• Published 24th Oct 2018
  • 3,936 Views, 358 Comments

Kamen Rider Achilles - Axle the Cobalt Exorcist

Magical mosnters have shown up around canterlot high and its up to the mystrus masked hero to stop them

  • ...

Ride 13: Helier skelter

Flash’s house was unusually busy this morning. This was mostly due to mostly due to Glint being home to cook breakfast as opposed to how she is normally out of the door before her kids woke up. Flash and First Base Ware at the table with a large stack of pancakes between the two. “I have no clue why you didn’t become a chef mom. Your cooking is the best,” First Base commented as he dug into his breakfast.

“Well I've been practising since I was around your age. People were actually surprised when I said I wanted to go to law school,“ Glint said as she turned off the stove, Glint turned on the TV to the news and took her place at the table. “I do think what it would be like if i did choose to be a chef but I'm happy to just be cooking for my two beautiful boys.”

“...Today the tech company, Wave Technologies, has opened new offices in Canterlot,” The reporter on the tv said. “In interviews the CEO commented “this new venture will be what allows the company to better compete with their overseas rivals.” Known for its work in communications, Wave Technologies aims to break into new markets with this expansion.”

“Wave Technologies? I never heard of them. Wonder what they do to get so much buzz about,” Flash said.

“A big company moving to a town like this will cause some news,” Glint answered. “One of my friends at the police said that Wave wants to work with them. Very interesting if you ask me.”

I wonder if Shining knows anything about that Flash thought. The Owl phone flew out of his bag and perched on the table, showing Flash the time. “Oh man we’re going to be late,” He said as he shovelled the last bit of food into his mouth and grabbed his brother. “Bye Mom, love you,” He said before racing out the door.

Flash met with Trixie once he got to school. They were strolling down the hall for their first class. “It was amazing Flash, Dark Star never disappoints,” Trixie said as she recapped a TV special she saw last night.

“I guess it's easy to misdirect people when your make up is so distracting,” Flash said with a smirk.

“It’s called presentation,” Trixie responded.


The two’s conversation was interrupted. Turning down the hall to two boys standing there. “Oh Drum Roll, Ringo, how’s it going? Flash greeted his two bandmates.

“We need to talk,” Base Keys said in a serious tone.

“I’ll see you later,” Trixie said, reading the room and running off to her class.

“What’s up?” Flash asked.

“Flash,” Ringo started as he pushed up his sunglasses. “We’ve known each other for a while and you're not the kind of guy who keeps secrets but…”

“WHY HAVEN’T YOU BEEN TO PRACTICE!!!” Drum Roll shouted out, cutting right to the chase.

Though he was surprised, Flash quickly responded“Oh I’m sorry I should have called. I got tied up with some stuff,” Flash said as he scratched the back of his head. His mind flashed back said event he got tied up with.

On a rooftop with the moon up high, a blade clashed with the poll of Achilles’ spear. The rider pushed forward to cause Cypher to fly back. “Come on Cypher, I have things to do tonight. Don’t you have a life outside of these little skirmishes we have?” Achilles asked as he spun his spear around.

“My life is to my master,” Cypher said as he charged up his blade to launch an attack.

“Still you should have called us man,” Drum Roll said.

“I'm sorry, I should have let you guys,” Flash said.

“Flash, we’ve known each other since middle school. You were never one to flake like that. If something is up you can tell us,” Ringo said.

“There’s nothing up. You guys know I love being in a band,” Flash defended.

“It doesn't feel like that,” Drum Roll said with a nod of his head. “It’s not just the band. We miss hanging out with you.”

Flash’s double life has gotten in the way of his social life. Before the Magi-Beast appeared he would spend all the time with his band jamming out and writing new songs. Maybe getting back to his music would be a good thing. “I promise, I’ll be at practise today,” Flash said.

“Five o’clock, Drum Roll’s grandma’s house, don't forget,” Bass said before the two walked off to class.

“Uh, can you believe it, Silver Spoon?” Diamond Tiara complained. The young diva was painting her nails on the bleachers of the sports field. “Daddy said I couldn't go to the new Power Patrol movie tonight. Meanwhile, Applebloom and her friends get to go to it before I do.”

“Well, to be fair, you have really been slacking on your schoolwork lately. I think your parents are catching on that you have been skipping your private tutors,” Silver Spoon said as she continued to text on her phone.

“Pshh, as if I'm ever going to need to know this. I'm already set for life,” Diamond said as she blew on her nails.

Under the bleacher, someone was overheating this whole conversation. “Cypher was right, the whole school is a goldmine of compatible subjects,” Starlight mused as the card she held began to glow. The young adult walked out to approach the girls properly. “Hello girls, I couldn't help but hear your problem and I think I can help.”

The two girls were surprised by the sudden appearance but fingered that Starlight was just a student they haven’t met before. “ Really?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“You're going to help her in geometry?” Silver spoons followed.

