• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,955 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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What Lies Beneath

The brush was thick on the murky path as a lone unicorn stumbled through the web of branches of nearby trees, growing so close together one would think that they were working as a team in making this gloomy road as hostile and impassible as possible. “There’s just no end to this!” Rarity cried out as she pushed through another bush and narrowly dodged another low hanging bough.

She had been wandering around aimlessly for what felt like hours as the forest became thicker and thicker, the canopy blocking out the light of the moon and the light of her horn being swallowed up by the forest’s black maw, made it impossible for Rarity to tell if she was just going around in circles or if she was making actual progress on getting out of her botanical prison.

Rarity jerked forward as her hoof tripped over a root and was flung out of the forest and down a small hill into a foggy clearing. She wobbled to her hooves and clutched her head as the dizziness wore off. “Owwwww, stupid root! Well, at least I’m out of that wretched forest.”

“You… what are you doing here?” came a familiar voice.

Rarity’s attention was drawn to six mares that stood before her. They were all wearing black and the purple alicorn in the middle had a black veil blocking her eyes with tear stains trailing down her cheeks. The other five mares were glaring at Rarity with a deep seeded anger.

Rarity shivered. “Twilight? Girls? W-what are you doing here? Where are we?”

“You’ve got some nerve coming here!” Twilight growled. “Haven’t you done enough?! Haven’t you caused me and everypony enough pain?!”

“What are you talking about Twilight? I don’t understand!”

Twilight and the rest of Rarity’s friends parted to reveal a large polished stone with a flat surface. On the front of the stone was a carving of a dragon, decorated with emeralds and amethysts. Rarity’s eyes widened in horror as realization struck her, the fog cleared and it was soon apparent where she and her friends were.

A cemetery. And before her was Spike’s…

Rarity slowly shook her head as she took trembling steps away from the grave. “No… No! This- this can’t be right! He’s alive! Spike’s alive! I know he is!”

“You took him away from me!” Twilight screamed. “It’s your fault he’s gone! He was my best friend, my little brother and now he’s gone! Spike should be here by my side! It’s should’ve been you!”

The rest of her friends slowly walked forward chanting, “It should’ve been you. It should’ve been you.”

Rarity backed away from the encroaching mares. “Girls! Girls wait! Spike’s alive! I- we saw him together! It- it wasn’t my fault, it was an accident! I-I didn’t mean for this to happen, I swear it!”

Her friends kept getting closer and closer as the chanting got louder and louder, drowning out Rarity’s pleas. Rarity tripped backwards and slammed into something very hard. She stumbled and turned to see what was behind her. It was another headstone, only this one had a unicorn carved into it.

Decorated with three diamonds that resembled Rarity’s cutie mark.

Rarity gasped in horror and tried to run away but was cut off by the surrounding mares, still chanting, “It should’ve been you! It should’ve been you!”

Rarity covered her ears but she could still hear their words banging against her like a battering ram against a door. Tears flooded her eyes as she tried to drown out her friends and the pounding ache in her head. But she couldn’t fight it. As her pleas fell on deaf ears and as the chanting began to tear her to shreds, Rarity felt herself slip further and further into the void.

It should’ve been you! It should’ve been you!”

“It should have been me…”

ENOUGH!” A booming voice called out. The moon appeared and shot a beam of dazzling light at the mares in black, turning them into nothing more than shadowy mist. Rarity slowly lifted her head and was met with a dark colored alicorn with a flowing mane resembling the night sky.

“Princess Luna!” Rarity exclaimed as she jumped off the ground. “Thank heavens you’re here!”

“Apologies Rarity, I arrived as swiftly as I could,” Luna replied.

“Please, you have to help me, these nightmares have been plaguing me all week and they get worse and worse by the day!”

Luna’s horn glowed as she took a defensive stance. “This is no normal nightmare, Rarity.”

“What do you mean?”

Rarity’s attention was drawn to an unnerving chuckle coming from the darkened mist before her. There was one pony still standing after Luna’s blast. Twilight. She removed her veil and Rarity’s breath caught in her throat when she saw Twilight’s eyes. They were blue, the same blue as Rarity’s, but her pupils were diamond shaped, with two more diamonds in her irises. “Oh Luna, you never were one for games.” The voice wasn’t Twilight’s, but it was still familiar to Rarity, painfully familiar.

