• Published 24th Oct 2018
  • 3,936 Views, 358 Comments

Kamen Rider Achilles - Axle the Cobalt Exorcist

Magical mosnters have shown up around canterlot high and its up to the mystrus masked hero to stop them

  • ...

Ride 16: Almighty

"Bonne Lecture!” Within a small and colorful cottage, a rather odd-looking man sits happily in his chair by the fireplace.

The pink-skinned man was dressed in a rather elaborate pink suit, with a matching top hat. His green hair reached all the way down to his shoulder and sporting a rather dapper mustache on his face. “My name is Tassel and I hope you excuse my poor English. I never had to address an audience like this,” The man fixed his glasses.

“Normally I would tell the story of the Swords of Logos, but today I figured we would do something different. I even got a guess with us.” Tassel pointed to the chair next to him, which had a young man sitting in it. He had gray skin and golden eyes, that peered past the bangs of his spiky black hair. He was dressed in a blue hoodie and black tights with goggles upon his head.

“Wait," the young man said looking very confused at his current situation, "what am I doing here? I thought I was buying a taco.”

“Axle," Tassel answered with a smile, "I invited you here cause I wanted to read some of your stories with everyone.”

“Wait," Axle raised an eyebrow, "you mean my Fanfic?”

“Indeed,” Tassel responded as he held up a stack of papers stapled together. On the front page was the title 'Kamen Rider Achilles: Chapter 16, Almighty.'

Axle's eyes went wide seeing it. “Wait, it’s not done yet, I don't like what I got there!” He tried to grab it, but Tassel jumped to his feet and avoided him as he opened the papers.

“Since you seem to be interested in the story of Kamen Riders, I thought it would be nice to share this tail with everyone.”

“Oh no you don’t, I'm going to kick the scrap out of you for pulling me into this weird mess,” Axle threatened. Unfortunately, his words fell on deaf ears as Tassel proceeded to read. “Don’t you dare Page Turn transition, I am not done here…”

Canterlot was made up of mostly suburbs, but there was a sprawling metropolitan area. It was mostly larger businesses, such as the Wave Industries’ offices, as well as Glint Phoenix’s office at the district office. It wasn’t often Flash would venture into this area of town, but there was something he needed information on that he could only find here.

After locking up his bike and putting money in the meter, Flash was ready to make the rest of the trip on foot.

He checked his pocket and pulled out a very strange looking purple book. It was much smaller than any book he has ever seen and looked very otherworldly. On the cover was a picture of a unicorn with its horn held up high surrounded by five other colorful horses. The title, 'Ponytails Adventures', was written out in fairy tail letters. When he opened it there was only one page with a picture of six small ponies and strange letters.

“I wish that guy wasn’t so rude when I asked him what this was,” Flash said to himself.

The other day.

Flash was walking down the street, headphones in his ear so he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. In his distracted state, he accidentally bumped into someone. “Oh sorry,” Flash said as he looked at the other person.

He was greeted by a man with a stern face. His skin was pink, or maybe more of a magenta, with brown hair. He was dressed in a black suit with a red undershirt and an old camera around his neck. The man didn’t respond, just messed with his camera as he walked.

“Jeez some people,” Flash said to himself. He soon looked down to find a strange book laying on the sidewalk. The teen picked it up and looked over it for a moment before turning to the man. “Hey, You dropped your book!” He called out.

The man turned around with a bored expression on his face. “That book isn’t mine,” The man commented before taking a picture of the young man.

“But didn’t it fall out of your pocket?” Flash followed.

“Do I look like a librarian?” The man asked.

“No, you look like a jerky photographer,” Flash answered as he was starting to get annoyed with this guy. Every response he gave sounded so condescending and he wouldn’t stop playing with his camera.

“Then I’m not the one you need to return it to,” the man said cryptically as he turned around and walked away. As he turned the corner, Flash chased after him only to find that once he got to the corner, the man had disappeared.

“What the? How the?” Flash was at a loss for words for what just happened as he looked down the empty street.

“If I ever see that guy again, I’m going to sock him right in his face.” Flash continued to walk down the street, then saw it a ways off. It was a small shop with a purple sign in golden letters right above a display window. It was one of the oldest shops in Canterlot but was kept in great shape. As he approached the book store, he noticed that there was a line of people forming. “Hmm, wonder what’s going on here?”

As he got closer, he noticed a single setup. It showed a man with a large sword and a kid sitting on his shoulder. He spotted a sigh and read it aloud. “New book release, The King of Fatherhood. Signing today only by famed novelist, Touma Kamiyama.” He looked back at the image, having never seen this story before. “Hmm, must be from overseas.”

“Yeah. In fact, it’s Kamiyama’s first time in the states.” Turning around, he found Twilight with a huge smile on her face. “This is going to be an event for the ages.”

“Wow," Flash smirked, "he must be good if he has you worked up like Rainbow on the primer of the Daring Do movie.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Funny how we keep running into each other. We seem to be doing that a lot lately.”

Twilight let out a laugh, “you're right. I didn’t really notice that,” she commented while fixing her glasses. “Anyway, what brings you here? I’m guessing you're not here for the signing.”

“Naw, something else brought me here. Came across something very weird and I think I’m going to find some answers here.” This appeared to peak Twilight's interest.

“What is this weird thing? Is it another enchanted object?”

