• Published 24th Oct 2018
  • 3,936 Views, 358 Comments

Kamen Rider Achilles - Axle the Cobalt Exorcist

Magical mosnters have shown up around canterlot high and its up to the mystrus masked hero to stop them

  • ...

Ride 11: Basket Case

It was a quarter past four and the chemistry club had just finished up for the day.

Two members of the club had to stay late to clean up. Today it was Flash and Twilight’s turn to clean up. Flash was lost in his thoughts as he was sweeping the floor. Trixie was at her part-time job so he could have hung out with twilight. However, there was something that he needed to do that required him to head to the library before it closed. Once he finished up his chores he looked over to twilight. The Owl Phone was just sitting on the table as it watched the two cleaned, its head turning around three hundred and sixty degrees. Twilight was walking all around the room, in search of something.

“Lose something?”

“My bag," Twilight replied as she opened a cabinet to check inside. "I’m sure I left it by my workstation but it disappeared.”

Flash just looked to his owl buddy before moving the conversation along. “So," he asked, "you gonna be hanging out with the girls this weekend?”

“Most likely,” Twilight answered as she closed the cabinet and moved on to looking under the tables. “We haven't made any plans yet, but we may end up going to Equestria Land. That's always fun.”

“Yeah, sounds great. It's probably going to be just another boring weekend for me.” He chuckled knowing he'd most likely be spending most of his weekend fighting against whatever abomination of science Cypher or the others would be sending his way.

Twilight continued to look around, but no matter where she looked her bag was nowhere in sight. It was then that Flash spoke up. "So, you're bag, remind me. It's purple with blue straps and has your emblem on the front, right?"

"Yeah," Twilight turned to him, "you find it?" Flash didn't answer and instead pointed up at a light fixture, Twilight looking up before her eyes went wide. Her bag was currently hanging from said light fixture, well out of her and Flash's reach. "How...when..."

"I've learned not to question these things," Flash told her. "Especially if either Pinkie or Ditzy are anywhere in the vicinity."

Twilight sighed, unable to argue with that. She picked up the second broom and started to poke at her bag to get it down but ended up getting it further stuck. “Dang it.” She could just use her magic but she left her necklaces in the bag she was trying to get down.

Flash looked up at the bag for a moment before he got an idea. “Stand back a bit,” he said as he took a few steps back.

Twilight did as she was asked as Flash spun the broom in his hand till the brush was facing up. He took the broom in both hands before sprinting. Once he got close to where the light was, he slammed the broom on the ground to volt him up and kick the light just hard enough to knock the bag down without breaking the light. At the moment that Flash was in that air, time seemed to slow down for Twilight. In seeing his movements, she couldn't help but see a ghost of Kamen Rider Achilles performing the same move. This caused Twilight's mind to go into overdrive as she watched Flash pick up her bad from the ground. “Here you go.”

“Um, thanks,” Twilight took her bag back. Before she could think of what she should say, Flash made his way to the door.

“Well, everything seems to be done here. I need to get to the library before it closes. See ya later,” He stepped through the door, the Owl Phone flying to him before turning to its phone and he pocketed it.

Twilight just stood in the middle of the room, silent for a moment as her brain finally caught up. “Is...is Flash, Achilles?”

“Flash can’t be Achilles,” Spike said as he rolled around in his dog bed. Twilight was in her room, typing away at her computer. “I'm pretty sure we would know if he of all people got magical powers”

“Yeah, but it just makes too much sense. I mean, there is at least a possibility of it.” Twilight spun her chair around to her canine companion.

“Well, what else do you have besides the fact that the guy can imitate the rider’s moves?”

“Have you ever noticed that we never see Flash and the Rider at the same time?”

“Really Twilight, you're using that argument?” Spoke asked with a dry looking face. "By that logic, your mom and dad could by the rider."

“ It's not just that either," Twilight told him. "What about all the strange names for his attacks?”

“Yeah, but heroes always name their special attacks.”

“Yeah, well, I found a common theme with them. Take the fight with Hydrax for example,” Twilight began to explain as she thought back to that battle.

The group of monsters was so overwhelmed by the drones that they were all surrounded. “Shine on you crazy diamond,” Achilles said as she snapped his fingers. The drones then started to spin around the monsters at high speeds as they bombarded the group with laser blasts.

When the lasers stopped firing, only the original Hydrax was left. “Wh-what does that...even mean?” He asked as he stumbled forward.

"It means Goodbye,” Achilles said as he pressed the button in his driver

“Or the battle with Cypher.”

