• Published 24th Oct 2018
  • 3,936 Views, 358 Comments

Kamen Rider Achilles - Axle the Cobalt Exorcist

Magical mosnters have shown up around canterlot high and its up to the mystrus masked hero to stop them

  • ...

Ride 2: The Grand Illusion

Ride 2

The moon was in the middle of the sky as it looked over Canterlot. Cypher looked up at the sky, deep in thought on top of one of the tallest buildings in town. After the chaos that had occurred in the day, the town was at peace. This peace was only possible with the help of the hero that had appeared out of nowhere: Kamen Rider Achilles.

Cypher scoffed, amused. The rider may have destroyed the first Magi-Beast ever created, but it was a small loss compared to discovering the method to creating them. Though his monstrous face didn’t show it, Cypher was very pleased with how the events played out. But soon, the peace will be interrupted by an unexpected guest.

“Yo, yo, Cypher. It's been a while,” A very upbeat voice sounded behind him. The white armored monster turned around to see yet another monster. This one was orange in color, with much bulkier armor. The heaviest of the armor seemed to be around his legs and feet, making him look like he was walking with large hooves. His head was tall with a segmented mouth plate, and two tiny horns coming off the sides. The only thing this new monster had in common with Cypher was the belt he wore around his waist. Strangely, he had a bag from a fast food restaurant in his hand.

“Terra, you being here better serve a purpose,” Cypher said, already annoyed.

“Come on, buddy! You don't need to act all stiff all the time. Here, I got a green chili burger for ya,” Terra said, taking a wrapped burger out of the bag and presenting it to the winged monster. Cypher responded to this by swatting Terra’s hand away. “Not hungry? That's fine. More for me,” He said as he unwrapped the burger and brought to his mouth. Or he would have, if he had a mouth in this form. “Dang it, these forms can be so inconvenient,” he grumbled.

Putting the burger back into the bag and reaching for his belt, he pulled a card out of the slot. As he did the orange monster body began to glow, before fading away. In his place was a man in his early twenties with a fit body. His skin was orange, and his hair was a light gray mess, with his bangs covering one of his eyes. He wore a black tank top with a design of criss crossing red lines. He also had on a pair of bulky cargo pants with suspenders hanging off the sides. “There we go,” the human said as he took a seat on the ledge, and eagerly bit into his burger.

“If the only reason you came here is to stuff your face while I watch, I will kick you off this roof,” Cypher said.

“Yeah, Doc sent me here to give you something,” Terra said as he finished his food and threw the wrapper back into the bag, "And don't complain, bud! I did offer you somethin' first!" He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a small box and threw it to Cypher. When the monster caught the box, he pulled out the contents- four cards similar to the one that created Kirnos.

“Wow. I didn't think the Doctor would finish these so soon,” Cypher said, awestruck as he looked through the cards, inspecting the images.

“Yeah, once he heard that we were able to successfully make a Magi Beast, the boss-man worked non-stop on making more cards,” Terra said as he unwrapped another burger.

“And, am I correct in assuming he wants me to gather more data on them?” Cypher asked.

“Yeah, he wants info on compatible hosts, and what kind of powers these things develop. Ya know, the boring stuff that doesn't involve fighting ,” Terra said as he finished his second burger in record time. He then stood up, and began to walk away. Terra made it to the other side of the roof before taking one last look at his acquaintance. “Oh, I almost forgot. The Doc wasn't happy when you said the Magi Beast was destroyed by a Rider. He said that's the last thing we need. Doc wants him in the ground, ASAP.”

“I understand,” Cypher said. Terra gave him a cheeky grin, before reinserting the card into the belt, and he jumped off the roof and out of sight. The winged monster turned back around to examine the cards he was given. One card in particular caught his interest. The card had the image of a bear on it, but it looked to have been made from a piece of the night sky. “I will see to it that the Rider shall never get in our way again.”

“Where are they?” Flash said, staring out the window. Even though the teenager was still trying to process yesterday's events, he still had to go to school. Everyone got out of the attack by the strange monster unharmed but Flash’s car was completely destroyed. The upside was being lucky enough to find an open seat in someone's carpool. Flash was so used to taking his car to school that it felt odd waiting for a ride. When he turned away from the window he looked down at the card that he’d used yesterday. It was almost unreal, but there was no denying that a monster attacked the town. And Flash was the one that stopped it.

Flash had decided to keep the driver with him, as much as he could. He didn't know if being enchanted meant that it would start doing things on it’s own, but he wasn't going to take any chances. He was so deep in thought, that the sound of a car horn was enough to cause him to jump out of his seat. Flash looked out to see a bright pink buggy, and a very excited Pinkie Pie waving from the window.

With a smile on his face, the teenager rushed out the door and into the back seat. Joining Flash in the carpool was, of course, Pinkie Pie, who was driving, Rainbow Dash sitting next to her up front, a soccer ball in her lap. And lastly, Sunset, who sat next to Flash in the back. “Welcome to the carpool Flashie! I hope you brought your floaties,” Pinkie said with a quick laugh. “Just kidding, it's not the season to fill this thing with water and turn it into a mobile pool party.”

“And here I thought I would be able to get some laps in before class,” Flash joked. That got a laugh from everyone. Pinkie soon pulled into the street, and they were on their way to school.

It was a few minutes, but Sunset was the first to break the silence. “So, Flash. It’s such a drag that your car ended up getting destroyed.” She said, trying to get a read on how bad her ex had things. Maybe they could help him?

“Yeah," he sighed, "it’s at the mechanic’s now, so I’m going to have to go there after school. I’m just happy I made it out of that stupid stunt alive,” Flash said.

“And you got that Kamen Rider to thank for that,” Rainbow chimed in.

“Kamen Rider?” Flash said in bewilderment.

“Yeah, check it out,” Rainbow said as she pulled out her phone, and scrolled through her browser. She then reached around the seat to show Flash the web page she found. It was filled with blurry pictures of shadowy figures on motorcycles, and all kinds of forum threads.

“Kamen Rider is supposed to mean Masked Rider or something, but it’s a whole urban legend overseas. Apparently they're superheroes that fight for justice from the shadows. From all the pictures Sweetie took of that Achilles guy and posted yesterday, people think he’s a Rider.”

