• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,945 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Pearls Before Swine: Part 3

“Why are we here again?” Rainbow Dash asked in a huff as she, Soarin and Spitfire stepped into the foyer of Pish Posh’s mansion. The three Wonderbolts garnered immediate attention from the ponies around them, despite their bomber jackets not being entirely up to high society standards, they were a more fashionable choice than their flight suits. Of course they still would’ve turned every head in the room, they’re Wonderbolts for crying out loud.

“PR Dash, PR. We’re just here to say hi, shake hooves and hopefully get some sponsors. Never a bad thing to make friends with some excess bits to spare,” replied Spitfire in her normal serious fashion.

“Ugh, this place is way too stuffy for me.”

“Aw don’t sweat it Dash,” Soarin said waving his hoof. “We’ll be in and out before you know it.” Soarin plucked an Hors d'Oeuvres from a passing waiter and popped it into his mouth with a delightful hum. “Plus these cheese and crackers are super tasty so let’s enjoy ourselves.”

“Alright you two,” snapped Spitfire as she trotted ahead. “Let’s try our luck in the ballroom and see what we can find.”

“Yes ma’am!” responded the other two pegasai.

Rainbow Dash was bored. Correction, she was totally bored. She was 110% bored. Her level of boredom was on the same level as her “coolness” level. She was so bored that she’d rather be teaching the new recruits Wonderbolt history and flight theory. As boring as those classes were, they’re nowhere near as boring as this! Rainbow Dash’s eyes began to wander listlessly around the room, only half hearing Spitfire’s conversations with the partygoers and not really paying attention to the amount of cheese and crackers Soarin ate.

After a few more minutes of scanning the room, Dash finally caught a glimpse of something of interest. A big purple dragon in a black suit standing by a window. Wait? What’s Spike doing here? Oh riiiiight, this is the party Rarity was talking about. She smacked herself in the forehead.

With an out in sight Dash tapped Spitfire’s shoulder and whispered, “I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna say hi to a friend.”

“Alright, but be quick about it Dash.”

Rainbow Dash flew off towards her scaly friend and noticed he was alone. She started thinking up any and all ideas on how to tease him about his big date with Rarity. She started laughing to herself when she pictured Spike fumbling with his words and try to explain how it wasn’t a date. Then she started thinking about any last minute pointers she could give Spike to help him win Rarity’s favor. Since he was alone it’d be the perfect time to help him plan his next move.

Spike was more focused on being as close to the open window as possible without either merging with the wall or falling outside into the well manicured shrubbery and didn’t notice Rainbow Dash land nearby. Dash swaggered up to him and gave his arm a nudge. “Hey there Spike! Fancy seein’ you here!”

Spike turned and his deeply flushed face brightened a bit. He didn’t say anything, but he did give a wide smile and a wave.

Rainbow Dash pushed further. “So Romeo, where’s Rarity? Don’t tell me, let me guess, she couldn’t keep her hooves off ya and you needed some breathing room, right?”

Spike’s face dimmed and Dash saw the light in his eyes die out. He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but nothing came out. He tried again with similar results and just resigned to hang his head.

“Spike? What’s wrong?" Dash said worriedly. "Are you ok? Is Rarity ok? Oh wait-“ her eyes narrowed on the bowtie that was wrapped around his neck like a python. “- dude you know that’s way too small on you right?” Rainbow Dash motioned her hooves to undo the tie but Spike swatted her away and placed a claw over the accessory, shaking his head and wearing the same look of fear a foal does when they knock over their mother’s favorite collection of vases.

“What the hay Spike? I’m just trying to help.” Dash tried to pry off Spike’s claw but was met with resistance. For whatever reason Spike didn’t want Rainbow Dash to take off that bowtie which looked about as comfortable as getting tangled up in vines. Dash tried a few vain attempts in getting to Spike’s neck before she had an idea, an old cliché but it’ll do.

“SWEET CELESTIA WHAT IS THAT!?” Rainbow Dash cried out and pointed towards the window and just as she planned/hoped, Spike tore his attention away from Dash and most importantly, his neck and looked at whatever unbelievable thing was out there lurking in the garden. In one swift motion Rainbow Dash lunged for Spike’s neck and undid the bowtie.

Spike inhaled the crisp night air in one big gulp and started coughing. “No! She’ll just make it tighter!” Spike covered his mouth with his claws.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “What? Wait… Spike, did Rarity tie that on you?”

Spike couldn’t bring himself to look Rainbow Dash in the eyes.