Flash pulled the book out from his pocket. “Maybe. Honestly, it’s not giving off the same vibe as the others. It’s too…” Flash started as he tried to find the world.

“Inactive,” Twilight chimed in as she pulled out her magic detector. When she passed it over the book, nothing happened. “Hmm, no Equestrian magic detected.”

“It has to be some kind of magic. This thing is way too weird not to be. And the guy that dropped it seemed to really want me to come here with it." He was starting to get worked up remembering that photographer before taking a deep breath to calm down. “Ya know what, while I’m here I might as well browse the place.”

“Sounds good to me," Twilight nodded. "My birthday day is coming up and I would love to see what I could add to my wishlist.”

“Oh yeah, your birthday is next week,” Flash remembered. ”Anything, in particular, you want me to get?”

“Hmm," Twilight thought for a moment before smiling, "I’m sure I will like whatever you pick for me.”

“Well I’ll see what I can do,” Flash said as he scratched the back of his head. “Don’t you think you should go get your spot in line?”

“I got here really early and reserved a spot," Twilight explained. "I’m actually going to get a smoothie while I wait for Mr. Kamiyama."

“Well I hope you have fun,” Flash said as the two parted ways. The young man headed towards the Bookshop.

A few minutes after entering the shop, Flash was looking through the shelves. He asked the owner about the book but he had no answers. He didn’t know what he was expecting. After all, Golden Oaks was just a regular book store. So since he came all this way, Flash thought he might as well look for a birthday gift for Twilight. “I know Twilight said she didn’t care what I get her, but I can't just get her any old thing. Daring Do, Time Thieves, maybe something nonfiction?"

“Looks like you have a lot on your mind,” a friendly voice pointed out. Flash was surprised as he turned, there was a man with light red skin standing next to him. He was dressed in a long black jacket with suspenders and a hat. There was a pen hanging off his neck by a long lanyard

“Oh sorry. I was just thinking about what book I should get. Not for me, for a friend.”

“Maybe I can help,” the man replied as he started to look at the bottom level of the shelf. “What does your friend like?”

“Well I know she loves books...a lot. Oh, she loves science too and like ridiculously organized.” Flash went on to describe Twilight.

“Hmm, well a few things come to mind. I think I saw some books for sale written by some famous scientist. Do you know who your friend might like?”

Flash thought for a moment till he remembered. “Oh, she loves Rosette Nebula."

“Hmm...Rosette Nebula,” the man stood up and scratched his chin. “Ya know what, she has a new book coming out in a few months. I may be able to get you an advance copy.” The man pulled out his phone.

“Wait, really? You would do something like that for me?” Flash asked.

“I’d love to," the man explained with a smile. "Especially if your friend is someone who truly loves books.”

“She really does,” Flash replied. As Flash talked with the man, he noticed someone go past the shop window. It was something fuzzy. “Um, do you mind holding on for a minute? I’ll be right back.”

Flash ran out of the store to catch a glimpse of whatever he saw heading behind the store. As he headed to the back he saw what it was that went past the window. It was a group of strange, brown creatures with white markings on the bodies and tattered robes hanging from their necks. They had on gray, insect-like helmets and holding short swords.

“What on earth are you?” Flash asked out loud. The weird creatures didn’t respond as they saw the teen and just jumped at him. Flash dodged a sword attack from one of the creatures before he shoved another to the side. “You guys aren't Magi-beasts or Nightmares, but I can tell you're not friendly at all!” He pulled out his driver. “Henshin!”


In an instant, Flash transformed into Achilles and extended his spear. Two of the creatures swung their swords down, only to be blocked by the rider. Achilles kicked them away and smacked them with the wide side of the spear. The rider then spun the weapon over his head, causing the remaining goons to back off. Unfortunately, it looked like more of them were starting to pop up. “Dang, these things are like cockroaches. They’re just popping up everywhere. I’m going to need to call Shining,” Achilles observed as he punched one of the enemies.


As Achilles fought off the monster he turned to see the man from the bookstore showed up. “What are you doing? Get out of here!” The rider yelled out.

“Don’t worry about me," the man said. "You look like the one that needs help.” With that, the man pulled something out of his jacket. It looked like a sword with a red flaming hilt, housed in a black scabbard with strange golden letters on it. There were three slots visible on the scabbard. The man played the scabbard on his wait and straps came out to form a belt.


“A Driver!?” Achilles asked in surprise.

The man then pulled out a book, similar to the one Flash found apart from being red. It had the image of a dragon on it and The title of the book read 'Brave Dragon'. The man then opened the book to reveal the more simplistic picture of a dragon.


He then closed the book and put it into the right slot on the belt.


The man then grabbed onto the handle of the sword. “Henshin!” He yelled as he pulled out the sword, the blade somehow extending to be three times the size it looked whilst in the scabbard. As he did, the image of an armored warrior with a fiery visor was revealed on the book.


The man swung the sword to make a flaming X slash. A large book appeared behind him and opened, releasing a red dragon that flew around the man. A flaming vortex appeared before coming into armor. The cross slash flew towards the man's face and formed a visor, dispersing the flames and revealing the armored rider.


The left side of the rider’s body was covered in black armor with white going right down the middle. The right side of the rider’s armor was read with a dragon head on the shoulder and a long piece of cloth at his side. His helmet had a flame themed visor with a large blade coming off the top. It looked exactly like the armor depicted in the book.