“I can’t believe our town now has its very own superhero. I mean it had us protecting it for waaaaaay longer, but we’re more like magical girls. Can magical girls be super heroes? Cause people tend to treat them as their own thing, but they basically do the same thing…” Pinkie started to ramble, taking her hands off the wheel so she could put them to her chin to think.

“Pinkie, eyes on the road!” Rainbow yelled as she lurched to take the wheel, preventing them from crashing.

“Hero of Justice?” Flash said as he took the phone from Rainbow. He was impressed with the way the Rider fought, even if he knew it was him. “I like the sound of that,” he thought, excited at the possibility.

“Even if he's a hero of justice, I can't help but feel concerned,” Sunset a thoughtful look on her face.

“What do you mean?” Flash asked, confused.

"This Achilles guy may be doing good by protecting others, but how long till he goes mad with power like everyone else?" Sunset said.

"Honestly, I think it's cool that someone else is helping us out in fighting all this magic craziness," Rainbow said as Pinkie took back the wheel.

"And you never know, that winged monster may be too much for you girls to handle," Flash said, concerned. Rainbow and Pinkie nodded in agreement. This was a new force they had never seen before.

"I'm just saying, we can't be too careful," Sunset replied.

The rest of the car ride was relatively quiet. Nothing much was said, besides the four teens arguing over which station to set the radio on. Of course, the arguing didn't last long, as they soon arrived at school.

"So Flash, how long till your car gets out of the shop?" Pinkie asked as the four got out of her car.

"I don't know. Like I said, I'm going to the mechanic after school, but considering this is the first car ever to be sliced in half by a dragon monster, I don't have high hopes," Flash answered, "I know I joked about it yesterday, but I don't have monster damage listed in my insurance."

The four all walked together to the entrance of the school. It was the same as any other day. Some students were trying to get to class before they were late, while others were just hanging out before the bell rang. Everything was like the day before, which was refreshing since most of the time whenever there was a magic attack, the school would be severely damaged in some way.

There was something unusual going on at the bottom of the stairway, though. Trixie was in the fruitless process of trying to pull a huge trunk up the stars. She was trying her best to get it up, but she wasn't strong enough to force it. The sight of Trixie struggling caused Rainbow to let out a chuckle. "Hey Trixie, maybe if you hit the weight room instead of staring yourself in the mirror, you could get that box up!" Rainbow yelled. Trixie reacted to this by rolling her eyes. If she hadn’t been putting all her effort into pulling the box, she would have made a very snarky retort.

"Rainbow," Sunset said disapprovingly.

"What? Trixie knows it's all in good fun," Rainbow replied.

"You girls go ahead, I'll go help her out," Flash said.

"Flash what did I say the other day?" Sunset scolded.

"Don't worry, helping Trixie with a box won't kill me," Flash said dismissively. Before Sunset could put her two cents in, the teenage boy was already running to their classmate. "Hey, Trixie, need a hand?"

Trixie let out a groan as Flash approached. She used her hand to flip a lock of her hair out of her face before she stood up proudly. "The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't require the help of the likes of you! She is more than capable of setting up her performance on her own," Trixie proclaimed.

"Well, you could have fooled me, oh great and powerful one," Flash said as he watched Trixie go back to "pulling" up her trunk.

"Of course, Trixie can do something as simple as carrying her own equipment," She said, giving her trunk one last pull. Unfortunately for her, she pulled a little too hard and wound up falling backwards, hard on her rear. "Ha-ha, on second thought, what would Trixie be if she were to deprive someone as eager as you to not handle Trixie's keys to her magnificent miracles?"

Flash just smirked as he grabbed the end of the trunk. To most Trixie's boasting would be annoying, but it wasn't so bad when you got to know her. She might present herself as the greatest person ever, but that was just her own way of interacting with people. She didn't really believe she was really great and powerful, it was just a persona she put on. After all, it comes with the territory of wanting to be a great magician. You can't really expect people to be impressed with your magic tricks if you, yourself, don't believe them to be amazing. It was all an act that Trixie performed, and if you treat it like that, then she can actually be pleasant to be around.

Flash took one end of the trunk, while Trixie took the other. On the count of three, the two lifted it up and carried it to the top. To Flash's surprise, the trunk was a lot heavier than he’d thought. It was incredible that someone like her was able to carry it this far. "Trixie, there is no way you will be able to get this all the way to the stage all on your own," Flash pointed out, concerned.

"Are you saying you want to help carry this with me?" Trixie asked, as she struggled to keep up with Flash's pace.

"I'd love to, but I have to get to class," Flash answered.

"I can get you out of class. Principal Celestia arranged it so me, as well as anyone assisting me, are excused from class while in business," Trixie said.

" Really?" Flash asked, sincerely curious. He set the trunk at the top of the stairs.

"I had to put in a ton of work, so I’d better have gotten something worthwhile," Trixie said as she stretched her sore arms.

"That would be great. I kinda flaked on a report due. Still shocked from the attack yesterday," Flash said, scratching the back of his head. Trixie beamed with pride and appreciation as she grabbed her trunk end, and allowed Flash to help her carry the trunk all the way to the gym.

Once they got the gym, Flash saw that the trunk wasn't all Trixie had. There was a table center stage with a silk hat on it. To the left was a fancy looking pedestal, with a large dish of water on top. To the right was what Flash could only assume was a kind of Iron Maiden. To have all these props here, Trixie must have been working since the crack of dawn.

"Impressive, is it not?" Trixie asked as she climbed up on stage. "Only the best when it comes to the Great Trixie's performance," she said as she struck a dramatic pose.

"It is, but, what is this all for?" Flash asked.

"This is the show where Trixie announces her presence to the world," She said triumphantly. "I worked for months trying to clear it with the Principle to let me perform my first big show at the school. Put all I had into the this show, so it will live up to the name "Great and Powerful'"

"So, what's in here?" Flash asked as he opened the trunk. Inside was a large smoke machine, a sound system, and some kind of projector.

"That's Trixie's grand finale," she said.

"Where did you get this stuff?" Flash asked.

"My dad has some connections, being a Las Pegasus magician himself," Trixie answered. "Now come on, this stuff won't set itself up."