“Savage Garden!” Achilles yelled. The ball then erupted into a large shockwave. The ground around them began to transmute into all matter of swords, spears, axes and so on of all shapes and sizes.

“They all have musical themes to them. I looked them up and they all seem like music Flash would be a big fan of,” Twilight showed her search results on the computer.

“All your proving is that the Rider has a hobby when he's not fighting,” Spike said as he got out of his bed and hopped up to Twilight’s lap. “Do you have anything else cause if you go bringing this up with the other, they're gonna look at you like you're crazy.”

Twilight patted Spike as she began to work out how she was going to prove her hypothesis. Using the scientific method, she decided to move on to the experimental phase. But what should it be?

After a moment, Twilight rose up abruptly, causing Spike to jump off. “I got it! I’ll spend the whole day with Flash. Never leave his side and if the rider shows up that would mean he’s not the rider. But if he tries to get away then there would be some cause for suspicion. Not to mention, I can try to get more info out of him.”

Spike let out a doggish hmm as he thought about it. “Well, that may work. But won’t Flash find it kinda weird if you're following him around all day. That will look pretty suspicious if you ask me.”

“Hmm," Twilight began to pace before a smile appeared on her face, "I think I know how to get past that.” She pulled out her phone.


“I’m going to ask him,” Twilight answered. Spike’s jaw dropped in response to Twilight's bluntness. Once she selected Flash’s contact, she brought the phone up to her ear.

At home, Flash was intensely focusing on the many books he got from the library that were spread out on the kitchen table. The Owl Phone was perched on his mother's spice rack, watching him read.

Trixie, who was hanging out at his house, had just got some peanut butter crackers from the refrigerator when she noticed this. She took one of the books to see why her friend looked like he was studying for midterms. Trixie soon found that the books were all about chemistry and were very advanced. “I didn't know you were taking AP Chemistry,” she said as she placed the book down.

“I'm not,” Flash responded, not breaking his concentration from his studies. “This is all for rider business.”

“How so?” Trixie asked as she sat on the couch.

“You remember that fight with Cypher? The one where I got the Alchemy Element Cards,” Flash asked as he pulled out the card.

“Yeah," Trixie recalled, "you turned the ground into a bunch of weapons and kicked his butt till that Unicorn Advanced showed.”

“Yeah, well since then I haven't been able to repeat that. I'm back to just changing the shape of things and not the matter they're made out of. My guess is that the form needs some kind of knowledge of what I want to change in order to make it happen. That's why I could only do it with Twilight. Knowing the molecular makeup of steel is nothing to her.”

“Of course Twilight would create a power that requires homework,” Trixie said as she took her bag and dumped out a pile of machine parts as well as a contraption with several lenses on it. She then pulled out a screwdriver and began working on the gadget.

“And what are you working on?” Flash asked.

“I'm working on what will soon make me the greatest and most powerful magician in history,” Trixie said nonchalantly.

Flash just sat back till he heard a hooting, both teens looking up to see the Owl Phone's eyes flashing as it spoke. It flew down and landed in Flash's hand, morphing into its phone form. He saw it was Twilight and answered it. “Hey Twilight, what's up?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Twilight answered from the other end of the call. “I was just wondering, if you still have no plans, if you want to go to Equestria land with me?”

“Oh, yeah. I’d love to go to the amusement park with you and the girls,” Flash responded.

“Oh, the other girls had other plans so it will just be you and me,” Twilight said.

This news caused Flash to fall back on his chair. His phone flew out of his hand and onto the table. The crash also caused some of Trixie’s parts to fall on the floor. “Hello? Hello~” Twilight said through the phone. Flash tried to get back up but he just ended up tripping on a few of the nuts and bolts, crashing back to the ground.

Flash soon got himself back together and picked up the phone again. “Just you and me. At the amusement park?” Flash thought out loud. “Hahaha! Yeah just the two of us, at the amusement park, all day. It will be fun, as friends. Why wouldn’t I want to do that, sounds fun.”

“Glad to hear. Meet me by the front gate by ten,” Twilight side before disconnecting the call. Flash just placed the phone on the table with a black stare on his face. The phone changed back into its owl form, it and Trixie looking at him oddly.

“Sounds like you're going to the amusement park with Twilight." Trixie gave him a concerned look, "do you think you’ll be ok?”

“I-I don't know,” was all Flash could get out.

Twilight put down her phone and smiled, happy that her experiment had now been put into motion. “There, everything is set up.”