“Spike,” Dash’s voice was firm. “Tell me, did Rarity tie that on you?”

“It- it was my fault!” he blurted. “I-I-I forgot the bowtie she made for me in Ponyville and she had to buy me another one and she said to keep it on and now I don’t know what she’ll do!”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe her ears. Rarity, one of her best friends in the whole world was treating somepony like total scum. Worse yet, she was treating Spike, one of Dash and Rarity’s best friends and the one creature that’d put his entire day on hold to help Rarity with even the most minute of chores like he was scum. Rainbow Dash’s brow furrowed as the news Spike told her churned in her head, building up more and more anger towards the white mare.

Dash quickly swiped Spike’s bowtie and chucked it out the window. “Oh no,” she said disingenuously while dusting her hooves. “Looks like I lost your bowtie, how clumsy of me. Guess I’ll just have to go apologize to Rarity myself.” Rainbow Dash was about to take off to search for the fashionista when she noticed the crestfallen dragon and the look of worry in his eyes. “Don’t worry big guy, you just stay here and catch your breath, I won’t be long.”

And without another word, Rainbow Dash flew off.

"I’m sure you remember the Pony Summit,” Rarity said in a jovial tone. “Spike flooded the venue and destroyed the gem statue that was on display. It was a total disaster and it happened in front of the princesses too.”

Pish Posh, her Yes Pony and a small group of ponies began laughing in that nasally way snooty ponies laugh at the less fortunate.

“Oh Rarity, that is simply hilarious!” Pish Posh said. “What I wouldn’t give to see his face.

“Indeed! That must have been the spectacle of the year,” said the Yes Pony.

“Pfff, ha, ha, ha, ha!” came a raspy laugh from behind Rarity. Rainbow Dash tossed her head back and held her ribs like she heard the funniest joke of the year. “Hoo boy that’s a good one! You know that reminds me of this one time during basic”- Rainbow Dash gasped, -“Rarity? Is that really you?”

Rarity was perplexed and that was putting it lightly. “Rainbow Dash? What in the world are you doing here?”

“Oh you know! Spitfire got some last minutes tickets to find some sponsors, sure is great being a Wonderbolt! Hey can I talk with ya for a bit? We have SO much to catch up on!”

“What the devil are you talking about Rainbow Da-AAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Without warning Rainbow Dash grabbed Rarity and zoomed across the room making multicolored zigzags as she flew and headed for a more secluded part of the room near an empty hallway. After coming to a complete stop Rarity began looking over her dress and used her magic to make sure her mane was still styled.

“Rainbow Dash! I haven’t the foggiest idea what this is all about, but I hope you have a good reason for almost wrinkling my dress and ruining my mane!”

Rainbow Dash’s expression was unreadable. “What do you think you’re doing?” her voice was calm but with an underlying razor edge waiting to lash out.

“Well currently, I’m hoping my dress is still impeccable and I’m wondering why I was just hauled across the room like a hoofball.”

“No Rarity, what do you think you’re doing to Spike?”

“Spike? What happened? What did he do? Did he take his bowtie off again? I swear that dragon will-“

“He didn’t take it off, I did.”

“WHAT!? Why in Equestria would you do that?! That bowtie is absolutely crucial to his attire!”

“Rarity! The guy was choking!” Rainbow Dash’s mask broke out in anger. "You know, he couldn’t breath? Air couldn’t get into his lungs? He looked even more purple than usual! And it’s all because of that stupid thing around his neck!”

“Oh come now Rainbow Dash, I’m sure you’re just overreacting, Spike is fine.”

“No he’s not! You’d know that if you didn’t just up and ditch him! I thought you were supposed to spend time with the ponies you bring to a party, not chuck them to the side like a gum wrapper!”

“I did no such thing! I introduced him to the hostess and allowed Spike an opportunity to mingle with the other guests when it was time to talk business.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “In a room where he doesn’t know anypony? Yeah, you did Spike a big fat favor of pushing him away just so you could talk about him behind his back. Do you have any idea how happy and excited Spike was when you invited him? He was looking forward to spending time with you and he couldn’t believe that you wanted to invite him. I can’t believe you’d go so far as to twist his feelings for you just because you had a ticket burning a hole in your saddlebag!”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Oh come on Rarity! Did you really not notice Spike’s feelings for you? It’s obvious to everypony that Spike jumps through all those hoops for you to make you happy. All of those shopping sprees where he was just your bag carrier, all those trips to the gem caves where he dug and hauled your gems back to town. Helping you do your chores and being used as a pincushion? Do you really think anypony else would put up with even half of that if they didn’t have feelings for you?”