Over the course of three periods, Flash helped Trixie set everything up. Since he had some experience doing it for his band, Flash mostly works with the sound system. Trixie was mostly in the rafters of the stage with the projectors. With the two working together, the equipment was successfully hidden throughout the stage.

"I got to say, I may not know what you have planned, but it must be impressive," Flash said as the two looked over their work.

"Oh, it will be.” Trixie said smugly. "Of course since you helped me set it up, you’re now honor bound to keep it a secret."


"A magician never reveals their secrets. Since you helped set this trip up, you are now responsible for that secret," Trixie said as she turned to Flash with what she must have thought was a serious face.

Flash couldn't help but laugh at the expression Trixie was making. She was adorable! He knew what she was saying was important, but it was hard to keep a straight face. "OK, I won't tell anyone," Flash said with as much seriousness as he could muster.

"Good! And here's a bonus for keeping it secret," Trixie said, pulling a piece of paper from her pocket. Flash took the paper, and unfolded it. Upon inspection, he realized that it was a flyer for the show. It was one of Trixie's homemade show posters, with her picture, front and center. Right across the sheet was her signature in bright pink ink. "You get to be the first to receive Trixie's handwritten autograph, before anyone else. Better save it, cause it’ll be worth a fortune one day."

"Gee, thanks," Flash said with a good-natured roll of his eyes.

"Oh, is Trixie's kindness not enough for you?" Trixie said as she turned around. "Then how about she treats you to lunch? Though, Trixie still has to get some last minute stuff, so she’ll treat you to lunch later."

"That sounds very "great" of you, oh powerful one," Flash said, trying to play along.

"Then, meet Trixie at the sports field at lunch time," Trixie said, turning before walking out of the gym. Flash just smiled as Trixie walked away with a spring in her step.

Fifth period came and went, and Flash was on his way to the sports field as per Trixie's request. It wasn't too abnormal for students to eat their lunch out here. Sometimes members of the sports teams would come here to get in a little extra practice, but other times students just want to eat outside. Flash saw Trixie running across the field, but a second later he saw that she was running in terror. In the sky behind the girl was a familiar winged monster flying fast. Seeing this, Flash to hid behind the bleacher.

Cypher flapped his wings to gain speed and pulled ahead of Trixie, before landing in front of her. Trixie skidded to a stop, frozen in place with fear, falling to the ground as Cypher took a step forward. "Don't be scared, you’ll be helping us with our experiments. The data we collect from you will help a great deal in creating stronger Magi-Beasts," Cypher said as he held up a card.

As much as she wanted to run, Trixie couldn't. All she could do was watch as the monster placed the card on her chest. When Cypher removed his hand, the card began to glow a light purple. The card floated off her body, before transforming into a deep purple blob covered in bright sparkles. It almost looked like an image of space was starting to take the shape of a human. The mass resembled a black mannequin with no real features. A large white metallic ring then formed attached to its back that looked like some kind of old navigation equipment. When the transformation was complete the new monster opened its yellow eyes which were the only lights not slowly moving on its body.

"Welcome to the physical world, Constellar," Cypher said bowing respectfully.

"Really, that's it? The world has finally been blessed with that majestic being that is I, Constellar and you are the best welcome it has to offer?" The new monster said, crossing his arms. Cypher was at a loss for words. What was going on? Why was the Magi-Beast so... mouthy?

While this all was happening, Flash was trying to put together the best course of action. If he were to run to get Trixie, the monsters would definitely attack him. He could tell they seemed invested in her. Why, he didn’t know. He didn't think the girls would get here in time if he texted them. They were scattered around the school. Flash knew there was only one option left to him, and it was in his jacket pocket.

Taking a deep breath, Flash took the driver out of his jacket, and put it into position around his waist. "Alright, time to live up to the Kamen Rider name everyone gave me," Flash said, pressing the button on the driver and taking the Rider card out. "Henshin!" Flash yelled as he placed the card into the slot.




The magical circle appeared, and passed over the teen’s body. In an instant, Flash was transformed into his Achilles persona. He slapped the sides of his face with both hands to make sure he was in control. "Everything seems alright. Now, time to save Trixie," the Rider psyched himself up, before running out from behind the bleachers. Achilles let out a mighty yell as he pulled out his spear, and rushed right towards the monsters.

Constellar's mood changed from disappointment to sheer excitement. "Yes! An opponent to prove my power," He said, his arms splayed out. Appearing around him were swords of light in the shape of stars. With a flick of his wrist, the swords were launched directly towards the rider.

Achilles used his spear to knock away one of the swords, but he was forced to jump out of the way as the others crashed into the ground. "This guy isn't going to be as simple to beat as the last one," the Rider realized as he closed in on the monsters. Achilles then lunged forward with his spear to catch the bear monster off guard, before swinging it to perform a wide slash, forcing Constellar and Cypher back. The Rider then looked to Trixie, who was still very much scared of the situation she was in. "You need to get out of here! Run!" He yelled, grabbing Trixie's arm, and pushing her away from the fight.

"How dare you? Some one as lowly as you hasn't the right to attack me like that. You need to be put in your place," Constellar snarled. The bear-man promptly launched more swords.

Achilles moved out of the way of the attack. He was so focused on the attacks he didn't notice the other monster, and bumped into him. Turning around, Achilles saw Cypher staring him down. "I'm so glad you showed up, Rider. It saves me the trouble of hunting you down," Cypher said. A hilt grew out of one of his wings. Cypher grabbed it, and pulled it out, revealing a double edged sword. With a mighty swing, the winged monster forced the rider to roll out of the way as he smashed the blade into the ground. "I will eliminate you before you ever become a hindrance to the Doctor's research."

"Two on one, this is not good at all," Achilles remarked. He narrowly dodged another attack from Cypher. He was very much outmatched by the two Magi-Beasts, and he knew he had to think of something. The only thing he had to work with was his spear which, as he rolled into a crouch to evade another attack, upon closer inspection, seemed to have a grip forming the piece that connected the head to the poll.

As the two monsters approached him, Achilles collapsed the spear- and found that the end form was more than just a way of making his spear easier to carry. Achilles held his weapon by the grip and pointed the bottom end of the spear at the monsters. When he pulled the trigger, bolts of energy went flying at the two, which caught both off guard, knocking them back.

Achilles brought his new blaster up to his face, inspecting it, as the shocked monster got up from their knees. "Awesome. Now I don't need to get close to your ugly mugs."

“How dare you say such things!” Constellar yelled. Furious, he viciously threw more projectiles at the Rider.

Achilles aimed for the swords, and shot at them to knock them off course. As the Rider fired, he ran up to the monster. This tactic caught Constellar off guard, and the Rider was able to take advantage of his shock, and kick him. When Constellar was knocked back, Achilles fired at the monster directly. “Not so high and mighty now, are we?” Achilles snarked.

The Rider was so focused on the bear-man, he didn’t see Cypher come up from behind and attack with his sword, striking the warrior directly in the back. “You were saying?” Cypher said as the Rider hit the ground. The winged monster now stood over his enemy, with his sword aimed skyward. He shifted the blade, making it so when he struck, it would be Achilles’ end. “I would say it’s been a pleasure, but I'm not one to tell lies,” Cypher declared.

All seemed lost for the Kamen Rider, but there was a flash, and a puff of smoke. Trixie came out of nowhere to between him and the monster. “If you want to finish this guy, you're going to have to go through me!” she declared. Even though Trixie herself didn’t believe her actions were going to do anything, surprisingly it was enough to get Cypher to lower his sword.

“If you're so eager to throw your life away, I'd be more than happy to oblige,” Constellar announced as he stepped in front of Cypher with a star sword in hand. The Magi Beast was ready to strike down Trixie, but was stopped when he felt Cypher’s hand on his shoulder.

“You can’t hurt her, Constellar. Not yet, at least,” Cypher said.

“And why not? What gives you the authority to tell me what to do?” Constellar asked as he turned to his fellow monster.

“If you value your existence, you will leave the girl unharmed and fall back. This has just become a most unpreferable situation. As much as I would like to destroy the Rider as soon as possible, we can do it at another time,” Cypher said as he stared down Constellar.

Constellar didn’t understand why Cypher suddenly changed his mind, but he didn’t see anyway around it. “Fine,” Constellar huffed as he threw his star sword to the side, vanishing as it went. “This isn’t the last you'll hear of the mighty Constellar!” He roared as he started to stomp away. Several of the lights on his body began to flicker brightly, before he vanished in a flash.

“You were lucky that girl was there to protect you, Rider. Next time, there will be nothing to get in our way,” Cypher said coldly. He gave the Rider one last cold look, before spreading his wings, and flying off.

Once the monsters were gone, Trixie fell to her knees, her legs giving out. “Oh my goodness, that was the biggest bluff I’ve ever had to make,” She said, taking deep breaths.

“You didn't have to do that,” Achilles said, getting to his feet.

“Of course I did. You're, like, the second person to ever stick their neck out for me in my time of need. The first being the friend I was going to meet here,” Trixie said as she turned to the Rider.

“Oh,” Achilles said simply. He realized that he might be blowing Trixie off. “Well as much as I appreciate what you did, you shouldn't have done something so risky. That’s my job,” The Rider said as he helped Trixie to her feet.

“Yeah, I will admit that was foolish,” Trixie said, embarrassed, as she scratched the back of her head.

“You better get to the nurse to make sure everything is alright,” Achilles said. Trixie nodded, and ran back to the building. Once she was inside, the Rider removed the card from the driver, and changed back to normal. “Man, now I feel awful. I’m going to have to miss her show. I need to at least get back before her finale,” Flash said.

As the day went on, Trixie didn't let the monster attack rattle her. Like so many performers before her would say, “The show must go on”. Once the school day was done, Trixie made a dash right towards the stage. Trixie only had an hour to make sure everything was perfect. In addition to fighting the clock till the curtains raised, Trixie was also fighting her nerves. Her first magic show not on the side of the street, and her stomach was in knots, plus a nesting place for butterflies. Backstage, Trixie was working so carefully on her makeup that the mere noise of the door opening was enough to almost cause her to draw a line across her face.

“Happy opening night, Trixie!” Pinkie yelled, as she, as well as the rest of the Rainbooms, entered the dressing room.

“Don’t do that!” Trixie yelled back. “I’m so worked up right now that I can't get my makeup right!”

“Here, let me take care of that. A girl shouldn't handle makeup while worked up by nerves,” Rarity gently stated. She took the brush out of Trixie’s hand. She then proceeded to take over applying the makeup onto the girl's face.

“Why are you guys here anyway?” Trixie asked.

“Pinkie wanted to make sure that you were doing alright for your show. It looks like a packed house out there,” Rainbow answered.

“I never would have thought you of all people would have stage fright,” Applejack followed.

“Yeah well, as a street performer, the biggest crowd I ever had to perform for was at most ten people. It’s a bit different to have a full audience,” Trixie said as Rarity moved on to the eye shadow. “Not to mention the fear of my tricks not being amazing enough.”

Twilight was looking around the room till her eyes spotted an advanced chemistry book with several bookmarks. “Did you use this to plan out some of your tricks?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, and don't look at that. The last thing I need right now are my tricks revealed,” Trixie said.

“Fair enough. Just know that if you're using the stuff in this book in your performance, I guarantee everyone will be amazed,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy took a seat next to Trixie as Rarity moved onto her eyelashes. “Trixie, you have nothing to worry about. I know how much you put into all of your magic tricks, and it will show when you're on stage. I mean if I was able to overcome stage fright, then someone as confident as you should have no problem. You did great performing at the battle of the bands,” Fluttershy firmly insisted.

“That was just music. This is my passion. But I get it. Soooooo... thanks. It's really nice that you girls came to help me of all people out,” Trixie said.

“Well, we kinda had too. Pinkie had a feeling you were in need of some cheering up,” Sunset explained, smirking goodnaturedly.

“I love magicians. There my favorite form of party entertainment, after live music,” Pinkie said. She picked up a real sword out of a barrel of identical swords. Sunset’s eyes widened, and she quickly confiscated the blade.

“Well, Trixie appreciates it, oh Pink and Joyful one,” Trixie said as she started to get into character.