Twilight’s body was overcome by shadows and began to grow. Her wings disappeared and her legs and horn were longer as well as her mane, which became fuller and flowed in the way of Celestia’s and Luna’s with a white streak running through it. She wore a two-pointed silver tiara with a blue gem at its center and a choker with a diamond in the middle. Her cutie mark looked like a vein of gems against her black coat. Rarity trembled as fear began to override her senses as the dark pony’s metamorphosis became complete. It was a pony Rarity never wanted to see again, Nightmare Rarity.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t one of my most favorite hosts,” Nightmarity said in a tone of unsettling familiarity, like a long lost friend uses after finally seeing you again.

“It can’t be…” Rarity said in disbelief.

Nightmarity gave a disturbing laugh, “Oh, but it can be! And it is! How long has it been darling? A month? A year? A millennia? Far too long for my taste anyway. I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever see your pretty face again.”

“Why are you here, foul beast?!” Luna demanded.

Nightmarity smirked. “Why because of this filly’s absolutely alluring heart. I haven’t felt anything like it in ages! Guilt, grief, sadness, despair, a true cornucopia of misery.”

“You’re not really here! I mean, you can’t be!” Rarity inched closer to Luna.

“Oh now why is my presence so hard to grasp?” Nightmarity tossed her flowing mane. “You’re only a few steps away from embracing me all over again. Honestly, I don’t know why you don’t just accept me already. Wouldn’t it be divine to have my power at your disposal? To be rid of those pesky emotions and let me take over? Doesn’t that just sound lovely?”

Luna fired a warning blast of magic at Nightmarity’s hooves. “Be gone demon! Lest thou wish to feel mine wrath!”

“You can’t protect her forever Princess,” Nightmarity said smugly. “You know it and I know it. One of these days, she’ll slip back into darkness and nopony will be able to stop me. Not you, not Celestia, not the element bearers and most importantly-“ Nightmarity turned her attention to a cowering Rarity and her smile widened, “-your precious little dragon won’t be able to save you this time.” Nightmarity’s body turned to mist as she vanished from sight, her haunting laughter echoing across the dreamscape.

Rarity sighed in relief as fear slowly subsided, “Thank you princess, I dare not think about what would’ve happened if you weren’t here. You’re a life saver.”

“Rarity, I hate to say this, but she’s right.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity’s fear began to rise again. “T-the Nightmare’s gone now and if she knows that you’ll be here-“

“That’s the thing, I can’t protect you from the Nightmare forever. Eventually you will succumb to her influence and I’m unsure of what would happen next.”

“So… so I’m doomed? My fate is already sealed? I’m going to turn into her again? I don’t want to be controlled by the Nightmare again! Please, you have to help me!”

Luna lifted Rarity’s chin and looked her in the eyes. “Calm yourself Rarity, for all is not lost. You still have a chance to be rid of the Nightmare’s grasp, but you mustn’t let your fear overwhelm you.”

“So what am I supposed to do?”

“You must find peace within your heart. The Nightmare parasitizes on your fears, your insecurities, your guilt, and all the emotions that plunge a pony into the darkness of their own hearts. Once you’re free of these feelings, the Nightmare will no longer have any power over you. You must find peace and make amends.”

The dreamscape began to crumble away as Luna’s image became lost in a blinding light. Rarity sprung awake in a cold sweat. Her sheets were twisted and tangled from her restless slumber and she felt like she just finished the Running of the Leaves marathon. Rarity gripped her head as Luna’s final words played over and over in her mind. Find peace and make amends. Find peace and make amends.

Rarity glanced at the clock on her bedside and untangled herself from her bed, she had things to do and ponies to see.

“Does your pillow need fluffing?”

“No Twilight, it’s fine.”

“Are you sure? I think it looks a bit lumpy.”

The mid morning sun shone brightly into Spike’s private room at Canterlot General Hospital. Over the last few days he received around the clock care, from both the doctors and his sister. Twilight made extra sure that all of Spike’s needs were met and that he was as comfortable as possible, never leaving his side during the day and even staying extra hours at night. Spike was curious if Twilight had gotten any sleep since she arrived in Canterlot. While Spike truly appreciated Twilight’s attentiveness in his recovery, after a few days, he realized that he really didn’t like being babied.

“My pillow’s fine Twilight, I swear.”

“Ok, ok, well how about the sun? Is it too strong? Do you want me to lower the blinds?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “No Twi, leave the blinds be, I actually like the sun light. It’s really warm.”