“Shut up Silver,” Diamond Tiara snapped. “You can convince my dad you let me go?”

“I don’t know if I can do that but I can show him how much his decision upset you,” Starlight said as she held up the card with her classic friendly smile.

“Um Diamond, I have a bad feeling about this,” Silver Spoon said as she slowly backed away.

“I think you're right,” Diamond Tiara said. “Let’s go find Sunset.”

As the two ran away, Starlight's expression turned to one of annoyance. 'Dang it, I forgot how quickly things get around in highschool' she thought. She threw the card to hit Diamond Tiara’s back and turn into a pink aura. The mass of magical energy soon formed into a monster in front of Starlight.

This new Magi-beast was humanoid covered head to toe in bandages, leaving only a pair of pink eyes exposed. Its chest was covered in black and maroon armour with a gold line going down the middle, connecting the two large shoulder pads. Coming off the middle of the chest was a piece of gold cloth that came down to the monster’s knees. A large ring came off the collar, around the head making the mummy look like a large ankh. He had on a headdress with a lion design on the forehead. “The new ruler of the land has arrived. Bow before Snare-oh,” The monster announced.

“Bold claim for a newborn,” Starlight commented. “Think you can drain your host before the rider catches wind of this?”

“Oh that will be no trouble at all,” Snare-oh claimed as his hands began to glow a maroon light. He then slammed his hands onto the ground and infused the power into the earth. Stone coffins began to sprout from the ground before quickly turning to dust, revealing weaker looking mummy goon with an ankh mask. The simple-minded foot soldiers slowly made their way before Snare-oh. “With my personal guard, this town will be the start of my kingdom.”

“My my, your are definitely an improvement from my last creature,” Starlight said as she observed the group of monsters. She was happy with how things were shaping up.

Shining was a bit nervous as he straightened his tie. He was standing quietly in the elevator next to a dark-skinned woman with neat black and silver hair. She had on a black business suit with a set of stylized Spade pins on her color. She glanced over to Shining who returned it with a smile and a wave. “So have you worked here long?” Shining asked.

“I have worked with Mr.Wave for several years,” The woman answered before returning to whatever was on her tablet. The rest of the elevator ride was silent till the elevator stopped.

The doors opened to a large, fully furnished office. There was a deep purple color scheme to the office that gave it a rather ominous feel. On the far side was a desk with a chair facing the full wall window. “Come in, come in,” a voice said, inviting the two to enter. Shining was put off by the menacing aura the man was giving off. “Glad to finally meet ya,” The man said as he spun his chair around.

To Shining’s surprise, the man behind the desk was a friendly-looking man with light yellow skin and short navy hair. He had on a neat grey suit with a tie that was split in half with yellow and blue. On his suit was a pin of a circular wave symbol. The man also had what looks like a yellow monocle over his right eye. In his hand, he was twirling a pen between his fingers.

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine Mr.Wave,” Shining replied. “It was pretty surprising to get an invite but I would really like to know why I’m here in the first place.”

“If you’ve seen the news this morning I want to have my company compete with my overseas rivals, Primary Yggdrasil, and one aspect I want to work more in the realm of public security. Primarily when it comes to these monsters” Mr.Wave explained. “I assume you understand what that means.”

“You want to work on new weapons,” Shining responded. “Suddenly you opening a new office here makes sense. Perfect testing grounds with Magi-Beast showing up.”

“Well we can't fight these monsters with our bare hands now, can we? And I can't think of anyone better to help me with this Shining Armor,” Mr.Wave said.

“I'm very grateful for the opportunity but I would think someone with your resources would get someone better. Maybe someone at the G.S.P.O would be a better fit,” Shining said.

“I could ask for someone from the G.S.P.O but it was easier to clear it with your top brass, for the sake of public safety of course,” Mr.Wave went on as he leaned down onto his desk and taped the side of his monocle to activate a HUD. “from my files are you quite the overachiever lieutenant, even during your days as crystal prep. You even fought off one of the monsters yourself, with some help from the Kamen Rider that has popped up,” Mr.Wave read off from his personal display. “Why not accept my offer, do a lot more good then you would as a simple cop,”

It was a lot the CEO was putting on Shining that he had to think about it. Ever since he was young Shining wanted to protect people, especially his sister. He believed being a police officer was the best way to do it. Now he is being offered a chance to do more and be like the heroes of his childhood. Like the hero that saved his sister on multiple occasions. “Fine, I accept,” Shining answered.

“Excellent Mr.Armor,” Mr.Wave said with a clap of his hands. “I’ll have my assistant, River Spade, to get everything in order. She’ll be responsible for getting you up to speed with where the rider system is at. This is going to be quite the partnership,” the Businessman said as he extended his hand. Shining gave a nod before shaking it, sealing the deal.