“Oh please Rainbow Dash, I’m not blind. I could see Spike’s infatuation from a mile away. After all I had similar feelings myself for my foalsitter when I was young, but it’s just a silly little crush, it’ll pass.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity in disbelief. “It’s not ‘just a silly little crush’ to Spike! It’s way more than that! I never thought you of all ponies could be so cold towards somepony’s affections!” she took a deep breath to calm down. She realized Rarity just wasn’t getting the message, so what was the point in dragging this out?

“Look Rarity, I’m not Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said in an even tone. “I’m not gonna stand here and give you a lecture on what you’re doing is wrong and teach you some kind of friendship lesson and have a good natured laugh about it. What you’re doing is really messed up and I don’t want to be here when Spike gets hurt because of you. Enjoy your party, hope it was worth crushing a friend…” she gave Rarity one last look of disapproval before she flew off.

Rarity stood alone in the darkened hall, her gaze gradually lowered to the ground as she rubbed her hoof on her opposite foreleg. Maybe Rainbow Dash is right. Maybe I have been unnecessarily harsh towards Spike tonight. Rarity shook her head to clear her thoughts. No. Spike’s fine. Everything is fine and everything will be fine. Rainbow Dash is just exaggerating. Rarity trotted off to rejoin Pish Posh’s circle.

Meanwhile on the far side of the room Spike was taking deep breaths of precious oxygen, his face was no longer flush and he was feeling elated at having been rid of that horrific piece of clothing. He spotted Rainbow Dash flying across the room towards him and a sense of relief washed over him like the tide. He was never so grateful to have a familiar face around.

“Well I said I was sorry for losing your tie,” Dash said as she hovered before him.

“And… how’d that go?”

Dash waved her hoof non-chelantly. “Oh she was pretty cool with it, no worries.”

“Well that’s good.”

“How are you feeling Spike?”

“Well my neck’s still sore,” Spike gingerly rubbed his tender spots.

Dash shook her head. “No, what I mean is how are you feeling inside. You know, emotions and junk?”

“W-well… um…” Spike’s face fell and his ear fins and spikes became droopy.

Rainbow Dash lifted Spike’s chin and looked him in the eyes. “Spike. Are you having fun?”

Spike let out a sigh, “No… no I’m not. I thought this party would be fun, Rarity made it sound like we were going to have a great time. But… she’s off with Pish Posh and I’m just, well, here.”

“Then why don’t you just leave? You ain’t happy to be here and these ponies are stuffier than the Wonderbolts locker room and… Rarity ditched you…”

Spike winced the way one does when they tear off a bandage. She was right of course and it hurt him to realize that this night was never about him and Rarity having fun together. It was about Rarity and only about Rarity, he was just one of her accessories.

“Dash! Dash where are you? We’re leaving!” Spitfire called out.

“Coming!” Rainbow Dash turned back to Spike. “I gotta go now, but I’ll still be in Canterlot for a while. Why don’t I meet you at Pony Joe’s place and we’ll have some doughnuts, my treat. And when we get back to Ponyville we can organize the biggest most awesome game of Ogres and Oubliettes we’ve ever played.”

Spike gave a small smile. “Thanks Rainbow Dash… that does sound like fun…”

Rainbow Dash’s heart was near breaking point when the normally bright and cheery dragon’s emerald eyes seemed to lose all of its luster and vibrant life. She gave Spike a hug. “Keep your chin up big guy.”

Spike watched as Rainbow Dash flew off to rejoin her team and he gave a dreary sigh as he started walking towards the exit but stopped. Should I tell Rarity I’m leaving? Not that she’d notice or care that I left so I should just go… right? Spike looked to the door and then turned his attention to the center of the room under the grand chandelier where Rarity and Pish Posh would be. Spike himself being pulled in two directions as his brain weighed his options and his heart fought against his sense of logic. Spike thought about the events of the previous week and of that night and started walking back towards the exit, but then he remembered all the smiles and laughs they shared together in Ponyville and his heart pulled him towards the mare. What should I do?

A slew of laughter filled the small radius surrounding Rarity as she finished another story.

“Oh Rarity, that is simply sidesplitting!” Pish Posh wiped a tear from her eye. “That’s even funnier than the story about your dragon ruining the Pony Summit! So he really botched the entire Cloudsdale anthem?”

“I can’t see how anypony could’ve made a mistake that big and at the Equestria games of all places!” said another pony.

I’ll say,” said Posh’s Yes Pony. “But it’s not as funny as that silly little fantasy game he plays. I’ve never heard of anything so foolish.”

Rarity was unintentionally laughing along side them. “It was excruciating to watch him fumble through the words. I’ve never felt so embarrassed for somepony in my whole life.”

“Rarity,” Pish Posh said with an air of curiosity. “I simply must know why out of anypony you knew, why did you invite that dragon? Surely you realized the gamble of bringing somecreature as uncouth as him to a party such as this?”

“Oh he wasn’t my first choice!” Rarity said hastily. “But everypony else I knew was busy. So in desperation I invited Spike and I spent a week training him in etiquette and making his suit.”

“Training a dragon? Now I have heard everything!’ Pish Posh chuckled. “That must have been quite the ordeal.”

“Oh you don’t know the half of it! He goofed up almost everything I taught him, he could barely stand properly or even speak properly and it was like training a foal. I haven’t been this exhausted dealing with others in Celestia knows how long. If there’s one thing I cannot tolerate it’s incompetence.”


Rarity’s body tensed and she felt her heart stop and her blood ran cold as if a wendigo was breathing down her neck. She turned painfully slowly, praying to Celestia, Luna and whoever was listening (even Discord) that the voice she heard wasn’t who she thought it was and was just somepony who sounded like him. Somepony that sounded exactly like him. But all her prayers, bargaining’s and wishes died when she realized that none of her pleas were answered. Standing before her was Spike, his eyes were as wide as dinner plates and his lips were quivering and if Rarity didn’t know any better she could swear his whole body was shaking like a leaf, as if he just awoke from the worst nightmare of his life.

“Is… Is that what you really think of me…?”

“Sss- Sp-Sp-Spike!” Rarity’s mouth was feeling very dry. “I can explain!”

“Explain? Explain what? That you think I’m some kind of idiot who doesn’t know his right from his left? That I’m just some dopey screw up that embarrasses you and everypony in Equestria? That I was your last resort because all of your real friends couldn’t be here?”

“Not to mention turning into a monster and wrecking Ponyville not once but twice,” Pish Posh said as she fanned the flames of this amusing display

Spike’s face fell even further. “What?”

Rarity gulped. “Posh, darling, I-I, uh, didn’t say those exact words.”

“Right, you just said something like it!” Spike snapped.

“Spike please, I’m sure we can just talk about this! Why don’t we just go somewhere quiet and-“

“No Rarity! You can’t talk your way out of this, not this time!” Spike’s eyes were watering up and it took every ounce of strength he had not to cry in front of Rarity. “How could you do this to me? I thought I was your friend, I thought I was special to you!”

“You are my friend Spike! I didn’t mean-“

“So you treat your friends like servants? Like disobedient dogs? I don’t remember you yelling at Twilight because she couldn’t balance a book on her head, I don’t remember you smacking Applejack with a yardstick when she didn’t stand straight and I certainly don’t remember you choking Fluttershy with a stupid tie!”

“I-I’ll admit that was rather harsh, but-“

“But nothing! After everything I’ve done, after everything you’ve put me through you just push me away so you can suck up to some, some, nopony!?”

“I beg your pardon?” Pish Posh spat as her Yes Pony sneered.

“Spike please calm down! We can be civil about this!” Rarity pleaded.

Spike was about to go into another verbal assault when he noticed his surroundings. The entire center of the ballroom was cleared aside from him and Rarity as the other guests, Pish Posh and her Yes Pony stepped back to make a circle around the drama between the unicorn and dragon. A perfect stage for their performance. Spike’s anger dissipated as he looked at all of the ponies around him in the audience. He felt all of their eyes on him, boring right through his scales and piercing his heart. His head began to feel like it was stuffed with cotton as he heard the whispers around him.

“Oh my, how troublesome.”

“What is a brute like him doing here in the first place?”

“ I suppose a dragon in a suit is still a dragon.”

“Poor dear. Nopony deserves to be treated like this.”

Spike screwed his eyes shut trying to drown the voices out as his head continued spinning.


Spike opened his eyes but his face was blank, there wasn’t a single trace of either anger or sadness, he was simply devoid of feeling anything. “I see… I get it…” Spike said flatly. “I know when I’m not wanted… I’m going home… at least I have friends in Ponyville who want me around…” Spike turned away and walked towards the edge of the crowd. He nearly fell when his claw slipped on something white and flaky. Whatever it was Spike just rubbed it off on his well fitting suit. The crowed just looked at Spike without moving until he snarled and showed off his large and sharp teeth and the sea of ponies parted immediately.

Rarity watched in horror as a broken Spike walked away, her heart screamed at her to chase after him and beg forgiveness and she was fighting in a vain attempt to keep her own tears from spilling out. “Spike… Spike wait! Spike please!” Rarity started galloping after the dejected dragon.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish!’ Pish Posh announced.

Rarity stopped in her tracks.

“While it was a fun little experiment I don’t think I’ll be allowing anymore dragons into my future parties, they’re more trouble than they’re worth.”

Rarity’s teeth clenched and her body began to shake.

“But don’t feel bad Rarity, you did the best you could with him, some creatures are just beyond help.”


Rarity spun on her hooves and stormed towards the hostess with a blazing fire in her eyes. “Now see here Pish Posh! I will NOT tolerate anymore of your abhorrent-!”

“RARITY!” Spike yelled. All of a sudden Rarity felt something push against her rump with enough force to send her flying across the floor. After tumbling over and over herself she came to a stop. Her head was tangled in her dress as she desperately tried to straighten herself up and get the blinding fabric out of her eyes.

Spike! That was totally unacceptable! I understand you’re upset but there’s no need for violence. And did you have to touch such a delicate area?

“Oh my… H-help! Somepony help! Is anypony a doctor!?” a stallion cried out.

A doctor? I appreciate your concern but I’m sure it’s just a bump on the head and a bruised flank.

“Somepony call for an ambulance!” a mare hollered.

I certainly don’t need an ambulance darling. Just an ice pack or two.

“What should we do? Is he breathing? I can’t tell if he’s breathing!” another stallion said in a panic.

HE?! Sir I may be indisposed right now, but I can assure you that I am a-!

Rarity finally freed her head from her dress and felt all of the air leave her body. The grand chandelier that bathed the guests in a bright and warm light crashed onto the ballroom floor, white plaster flakes of varying sizes fell from the ceiling like snow. But what Rarity couldn’t tear her gaze from, no matter how hard she tried, was the purple claw sticking out from under the metal arms of the chandelier and the large purple dragon laying motionless between the fallen fixture and the ground.


Author's Note:

Being abandoned by someone you loved is honestly a pain that I never want any of you to feel. To feel like you're worthless in the eyes of someone you want to see happy and content only for them to sap the happiness out of you and leave you in a ditch while they constantly remind you of not being good enough while having no desire to better themselves as they leech off your kindness and affection. The crushing weight of inadequacy wondering what you're doing wrong and why you're not making them happy when in reality they aren't happy regardless of what you do. I tried to describe my feelings as best as I could from the time spent with my abusive ex, but I don't think I did a good job. whether it be from my inexperience writing fan fiction or my reluctance to go further down this road of the mental miasma she threw me into is unclear but all I know is I didn't do it total justice and I'm left wondering if it's still progress or if I'm still letting my insecurities get the better of me.

I'm sorry that got a little too melancholic so just imagine me blowing a raspberry. (PBTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTH!)

I bet you weren't expecting another chapter so soon, eh? Well since it's been one whole year since I began writing this story (and other future stories for that matter) I thought it would be a nice little treat to you, my wonderful readers for enjoying my story and sharing your thoughts and feelings since the only way I'll get better is learning what does and doesn't work, so thank you for your support and pointers.

Apologies on this chapter being, for lack of a better or more appropriate word, dark. But I swear that this is a Sparity story, it's just gonna take a bit of effort to get to that goal. Again as I said before I don't mind stories that start off with Rarity and Spike already in a relationship with more or less on the same foundation that they've built up from the beginning, but I didn't want to write that kind of story. Because I like a story where the romantic interests are put through struggles and challenges and come together after seeing each other in a different light and they now share a bond that's even stronger than before. With the sense of "If they can get through this, they can get through anything."

So some bad news, I'll be taking a bit of a break from this story. NOT a hiatus, just a break. But the good news is I'll be writing some new stories for you guys. I still have to finish the TwiLuna story and I have other Sparity stories in mind (what can I say? It's my favorite ship). But I think this is a good point to pause on, cliffhangers normally are if not frustrating. But hopefully I won't keep you waiting for very long in either my new projects or The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit

Ps. Happy Halloween/ Nightmare Night everyone! 🎃