Spike smirked, a cheeky look appearing on his face. “Yeah, I hope you have a good time on your date.”

“It’s not a date Spike. It's an experiment,” Twilight snapped back. “Plus, I already have a boyfriend.”

“Hard to tell with how little we see the guy,” Spike mumbled to himself

“What was that?” Twilight asked as she wasn’t paying attention.

“Nothing,” Spike responded.

After a well-deserved rest, Starlight was active again.

She was looking herself over in the full-length mirror in her room. The room was just like Cyphers but not as plain. The place was filled with books with several formulas written on the walls. There was even a potted plant by the window. Starlight appeared to be just as smart as the Doctor and was very interested in the advancement of his research.

She was happy to finally be out of her hospital gown. Instead of slippers, she now had on a pair of dress shoes with knee-high socks. She had a plain purple skirt and a long sleeve button up lavender shirt. The shirt had a patch on both shoulders of a four-point white and purple star. Her hair was properly brushed and was tied in a ponytail. She tighter her necktie and gave herself one last look over. “Finally," she smiled, "something a bit more stylish than those rags.”

“Hey look who’s back on her feet,” Terra said as he barged into the room with a smile on his face.

“What do you want?” Starlight asked as she slipped her hand through a silver bracelet.

“I just want to welcome you back to the world of the living.” He then pulled out a bag from his favorite restaurant. “And I wanted to get you some real food.”

“Um thanks,” Starlight said as she was handed the bag. She opened it and pulled out a wrapped burger. “I appreciate the offer but I don’t eat food this greasy.” Starlight handed the bag back to Terra before exiting the room.

“Hey," he asked, "where are you going?”

“I’m going to get my own food," Starlight said as she walked down the hall. "I want the first food I eat to be Coffee Jelly.” She then pulled out two of the Magi-beast cards she was given, “I also want to see what Kurogiri’s work can do.”

Saturday morning was probably when most people were crowded around the front gate of Equestria Land.

Through the crowds and nightmarish parking lot, Flash found Twilight standing by the ticket booth. “Hey, Twilight!” He shouted as he ran up to her.

“Oh, there you are,” Twilight responded with a smile. “I already got the tickets, so you just need to cover the food.”

“Sounds fair. Just go easy on me with that. I don’t have that much cash on me.” Flash let out a laugh and smile before running off to the gate, Twilight lagging behind.

She pulled out her phone and opened the voice memo app. “Ten O seven am," Twilight logged into her phone. "My observations on Flash Sentry begins. I will be doing everything in my power to uncover if Flash really is the Kamen Rider that has been defending our town.”

“Come on Twilight," she heard Flash yell. "What’s the hold-up?!”

“Coming,” Twilight responded as she ran over to her friend.

When the two entered the park, they looked around to see which ride they should ride first. Flash suggested the roller coaster and Twilight was happy to comply. After a short wait, the two got in the ride. It was very exciting for both of them and they wanted to keep it going. Soon after, they rode on a large swing and a tower drop ride.

“Wow, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.” Flash laughed as he and Twilight continued to walk around the park. “Hey," he pointed off in one direction, "why don't we check out what’s down that way?” He ran off in a childlike manner, Twilight smiling with a shake of her head before following.

The two soon passed by the midway. One game caught Twilight’s eye. It was a shooting game that used air rifles and corks to knock down prizes. 'This may help in my research,' she hummed. 'The rider can use blaster weapons very effectively in his battles. Let's see if Flash can match up, Twilight thought to herself.'

“Hey, why don't we play some games? That could be fun,” Twilight said as she grabbed onto his arm.

“Aren’t those things rigged?” Flash asked.

“That depends on who’s running them and I don’t see those two con men anywhere in sight,” Twilight answered, seeing that it was only one nice looking man and not twin brother.

Flash gave the man the money to play and the man handed him the air gun with three corks. “I have to tell you," Flash said as he picked up the gun. "I've never been much good at these games.” He aimed the gun and fired, managing to hit three of the targets dead center. This shock everyone, including Flash. “Wow!”

'Interesting,' Twilight thought, 'Flash seems to match Achilles with his skills with a poll arm and a firearm.'

'Looks like all that time as a rider really improved my aim,' Flash thought.

“Looks like we have a sharpshooter here,” the man running the game said before he then pulled down a large stuffed elephant to give Flash for his prize. “Here you go, something for your lady there.”

Flash’s face turned red as he took the prize. “Oh no, she’s not my girlfriend.”

