• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 4,103 Views, 7 Comments

Diaper For Teacher - Naptime

With Cheerliee acting as his pretend teacher for the day, Macintosh is roped into playing a number of childish games at school involving silly tests, arts, and diapers.

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Chapter Five

The first thing Cheerliee noticed as she rolled off the desk and back onto her feet was how much bulk the second diaper added to her lower half. The second thing she noticed was how goofy her waddle was now that she had twice as much padding to deal with. It was funny, she had spent the whole afternoon playing and using diapers when the need struck her, but only now did she feel truly infantile wobbling from hoof to hoof as she attempted to cope with the mound of white that bulged off her rump. She was actually starting to enjoy the waddle.

“Ah think it’s ‘bout time fer recess,” ‘Mister’ Mcintosh then said behind her.


“Mhmm, can’t keep cooped up in here all day, can we?”

Cheerliee looked outside through the row of windows on the classroom’s back wall. A vacant playground could be seen out there, cloaked in the orange light of the setting evening sun.

“No, no I’m fine in here,” she said with a shrinking voice.

“Awww come on Cheercheer, you know ya gotta get out and stretch yer legs a bit!” Mcintosh insisted.

“B-but somepony might...see...” Cheerlee found herself repeating the same excuse Mcintosh tried to use not too long ago. And judging by the smirk on the stallion’s face, she wasn’t the only one who was aware of the irony.

“Nopony’s gonna see ya,” parroted Big Mack, “we’re far ‘nuff from town n’ it's pretty late in th’ day.” He took a glance outside where precious sunlight was slowly fading. “Plus,” he started again with a knowing look, “don’t seem real fair that you’d send a student out on his lonesome without doing it yerself.”

“Alright, alright,” Cheerliee conceded. “I’ll go.”

The second she agreed, a plastic sippy cup was thrusted into her hooves. By the looks of things, Big Mcintosh had already gone ahead and filled the thing up with juice, screwing the lid on nice and tight to avoid any leaks, of course. “And don’t forget to take yer sippy cup!”

“Where did you...”

“Gotta stay well hydrated when playin’ outside,” Mcintosh interjected, patting the purple pony on the head.

Dug out from the bottom of a utensils drawer, the sippy cup was a rare item Cheerliee had to hardly ever pull out during class. When a student was particularly accident prone and liable for spilling their drinks, the sippy cup was there as a helpful reminder. No student actually used the sippy cup. It was just a deterrent. Just the idea of being stuck with it for the day was embarrassing enough to keep any student from getting too clumsy or reckless with their drinks. So it didn’t see much use in her classroom, until now. She just never imagined she’d be the one to use it.

“Ah want ta make sure yer keepin’ yer fluids up, so ah want to see this cup empty when ya come back in, alright?” Mcintosh said, “and no cheatin’. Good students don’t cheat.”

“Yeah sure...” Cheerliee grumbled. She was still not too keen on playing outside.

Still, it was kind of exciting the more she thought about it. She always fantasized about being caught outside in public. wearing a big diaper. She had to admit it was fun to think about even if the reality of being seen in such a vulnerable state would leave her reputation in shambles. But at the same time, even THAT was exciting to think about. To be found waddling around in a big diaper, sucking on her hoof, and babbling like a foal. She could only imagine what her students would think.

And she did already kind of make Mcintosh go outside earlier. It should have been expected that he’d make her do it as well. It was only out to the playground anyway. Plus, it really was late so the chances of anypony coming this far out of town was highly unlikely.

So, whether it was because of ‘mean ol’ Mister Mcintosh’ or her own thrill seeking, Cheerliee found herself waddling outside onto the playground with sippy cup in hoof.

Taking her first steps outside, she quickly found that Mcintosh was right: no one was around to see her padded predicament. There were no students waiting outside to laugh at the diapered mare or a horde of hungry paparazzi ready to snap pictures of her humiliation. All that was there was playground equipment and grass.

The school yard was a small area of open field and playground equipment that sat adjacent to the schoolhouse. It consisted of a slide, swing set, jungle gym, as well as a sandbox. All of which was surrounded by some spacious grass that was perfect for running around on. Everything looked like so much fun and it was often difficult for any student to make the hard decision of what to play on first.

Cheelriee was understandably not looking for whatever looked the most fun. Although she had to admit the slide was always her favorite. Considering her current situation, her mind focused not on fun, but privacy. She instead looked around the play area for the best place to hide. The best place to lay low until she was allowed back in. Because even though it was late and even though she seemed to be alone, she still felt she needed to hide. The only question was: where?

The slide? No, too high up and exposed. Even in the dim evening light, her white diapered behind would be a beacon on top of the metal structure. Plus she couldn’t imagine being able to climb the ladder with such a bulky diaper so easily.

The swings? Still no. No place to hide when you’re on a swing. Especially when you’re high up. And even still, she wasn't even sure if her butt would fit in the swing's seat.

Now the sandbox. There was a good spot. The wooden box filled with sand was low to the ground and she could quickly dig a hole to hide in if she started working at it now. Plus it was a clear creative outlet for the diapered mare. Yeah, the sandbox was a good idea. So with sippy cup in hand, she plopped her padded butt among the light tan sand that filled the area.

The first of her building projects was a crude wall around her to use as cover. At their stout height they hardly gave her complete cover, but it made her feel a little better knowing there was something around her. With their hasty construction, her first set of walls were simply a means to an end. They were formless blobs of sand that were simply there to obscure the pillowy silhouette of her padded bottom.

Soon, however, she grew tired of that uninspired design and started adding crude bastions and towers to the perimeter. When the wall was well established, she started sculpting out sandcastles as well. And the trenches she dug sand out of, well those only needed a little touching up to be rivers and lakes albeit dry and water-less. Later on she started utilizing little stones in her builds, using them to decorate her towers and paths.

All the while, she would take sips of juice out of her sippy cup. Partly because she was thirsty, but also partly because that’s what ‘Mister’ Mcintosh told her to do. And all that juice eventually started to work through her system which is when the diaper came in handy.

She had to admit, the diaper was convenient to have. The extra padding shielded her sensitive bottom from the abrasive and coarse sand. The comfort and security that came with wearing the bulk spoke for itself as well. Plus, she didn’t have to get up to pee as she worked on her sandy magnus opus. All in all, despite her initial worries, she was having a pretty fun time.

“Hey Cheercheer?!” Big Mac’s voice rang over at some point later in the evening, “why don’t you come on in now. It’s getting late!”

Looking up from her sandy city planning, Cheerliee found the evening sky was almost gone overhead. The light purples of night were closing in over the scene, bringing with them a cool chill. The chill in the air reminded her of the chill that was growing around in her diaper as the outside air slowly sapped the squishy garment of its heated warmth.

“Oh...okay!” she cheerfully replied as she finished off the last of her juice and climbed back to her feet.

She dusted the sand off her backside and waddled off. The diaper had swollen immensely under her, giving her a bulky, sloshy thing to waddle with as she made her way back into the safety of the schoolhouse. Although the outside layer was only just barely starting to show signs of being used, the cool, clammy insides was unmistakably wet.

“Hope ya had lots of fun playin’ outside!” Mcintosh said, taking the sippy cup and giving it a little shake, “and ya drank ALL yer juice while ya played too! How's your diaper?” he asked this while already reaching for the mare's padded posterior. An apparent weight could be felt. The kind of heft that a diaper could only get from being quite wet. "Feels like little Cheercheer couldn't hold it like a big pony."

But he wasn't the only one checking diapers. While he was distracted by Cheerliee's padding, an invasive hoof suddenly appeared pressing the sides of his diaper. Mcintosh didn't have the luxury of a second layer to cover up his yellowing shame.

“Looks like I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t hold it!” Cheerliee called out, prodding the diaper some more.

“A-ah was too busy keepin' an eye on you!” the stallion stammered out. And that was partly true.

“But yeah, I have to admit. It was fun playing around in the sand for a bit,” Cheerliee sighed, “didn’t realize how late it got.”

“Might have ta wrap things up fer the night soon...”

“I think we have enough time for oooone last activity,” Cheerilee said before tapping her chin in thought, “it’s gotta be special though,”

“Well, do ya have anythin' special in that cabinet of yers?” Mcintosh asked, motioning towards a far corner of the room.

The cabinet in question was the place where Cheerliee kept shelves of organized school supplies. Primarily made up of reams of paper, quill ink, and three different sizes of paper clips, Cheerliee’s stash of supplies was simply just that: a stash of supplies. Taking up the left half of the middle shelf, however, were a number of wipe mouthed, medium sized plastic tubs with lids firmly attached on their tops. Each one contained a bright colored, opaque liquid in a rainbow of colors.

“Hoof paint?” Macintosh commented, recognizing the plastic containers once he spotted them, “gosh, ah haven’t hoof painted since ah was a colt...” he chuckled at the thought, a glint of nostalgia shining in his eyes.

Cheerilee smiled and grabbed the row of rainbow containers off the shelf, “hoof paint it is then!”

Once again the pair returned to the crafting table where the scraps of previous art projects were pushed aside for later. In their place were set the tubs of hoof paint, arranged by color of course. Beside them were stacked a colorful pile of thick construction paper, the perfect canvas for avid hoof painters. With the end of the evening drawing close, the two sat their squishy bottoms at the table and went right to work.

Dipping his hoof into the first pot of paint sent Big Mac back to a simpler time. The slimy texture of the paint against the frog of his hoof reminded him of the days spent in preschool, creating masterpieces with his classmates. Days that felt closer than they ever felt before. The paint was cool to the touch, and he couldn’t help but smirk as it slipped across his hoof and onto the paper. It was as if he had been transported back in time, to a place where the only thing that mattered was the joy of creating something new.

Beside him, Cheerliee tried her best to recapture her preschool muse and attempted to recreate all those pictures she drew as a filly. Flat fields of green across the bottom of the page, a big yellow sun the size of her hoof in the corner, and a tall tree in the center with as delicate of branches as she could muster with such a wide brush. She even tried drawing a pony or two which ended up being splotchy, shapeless forms made of red and purple paint.

Mcintosh, meanwhile, was meticulously layering different colors of paint onto His paper, his hooves moving quickly and expertly. Splotches of reds and yellows streaked across the pale blue sheet of construction paper only to be counter-streaked with greens and blues going the other way. His creations were chaotic, less focused on the subject and more on the process.

It was fun, to say the very least, to surrender himself to the carefree, looselessness of hoof painting. For both of the diapered ponies, silly things like fine detail and even brush strokes fell to the wayside. He personally found it much more enjoyable to just get the colors on the page rather than worrying about what those colors were going to be or whether the composition was correct.

As time went on, Mcintosh found the floor to be a better staging area for his showy and enthusiastic waves of his hooves. He laid out several sheets of paper on the floor and allowed his emerging, childish inspiration to move more freely across the canvas. The floor provided more freedom for his movements and allowed him to encircle the paper with unmethodical hoofstrokes coming at it from all sorts of directions. Sometimes he sliced across the paper with a paint stripe of orange. Other times he bent down, inches away from the paper to take a closer look and make more precise strokes. All the while his fluffy diapered bottom crinkled behind him every step of the way.

Cheerliee, on the other hand, prided herself in having an idea in mind before she proceeded with painting. As the diapered stallion beside her went through one then two and then in no time at all was working on his tenth creation, she pondered on what to do with her second sheet of paper. Ponies playing on a sandy beach? A windmill on a hill? A rosy field of flowers perhaps?

She continued to ponder this. Meanwhile, Mcintosh hopped around his paper pile, occasionally dipping a hoof into a fresh color of paint that he enthusiastically added to the multi-framed mural. Every now and then a flash of almost-white caught in Cheerliee’s peripheral, momentarily distracting her from her deep and thoughtful hoof-painting. After some more pondering, she realized that the paper in front of her was starting to bore her. Then her eyes moved over toward her playmate who was currently facing away from her. His faintly yellow diapered backside stuck up in the air and pointing in her direction. And just like that, inspiration struck her.

Abandoning her sheet of red construction paper, she instead dipped her hoof into the tub of blue paint and then, with a giggle, reached for another canvas. In one swift motion that resembled a cross between a spank and a swipe, the off-yellow backside of the stallion received a fat blue streak of paint across it.

The spank-swipe struck Mcintosh’s diaper hard enough to interrupt his process. As his fluffy bottom was playfully slapped with paint, he looked up from his painting and did his best to give her a stern-faced look. Which was a challenge all its own since he was also holding back a playful laugh of his own.

“Now hold on there, missy,” Mcintosh said as stern and steady as a house of cards, “that ain’t very nice!”

Cheerliee just giggled, squirming in her seat like a child caught red-handed.

Mcintosh couldn’t stay mad at her for long. Even playfully-mad. Instead, he decided to get even. “‘sides,” he smirked, dipping his hoof into the pot of blue, “ah think you look better in blue anyhow.” With a sly motion, he tapped her on the snout, covering it in paint.

Cheerilee gasped at this discretion and hopped out of her seat. Playfully scowling at the stallion, she reached behind her and dipped her hoof into the closest color she could find. Then she darted around Mcintosh and poked a hoof print of red onto his crinkly diaper.

Mcintosh let out a surprised laugh as he felt the painted hoof prod his soggy diaper. He quickly retaliated by grabbing the yellow paint and smearing it onto Cheerilee's cheek. And with that, the hoof paint fight was on. The yellow was countered with a prod of green. And that was countered with a splash of purple. A flick of red and then a splotch of purple.

Before too long there seemed to be less paint on the paper and more on the pair of playful padded ponies who giggled up a storm. They laughed and dodged each other, spreading paint everywhere and not caring about the mess they were making. It was pure, carefree fun as they let their inner children take over.

As the paint started to run out, the two slowed down, both of them out of breath and covered in paint. They looked at each other, both of them laughing and smiling as a rainbow of colors streaked across their coats and matted their fur. It was tough to say who won that fight.

Big Mac was the first one to speak up, still trying to catch his breath. “Ah think we got a little carried away,” he panted between laughs.

“Yeah, but it was worth it!” Cheerliee exclaimed, equally as out of breath.

“Ah ain’t seen you wear so much color before!” Mcintosh replied, “looks good on ya!”

“I think I’ll stick to just white diapers for now,” Cheerliee said.

“Ya mean yellow,” Mcintosh was quick to say, craning his neck to spy on the padded garment that now sagged heavily between the mare’s legs. Underneath the paint splotches was the distinct form of a swollen and wet diaper. “Yer gonna need a diaper change, missy.”

“Don’t think I’m the only one,” Cheerliee laughed, doing the same, “if it were up to me, I’d put you in double thick diapers.” She smirked as she entertained the idea for a little bit. Watching the stallion waddle bow-legged as she did would have made it all worth it, but a sight for another time she told herself. “But I guess we should clean up for the day.”

The two scanned the room together and took in what was to be the last they’d see the classroom in such a state.

“Means we gotta go diaperless now...” she then said, mostly to herself as she looked down at the crinkly, paint covered thing between her legs.

“Yeah...” Big Mac added, doing the same.

The diapers were unceremoniously untapped and allowed to plop down to the ground where the pair stood. On the outside the diapers were smeared with a rainbow of paint, but on the inside they were just yellow from end to end. Well used diapers to end a well used day. It was funny when Cheerliee gave it some thought. As she balled up the diapers and tossed them into the nearest trash can, she noticed that even with the second diaper adding an extra layer of bulk, they weren’t nearly as swollen or as full as Mcintosh’s. How the stallion managed to drench a diaper so well was remarkable.

"We're gonna need a bath after this..." Big Mcintosh said as he examined his paint splotched legs.

"I'll spray you with the hose before we leave," Cheerilee shrugged off, "Hoof paint isn't a hard thing to clean off."

“‘Course, now that leaves the clean up...” Mcintosh said, “we left a heck of a mess at the crafting table.” He glanced over at the squat round table that was still covered in paper scraps, open glue sticks, scattered crayons, and hoof paint.

“And there’s the desk...” Cheerliee said, glancing over at the pile of diaper changing supplies on her teacher’s desk. A fine layer of baby powder covered its surface. “And papers need to be restacked,”

“And...there’s the chalkboard,” Mcintosh added, directing their eyes to the chalkboard that stood behind them. Several neat lines of 'Little Cheerliee wears diapers because she’s a foal.' covered the board from end to end. He had half a mind to leave it as it was. The lines made him chuckle.

“Kids can be so messy!” Cheerliee laughed, “well then I’ll get to washing down the chalkboard and you can clean up the crafts table.”

“Don’t know why ah gotta clean up the table,” Mcintosh said, “most of the mess was from you.”

“Who’s the teacher here?” the multi-colored mare asked, “don’t make me have to hold you in detention after class.”

The rainbow colored stallion rolled his eyes. “As you wish, Miss Leakybottoms,” he said as he walked off.

Cheerilee rolled her eyes and playfully stuck her tongue out at Mcintosh. Kids can be so messy, but she couldn’t wait to do it again some time.

Author's Note:

Well it took some time, but here it is! The conclusion to the story four years in the making! Feels good to complete your circles. I'm happy to have this one all wrapped up and done!

Comments ( 6 )

This conclusion was well worth the wait. Now I'm curious as to whether or not there might be a sequel where Big Mac invites Sugar Belle to get in on the fun. :trixieshiftright:

Well this was a good ending to a good read, great work dude.

this was quite cute, perhaps I could get back to doing my story, but I get brain farts, so, it'll take a while and an editor would be nice, cause every time I tried to submit my story, it gets deleted, so feel free to hit me up on my story

11516123 How does your story keep getting deleted?

I keep forgetting to double space or something

Bice. Cute and comple

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