• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,955 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Whispers of the Heart

As Twilight and her friends were reeling at the sight of a not so menacing Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen couldn’t help but hold her stomach and laugh.

“Oh, ho, ho, ho! You - you should’ve seen the looks on your faces! It was priceless!

“You’ll have to excuse her, everypony,” Luna said dryly. “Queen Chrysalis likes to introduce herself with a flourish.”

“Yes, I’m sorry for scaring you; especially that sweet little pegasus over there, but I can’t help myself when I meet some new faces. After all, you only get one first impression -“ Chrysalis cleared her throat. “-But now that I’ve gotten the fun part out of the way; I bid you welcome, I'm Chrysalis. Queen of the changelings and ponies alike, and the element bearer of love. It’s so nice to meet you.”

“Um, it’s an honor, your majesty,” Twilight said. “forgive us for staring. It’s just… we weren’t expecting to see… well… you.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie chirped. “I didn’t know Queen Chrysalis could be so nice and cheery!”

“Oh?” Chrysalis hovered closer out of curiosity. “You mean your Equestria’s Chrysalis, yes? What’s she like?”

“She’s a big meanie that steals love from anypony she can get her hooves on!”

Chrysalis gasped hard enough to suck the glasses off her face. “What!? Steal love? What a horrible thing to do! Love isn’t something to steal and hoard. Love is meant to be shared!”- Chrysalis hovered over to Celestia and wrapped her hooves around the sun princess.- “Whether it’s a hug,”- she then hovered over to Luna and rubbed cheek to cheek. – “A friendly nuzzle. Or…”- Chrysalis drew out the word as she hovered over to Spike, and then she pressed her lips to the side of the dragon’s blushing face and pulled back an impish grin.- “A simple peck on the cheek.”

“EXCUSE ME!?” came a voice that roared like a typhoon.

Everypony’s eyes turned to Rarity. The white mare suddenly felt as if somepony shoved her on stage with no lines to read. Rarity did her best to quickly compose herself after her outburst and said in a much more even tone, “I-I, that is to say, we were told that there were other elements. Are they here as well?”

“Oh, not yet,” Chrysalis answered kindly. If Rarity’s shouting offended her, she was doing a masterful job at hiding it. “But they should be arriving soon. My friends are rather punctual when it comes to Equestria’s safety.”

“I’m still confused about something,” Twilight said. “I said I wasn’t expecting to see you, Queen Chrysalis. I don’t mean to offend, but I would’ve thought Princess Cadence would be ruling the Crystal Empire, like in our Equestria.”

A shudder ran through the guards posted in the throne room as well as some hushed murmurs amongst the ranks.

The cheer seemed to drain from Chrysalis’s face as she looked to her guards with sympathetic eyes. “That. Is the very reason Luna called for help. Princess Cadence is the greatest threat to the Crystal Empire and the very enemy we’re banding against.”

“What!? Cadence is the enemy!?” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“No way,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ah don’t believe it…” Applejack commented.

Fluttershy covered her mouth. “Oh dear…”

“I-I don’t understand,” Twilight continued. “How can-? But Cadence-! Can somepony explain this to me!?”

Celestia placed a calming hoof on her former pupil’s shoulder. “Twilight, calm yourself. I know this is a great shock to you; I’m rather surprised myself. But getting worked up isn’t going to help.”

“You can’t really blame her princess,” Spike said. “Cadence was a huge part of her life. Heck, she was a huge part of my life, too.”

“Not to mention I already had to battle against another version of you and Luna,” Twilight said to Celestia. “Now I have to fight an evil version of my sister in-law?”

“She means a great deal to you, doesn’t she?” Chrysalis asked. “I can tell. Then you deserve an explanation. See, some time ago, Princess Cadence did indeed rule over the Crystal Empire. She wasn’t… the warmest of ponies and could be rather prickly at times, but she was a fair and just ruler who had the empire and every pony in its best interest at heart… but one day things began to change…”

“Please. Allow me to shed some light on the subject,” Luna said sullenly. “Back when my sister and I were… less than kind, we began meeting with Cadence. Tempting her down a darker path to power and control; warping her perspective and morals until she saw the empire as nothing more than a toy box for her to do as she wished.