“And, done!” Rarity exclaimed as she put on a small amount of glitter makeup to finish the look. When Trixie looked into the mirror she was amazed at what Rarity had done. From the lipstick to the eye shadow Trixie looked absolutely gorgeous!. Even she had to admit her makeup skills paled in comparison to Rarity’s.

“Looks like you're feeling better now so we better get to our seats,” Sunset said, smiling kindly as the seven girls exited the dressing room. “Break a leg!”

Trixie smiled as the girls left and she turned back to the mirror. “Don’t worry girls, the Great and Powerful Trixie will knock all your socks off. And no monster showing up will scare me away,”

The only one that didn't seem to be going to Trixie’s show was Flash. As much as he would have loved to support his friend, going to the mechanic wasn't something he could blow off. After taking two buses, and walking five blocks Flash finally made it the garage. Flash didn't really see the point in coming all this way when he was pretty sure he knew what the mechanic would say.

“There is no way we can fix this car,” The middle aged man said, the two pieces of car behind him. “Not only have I never encountered a car cut in half like this, most of the insides look like they’ve been through a hydraulic press. It’s more worth it to sell this thing for scrap than it is to fix it,” He said, wiping the grease off his hands.

“Yeah, I kinda saw that coming,” Flash said, looking a bit down. “I just wish you could have told me this on the phone, instead of having me come all the way out here,” He said. He turned around, prepared to head back to the school.

“Hey, kid!” the mechanic yelled to catch Flash’s attention. “This thing won’t get much the way that it is, and I can see you have somewhere to be. Sell the car to me and I’ll give you the motorcycle I’ve been working on in the back. Been workin’ or her for a while, and by the time I was done with the thing, she’s good as new.”

“Are you serious?” Flash asked. He was getting excited at this new turn of events.

“Only if you know how to ride one,” the mechanic told him. Flash followed him further into the shop. The man dug the keys out of a drawer and handed them to Flash- before showing him the bike. The mechanic wasn't lying when he said the bike was as good as new.

It was a blue motorcycle that looked more for the streets than off-roading. It even came with a matching helmet. Flash had to sign a few papers, but by the end of it the bike was his. Even though a motorcycle wasn't a replacement for his car, he was happy with it.

Before pulling out, Flash pulled out his phone to check out the time. “Hopefully, I can make it back to school in time.” He put his phone away and started the engine. He pulled out into the road, and made his way to catch Trixie’s show.

It was a full house in the gym. Everyone was ready to see the debut of The Great and Powerful Trixie. The crowd soon quieted down as the spotlight came on, and the curtain rose. Standing center stage was The Great and Powerful Trixie. Gone was the blue hoodie- the magician was clad in a black unitard with fishnet stocking. Around her neck was a detached collar, with a bow tie that matched the cuffs she had around her wrists. Over the outfit was a purple vest with long tails in the back. To complete the magician look, Trixie had a silk hat on her head with a star decorating it.

“OK, Trixie, time to earn your title,” Trixie whispered to herself, before walking up on stage. “Ladies and gentlemen! Students and Faculty! The Great and Powerful Trixie is proud to have you all bear witness to her amazing debut!” Trixie announced to the audience. She fanned out a deck of cards that appeared out of thin air in her hands, and presented them to everyone. “It’s Show Time!” she yelled, throwing the cards into the air. Music started to play as the card exploded into confetti that showered over the audience.

This simple trick caught the attention of everyone watching. Trixie took this as a good sign for how the rest of the show would go. “Ha-ha! You thought that was impressive? Trixie hasn't even begun to show you her power,” Trixie said, flashing a confident smile. She then clapped her hands together, before bringing them apart to reveal a purple sheet with yellow and blue stars. “For her first trick, Trixie will need a volunteer.”

The audience came alive, with teens wanting to be picked to come on stage. Pinkie especially wanted to be picked. Trixie looked over the crowd, before she found who she was looking for. “You there!” Trixie proclaimed as she pointed into the crowd.

“Me?” Sunset asked as the spotlight on her.

“Yes, your hair of flames makes you the perfect fit for this amazing disappearing act,” Trixie declared. This came as a surprise to Sunset, not expecting to be called up on stage. All she could do was play along. Once she joined Trixie on stage the audience gave her a round of applause. “You have nothing to fear Sunset, you are in the presence of a master of magic.”

“I find that hard to believe, considering my teacher back home was able to move the sun,” Sunset joked.

Trixie didn’t let the comment get to her, and she covered her assistant with the sheet. “Trixie is sure back in your world, you have plenty of amazing wizards,” Trixie said as she stepped away from Sunset. The magician then pulled a very gothic looking lighter from her vest and lit it. “But in this world's magic has a bit more Razzle Dazzle,” She finished as she threw the flame onto the sheet.

Everyone gasped as Sunset was turned to ash in mere seconds. Sunset had disappeared just as quickly as the flames had. The crowd began to clap but Trixie raised her hand to signal them to stop. “Hold on, everyone, Trixie isn't done yet.”

Trixie took off her hat and placed it on the table. “And now The Great and Powerful Trixie shall make Sunset Shimmer reappear,” she announced. She put her hand into the hat, and began to dig around in there before bringing her hand out holding onto Sunset’s vest. The rest of Sunset somehow followed through the hole in the hat. What was odd was that she also had on a pair of fake bunny ears. “Can your teacher do something like that?” Trixie proudly asked.

“Yeah, but that was still really cool,” Sunset said as she lowered herself down from the table. “But what's with the bunny ears?”

“It has to be a bunny that comes out of a magician’s hat. That's how it works,” Trixie explained, a bit deflated, but still running strong. “Let’s have a hand for the Great and Powerful Trixie’s assistant!” Trixie yelled, gesturing to Sunset. The audience followed her words as they gave the two a round of applause.

Once Sunset got off the stage, Trixie continued with the show. One of the tricks she performed was blowing a pile of sparkling dust into a dish of water. Within a second the water froze into a large mass of ice crystals. This amazed the whole crowd, especially Twilight, since she figured this was what the chemistry book had been for for. Another involved Trixie to be locked in the iron maiden, and having the stagehand skewer her with swords. No screams were heard but when the stage hands were done, the iron maiden was covering in a puff of smoke. When it cleared, Trixie was standing on top of the Iron Maiden, completely unharmed.