“Could have fooled me,” The man said. This caused both their faces to turn red as they turned away. They walked away from the awkward moment. Twilight pulled out her phone to record her observation.

At one of the cafes in the park, we find Starlight sitting at one of the outdoor tables. One of the waitresses served her a glass with brown colored gelatin cubes topped with cream. “Here you go ma’am, one order of Coffee Jelly.”

“Thank you and keep the change,” Starlight said as she handed the waitress a few bills. She took a spoonful of the desert to eat with utter delight. “Mmh," she moaned, "this is amazing." She looked down at the treat. "The whole time I was asleep, all I was thinking about was you."

She made it through half her Coffee Jelly before pulling out a MagiBeast Card. The card depicted what looked to be a large tidal wave of some sort. “Just want are you and why did you bring me here?” Starlight asked herself. She looked around the cafe, searching for any host the card will react to. It remained dormant till a mother and her daughter passed by and caused the card to glow. “There we are.”

The mother kept walking along till her phone went off. “Hold on sweetie," she told her daughter. "This'll only take a second.” As her mother took care of what was going on with her phone, the young girl looked up at the balloon she got. Unfortunately she accidentally let her balloon go. She tried to grab onto the string but it floated away too quickly.

However, the balloon didn't escape into the heavens. Instead, it was rescued by Starlight. “Oh my, that was a close one,” she said as she gave the balloon back the girl, holding her hand in her own. “You really should be more careful,” she continued with a friendly smile.

“Thank you, miss,” the girl said. Her mother grabbed the girl's hand and the two walked off.

Starlight waved goodbye as her friendly smile turned into a wicked one. Unknown to everyone, Starlight kept the Magi-Beast card hidden as she slipped it onto the girl as she handed back her balloon. The card quickly turned into a magical aura and formed into a strange ball no bigger than basketball.

Starlight scooped up the ball and quickly hid behind the stands. “My my you're a strange one,” Starlight said as she observed the ball. Green slime began to form from one of the seams on the ball and it began to attach to her arm. “Ewww gross!” Starlight yelled as she swung her arm around. The ball wouldn’t come off till she managed to fling it onto a wall. She then noticed that her silver bracelet was gone and the slimeball grew bigger.

“Stupid slime! Did you just eat my bracelet!?” Starlight yelled. The monster slipped around the ground till it ended up at a fallen over trash can. It then started to absorb the soda cans and foil wrappers and began to grow again. It soon formed into a more human-like form. “Hmm," she tipped an eyebrow, "so you like shiny things. Maybe I can use your single-mindedness. If anything, it will get the rider’s attention and finish what I started." She then pulled out her own card and slotted it into her buckle.


Several orbs of light appeared around her body before she transformed into her monster form. After her transformation, the black lines along her body began to light up and change to turquoise as well as the highlights in her hair and eyes. “Let’s go find you some more to eat.”

After Flash and Twilight rode the teacup ride, they were taking a nice stroll through the park.

Twilight had collected some data, but it still wasn’t enough to prove her suspicions. She decided that she should take the time to get to know Flash better. Sunset had often talked about how he was a great guy, but they didn’t go in-depth enough for her to really know him. She knew Flash was in a band, but all her knowledge of his preferred music was just assumptions based on skin-deep knowledge of him. She decided that this would be a good time to get more data, maybe even get Flash to admit he’s the rider.

“So Flash," they turned to one another. "If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of music do you like? It’s obvious you're a big fan of rock, but who’s your favorite artist?"

“Well," Flash put his hand to his chin, "trying to pick out my favorite band is a hard one. I’m always changing which band I’m into. Right now I’m into MC4. Of course, Empress will always be my go-to. However, if we are talking about an individual artist it would have to go to the man that inspired me to play music, Ziggy Stardust.”

“He must be really impressive if he’s your inspiration. I actually think I heard of him,” Twilight said.

“Ziggy is my hero, I looked up to him for a long time. His music helped me throw my dad running off on us,” Flash said with a smile. “Hey, why don’t we take a break? I'll go get us something to eat." He handed Twilight the stuffed elephant and ran to some of the food stands.

Twilight sat on a bench as she tried to process everything. “Ok now, what have we learned?” Twilight asked herself. “Flash has shown skill with both of the Rider’s main weapons but that isn’t much. I also learned that Flash has gone through some tough stuff but managed to come out of it pretty well so he’s pretty strong. I almost want a monster to attack so I can see the Flash and the rider in the same place. Does that make me a bad person?” Twilight asked the toy elephant.

“Oh I don't think you're a bad person,” a voice caught her attention. She turned to see the Unicorn Advansed with her Magi-Beast standing behind her. “It would give us a chance to get to know each other better.”

“You!?” Twilight yelled as she saw the monsters. “What are you doing here?”

“The last time we met, my condition got in the way. Now that it has cleared up, I want to introduce myself properly to the rider.” The monster extended its arm towards Twilight. She dived out of the way as the mass of slime destroyed the bench. “He’ll come out if we cause enough destruction.”

'I need to find Flash,' Twilight thought as she ran.

Starlight let her go as the slime monster roamed freely. It approached the nearest woman, who let out a scream as the monster slammed both its large arms into her. After a moment, the monster let her go seemingly unharmed. She, however, noticed that all her jewelry was missing. “Hey!" She yelled out, "give back my earrings!” Starlight appeared before her with her arm-horn glowing. This caused the woman to run as the Advanced walked away to watch her creature.

Meanwhile, Flash was returning to Twilight with an order of fries and some drinks. As he was on the way back, a mob of people ran past him and caused him to drop his food. Looking to where the people were coming from, he spotted the slime monster wrecking the park. “Jeez, don’t these guys ever take a day off?”

Twilight found Flash and started to run towards him, but then…


She saw a man was being lifted into the slime. Her mind was conflicted. Either she sticks to her research or helps the citizens. The choice was obvious and she ran towards the man in peril. At the same time, Flash ran out of view.

A purple aura formed around Twilight's hands and used her magic to grab the man with it. She managed to pull the man out and bring him to the ground. “Are you ok?” She asked.

“Yeah, but I think that thing took my belt buckle.”

The slime monster soon noticed Twilight’s necklace and found its next target. The monster launched its arm at her. Twilight held up her arms to defend the attack but it was interrupted.

Coming down from the sky was Achilles, using his spear to splatter the mass of goo. “So we're going with classic movie monsters now. Eh, guess even bad guys need to mix it up now and then.” The monster said nothing as its arm reformed. Achilles ran towards the monster and swung his spear down. The weapons went right through it. He performed several more slashes with no visible effect. “Of course my attacks won't work on it,” he said to himself.

The monster swung its arms and knocked the rider back. It swung its arms again, but Achilles ducked out of the way. “Ok, let's see what would happen if you electrocute this stuff.” Achilles pulled out the Storm card and slotted it into the driver.



The rider ran through the magic circle and his armor changed. He held his spear forward and plunged the blade into the slimy body. Lightning started to emit from his hand and focused on the spear. The monster started to spasm out of control until the slime splatter all over the place, the core rolling away. The rider wiped the goo that flew onto his eye plates and flicked it away. “Gross.”

This defeat didn't last long, as all the slime started to move on its own and began to form around the core and the monster reformed. “If you haven’t guessed yet, this isn’t your run of the mill Magi-Beast.” The rider turned towards the voice, spotting the Advansed walking towards him.

“I was wondering when I'd see you again. Though the highlights look nice.”

“Watch out," Twilight said from the sidelines. "She has gotten much stronger. She won't be running away this time.”

“Yes, and now we can have all the fun we want,” Starlight as her horn began and shot out several blasts of magic. The bolts hit the rider, causing him to drop his spear. An aura then formed around Achilles that pulled him towards the Advansed. She then grabbed the rider by the armor. “You looked shocked to be fighting someone competent,” Starlight gloated.

Twilight saw this and knew she had to act quickly. She used her magic to grab Achilles’ spear and threw it at Starlight, which caused the Advansed to let go. Achilles quickly grabbed his weapon and converted it into its blaster form and fired several blasts of light at Starlight. “I don’t think you're all that great. Terra and Cypher are smart enough to fight alongside their monsters. Yours ran away with its tail between its legs,” Achilles said.

Starlight looked around quickly to see that her slime was nowhere in sight. Most likely scared off by that shock it got. “Grrrrrr! That thing is useless! Well, that's fine. I don't need that spineless sludge,” Starlight said as she pointed her horn at the rider and began to charge an attack. But when she fired it, only a few sparks shot out. This came as a shock to Starlight, but a pleasant surprise to Achilles, who had her in his sights. 'Still not synced with my powers,' she thought. 'Guess that time in bed did more damage than I thought.' She leaped back before teleporting away.

Achilles lowered his weapon as Twilight ran up to him. “Whoa," Achilles said, "that was a close one." He turned to Twilight, "I really owe you for the same there.”

“Oh," Twilight smiled, "it was nothing. I always help out a friend...Flash Sentry.”

The rider felt his soul leap out of his body when he heard Twilight say his name. “I’m...sorry, what are you talking about?” He asked nervously.

“You don't need to act coy with me," Twilight pushed. "I know it’s you under the mask, Flash."

“I promise you, I'm not your friend,” Achilles denied. He had to think fast before he had no way out of this situation. He soon looked past Twilight to see a knocked over table umbrella. He started to form an escape plan, whether or not it was good however he had no clue. “I think I saw your friend ran that way,” He said pointing the other way. In the split-second Twilight turned around, Achilles slotted the Breeze card into the Driver.


When Twilight turned back around, the rider already shrunk down and used his enhanced speed to sprint across the pavement and behind the umbrella. The rider then transformed out of his armor and back to normal size. Flash then peeked out to see twilight confused at the Riders disappearance. “Hey, Twilight!" He called out, did Achilles take care of everything!?”

“Don’t do that,” Twilight said as she marched over to Flash. “Don’t act like I was not just talking to you right now.”

“What, you mean the rider? Pshh, I wish I was that guy. He probably ran off to find the runaway monster,” Flash said with the most innocent face he could muster.

Twilight returned this with a look that said she didn't believe a word he was saying. She knew he wasn’t going to lower the facade. so she was going to need to catch him in the act. “Ok, but I'm not going to leave your side.”

“Of course,” Flash replied. He put on a brave face but he was freaking out on the inside. He had two monsters in the park and now he will not get a chance alone.

Starlight soon found the slime monster and hid away under one of the rides.

After a few moments, she was able to recollect herself. “That rider is so annoying. No wonder the others want him gone.” She then looked over to her monster, seeing it was busy eating some game tokens from the arcade area. She wasn’t happy with how mindless this monster is and how ineffective it was. She has tempted to off this thing herself and call this outing a failure till she noticed something. Several wisps appeared around the slime before being absorbed and causing it to glow. This got Starlight thinking. Maybe this thing can be useful after all.

The scare caused by the Magi-Beast didn't seem to cause too much trouble for the other park attendees.

But things were getting more stressful for Flash. Not only was he spending the day alone with Twilight, but now she knew he was Achilles. She doesn’t have proof, but one slip up was all that was needed to reveal his secret. Not even a ride on the log flume ride could help his nerves. He tried to act like nothing was wrong, but he didn’t know how long he could keep it up.

Needing room to breathe, Flash noticed a restroom up ahead. “Hey, I need to take a quick break over there?”

“Of course,” Twilight answered with a calm look. “I’ll be waiting outside."

Flash nodded as he walked into the men’s room. He then locked himself in one of the stalls and started to dial his phone in a panic. “Trixie, we have an emergency!”

“You confessed your feelings to Twilight?” Trixie asked on the other end.

“What!?” Flash asked

“What?” Trixie responded.

“I don't have time for your games,” Flash said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Twilight knows I'm the rider.”

“Jeez," she said, "Trixie didn’t know you were that bad at keeping secrets.”

“I didn’t say anything," Flash was close to ripping out his hair. "Twilight figured it out on her own. Honestly, it was only a matter of time. But she’s not going to let me out of her sight and we have monsters running around.”

“Well the good news is, with the help of my magnificent illusions, I can get her off your tail. The bad news is that I can’t really implement it yet." Flash swore could hear sparking and crashing in the background.

“So I’m on my own for the time being?” He asked as he brushed his hand threw his hair.

“Pretty much,” Trixie replied. “Oh, also. When you have the chance, ask Twilight to activate the camera on your phone. Not only have you been neglecting posting on Ponygram, it could really help find the Magi-Beast.”

“I’ll make a note of it,” Flash said, throwing his teeth. He then hung up and made his way out. As she said, Twilight was waiting for him outside. “So what’s next?” He asked.

“Hmmm," Twilight looked around, "we can go on the rollercoaster again."

“Sure. And along the way, can you unlock the camera on my phone? You never did that when you gave it to me.”

“Oh right," Twilight said as Flash took out the device. "Totally slipped my mind.” She took the phone and began tapping on the touch screen. “Just so you know, you don't need to worry about me spying on you. If you are the rider I want you to trust me.”

“Can we please drop that whole thing?”

On the other side of the park, Starlight was able to find the little girl she found earlier. A smile crept on her face as she slowly closed in on her target.

“Mommy, can we go on that ride next?” The little girl asked.

“Of course dear,” the mother said.

Starlight saw her opportunity and threw a few of the arcade tokens on the grounds in front of the girl. A storm drain nearby began to ooze slime and the monster formed before the little girl. This caused both the girl and her mother to scream in terror. Wisps of energy began to come off of the girl and absorbed into the slime monster. This caused the Magi-Beast to grow more, eventually turning into a flood of slime that rushed through the park.

Starlight quickly transformed and teleported to higher ground. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” She watched as soon, the whole park was turned into a sea of slime. Things were looking like a win-win for her. Either the monster will get rid of the rider or she will get more data on how to destroy him later.

As Flash and Twilight were walking, they noticed people running past them. They turned around to see a wave of slime coming rushing their way. The two ran but the slime was too fast and they were washed away like everyone else. Flash tried to swim but the slime just felt awkward for him to move in. He kept trying to surface till he falt a cable by his hand and grabbed onto it. He started to pull himself out of the goo and climb onto the roof of the building.

“Of all the things I was worried about happening today, this was definitely not one of them,” Flash tried to wipe off the slime he was covered in, very glad he didn't swallow any of it. He then pulled out his phone and pressed the transformation app, bringing out the robotic owl partner. “I need you to find Twilight and make sure she’s safe. Think you can do that?”

The Owl Phone let out a few mechanical noises before flying off. “Good. And while he’s looking for Twilight, I need to find the cause of all this.” Flash looked around, knowing he needed to find a way to stop this Magi-Beast.

Unknown to him, several arms started to form out of the goo and swung at him. Flash reacted swiftly and rolled out of the way. “Looks like this guy wants revenge for when I shocked him." He needed a way to hurt a monster that most of his attacks would just pass threw. He can try the lighting again, but that seems to just make it upset. Then he got an idea and pulled out the Alchemy Element card.

“Let’s hope this works,” He said as he put on the driver and pulled out the Alchemy card. He had to dodge more of the slime tendrils before slotting the card into the driver. “Henshin!”



The magical circle appeared and passed over Flash, equipping him into his armor. He swung his arm and splattered one of the arms trying to grab him. Achilles then pressed his hand together and made a dash towards the edge of the roof. As more of the tendrils were gunning for him, he dunked his hands into the slime. After a flash of light, all the slime in the immediate area turned to ice.

“Phew," Achilles sighed in relief, "all that studying actually worked.” He walked on to the ice, making sure it was solid enough before beginning his search for Twilight and anyone else that needed rescuing. On the edge of the ice, a tendril of slime came out and formed into a copy for the monster’s main body from before.

The body swung its arms like whips at the rider. Achilles was knocked to the side, the rider rolling to his knees and saw that he had company. “After the day I have been having, you are the last thing I need.” He held up his laser before reshaping it into two short blades. Achilles then charged at the monster. The slime kept swinging its arms, but the Rider slid right through them. Once he got close, he started hacking away at the Magi-Beast.

Meanwhile, Twilight had managed to pull herself up on the merry-go-round.

She was in the middle of pulling out people that were trying to swim out. She managed to save a lot of them till she noticed something in the slime. It looked like the orb that fell out of the monster when Achilles electrocuted the monster earlier. “Is that the monster’s core?" She asked herself. "Is that what we need to destroy to stop this thing?”

Curiosity got the better of her and she grabbed onto it with her magic. This caused the slime to suddenly spring out into spikes for a moment. It then formed into a giant tendril and grabbed Twilight by the waist. The young woman tried to fight back but was pulled away from her solid ground.

At the same time, the Owl Phone found Twilight as this situation was unfolding. Its head turned around to take a picture of the events. The robotic owl turned quickly around and flew back to the rider.

Achilles kept slashing at the monster’s body without causing any damage.

He jumped up to avoid an attack, threw away his blades, and placed his hand together before punching the monster. Once his arm entered the slime, it froze solid and was shattered when he pulled out. A few robotic chirps brought Achilles’ attention to the Owl Phone. It closed its wings to show the picture it took of Twilight in trouble.

“Dang it!” The rider cursed. He then activated his power to create a track of ice. “She shouldn’t be too far away." He started sliding on the ice, really wishing this form came with a figure skating option.

As he got close, he saw Twilight in peril. He skated off on the ice track and threw his spear. The blade cut the slime that was suspending Twilight in the air and Achilles caught her before landing on the roof of another building. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” Twilight answered. More tendrils began to show up around the two. “This thing has gotten more aggressive after I tried to pick up that strange ball. I think it’s the Magi-Beast’s core.”

“So that's how we are going to stop this thing,” Achilles said. More of the slimy tendrils spawned around them. “Think you. Can you keep these guys busy?”

“No problem,” Twilight said as her hand glowed with magical energy and an aura appeared around the slime keeping them in place.

As Twilight held the monster back, Achilles used his powers to create a spring pad on the roof and jumped on it. When he was high enough, he took a quick look around to find the core. As he began to fall, Achilles pressed the button on his driver.


A magical circle formed around his foot and he was propelled into the sea of slime.

The kick caused a huge splash without losing any force before smashing the core. As the core was destroyed, all the slime burst before evaporating into magical particles. Achilles slid across the pavement before he looked up to Twilight.

“Nice work Flash!” The young woman yelled out.

“I’m not your friend!” Achilles yelled back. Before Twilight had a chance to say anything else, he ran off. This just raised Twilight suspicious even more.

Rescue workers came to the park after the ordeal.

No one was seriously hurt but the park would be shut down for a few weeks. Twilight was waiting at the front gate holding the elephant souvenir. It was a while until one of the rescue workers led Flash out of it. “I’m glad to see your alright,” Flash said.

“Will you just quit the act!” Twilight yelled out. She had a very frustrating day fighting a monster and the last thing she wanted to deal with was Flash’s stubbornness. “I know you are the Kamen Rider. There is no use denying it so please tell me the truth.”

“Twilight I…” Flash started before he was interrupted by the sound of a motor. He looked behind to where the noise was originating from. Coming around the corner was the Kamen Rider on his Machine Balius. The bike sped past the two in the blink of an eye. Flash was surprised by this but ran with it. “I guess that proves what I’ve been saying,” He said with a smile.

Twilight's head was shifting from him to where the rider had disappeared. If she went any faster, she'd likely get whiplash. "But...I...you...how..."

"Believe me now?"

Twilight let ouf a sighed, “I guess you were telling the truth. It's kinda ridiculous now that I think about it,” Twilight said with a laugh. “Spike was right, if you were the rider you would have told us.”

“Yeah,” Flash said as a pit started to form in his stomach. The fact that he spent most of the day lying to Twilight finally sinking in. “I am honored that you thought I was heroic enough to be the rider.”

A honking filled the air and the two noticed a car waiting in the parking lot. “Well looks like my ride's here,” Twilight said before slowly walking off. “See ya around.”

“Hey, can you wait one moment,” Flash said. Quickly Flash took Twilight by the shoulder and brought her in for a selfie with the Elephant.

“What the?” Twilight asked about this action that seems to come out of nowhere.

“I didn’t have a chance before to ask," Flash explained. "Now that I have a camera on this thing, I wanted the first picture to be of the two of us.” He then frowned, “is that not ok?”

Twilight smiled at him, “it’s fine. I just wanted a bit of a heads up, that’s all.” The two said their goodbyes before Twilight ran over to the car, both not realizing she still had the stuffed animal.

“Aren’t I going to get a thank you,” Trixie’s voice came in. The magician walked up behind Flash with a confident grin. “After all, I just saved your secret.

“You really saved me there Trixie,” Flash said as he turned to his friend. “How on earth did you do that?”

“It was all thanks to my new assistant,” Trixie said as she held out her hand. Floating above it was what looked like a robotic jellyfish. It’s tendrils spun to keep it airborne and its main body was covered with lenses. “The Jelly Drone, a portability 3-D project of my own design. What you two just saw was a model I made.”

“Impressive,” Flash said. He then let out a depressing sigh. “You helped me lie to her,”

“Flash," Trixie patted his shoulder. "I can see this was an emotionally exhausting day for you, but you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You have your reasons for keeping this secret.”

“I’m not telling people so they don’t have to worry about me. It scared me to think of what would happen if anyone found out. Now I think Twilight would be exceptionally mad at me if she found out.” Flash thought out loud. “But there is no use worrying about that now. If the time ever comes, all I can do is hope that we can still be friends after.” He looked at his phone, staring at the picture he just took with Twilight.

He knew keeping things a secret from everyone was the best possible solution. The more people knew, the more likely it would be that the secret was revealed. If the public ever found out the truth, he could kiss a normal life goodbye forever. This was for the best.

Author's Note:

I'm still alive.

sorry for the delay, life just happened. and I might not be very timely on the next cause i kinda want to start some non-fanfic stuff. I'm just happy to give you guys a chapter on this early Valentines Day.

Story Edited by Banshee531 , love this guy

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