“And when Sombra sacrificed himself and took away the darkness that engulfed me and my sister, Cadence set to work before the dust settled. shackling the hearts of her citizens to do as she pleased. Luckily, not long after, the Tree of Harmony sprouted in Canterlot, and the element bearers were chosen, leading to Cadence’s defeat and banishment from the empire.”

“I’ve done everything I could to help my poor little ponies here,” Chrysalis said. “Their hearts and minds were so torn and mangled by Cadence’s magic. I can proudly say that I and my changelings have helped heal their wounds and lightened their burdens, but some things will always haunt you, no matter how much time has passed.”

The throne room doors opened again, and a unicorn flanked on either side by a changeling guard trotted in. The unicorn was a wine-colored mare with a magenta tail and was clad in blue armor with gold accents. The changeling to her right was a light green, and the one on her left was black and red. Both of them wore armor similar to the unicorn but with silver accents. The three of them halted before queen Chrysalis; and then they gave a swift salute.

“Captain Fizz reporting, your majesty!” the unicorn said.

Chrysalis nodded. “At ease, captain. I’d like you to meet our guests. Everypony, this is my captain of the royal guard, Fizzlepop Berrytwist. And lieutenants Thorax and Pharynx.”

Captain Fizz removed her helmet. Her mane was neatly cut, falling to one side of her face at a near perfect angle to highlight her piercing eyes. “Ah yes. The visitors from another Equestria. Call me ‘Captain Fizz.’ Please.”

“Ooooh,” Pinkie marveled. She leaned in Twilight’s ear and whispered, “Guess that’s what Tempest looks like when she isn’t a big ol’ grumpy pants.”

Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Your majesty, I’m happy to report that the last of the evacuees are en route to Yakyakistan. They should be rendezvousing with the rest within the hour.” Fizz’s horn glowed, and a small scroll levitated neatly out of a pocket in her armor. “I also have the report from our scouts on Princess Cadence’s forces. Shall I read it?”

“Let’s wait for the other elements to arrive. No sense in repeating yourself,” Chrysalis said. “However, I want to confirm something with you. Does Cadence have an army?”

“Yes your majesty.”

“And King Sombra? Was he spotted as well?”

“None of the scouts could say for sure, your majesty. But given the reports and descriptions, I can’t think of anypony else it could be.”

Princess Celestia’s face grew dim.

“Very well,” Chrysalis sighed. “For the time being, we’ll assume that we’ll have to battle both Cadence and Sombra. And with the numbers they allegedly have, we’ll plan accordingly.”

“Wait!” Twilight said. “Queen Chrysalis, princess Luna, please. Do we really have to fight? Can’t we find a more peaceful way of settling this?”

Fizz narrowed her eyes on Twilight, her voice like steel, “If there was a peaceful way to settle this, you wouldn’t be here.”

“I think it’d be in everypony’s best interest,” Chrysalis interjected. “If we all just take some time to rest; especially you, captain. Lieutenants. Please, friends. Make yourself at home, we’ll reconvene when the remaining Elements of Harmony arrive.”

Captain Fizz and her Lieutenants bowed. “Yes your majesty.” They said in unison.

The room dissolved into small talk and offers of food and drinks from the castle staff. The atmosphere lightened as the visitors in a strange land take some time to acquaint themselves with some new faces. Though captain Fizz looked increasingly uneasy at Pinkie Pie’s insistence to chat about favorite recipes for breakfast cupcakes and ice cream soup.

Rarity was hoping nopony noticed her trying to assimilate with the floor. She still couldn’t believe that she had lost her composure like that. In a flash, she shouted at royalty. Forget about not being “ladylike,” Rarity threatened this entire mission with her outburst. But she couldn’t help it. Seeing Queen Chrysalis kissing Spike’s cheek lit a fuse, and she just ignited the entire firework factory.

“Rarity? Are you ok?”

Rarity flinched. Spike’s concern for her was genuinely appreciated, but it made her want to completely phase through the floor, and with any luck, she’ll end up in a hole in the ground. “S-Spike! Yes, darling, I’m fine,” Rarity answered mechanically.

“Cause you seemed, uh, kinda peeved,” Spike continued. “I just want to say. I mean, I didn’t ask for Queen Chrysalis to just come over and give me a-“

“You’re right!” Rarity said as if she wanted to kill the very next word out of the dragon’s mouth. “I should go and apologize! Great talking with you Spikey, you always have the best ideas!” Rarity quickly trotted away, hoping that she wasn’t as transparent as she thought she was.

“What’s up with Rarity?” Spike asked Applejack casually.

The farmgirl just looked at him through lidded eyes. “Really?”

However, despite Rarity’s heat of the moment decision, she found herself finding it harder and harder to speak to the Changeling Queen. But apologizing is for the best. Can’t have new friendships kick off on the wrong hoof. So as soon as Chrysalis finished signing a form from an official, Rarity made her move.

“Hello your majesty.”

Chrysalis turned her attention to her guest. “Oh hello! Rarity, correct?” she said cheerily.

“Yes. Uh, your majesty, I just wanted to say that… Well, I’m sorry for shouting earlier. I know it reflects poorly on me, my friends, and Princess Celestia. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Much to Rarity’s surprise, Chrysalis tightened her lips, trying to hold a laugh back. But she couldn’t hold it for very long. “Ha, ha, ha! Oh, no apologies are necessary, Rarity. If anything, I deserved it. Luna always says that my flirting would get me into trouble. But your reaction and your dragon friend’s were just too good to pass up. I think I owe you an apology. Sorry about that, I didn’t mean any harm.”

Rarity blinked. “Oh. Well, it’s quite alright.”

“With that being said,” Chrysalis got closer. “Allow me to make it up to you. Let me help you with your troubled heart.”

Rarity looked quizzically at the queen. “P-pardon?”

“Your troubled heart,” Chrysalis repeated as if she were discussing dinner plans. “I noticed it earlier when I kissed your friend-“

“W-what does that have to do with-?”

“Ooh, there it goes again. A changeling can see these things you know. If you’d like, I can help.”

“Help with what?”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Your troubled heart. Geez, pay attention. Changelings are great at untangling emotions. It’s how I was able to help the ponies of the empire after… the ‘incident’.’”

Rarity wasn’t entirely clear on what Chrysalis said. The idea of going into Rarity’s heart to sort out her emotions sounded like total lunacy. Even from a changeling. “Oh, I appreciate the offer, but I wouldn’t want to impose.”

In one swift motion, queen Chrysalis wrapped a hoof around and pulled Rarity closer to her side. “Nonsense! ‘Impose’ she says. I consider it my duty to help those like you. Besides, it might help you in our mission to get a little introspection. Now, come along, there’s lots to do and not a lot of time to do it. Not that it’ll take long, but still.”

“W-well, if you insist,” Rarity said as she was being escorted out of the throne room.

“So tell me Rarity, do you know how long you’ve had these feelings?” Chrysalis asked as the pair continued down the halls of the castle.

Despite it being a touchy subject and one that she only recently acknowledged with Cadence’s secrecy; Rarity felt like she could open up about this to the Changeling Queen. The fact that somepony else was willing to lend an ear and a helping hoof eased some of the fashionista’s burdens. “Oh, dear. I’m not too sure. Maybe for a few moons…” her eyes wandered, and she whispered, “maybe even longer…”

“I see, I see,” Chrysalis said as she waved to a pair of guards, who gave her a salute. “And have you spoken to anypony about how you’ve been feeling?”

“Well, yes. I asked Princess Cad- that is to say, our Princess of Love. She said I needed to be more honest with myself.”

“Ah, advice like that is good, but not quite as simple as one may think. That may very well be your problem, but am I right in saying that perhaps you haven’t really grasped what she meant by that?” Rarity could swear she saw a small flash of green in queen Chrysalis’s eyes.

“Hmm, no. Maybe more like, you’re holding back your emotions out of fear. You’re scared of these feelings, so you lock them up tight. Out of sight, out of mind. Hoping that if you just ignore it, it’ll go away.”

Rarity was at a loss for words. Chrysalis hit the very nail that’s been eating at her right on the head.

Chrysalis gave the mare a self-satisfied grin. “I was right, right? Don’t worry, everything will be made clear soon. And I promise you here and now that everything will be strictly confidential.” Chrysalis stopped at a pair of large doors with one half of a big heart pattern on either side. Chrysalis lit her horn, and the doors parted, revealing a spacious and cozy looking room. The carpet was plush, with cushions big and small strewn about the floor, with soft lights decorating the walls. Heavy red curtains hung by the windows and at the center of the room was a table with a bluish green crystal ball sitting in the middle of it. A relaxing aroma of lavender and vanilla wafted through the room and caressed Rarity’s face.

“What is this place?” Rarity asked.

“This is where I come to relax, as well as help my little ponies with their emotional troubles,” Chrysalis said as she hovered over to the table and made herself comfortable on a cushion. “I call it the ‘Heart Chamber.’ Not the catchiest name in Equestria, but fitting I think. Now, come sit, and let’s get down to business.” Queen Chrysalis fluffed a cushion opposite her and set it at the table.

Rarity took a few uneasy steps across the soft floor. While she wasn’t sure what Chrysalis had in store for her, something compelled her to take a seat on the offered cushion. The crystal ball in the center of the table glowed with a soft, hypnotic pulse. Across from her, queen Chrysalis lit the tip of a stick of incense and gave it a quick blow of air, and soon a steady, wispy stream of smoke rose from it. She placed it in a holder on the table.

“Your majesty, what exactly do you plan to do?” Rarity asked.

“I’m going to show you the inside of your heart, my dear,” Chrysalis said with the warmth of a loving aunt. “We changelings are experts at peering into the hearts of others, but I can help others peer into their own hearts. With any luck, you’ll gain a new perspective into yourself and what feelings are constricting you.”

Rarity cocked a brow. “That… certainly sounds… impossible. Fantastical, to say the least.”

Chrysalis giggled, “If I had a bit for every time somepony said that. Now,-“ Chrysalis’s horn glowed and one by one, pulled the heavy curtains in the room closed, till the only lights were Chrysalis's horn, the smoking tip of the incense and the pulsing crystal ball. The Changeling Queen’s voice was as sweet as honey. “- I want you to close your eyes and imagine your heart like an elegant box. Golden trim, well lacquered, decorated to your exact preferences; such a pretty box, with a strong lock keeping it closed.”

Rarity did as she was told, envisioning the box, and every detail to her preferred color to the tasteful amount of gems decorating the outside. Soon, Rarity felt like her mind and body were separate. Like her consciousness was being gently lifted up with strings, detaching from the world around her and seeing the box in her vision with much clarity.

“Now, I want you to imagine a key. Get a really good picture of it.”

A key slowly manifested itself before Rarity, the head of which was decorated with her cutie mark.

“Good,” Chrysalis said. “Now, I want you to take that key and place it into the lock. It may be sticky, it might resist, but open the lock.”

In her mind, Rarity placed her key in the lock. There was hesitation, and the key felt stuck, but soon the key began to slowly turn, and the lock popped open.

“Perfect. Now, open your eyes.”

Rarity slowly felt herself being pulled back to her body and awakening from her trance. And what she saw took her breath away. Strands and strands of threads, in multiple colors, had emerged from her chest and stretched out into the darkness.

“What in the world-?” Rarity asked in equal parts fascination and fear.

“Don’t be afraid,” Chrysalis said in a calming and reassuring tone. “Those are just your Love Threads.”

“My… Love Threads?”

Chrysalis nodded. “That’s right. You see, Rarity, every pony, every creature makes connections, and some of those connections can leave an impression on one’s own heart. Love comes in many different forms-“ Chrysalis’s horn glowed, and yellow threads emerged. “-like these. They represent the love you have for your friends. You have quite a few of these threads. Many of these bonds are truly unshakable. Although… This one is quite frayed. I deeply hope you can mend this friendship.-“ Chrysalis then made green threads appear. “These are your familial love threads. Oh my, you have the most adorable little sister,” Chrysalis chuckled as she returned the thread with the others. “These pink ones are what I like to call, ‘playful love.’ Nothing serious, just simple crushes and infatuations here and there… Oh my. Well you’ve certainly been smitten by many a handsome face.”

Rarity cringed at that embarrassing reminder. “Forgive me for sounding ungrateful, but what purpose does examining my… less than flattering memories have to do with anything?”

“Nothing really,” Chrysalis said bluntly. “But it does lead into the very reason I called you here. So you can see with your own eyes what your heart is trying to tell you.” The Changeling Queen’s horn glowed, and all of the threads disappeared. Except for one. It was a shimmering red thread. It shined brilliantly, as if it were spun from a ruby or the setting sun. It pulsed with an enchanting rhythm.

“This. Is the red thread of true love. You’re a very lucky mare, Rarity. I don’t see red threads quite as vibrant as this very often. Forged over time, and made manifest with your strong bond. It’s very impressive.” She let out a giggle, “Though Luna’s red thread is impressive as well. As is the one of your princess Celestia, but I digress.”

Rarity couldn’t believe her eyes. How could something so… beautiful and so enchanting come from her own heart? It was unbelievable. “Thread of true love?” Rarity said as if she were waking from a dream. “But… I… who do you see?”

Chrysalis gave the mare a sincere smile. “Touch it and see for yourself.”

Rarity looked to the queen and back to the thread. She had no reason to doubt Chrysalis’s words, but the very idea of touching the thread scared her. If she touched it, her deepest secret; her greatest wish would lay bare before her. Could she handle the truth coming to light? Rarity took a breath, raised her hoof, and rested it against the thread. In an instant, her mind was flooded with sights and sounds.

And memories of one special dragon.

Am I really your favorite dragon? Aw, geez.”

“Hey pal, Rarity said she’s not going anywhere with you. So get lost.”

“I… had a lot of fun tonight. And I’m really glad I got to share it with you.”

The soft strums of a homemade guitar played.I’m not gifted at gifting, it’s really pretty sad. I tried to show I care, but it turned out bad. I’m not gifted at gifting, so all that’s left to say is that I really hope my gifting didn’t ruin your holiday.”

The fire ruby came into view.Here Rarity, you take it. It would mean even more to see you happy than to eat it myself.”

“I didn’t want you to die. Do I need more of a reason?”

Rarity felt a strong rush of wind as she saw Spike flying with all his might, carrying her from the monstrous beak of the giant Roc. Then the wind blew gently, with a soft spray of mist, seeing Spike the same way she did when they flew over Canterlot together. She could even feel the heat in her cheeks and how gently Spike held her close.

The visions streamed like film in a projector, each frame was a tender and precious moment Rarity shared with her favorite dragon. When the visions stopped, Rarity raised a hoof to her face. She wiped a tear away as her emotions continued to bubble over. She felt as if the floodgates were torn open and the weight was slowly being stripped from her withers as the truth she tried so hard to bury took its first steps into the sunlight.

Chrysalis sighed, “Ahh. You’re a very lucky mare indeed, Rarity. Seeing such pure love is a joy in and of itself.”

Rarity gave a small smile. “I… love him… I love Spike. I love him more than anypony I’ve ever met. He’s the most wonderful friend I’ve ever had; believing in me and helping me achieve my dreams. He’s always the first one to make me smile, and I’ve been too blinded to see just how much I need him in my life…-“ Rarity’s smile faded as she felt a chill run down her spine. “- and I just threw him away… I-I was such a shallow and horrid friend. He was nothing but supportive and kind, and I just tossed him aside like trash! I nearly got him killed! I ruined him! I broke his heart, and his body is scarred because of me! I don’t deserve his love! I don’t deserve anypony’s love!”

There was a burst of energy and the red thread vanished; in its place was a sickeningly black vine of brambles that burst from Rarity’s chest, snaking its way around her body, squeezing tighter and tighter. She yelped as the thorns dug deeper into her skin, from her neck to her hooves.

Chrysalis gasped. She lit her horn, tore open the curtain, and the spell was canceled; the room being filled with bright light. Rarity panted as the pain of the brambles slowly began to subside. She ran her hooves over her body, making sure not a single trace of the vine was left. She at least had the small comfort that she was freed from the grasp of the thorns.

“What… what in the world was that!?” Rarity asked when she finally caught her breath.

“I… I don’t know…” Chrysalis said worryingly as she adjusted her glasses. “I’ve never encountered this before. There’s something dark and sinister lurking inside of you, and it has a very strong hold of you.”

Rarity held her head as she felt a familiar pain, and she could’ve sworn she heard an all too familiar cackling. “But… you can help me, right? You’ve seen inside my heart, surely you can free me from this nightmare. Can’t you?”

Chrysalis slowly shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Rarity. But my powers can only go so far. This is a battle you have to face and ultimately conquer. If you don’t… I fear that whatever this is, will swallow you. Heart and all.”

There was a swift knock on the door before it slowly creaked open. A crystal pony guard entered and saluted. “Sorry to interrupt your majesty. But I thought it important to inform you that the first of the elements has just arrived, and will be here soon.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Thank you. I’ll be in the throne room shortly.”

“Please, Queen Chrysalis,” Rarity pleaded. “I don’t know what to do, I’ve been plagued by these horrible visions and pains for moons. I don’t know how much longer I can tolerate it…”

“You’re a very strong pony, Rarity. If anyone else had this affliction, I daresay they wouldn’t last a week. I’m not sure how you held on for as long as you have -“ Chrysalis rested a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “-but I have faith that you’ll see this through and break this curse. And if I’ve learned anything since I was chosen by the elements, it’s that you can do amazing things when you have good friends to rely on.”

The howling winds of the frigid north reverberated through the walls of a certain cave. Deep inside, sheltered from the bitter cold, was a pink alicorn princess. Eyes like frozen daggers, with thick black liner. A black crown sat atop her head, with a long mane of pink, purple and yellow, which grew darker and darker till it was black at the ends. She bore a cutie mark of a broken crystal heart and wore a chain around her neck with a lock resting on her chest. She sat comfortably on an elaborate throne, looking over charts with a sneer.

“Cadence?” called a voice from the shadows.

The sour princess shot her eyes in the direction of her guest. “That’s Princess Cadence to you! And you better have good news for me.”

The shadowy pony tipped her pointy hat. “Of course I do. We’re just about ready for the show to begin. The new recruits are simply waiting for your command. And your armor; courtesy of my expertise, is ready when you are. You should have no trouble reaching the capital. I have a plan that’ll go right under the queen’s nose to make sure you’re on the road of least resistance.”

Cadence’s face softened like broken glass. “I’ll overlook you addressing that maggot as ‘queen’ this time. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood. Now begone, and let your little gang know we’ll be moving out shortly.

“Very well,” the shadow pony turned away, her cape billowing in a satisfying flourish as she left.

Cadence chuckled to herself as a menacing smile crawled across her lips. “Oh, just you wait, Chrysalis! I’ll teach you and your worthless friends what happens to those who steal from me.-“ she turned her attention to a growling corner of the room, a pair for burning red and green eyes staring back. “-Come along my pet. It’s time we take back what’s rightfully mine!”

Author's Note:

Good Queen Chrysalis is SO much fun to write! My head canon is that she absolutely adores gossip, not spreading it mind you, but hearing it. Especially when it comes to relationships (Mirror Luna's relationship usually being her number one interest, much to Luna's annoyance). She can be a prankster and loves to push buttons till she gets a reaction. I also see the changelings in this Equestria as therapists, honestly I don't know why I haven't thought of it sooner, changelings would make AMAZING therapists. I also see this Chrysalis as the "Twilight" of these elements, as in the de facto leader, the major source of morale for her friends and the one everypony turns to for answers.

This is another chapter I really wanted to get out as soon as possible. I had the Love Thread scene stuck in my head for AGES and now I can finally share it. But geez, I wrote the word "heart" so many times I felt like I was writing a script for Kingdom Hearts. Just swap some names around and it could pass as one I'm sure.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit