• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 4,103 Views, 7 Comments

Diaper For Teacher - Naptime

With Cheerliee acting as his pretend teacher for the day, Macintosh is roped into playing a number of childish games at school involving silly tests, arts, and diapers.

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Chapter Three

The pressure in Macintosh’s gut quickly intensified, causing him to groan and grab at his stomach. He did his best to respond, but could only muster a pained glance over across the table. He noticed Cheerliee hadn’t touched her cookies yet.

Finally, in a moment of weakness, the pain in Macintosh’s stomach was too great. He hopped up off his seat and leaned forward as his eyes slammed shut. Already he could feel the burning humiliation on his face begin to build as he prepared himself to do the unthinkable. He began to push at his bowels, desperately wanting to rid his body of this surging pain.

His bowels, much like his aching bladder not too long ago, was more than willing to listen to his brain’s commands if that meant relief. His diaper abruptly inflated in the back, puffing out as a semi-solid material began oozing into it. The surging muck plopped loudly into the waiting diaper, staining the once pristinely white material a murky brown.

He was stuck that way for what felt like hours, eyes slammed shut, forehooves balanced on the table, and his diapered rump sticking outward behind him as it inflated and sagged more and more. Rude sounds of passing gas mixed with the stench that was emanating from the diaper as he continued to relentlessly soil himself. It felt like every time he managed a good push, there was always so much more waiting to be squeezed out. Eventually though, he found himself reaching the end. He could feel his bowels emptying the last of the sizable load, leaving him with the satisfaction and relief of emptiness. That sweet relief was instantly overpowered by humiliating embarrassment as the red color in his ears and cheeks returned with a vengeance.

Finally able to open his eyes, Macintosh looked across the table with shock in his eyes. He was frozen with bashful shame. Cheerliee had been watching the entire thing, pausing midbite to enjoy the show.

The silence that loomed heavily on the scene was broken by the sound of Cheerliee tsking at the sight. She shook her head in playful disappointment as she spoke, “looks like I’m going to have to write home about your little accident.”

“Y-you-!...The cookies!” Big Macintosh could hardly form complete sentences. The post-soil exhaustion coupled with the aching frustration of soiling himself without warning tuckered the stallion out, making him appear like a fussing toddler. “You made me-!”

“Did you like the cookies? I made them special for our little playdate,” Cheerliee smirked, “you can even have mine if you want.”

“I-I couldn’t...help it,” Macintosh scowled, weakly stomping at the ground with a huff.

“Oh there’s no need to pout. It’s just a stinky diaper,” Cheerliee rolled her eyes, “everypony has accidents. Why I could tell you a dozen times I’ve had a student...” Only her words trailed off to silence.

She could have very well regaled Macintosh of stories about the number of times students wet themselves a tiny bit during tests or couldn’t quite make it to the bathroom when they needed to pee. But as she quickly realized, none of these stories involved a student openly soiling themselves in a big baby diaper. Instead, she changed strategy.

“What if I wet my diaper a little? Would that cheer little Macky up?” she asked with a smirk.

Macintosh just nodded, not even bothering to look up from his scowling staring contest with the ground.

With a sip of her drink, Cheerliee stood up and stepped off to the side. From here, Mac’s view of her diapered behind was unobscured, the perfect view for what was to come. She positioned her four hooves out far apart from each other, closing her eyes to steady her breath. She wiggled her butt a tiny bit as her body began to tense up.

As she let out a long, drawn out breath of air, a stream of urine began to spray into the diaper. It started as a thin dribble, but quickly gained its full strength once the message to release fully took hold of her body. The hissing could be clearly heard as it loudly gurgled and warmed the insides of the diaper. Unlike Macintosh’s careful diaper wetting, Cheerliee was more than willing to pee into her diaper at full force.

She didn’t just wet it, she practically soaked right through the thing. Her once pristinely white diaper was now completely tinted yellow. From front to back, the absorbent padding had swollen immensely right before their eyes.

Macintosh stared at the soaked thing with wide open eyes. His mouth hung open in disbelief as he could hardly fathom the amount of liquid that poured into Cheerliee’s diaper. Looks like she had a stronger bladder than him after all.

Cheerliee finished the soak with a sigh, smiling at the warming glow that now encompassed her entire lower half. And not a single drop on the floor! That also was worth celebrating. She noticed Macintosh staring and when she was done fully recovering she let out a little bashful giggle. “Oops,” she couldn’t help but smile, “I think I had a little accident.”

“Little?” Macintosh answered in disbelief, “yer absolutely SOAKED!”

“I guess so,” Cheerliee answered with a wag of her heavy diaper. The sodden bulk sagged and swayed with and exaggerated heft, nearly pulling her off her feet by its weight alone. “And I was doing such a good job at holding it in,” she sweetened the comment with a fake pouty lip.

“Well ah think you need a change more than ah do,” Macintosh concluded.

Cheerliee’s ears perked up at this. It was a suggestion she wasn’t quite expecting. “But your diaper...”

“It’s just a stinky diaper,” Macintosh quoted as he retrieved a fresh diaper from Cheerliee’s desk, “‘sides, ma diaper can hold. Yours might leak all over the place if we leave it alone.”

“Oh very well...Mister Macintosh,” she smirked, plopping down to the floor where she stood, “you win!” Her legs splayed out as she made herself comfortable, completely fine with having her diaper changed wherever she ended up.

Macintosh smirked at the nickname as he gathered the remaining supplies needed for their schoolhouse diaper change. He had planned on using Cheerliee’s desk as a changing table, help drive the whole ‘Mister Macintosh’ angle she was teasing him with, but by the sound of that loud slosh he heard as her diaper plopped noisily on the ground, she wasn’t gonna want to move. Instead he carried everything he needed back to the play area, where Cheerliee idled by on the floor.

Despite not having the prestigious background of being a babysitter like Cheerliee, Big Macintosh had plenty of diaper changing experience from changing his little sisters. It had been years since he tapped into such experience, but he knew the basics well enough to get by.

Cheerliee took delight in being as unhelpful in the task as possible. While Macintosh stayed still during his earlier diaper change because of some deeply ingrained sense of good manners, Cheerliee saw it as a game. She felt silly laying there on the school room floor, but the good kind of silly. The freshly soaked diaper made her squirm as the warmth sloshed around with every move she made. She even kicked her legs about in the air, coming dangerously close several times to hitting Macintosh.

Macintosh tried to keep the mare settled by holding one of her back legs steady with a hoof. This forced him to do the entire diaper change with only one hoof, but at least it sort of settled his charge. Despite this handicap, Cheerliee gladly continued to fidgeted and wiggle on her back.

It all felt rather silly to Big Mack to be changing somepony else’s diaper while wearing a messy one himself. Every time he moved, the sticky muck inside the diaper would press and smear against his backside, giving him a subtle embarrassing reminder of what he did. The infantile act of soiling himself still burned in his cheeks, but at least he was able to distract himself somewhat with the diaper change. Paying too much attention to his own diaper would lead to him catching a whiff of the stink that emanated from the mess, which he didn’t enjoy one bit.

“Don’t forget the baby powder, Mister Macintosh,” Cheerliee called out, shivering a bit as the warmth of her soaked and heavy diaper was pulled away.

“I won’t,” Macintosh answered, doing his best at rolling up the soggy diaper with one hoof. He noticed how unphased Cheerliee was about the obvious stink that was coming off of his diaper.

“And make sure you wrap the old diaper up tightly when you’re done with it,” Cheerliee gladly added, wiggling her legs in the air even more, “ that way it doesn’t make a mess.”

“Am I going to have to spank you?” Macintosh asked plainly.

Cheerliee’s squirming stopped right away with her staring up with genuine surprise. She couldn’t quite figure out whether Macintosh was being serious or not.

“That’s what I thought,” Macintosh nodded as he opened up the new diaper, “now lift up yer rump so we can get this on ya.”

The mare was much easier to deal with after that little scare. She dared not squirm anymore out of a creeping fear that Macintosh would actually uphold his threat. Macintosh easily manipulated her legs about once he had full access to both of his hooves now. He breezed through the diaper change smoothly after that.

Plenty of baby powder was used, giving Cheerliee’s lower half a powerful, infantile stench that completely replaced that intoxicating urine smell. The fluffy scent of the lavender scented powder even helped ward off the heavy stink coming from Macintosh’s diaper. The new diaper was taped on shortly after, with Macintosh making only a few minor adjustments to the tapes before the fit was snug.

The soaked diaper was dropped off into the trash bin at the front of the classroom, delicately balanced on top of the soggy diaper that already filled it to the brim. Macintosh made a mental note to properly dispose of those diapers later when he had the chance. For now though, he busied himself with cleaning up and ensuring Cheerliee was satisfied with his diaper changing skills. It seemed a little silly tidying up the place while wearing a messy diaper, but he hoped that he wouldn’t have to deal with that for long.

Now that he had everything cleaned up in front, Macintosh returned to the back of the room where he found Cheerliee already back at the crafts table. A pile of crayons laid before her with a sheet of white paper already filled with cute scribbly drawings. She made sure to use every color she could get her hooves on, creating quite the whirlwind of color on paper. Her baby powder scented diaper bottom occasionally floated inches over her seat as she leaned forward, deeply involved in her drawing, even humming a little happy song as she wiggled her crinkle butt.

Macintosh waddled over to the busy mare. “Aren’t we forgetting somethin’?” He was sure to call attention to his messy diaper with a hoof.

Cheerliee looked up at the stallion, doing her best to hide a mischievous giggle. She leaned back to stare at his messy diaper for a moment or two, only to sit up straight and answer with an innocent, “nope!” She quickly returned to her drawing, taking hold of a blue crayon and scribbling large strokes across the paper.

“No? Then ah guess ya wouldn’t mind if ah sat next to you,” Macintosh answered, dragging a plastic chair over to Cheerliee’s side of the table.

“Nope!” Cheerliee chirped.

“Ya sure?” Macintosh asked, wiggling his heavy diaper bottom, ”ahm awfully stinky.”

“I babysat tons of kids when I was young,” Cheerliee answered with a shrug, continuing with her drawing, “poopy diapers don’t bug me at all.” She looked up at the stallion one final time, this time with an almost challenging smirk on her face. A sort of ‘and what are YOU gonna do about it?’ sort of expression. ”I think it just makes you look even more like a baby!”

“Hmph!” was all Macintosh responded with as he stubbornly plopped down in his seat. Immediately he was met with the jarring sensation of the filthy muck oozing around his butt accompanied by an audible squelch. He froze for a moment or two, doing his best not to completely lose it on the spot. He quickly recovered and grabbed for a handful of art supplies. This was a contest now. Messy diaper or not, the two were now locked in a friendly competition to see who broke first.

Big Macintosh turned to his arts and crafts to give off the impression that the stink didn’t bother him. He tried his best to appear as laid back as possible, gluing random pieces of paper together and then scribbling some random shapes onto the finished results. It was tough to appear like he knew what he was doing when, in reality, he honestly had no idea what he was doing.

Cheerliee responded in kind by picking up another bunch of crayons to add to her collection of scribbles. The piece of paper was more crayon than paper at this point. She stubbornly ignored the foul stench that Macintosh brought with him. Baby boys were supposed to be stinky, she rationalized. She wasn’t gonna let some little boy win this little test.

Fresh air was a little hard to come by, especially with a messy diaper sitting not ten inches away. In a matter of minutes, even Macintosh struggled to find a smell around him that didn’t smell faintly of his own stinky diaper. It was beginning to smell like a real nursery in here. Or an old outhouse. Or like a bunch of old apples left out in the sun, next to an old outhouse with a bunch of diaper pails dumped into it.

Macintosh had to stop himself before he made himself sicker.

Finally Cheerliee exhaled a burst of air, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “Alright, you win!” she grumbled, “let’s get the big, stinky baby changed.”