“Of course, I should’ve figured as much. Is there anything else I can do for you? I can move the flowers around if you like.” Twilight’s magic enveloped the large flower arrangements from Celestia and Luna and swapped places with the arrangement from Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lis.

“I’m ok Twilight, really.”

“Oh I almost forgot,-“ Twilight’s horn glowed and a small white box poofed next to Spike’s bed. “-I brought you some comic books. I thought they’d help you relax more and-“

Spike waved his claw. “Twilight, don’t you have a train to catch?”

Twilight’s ears drooped. “Oh… right. Right I have to go…” She wrapped her hooves around Spike’s neck and gently nuzzled him. “I’ll come back and visit whenever I can.”

Spike nuzzled her back. “Thank you Twilight, for everything you’ve done. Don’t worry, the doctors here are great, I’m in good hooves.”

“I know you are. Get well soon Spike.” Twilight gave Spike a kiss on his forehead.

“Aw geez Twi, you don’t gotta get all mushy, I’ll be fine.” Spike gave Twilight the biggest smile he could muster.

“Goodbye Spike, be sure to get some rest.”

“Go on Twilight, or you’ll miss your train.”

Twilight gave one last wave as she stepped out the door. As soon as she was gone Spike’s smile began to falter as he became increasingly aware of the lonesome silence of the room. He lowered his head on his pillow and sighed.

“She’s right. This is a bit lumpy."

“Where could they be? The train won’t wait all day,” Starlight pondered as she glanced at her pocket watch.

Applejack rubbed her chin. “Ah know Twi went ta see Spike, but Ah’m not sure where Rarity’s at. She just up an’ vanished on us fer days.”

“Oh dear, I hope she’s ok,” Fluttershy said. “I’ve been worried about her ever since she ran out of the hospital.”

“I tried to find her,” Pinkie said glumly. “But my Pinkie sense was telling me that she wanted to be left alone.”

Starlight sighed, “After everything that’s happened between her, Twilight and Spike, I don’t blame Rarity for wanting to disappear. She looked really upset.”

“Well good!” Rainbow Dash spat. “After what she pulled on Spike she better be upset.”

“C’mon Dash, Rarity’s our friend,” Applejack scolded. “Don’t cha think we aught’a give her a second chance? She sure did seem sorry fer what she’d done.”

“Maybe. But I’m still mad.” Dash huffed and crossed her forelegs.

“Sorry I’m late!” Twilight called out as she landed on the platform. "Saying goodbye to Spike took longer than I thought it would.”

Applejack waved her hoof. “No need to apologize, sugarcube.”

Fluttershy nodded. “We understand that this is a really hard time for you right now. And having to leave Spike in Canterlot doesn’t help.”

Twilight gave her friends a small smile. “Thanks girls, but I think I’m ok now. So is everypony here?”

Starlight nervously rubbed the back of her neck. “Well not everypony, we’re still missing-“

“RARITY!” Pinkie Pie called out. “Rarity, over here! C’mon we got a train to catch!”

Rarity slowly trotted up the platform to her friends, Twilight shot her a quick glare before turning her back on the white mare.

“Oh good, you’re still here,” Rarity said.

“Whoa are you ok Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You look awful.”

She wasn’t wrong. Rarity’s normally vibrant and lustrous mane was dull and full of knots. Her snow-white coat was matted and almost looked gray and the bags under her eyes were so dark they looked like they were colored in with marker. The typically well-groomed pony looked more like a shoddy vagabond looking for spare bits.

“I… haven’t been sleeping very well,” Rarity responded.

“Well, let’s go home Rarity, ah’m sure you’ll sleep like a foal in yer own bed. Where’re your bags?” Applejack looked around for Rarity’s normally full cart of luggage.

“In my room.” All of Rarity’s friends eyed her in confusion, Twilight merely swiveled her ear to hear what Rarity had to say. “I’m… I’m not returning to Ponyville yet. I have some business I need to take care of in Canterlot.”

“But Rarity. what about the school? Don’t you have classes to teach?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s fine,” Twilight cut in. “I’ll find somepony to cover your classes till you come back. Take all the time you need.”

Rarity gave a tired smile. “Thank you, Twilight. I can’t tell you how grateful I am.”

Twilight didn’t respond and left to find herself a nice seat on the train.

Rarity turned to her kindly animal loving friend. “Fluttershy, can I ask you to take care of Opal while I’m here? I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone.”

“Of course Rarity, I’ll care for her like she was my own.”

“I know you will, thank you darling.”

“All aboard for Ponyville!” came the conductor’s voice.

“Well, I suppose I’ll see you all later. Have a safe trip back home.”

Starlight placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “Are you sure you’re ok? I know things are a little tense right now but-“

“I appreciate your concern Starlight,” Rarity patted Starlight’s hoof. “But I’m fine. I just have some important business to take care of and as soon as I’m finished I’ll be on the next train to Ponyville. You have my word.”

“Alright, if you’re sure, then good luck with whatever it is you have to do.”

“Thank you darling.”

Everypony said their goodbyes and soon the train’s doors were closed and Rarity was left alone on the platform, watching the plume of smoke from the engine growing smaller and smaller. She took a deep breath and trotted off.

“I’ll need all the luck I can get my hooves on.”

As the train sped down the tracks, Twilight kept her eyes towards Canterlot, even when the shining capital was hidden behind mountains and hills Twilight never looked away from the window. Nopony could shake the uneasiness in the air. Pinkie Pie tried several knock-knock jokes, stand up routines and a dose of physical comedy that would be the envy of Cheese Sandwich, but they fell flat every time. There was an elephant sitting in the middle of the train car and it fell upon the school counselor to address it.

“Twilight?” Starlight’s voice was soft like she was trying to coax a scared animal out of a tree. “Twilight, is there something you want to talk about?”

Twilight ruffled her feathers but didn’t say anything.

“Twilight, I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t say bye to Rarity.”

Twilight turned away from the window with a scowl. “Yeah? And?”

“It’s just, I- we know you're upset but-“

“Upset?” Twilight cut Starlight off. “I’m well beyond upset,“- Twilight’s eyes began to water and she suppressed a sob, -“I’m furious! Not only is Spike lying all alone in a heap in a hospital far from Ponyville, but Rarity betrayed my trust and even worse than that, she broke Spike’s heart! My little brother is in pain and there’s nothing I can do about it! Applejack, how would you feel if this happened to Applebloom? Or Fluttershy, what if this happened to Zephyr Breeze? And Pinkie Pie, what if this happened to Maud, Lime Stone or Marble? Wouldn’t you be angry?!”

Starlight placed a hoof on Twilight’s withers. “Whoa, whoa, Twilight. Nopony here is saying you shouldn’t be angry. It’s just that…”

“We’re scared if this means you and Rarity aren’t friends anymore…” Fluttershy said fearfully.

A deathly silence filled the car as the five mares waited on bated breath for their purple friend to give them an answer. All eyes were on the Princess of Friendship as Twilight gave a strangled sigh.

“I… I don’t know. Rarity was one of my nearest and dearest friends, but she hurt me, she hurt Spike. I don’t know how we can mend this friendship. I can’t even look at her without feeling my blood boil. I think we need some time apart and if she has business in Canterlot then so be it.”

Starlight hugged her friend and mentor. “Twilight, I think I speak for myself and everypony here when I say that we’ll be here to support you. And if you think that some distance is what you and Rarity need, then we’ll trust your decision and hope for the best.”

The rest of the girls nodded in agreement, though they all had a feeling of dread cross their minds when they thought of Rarity and Twilight not being friends anymore and a collective chill ran down their backs.

Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes. "Thank you everypony. You really are the greatest friends in Equestria.” Twilight turned back to the window and felt her heart ache. “Oh Spike, I miss you so much already.”

Author's Note:

Oh dear! What'll be in store for Rarity now that the Nightmare is hunting her? And what will become of Rarity's and Twilight's friendship? Will it be doomed forever more or will Rarity's "business" in Canterlot begin the long and winding road towards forgiveness? But the question that hangs over everyone is what will become of Spike and Rarity's relationship? I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out.

It's been a while hasn't it readers? Sorry for being a no show for a while, I was busy working on another project, a project I wanted to post around Christmas time but didn't because I clearly have a bad habit of underestimating the amount of time and work is needed for each story/update as I'm sure you're all aware of by now.

A few updates for those who don't read my blog (God I hate that word). I'm still working on the story I wanted done by Christmas and I'll post it in its entirety once finished rather than wait till next Christmas which I was debating about. And sing hallelujah and drink an irresponsible amount of cider in thanks because I finally have a "good" idea and framing device for that Twiluna story I've been banging on about. I'll try, try, try to get it done by Valentine's day but again I tend to underestimate the work so it's more like "I hope I have it done by then."

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit