before he has to take a different way home. We'll be back soon," Fluttershy said as she gently closed the bedroom door.

"Say Scoots, what do you say I help you finish your homework?" Rainbow Dash offered.

"Thanks, Rainbow!" Scootaloo happily accepted the offer.

Trixie opened the door to her bedroom, throwing her backpack on her bed before collapsing on top of it. She still needed to work on her magician's exit as she wanted to appear in her house rather than back at school.

Trixie turned her head to look at her guitar resting on her guitar stand, although it now looked drastically different than what it used to look.

"It's almost ready," Trixie muttered. She thought back to what the Rainbooms had told her about Sunset's condition and while she didn't let it show, she was terrified.

Trixie had experienced loss, and although it wasn't one of her family members that had passed away, she still felt the sense of loss.

Trixie suddenly shot out of her bed and shook her head.

"No, Sunset won't die. Princess Twilight will help her and when she gets better, Trixie will make her move!"

With that said, Trixie picked up her guitar and started getting back to work. She was more determined than ever to complete her plan.

"All done!" Scootaloo cheered as she closed her textbook.

"Good thing they didn't give you that much homework huh?" Rainbow Dash grinned. "I'm going to go check on Sunset."

"Okay," Scootaloo said as she watched Rainbow stand up from the kitchen table and head towards Sunset's bedroom.

Scootaloo took this time to take out her phone and sent a text to Applebloom. She placed her phone back in her pocket and waited for Rainbow Dash to come back.

She waited for ten minutes and wondered what was taking her so long. Scootaloo decided to go check on her. She got up from her chair and proceeded to head towards Sunset's bedroom. As she neared the door, she was about to knock when she heard Rainbow Dash's voice.

"I'm such an idiot."

Scootaloo pulled her hand back and slowly but carefully turned the doorknob and opened the door to just a crack so she could peek inside. She saw Rainbow Dash on her knees by Sunset's bed, with her left hand over Sunset's.

"I can't believe I was so stupid to believe that you would throw away our friendship," Rainbow Dash chuckled bitterly. " I can't believe that I was stupid enough to throw you away. Sunset.....I'm scared."

Scootaloo's eyes widened at hearing the confession as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth.

"You being so sick scares me. What if Twilight doesn't get the messages? And if she does, what if she can't help you?" Rainbow Dash's voice started to crack, tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm terrified of losing you."

Rainbow Dash laced her fingers with Sunset's as tears started falling down the sides of her face.

"God, look at me. I'm so pathetic, I have no right to cry."

Rainbow Dash rested her head on the edge of Sunset's bed.

"I like you Sunset, as more than just a friend. Heck, I’ve had a crush on you since I first saw you in my first year at CHS."

Rainbow Dash raised her head and looked at Sunset. She then looked at the journal by her nightstand and reached over to get it.

"I hate being so powerless," Rainbow Dash muttered as she flipped open the journal. "I wish I-"

Rainbow Dash cut herself off when her eyes noticed the date on one of the journal entries.

"This is from the day of the slumber party at Rarity's, I wonder what she wrote?" Rainbow Dash said to herself as she began reading aloud.

When she was finished, Rainbow Dash closed the journal, her body trembling as she looked over at Sunset.

"I'm sorry Sunset, I'm so sorry," Rainbow Dash sobbed as her tears dripped on to the cover of Sunset's journal.

On the other side of Sunset's bedroom door, Scootaloo backed away as tears ran down the sides of her face.

"I'm sorry," Scootaloo mumbled before going back to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, the rest of the Rainbooms returned. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were both looking normal and the group of girls enjoyed some delicious pizza before Scootaloo had to go home. However, in reality, she was going to Sweetie Belle's house where they were going to hold the emergency meeting.

"Hey, girls," Rainbow Dash called her friends’ attention.

"What is it, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked. She noticed her best friend's somber look.

"There's something you gotta see," Rainbow Dash said as she started walking towards Sunset's bedroom. The Rainbooms looked at each other in confusion before following Rainbow Dash. They entered Sunset's bedroom and Rainbow Dash picked up the journal.

"I was checking Sunset's journal and I saw what she wrote to Twilight the night we were at your house for the slumber party, Rares," Rainbow Dash explained as she flipped open the journal.

"Rainbow Dash, did you look at Sunset's journal entries?!" Rarity said incredulously. To read someone’s private journal was a terrible invasion of privacy.

"I-I know that it's bad but my eye caught the date and since it was before the photos got posted on Anon-A-Miss' page I got curious!" Rainbow Dash explained. She found the entry she was looking for and showed it to her friends. "You have to read this."

The girls looked at Rainbow Dash's pleading face before Applejack took the journal from her and they all read the entry together. Once they were done, the girls were in tears.

"Oh, Sunset," Fluttershy cried as she covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

Rarity brought Fluttershy into a hug, her mascara mixed with her tears as they ran down the sides of her face.
Applejack brought her hand down to cover her eyes, her heart filled with shame. Pinkie Pie burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around Rarity and Fluttershy, hugging them tightly.

"Girls, we have to tell Sunset," Rainbow Dash said as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "We have to tell her about our mistake."

"What mistake?"

Everyone's eyes widened and Rainbow Dash quickly turned around to see Sunset sitting up on her elbows. The former unicorn spotted her journal in Applejack's arms.

"Did Twilight send a message already?" Sunset asked as she tried to make herself comfortable.

The girls were quick to go to Sunset's side and help her into a comfortable position.

"Thanks, girls, you're all the best," Sunset smiled which twisted the knife already in the girls’ hearts.

"Sugarcube, there's somethin' we gotta confess," Applejack said, her face twisting in anguish.

"What is it? And why are you all looking so sad?" Sunset asked as she saw the sad and guilty looks on her friends’ faces. Her eyes widened as she realized what it could be. "It's Anon-A-Miss, isn't it? They posted something about you girls again, didn't they?"

"They did but..." Applejack trailed off, trying to find the best way to tell her that they HAD initially accused her of being Anon-A-Miss.

"Don't worry, whoever they are they'll be sorry they ever messed with my family," Sunset vowed before she started coughing.

The girls became even more guilty as the knife twisted again.

"Sunset, Anon-A-Miss posted the photos you took from the slumber party at Rarity's," Rainbow Dash suddenly said.

"What?!" Sunset was shocked to hear this.

Rainbow Dash took out her phone and after going to Mystable and finding the post from Anon-A-Miss, she showed it to Sunset.

Sunset grabbed the phone and her eyes widened at seeing the pictures she herself took from the slumber party.

"How did they get our pictures?! They were on my phone!"

Sunset looked up to see her friends looking at her with guilt and she immediately knew why.

"You thought I was Anon-A-Miss, didn’t you?"

Instead of answering the girls merely looked away, too ashamed to return Sunset’s gaze.

Sunset leaned back against the headboard of her bed, her eyes still wide with shock.

"After Rarity's slumber party...when the pictures got posted, we all assumed it was you," Rainbow Dash finally spoke up. "I was really upset that you betrayed us.

"We waited for you by your locker, but you never showed up," Rarity spoke, taking out a handkerchief to wipe her eyes.

"We suspected that yah might have run away knowin' that we would figure out that it was yah who posted the photos," Applejack confessed as she took off her hat. "So we decided to visit yer apartment to see if yah were still here or if yah left behind a clue to where yah might be."

"I used the spare key you gave me to open the door," Rainbow Dash admitted.

"We thought we caught you when we heard you cough but it turns out it was because you were really sick," Pinkie Pie said with remorse.

"Anon-A-Miss posted the following day while you were sick, me and Pinkie were looking after you so you couldn't have been the one who posted the secret about..." Fluttershy trailed off as she looked to Rainbow Dash and Applejack, silently asking if she should tell Sunset. Both girls nodded. "About their crush on you."

Sunset turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash and Applejack, both girls looked back at their crush with looks of misery. Sunset looked back to Rainbow Dash's phone, she scrolled through the posts until she found the one about Rainbow Dash and Applejack's crush on her. Her so-called rejection of them was cruel and meant to hurt them.

"How?" Sunset whispered, her head lowered and her hair obscuring her eyes.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash looked at Sunset in confusion.

"HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK IT WAS ME!!" Sunset screamed as she raised her head to glare at her friends.

The girls flinched at the volume and intensity of Sunset's voice, which was loud enough to shake the room.

"Sunset, darling, we're very sorry for-"

"Sorry?!" Sunset cut off Rarity. She threw the covers off herself and got off her bed. "Sorry isn't enough to explain to me why, after everything we've been through together, you still think of me as that manipulative she-demon I used to be!"

"Sunset, yah have to calm down. It's not good-"

"Calm down?! Are you really one to be telling me this, Applejack?!" Sunset questioned as steam started rising from her exposed skin. The light of the sun that shone through Sunset's window started to intensify. "Everyone knows how easily you and especially Rainbow Dash can lose your tempers!"

"Darling please, you don't want to say anything you will regret," Rarity cautioned as she tried to calm Sunset down, becoming very alarmed at the steam that continued to rise from Sunset.

"Oh, believe me, I won't regret a thing!" Sunset turned her glare to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "You wanna know a secret? I have crushes on both you!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack's eyes widened upon hearing this. They both glanced at each other before looking at Sunset.

"Y-yah do?" Applejack asked.

"Of course! I was hoping we could be a herd!" Sunset said, which confused everyone. "But how can we be a herd without complete trust in one another?!"

Sunset looked at Rainbow's phone, gritting her teeth as her anger grew. She then showed everyone the phone or more specifically the Anon-A-Miss profile.

"LOOK AT THIS PROFILE! HAVE I EVER BEEN SO BLATANT!?" Sunset roared as her hair burst into flames, her cutie mark appeared on her cheeks as her eyes started glowing.

The Rainbooms were in shock at Sunset's sudden change, they were even a little afraid of her.

"S-Sunset, please. Yah gotta calm down," Applejack pleaded.

"Calm down?! CALM DOWN!?" Sunset spat literal flames with each word. "How can I calm down when my so-called friends, the ones who I consider family would accuse me of betraying them!?"

The Rainbooms were silent. There was no excuse. Sunset had every right to be angry with them.

"We're so sorry, Sunset," Rainbow Dash apologized as she stepped up towards the enraged girl but she had to step back when she felt the intense heat that radiated off of the former Equestrian.

Sunset was hit with a coughing fit which worried her friends. They wanted to help her get back in bed, but the intense heat and the fire she was coughing prevented them from getting close.

"How could you?" Sunset said between coughs, her head lowered. "How could you think I would do this to you?"

The flames of Sunset's hair started dying off as she continued to cough, Her cutie mark disappeared from her cheeks as the sunlight's intensity died as it went back to normal. When her coughing stopped, Sunset raised her head to look at her friends, tears welling up in her eyes.

"If I wasn't sick, would you still believe I was Anon-A-Miss?"

The girls shifted nervously. None of them could bear to give her an answer but Rainbow Dash knew that it had to be done.


Sunset's heart shattered at hearing this, especially from one of her crushes. The dam broke as a waterfall of tears cascaded out of her eyes and started flooding her room.

"Sunset, darling, please don't cry," Rarity said, although she herself wanted to cry for hurting Sunset like this.

"We're so sorry, Sunny!" Pinkie Pie cried as she made her way through the already shin-high water to get to Sunset.

The rest of the Rainbooms followed Pinkie's lead as they closed in on Sunset and enveloped her in a hug as she continued to cry.

"Ah'm so sorry, sugarcube," Applejack apologized, bitter tears stinging her eyes before falling down the sides of her face.

"We're such terrible friends!" Fluttershy cried, her heart hurt so much for hurting one of her best friends.

"We're fucking idiots!" Rainbow Dash said through her own tears. Sunset's cries of pain were piercing her heart.

Sunset continued to cry, her tears quickly filling up her bedroom as the girls floated very close to the ceiling. The Rainbooms took a deep breath just as the water reached the ceiling, Sunset continued to cry even though they were all fully submerged. The girls looked around before spotting the bedroom door and starting swimming towards it with Sunset in tow. They tried to get it open but due to the door opening inward, they couldn't open it because of the water pressure.

They tried the window to let out the water, but again it wouldn't budge. They were soon running out of air and the only other option was to get Sunset to stop crying before they drowned, so they gently shook her to get her attention since they couldn't talk underwater. But then a fish swam in front of them causing them to look around to see fishes swimming around them.

‘Oh great, not this again,’ Rainbow Dash groaned in her mind.

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened in realization as a lit light bulb appeared over her head but it quickly blew out since it wasn't waterproof. Pinkie concentrated and made the lightbulb waterproof, causing it to light up again before she started swimming back to the bedroom door.

The rest of her friends, minus Sunset, watched as she reached the door, wondering what she was planning on doing. They didn't have to wonder long as Pinkie Pie grabbed the bottom of the door and flipped it, making the door now open outwards. Pinkie Pie grabbed the door handle and opened the door, causing the water to rush out of Sunset's bedroom.

The girls gasped as they each took in a lungful of air as they all laid on the wet floor of Sunset's hallway.

"That was close," Rainbow Dash said.

"Nice going there Pinkie," Applejack thanked her friend. "Pinkie?"

Applejack sat up and looked around for the party girl, only to see her flopping on the floor like a fish out of water.

"Knock it off, Pinkie," Applejack said with a sigh.

"Okay!" Pinkie said cheerfully as she stood up.

The rest of the Rainbooms did the same. They looked around the soaked hallway before it instantly dried and all the knocked over furniture were back in their original position. "What the-?!" Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes before looking back at the clean and dry hallway.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that happened, right?" Fluttershy said as she looked at her friends.

"Sunset!" Applejack suddenly realized as they all rushed back to Sunset's bedroom to see her getting back in bed.

"Darling, let us-"

"Please stop," Sunset interrupted Rarity as she pulled back the covers. "Just leave me alone for a bit."

"But, Sunset. Yer not feeling well," Applejack said with worry.

"It's okay, I'll still accept your help in taking care of me," Sunset assured them as she laid on her bed, finally facing the girls. "I just need some time for myself."

The girls looked at each other in worry before looking back at Sunset.

"Okay, sugarcube," Applejack agreed as she stepped up and laid her hand on top of Sunset's. "Just let us know if yah need anythin'."

"Will do," Sunset flashed them a smile as her friends left her bedroom. Once her bedroom door closed, Sunset's smile dropped as she pulled out Rainbow Dash's phone. She narrowed her eyes at the Anon-A-Miss page before turning off Rainbow Dash's phone and placing it on her dresser.

"It's good to be back home," Twilight said as she stepped inside her castle. It was late evening and Celestia was just lowering the sun.

"It sure is," Spike agreed from his spot on Twilight's back before letting out a yawn. "Too bad Rainbow couldn't spend the night, huh?"

"She said she had to take care of something and wouldn't tell me what it is," Twilight said as she made her way up the stairs and towards Spike's room.

Twilight had enjoyed her visit to her parents as well as visiting Rainbow Dash's parents. Even the surprise summons from Princess Celestia was enjoyable as they shared stories of Twilight's time learning under Princess Celestia. Stories of Sunset's foalhood prompted Twilight to share stories of her own experience raising Spike. But what Celestia told her about her nightmare involving Sunset had her worried. She even made a quick teleportation trip to her castle to check on her journal just in case she received a message but she didn't. So she continued the rest of her visits in peace.

Twilight finally arrived in Spike's room and used her magic to gently place the already sleeping dragon in his bed before pulling the covers over him and tucking him in.

"Goodnight, Spike," Twilight said before giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Twilight made her way out Spike's bedroom and gently closed the door behind her. As she made her way towards her room, she paused in front of her library which contained the mirror portal.

"Maybe I should check if she sent any messages," Twilight muttered as she opened the doors and stepped inside.

Twilight saw that the journal wasn't glowing or vibrating and used her magic to pull it off its pedestal.

"Still nothing, huh?" Twilight said as she flipped open the journal. "I wonder if I should pay her a visit just in case?"

Just then the journal started glowing as words appeared on the previous journal entry.

"Oh! I wonder what she-" Twilight cut herself off as she read the message.

Dear Princess Twilight:

This is Rarity, I hope I'm not interrupting anything but we are in serious need of your help. You see, Sunset is gravely ill and we believe it's magic related since she was is glowing red and her body temperature is beyond what anything in our world can survive. Please get here as soon as you can.

Love Rarity.

Another message suddenly appeared below that.

Dear Twilight:

This is Applejack. Rarity asked me to write to you about the weird stuff that has been going on in Canterlot like ice cream falling from the sky. Also this mornin', Sunset woke up all ponied up and started usin' her magic like nothin'. We really need yer help in figuring out what's going on.

Yers truly, Applejack.

Yet another message appeared below that.

Princess Twilight, it is I, The Great and Powerful Trixie. You have to get here on the double; Sunset is very sick and needs your help!


Twilight was in shock. There were no responses from Sunset for days and then all of a sudden she got these messages pleading her for help that were sent by people other than Sunset. A pit formed in her stomach as she recalled what Celestia had told her happened to Sunset in the past.

"Oh no."