• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 1,138 Views, 18 Comments

Out of the Sky - ThatGirl2147

On a seemingly normal day in Ponyville, a mysterious mare falls out of the sky and disrupts the calm

  • ...

Part 15

Tech Specs lay on the ground to her workshop, and could feel everything around her: the cold cement floor under her, the breath of the mares around her, and the pain, such searing pain emanating from her skull. Past the small trails of blood on her goggles, everything she saw started to blur, and then she saw something approaching her. Slowly, the thing started to take form: it was a Pegasus Stallion with a dark grey coat, a dreadlocked mane of a blackish blue colour, and deep, dark violet eyes. Tech tried to struggle, but her body didn’t respond.

“Tech,” said the stallion’s calming, loving voice. “Tech, calm down. It’s me, Breakneck Shred.” Tech tried to blink and clear her vision, but once again, her body didn’t respond. “And, I brought a friend with me.” With the mention of “a friend,” another Pegasus Stallion began to take form. His coat was faded brown, and his mane was long, grey, and tied back with a gold band. But, the most prominent feature of this stallion was his eyes, aqua eyes that beamed nothing but love for the mare on the ground.

“Uhr.. Uhrwerk?” stuttered the blue unicorn, trying to confirm what she saw.

“Yes, Tech, it is I,” replied the stallion in a voice as calming as Shred’s.

“My head, it hurts so much,” said Tech. “Please make it stop.”

“We will,” informed Uhrwerk, “we will. But only if you let us.”

“Uhrwerk,” began Tech again, “look at Rainbow. It worked, Uhrwerk. I did it. It worked.”

“Focus, Tech,” ordered Shred, his voice still calming. He then offered his hoof to Tech, telling her, “all you have to do is take my hoof.”

“And mine, as well,” added Uhrwerk, following Shred’s example.

Tech tried one more time to move, and suddenly, all of the pain she felt disappeared. She saw her forehooves move towards the pair of stallions, who took her hooves in their own. They then pulled her up and let her hooves down. “Now, follow us, Tech,” said Shred as he and the brown stallion slowly walked away.

Tech followed, looking back, where what she saw confused her at first. She saw everything clearly: Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity were all gathered around somepony. Then, it dawned on her; that pony around whom her friends were gathered was herself. “Goodbye, Girls," said the blue mare before she looked forward, lifted her goggles to clear away a few tears, and then followed the stallions away.


“Do not worry; we will take care of Tech,” an accented voice said from nowhere.

Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow all looked up and about, trying to identify the voice, to no avail, until Rarity spoke up. “That voice had a Germane accent,” said she calmly, “and there’s one pony we know of with such an accent.” The other two mares nodded in agreement.

About that time, everypony heard rapid hoofsteps as a dark green Earth Stallion burst through the shop and workshop doors, carrying white saddlebags and Blades on his back. He was also wearing a white jacket with a red cross on either side. “I came as quick as I could!” said he urgently. He looked at the three mares, and saw the sorrow in their expressions. He then looked to the ground and saw Tech Specs laying there, motionless. “.. And it seems as though I still wasn’t quick enough,” admitted he in defeat. “I shall go fetch the mortician, then.”

“There is no need,” said Twilight to the stallion, “I know what happened.” He looked to the purple mare questioningly, to which she replied, “she hadn’t used magic in over fifteen years. Just using any magic at all after so long results in headaches and pain; but, she cast a spell more powerful than I thought anypony could muster. These two things combined were too much for her horn to handle. I’ve yet to see a unicorn survive losing their horn.”

“I see,” said the doctor in return. “I shall fetch the undertaker, instead.” At that, he departed.

As the doctor left, Blades ran to his late friend’s side and held her, trying to wrap his head around what he’d just heard and was seeing.

“Blades?” asked Twilight to get the now crying dragon’s attention. She approached him slowly and gave him a hug, saying to him, “I need you to do something for me.”

Blades cleared his face of tears and replied, “alright, Twilight. What is it?”

“Do you know where your notebook and a quill is?” Blades nodded and walked into the front room. After a few seconds, he re-emerged holding his notebook and a strange-looking quill, with a metal tip. “May I see them?” Blades gave the unicorn the book and quill, and she tore a blank page out. Her horn started to glow purple, as did the quill. The quill lifted itself and began writing on the paper. When she was finished, she lay the quill down and rolled up the paper. “Blades,” said she to the orange dragon, “I need you to send this to Spike in Canterlot.”

“How?” asked Blades simply.

“I’ll show you,” replied Twilight. She put the rolled up letter into Blades’ hand and explained to him, “look at this letter. Now close your eyes, and imagine it moving through the air to Spike’s hands in Canterlot.” Once Blades was focused on his thoughts, Twilight told him, “now breathe on it.”

When he did so, a deep scarlet flame flew from his mouth and engulfed the letter. The ashes of the letter then flew away. “What?!” asked a bewildered Blades. “No! I didn’t mean to do that!”

“It’s alright, Blades,” assured the purple unicorn. “That’s what’s supposed to happen.”

“So, what do we do now?” asked Rarity, looking about at everypony in the room, “about Tech, that is.”

“Now, we wait for the undertaker,” replied Twilight.

Within a few seconds of Twilight’s words, another set of hoofsteps approached the workshop and came inside. The hooves belonged to a faded blue Unicorn Stallion with a shaven mane, a short white tail, and old, faded gold eyes. He was wearing a white coat like the doctor’s and was carrying a stretcher. “If you mares could assist me, please,” said he calmly.

The trio and Blades nodded, and the undertaker lay the stretcher down beside Tech. Carefully, they moved her onto the stretcher, and the undertaker and Blades lifted her up to carry her outside to the undertaker’s carriage that waited outside. The carriage resembled a large, black stagecoach, with a window in the back covered by a curtain, and a silver Baroque-style scroll decorating either side.

After they loaded Tech Specs into the carriage, Blades felt a rumbling sensation in his stomach. Then, he belched, revealing a rolled up piece of parchment that emerged from his throat. “What is that?” asked he, confused as to what happened.

“It’s Spike’s reply,” answered Twilight as she opened the letter and read it. “It says to bring Tech to Canterlot, and it’s signed by... PRINCESS CELESTIA?!” Everypony snapped their attention to the unicorn as she mentioned the princess’ name. “I need to go grab something,” excused she as she ran back into the workshop and returned holding Tech’s leather-bound tome.

“Very well, then,” said the undertaker. “Hop into my carriage, and we’ll be off.” The three mares and dragon nodded and boarded the front of the undertaker’s carriage. The undertaker stepped into the carriage as well. His horn began to glow gold, and the carriage came into motion.

The ride to Canterlot was silent, save the thunder and the rain beating against the black carriage. Twilight Sparkle was holding Blades to comfort him, and Rarity and Rainbow Dash took turns holding him as well. When the carriage finally arrived in Canterlot, they were met by two Royal Pegasus Guards and an old Unicorn stallion wearing a black pressed suit with a plaid bowtie and a tan hat, along with glasses over his hazel eyes. His fur was a faded orange colour, and his short mane and tail were faded into grey.

The mares, Blades, and the undertaker emerged to speak with the guards, when the stallion in the suit greeted them. “Good Evening,” said he, melancholy clear in his old voice. “I have been sent here to transfer Miss Tech Specs to Canterlot’s Royal Morgue.”

The undertaker nodded at his fellow undertaker, and the pair carefully carried the stretcher containing Tech to the Royal Undertaker’s carriage, which was significantly larger and fancier than the other, though it was still pitch black. The three mares and Blades looked away as the undertakers carried Tech past them.

“Thank you for your assistance, Dr. Hyde,” thanked the Royal Undertaker to the other undertaker, who nodded, approached his own carriage, and departed. “Ladies,” began he again, “you should go home and get some rest. And then, you may come by in the morning. These gentlecolts will escort you home.” He motioned to the two guards and entered his carriage, the wheels of which glowed hazel and began spinning, carrying the carriage off.

After both undertakers left in their respective carriages, the two Pegasus Guards led Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, and Blades to the suite at which they were staying on the other side of town, atop a mighty spire. There, they were met by their three friends: Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy, who all bore expressions of sorrow similar to those of the others.

“In two days,” informed one of the guards, “the Princesses would like you six to come to Canterlot Heights at Midday for Miss Specs’ funeral.” Twilight and Rarity were completely aghast at the guard’s words, recognising the name of “Canterlot Heights” instantly.

“Umm, excuse me,” stuttered Fluttershy to the unicorns, “but what is ‘Canterlot heights?’”

Twilight was the first to answer, informing everypony in the room, “Canterlot Heights is a cemetery near the Palace; only true heroes are buried there. Even King Auroros Lionheart is buried in Canterlot Heights.”

“What did you write in that letter?” asked Blades, wondering why his friend would be buried in a cemetery of heroes.

“Why not read it for yourself?” Spike grabbed the letter in question from a nearby table and gave it to the orange dragon.

“Dear Spike,

It pains me to write this, but Tech Specs is gone. Rainbow Dash lost her wings in a lightning storm while looking for her. Tech, Rarity, Blades, and I helped her to get to Tech’s shop, where she cast a spell on a pair of metal wings, apparently fusing them to Rainbow’s back, and she flew with them! Unfortunately, the spell was too powerful for Tech’s horn to take, and it shattered. Needless to say, she didn’t survive. Please, relay this message to the girls. We may or may not be back for a while. Take care, Spike. I love you.

Always Your Friend,

Twilight Sparkle”

“We were on our way to tell the Princesses where you were when I got the message,” informed Spike, “and they read it, too.”

“I tell ya,” remarked Applejack, “if anything was gonna change the Princess’ mind ‘bout Tech, it’s that there letter.”

Then, Rainbow Dash released a piercing scream of pain. She buckled and gritted her teeth as her friends came to her aid. “What’s wrong, Rainbow?” asked a very concerned Twilight.

“My... wings,” managed the blue mare to say, “it feels like they’re on fire!”

“How can your wings be hurting, Dash?” asked a confused Pinkie Pie, “they’re metal.”

“What spell did Tech cast on her?” asked Twilight, more to herself than to anypony. She produced Tech’s leather-bound tome and began flipping through the pages, searching for an answer. As she scanned each page, she learned that it was a spellbook written by a unicorn named Steelheart Seeker, an artificer and member of the Seekers of Canterlot. She found a sketch of Steelheart: His mane was brown, braided, and tied back, as was his tail, his fur was cyan, and his eyes were blue. The most unusual thing about him, though, was that one of his forelegs was metal; metal which seemed to wrap around a ball of energy at his shoulder. Under his portrait, there was a note, which she read aloud. “Steelheart Seeker lost his leg due to infection. Seeking a replacement, he concocted the ‘Living Metal’ spell (see p. 527).” With that note, Twilight went to the page and read it aloud as well. “The Living Metal spell was designed to replace lost or dead flesh with metal. First, the caster must construct a replica of the flesh to be replaced out of the metal of their choice. Then, the metal must be held in place while the spell is cast; one cast will fuse the metal to flesh and bone, and a second will assimilate it into the body.”

Rainbow Dash cringed at the description. “So,” began she, looking at her back nervously, “these metal things are my wings now?”

“That’s what the book says,” informed Twilight. “They should work; try it out.”

The blue pegasus nodded and struggled to flap her metal wings. After a few seconds of trying, her wings came to the ground and she got airborne. With adjustment, she righted herself and began floating in the air. Everypony was amazed at the sight of their friend flying with such wings.

“Why are you and Rarity surprised, Twilight?” asked Rainbow to the two unicorns. “Didn’t you see it happen earlier?”

The pair of unicorns shook their heads slowly. “No,” said Rarity, “although, I do believe Tech saw it. That is, before she...” She was then stopped by Twilight.

“No, we didn’t see, Rainbow,” interrupted the purple unicorn. “We should probably get some sleep; it’s really late. Goodnight, Girls.” She then scooped Spike up onto her back and walked to a door, which led to her room.

Everypony followed Twilight’s example, save Rarity and Blades, who stayed put for a bit, sitting on a sofa in the room. “Are you okay, Blades?” asked the white mare, concerned about the little dragon.

“Yeah,” replied Blades simply, in an effort not to worry the unicorn.

The dragon’s attempt failed, and Rarity hugged him tightly, saying to him, “just remember: if you ever need anything, you can tell myself or my friends.”

Blades returned Rarity’s hug, careful not to harm her with his claws, and began to sob into Rarity’s chest. “Thank you, Rarity,” said he gratefully. “Thank you all, so very, very much. I love all of you, and I’m certain Tech does, as well.”

Rarity leaked a smile at the dragon. “I know I’m not speaking just for myself when I say that we love you, too, Blades.” She then kissed the dragon’s forehead, and the pair fell asleep.

The next morning, everypony came into the sitting room to see Rarity and Blades, cuddled together and still asleep. “Awwww,” said Fluttershy about the pair, mainly the dragon, “so cute!”

“Yeah, right,” said Spike sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“Spike,” said Twilight, sounding disappointed, “relax. Remember what Blades saw last night. He needs somepony now more than ever.”

Spike’s eyes widened, and he lowered his head in shame. “Yeah. I’m sorry,” apologised he.

Applejack gave Rarity a nudge, saying, “rise and shine, Rarity. Time to get up.”

Rarity awoke slowly. “Good Morning, Ladies,” greeted the white mare upon seeing her friends. She then looked to Blades and remembered something as she said, “umm, I have to be somewhere this morning. Could you keep Blades company while I’m gone?” She then carefully manoeuvred herself around Blades so as not to wake him up, and then trotted into the washroom to comb her mane, wash up, and do other morning rituals.

When Rarity returned, she approached a corner of the sitting room and picked up a large white cardboard box and set it on her back. “What’s in the box, Rarity?” asked Pinkie Pie calmly.

“Just something I need the undertaker to have a look at,” replied the white mare honestly. “I shall be back in a short while.” Everypony nodded respectfully as the unicorn departed.

The walk through Canterlot was slow and steady, Rarity taking the time to admire every aspect of the glorious city: the lush buildings, the beautiful morning sky, and the inhabitants of the city strolling about leisurely, not so much as paying the mare a second glance. When she arrived at her destination, Canterlot Hospital, she took a deep breath and entered the building.

The inside of the building was modest, but still reminiscent of the brilliant city in which it resided, with bright white walls and a reception desk of the same colour. “So tacky,” thought Rarity as she looked at the carpet, the pattern of which resembled a wool blanket.

She approached the reception desk and was greeted by a pale pink Unicorn Mare with a faded green mane, tied in a bun and covered by a nurse’s tiara. “Good Morning, Miss,” greeted the nurse, smiling pleasantly. “How may I help you?”

Rarity maintained her composure and replied flatly, “I need to see the Royal Undertaker, please.”

“I see,” said the nurse with respect. “Underground Floor. The lift is four doors down that hallway to the right.” She motioned directions as she stated them. Rarity nodded and thanked the mare politely before setting off.

As she trotted down the hallway, she was courteously greeted by everypony who passed by, staff and patients alike. “So polite, these lot,” thought the white mare as she leaked a smile at the kindness. “I just hope that they’re kind to the ponies downstairs, as well.” Her expression became heavy at the thought as she boarded the lift.

When the lift door opened on the underground floor, she was greeted by the aged stallion the mares had met the night before. He was wearing aqua surgeon’s scrubs and a cap, much to the contrast of his rather dapper appearance the night before. “Oh, hello,” said he, a bit surprised, “I take it you are here about your friend?” Rarity nodded. “Right, then. Right this way; no sense in talking in the lift, is there?”

Every room of the morgue had glass walls, accented by steel supports and equipment such as tables and chairs. In one room, Rarity looked through the transparent wall to see Tech Specs, laying on a steel table, with her horn apparently intact. She was also wearing her goggles as she always did.

The undertaker saw Rarity looking at her friend. “Are you alright?” asked he, calm but worried.

“Y.. yes. I’m fine,” replied the white mare. “It’s just that she appears to be sleeping, but I know she’s not.”

The orange stallion nodded. “Yes,” said he, “then apparently I have done my job well. My job is to prepare our friend for her final appearance tomorrow.” He then began to digress as he informed, “you know, the practise of burying the departed originated hundreds of thousands of years ago in Zebrica. It started out as being more functional than traditional, but has long since adopted a more ceremonial purpose.”

“Yes, indeed,” agreed the white unicorn. “but, may I ask you how you fixed Tech’s horn?”

“Of course you may ask, Miss. Mortician’s clay is a sort of mouldable resin, mainly used for the visual effect of covering wounds and bruises.” He then gave a heavy-hearted sigh as he looked to Tech, and then to Rarity. “But, it works well for this, I suppose.”

“Now,” began the white unicorn once again, “I think it’s time to get to the main reason for my being here.” When the stallion nodded, Rarity slid the box on her back onto a steel table in the room and opened it, revealing a pile of black and dark blue cloth. She removed the cloth from the box and spread it out across the table, revealing that it was a dress. The skirt had two layers: a black, pleated, full-length underlayer, and a dark blue layer over it, gathered around mid-length by black bows. The top more closely resembled a suit than a dress, with a black vest with dark blue lace trim and a white, short-sleeved undershirt. Also in the set were leather hoof bracers, which buttoned at the front, as well as a black cloth rose barrette, designed to go in the wearer’s mane. “This is the dress I made for Tech for the Gala,” explained Rarity, holding back tears, “and.. well.. given the circumstances, I think that it would be fitting if she were buried in it.”

The Royal Undertaker nodded, saying, “I understand. You do not have to worry, Miss; your friend is in good hooves. My colleague, Mr. Palm, is at a meeting this morning, but will be back soon. When he arrives, we will get to work.”

“I see,” agreed Rarity. “Thank you, so very very much, Sir. And tell Mr. Palm that Rarity thanks him sincerely as well.” She then gave the stallion a hug, who returned the favour.

“There is no need to thank me, Milady,” assured the undertaker gently. “I’m always glad to help those who cannot help themselves.”