• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 4,103 Views, 7 Comments

Diaper For Teacher - Naptime

With Cheerliee acting as his pretend teacher for the day, Macintosh is roped into playing a number of childish games at school involving silly tests, arts, and diapers.

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Chapter Two

The big stallion shuffled from hoof to hoof as Cheerliee cleared off the last of the desk debris. His newly graded test was the last thing to go, temporarily placed on her chair. The desk was now completely cleaned off with only a few flecks of dust to quickly brush off as she waited for him to climb up. She eventually looked up to the stallion with an expectant expression.

Macintosh recognized that expression right away. He wouldn’t be able to talk his way out of this. Cheerliee was determined. His cheeks flared up once again as he lowered his head and slowly waddled closer to the sturdy desk. Cheerliee retrieved the fresh diaper from Macintosh’s desk, wagging her diapered rump in the air as she moved. Macintosh caught a quick glance of her pronounced diaper bottom. Still bone dry.

A loud rustling and sloshing could be heard as Macintosh finally swallowed his modesty and pulled his body up onto the wooden desk. The well built furnishing hardly buckled or creaked under his weight. A very wet smacking sound could be heard when his diaper made contact with the hard surface, squishing the soggy thing deep into Macintosh’s backside. It was tough for the stallion to think of any other time he felt so small than how he felt now.

From a bottom desk drawer Cheerliee retrieved the necessary supplies for the impending diaper change. Like the grading, she took her time with the task, rationalizing that she didn’t want to forget anything before she began. “I had a feeling you’d need a change first,” she tsked as she placed all the needed changing supplies on the desk, one by one.

It was funny now that Cheerilee thought about it. She had gathered plenty of experience in the past changing foal diapers, but now she was changing a fully grown stallion. She could fondly remember all those times as a teenager where she earned a living babysitting the neighbor kids on a regular basis. Those kids, especially the younger ones, always needed her full attention and care. Couldn’t let them get into trouble.

But now she was changing Big Macintosh’s diapers, a diaper that was noticeably bigger than the children from her past. It looked even fuller than them too! With the urine having enough time to fully absorb into the diaper, the absorbent garment was noticeably swollen, bulging out in all directions with its fullness. Not an inch of it was left dry after such a fill up. There was definitely no doubt about it, he needed a diaper change.

“Whoof! That diaper is SOAKED!” Cheerliee mused, poking and prodding at the diaper that bulged before her. She had a little giggle at the heavy mass, a solid mound of over saturated gels. “Well don’t worry,” she started again, reaching for the diaper’s tapes, “once we get you into a nice dry one, we can start activity time and you can have some snacks!”

Despite his burly appearance, Big Macintosh couldn’t help but bashfully look away from the intimate ordeal. He could hardly look down once he heard the sound of the diaper tapes being pulled away. A nervous blush covered his face when he felt a cool breeze brush over his crotch as the diaper was opened and pulled out from under him.

Cheerliee huffed with exaggerated strain as she heaved the hefty diaper about. She knew all to well that it couldn’t have gotten this soaked by accident. And by the feel of this first one, the stallion was more than willing to soak them for her.

The diaper was tossed into the nearby waste bin, immediately overfilling the small plastic container with its swollen mass. Built for discarded papers and broken pencils, the bin now hardly had any room left in it for anything else. Now whenever Macintosh might have glanced down in that corner of the room, the urine soaked reminder of his large fill up would be clearly seen.

With the diaper gone, wipes were brought down on the area to mop up the lingering stink of urine. Cheerliee handled the task delicately, humming a tuneless tune as she did so. Wipe after wipe, Macintosh was cleaned up before the dirty wipes were tossed into the waste bin, barely balancing on top of the large diaper inside.

For a moment between diapers, Macintosh’s lower half had time to cool in the open air, bringing with it a spine tingling chill. He stole another glance at Cheerliee’s diaper. Why was she so dry? Was she teasing him? Did she just have a stronger bladder than him? It was like that dry diaper was toying with him, reminding him that he was a bigger baby than her. Whatever the reason for it though, it made Macintosh huff in displeasure.

“What’s with the grumbles, fussy britches?” Cheerliee spoke up as she opened up the new diaper.

“Its n-nuthin,” Macintosh quickly stammered out, looking away once again as he raised his rump up to allow the new diaper to be slipped underneath. “Ah just...It’s just that your...diaper’s still dry...”

“My diaper’s still dry?” Cheerliee parroted as she gave the new diaper a few minute adjustments before lowering Macintosh’s rump onto its pillowy soft fluff. “I didn’t know it was a contest.”

Macintosh just crossed his forehooves in a bit of a pout, “Ah’ve already soaked mine, but yers is completely dry...”

“Guess I’ve just done a good job watching my fluids,” Cheerliee shrugged as she pulled Macintosh’s diaper up and taped it up snuggly around his waist. She gave his fuzzy belly a couple pats to signal the end of the diaper change. Belly pats usually solicited a giggle or even a shy smile from the stallion, but his fussy pout hardly budged from its spot on his face. She concluded that a compromise would be in order. “Would it make the baby more comfortable if he wasn’t the only one waddling around in wet pants?”

Macintosh just pouted at the question. Answering it would just make him look silly, especially with Cheerilee referring to him as “baby”. Obviously, it would make him feel better if she did wet it, but he wasn’t going to admit that anytime soon. Denying it wouldn’t be much better, considering that he wouldn’t be able to say so without sounding flustered.

“Well?” Cheerliee asked again, lowering herself to give the stallion a playful tickle on the chin, “would it make little Macky happy if his Cheercheer wet her diapee?”

The tickle on the chin made Macintosh squirm a tiny bit. Even his most pouty of pouts couldn’t resist the lighthearted teasing. A tiny, shy smile grew on his face as he nodded with a blush. It felt silly to think it, but he would feel better if she wet her diaper as well.

“Hmmm, maybe later than!” Cheerliee answered, giving Macintosh’s nose a playful tap, “maybe if Macky’s extra good, he’ll have a soaked diapee to change too!” Macintosh frowned, but reluctantly accepted the offer. It seemed like it was the best he could get. “But now, its activity time for the diaper butt!” Cheerliee chirped nudging the stallion off her desk.

With a chorus of crinkles, the two waddled off to the activity area of the classroom. A low, round table big enough for six kids dominated the area with shelves of colorful plastic tubs lining the wall behind it. The tubs were marked with big sticker labels that spelled out things like “Flashcards”, “Arts and Crafts”, and “Theater Supplies” on them in big, thick writing.

Cheerliee went straight for the blue tub marked “Arts and Crafts”, carrying it over to the round table. She dumped the plastic tub out, spreading the art supplies across the wooden surface. Preschool safety scissors, glue sticks, pads of construction paper, popsicle sticks, loose crayons, a treasure trove of supplies for any artistic student to let their imagination run wild.

“Now you go ahead and make something fun while I go get us some snacks!” Cheerliee sang as she guided Macintosh over to one of the child sized chairs that surrounded the table. When he was comfortably seated, as comfortably seated as one could be in a chair half their size, she trotted off to the kitchenette to get things ready.

That left Macintosh alone with his thoughts and the piles of school art supplies that laid out in front of him. He sat there silently for a few minutes as he took it all in. Scrap cuts of paper lied skewed across the table as pipe cleaners and crayons scattered in every direction. Creatively, he was drawing a blank. All these colorful pieces of stuff and he hardly knew what to do with it.

For Cheerliee’s sake, he decided to at least make an attempt. Some crayons were gathered and scribbled across a sheet of red construction paper he found. A glue stick was used to stick random pieces of scrap paper onto the scribbling, changing the rectangular-ish shape of the paper into something else. When that was all done, he scribbled some more on the pieces of paper, adding silly little clouds and flowers and trees to the design. Stickers were stuck onto random parts of the art piece, adding to the mess of doodles and glued on pieces of paper. He wasn’t really thinking about the ending result at this point, he just focused on looking busy.

“Wow! What a great job you’re doing with that, Macky!” Cheerliee appeared out of nowhere behind Big Macintosh, making him jump a bit in his seat.

“U-uhm, thanks,” the diapered stallion answered with a blush. It was only now that he took a mental step back and examined what he had created. Sitting before him, among the cuts of craft fabric and glitter sticks was a mosaic of construction paper filled with a number of little drawings. The chaotic nature of it all made the art project appear to be made from a five year old.

“Well you can take a little break from your little art show and have a much deserved snack to recharge!” Cheerliee chirped as she placed the treats in the center of the table.

It was a variety of schoolyard treats all neatly arranged on top of a wooden tray. Apple slices and celery sticks dominated the selection, but Cheerliee also included a small stack of cookies for each of them. Little cups of peanut butter for dipping and orange slices gave the two quite the selection to choose from. Two tall glasses of fruit punch were also provided to wash down the tasty treats.

“Dig in,” Cheerliee chirped, grabbing an apple slice off of the tray.

Macintosh was happy to oblige, eyeing those delicious looking cookies above all things. He grabbed a couple of the chocolate chipped treats and chowed down. It almost felt like he was getting away with something, going straight for the sweets before finishing the healthy stuff. He felt a little tingling in his chest from the silly thing.

All art projects were put on hold for snack time as the two diapered ponies merrily muched away at the delicious selection. Both took healthy gulps of juice between bites, enjoying the sugary red drink immensely.

For a moment, Big Mack found himself lost in it all. The schoolhouse treats tapped into a long forgotten part of his childhood where he would eat these sort of things all the time. He found himself eating a healthy amount of apple slices and peanut butter, a childhood favorite of his, all the while swaying a bit in his seat in a sort of euphoric bliss. For a moment there, he felt like he was back in school. A happy rhythm of crinkles rustled from his seat in the process.

Suddenly Macintosh’s stomach began gurgle as he lurched forward in pain. He was snapped out of his blissful daze as the pain began to burn. The sensation was so sudden he almost spilled his drink in the process. A distraught look fell on the stallion’s face as a twisting pressure grew deep in his belly.

Loud stomach churns grabbed Cheerliee’s attention as she looked up across the table. “What’s the matter, Macky?” she asked with perked up ears as she took a bite out of a celery stick, “got a tummy ache?”

Author's Note:

Second chapter delves deeper into this unique make-believe student/teacher thing brewing between Big Macintosh and Cheerliee. Still no sexual stuff planned for the future, but they'll certainly be changing enough diapers for the day.

Thank you for reading.