• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 1,138 Views, 18 Comments

Out of the Sky - ThatGirl2147

On a seemingly normal day in Ponyville, a mysterious mare falls out of the sky and disrupts the calm

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Part 1

The day began as usual in Ponyville; everypony going about their usual business with no worries. Applejack was working with Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner, making all manner of apple based pastries to sell. Rainbow Dash was keeping the midday skies clear of clouds. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle were catching up after Rarity's two week visit to Hoofdale. And finally, Fluttershy was tending to various creatures at her cottage outside of Ponyville.

Eventually, the almost silence at Fluttershy's cottage was broken by a scream. Fluttershy jumped and looked around, trying to find the source of the screaming. She looked up to see a light blue mare flying directly toward her, with the sound of metal contorting and crashing not far behind. She dove out of the way and looked to see the mare bounce off of a shrub, slam against the outside of her house, and come to rest directly below. She tried to move, but she groaned in pain and fell completely still.

Fluttershy wasted no time in running at full gallop toward Ponyville, jumping over a pile of twisted, broken metal, saying, "oh dear, oh dear, oh my goodness!" repeatedly as she ran. Although winded, she finally made her way to the Nurse's office in the town's centre. Fortunately for her, only Nurse Redheart was there, for she had no patients today, or at least not yet.

"Nurse Redheart, are you busy?" said she, still breathing heavily.

"No, not today," replied the nurse, with a curious look on her face. "What is it, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy regained her composure, and worriedly said, "something's happened, and I think somepony's hurt, badly."

Nurse Redheart quickly jumped from behind her desk when she heard this, and merely asked, "where?" She knew that nopony, especially Fluttershy, would ever lie about something so serious.

"At my cottage, just outside of Ponyville," replied she.

"Then we mustn't waste any time." Redheart grabbed a set of white saddlebags marked with her Cutie Mark, a Red Cross, and slung them over her back and was out the door in an instant, saying with urgency, "let's go!" to Fluttershy, who quickly followed.

On their way to the cottage, Nurse Redheart asked Fluttershy, "do you know who it is that may be hurt?"

Fluttershy thought for a second, and replied. "I.. I don't know. Sh.. she fell out of the sky, and from what I saw of her, I.. I think it may have been Rainbow Dash."

"What about me?" curiously asked a blue Pegasus with a rainbow coloured mane as she flew right above the two ponies, keeping up with ease. "What's the hurry?"

"Rainbow Dash?!" said Nurse Redheart and Fluttershy simultaneously upon seeing her.

"That's my name; don't wear it out," replied she.

"But.. but, if you're here, than who's..?" Fluttershy almost completed her question when she realised that the three had arrived at her cottage, where the blue pony still lay, unconscious.

Upon closer inspection, they discovered that the mare was a Unicorn with a short, messy mane, the tips of which seemed to be almost completely black, but faded into pink, with a matching tail, and she was wearing a pair of protective goggles over her eyes. Nurse Redheart put her ear against the Unicorn's chest and listened. "She's still breathing," said she worriedly, "but barely. We have to get her to my office quickly." She then opened her saddlebag and produced a few pieces, which she readily assembled into a stretcher, built for use by Pegasus Ponies, and placed it on the ground next to the unconscious pony. "Rainbow Dash, I need you to.." she was just about to finish her sentence when Rainbow interrupted.

"Already on it," replied she as she carefully rolled the Unicorn onto the stretcher. "Now what?"

"I'll need you pair to carry her to my office," responded she quickly, "it'll be much faster if we flew her there." The two Pegasi nodded and quickly hoisted the stretcher onto their backs and were ready to go when Nurse Redheart started for Ponyville. She yelled, "meet me there!" as she ran and the two Pegasi were off.

When the blue Unicorn awoke, she felt a sharp pain in her left hind leg, and was laying on some sort of bed, surrounded by three ponies; a yellow Pegasus with a pink, flowing mane, a white Earth Pony with a Nurse's tiara and a similar pink mane, and a light blue Pegasus with a short, messy, multicoloured mane. She sat up, panicked but calm, and asked, "three questions: one, where am I? Second, Why does my leg hurt? And third, who are all of you?" her eyes looking around the room at the three ponies, still confused as to who they were, and where she was.

"I'm Nurse Redheart," responded the white Pony readily. "And these two are Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash," continued she as she motioned to the yellow Pegasus, then the blue one. "You're in my office in Ponyville, and your leg is broken in two places." The Unicorn's attention snapped to Nurse Redheart as she said this.

"Wait, I'm in Ponyville?!" asked she, dumbstruck. "How did I get here?!"

"You tell us!" demanded Rainbow Dash promptly. "You dropped out of the sky and scared my friend half to death," finished she, motioning to Fluttershy as she mentioned her friend.

"Look, I'm just as confused as you lot are," responded the unicorn, looking at the slightly frustrated Rainbow Dash. She tried to remember what had happened, and explained, "all I can remember is flying about, weaving through a few clouds, something like a rainbow bolting right in front of me, losing control, and next thing I know, I'm here." She stopped and thought, and quickly said, "I have to go, now." She hopped off of the bed and onto her hooves, then buckled and screamed in pain. Rainbow and Fluttershy quickly helped her up and back onto the bed.

"you can't on that leg of yours,” Nurse Redheart authoritatively told the mare from behind the two Pegasi. “You'll have to stay here while it heals, Miss.." She thought for a second, and said, "I'm sorry; I never asked your name."

"My name is Tech Specs,” Answered she, “and I have to get back home as soon as possible. And as for my leg, I'll need a metal shop. Is there one here in Ponyville?"

"Excuse me, umm.. if you don't mind my asking, but why do you need a metal shop?" asked Fluttershy nervously.

"That's not important," replied Tech Specs, sounding frustrated. "I just need to know, do you lot have one?" She looked at each pony, as though she was out of patience.

"Umm.." pondered Rainbow Dash "I saw some metalworking equipment in our friend Applejack's shed earlier today." She noticed Tech’s impatience, and wanted to help the injured unicorn above all; she could always get an explanation later.

"That's close enough." Tech’s frustration seemed to die when she heard that. "Where is it?" asked she with anticipation.

"It's at Sweet Apple Acres, not too far from here," answered Rainbow Dash, pointing in the direction of a vast area of farmland in the near distance. "Here, I'll take you." She and Fluttershy helped Tech Specs outside, where Rainbow Dash then grabbed her front hooves and lifted her off the ground, flying towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"Are you sure you can carry me all the way there?" questioned Tech Specs as they flew, observing the great distance between the farm and where they were. "It looks like quite a long way."

"Are you kidding?" replied Rainbow Dash confidently. "I can carry a pony all the way up Dragon Mountain. This is nothing," boasted she.

When they reached the main gate to Sweet Apple Acres, a large, red Earth Stallion with a blonde mane opened the gate and greeted Rainbow Dash, "welcome back, Rainbow. Applejack ain't here right now. Who's your friend?" asked he, with a very laid-back tone.

"Hey, Big Macintosh. Can we use your shed for a bit?" Rainbow asked.

The stallion looked at the two ponies, and simply nodded, "eeyup." He then led the two mares to an old, run down looking tool shed. The paint on the outside was peeling and the shingles on the roof were falling off, but it was sound enough to stay upright.

Once there, Rainbow Dash set Tech Specs down in an old wooden chair inside the shed, and said, "here you go, Tech. What exactly do you need to do in here?" she asked, curious as to the strange unicorn's intentions.

"You'll find out when I'm done. Thanks for the lift, Rainbow Dash,"said she as she closed the two doors to the shed, which was quite a bit larger than most sheds. Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh waited outside for a bit, hearing various sounds, such as hammers smashing against raw metal, water boiling and steaming as it touches molten steel, and the like. After about an hour, Fluttershy and Applejack, an orange Earth Mare with a blonde mane, who wore a Stetson, joined them.

"Oh, hey Girls," Rainbow Dash jumped up and greeted the two ponies. "Has Fluttershy told you what's going on yet?"

"She told me somepony got hurt and broke her leg, and y'all brought her here a little while ago," said the orange pony to Rainbow Dash, with a bit of confusion in her voice.

"Yeah; she needed a metal shop for some reason, and your shed was the closest thing we could think of. So your brother was kind enough to let us, well, let HER, borrow it." She looked at Big Macintosh, who lay in the grass, and he simply nodded and said "eeyup."

"Well what in Tarnation's she doing in there, Rainbow?" asked Applejack, still confused.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. She said we'll find out."

Soon after, Tech Specs poked her head out the door and asked the ponies, "have you got any blue paint?" She didn't seem to notice that Fluttershy and Applejack had joined them.

"What kind'a blue?" Applejack asked.

Tech Specs pointed to her hoof. "This kind," said she, still not noticing who she was talking to.

“First, tell me what’s going on here,” requested Applejack. “I’d like to know what somepony I’ve never seen before is doing in my tool shed!” Applejack began to raise her voice as she finished the statement.

“I’m sorry, Miss, but I’ll have to explain later,” replied Tech, who then added, “I promise,” a fair amount of sincerity in her voice, mixed with urgency.

"Sure; just hold on a sec." Applejack went behind the shed, and emerged a few seconds later, holding a bucket of paint and a brush. She then set the pair down in front of Tech.

Tech picked them up and then disappeared back into the shed, then looked back out and said to Applejack, "I'm Tech Specs, by the way. I'll properly introduce myself, and explain everything, in a wee bit. Just sit tight, if you will." She then went back to work.

After a few more hours, the sun was setting, and the four ponies had already fallen asleep waiting when the doors to the shed burst open. They jumped at the sound and looked to see Tech Specs on all four hooves. Her mane was messier than before, her goggles and face were smeared with some sort of black material, likely soot, and her left hind leg was encased in some kind of steel cast, painted the same light blue as her coat. "Finally," announced she, "that feels much better!"

The four ponies looked in awe at her leg cast. It began at the bottom of her hoof and extended all the way up to her flank, with joints at the knee and hip, and a spot cut out to reveal her Cutie Mark, which was three linked gears. "That's pretty cool, Tech," complimented Rainbow Dash with a nod, "but what is it?"

"It's a fake leg, well, to an extent," answered the unicorn, with a bit of uncertainty as to how to explain the thing. She then thought and continued, "it wraps around my real leg and supports my body weight while it heals, so I can still walk on it. Sorry to keep you lot waiting, by the way."

"Don't worry about it, Sugarcube. As long as you didn't steal nothin' from us, you can stay here as long as you want," assured Applejack.

"Well, there is the scrap metal I used to make this." Tech looked at her leg cast and everypony began to laugh.

The ponies were still lightly chuckling when they went their separate ways. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went to their respective homes to retire for the night, and Applejack and Big Macintosh were trotting back to their house. "Hey, Tech," said Applejack as she turned to face Tech Specs. "How'd ya like to stay here for the night?" invited she.

"Thank you, Miss Applejack, but I should really get going," tried she to decline when rain started drizzling down upon Ponyville, getting progressively stronger.

"Oh no, Sugarcube; it's late, and the rain's pickin' up awful fast," insisted Applejack, "you should come in and get some shut eye. We got a guest room ready for ya."

"Alright, if you insist, Miss,” complied Tech. “But, first thing in the morning, I'm going to see if I did any damage to Fluttershy's house, and then I have to go." She then stepped into the Apple Family home with Applejack and her brother.

"Alrighty then, Tech Specs! And, you don't have to call me 'Miss,' it's just 'Applejack,'" corrected she humbly, before quietly adding, "Apple Bloom and Granny Smith should already be asleep, so we'll have to be quiet. I'll show you to your room." Tech Specs nodded and followed Applejack through the kitchen and up a staircase to the second floor. They reached a hallway with three doors on one side, and two on the other.

Big Macintosh entered one door and quietly told the two ponies, "night, y'all," as he slowly closed the door.

Applejack opened another door, revealing a rather simplistic but cozy looking bedroom, and looked to Tech Specs, whispering to her, "this is where you'll be sleepin' tonight, Tech. I'll be in the next room if y'all need me."

"Yeah. Thanks again, Miss..er.. Applejack," thanked Tech politely. "You're too kind."

"Ain't no trouble at all, Sugarcube," assured Applejack. She and her family always were some of the most hospitable ponies in Ponyville. "Goodnight, Tech," said Applejack, closing the door behind her. Tech Specs nodded and sat on her temporary bed. She was exhausted after a long day of crashing into houses, meeting new ponies, and building things from scrap metal. She lowered her goggles around her neck and ran a hoof through her mane before falling back on her bed, fast asleep.