• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,955 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Doki-Doki Princess

Night was falling on Canterlot as the crowd who flocked to the pardoning of Equestria’s latest troublemaker dispersed, having celebrated their victory for justice or got their hooves on the big story for tomorrow’s newspaper. Twilight stood on one of the balconies of the castle and gazed at the night sky. She always found something calming about the night sky. Ever since she was a filly she loved finding the constellations and learning about their history and the tales behind their origin.

But as she watched the twinkling stars, marveled at the bright and beautiful moon and thought that Princess Luna has truly outdone herself this time, she felt no calm or sense of wonder. She felt anxious, uneasy and… scared. Did this have anything to do with Cozy Glow’s release? Twilight didn’t think this would bother her so much. Was she scared of Cozy Glow? She didn’t think she was, but that’s when Cozy was behind bars and a magic door, unable to escape and cause harm to anycreature.

“A bit for your thoughts?” a soft, regal voice asked. Princess Celestia trotted up next to Twilight and looked at her protégé with concern.

“Oh, good evening princess. I, um, just wanted to get some fresh air.”

“Come now Twilight, I know there’s more than that. I’ve known you for a long time and I can tell when something is troubling you. So I’m asking, not as your mentor but as your friend, what’s wrong?”

Twilight sighed in defeat. She should’ve known better than to try and hide her problems from Celestia. “It’s… about Cozy Glow,” she conceded.

Celestia nodded. “I thought so.”

“I know I said I forgave her and that as the Princess of Friendship, I should set an example in forgiving others for their past mistakes. But I can’t shake this nagging feeling that she’s playing us for fools again. I let her get close; I thought I was raising a bright and shining student. But she betrayed my trust and only used me to gain power. I’ve never felt like such a failure as a teacher and now I feel like a failure as a princess for being a total hypocrite and not trusting in Cozy’s promise to be a better pony.”

Celestia draped a wing over Twilight and pulled her into a comforting hug. “You’re not a failure Twilight. You can’t blame yourself for Cozy Glow’s actions, it wasn’t your fault and you shouldn’t feel guilty over something you had no knowledge of. You’ve accomplished so much as a princess, you can’t let this one incident ruin all the faith and confidence you have in yourself.” Celestia motioned Twilight to follow her into the castle.

“I don’t want this to affect my duties as a princess or as a headmare. But I can’t help but feel… nervous that something will happen.”

“For what it’s worth Twilight, what you’re feeling is completely understandable and if I’m being honest, I’ve had similar feelings as well.”

“You too princess?”

“Yes. Even though I want nothing more than for Cozy to turn over a new leaf I can’t help but wonder if she’ll stay on the straight and narrow. After all I think we both remember what happened when Tirek persuaded Discord. But I think I have a solution to help you put your mind at ease.”

“What kind of solution?”

“I’ve been in contact with Princess Cadance over the last several days and we’d like you to consider starting a branch of the Equestrian Royal Guard in Ponyville.”

Twilight was taken aback by her suggestion. “Royal guards? In Ponyville? Princess, with all due respect, my friends and I have protected Ponyville for years and-“

“Don’t misunderstand me Twilight. I have complete self-assurance in you and your friends protecting Ponyville. It’s just a precaution. I’ll station some of my guards from Canterlot and Cadance will station some of hers from the Crystal Empire. Enough to protect your castle and the school in case of emergency.”

“It’s not that I don’t appreciate your offer princess, but I can handle the safety of Ponyville myself. I’ll brush up on more defensive spells and with enough dedication-“

Celestia’s hoof gently lifted Twilight’s chin and looked her in the eyes. “Nopony said you yourself have to shoulder this burden Twilight,” her tone was gentle, yet firm. “And I don’t think anypony wants you to shoulder this burden either. You of all ponies should know how much one can accomplish by working together with others. Though as princesses we wield great magical power, we can’t rule this land and protect everycreature in it by ourselves. We’re not omnipotent and we have our limitations. Even I can’t protect Equestria all on my own, and I don’t really want to try. And if Canterlot would be attacked tomorrow, I’d feel better knowing that my royal guards are fighting tooth and hoof to protect my subjects. Don’t think of this as an admission of weakness Twilight, it's just another way of protecting the ponies you care about.”