The crowd went wild as Trixie continued to amaze them. Soon the end of the show approached and began to take a bow center stage. “Trixie thanks you all for this! Without an audience to entertain, the Great and Powerful Trixie would be nothing,” Trixie declared. She then struck a pose as smoke rolled off the stage. “And now for her grand finale! The Mighty Trixie shall summon the most powerful of beasts, a dragon.”

Everyone was awestruck at Trixie’s claim. The smoke was starting to spread through the whole gym. It wasn't thick enough to obscure anyone’s vision but it was enough for people to notice. Trixie began to chant as everyone stared in anticipation for what was about to happen. “Now, come forth mighty beast of legend!” Trixie yelled, striking a pose.

The crowd looked on with bated breath but nothing happened. Trixie kept her poise, but internally was starting to panic. She kept hitting the small controller in her cuff, but it wasn’t working. She then looked up to the projectors, only to see that they looked to be destroyed by a familiar looking projectile. The audience was starting to get restless with the lack of a dragon. “What's wrong? Not as powerful as you thought,” A menacing voice said from the side of the stage. The lights came on to reveal that the source of the voice- Constellar.

Everyone was surprised by this development, especially Sunset and her friends. “W-what are you doing here?” Trixie asked as she took a few steps back. She was so scared by the monster’s appearance that she didn’t notice that her hand was starting to turn transparent.

“I’m here to show that someone as weak as you has no right to call themselves “Great and Powerful”’ Constellar declared. He launched several star swords and destroyed Trixie’s props. The destruction caused everyone to run out in a panic, but the seven girls of the audience members stayed behind.

“That thing looks like that monster you and Rarity fought yesterday!” Rainbow exclaimed, hopping over the seats..

“Yeah, and just as mean looking,” Sunset followed her.

“Do you think Achilles will come to help?” Fluttershy asked.

“Doesn't look like we got the time to wait,” Applejack answered. The other six girls were in full agreement and made their way to the stage.

Constellar slowly walked closer to Trixie with more swords floating behind him. “Don’t feel too bad. You get to bear witness to my shining moment. The moment I become whole.”

Before Trixie could ask what he meant, pink candies landed at the monsters feet. Constellar didn't notice them, but when they exploded into pink smoke, it was a complete surprise. With the monster blinded, he couldn't see the rainbow blur speed past him. When the blur made another pass, Constellar was knocked back. When the monster recovered his bearings, he looked up to see the seven girls standing in front of Trixie.

“Sorry, but we’re not letting you anywhere near our friend,” Twilight declared defiantly.

“Admirable efforts ladies, but pointless, especially when going up against someone of my caliber.” Constellar arrogantly laughed as he launched three star swords at them. Applejack saw this and stomped on the floor, causing the floorboards to stand up to stop the blades path. Pinkie and Rarity countered with their own ranged attacks, throwing exploding bakery goods and glowing diamonds..

While Constellar was busy, Sunset and Fluttershy got Trixie to safety. “You're not hurt are you?” Fluttershy asked, while they hid behind the flipped over table.

“I don’t think he hit me,” Trixie said. She looked herself over. She was mostly unharmed but when she saw that her hand, she screamed. “What is going on!? Why am I transparent?!”

“Did a winged monster place a card on you and create that star monster?” Sunset asked. Trixie nodded her head rapidly. “Alright, I just need to check something out,” Sunset said as she grabbed Trixie’s hand. Sunset’s eyes glowed white she saw the events and felt the emotions Trixie went through during her finale. She was able to feel the fear and embarrassment Trixie felt, and saw that that was the point when Trixie’s hand began to vanish.

“What did you see?” Fluttershy asked as Sunset let go of Trixie.

“Well, I have a theory as to why you seem to be vanishing. But you’re not going to like it," Sunset warned her.

Trixie is a big girl, Shimmer. Just tell her-”

“That monster is draining your life force,” Sunset told her, ripping it like a band-aid.

“WHAT!?” Trixie yelled out.

“I can feel it through you. Your life was being drained by that thing and I'm willing to bet the negative emotions you felt when your trick didn't work only made it worse. If Equestrian magic was what created that thing from you, then adding negative emotions to the equation only makes things worse,” Sunset explained.

“So, I’m vanishing cause that creep sabotaged my grand finale?” Trixie said. She began to get mad, but as she did, the transparency started to spread to the rest of her body.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I’m growing stronger by the second!” Constellar gloated, his Star Sword production seemed to increase.

Starlight noticed, and looked back to her troubled friend. “Trixie, you need to calm down.” She insisted. “Even anger seems to make him stronger and you vanish faster!”

“Take this!” Twilight yelled as her purple aura covered her hands. The iron maiden on stage floated into the air before it flew towards the monster. Twilight was able to trap the monster in the metal prop, before using several chains and locks to insure that he wouldn't get out. “That might hold him for a while,” Twilight said, catching her breath. After she said that, a star sword busted through the maiden. “Oh, come ON!”

“How do we beat this guy? He's getting stronger the longer we fight!,” Applejack said.

“We need to protect Trixie. That’s where his power is coming from,” Sunset said as she got to the front lines.

More swords began to burst through the Iron Maiden before the whole thing burst apart. What came out of it was something no one expected. Standing before the girls was a giant entirely bear-like creature that took up the whole stage. It kept the look of being made of stars, with the ring that was once on the monster back now acting as a head crest, and several star swords sticking out of its back. “Count yourselves lucky. You all get to bear witness to my true power!” Constellar announced.

“Great,” Rainbow said, “I think he got more arrogant too!”

The eight girls scattered as the giant bear began to move forward. Out of the group, Twilight was the only one with the opportunity to make a break to protect Trixie. She got to the magician just in time for both of the girls to be trapped in the bear’s grip. The beast opened his mouth up wide before consuming the two of them. Due to the nature of the bear’s body, the girls were able to see Twilight and Trixie captured within him. “Now I can drain the last of the energy of that bottom-feeder with no interruptions,” Constellar laughed cruelly. The rest of the girls attacked the monster in a desperate attempt to free their friends, but nothing they did looked to have an effect. With the fight essentially over, Constellar crashed through the wall and into the street.

