• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 4,095 Views, 7 Comments

Diaper For Teacher - Naptime

With Cheerliee acting as his pretend teacher for the day, Macintosh is roped into playing a number of childish games at school involving silly tests, arts, and diapers.

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Chapter Four

“Hurray,” Macintosh chuckled, putting down his glue stick and standing up from the table. His well used diaper, now stained a dark brown in the back, peeled off his backside as he moved, sagging low to the ground. “Ahm sure ya know where to find the supplies,” he stuck out his tongue before waddling off to the front of the room.

Cheerliee stuck her own tongue at the departing stallion. She had to giggle at the brown tinted backside of Macintosh’s diaper though. She may have been the one doing the diaper change, but the sight of the big stallion waddling up to the front of the classroom with a huge load in his pants made it worth it. Although...she did feel a twinge of envy looking at the hefty diaper.

Earlier that day Macintosh was incredibly embarrassed by it all but now it seemed like he was holding all the cards. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say he was actually beginning to enjoy himself. Maybe a bit at Cheerliee’s expense, however. He didn’t even mind the squishy sensation against his backside so much when he rolled onto the desk. After sitting at the crafts table in it for so long, he was starting to get use to it which was weird in its own way.

When he finally got himself comfortable, he turned to see Cheerliee heading up with the supplies in hand. A hint of displeasure was seen on her face, clearly not looking forward to changing such a messy diaper. He could only imagine how daunting of a task it was to change a full grown stallion.

After the teasing and bratty behavior Macintosh put up with all afternoon, he had the idea to tease back. “And don’t forget the baby powder, Miss Leakybottoms,” Macintosh grinned with a cocky smirk.

“Oh don’t worry,” Cheerliee answered, plugging her nose with an exaggerated scrunch. “I’ll be using plenty of that! Gonna need a bunch of wipes too!”

Satisfied with the answer, Macintosh rolled his head back and stared up at the ceiling, even going as far as to spreading his thighs apart to make Cheerliee’s job slightly easier. He didn’t squirm about like she did, even when the idea seemed oh so tantalizing. He figured a hefty, messy diaper that he had been stewing in for the past twenty minutes was bad enough.

Taking in careful breaths, Cheerliee opened Big Mack’s diaper. True to her word she used plenty of wipes, managing quite well with the small cuts of moist, scented cloth. It was obvious that she had done this before. Many times before.

“Peeeee-yew! What a stinky stinky diaper!” Cheerliee exclaimed, rolling the diaper up tight and keeping it at arm's length at all times. The diaper was plopped down beside Macintosh’s head, close enough for him to get a good whiff of his dirty deed. “An actual foal couldn’t have made a bigger stink!”

“Wouldn’t be a problem if somepony didn’t spike the cookies,” Macintosh retorted. That seemed to curb any other snarky comments the mare might have had.

A new diaper was promptly placed under Macintosh’s rump. He found solace in that soft, cushy feeling of a nice dry diaper. It felt so gentle against his crotch, immensely different from that cold, sticky thing he had been wearing this whole time. This must have been what babies felt when they got their diapers changed. For a moment, he felt relaxed, content in his fresh, powder filled diaper.

Cheerliee seemed to pick up on this calm state, because moments after the fresh diaper was taped on, she was quick to speak up. “Okay, diaper boy, you’re on trash duty,” she chirped, lifting a small garbage bag filled with their diapers. “Take all this to the dumpster outside.”

“U-uhm...Cheer, come on...” Macintosh blushed, shrinking half his size on the desk, “don’t make me do that.” Gone was the cocky confidence and suddenly he found himself back where he started this whole diaper thing, embarrassed and bashful.

“You’re responsible for most of this mess anyway,” Cheerliee shrugged, even going as far as to grabbing the messy diaper off the desk and tossing it into the bag.

“Somepony might see!” Big Mack’s voice squeaked, making the scene all the more embarrassing.

“Oh nopony’s gonna see ya,” Cheerliee dismissed, “the dumpster’s just outside. You hardly have to leave school grounds. Now come on,” she rolled him off the desk with a push of her head, “off you go.”

Cheerliee handed off the heavy garbage bag to the dazed stallion, giving him a few encouraging nudges for good measure. Macintosh was still trying to find the courage to even move. His hoof tightly gripped the loosely tied up bag as he gulped a nervous bunch of butterflies down. Cheerliee left him to it, happily abandoning the nervous colt to go back to her drawing.

Eventually Big Mack gathered enough nerve to budge from his spot at the front of the classroom. He had to take a couple deep breaths to get that far, but soon he found the strength to lift his feet off the ground. With the old diapers in hand he turned towards the exit, a single solitary door that was the only barrier standing between him and, as he could only assume, a thousand cameras and ponies waiting for him outside. His body language had become stiff and cautious as he mentally prepared himself to make a mad dash if he saw anypony.

Much to his relief, however, there were no cameras when he peeked his head outside. There was nopony passing by the schoolhouse or school children ready to laugh at the big diapered pony. He realized he was letting his fears and worries get the better of him. Still, he kept the garbage bag of diapers as well as his own diapered behind hidden from view until he was absolutely, super duper sure nopony was around.

His eyes then locked onto the school dumpster. It was a large metal container painted a deep green. The dumpster showed its age through the various paint chips and scrapes as years of being filled and emptied had taken its toll. Located on the far side of the building opposite of the playground, the metal bin proved to be quite the trek for him to waddle through.

Macintosh took in a deep breath and gripped the garbage bag tight. He closed his eyes for a moment to center himself. Then in one mad burst of energy he ran out the door. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Everything around him fell away as he focused solely on the dumpster that laid ahead. The diapers were chucked into the open dumpster the split second he was close enough and he was running back inside a split second later. A task that may have taken a few short minutes was done in half the time by the hasty stallion.

He returned to the safety of the schoolhouse out of breath and ready to collapse from the panicked dash. A wave of relief rushed over him as he returned to the safe indoors unscathed and unlaughed at. When he finally recovered from that brief panic attack, which in all fairness only took a couple seconds, he found Cheerliee had moved away from her arts and crafts and was now standing over in the kitchen area munching away at the tray of treats left over from their snack time. In particular, she was focusing on her share of the special cookies.

“Cheer? What are you doing?” Macintosh exclaimed, hardly allowing himself time to fully catch his breath.

Cheerliee’s head shot up with surprise with a mouthful of cookie. She paused for a moment or two before swallowing the sugary treat.

“Th-that was quick,” she said to Macintosh, hiding the half eaten cookie behind her back. She resembled a startled child caught with her hooves in the cookie jar.

Catching his breath some more, Macintosh looked at the mare. Even if he didn’t notice the cookie behind her back or her very guilty expression, the crumbs on her muzzle were a dead giveaway. “Are you being naughty?” the stallion finally asked.

“Noooooo,” Cheerliee answered, bashfully avoiding eye contact. She swayed in place all cutely, thinking that playing it cute would distract Big Mack enough to get away with the deed. “I just saw how much fun you had with your cookies...I kinda got a little jealous.”

“Jealous that you weren’t being as stinky as me?”

Now it was Cheerlie’s turn to blush. She answered after a small pause. “...Kiiiinda.”

There was another long pause. Macintosh’s surprised expression melted into a smirk as he spoke, “well you certainly won’t get very far if you just eat one cookie. Now will you?”

Cheerliee blushed deeply, “yeah, I guess you’re right...” And with that she picked up another cookie and munched it down. With Macintosh’s nod of approval, that cookie was followed by another and then two more after that. She would giggle between cookies as the taste of the delicious treats coupled with the thought of what was to come made her wiggle like a child.

“Alright then,” Macintosh exclaimed, nudging Cheerliee away from the snack tray. “Now that we’ve had our little snack time. We can go back to our lessons.”

Cheerliee, surprised at first, happily allowed Big Macintosh to take the lead. The two returned to the group of desks in the middle of the room.

“Here, you kin sit in my seat,” Macintosh smiled, presenting the desk with a theatrical wave of his hoof.

Cheerliee had a good laugh as she settled into the small wooden seat. She thoroughly enjoyed the new direction their game was taking. The roles had been reversed and now she could enjoy all the wonderful benefits of being the student for a change.

It was certainly a change of perspective to sit in one of her student’s chairs. The tiny desks made her teachers desk look enormous and made Macintosh look all the more commanding. Such a position made her feel little, young again, and all the while her diaper crinkled up a storm as she giddily wiggled in her seat.

Big Mack took up the role of teacher quite well. Even with the diaper, he carried himself with such confidence and wisdom, marks of a good teacher ready to teach. Picking up the white chalk and standing in front of the clean blackboard, he was in a rare position of power. He could teach his little student anything he pleased. Anything that popped in his head he could teach her. Because he knew for every cute little thing he pretended to lecture Cheerliee on, the longer the mare would have to sit there at the small student desk. And the longer she sat there, the more time her special cookies had time to bubble and stew inside her belly.

So the next twenty minutes or so went on that way. Macintosh seemed like a natural teacher and Cheerliee was a good little student for him. As Big Macintosh taught her about the water cycle, the diapered mare stayed at attention. As Big Macintosh taught her about the difference between numerators and denominators, the diapered mare kept quiet to not interrupt her teacher’s lecture.

Although, Cheerliee’s quiet behavior might have been less about good behavior and more about controlling the churning gut pains that steadily made themselves more known to her as time went on. As time went on, the special ingredients laced into the delicious cookies were beginning to take their toll. She would occasionally wince at the cramps in her belly as Macintosh seemed to endlessly drone on about whatever he pleased.

In the middle of he lecture about the difference between a neutron and a proton, Macintosh seemed to pick up on Cheerliee’s faltering attention. “Cheer, why don’t you come up to the board and write some lines,” he called to the mare, holding up a fresh stick of chalk.

Cheerliee felt the color drain from her face as dread tingled the fur on her back. She would have loved it more than anything to just sit there at her desk. At least that way she could stave off the intense pressure in her belly for just a little longer. But Macintosh was insistent, she had to stand up.

She made her way to the front of the classroom as she gripped her gut hard, struggling to keep things together. Her forehead grew cold as it took every ounce of control not to lose it right then and there. She took hold of the chalk and stood in front of the blackboard like a good student. “Wh-what do you want me to write...Mister Macintosh?”

“Oh let’s see,” Macintosh smiled, leaning back in his seat as he pondered. Every second he stalled brought Cheerliee that much closer to having her accident. “How about...’Little Cheerliee wears diapers because she’s a foal.’” Cheerliee’s cheeks flared up a bright red. As if to add to the embarrassment, Macintosh smirked and added a smug, “and you’ll write until you fill up the board.”

With a loud gurgle from her gut, Cheerliee had no choice, but to agree to her teacher’s terms. With chalk in hoof, she started from the top corner of the board and began writing out her lines. Word after word she slowly made progress through her silly, schoolhouse punishment. Line by line her gut continue to churn away, becoming more and more unstable as time went on.

Macintosh simply leaned back in his seat, watching with glee as the diapered mare completed line after line. He was impressed by Cheerliee’s speed as well with her chalk writing being quick and efficient. He also enjoyed that little butt wiggle she’d make every time a cramp hit her belly and her desperately trying to shake off the pain as she continued.

Suddenly Cheerliee dropped her chalk in surprise as a surging cramp sent a shock through her system. The pain locked her entire body up, freezing her in a rather compromising slouched position. Color drained from her face as a hard truth became known to her. There was no more holding it back. She needed to poop.

The reality of the situation materialized into a humiliating squat in front of the chalkboard. She closed her eyes as her focus now centered around relieving herself and hopefully putting an end to the burning embarrassment that loomed overhead. By the time she squatted and gave her gut one tiny push, a large mess was already dumping into her diaper, loading it up with its loose, brown muck.

There was hardly anything she could do to stem the tide once it started nor could she silence the rude sounds muffled by her diaper. The back of her diaper immediately darkened as the messy load inside seeped into the soft padding, crinkling loudly as it shifted the material downwards.

She groaned lowly as a burning blush filled her cheeks as the diaper continued to get heavier with each good push. She dared not look up the entire time, finding the chalkboard to be a much more manageable thing to stare at as she made a mess of things.

“Oh noooo,” Big Macintosh was heard behind Cheerliee as she recovered from the rather humiliating diaper fill up. “Did we have an accident?”

With a heavy sigh, Cheerliee turned around to face her teacher. She didn’t have to look at the diaper. The hefty weight that pulled at her lower half was all she needed. “Will you change me now? Please?”

“Now hold on there, missy, you still have some lines to finish,” Macintosh answered as he leaned back in his seat, “you can getcher diaper change once you’re done.”

Cheerliee gave him a pout, but surrendered to his authority and returned to her work. The messy diaper was a bother, but Macintosh was the teacher here and he was the one running the show right now. With the pain subsided, she reluctantly picked up her stick of chalk and returned to the chalkboard. Her cheeks never stopped burning as she was forced to stand there in front of the chalkboard with her messy diaper hanging heavily behind her. Every step she took solicited a series of crinkles as the lump in her diaper swayed between her thighs.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of standing there, Cheerliee reached the end of the chalkboard, finishing up the last of her lines. She let out a sigh of relief when it was finally over, dropping the chalk once she was finished.

“D-done,” she called out, slouching in front of the board. She turned to face her stand-in teacher, finding the stallion peacefully lounging in her chair.

Macintosh smirked at the bashful mare, taking his sweet time standing up from her desk chair to inspect her work. “Not bad, not bad,” he chortled, “neat lettering, straight lines, no extra space.”

He took an extra long while inspecting the chalkboard. It was really something else to see the words ’Little Cheerliee wears diapers because she’s a foal.’ written in white chalk over and over again. He had himself a little chuckle at how cute it made Cheerliee look. Even as she stood next to him silently hoping he’d hurry up, she looked cute in her messy diaper.

“Alright, ah think I let you stew in that stinky thing long enough,” Big Macintosh said as trotted over to the teacher’s desk, “come on up and hop onto the desk.”

Cheerliee let out another sigh of relief as she was more than happy to climb up on to the desk for a diaper change. She didn’t even mind the mountain of muck she had to lay on top of in order to do so.

Macintosh did what he could to help the diapered mare up, but most of his attention was drawn towards her desk which seemed ripe for the snooping. All those desks drawers and cubbies were tantalizing to the curious stallion. Instead of beginning the diaper change right away, he decided to stall just a little bit longer and take his time perusing the contents of Cheerliee’s desk.

Most of the stuff inside the desk drawers were pretty standard. Extra pencils, answer keys, printouts for this week’s spelling pop quiz. None of it really grabbed Macintosh’s attention. He did however get very interested when he stumbled across a neat stack of papers found in the lower right side drawer.

“Ou! What do we have here?” Big Mack smiled, pulling out a paper off the stack, “peer evaluations?”

Cheerliee looked up from her spot on the desk to see the stallion smuggly holding the sheet of paper with a mischievous grin. It looked like she wasn’t going to be changed right this minute afterall.

The peer evaluations were a tool Cheerliee used to encourage better teamwork in group projects. They were handed out to students so that they could evaluate each other with a number of questions. Choosing from a range of answers from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’, these evaluations helped pick out the hardworking individuals and keep the students better behaved in groups.

For their diaper play, however, this was just another tool for Macintosh to tease her with.

“Let’s see, ’helped others with their work when needed’,” Macintosh read off the first item on the list, hovering a pencil over the answers. “Less say that was an ‘agree’. If ah remember correctly somepony had to wait a little bit for his diaper change.” He wiggled his diapered rump in Cheerliee’s face for added measure.

Cheerliee crossed her hooves and pouted. It appeared that Macintosh was deliberately taking as long as he could with this evaluation, forcing Cheerliee to lay there in her messy diaper for just a little longer.

“‘Remained focused on the assignment’,” Macintosh read out the next question, taking a good long while to think the question over, “yeah, ah guess that’s a ‘strongly agree’. Ya can be ah pretty focused student...even if you’re in a big baby diaper.”

Cheerliee had half a mind to argue the big baby comment, but the ever present scent of her muck filed diaper reminded her to hold her tongue. She didn’t want to dig a bigger hole than she was already in.

“‘Did work accurately and completely’? ‘Agree’. ‘Completed work on time’? Hmm, ‘disagree’,” Big Mack breezed through the next couple of questions. “‘Worked well with other group members’,” he paused, tapping his chin in thought, “well I guess you did do that, huh, Cheercheer. ‘Strongly agree’.”

“I should get to do one too,” Cheerliee finally grumbled.

Big Mack looked up from his paper and smirked at the diapered mare, “what’s that, Miss Pouty?”

“I should get to do a peer review for you too!” Cheerliee exclaimed, coming dangerously close to making it sound like a whine, “it’s not-!...It’s...not fair if just you do it...”

“Well alright, you can have one too,” Macintosh said, handing over a new evaluation and a freshly sharpened pencil, “here, you kin fill it out while ah get you changed out of tha’ stinky stinky diaper!”

Cheerliee happily snatched the paper out of the air and went right to work with the evaluation. She was sure to give Macintosh a seething review, free of mercy and leniency. She read every question carefully and carefully thought about Macintosh’s performance. Did he work well with others? Sort of. Did he remain focused? Not likely.

She was so involved in filling out the assessment that she barely took notice of the entire diaper change. As Macintosh undid her diaper and cleaned her up, the mare was hard at work filling out her assignment, aimed to finishing it before the diaper change was over.

Near the end of the change however, she couldn’t help but notice Macintosh pulling out a second diaper to add to the mix.

“Another one?” she fussed.

“Oh I just thought since we’ve been going through so many diapers,” Macintosh answered, tapping at the rolled up stinky mass that was Cheerliee’s old diaper, “little Cheercheer needed to be DOUBLE diapered!”

Cheerliee pouted at this, even scowled at Macintosh, but could only let out a sigh of resignation. He was the teacher. He was calling the shots.

“Now then,” Macintosh exclaimed once Cheerliee was properly padded up in her double thick diaper, “let’s take a look at how I did.” He snatched the evaluation out of Cheerliee’s grip, plopping back in her seat before reading over the paper. “‘Worked well with other group members’ ‘strongly disagree’?” Macintosh read out, “is it because I was mean and made Miss Stinkybritches sit in her diaper for so long?”

Cheerliee huffed, “that was part of it.”

Macintosh only glanced at the rest of the evaluation. Most of it was marked as ‘strongly disagree’ or ‘disgree’, but this was likely Cheerilee getting back at him for making her sit in her diaper for so long.

“Well you can stop pouting now,” he finally said, slipping the two peer evaluations back into the desk, “mean ol’ Mister Macintosh changed you. So you don’t stink anymore.”

“...I guess it feels nice to be in a fresh diaper,” Cheerliee reluctantly answered with a roll of her eyes. “Thanks.”