Twilight listened to the wisdom in her mentor’s words. Perhaps having some extra security was a good idea. She’s responsible for the safety of Ponyville and her students but even a princess has limits on what she can and can’t do. It was a stubborn idea to think she had to be the almighty guardian princess of Ponyville.

“Very well princess, I accept your proposal.”

“Wonderful, I’ll contact Princess Cadance and we’ll make the arrangements. But for now let’s have dinner. I believe your friends will be waiting for us in the dining hall.”

Two weeks after Cozy Glow’s pardoning, preparations for the newly formed Ponyville Royal Guard were well underway. Celestia’s engineers built barracks outside the castle and her hoof picked soldiers arrived a day before. All that remained was for Cadence’s soldiers to arrive. Twilight and Starlight stood on the platform of the train station waiting for the morning train from the Crystal Empire. Twilight was glancing at a pocket watch every other minute and Starlight was filling out a word puzzle through lidded eyes.

“Any minute now,” Twilight said zealously.

Starlight yawned, “You’ve been saying that for well over an hour now. Why were we here so early? It’s not like the train will be here any sooner.”

“I’m just excited to see Cadance. Even if it’s just a short visit to drop off her guards I wanted to make sure I can optimize my time with her,” Twilight responded, bouncing on her hooves.

“Fourteen across,” Starlight said in a dry tone. “The Cavalla word for ‘ennui.’ P-o-c-o-c-u-r-a-n-t-e.”

A loud whistle screamed though the air as a cloud of smoke rose over a hill in the distance. A train was coming down the tracks and judging from the train’s design, Twilight could tell it was from the Crystal Empire.

“Here she comes!” Twilight exclaimed.

“About time,” Starlight muttered.

The train pulled up to the platform, brakes screeching as it came to a complete stop. The doors to the train cars opened and soldiers clad in well-polished armor marched out and assembled in neat rows. Powerful stallions and mares of all the pony tribes and several crystal ponies too, stood at attention with backs straight and hooves at salute. Twilight waited anxiously for her sister in-law to step off the train.

First they’d do their ceremonial chant, then simple conversation with topics like what the weather is like in the Crystal Empire, how her niece Flurry Heart is doing and if Cadance has any funny stories about Shining Armor. The last passenger exited the train car but it wasn’t the Princess of Love, it was a pegasus stallion with a vermillion coat and a blue mane.

Twilight’s heart started pounding in her chest and felt the heat rise in her cheeks.

The pegasus stallion trotted up to Twilight and saluted. “Captain Flash Sentry reporting for duty Princess Twilight.” His professional demeanor broke into a small smile.

Twilight felt her knees going weak. “Uh, yes! Welcome to Ponyville Captain Sentry.”

Flash’s wing dug into a pouch in his armor and pulled out a scroll. “Princess Cadance regrets to inform you that she couldn’t be here, but she wanted me to give you this.”

Twilight grabbed the scroll with her magic and started reading.

Dear Twilight:
Hope you’re doing well. I’m sorry to say that I can’t come and visit right now but I’m up to my fetlocks in preparations for the next Crystal Fair. Needless to say we’re falling a little behind schedule, but I digress. After Princess Celestia reached out to me I assembled a group of some of the finest soldiers in my service as well as your new captain. Shiny was against stationing Flash Sentry in Ponyville, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him (wink). I’m sure you two will have a lot of catching up to do with plenty of time to do it.


Your favorite sister in-law


Just thought I’d give you a quick update. Weather in the Crystal Empire is warm and pleasant. Flurry sneezed and blew out four windows and Shining Armor pulled a muscle in his rump practicing for the jousting competition.

Twilight bit her lower lip as her panic started to flair up. Cadence! Twilight’s thoughts screamed. Why did you do this to me?

“It’s been a long time your highness,” Flash said. “Apologies for speaking so formally, but it’s nice to see you again.”

Twilight threw on a smile to mask her anxiety. “The feeling’s mutual captain. So shall we head for the castle? I’m sure you’ll want to get settled in the barracks.”

“Yes ma’am. Company! Fall in!” The soldiers assembled behind Flash and marched in their neat rows behind Flash as he followed Twilight and Starlight through the streets of Ponyville. Many citizens stopped and stared at the sight of the soldiers in their shiny armor and tough appearance.

“You have a lovely town princess.”

“Yes, this town is very special to me and I’ll do anything to protect it. I’d like to thank you for your service in helping me keep Ponyville safe.”

“No thanks are necessary princess. It’s my duty to keep Equestria’s citizens safe and I’m honored to protect them alongside you.”

“Y-you’re too kind captain.”

Starlight leaned in and whispered, “Why Twilight Sparkle, are you blushing?”

“N-no! Of course not!” Twilight said in a flustered whisper.

Starlight was wearing a smug smile. “Really? Cause your cheeks are giving you away.”

“No they’re not, because I’m not blushing!”

“Your castle is magnificent princess,” Flash said grabbing Twilight’s attention.

“Oh, why thank you. The barracks are just behind the castle, you can’t miss it.”

“Great, the trip was pretty long and I’m sure everypony could use a quick rest, we’ll be on duty afterwards.”

“Of course, please take all the time you need to rest. Uh, dismissed.”

The soldiers headed in the direction of the barracks, as Flash left he gave Twilight another smile. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him disappear into his quarters. Her anxiety was gone but her heart was still beating like Pinkie Pie playing the bongos while on a sugar rush. Why was this happening?

“Twilight? Twilight are you there?” Starlight knocked on the door to one of Twilight’s reading rooms. It’s been a few hours since the train from the Crystal Empire arrived and shortly after that Twilight disappeared. Nopony gave it much thought at first, but after a while the guards (Including Flash Sentry) started to get antsy and in order not to cause a panic, Starlight and Spike began searching the castle for the elusive bookworm. Behind the door she knocked on, Starlight heard some books falling over, pages rustling and some magic pops before she heard a soft, “Come in.”

Inside the study, Twilight was sitting in a plush high back chair with a mug of tea on her left and a reading lamp on her right and a book levitating in front of her and the magic mirror portal Twilight kept stood further behind her. She had one of her 'I’m not doing anything suspicious so let’s talk about something else' smiles on as Starlight stepped over the path of fallen books that covered the floor.

“Starlight! What a, um, nice surprise! What brings you here?” Twilight asked with worry lacing her voice.

“Well, looking for you. You just disappeared. The guards started to get fidgety so Spike and I started looking and here we are.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry anypony. I just felt like doing some recreational reading and enjoying a nice, calming cup of tea. Nothing to be concerned about, so why don’t you tell Flash- uh, Captain Sentry that I’m here. N-not that I want him to know where I am, I-I mean I do want him to know where I am so he doesn’t worry, b-but I don’t want him to think he needs to see me, t-that is unless he needs to see me-“

Starlight decided to defuse this “Twily meltdown” before it went critical. “So Twilight, what’s that you’re reading? -” Starlight read the text on the large tome that Twilight was using as a fluster proof shield. “-Ah! The Hero With a Thousand Muzzles. That’s a good one.”

Twilight’s poker face was nearly as bad as Applejack’s. “Oh yeah! I just love, looooove this book. And I haven’t read it in ages so I thought I’d give it a look over.”

“You know I find the studies of the monomyth to be truly fascinating. How so many ancient civilizations can have so many varied histories yet still tell stories that are so similar to each other. Did you get up to the part with Sticky Mane? I like that chapter a lot.”

“Yes, yes, I love that chapter! And Sticky Mane is such a great character. I really like his mane… and how sticky it is…”

“But you know what I think is a better book?” Starlight’s horn lit up and a second book hiding behind the large tome Twilight held flew into Starlight’s hooves.


“Ah now this is a good book. How to Catch His Eye? Wait Twilight are you reading a… dating book?”

Twilight was mortified. She wished Celestia would banish her to the moon that very second or that Luna would lock her and the Tantabus together in a curse of eternal sleep. Anything but this! Twilight hid herself in her wings. “Yes… I was reading a dating book…”

Starlight was confused as to why her mentor was hiding from her like a timid foal. “Twilight, what’s wrong? I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I was just curious.”