“You must have known something like this was going to happen,” Trixie said. It was a study hall in the library and Flash had just caught Trixie up with his situation.

“I figured it would come up but I thought I could have handled it,” Flash responded. “I feel tribal blowing off Ringo and Drum roll. We’ve been friends since middle school.”

“Sounds like if you just go to practice and everything will be fine,” Trixie pointed out.

“But what if a magi-beast shows up. I can’t risk someone losing their lives just so I can have a social life,” Flash said.

“Yeah, that is a tough one. Especially since you want to keep this erohay usinessbay a secret,” Trixie said. Out of nowhere, her Jelly Drone flew in carrying a pack of peanut butter crackers which it handed to its creator. “And you can’t use this little guy to solve your problem either,” Trixie mentions as she gives her drone a pet. The drone let out a few beeps in response to this affection.

“It should be fine if a monster doesn’t show up,” Flash said.

“I feel like saying that is just asking for trouble,” Trixie said. With a roll of her eyes.

The doors then flew open with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon rushing into the library. “Have you guys seen Sunset!?” Diamond asked in a panic.

“What's wrong?” Flash relayed.

“There was this girl in purple, she was talking weird and then monsters started showing up,” Silver recapped.

“Girl in purple,” Trixie repeated.

The Unicorn Advansed, Flash thought to himself. “Wait, monsters. As in, more than one?”

“Yeah, they were popping out of the ground like zombies,” Diamond mentioned.

“That's not good,” Flash said as he grabbed his bag. “We need to find Sunset and the other. Things are going to get pretty crazy.”

Trixie nodded as she, Diamond, and Silver followed Flash into the hallway. The group made it to the school’s main forum until they heard an unnerving sound.


The group turned to the doors to find a group of the lesser magi-beasts trying to open the doors very badly. The two smaller girls shivered in fear until one of the monsters punched right through the glass of the door. “AHHHHHH! Every girl for herself!” Diamond screamed as she and Silver ran away.

“Well that made things a little easier,” Flash said as he pulled out his driver and pleaded it around his waist. He then pressed the button and slotted the Element Card in. “Henshin!”

The group of slow-moving mummies flooded the hall and made their way towards the two until a few were knocked back.


Achilles stood in his pink armored form as he aimed the Party Canon Mini at the horde. He pulled the trigger to unleash a storm of energy bolts at the monster all knocking them down. Soon the lesser Magi-beast started to take enough damage that they crumbled to dust. “Groovy,” Achilles quipped as the last goon crumbled.

“Come on, if a magi-beast created these, then they must be nearby,” Trixie said as she led the way outside.

The two looked all around the school’s courtyard for any sign of the monster. That's when the two were knocked to the ground by some bandage-like whips. The two look to see Snare-oh walking towards them. “How dare you attack the soldiers for your future ruler,” he announced

‘“Future Ruler, Jeez and people say I have an ego problem,” Trixie said as she got up.


Achilles pulled back on his blaster to change its mode. “Eat this!” He yelled as he fired a large blast at the monster. The blast hit Snare-oh and forced him to his knee. Unfortunately for the rider wisps of energy flew towards his body and absorbed into him, healing the damage. “Ah, crud.”

Snare-oh’s hands glowed with energy as he slammed his hand to the ground and summoned more of his goons. The new soldiers he summoned were different than the ones before. These new ones acted like proper fighters then meandering zombies. They were also sporting scimitars which they all pointed at the rider. “Cease him, my troops,” Snare-oh ordered.

“Trixie, you better start running,” Achilles said as he rushed into the group of monsters. He fired off his blaster but one of the goons got a slash on his back. Achilles responded by pulling out his normal sidearm in his other hand and fired several shots at the monsters. With two blasters in hand, the rider spun around, firing in all directions. The soldiers all backed away from the rider but his attacks were interrupted when bandages wrapped his arm and caused him to drop the Party Canon Mini. Achilles looked to see that it was Snare-oh who was holding a scimitar. “Oh, finally joining us after seeing how hard I whooped your goons.”

“You talk pretty big. That will make your demise so much sweeter!” Snare-oh began pulling the bandages to bring Achilles closer. The Magi-beast raised his weapon to attack, but Achilles changed his blaster to its spear form in order to block the attack. Snare-oh recovered quickly to attack again, but a rainbow blur flew between the two. “Who dares interrupt the execution?!”

With the two separated the rainbow blur stopped in front of Achilles. “You got a lot of nerve ganging up on a guy like that,” Rainbow pointed at the Magi-Beast.

“Cutting it pretty close there,” Achilles said as he got to his feet. “Thanks for the save.”

“I figgered it had to be one of these mooks. Those mummy guys are all over the place,” Rainbow explained.

“Crud. So there's more of them?” Achilles asked.

“Yeah," Rainbow nodded. "The others are out protecting people. Things got real hairy fast.”

“If that's the case, we need to stop this guy right now. Think you can help?” Achilles spun his spear.

“I’ll take care of these freaks in ten seconds flat,” Rainbow said as she dashed out at super speed. The rainbow blur zipped around the battlefield to knock down a few of the soldiers in the. Many of the lesser Magi-beast tried to defend but Rainbow kept running in circles to group them all together. She soon kicked up the speed to cause a whirlwind with the monsters in the middle. The goons were soon lifted into the air by the wind force. When Rainbow stopped and the winds died down, the soldiers began to fall before crumbling to dust. “Haha, that was almost too easy.”

“You insolent fool!” Snare-oh yelled at the sight of his army being taken out.

Meanwhile, Achilles took out the Element card from his driver and slotted it into the spear.


A pink aura formed around the blade of the weapon before jumping high into the air. He swung the spear over his head as he started to come down.


When he swung his spear a burst of multi-colored smoke filled the air. Achilles swung his spear and cleared away the smoke. “I better have got him,” the rider said as he tried to catch his breath.

“Sorry to say but you didn’t,” Starlight's voice yelled out. Looking to the source, Achilles and Rainbow turned towards the roof of the school. They saw the Advanced standing proudly with the monster behind her. “I can't have you breaking my new toy. Not before I can fully examine him.”

Not wanting to waste a moment, Achilles pulled out the Party Canon Mini and fired it at Starlight. Rainbow also being true to her name ran at the Advanced but they were not fast enough. The spike on Starlight’s arm glowed before firing a blast at Achilles. The rider went down and was knocked out of his transformation.

With Rainbow’s speed, she got to the roof in no time but she was still not fast enough to stop Starlight and the monster from teleporting away. “Dang it, she got away,” Rainbow said before looking over the edge. However, she saw no sign of anyone in the courtyard. “Hmm guess he got away too.”

Unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash, Trixie was nearby and using her Jelly Drone to project a screen of the area behind them, making the rider momentarily invisible while she helped Flash’s escape.

“That was a close one,” Trixie said as she carried Flash to the side of the school. “Are you ok?” she asked.

“I think so,” Flash answered as he started to stand up on his own. “This is really bad. Even with the girl’s help, I have no clue on how to fight an entire army.”

“Shouldn’t destroying the main Magi-Bast solve the problem?” Trixie pointed out.

“I don't think destroying him will be a problem, It's his lackeys that’s going to be the problem. The more he drains Diamond, the stronger his soldiers get,” Flash explained. “And I don't like him being backed up by that Unicorn Advansed. She’s not like Cypher or Terra, her power is on a whole nother level.”

“Maybe we should find Diamond Tiara and make sure she’s safe,” Trixie said.

“Good idea, maybe find the girls too and make sure they're alright,” Flash said

The west hallway of the school was flooded with lesser magi-bests. The scene was right out of a zombie movie and the comparison was furthered by the fact these were the much more slower, unarmed version of the troops. Rarity has set up a barricade with her gem constructs to hold them back while Pinkie dug through her personal candy bag. “Anytime you want to help Pinkie Pie!” Rarity called out.

“Hold on, hold on,” Pinkie said as she continued to look through the small, festively decorated bag. She then pulled out a large jawbreaker. With a smile, she charged the ball of solid sugar with her magic before throwing it over Rarity’s barricade. “Fire in the hole!” She yelled. When it hit the ground, the soldiers turned to it before it blew up like a hand grenade. The two were shielded from the blast but the lesser Magi-Beast were not so lucky and were reduced to dust.

“That looks like the end of them,” Rarity said as she lowered her shields. “I hope the others are having similar luck.”

Meanwhile in the gymnasium Twilight and Applejack were holding off the horde of goons as Sunset and Fluttershy stayed back. Twilight was using her powers to lift the monster and throwing them into each other. Applejack charged through the crowd, grabbing one of the monsters by the back of the head and slamming it into the ground, reducing it to dust.

“Right when I think I have these magi-beast fingered out, they end up pulling something like this,” Sunset said.

Applejack performed a roundhouse kick and with her strength, used enough force to blast a group of the creep into a wall with a shockwave. Twilight lifted up the remaining monsters and flung them into the monster pinned on the wall, causing them all to crumble.

“Is it over?” Fluttershy asked as she brought her hands down from covering her face.

“Yeah, looks like the last of em,” Applejack answered.

“But I got the feeling we’ll be seeing them again,” Twilight added.

“I hope Rainbow is alright,” Sunset chimed in. “It’s just like her to run off on her own without thinking.”

As the group’s discussion was soon interrupted by a robotic chirping. Looking at the door, the girls saw the Owl Phone fly in with Flash and Trixie close behind. “Oh good, you girls are alright,” Flash said.

“Yeah. I’m guessing you ran into those creeps too?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, we ran away when they started breaking into the school,” Flash explained. “have you girls happened to see Diamond Tiara anywhere?”

“No, why? Is she in trouble?” Fluttershy asked.

“Maybe,” Flash replied. “She is most likely where the Magi-Beast causing this came from.”

“Oh that’s not good,” Applejack said as she felt the gravity of the situation.

“We need to find her before the monster drains her like a battery,” Twilight chimed in.

“We could use the help in finding her,” Trixie added.

“Good, cause I think we’re going to need all the help we can get,” Sunset said.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hid in a broom closet. The door was open slightly to allow the two to keep a lookout. There was an announcement to evacuate but the two decided to hide. Diamond was crouching down with her hands on her forehead.

“What are we going to do? I don't want to be in some stupid zombie movie,” she cried.

“It will be fine Diamond, we live in a town with real-life superheroes. We will get out of this,” Silver said to calm her friend down.

“Easy for you to say, you're not the one linked to some creepy monster,” Diamond snapped back.

Silver was about to speak up but was interrupted by the door opening. The two jumped as they saw the Unicorn Advanced standing in the doorframe. “My, my, it's rude to talk about people like that behind their back." The two little girls screamed as they grabbed onto each other. “Get over here you little brat,” she said as she grabbed Diamond by the jacket.

“Get off me, you are going to be in a world of trouble when my daddy hears about this!” Diamond yelled as she kicked to try and get away.

“Your dad is nothing compared to me,” Starlight said as she looked her captive in the eye. The intimidated looks scared Diamond even more, causing wisps of energy to begin coming off her and flew away. “Haha perfect.”

“Get away from her!” Silver yelled as she tried to rush the Advanced only for the monster to vanish into thin air. The young girl fell to the floor as she saw her best friends in danger. “Diamond!”

Just as Silver Spoon yelled, Rainbow was running through the halls past her. She immediately stopped to consult the young girl. “Hey kid, what happened? Did you see those monsters come by?” She asked. Silver looked to the older girl and explained the situation.

The wisps of energy flew through the air and into Snare-oh’s body. The monster had made a base for himself in the middle of the road, a few cars used to make a roadblock. His hands began to glow as power was added to his body. “Yes, Yes! With this power I will build a new empire on top of the ruins of these weak humans. Now rise my army, Rise and conquer in the name of your king,” the Magi-Beast proclaimed. He slammed his hand on the ground and created his army. This time in a much greater number and all looking quite capable. “Now go my army!”

The soldiers gave a salute with their swords before flooding the streets. The Magi-Beast charged his hands with power as he created more minions.

In the lab of Wave Technologies, River Spade was at a workbench with her tablet. She was looking over the data she was collecting from Shining’s training. The police officer was in a chair with a VR headset on. “I must say Shining Armor, you are taking to the equipment quite well. Mr.Wave was right in choosing you. They again I always have faith in his decisions,” River said.

“Thanks. That means a lot,” Shining said as he took the headset off. “It kinda hard to believe you guys were able to make this kind of stuff.”

“Well, it's all thanks to Mr.Wave," River commented as she kept typing. "He’s the reason behind this whole company. He even had one of his game developer friends help in making the whole thing more intuitive.”

“Thank you very much River,” Mr.wave said as he snuck up behind his assistant. The young woman jumped as the CEO turned to the officer. “I’m glad to see things are going well cause something has come up,” Mr.Wave said before taping his monocle. A holographic display appeared showing the lesser Magi-Beast ransacking the town.

“Oh no!” Shining yelled out as he got to his feet.

“This is quite the opportunity. We may be able to get a proper field test today,” Mr.Wave said.

“Are you sure?” Shining asked.

“Oh I’m very sure,” Mr. Wave said as he picked the briefcase up off the table. “Take River with you to monitor you,” he said as he handed it over to Shining.

Shining took the case and gave his boss a salute. “Yes sir,” He said before heading to the elevator, River Spade following close behind.

When the two left, Mr.Wave picked up the tablet to look over the results River collected. “Alright Shining Armor, This is where the real interview begins.”

Rainbow was quick to alert the others of Diamond Tiara’s kidnapping. Seeing as she was no longer at the school the group spread out to the town to search. Sunset used her power to see if Silver Spoon’s memories could yield any clues but it was no use. Flash and Trixie hit the road with his bike with the Owl Phone and Jelly Drone taking to the skies. Trixie was looking on the phone with a video feed from the two robots. “Any sign of her?” Flash asked.

“Nothing yet,” Trixie replied. “I'm sure The Unicorn is hiding somewhere, waiting for Diamond to disappear into nothing.”

“The sooner we find her the better,” Flash said before he needed to slam on the brakes. The bike skidded to the side as the two watched Lesser Magi-Beast ransack Mainstreet. Many of the monsters assaulted some of the civilians who were trying to run. “I never thought things could get this bag.”

“I think you need to step in. leave the search to me,” Trixie said as she got off the bike.

Flash nodded as he put on the driver and slotted the element into it. “Henshin!”


Flash ran through the magic circle and transformed to enter the mayhem. He kneed one of the goons to the ground and got the attention of the others. Two of the soldiers tried to slash at the rider but he was quick enough to deploy his spear ro block the attack. Achilles slashes the monsters to get deeper into the army. The lesser Magi-Beasts tried to gang up on the rider but he fought them all off. One of the monsters tried to sneak behind the rider but was soon interrupted when the Owl Phone flew right in its face. Unfortunately, it looked like when he took down one, two more would take their place. “Where are all of them coming from?”

“Awww, is the hero starting to get tired?” A mocking voice asked. Looking up, Flash found Starlight standing on the roof looking down at the rider.

“I don’t know, are you having trouble finding a new stop to lurk?” Achilles replied.

“How else am I supposed to look down in the weak,” Starlight fires back. “Plus it keeps me safe from annoying do-gooders that can mess with my plans,” She said before holding up Diamond Tiara over the ledge.

“Get me down from here you monster!” Diamond demanded, struggling against the Advansed. More wisps of energy kept coming off her as Achilles noticed the young girl started to fade away.

“You need to calm down Diamond!” Achilles yelled.

“I will not calm down! This seems like the kind of situation where it would be very hard to calm down!” Diamond snapped back.

"Dang it, she’s just going to make things worse,” Achilles thought out loud. He swung his spear over his head before getting into a fighting position. “When this battle is over, I will send you to Tartarus,” he proclaimed.

“We’ll see about that,” Starlight said with a snap of her fingers. The soldiers raised their swords before charging at the rider.

Meanwhile Twilight and Applejack were on the lookout for Diamond. Their search led them to the park where more of the Lesser magi-bests were wrecking the place. “Dagnabit!" Applejack commented These things are like termites on eh log."

“This just shows the monster is getting stronger,” Twilight observed. A few of the goons noticed the girls and started to attack. Twilight countered by using her power to push them all back. More soldiers formed and began to get more aggressive. “I think we’re going to need to power through them.”

“Ah was hoping you were going to say that,” Applejack said as she ripped one of the benches out of the ground. She grabbed it with both hands in front of her. “Just stand back,” she said before charging like a bulldozer. She plowed through the crowd clear through to the other side of the park. Lesser Magi-Beasts went flying before something hit the farm girl’s plow and caused her to stop and cause a large trench to be dug up.

Looking up Applejack saw Snare-oh stirring on a throne his minions constructed for him. Two of the soldiers standing on either side of him with fans as their king retracted the bandages into his arm that was the cause the human bulldozer to stop. “Quite bold of you to treat your king’s elite servants in such a way,” the monster said.

“You ain't no king to us, ya no good varmint!” Applejack cried as she threw the bench to the side.

Twilight was not too far behind as she ran up to her friend. “You're going to have to go through us if you want to be king of anything."

“Oh, is that an invitation?” Snare-oh asked as he stood up from his throne. He clapped his hands and a line of lesser Magi-Beast appeared before him. “Men, dispose of these commoners. If they won’t recognize me as king, then they have no place in my kingdom.”

The soldiers obeyed with a raise of three weapons as they closed in on the two. “Twi, ah think we need to call in the others,” Applejack suggests.

“Agreed,” Twilight responds as she pulls out her phone. Unfortunately, one of the Lesser Magi-beasts attacks her and causes the phone to fall to the ground. They started to pile onto the girls, Applejack fighting them off but their numbers overwhelmed her. The two fought as hard as they could but their attention was soon taken by a siren which sounded like it was getting closer.

Racing down the road was a patrol car that ran into the park and skidded to a stop, turning many of the soldiers to dust in the process. “Twilight!” Shining yelled as he got out of the driver’s seat and ran towards his sister. He pulled out his baton and began smacking away the Lesser Magi-Beast.

“Shining!?” Twilight said in surprise as her brother cleared a way to her. Applejack held strong and found the strength to push back against the monsters allowing Shining to lead the girls out of danger.

“It’s going to be alright, I'm here to take care of it from here,” Shining said as the three ran for the squad car.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Shining!” River yelled as she threw the briefcase. Shining caught it and got the girls behind the car.

“Wait, who is she?” Twilight asked.

“A coworker,” Shining replied as he put the case on the ground and opened it.

Inside the case was a device made of a lever coming off the right side and an empty space with a bar coming off the main body. There was also a black rectangle with a stylized police badge engraved on it.
Shining took the device in hand and stood up towards the monster.

“One man taking on my army? I’ve never seen something so foolish,” Snare-oh mocked as he got his men into an attack the position.

The officer took a deep breath as he prosecuted what was happening.

A few hours earlier.

“Shining, have you ever heard of the story of Jason and the Argonauts?” Me.Wave asked as he looked out the window of his office.

“It was a story about a man named Jason and his quest for the golden fleas to save his kingdom,” Shining answered.

“Quite the amazing story. Many heroes of legend joined together for this fantastic adventure. And that’s what I wish to do with this new system. To have you and Achilles fighting side by sign for humanity,” The CEO went on. “It’s also the reason why I named this system after the ship that united these heroes…”



The device announced itself as shining played it on his waist. Two metal straps deployed from the sides to form a belt. “It’s not foolish. It’s my duty as an officer to protect the people of this town,” Shining announced as he presented the badge to the monster before slotting it onto the bar on the left side of the driver.


A stand by noise began to play as Shining brought his right arm over his chest as he grabbed the lever on the driver with his right hand. After a few seconds, he pulled the lever, causing the badge to rotate ninety degrees and flip open to reveal the close-up image of two purple compound eyes. “Henshin!” He yelled.


A hexagon pattern began to wash over Shining’s body from the belt and formed into a back bodysuit covering all but his head. Several holographic windows opened around Shining showing several pieces of armor that flew out and attached themselves onto his body. The chest plate was gunmetal gray with a blue segmented stripe going down the middle. The shoulder gear was squared off and had the same stripe going down the sides. He had arm armor on his right arm in a similar color scheme but was sporting a buckler or his left arm in the shape of a small riot shield. A mask flew onto Shining's face and enclosed his head as a helmet. The face was made of a blue shield design with three spikes acting as horns and purple compound eye plates.


“To protect and serve!” The rider announced as he stood at attention with a salute. He then got into a more fighting stance as he pointed at the monster. “Kamen Rider Argo is on the scene.”

“Shining?” Twilight said in surprise at the sight of her brother transforming.

“Henshin sequence startup successful. Rider System operating at optimal parameters. Everything is green,” River Spade said as she pulled up her tablet.

“That armor makes no difference. I will become your ruler or I will end you,” Snare-oh declared as he gave the single for his soldiers to attack. The Lesser Magi-Beast attack but Argo was ready for it.

He punched one of the goons as soon as it got in range. Another tried to slash him with its sword but the rider blocked it with his shield. Argo then countered by performing a kick that sent the Lesser Magi-beast flying before it crumbled to dust. “Looks like this calls for some crowd control,” Argo said as he reached to his side. From the holster on his belt, the rider pulled out a blaster that bore a shield and star symbol on the side.


He pointed the weapon at the monster and opened fire taking most of them out. One of the monsters slashed at Argo but the rider jumped to doughed, stepped on the monster’s face, and used it to gain more height. He used the height to fire as the group from above. “Looks like your men could use some better leadership,” Argo commented as he made his way towards the monster.

“My men will give their lives for me and they will never stop,” Snare-Oh declared as his men formed a wall between him and the rider.

“Didn't know monsters could be a fan of the Zerg Rush,” Argo observed.

“Shining, use the Battle Card, it was made for these kinds of situations,” River advised.

“Oh right,” The rider said as he tapped the butt of his blaster. This caused a slot to pop out of the front of the Argo Defender. Argo then pulled a card out from the holder on the left side of his belt. The card was black with a red stripe going down the middle with the word “Launch” engraved on the corner. He put the card into the slot and slammed it down into the blaster.


Energy constructs of machine parts appeared around Argo’s shoulders before assembling into a pair of missile batteries. The missiles launched and hit the group of monsters, reducing them all to dust. “You think that will stop me,” Snare-Oh declared as his hands glowed with energy. “Like I said there's plenty more where…” The monster was interrupted by several shots from Argo’s blaster.

The rider then charged at Snare-Oh to bash him with his shield. “Sorry, but you're not hiding behind your goons anymore,” Argo said before delivering a kick right at the monster's chest.

“Fine if that’s how you want to, I’ll play your games,” Snare-Oh said as he extended several of his bandages out to use as a whip and swung them at the rider. Argo blocked the attack with his shield but the Magi-Beast kept swinging. “Once I’m done with you, I’ll take out that other rider. Then maybe I’ll take care of those girls along the way. Then nothing will stop me from becoming king. Ahahahaha!” Snare-Oh laughed. His joyous cackling was interrupted by Argo shooting a blast right at his head.

“Oh, you screwed up now!” Argo growled as the whips stopped to allow the rider to holster his weapon. “Threaten me all you want, but I’m not going to let anything happen to Twily,” the rider declared as he grabbed the lever in his driver and pulled it, causing the badge to close and open again.


The rider's hand glowed with a purple aura as he put them together and separated them, forming the construct of a shield that he then threw at the monster. Snare-Oh swung his whip bandages at the construct but it was ineffective. When the shields made contact, the monster was paralyzed with an electric shock. The same purple aura formed around Argo’s legs as he ran towards the Magi-Beast before jumping. The rider extended both his legs in a kick that hit Snare-oh before performing a flip back. When Argo landed the monster exploded with wisps of energy flying out of the blast and into the sky. Any remaining soldiers were reduced to dust. “And that settles that,” he said as he dusted off his hands.

“Shining!” Twilight helped out. The rider looked to see his sister running up to him before he was caught off guard by the surprise hug. “What is all this? How did this happen? Does Cadence know about this?” Twilight asked.

“I got a bit of a promotion at work. I'm a Kamen Rider now. And no my wife doesn’t know yet, things move pretty fast in this,” Argo replied. All of a sudden he let go of his sister as a shock serged threw his body and forced him to his knees. The transformation canceled out as Shining took a moment to catch his breath.

“It appears your body isn’t used to the strain the driver puts on your body. Good thing I got enough data to make adjustments to mitigate the problem,” River said as she helped shining up.

“Hey, just who are you?” Applejack asked.

“I’m a representative of Wave Technologies. As for the details about your brother and Kamen Rider Argo, there will be an official statement released soon,” River responded as she walked shining to the car. “Don’t worry about your brother, he is in good hand.”

“I’ll call you later,” Shining said before River got him into the car and drove away.

“Talk about surprising, who would have thought your brother would be a superhero?” Applejack said before looking to make sure her friend was okay. “Is everything alright?”

“I’m just happy,” Twilight answered as she watched her brother's car drive off. “He’s finally living his dream.”

At the same time, Achilles was fighting off the Lesser Magi-Beasts. He has switched to his Blaze form but the fire wasn't doing the damage he wanted to their numbers. Starlight simply laughed as the rider fought in vain to fight off her forces. Diamond wasn’t faring well either, almost completely faded away. “Back Off!” Achilles yelled out as he strummed the Solar Sonic to cause a wave of fire to clear some room. The attack caused the soldiers to step back but did very little to stop their advance.

Achilles was ready to fight to the bitter end however the rider was surprised to see the monsters that corner him crumbled to dust. Starlight was also surprised by this development before releasing the mass of energy returning to Diamond and restoring her back to normal. “Darn it!” The advance shouted as she realized that her monster lost somehow. “What happened!?”

“I’m as clueless as you are,” Achilles responded.

“Whatever happened, can you let me go now?” Diamond demanded

“Well, I guess I have no use for you anymore if Snare-oh was defeated. Sure I’ll let you go,” Starlight said. She did let Diamond Tiara go, by throwing her off the roof.

“AHHHHHHHHH” the little girl screamed. Achilles ran and caught Diamond before anything could happen to her. “thanks for saving me, hero. The other girls will be so jealous that I was saved by the rider,” she said as she pulled out her phone for a selfie.

“Um, No problem at all,” Achilles responded as he let Diamond down. “Just go off and be safe now young lady.”

When Diamond ran off and out of earshot, Trixie emerged from her hiding spot. So what was that about? What do you think happened to the mummy army?” she asked.

“I’m guessing the girls defeated the Magi-Beast,” Flash answered as he undid the transformation.

At Sugarcube Corner the group got together as Twilight recaps what happened with the monster and her brother. Everyone was surprised by the fact that there was a second Kamen Rider in town, especially Flash and Trixie.

“I can’t believe you got to see the new Kamen rider transform and everything,” Rainbow complained.

“And it’s Twilight’s brother of all people,” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Eeyup, the man was like a one-man army,” Applejack said.

As the girls were talking Flash was stirring back with Trixie. “Wow, another rider. Kinda hard to believe,” he mused.

“Yeah hopefully he and Achilles will be able to band together to fight the Magi-Beast,” Trixie followed.

That’s when something hit Flash that caused him to freeze mid-sip of his drink. “Band… oh, crud!” Flash exclaimed as he reached for his phone. As he expected it was filled with texts from Ringo and Drum Roll. “Oh man, I’m such an idiot. I forgot all about them,” he said before racking out of the cafe.

Ringo was looking at his phone. The clock read a quarter to six and still no response from Flash. “He flaked on us,” Ringo said in disappointment. “Again”

“Are you sure we should kick him out of the band? It was all his idea, to begin with,” Drum Roll commented. “Maybe he has a good reason.”

“If he had a good reason he would have told us,” Ringo said as he stood up and walked to the door. “I’m sick of waiting for so much as a text from the guy. As far as I’m concerned Flash Sentry is out of the band.”

Not too far Terra was stuffing his face with his favorite food. The young man was happily munching until he felt something. Putting the bag of burgers aside, Terra reaches into his pocket and pulled out two Magi-Beast cards that were glowing. “Oh boy. This is going to be real fun.”

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay on this chapter.

We finally have a new rider, what’s in store for Flash and Shining in there now shared battle to portent there town.

Edited by Banshee531

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