• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 1,137 Views, 18 Comments

Out of the Sky - ThatGirl2147

On a seemingly normal day in Ponyville, a mysterious mare falls out of the sky and disrupts the calm

  • ...

Part 6

Just outside of Fillydelphia Central Park lies a large paved parking lot, each spot filled with carriages, bicycles, and all other manner of vehicles. Tech Specs led her friends through the parking lot, and soon came across a tall chain link fence, the gate of which was guarded by a rather sizeable Earth Pony. The stallion had a dark red coat and black tail, but his mane was completely shaven, save a small goatee on his face. On his flank was the image of a pair of posts connected by a red velvet rope. He wore dark sunglasses and a black shirt which bore in bright white lettering, “Security.” As Tech and her friends trotted to the gate, the guard held his hoof out to the blue unicorn, and, in a deep, demanding voice, requested of her, “you and your friends got tickets?”

As he said this, Pinkie Pie stopped hopping about and stood firm, looking at the stallion with a glint of fear in her eye. Fluttershy took a similar action and quickly hid behind the pink mare, squeaking as she did so.

Tech Specs, remaining as calm as ever, held out her hoof to the stallion, revealing the Turquoise bracelet her friend Bass Beat had given her two days before, confidently informing the guard, “Bass Beat said this will suffice.”

“Ha, like that’ll fool me,” retorted the guard, knocking the mare’s hoof away. He then said, “get outta here; we got actual paying customers to worry about.”

Then, a pair of ponies, one an Earth Mare and the other a Unicorn Stallion, approached the guard and gave him a pair of small red tickets. He politely thanked them and opened the gate for them. As the pair walked through and the guard closed the door, he looked back at Tech Specs and repeated, “I said get outta here!” As he told her this, he pushed her back into her group of friends, who caught her as she fell.

As Tech Specs regained her composure, she glared at the stallion, angrily stating, “how dare you!” as she approached him.

Rarity put her hoof on Tech Specs’ shoulder, which stopped the unicorn from advancing. The white mare then looked to her, and, with a sly grin on her face, whispered, “don’t worry, Sweetie, I’ll handle this.” With that, she strutted to the guard’s post, but was stopped by his large hoof.

“Didn’t you hear what I told your little friend?” barked he, sounding more frustrated than before. He put his hoof down and informed, “only paying customers and VIPs, that’s Very Important Ponies, are allowed in. You’re clearly not paying customers and you don’t much look like VIPs to me.”

To the guard’s words, Rarity gasped, holding a hoof over her mouth. She then asked, “did.. did you say...? You must mean..” as she spoke, she began to bawl loudly, continuing, “YOU THINK I’M OLD AND UGLY, DON’T YOU?!”

“Whoah!” The guard jumped back as the white unicorn cried, “I never said that! I don’t think that.”

“OF COURSE YOU DO!” continued the crying mare, “YOU M.. MUST THINK I’M TOO OLD AND.. AND HIDEOUS!”

“No, no, not at all!" The guard put his hooves on Rarity’s shoulders, and nervously told her, “listen, listen. If it’ll calm you down a bit, I’ll let you and all your friends in. Free of charge. That okay?”

“I.. I guess so,” sniffled the white unicorn. As the guard opened the chain link gate, Rarity beamed a large smile and cheerily told her friends, “come on, Girls. Time is of the essence.” Pinkie Pie began bouncing happily again as she hopped through the gate, everypony else following. The guard looked back to Rarity, who was trotting happily with her friends, and shook his head, muttering to himself.

There was a large number of stands selling all manner of things about the park, with various ponies of all colours and forms socialising throughout the area. The centre of attention, though, was the stage in the centre of the park. Although the equipment was being set up on stage, and nopony was scheduled to play for at least half an hour, ponies still gathered in front of the stage and were merely talking to each other.

“Ooh! What’s this?” asked Pinkie Pie as she looked at a poster on a tree. She read the poster aloud to everypony: “Welcome to Rock in Filly, the second biggest rock festival in all of Equestria! Enjoy Alternative Rock, Grunge, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Thrash Metal, and Nu-Metal performances. Acts include Metallica, The Fooh Fighters, Electric Light Orchestra, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Unikorn, and many others.”

“Well, sounds like a mighty good lineup to me,” said Applejack, tapping her hoof on her chin. “I ain’t never heard of them bands, but I love me some Rock N’ Roll.”

“Amen to that, Sister,” replied Rainbow Dash. The blue Pegasus bumped her hoof against that of Applejack, and then took flight, hovering above her friends.

Twilight Sparkle thought, then added to the conversation, “I’ve grown used to classical music when I lived in Canterlot.” She then clapped her hooves together and said, “but, I’m always open to new things.”

“That’s the spirit, Twilight,” said Tech Specs. “You lot will enjoy it, I assure you.”

The ponies continued to circle the park, observing posters, merchandise booths, and fans of the bands performing. As they trotted, Pinkie Pie asked, “so when’s the show start, Tech?” The pink mare’s mane bounced as she hopped along with her friends.

Tech Specs looked to the stage, which was to the group’s right. The unicorn observed the ponies on stage and answered, “well, it appears the roadies are just finishing setting up the amps, so it should just be a few minutes.” She then looked to the other ponies and said, “in the meantime, just relax, socialise.”

“Hey, Rarity!” a female voice called from behind the group of ponies. The group turned their heads in response to see an off-white coloured unicorn mare with a spiky mane of two shades of blue, a pair of black and purple goggles over her eyes, and a double-quaver on her flank. She then embraced Rarity, happily remarking, “long time, no see.”

Rarity instantly recognised the voice and greeted the unicorn, “hello, Vinyl. It has been too long indeed, Darling. How are you?”

“Not too bad, not too bad,” replied Vinyl in a relaxed tone. She then lifted her goggles, revealing a pair of cool magenta eyes that would catch anypony’s attention. Observing Rarity and her group of friends, she asked, “so what brings you to Fillydelphia, Cos’?”

“Tech Specs invited us here for this show,” answered Rarity, motioning back to the blue unicorn in the group. “Well,” thought she out loud, “we DID meet some tension at the front gate, but I shed a few tears and the guard was clay in my hooves.” As the unicorn said this, a snicker escaped her mouth.

Vinyl laughed at the statement, and mentioned, “yeah, I’m no stranger to THAT routine, Cos’. Anyway, I remember your other friends from that fashion show a while back, but I’m not too familiar with Tech Specs.” She scratched her mane with her hoof and continued, “can you refresh my memory a bit?”

“To put a long story short,” began Tech Specs as she stepped up beside Rarity, avoiding stepping on her dress. She continued, “I crashed a flying machine of mine into Fluttershy’s house and broke my leg. After that, Rainbow Dash and a nurse from Ponyville came to Fluttershy, and the trio brought my into town to the nurse’s office. When I discovered my leg was broken, the hard way, I might add, Rainbow carried me to Applejack’s barn, where I built a cast to support the weight I put on that leg. I stayed for a night at Applejack’s house, met her family the next morning, and then proceeded to Twilight Sparkle’s library where I met her and Spike. They agreed to give me a ride home in their hot air balloon, really cool by the way. In the balloon, I met Pinkie Pie, and we talked until we got back to my place here in Fillydelphia. I promised to take them to this show, and that they could bring their friends. This morning, they did. I got to know Rarity, served everypony breakfast, brought them here, and then it was now, and I don’t know what happened after that.” Tech then took a deep breath, exhaled, and asked, “that sum it up for you?”

Vinyl nodded her head at Tech Specs, then informed her, “I see, I see. Returnin’ the favour to these ponies for their Ponyville hospitality, I take it?” Tech nodded. “Yeah, I feel that. Nice way to pay them back, bringing them here.” As the unicorn was about to say another few words, a Stallion’s loud, booming voice came through a megaphone in a balloon above the stage:

“Fillies and gentlecolts, the first act of the day will begin in three minutes. Get ready for ROCK IN FILLY!” Everypony in the park cheered, and began trotting down to the stage area.

“Well,” said Vinyl, “I better get going. Gotta get ready for my act; I’m performing with Unikorn.” As the white mare galloped off, she yelled, “later, Ladies!” to Rarity and her friends.

“She’s got the right idea,” remarked Tech Specs. She glanced at the stage to see more ponies gathering in front of the stage, then looked to her group and stated, “we should follow her example and get down there before everypony else does, eh?” At this, the ponies and pair of dragons agreed and began for the stage.

By the time Tech and her friends made their way to the stage, the crowd had grown immensely, only allowing them room at the very edge of the area. The ponies found a spot that about ten metres from the stage, granting them a decent view of the performers. Rarity, meanwhile, stayed at the very edge of the crowd on the grass. “I will NOT set hoof in dirt and ruin my dress,” asserted she to her friends.

“I think y’all can stay where you are,” replied Applejack, “I think we’re stickin’ to this spot, anyway, right Tech?” She looked to the blue unicorn, who nodded happily. “See?”

“Very well then,” said Rarity, “then let’s enjoy the show, shall we?” As the white mare finished her question, the same booming voice aloft in the balloon began again:

“Fillies and gentlecolts, introducing the first performance of the day, a band dedicated to the sound of Classical mixed with Rock. We present... the Electric Light Orchestra!”

Everypony cheered as a group of ten ponies of all kinds and colours flooded the stage, armed with various orchestral instruments: two cellists, three violinists, and five woodwind and brass players. The ensemble lined up in two rows on the right side of the stage. After this, five more ponies, two Unicorns and three Earth Ponies followed onto the stage. One unicorn took a seat at his drum kit, two Earth Ponies, male and female picked up a bass and electric guitar respectively. The other unicorn took his place behind a keyboard and synthesizer, while the last Earth Pony stood on his hind legs and leaned forward against the microphone stand, facing the crowd.

The stallion took in the cheers for a few seconds, and then began to speak, his voice resonating through the speakers about the stage. “Well, first act of the day. That’s a great honour, but I’m not going stand up here and talk about that; what say you ponies we get started?!” Everypony cheered loudly again. “This one’s called ’Don’t Bring Me Down!’”

“Wow, this is great,” said Twilight Sparkle to Tech Specs, speaking loudly against the cheers of everypony around the group, “this sounds so much closer to Classical than I was expecting!”

“That’s what ELO try to do,” replied Tech as loudly as Twilight, “and they do it quite well! Don’t worry, though; Rock covers all kinds of sounds!”

The band ended their first and quickly began playing their next song, “Sweet Talkin’ Mare.”

Twilight and Tech began conversing again, Twilight beginning, “so, how many songs is this band going to do, Tech?”

“If I’m not mistaken,” replied the blue unicorn, “each band will perform four of their own songs, followed by one cover song.”

“What’s a ‘cover song?’” asked Twilight in return.

Tech tapped her goggles and responded, “it’s when one band plays a song written by somepony else.” Twilight nodded, confirming that she understood her answer.

They finished “Sweet Talkin’ Mare,” and then played two more of their own songs, called, “So Serious” and “Shine a Little Love.”

At the end of their final song, their cover of Starship’s “We Built this City,” the crowd let out one final cheer for Electric Light Orchestra as they took a bow and left the stage. Roadies began to replace the drums and ready the stage for the next act. During this brief intermission, Tech Specs asked her friends, “so, how’d everypony like the first act of the day?”

Rainbow Dash was the first to respond. “I think they were a little slow for my taste,” said she. “I’d say they were alright, but could be cooler.”

“Well I think that they were absolutely fabulous,” contradicted Rarity. “An elegant sound and brilliant appearance. I loved it, Tech.”

“I agree with Rarity,” remarked Twilight Sparkle, her dragon companion nodding in agreement with her.

“What about you lot?” Tech Specs looked to the other three ponies, one of whom looked extremely nervous.

Pinkie Pie hopped up and down excitedly, her pink mane bouncing at each hop. “I think they were super-duper awesome!” exclaimed she, “I can’t wait for the next act!”

“Well,” reasoned Applejack, tapping her chin with her hoof, “I ain’t one to go on first impressions, but I’d say they were alright. Maybe the next band will be better. What ’bout you, Fluttershy?” She looked tot he yellow pegasus, who was standing nervously, digging her hoof into the soil.

“Oh, umm...” muttered she, “I.. I think they were good. I’d like to see the next band, I mean, if that’s okay.” Her voice lightened into barely above silence as she spoke.