Twilight lowered her wings. “It’s ok… it’s just… I don’t know what to do. Ever since Flash got here I just had these feelings. My heart’s been pounding and I haven’t been able to get him out of my head all day.”

“Twilight, that’s nothing to be worried about. It’s perfectly normal to have these feelings for another pony. So you like Flash Sentry, that’s no reason to panic and hide away.”

Twilight sighed, “It’s not that simple…” Twilight got up from her chair and trotted over to the magic mirror. The gateway to the other world. The world of Canterlot High. “Starlight… You’ve been to this world. You’ve met… Flash Sentry right?”

“Yeah, Sunset Shimmer introduced me to him. He seemed like a nice guy and I think she used to date him or something?”

“Yes, he is a nice guy. He’s also handsome, kind and a charming gentlecolt. Or should I say, gentleman. And… I had these feelings for him too…”

“So what are you saying?”

“I’m saying I don’t know how I should feel for the Flash Sentry in this world. Do I actually have feelings for him? Or am I just projecting my feelings for that Flash onto this Flash. What is the Flash of our world even like? Is he the same or different? It isn’t fair to Captain Flash Sentry that I only like him for the other Flash Sentry."

Then I remembered that Rarity gave me some books on dating. She said ‘you should really put yourself out there darling’ and I’ve been here ever since, trying to sort my thoughts. But my heart still feels like it’s being pulled in two different directions. -“ Twilight gazed into the mirror and for a single moment she saw her other self, the version of her with hands and feet. “- … What should I do Starlight?”

To say Starlight was shocked was putting it mildly. She had no idea that Flash Sentry being stationed in Ponyville would unearth so many emotions out of Twilight. She only meant to tease her, not stir up her already unstable heart. Starlight decided it was time to break out her guidance counselor chops.

“Well if you want my opinion, I think you should get to know this Flash. So he’s not the original Flash you fell for, he’s still Flash Sentry and from what I could tell he was pret-ty happy to see you,” Starlight said with a wink.

“You think so?”

“Totally, you saw the way he smiled at you right? He sure wasn’t smiling like that for me. Give him a chance, eh?”

Twilight gave a small smile. “I guess you’re right.”

Starlight placed an encouraging hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “A book will only get you so far Twilight. This is something you need hooves on experience with. Take a chance, who knows, you just might make a connection.”

“Thank you Starlight, I’m feeling better now. What say we grab some lunch?”

“Sounds good to me, we should probably tell the guards I found you so they don’t send out a search party.”

The two shared a collective laugh and left the study. As Twilight walked down the hall with her friend and student, she felt a wave of confidence overcome her. She knew right then and there that she had to catch the eyes of a particular stallion

Night came and Twilight found herself fighting against sleep. After a long day of riding a roller coater of feels, she felt all the energy spent from her body. She finished cleaning her study from earlier that day and with the last book in its proper place, she decided to call it a night. She turned off the lights and left. As she rounded a corner she bumped into what felt like a pony made of steel and fell.

Flash held out a hoof. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry princess! Are you ok?”

Twilight grabbed his hoof and pulled herself up. "Yes, I’m fine, no need to worry. I should’ve watched where I was going.”

They both had light blushes on their muzzles.

“W-well I’m glad you’re ok,” Flash said trying to hold onto his professionalism. “I can’t imagine what the punishment would be for harming a princess.”

“Dungeon time, Tartarus or being banished to the moon are the first ones that come to mind,” Twilight said in jest.

The two of them chuckled.

“So, are you going on duty?” Twilight asked.

Flash shook his head. “I actually just finished my shift, so I’m heading back to the barracks.”

“Well I don’t want to keep you from getting some well deserved sleep. Goodnight captain.”

“Goodnight princess.”

Flash walked away. Twilight was going to leave until the words Starlight said to her started ringing in her ear. She couldn’t just leave things here, could she? No. She had to make an effort. She decided to go on the offensive.

“Wait! Captain Sentry!”

Flash stopped and turned.

“Will you escort me back to my room?” Twilight was praying to Celestia that the hall was dark enough to hide her blush from her bold request.

“Sure- I mean, yes your majesty.”

The two walked together through the castle. Both unsure of what to say to the other. Twilight bit her lower lip and decided to say the first thing that came to mind.

“So, how do you like the castle? I know it’s nothing special compared to Cadance’s.”

“I like it a lot. It’s not as big or as flashy as the castle in the Crystal Empire, but that’s not a bad thing. It has a certain charm to it and is special in its own way. Kind of like its’ princess.”

“There you go being too kind again.”

“Hey, I’m only telling the truth.”

“So, I know this may sound like a silly question, but what made you want to come all the way to Ponyville? No offence, but this place isn’t as exciting as the Crystal Empire.”

“Well, I volunteered to come here and Princess Cadance was thrilled to give me the assignment.”

“You wanted to be here? Why?”

“I, uh, I just thought I-I could use a change of scenery. And well, I thought it’d be nice to see you again…”

Twilight’s heart fluttered like a dove. “It’s really nice to see you too.”

The two ponies finally reached Twilight’s room. Her horn glowed and the door swung open. “Thank you for walking me to my room. I think I can take it from here.”

“Of course, it was a pleasure to speak with you again.”

“I enjoyed it too. In fact, I would like us to talk again.”


“Definitely. I’d like to know the next time you’re off duty. I’d love to show you around town.”

“I’ll let you know as soon as I can, I promise. Goodnight your majesty.”

“You can call me Twilight.”

Flash was caught off guard by Twilight’s request and blinked a few times just to make extra sure he wasn’t dreaming. “And you can call me Flash.”

“Goodnight Flash.”

“Goodnight Twilight.”

Twilight entered her room and closed the door. She breathed a content sigh and then all of a sudden felt giddy. She started laughing and doing small flips in the air. She did it! She talked to Flash! She fought through her butterflies and got one step closer to knowing the real Flash Sentry. She pulled the covers back on her bed and snuggled under her blankets. The storm of emotions cleared away and all that remained was the beating of her heart.

Author's Note:

...Oh don't look at me like that reader, I did say that I split the last chapter into two so this chapter can wrap up this Twilight plot point. Spike and Rarity shall return in the following chapters I promise. After all, the next few chapters will be some of the most important in the entire story and will make me finally earn my "drama" tag.

Now I'd like to take a moment to just reiterate how much I hate Equestria Girls. It's annoying and all the characters lose what makes them awesome and unique (except for Sunset Shimmer, she rocks. Honestly I wish she'd just go back to the sensible pony world and declare bollocks to the whole EG business). With that being said I do find the inclusion of the EG mirror to be useful for the over all events that will play out in the story so I'll let my annoyance with the EG series slide.

And I know what some of you are thinking, "Oh come on Silver Wit, you're going to pair Twilight up with Flash Sentry? He's the most generic love interest and isn't even that interesting as a character.He's like off brand vanilla ice cream on stale wafers." To which I reply, you're right. But to be fair, I don't really care much for any of Twilight's ships cause she doesn't really seem to have any chemistry with them.

Pairings like Spike and Rarity, Fluttershy and Discord (as well as Celestia and Discord), Lyra and Bonbon, Mage Meadowbrook and Rock Hoof (in the comics, they're super cute), Applejack and Autumn Blaze (oh s###, gave that one away), make sense to me because there's some kind of spark between them. And while I don't sense as much chemistry between Rainbow Dash and Soarin, they're both Wonderbolts and have common ground with each other.

But with Twilight I don't really get any sparks. Out of all of her ships I will say that the closest thing that comes to chemistry like baking soda and vinegar, are Flash Sentry, Luna and Tempest Shadow. Everything else is either "Ehhhhhh" or "No, God no!" But the upside to picking Flash Sentry is since he's kinda dull as characters go, you can kinda make your own character for him. Sure I could study his character in EG, but I so cannot be bothered to ask.

I suppose I'll wrap these batch of notes and talk about the next few chapters with some spoiler free details. In my experience I found that writing is a great way to help you work through some issues that came/come up in your life and the next few chapters I'll be trying to work out some of my own personal issues. To bare a part of my heart and soul in order to achieve personal closure at the cost of brief vulnerability is a risk every writer must take. I look forward to writing and presenting to you the next part in the life and times of Spike and Rarity.

Thanks for reading, see you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit