• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 1,138 Views, 18 Comments

Out of the Sky - ThatGirl2147

On a seemingly normal day in Ponyville, a mysterious mare falls out of the sky and disrupts the calm

  • ...

Part 11

“Good Day, Rarity,” greeted Tech Specs as she led the white unicorn mare into her shop, which Tech had cleaned and tidied in anticipation for Rarity’s arrival. “How was the trip?”

“Simply divine, Darling,” replied the mare. “The landscape is dazzling this time of year.” The pair walked casually into the workshop, where Rarity’s order was waiting for her.

“And, there we are,” said Tech, motioning with her hoof to a table.

The white mare’s sky blue eyes brightened as they came upon the contents of the table. In front were a pair of white golden hoof bracers, each engraved with baroque-style scrolls along the edges, and around a platinum-white diamond. The next piece the mare noticed was a neck piece of the same white gold, engraved in the same fashion, except an intricately carved “R” stood in place of the jewel which was on each bracer. And, finally, Rarity noticed the Pièce de résistance, a white golden tiara, with two small peaks surrounding a larger peak at the centre of the headpiece. Inside the smaller peaks were more scrolls, while the large peak bore a trio of cyan diamonds, which perfectly resembled Rarity’s Cutie Mark. “My... my word,” uttered the unicorn, a look on her face un-discernable between astonishment and appallment.

“What?” asked a worried Tech, “is there a problem?”

“There is, in fact, a problem, Dear,” replied Rarity, still looking either appalled or astonished. “This isn’t what I requested.”

“It... it’s not?” stuttered Tech Specs, at a complete loss. “But.. but...”

“Yes,” said the white mare sternly. “I requested a piece of jewelry,” explained she, “not absolute crafted PERFECTION!” She then proceeded to scoop the blue unicorn up in an enormous embrace. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” exclaimed she. Setting a shaken Tech Specs back on her hooves, she then went to get a closer look at the jewelry, specifically the jewels.

Tech shook her head to clear it, and then said, “well, I’m glad you like it, Rarity.” She noticed the mare’s intent examining of the jewels, and asked her, “what is it?”

Rarity simply turned to the blue mare and replied, “you really, REALLY didn’t have to do THAT much for me.” Tech gave her a confused look, to which she explained, “the Ice Sapphire, Darling. You didn’t have to break your back to find such a rare jewel.”

“Ice Sapphire?” inquired a bewildered Tech, “the diamonds?”

Rarity shook her head. “These are not but diamonds, Tech.” She then informed in a manner similar to a professor explaining a concept to their students, “these are Ice Sapphire, one of the rarest jewels in Equestria! And you found some just for me. I simply can’t thank you enough!”

Tech adjusted her goggles as she took in what she’d just heard. “I.. I’m sorry,” said she, “I had no idea these were so rare; I thought they were just diamonds.”

“Oh, no,” said Rarity, more to herself than Tech, “no, no, no. The Gala dress I have for you is simply not enough. I must improve it!”

“‘Improve it?’” questioned the blue mare, “I’m sure that whatever you’ve got already should be plenty. I wasn’t even expecting anything in return.”

“Oh, you don’t understand, Dear,” explained Rarity, “you must be repayed properly, and I will see to it that it happens.”

Tech drew a sigh and finally complied. “Right, then,” said she reluctantly, “do what you will.” Tech never liked receiving gifts, nor was she ever too fond of being payed more than her service is worth.

“You sound disappointed,” said Rarity, a look of concern for her friend clear in her expression. “Is everything alright, Tech?”

Tech nodded lightly, “I’m fine. I’ve just been thinking, I’m going to go to Canterlot with you lot in a week. I never thought that I’d enter the city again when I left. Now, after sixteen years, I’m going back.” Tech gave off a mix of emotions as she explained.

“Oh, that is simple anxiety, My Dear,” beamed Rarity, happy that she knew what to do. “I can help with that.” About that time, Blades entered the room, unnoticed by the pair of unicorns. He watched as Rarity explained, “it’s just like stagefright. Actors typically don’t suffer from stagefright if they see the stage at which they’ll be performing beforehoof; perhaps the same could be said for visiting a city." She thought for a second before she added, “the others and I were planning on going to Canterlot a few days before the Gala to help prepare, among other things. You and Blades should come with us.”

Tech Specs pondered the offer for a bit. “I don’t know; Bass Beat invited me to a party tomorrow.” One one hoof, she’d be seeing the capital city at least once before she visits for one of the biggest events in the city; and on the other hoof, she’d be abandoning her friends who’ve been her friends for well over half of her life.

Rarity’s joy faded. “I see,” said she. “You can go have fun with your friends, Tech. I’ll be out of your mane.” She then began to slowly walk out of the workshop.

“Oi!” said Tech, putting a hoof on the white mare’s shoulder. “you didn’t give me a chance to decide. I can tell the Chili Peppers that I’ve other things to do; they’ll understand. When are you lot leaving for Canterlot?”

The white unicorn drew a sly smile before she replied. “Glad you’ve come around,” beamed she. “We’re scheduled to depart as soon as I get back to Ponyville.”

“Then let’s not waste a minute!” exclaimed the blue unicorn joyously. Tech donned her saddlebags and placed Rarity’s jewelry in them. She then looked to her orange assistant. “Come on, Blades.” The little dragon hopped onto Tech’s back and the trio were off.

Outside of the shop waited a yellow carriage, being drawn by a rather sizeable Pegasus Stallion wearing black saddlebags. his coat was the same yellow as his carriage, and he had a black mane, covered by a driver’s cap. On his flank was a wheel with wings and a bit. He spoke with an accent attributed to the Easternmost region of Equestria, cities such as Stalliongrad. “Good Day, Miss,” heartily greeted he, looking to Tech, “I am Fly Wheel, and I shall be your escort today.”

“It’s a pleasure, Mr. Wheel,” politely replied the mare, shaking Fly Wheel’s hoof.

As the three boarded the cab, Fly Wheel asked, “Where to, Madames?”

“The apartment complex on 12th Street, please,” replied Tech. With the destination known, Fly Wheel began moving.

On Tech’s back, Blades was tapping a catchy beat and singing, “don’t go ‘round tonight, well it’s bound to take your life. There’s a bad moon on the rise.”

“Oi! Have you been playing my records again, Blades?” asked Tech, instantly recognising CCR when she heard it.

“What? No. What are you talking about?” Blades’ eyes darted about the interior of the cab.

Tech laughed at the nervous dragon. “I kid, I kid,” said she. “If that’s the music you listen to, then you can play my records as much as you like.”

“Yes!” exclaimed Blades, similar to when he won at chess. He then hugged the blue mare’s neck and said, “I love you!”

“I love you, too, Blades,” replied Tech in a caring tone.

“This is touching moment I am witnessing!” exclaimed Fly Wheel from outside the carriage. “And, we have also reached destination.”

Tech exited the cab with Blades, and began walking to the front of the apartment building, a rather plain-looking brown building. Before she got to the main door, she looked to the white mare in the cab and asked, “would you like to join us, Rarity?”

“Why, thank you, Tech,” said Rarity, exiting the cab. “I would love to. That Humm Bucker is quite the gentlecolt from what I remember.” The trio then entered the building.

The interior of the apartment building was as plain as the outside: bland wooden walls, a grey carpet floor, and nothing particularly interesting about the room. Tech, seeming as though instinct was leading her to her friends, followed hallways and stairwells to the fourth floor, Room 436. She knocked a hoof on the door, which was met with a familiar voice. “No interviews! Go away!” called the voice, which belonged to Floyd Rose.

Tech rolled her eyes and replied, “it’s me, Tech. Open up, you crazy mare!”

Upon hearing Tech’s voice, the door opened, revealing the green pegasus, holding her blue guitar. “Hey, Tech,” greeted she, “what’s up?” The blue unicorn was about to start talking when Floyd Rose interrupted, “what are you still doing out there? Typhoon doesn’t bite.” She then stepped out of the doorway and motioned into the room.

The mares and Blades entered, seeing the other three Red Hot Chili Peppers relaxing on a large sofa. The apartment itself was plain, but it was decorated with band posters on each door and the walls, and a large black turntable in front of the kitchen area. Humm Bucker was the first to greet the mares, standing up and bowing his head to them, a lead which Mosh Pit followed.

“It appears I was correct,” began Rarity, “you ARE a gentlecolt, Mr. Bucker.”

“Please,” replied the stallion, “call me ‘Hummy.’ Thank you kindly, by the way.”

“Not a problem at all, Hummy,“ assured Rarity. ”But, I‘ve a question, what is ‘Typhoon?’” Everypony in the room looked to the white mare as though she had just misquoted one of their songs.

Floyd, not wasting a second, held her guitar in front of the white mare’s face. “This is Typhoon,” said she, “he’s a ‘77 Stratocaster, and the greatest guitar anypony could ask for.”

“He was a gift from me,” added Hummy casually. Everypony nodded, confirming the stallion’s claim.

Rarity looked at the guitar for a moment, and then commented, “I see. Very dashing, indeed.”

“Anyway,” said Bass Beat, drumming a beat on the arm of the sofa, “why are you here, Tech? The party’s not until tomorrow.”

“That’s why I’m here,” informed the blue unicorn. She ran a hoof through her short mane and said, “I’ve got somewhere to go. It’s rather important, if I’m honest.”

Mosh Pit shrugged and replied with one word. “Okay.”

Tech gave the stallion a confused look. “Okay?” questioned she, “that’s it?”

The orange pegasus nodded, saying to the mare, “yeah. You’ve got somewhere to be; that’s not a problem.” He then looked to his bandmantes, who nodded in agreement. “It’s unanimous,” continued he, “go do what you’ve got to do.”

“Thank you, Mates,” Tech then hugged each of the Chili Peppers, and she headed out the door. Rarity followed suit, blowing Humm Bucker a kiss before she left.

The mares then exited the apartment building and boarded their cab, where Fly Wheel was waiting. “Where to next, Ladies?”

“Back to Ponyville, please, and that will be all,” was Rarity’s answer. Fly Wheel then turned around and they were off.

“So,” began Tech, looking at her white friend, “I take it you fancy Hummy, yeah?”

Rarity began to blush at the question. “Why, whatever makes you think that, Dear?”

The blue unicorn laughed lightly at this. “It wasn’t obvious at all,” said she sarcastically. “I saw how you were eyeing him, and how you reacted to his chivalry.”

“Okay,” admitted the white mare, “perhaps I rather like a polite stallion, and Hummy happens to be quite polite.” She then bit her lip and asked, “was I really that obvious?”

Tech shook her head. “Not at first. I don’t think anypony but me noticed,” explained she, “but your blowing him a kiss drove it home, methinks.”

After another hour of idle conversation, the cab arrived just outside of Ponyville. “This is far enough, Sweetie,” said Rarity to the cabbie, who stopped at the order. Rarity, Tech Specs, and Blades exited the carriage, and Rarity payed Fly Wheel 75 bits for his service, plus a 15 bit tip from Tech.

“Thank you both, Madames,” thanked Fly Wheel, putting the bits in his bag. “It was honour and privilege serving you.” He then headed off.

“You know,” thought Rarity aloud, “I’m quite famished. I know, let’s fetch a pastry at Sugarcube Corner, shall we?”

Tech noticed Rarity’s tone; she was planning something. The mare decided to go with it and agreed, saying to her friend, “sure, why not.”

As the mares and dragon walked through town, they noticed that the streets were rather un-crowded, which is unusual for Ponyville at that time of day. The trio arrived at Sugarcube Corner, a confectionery resembling a gingerbread house: a fact which Tech found rather odd. “Curious,” thought she, “no wonder Pinkie Pie works here.”

As Rarity opened the door to the confectionery, it was completely dark. “Don’t be shy. Do come inside.”

When Tech and Blades entered the shop, the door shut behind them and the lights came on, revealing a good portion of Ponyville’s residents, all shouting “SURPRISE!” A banner then dropped that read, “Welcome to Ponyville Tech Specs and Blades.”

Suddenly, a bubbly pink Earth Mare bounced from the crowd and stood directly in front of Tech, who was bewildered as to what was happening. “Hi, Tech!” greeted she. “So, what do you think? Do you love it?!”

Tech shook her head to come out of the daze she was in. “What?” questioned she, “Pinkie Pie, what is all this?”

“It’s your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ Party, Silly Filly,” replied the pink mare, “for you and Blades." She then elaborated, “see, when you showed up the first time, I didn’t have enough time to throw you a welcome party. So, here it is. And since this is Blades’ first time here, I threw it for him, too. Pretty smart, huh?”

“I.. guess,” responded a confused Tech. “But why? I’ve not done anything for you lot.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Pinkie Pie sounded almost offended as she spoke. “You took me, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Spike to one of the greatest shows ever: Rock in Filly!”

“I suppose,” reasoned Tech, “but I didn’t take everypony in town; I couldn’t have even if I’d have wanted to.”

The pink mare then tried to look serious and said, “oh, you think too much. Let’s just party!” Everypony then began to dance and do other party things.

Meanwhile, Tech and Blades sat at a table away from the partying, sipping punch. “What are you doing?” Pinkie Pie sounded disappointed, and continued, “it’s YOUR party; you should be partying.” Tech insisted that they were “partying,” but Pinkie wasn’t convinced. “No,” disagreed the pink mare, “everypony over there is partying; you’re sitting in a corner being boring.”

“When I lived with Uhrwerk,” explained the blue mare, “we would go to parties, and this is what we, and everypony else, did.” She then repeated, “I am ‘partying.’”

Instead of a direct reply, Pinkie Pie sat down with the mare and dragon. “You know,” said she, “you bring up U-u-uwhatever, a lot, but you never really spend a lot of time talking about him. Why is that?”

At about that time, the party died down, and most everypony left. Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike then joined Pinkie Pie and Tech at the table. “Hey, Girls,” greeted Twilight, “What’s up?”

“You’re just in time,” beamed the pink mare, “Tech was just about to tell another story.” Once everypony was comfortable, Pinkie looked back to the blue unicorn. “You were saying, Tech?”

“Right,” began Tech Specs, “Where did I let off last time? Right, being kicked out of Canterlot.”