The new rider charged into the group of enemies and swung his sword around. Some of the Shimi tried to slash at the rider, but they all blocked them with his sword. With a fiery attack from his blade, the rider caused all the goons to fall back. Achilles swung his spear, knocking back more of the Shimi that the other rider didn’t see.

“Hey, thanks for the save. But who are you?” Achilles asked as the two were soon back to back.

“I am Kamen Rider Saber, nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Achilles replied as he performed a wide slash towards the enemies. He then spun the spear over his head before converting it into its blaster form and opened fire on the soldiers. "You can call me Achilles."

Saber spun his sword around, leaving behind a trail of flames as he took down any Shimi that got in his way. The rider caught one of the goons’ blades before throwing it up and performing a vertical slash. “I’m starting to get tired of this nonsense.”

“Agreed," Achilles replied as he took the Rider card out of his driver, "these small fries are annoying.” He slotted of the blaster. At the same time, Saber returned his sword back into the driver and pulled the trigger before pulling it out again.



Achilles held his blaster up were a magical circle appeared over him and fired a large blast of energy. When the blast hit the circle, it split into multiple bolts of energy that homed in on the Shimi. When the bolts hit the soldiers were destroyed instantly.


The red dragon appeared as Saber spun around. The dragon followed his movements, circling the riders to finish off any remaining Shimi in a burst of flames. “I didn’t think those guys would follow me here,” The rider said. He returned the sword to the driver, closed the book, and removed it. The armor started to turn into pages of a book that dissolved, undoing the transformation.

“So you know what those things are?” Achilles asked.

“Yeah, they're Megido. Awful monster that terrorizes people.” the man answered as he turned to the rider. “I wish you would have told me that you saw them. I would have been able to help out sooner.”

“Wait,” the rider asked with a puzzled look under his helmet, "what are you talking about?”

“Are you not the guy I was helping in the book store? I saw you transform as I was walking out the back. I would have helped out right away, but I left my driver in my bag,”

“Gah, dang it." Achilles smacked his helmet, "I guess I can't deny it now.” He undid the transformation, returning to being Flash Sentry. “Can you do me a favor and promise not to tell anyone? I'm trying to keep it a secret”

“Um, of course. You can count on me to keep a promise. But why do you need to be so secretive about it,” the man asked.

“It’s just…” Flash paused for a moment. “There are just people I know I’ll hurt if they know I was putting my life in danger like this.”

“I see,” the man replied as he put his hand to his chin. “Why don't we take this conversation somewhere else. I would like to talk more with the Kamen Rider of America.”

“Sure,” Flash answered as he followed the man walking away. "Oh by the way I’m Flash Sentry, what's your name?”

“Oh it’s Touma Kamiyama,” the man answered, finally revealing his identity.

“Touma Kamiyama? You mean the Author doing the singing today?” Flash followed.

“Yeah, you have my editor to thank for that,” Touma replied with a smile as he led the way.

As the city continued to move on, they were unaware they were all being observed. “My oh my, the swordsman of flames has followed me here. I was hoping to do this quietly, without Logos knowing,” Letting out a sigh was a man of black hair and deep maroon skin. One lock of hair was very long and he was outfitted in a long black coat. “No matter. The swordsman being here just means he can't call on help from the others. This might actually make things easier. Taking out one of the swords and creating an Alter Book all at once.” He then pulled out a book, this one having a black cover and filled with cracks.

The man opened it to reveal an image covered in chains. Through the chains, one could make out the picture of a princess running down a large flight of stairs with a prince following close by.


Books started to come out of the book and stacked on top of each other till they formed a humanoid form.

The stack then transformed into a dark pink feminine monster. She had on a large ballgown with a stained glass design that was covered in swirls of pink, blue, and yellow. Her lanky arms were black with pink cracks all along the length, ending in fingers like shards of glass. In the middle of her chest was the cover of a black book. Her face continued the stained glass theme, with one eye being able to be made out amongst the random shapes and colors. A large shard of glass sticking out where the other eye would be with cracks spreading out from it. Her hair was made of long white fibers, with streaks of pink flowing through it and a tiara looking like crystal. “Are you my Prince?” She asked.

“No, but this should help in your quest.” The man handed the monster a blank white book. “You know what to do, Cinderella. Collect some of the strange energy this city has so we can use it in our alter books”

“Yes, oh yes!” The Cinderella Megido spun around, holding the book up high as her sharp fingers coerced it. “I will have my happily ever after.”

The two riders found themselves at a street stand that was selling smoothies. After the two got a drink, Touma asked to know how Flash became a rider. And so Flash told the writer a brief recap of the last month, including a quick rundown of the Rainbooms and their powers. “Wow, that is quite the story you got there,” Touma said.

“Yeah, it’s just been one crazy event after another. But I wouldn’t change a thing if it means I get to protect others,” Flash responded with a proud look on his face.

“In fact...” Touma started before he pulled out a notepad and pen. “I think I have some inspiration for another book.”

“Really?” Flash asked as he took a sip of his drink.

“Yeah. The story of a gallant warrior, who protects everyone but must keep it a secret from the princess he loves. This is going to be great,” Touma spoke aloud as he wrote his ideas down.

This resulted in Flash doing a spit take. “What?! Who-who said anything about a princess and being in love or anything like that?” Flash yelled as he whipped his face.

“Oh sorry, that's just where my mind went with the idea. If it’s a sour subject I’ll think of something else,” the writer offered.

“No, it’s fine. It’s just a story anyway,” Flash replied as he regained his composure. As Touma took a sip of his drink, Flash remembered his whole reason he came here. “Hey, that book you used to transform, Can I see it?” he asked.

“Oh, you mean the Wonderide Books?” Touma dug through his jacket. He presented Flash with two of them. The red Brave Dragon book and a blue one titled 'Peter Fantasista', with a boy and girl flying through the sky. “These are the source of the Sword of Logos’ power. Cool, right?”

“Yeah,” Flash responded as he dug through his own jacket to pull out the Wonderide book he’s been carrying. “I ended up finding one and some guy told me to come to the book store. I guess he wanted me to run into you,” he put together.

“Pony TaIls Adventure,” Touma read aloud as he examined the book. “Looks very odd, but I can’t be sure if this is one of the books that went missing. I’m gonna need to call Daushinji-san to find out.” As he handed back the book, his phone’s alarm started to go off.

“Isn’t the book signing starting soon?” Flash asked, taking note of the reminder.

“You're right, we can talk more when I finish,” Touma said as he ran towards the shop, Leaving behind his smoothie.

Meanwhile, Cinderella spun around the rooftop with the blank book in hand. “Come to me, my Prince, so that you may take me away to live my dreams!” The monster declared as she opened the book. A golden aura emanated from the book as the construct of a larger book started to form over the section of the city. This event didn’t go unnoticed, as everyone looked up in shock.

“What the?!” Flash yelled out. A barrier formed between him and Touma.

“Ōno!" Touma whispered, "it’s worse than I thought!” He looked up at the construct of the books as it started to open.

Before Flash’s eyes, the cityscape on the other side of the barrier started to change into a fantasy world of purple sky and floating islands. “Is that an Orca!?” Flash yelled as the large creature resembling the sea mammals flew overhead. Bubbles filled the air, as everyone took notice of their new surroundings. “There is no way a magi-beast caused this. This is way too big of a scale for them. Especially if they were just created,” Flash thought out loud.


Flash’s train of thought was soon interrupted when he heard someone scream. turning around to see he saw Shimi swarm the area and attack many of the confused citizens. “These guys again!" Flash pulled out his driver and ran towards them as he placed it on his waist.

Outside the barrier, Touma looked up at the giant book. He wasn't the only one, as everyone took notice of what was happening. “This is much worst than I thought.”

“Was that Flash?!” Twilight asked as she ran up to the barrier. “What is this thing?”

“It’s an Alter Book. And everyone in there has been taken to Wonder World,” Touma explained.

“How do you kn-wait, your Touma Kamiyama!” Twilight yelled out. She was starstruck for a moment as she was now meeting one of her favorite authors.

“Hai. Are you one of Flash’s friends?” The writer asked.

“I'm his friend, yes,” Twilight replied. “We need to do something.”

“Don’t worry, I can help him out,” Touma said as he pulled out his driver. As he put it on his waist, a large book appeared in front of him. “I’ll be quick. It’s only a matter of time before they all disappear.”

“That a Driver,” Twilight pointed out. “If that means you're a Kamen Rider, then I’m going too.”

“I can’t let you," Touma responded. "The Megido are way too dangerous.”

“Can't be worse than a Magi-Beast,” Twilight retorted with a cocky smile. “Plus, I’m more capable than I look.” She held up her and with a magical aura glowing around it.

“Ok, but please stay close,” Touma said as he grabbed onto Twilight’s hand and guided her into the large book.

Within the barrier, Achilles was hard at work defending the citizens from the Shimi.

Swinging his spear around, the rider smacked several of the goons before they dissolve into nothing. “So we're on your turf now. Alright, I can handle this,” Achilles said as he leaned on his spear.

The tinging of glass hitting the pavement filled the air, making the rider turn to see the Cinderella Magido walk in. “Oooh, are you my prince?” The monster asked.

“Prince? Lady, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but there's no prince here,” Achilles retorted as he readied himself.

“Aww, that’s too bad. If you're not my prince, then I have no use for you!” The monster announced as she dashed towards the rider. With her shard-like fingers held high, she slashed down onto the rider. Achilles was caught off guard and was sent back with sparks coming off his armor. Achilles responded by swinging his spear and landed a direct hit. He attempted to go for a second attack, but the Magido caught the blade in her fingers. She then swung her arms to send the rider rolling. “Such a fragile thing,” Cinderella taunted.

“I’m not gonna be called fragile by a walking chandelier!” Achilles declared as he pulled out a card and slotted it into the belt.


Achille’s armor changed into the Knuckle form. He held his fist up to launch the gauntlet at the monster. Cinderella sidestepped the attack, but she didn’t see the other attack. It struck, shattering almost a third of the Magido’s body. “Aaahhhhhh!” She yelled as she collapsed on the floor.

“Just as I thought," Achilles commented as he approached the monster. "You really are just a bunch of glass." The Magido tried to crawl away from the rider, clearly in a panic.

But as Achilles raised his gantlet he was hit by bolts of red and black energy that knocked Achilles back.

"AUGH!" He cried, staggering forward before turning to the attacker. He then saw the man that created this monster.

“I'm sorry, but I can’t have you hurting my princess,” he said. The man then transformed in a dark cloud into a frighting figure of crimson with dark green vines all over his body. He was wearing a white mask with a golden crest on his head and two large roots coming off either side. His body was covered with black spiky armor and a golden crest in the middle of his chest. The creature said as he looked over the rider. “Wait, you’re not one of the sacred swords.”

“You're talking about Touma, right?” Achilles asked as he smashed his fists together. “I don’t know who you are, or why you here in Canterlot, but I'm the one that protects this town.”

“Doesn’t really matter. It won’t be long until the Alter Book will be created. This one will be stronger than anyone before it,” the monster said as he summoned a two-pronged sword. “I am Storious. Remember it, as you fade to nothing." He then charged at the rider, raising his sword up.

When the monster swung his weapon, Achilles blocked it. This gave him an opening to deliver a few punches to the monster. The rider then raised both his arms and slammed them down onto the monster’s head. “You monsters always talk big. Guess things never change,” Achilles laughed.

“I never exaggerate,” Storious said as the roots on his head started to grow out and move. The large roots swung at Achilles, forcing him to use his large gantlets as a shield.

“Talk about a bad hair day,” Achilles quipped as he raised his arms to hit away from the roots. He then fired his fist at Storious. The monster sidestepped to avoid the flying punch, but Achilles swung the cable around and hit the roots out of the way before clocking Storious on the other side of his face.

He grunted as he staggered back, but quickly regained his balance. “Ok, you caught me off guard." He brushed himself off, "but don’t count on it to happen again.” As Storious raised his blade, he noticed Cinderella trying to get up.

“I...I can’t fall. Not without my prince,” The Magido managed to get out with pieces of glass falling off her.

“Dang it!” Storious yelled out as he threw down his sword and went to the monster. He picked up the remains of the Cindrella Magido and turned to the rider. “You're lucky I need her to stay around,” he said before teleporting away, avoiding Achilles charging at him.

“Dang it! They got away,” Achilles said before he undid his transformation. He then started to see parts of the pavement start to curl up like they were pages. “I really wish Touma was here. I don’t think this place is going to last much longer.”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the area, a giant book appeared and opened like a flipbook. It showed the still images of Touma and Twilight running closer and closer to the page, then a flash of light had them both appear out of the still images.

Once Twilight was able to get her baring, she was amazed to see Wonder World just outside the barrier. “I-Is that a dragon!?” Twilight yelled out as she pulled out her phone to take a picture. “So this is what another world looks like. It's just like a fairytale come to life.”

“Yeah,” Touma answered. “Also, that won’t work. My editor tried the same thing. Cameras from our world can’t seem to capture images from Wonder World.”

“So where do we find this Magido?” Twilight asked.

“They should be close,” the writer replied. “Hopefully, Achilles is keeping everyone safe.”

“Achilles is here?” Twilight asked a look of curiosity on her face.

“Oh yeah,” Touma responded whilst nervously scratching his nose. “I saw him earlier. I think he ended up getting caught up in all of this.”

“Ah, visitors!” A male voice called out as a new fighter entered the battle. It was a tall figure, dressed all in black with a red line going down the middle of his suit and a black book on the right side of his chest. Tassels adorned his shoulders with a red cape coming off his back. The creature’s face was purple with five spikes coming off his head top from some kind of crown. The Prince Magido focused on Twilight. “You look like a fine gift for my dear princess.”

“Where did that creep come from?” Twilight yelled out.

“Speak of the devil,” Touma followed as he put on his driver.

The Prince wasted no time as he sent several flying slashes at the two. Twilight reacted quickly, using her powers to bring several large items to block the attack. The girl then threw the remains of the items at the monster, who knocked them all out of the way with his saber. “This guy isn’t playing around.”

“I think we can take him,” Touma said as he pulled out both the red and blue Wonderide books and opened them.



He then closed the books and slotted them into the driver. Brave dragon into the far right and the other in the far left slot. In one swift motion, Touma drew the sword. “Henshin!”


The two books appeared behind Touma and opened, unleashing the dragon and a fairy. The two circled around the man to transform him into his rider form, but with additional pieces. The left side of his body was covered in blue armor, with a hook coming off his arm.


Saber raised his sword and charged at the prince. Their swords clashed with the two pushing against one another. “I will not let you take away this town!” Saber cried before he swung his blade to break from his opponent and launched the chain from his wrist.

The hook was closing in, but the Prince parried the hook. “My love for the Princess will give me the strength to slay any enemy,” The Prince declared as he lunged forward with his sword. Saber avoided the stabs as best he could, managing a counterattack with a few slashes. But soon the rider was blindsided by a diagonal slash that sent Saber to the ground. The Magido then turned his attention to Twilight. “Now come with me,” the Magido demanded.

“Twilight!” Saber yelled. Acting quickly he returned the sword to the driver, pulled the trigger, and drew it.


Saber drew a circle of flames with his sword that morphed into chains made of fire. A green fairy then flew out of his armor and through the chain circle. On the other side, the small fairy grew into a giant flaming construct of a woman with large muscle and fairy wings. With the chain and hook in hand, the construct wrapped the chains around the monster and hoisted him up high. “Let me go, you ogre!” The Prince demanded. The fairy didn’t take too kindly to his words as she gave the rider a nod. He nodded back and jumped up with his sword ablaze as he delivered a decisive blow to the monster, destroying him as the fairy let go of the chains and disappeared.

Saber gave a look around. “We're still in Wonderworld," he observed. "The main Magido must still be out there.”

“Quite prospective, Swordsman of flames,”

Turning around, Saber saw Storious standing next to Twilight who was trapped in roots. She tried to yell out but her mouth was covered. “Storious! Get away from her!” Saber demanded as he held up his sword, “she has nothing to do this.”

“Ah, but that is where you are wrong,” Monster explained as he held up the Altar Book and opened it. Before the Rider’s eyes, another Prince Magido appeared from the book. “The Prince senses a great power coming from this girl and so do I. With her, we can give the princess the power she needs to finally destroy you. There is nothing you or that American rider can do to stop me, hahaha!” The monster let out a laugh as Saber charged at him. Storious, The Prince, and Twilight all vanished before the Rider could finish his attack.

“Twilight!” Flash’s voice yelled out. The teen ran onto the scene but was unable to do anything, collapsing onto the ground. “How did she get here anyway?”

“That is my fault,” the writer responded as he went to console the teen. “I told her not to get involved, but she insisted on coming to save you.”

“So it’s my fault then,” the teen responded.

“No. If I knew Storious was here, I wouldn’t have brought her.” Touma helped Flash up, “you made a promise to protect the people you love. That includes Twilight and I'm going to help you keep that promise. Now, let’s go find them before the whole place is falling apart." Around the two, the world was starting to curl up like it was paper.

“You’re right," Flash nodded. "We need to find those guys.” They rushed off, all the while hoping they could get to Twilight in time.

On a rooftop, Storious stood in his human form before Twilight, who was now rooted onto a chair. The man was holding out a black book with a stream of magic pouring out from her geode into it. “I can’t wait to see what your magic can really do.”

“Whatever your doing will never work," Twilight proclaimed. "Touma and Achilles will stop whatever it is your planning. I have faith in them.”

“The Swordsman of Flames and the American Kamen Rider? Pshhh. By the time they find you, it will already be too late,” the man replied.

Meanwhile, The Prince Megido stood next to the remains of the Cinderella Magido. “My prince please, you must save me from this fate,” the princess said in a weak voice, shards of glass falling off her.

“Don’t worry my Princess, I will not rest till I have saved you,” The Prince declared.

Storious closed the book, cutting off the flow of magic, and opened it again. Shards of purple glass flew out and reformed into a slipper. “Here you go. This will save your princess,” Storious announced as he handed the glass slipper to the Magido.

The Prince took the slipper and proceeded to fit it onto his Princess’ foot. The purple magic flowed through Cindarella’s cracks and shards of glass started to assemble around her body, reforming into her body. “Yes, yes, yes!” The Magido said as she stood up and spun around. But the effects of the slipper didn’t stop there. The Cindarella Magido started to grow to the size of half the city. Everything from the waist down started to change into a giant chandelier and her chest formed into a castle-like structure complete with a tower. The process the section of the city was going through was accelerating with the building being reduced to hollow structures as the sky started to turn red.

“Amazing! This is working better than I thought,” Storious said as he admired his work. “Take the girl up to that tower and guard her!" He ordered the prince. "I don’t want the riders to get a hold of her.”

“Um, yes sir,” the Magido replied as he took the tied-up Twilight.

When the Magido grew, Flash and Touma noticed immediately. “Uh...does that usually happen with your monsters?” The teen asked the swordsman.

Touma shook his head. “I’ve seen them get bigger, but not transform into a floating castle. And they weren't that big.”

“Is that Twilight up there?” Flash asked out loud. He took out his phone and using the special telescoping app, he was able to confirm that Indeed Twilight was locked in the tower of the monster’s chest. “How on earth are we gonna save her?"

“So I'm guessing we're gonna really need to think outside of the box for this one,” Touma followed. “What about that book you found?”

Flash nodded, “it’s worth a shot. If we work together, I think we not only save your friend but the city." The teen pulled out the wonderide book and handed it to the Swordsman of flames. The two riders put on their Drivers, as Touma opened the red books.


But then, as soon as the book was opened, it glowed a red light that then flew off it. The two saw this and watched it float through the air for several seconds before shooting and into the Legends Driver. In a flash of light, a new red and black card appeared before Flash. He took the card out of the air and saw the word 'Saber' engrave itself in the card. “Is that normal?” The novelist asked.

“Kinda," Flash replied. "My driver tends to ask for help from others. Kinda scary that this thing has a mind of its own."

Touma nodded as he slotted the book into his driver and then opened the second one, revealing the page of the six ponies.



He slotted the book into the far left slot and grabbed onto the sword. Flash got into position as he pressed the button on the driver. “Henshin!” The two yelled out at once.


Two giant books appeared behind Touma as they opened. The dragon flew out the red one while the purple one opened to unleash a flying rainbow. As the two circled around his body, he transformed into his rider form. His right arm had a unicorn head as shoulder armor, a Pegasus wing coming off his back, and a horse head covering his forearm. The cloth on his side had a crest of five gems surrounding a six-point star.



Flash slotted the card into his driver and the magic circle appeared to pass over him. The golden armor of his base form appeared around him. But when the transformation ended, the circle burst into flames. The dragon flew overhead before diving towards the rider. It spiraled around his right arm, changing it into red armor resembling the same kind Saber had. The blue eye plates turned red to complete the transformation.



“Wow! This feels a lot different from the others,” Achilles observed as he looked down at his hand. “Let's go save my friend.”

Saber gave a nod. “If you are going to storm the castle, you're gonna need a kyōdai steed.” He then pulled out a bulky looking Wonderride book. He slotted the book into the diver and put the sword back in just to pull it out again.


The book grew to a larger size and transformed into a motorcycle with a large sword in the front. “I hope this helps,” Saber said as he spread his wing.

“Yeah, I think I can make this work.” Achilles hopped onto the bike and revved up the engine. The two then charged forth, towards the giant monster as she floated over the city. Buildings were starting to collapse which, caused Achilles to swerve out of the way. A piece of the road started to curl up which gave the rider a ramp to get some air. He then maneuvered himself sideways, to drive up the side of the building, getting closer to the monster.

Meanwhile, Saber took to the skies, getting closer to the floating fortress of a monster. Swinging his sword, the rider launched several flame attacks. “Oh," the monster said, "so a little fly came to ruin my day." She raised her long arm to bring down her sharded hand on the rider. Saber blocked the attack and stood strong to push it back.

The eye of the horse head on his arm flashed, giving Saber a burst of strength to push the large hand back. “I'm not gonna stop, I made a promise to help save Twilight!” Saber declared as he took Rekka in both hands. With a vertical slash, the rider sent a wave of fire right into the Magido's head, causing the floating mass to lose altitude.

This was just what Achilles needed, as he was close to running out of building.

As the bike launched into the air, Achilles jumped up high to the castle portion of the monster, landing on it. The whole place looked like the courtyard of a castle, with Shimi crawling all over the place. In the middle was a tower with a spiral staircase leading up to the top.

"Of course, this wouldn’t be easy,” the rider observed. The goons all rushed Achilles, who ended up avoiding the soldiers. The eye on the dragon armor flashed as flames erupted from Achilles’s arm. The fire soon died down and formed into a replica of The Rekka. “Oh man, this is so awesome!” The rider cried excitedly. With sword in hand, he started swinging at the Shimi, making quick work of them as he made his way to the tower.

“Halt!” A voice yelled out. Guarding the stares was the Prince Megido with his saber in hand. “If you dare to storm the tower and harm my princess, you will have to go throw me first” He declared.

“You guys really don't make things easy,” Achilles commented.

Saber landed right next to Achilles. “Don’t worry," the rider stated as he pointed his sword at the Prince. "He wasn’t that hard to fight the first time. And with two of us, it will be no problem,” He gave his blade several powerful swings before striking a pose. “We will be the ones to decide how this story ends.”

Achilles held his sword high as he charged in, performing a diagonal slash that knocked the monster back before Saber leapt over him for a follow-up attack. The Prince thrust his saber at blurring speed, which caused Saber to hit the ground. Achilles tried to respond with an attack of his own, but the Magido simply deflected it.

“My love shall give me the strength to defeat you curds,” The Prince retorted.

“Jeez, can this guy get any more cheeser?” Achilles asked.

“Try using this,” Saber said as he threw a yellow book at Achilles.

Achilles caught it and saw the image of a hedgehog on it. “Ok," he then turned to the prince and pointed his sword it him. "By the time this is over, I'm sending you to Tartarus.” He then held the book up to the tip of the sword.


Yellow energy radiated off the blade before forming into a large spiky club. Achilles then charged at The Prince and swung the weapons horizontally.


Spike started to burst out of the Magido’s body. “My Princess, Please forgive me!” the Prince yelled out before exploding. “NOOOOOO! MY PRINCE!” Cinderella yelled as the whole castle started to shake. The two riders looked up to see the face of the giant Megido looking down on them. Her signal eye started to glow as she shot a beam of energy, right down on them. Saber, thinking quickly, taped the page of the Wonderride book.


Holding up how left hand Saber created a magical circle that shielded the two from the blast. “Flash, go save Twilight. I’ll hold her off!”

“I’m coming Twilight!” Achilles yelled as he ran up the stairs. More of the Shimi crawl out of the woodwork, but the rider made quick work of them. Fire followed his sword with every slash, some of the soldiers even falling off the winding stairway. The rider soon came to a locked door. Twilight?”

“Flash?” Twilight asked on the other side of the door.

“Oh...um...no. It's me, Achilles,” He tried putting on a deeper voice. “Stand back! I’m gonna break the door down!”After a moment, fire surrounded the blade of the imitation Rekka before the rider cut the door in half.

As Achilles entered the room, he was greeted by Twilight running up and hugging him. “What is going on out there?” The teenage girl asked.

“We just beat the monster’s boyfriend and she isn’t taking it well,” Achilles answered. The rider then took his sword and cut the bars on the window. Sheathing the sword on his back, the rider picked up Twilight and jumped out of the window. “Saber, we need to get out of here, fast!”