“Whoa, didn't see that coming,’ Applejack said as she and her friends watched the bear make a getaway.

The school had just come into view for Flash. He hoped that he wasn’t too late to see Trixie’s grand finale. He was also very happy with how well the motorcycle seemed to handle. Everything seemed to be going quite well for Flash- until he heard a loud crash. He braked, and skidded to a stop. Looking at the school, he saw the upgraded Constellar crash through the wall off the gym and dash down the road. Upon closer inspection, he also saw Rainbow and Rarity giving chase to the giant bear monster.

Seeing this Flash flipped up the visor of his helmet and pulled out his phone. “Hey, uhh, Sunset,” Flash stammered once Sunset picked up on the other end of the phone. “I just saw a giant constellation bear bust through the gym. Mind giving me a status update?”

“You know the monster that attacked us yesterday?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah?” Flash answered, already seeing where this was going.

“Well, another one attacked Trixie’s show, grew into what I'm assuming is an Ursa Major, and ran off with Trixie and Twilight. Rarity and Rainbow are chasing it,” Sunset explained, exasperated.

“OK, I guess I'll go find where everyone ran off to, and try to help out there,” Flash said, revving up his bike.

“That sounds good,” Sunset agreed. The two hung up, and got to work.

Flash put his phone away and pulled out his driver to put it around his waist. His bike then sped up, giving chase towards the monster. “Henshin!” Flash yelled, putting the card into the slot of the driver.



The motorcycle drove through the magic to transform Flash into Achilles. Flash’s new bike seemed to have transformed as well, changing into a gold color, with a design that looked like it was built out of a chariot. He twisted the throttle more, speeding to catch up with the bear.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was speeding after the bear with her own wings and speed, while Rarity followed on top of a crystal platform. Rainbow tried to attack with an aerial kick, but it did little more than irritate the monster. ”You think your weak attacks can stop me?! I am a titan!” Constellar yelled, swatting at the teenage girl.

“Maybe you’d rather have something more dazzling,” Rarity said as she launched several crystal shards at the beast. The shards just shattered against the bear’s hide. In response to this, Constellar swung his paw near Rarity, startling her, and causing her to fall back off her platform.

“Rarity!” Twilight yelled as she saw her friend fall, unable to help within the monster’s body.

Fortunately before she hit the ground, Achilles zoomed forward. The Rider forced his bike up, catching Rarity, stopping his bike, cradling her in his arms. “Oh my! Thank you so much!” Rarity said, dazzled.

“It was no problem,” Achilles replied as he let Rarity down. “I think it’ll be safer if you ride with me,” he said, offering Rarity a helmet.

“Yes, darling, I must admit, you may be right,” Rarity agreed. She took the helmet, giving it a critical eye. “Do you have a more stylish helmet?”

“We don’t have time, they're getting away,” Achilles said impatiently.

“I suppose you're right,” Rarity sighed as she strapped on the helmet, and got on the back of the bike. Once she was safely on, Achilles sped up to catch up to Rainbow and Constellar.

Once the Rider got close to the beast, he pulled out his spear. Trying his best to keep the bike under control, the Rider started to slash and stab at the monster’s underbelly. Unfortunately, like Rainbow’s and Rarity’s attacks, Achilles only delivered minimal damage.

“I was wondering when you will show up, Rider. Cypher asked me to take care of you personally. Probably figured I’d be perfect for the job,” Constellar gloated. He swung his claw to attack the Rider. Achilles saw this and hit the brakes, narrowly dodging the attack. The large bear changed directions, and started to chase after the Rider. This caused Achilles to change directions as well, and he drove away from the rampaging bear.

“That thing’s far become too powerful!” Rarity exclaimed, frustrated.

“Tell me about it! If only we could pin him down, I could get a good strike in,” Achilles grumbled. As soon as he said those words, an idea came into his head. “Hey, Rainbow-haired girl!” he yelled out.

“Sup?” Rainbow asked as she ran up next to the motorcycle.

“Do you think you can distract this guy for a bit, before leading him to the construction site?” Achilles asked.

“You have a plan, don't you?” Rainbow grinned mischievously. The Rider nodded. “OK, I’ll help you out!” Rainbow agreed. She flew back, directly to the monster’s face. “Hey Space Case!” Rainbow yelled as she kicked Constellar right between the eyes.

This didn't really affect the monster, until she began to repeat the action at high speeds. This was enough to annoy the bear and pull his attention onto the teenage girl. While this was going on, Achilles, undeterred by the behemoth, made his way to the construction site.

When he got there he found what he was looking for. A bunch of steel girders stacked up into the frame of a building. “Hey I need to ask,” he looked at Rarity, “If I needed you to, could you create a shield around your friends inside that beast?” He asked.

“Yes, as long as I can see them, I should be able to make a shell around them,” Rarity confirmed as she took off her helmet.

Achilles nodded as he pulled out his blaster. He then began to shoot at the connections on the building's frame to weaken them. He made sure to help Rarity find a hiding place, just before Constellar arrived. With that done, he got in position in front of the frame.

It only took a minute before Rainbow came wheezing, with Constellar following. “So, I suppose you finally realized it was pointless to try and match powers with someone as great as me,” Constellar said, eying as Achilles.

“Nah, I just needed a place where I can outsmart you,” Achilles teased, holding out his blaster. With the pull of the trigger a bolt of energy flew through the air and hit the bear right between the eyes. This angered the monster, and he loosed a mighty roar, before charging at the Rider. “Do it now!” Achilles yelled, shooting one of the beams above him. This put too much stress on the joints of the beams, and caused the whole frame to fall on top of the bear.

The bars began to move, before a sphere made of crystals burst out of the wreckage. The sphere followed Rarity’s hands before it came close to her, and disappeared. Within the sphere were Twilight and Trixie, unharmed. “Are you girls alright?” Rarity asked, worried.

“I’m fine, but it looks like Trixie’s condition is getting worse!” Twilight said, pointing at Trixie. She was much more transparent now. It was hard to see her. She looked weaker than she had before, not even having the strength to stand up. “If we don’t stop that monster soon, then she’s a goner.”

“But... Achilles just defeated him,” Rarity said as she looked back at the wreckage.

“Oh, that wasn't enough to defeat him,” Achilles said, changing his weapon back into a spear. More of the metal bars began to move, before Constellar, back in his normal form, emerged, holding two star swords. “That was just to get him back on our level.”

“You have a lot of nerve to do something like that to me!! But unfortunately a simple trick like that won't save you from my wrath,” Constellar snarled.

“You can threaten me all you want, buddy. By the time this battle is over, I’ll have rocked you to your core,” Achilles announced as he charged at the monster. He threw a slash with his spear that knocked Constellar back. The Magi-Beast countered by shooting several swords at the Rider.

The Rider spun his spear around, knocking them all away as he closed in. The monster swung his sword, but Achilles blocked it with his spear handle. He then freed up one hand, and punched Constellar square in the face, causing him to reel back. “This is for ruining Trixie’s grand finally,” Achilles said, as he took his card out of the driver and into the slot on the spear.


The blade of the spear began to glow with energy, before it extended itself longer. Achilles spun the spear above his head, making a ring of energy, before rushing at the monster. This attack shocked Constellar before he could react. Frozen in surprise, he was impaled by the energy blade. Achilles then lifted the monster over his head, throwing him up, before jumping into the air.

“No! You can't do this to the powerful Constellar!” The monster cried as the Rider aimed his spear toward the beast, toward the ground.

“You don't look too powerful to me, Airhead,” Achilles said. Then he strongly launched the spear downward.


The monster fell, and fell faster due to the force of the powerful energy spear. When he hit the ground, a magic circle appeared out of the shockwave, before it began to close in on the monster. Once it reached his body, it exploded, with Achilles landing in front of it, his back to it. His spear twirled out of the explosion, and without looking, he caught it, and draped it over his shoulder.

When the monster was destroyed, an aura flew out of the explosion, and into what was left of Trixie’s fading body. She quickly regained her solid form, and her constitution looked much improved. When she opened her eyes, she saw the Rider extending his hand to help her up. “I guess that makes us even for earlier,” Achilles said, teasing.

“Y-you saved my life,” Trixie said, shell-shocked as she took his hand.

“It’s just what friends do,” Twilight said as Rainbow joined the group.

Trixie looked around, before tears began to run down her face. “I- I don't know what to say. You've all done so much for me, I don't know how to ever repay you,” she said, breaking out in tears.

“You really don’t have to repay us at all darling, really,” Rarity gently reassured her..

“I know what you can do to repay us,” Achilles suddenly spoke up, surprising everyone. He pulled out the flyer from her show and gave it to her. “You can prepare for your next performance, and go after your dream,” the Rider said.

Trixie took the flyer, and slowly, she started to smile proudly again. She then looked up to see the Rider walk towards his bike. He waved without turning.

"Don't let that dumb bear win. He doesn't know who you are, oh Great and Powerful One," he advised the show-woman.

”Hey, where are you going?” Rainbow asked, startled by his dismissal.

“Well, the monster’s gone, so there’s nothing left for me to do here,” The Rider said obviously. He started his bike up, revving it. “See you around!” Achilles gave a two finger salute to the girls. Before any of them could say anything the Rider peeled out of the construction site, and off towards the horizon. Once the girls made sure Trixie was totally fine, they all left to make their way back to the school.

Trixie, Twilight and all the other girls all stood in front of the destroyed gymnasium. Nobody was injured, but all of Trixie’s props were destroyed. “I’m so sorry your show was ruined,” Fluttershy said, hoping to console her friend.

“Yeah, that dragon finally would have been fantastic,” Pinkie followed.

“It’s fine,” Trixie said, picking up a broken projector from the rubble. “This just a minor roadblock on The Great and Powerful Trixie’s road to greatness!” She proclaimed.

“That's good to hear,” Sunset said as she patted Trixie’s shoulders. The girls all shared in a relieved laugh.

“Hey, where’s Flash?” Trixie asked. Rainbow pointed her to the parking lot where Flash was standing with his new bike.

Trixie rushed to meet him as Flash stashed his helmet.

“Oh, hey, Trixie. Really sorry I missed your show. Though, I guess it's good I missed the monster attack.” Flash said, trying to play the situation off.

“Don’t play dumb with me,” Trixie whispered, closing in on the blue-haired teen. “I know you're the Rider."

Flash was shocked by this claim, but tried his best to play it cool. “What? Me? No way!. I can’t be a superhero,” Flash tried to act innocent, but she kept holding him up on his bike.

“Yes, you can, and you slipped up big time,” Trixie informed him. She pulled out the flyer Achilles had given her.

“Trixie, you spread those flyers all over the place,” Flash tried to pass the fact back.

“Yeah, but you're the only person to have one that I signed,” Trixie said, bringing attention to her pink signature, "And "Oh, Great and Powerful One?" You said that to me today, Flash."

Flash’s jaw dropped. He’d forgotten that.“Stupid, Stupid, Stupid,” Flash said as he face palmed repeatedly.

“Hey! Don’t beat yourself up over this! I’m not going to tell anyone!” Trixie told him, grabbing his wrist.

“Really?” Flash asked, confused.

“Yeah, it's my honor as a magician to keep other’s secrets, not just my own,” Trixie said, crossing her arms. “Plus, you might need some help with all these monsters.”

“That's nice of you, Trixie. Thank you,” Flash said, giving her a kind smile.

“But!” Trixie interrupted with a raise of her finger. “My assistance isn't free, you will have to do me a favor, without refusal on a date of my choosing,” Trixie demanded.

Flash had no clue what Trixie was talking about, but to have someone he could trust with his secret did sound nice. The part about the favor did worry him, but since it was Trixie, he was positive he could handle it. “Alright, Trixie, you have a deal,” Flash said, smiling as the two shook hands to seal their partnership.

With a new motorcycle and a new ally, Flash had grown a little bit stronger against Cypher, the Magi-Beasts, and anyone else involved in all this chaos.

Author's Note:

the editing of the fic is thanks to Hazard System Max

this one was a bit longer then I wanted. I blame that on the magic show

like alsway leave a coment to tell me what you think