Saber nodded as he spread his wing. The rider grabbed Twilight and Achilles before flying them out of the fortress. The Giant Magido swung her arms to swat down the flying heroes. Twilight saw this and held out her hand, using her magical powers to push back against the large hand just long enough to let them escape. With most of the city almost reduced to nothing, Saber landed on the last rooftop still standing. “We’re out of time!" Saber yelled. "We need to destroy the Magido, now!”

“Do you think the two of us together can beat her in one shot?” Achilles asked. While this was happening, the crystals hanging off Cinderella’s lower half were starting to glow. The shard in her eye charging with energy that was now pointing at the trio.

“There is a chance you two may not be able to do it," Twilight chimed in before an idea popped into her head. "But if we add my power, our chances look a lot better."

“Are you sure you can do it?” Saber asked.

“You haven’t seen her in action. I know she can,” Achilles followed whilst giving Twilight the thumbs up.

“Well if we are gonna act, we need to act now,” Saber said as he sheathed the sword back into the driver and pulled the trigger.


“I know we can beat her,” Achilles followed as depressed the button on his driver.


Twilight gathered her magic in both her hands till it formed into a construct of a bow and arrow. She then pointed the arrow at the monster and pulled back hard on the string. “I have her in my sights. Let's go!”

The two riders jumped high into the air with a burst of flames. Three magical circles appeared behind Saber. Each with a horse, unicorn, and pegasus depicted on them before being absorbed into his body. He then started to glow in a rainbow of colors as he got into the position for a kick. Several books appeared in front of Saber and opened to allowed the rider to fly through them towards the monster.

Meanwhile, as Achilles jumped up, the Brave Dragon spirals upward along with him. As he got into the position to kick, the dragon took a position behind him to breathe out a large fireball which accelerated his kick.


Twilight fired the arrow as it transformed into a giant purple dart that pierced right into the Magido’s chest. The arrow stuck out of Cinderella's chest, with cracks forming all over her body. The two riders soon follow as they simultaneously kicked directly into the arrow, driving it in further in. The cracks grew bigger till not only the monster shattered, but the world of the Altar Book as well. The sky turned back into its usual shade of blue and the city, as well as its people, returned back to normal.

From the eruption of energy, the bank book came dallying down. Storious was on the ground, Reaching up to grab the book, but it was destroyed right in his hand. “NOOOOOOOOO!” He yelled out, only to see a purple mist fly out of the remains and floated into the sky. When he was finished yelling, he turned to a giant book that appeared with a sneer. “I better get back before the other two get into trouble.”

The two riders fell back to earth triumphantly with the monster defeated. “We did it! Haha!” Achilles cheered as his transformation was undone.

“Twilight really is incredible,” Touma followed as he transformed back as well. “Um, what's going on with your driver?” The author asked. He noticed that something was going on with the card inside the Legends Driver.

Pulling the card out, Flash saw the Saber card begin to break down into nothing. “I guess the cards don't stay long if they're not Equestrian magic.”

It wasn’t long before the two saw Twilight running over to them. “Flash, Thank goodness you're safe,” the teenage girl yelled out as she approached.

“Yeah all thanks to Touma and Achilles,” Flash replied.

“Where is Achilles anyway?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, you know him, always the shy one. He probably ran off after seeing everyone was safe,” Flash explained.

“Somethings never change,” Twilight laughed. As she said that, the purple mist flew over to them and began to surround Twilight. They were all concerned until the mist was sucked into Twilight's geode. "That's good. At least I don't have to worry about my magic infecting something else." Touma looked confused, Flash just giving him a shrug.

“TOUMA!” A woman's then filled the air. Turning around, the trio saw a woman with opalescent skin and brown hair in a pink jacket running to them.

“Mei?!” Touma exclaimed as the woman joined them. “Oh, Flash, Twilight. This is my editor, Mei.”

“Oh, Hi,” Mei said as she looked at the two teens. “Touma, the book store said you missed your signing.”

“There was a monster attack, you know I couldn't just leave that alone,” the writer explained.

“Oh yeah. I totally forgot about the book signing. Um Touma, can you sign my copy of your book when you have time?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, sure thing”

“Do you know how much work it takes to reschedule something like that!” Mei yelled out. “And now we won’t have time to look for that really good bakery I heard about. I wanted to get something to tease Rintaro with when we got back.”

“You wouldn’t be talking about Sugarcube Corner?” Flash interrupted.

“You know that place?” an excited Mai asked.

“Me, Twilight, and all our friends hang there all the time,” Flash said with a smile. “We would be more than happy to show you guys the way.”

Mie bounced up and down as the two teens led the way to their favorite hang out. After such a hectic day, everyone involved deserved a break.

Back at the cottage, the whole place looked like a twister had just blown through. The only thing that looked untouched was Tassel, sitting in the chair with the makeshift book. “That was a very nice story. You really need to have more confidence in yourself, Axle.” The odd man closed the book and turned to his guest.

Axle was curled on the floor, beaten up, and his head through the frame of a chair. “Well, Tassel, it means the world to me that you enjoyed it,” The Fanfic writer said after coming out of his daze.

“Would you like me to give you a ride home?” Tassel offered.

“That would be lovely.”

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed this little special I put together. and don't worry Tassel didn't beat me up too much. in terms of the timeline, this takes place around episode 4 of saber. Stay tuned cause next up we will be starting a brand new ark starting.

special thanks to Banshee531 for being my editor and