“Well,” beamed Blades from Tech Specs’ back, “it looks like the roadies are done, so your wish is granted, Fluttershy.” the yellow mare giggled at the dragon’s remark.

The stallion in the balloon announced the next band, “Fillies and Gentlecolts, put your hooves together for Iron Mare!” the crowd cheered loudly as a banner dropped from behind the drum kit, revealing a wrinkly, tattered-looking Earth Stallion whose eyes were pitch black orbs with shining crystals for pupils. He was holding a Bitish Union Jack high above his head and he wore a red suit. After the banner dropped, two Earth Stallions, a Pegasus Stallion, and two unicorn Stallions, all adorned with black leather and studded garb, entered the stage. One Earth Pony and one unicorn carried a black and red Stratocaster respectively, and the Pegasus held a white Equestrian Precision Bass Guitar. One unicorn took his place behind his beautifully crafted drum kit, and the other in front of the microphone.

With a slight bit of feedback from his mic, the singer began to speak, in a rather high voice for a stallion, “well, ELO’s a tough act to follow.” He looked at his band, then back at the crowd and asked, “but do you think we can do it?” Everypony cheered. “I said DO YOU THINK WE CAN DO IT?!” The cheers were thunderous. They then played their first song, “The Trooper.” When they finished it, they played “2 Minutes to Midnight.”

“That was Awesome!” Exclaimed an ecstatic Rainbow Dash at the previous song. “I’ve never seen anypony’s hooves move that fast; it was incredible!” She did a small flip in the air and landed again.

“Well, there’s more to come,” informed Tech Specs, “and believe you me, they get heavier.”

Tech’s friends cringed at the next verse and the chorus, singing about killing feeding machines with foals and that lot. “They don’t really do that, do they, Tech?” asked Pinkie Pie, who lost her bounce and was cringing like the others.

“Of course not, Girls,” assured Tech, “it’s just a song; I highly doubt that they go about killing unborn foals and things like that.” Everypony sighed in relief and returned to enjoying the song.

The band finished the third song, “Coming Home,” and their fourth, “Wasted Years." They finished with a cover of Bitish Steel’s “Living After Midnight.”

The next act was a Thrash Metal band called Metallica, whose four songs were “Ride the Lightning,” “Battery,” “Enter Sandmare,” and “All Nightmare Long.” Their cover was from their Thrash rivals and close friends, Megadeth; the song was “Symphony of Destruction.” These songs were fast, heavy, and bore blindingly fast solos performed by their guitarist.

At the second song, the singer started a mosh pit in the center of the stage. “What’s a Mosh Pit,” asked Twilight Sparkle, baffled by the term.

“A mosh pit is when a bunch of metalhead ponies get together and slam into each other,” informed Tech, laughing at the idea.

“That sounds epic!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, “let’s go check it out.” She flew into the air and looked into the pit of ponies, smashing into one another.

“I will NOT associate myself with such ruffians,” insisted Rarity, turning her head away from the pit.

“Yeah, I gotta go with Rarity,” agreed Twilight. “Besides, somepony may get hurt.”

“Oh, I guarantee you somepony’ll get hurt,” informed the blue unicorn. “It always happens. But, what’s fun without risk, eh?”

“sounds like a good time to me,” reasoned Applejack. “You with us, Pink?” She looked to the pink mare, who was bouncing and nodding.

“You lot can go,” said Tech, “we’ll stay here.” Rainbow Dash shrugged, and the three wove through the crowd to the pit. “Have fun!”

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack enthusiastically got into the pit, and began slamming against everypony in sight, Pinkie exclaiming, “wee!’ and “woohoo!” as she did so. Applejack snorted as she laughed in the pit, and Rainbow Dash tried to keep herself upright, but was knocked down. She started screaming in fear as a big hoof almost came down on her head, but it stopped. Attached to the hoof was a large orange Pegasus Stallion who dwarfed Big Macintosh, Applejack’s brother and a sight to behold. His eyes were deep blue. His mane and tail were black, save one bang which was dyed bright red, were styled in dreadlocks, and he had a small black goatee on his face. A green megaphone wrapped in a violet ribbon adorned his flank and he wore a red band on his foreleg which bore the letters “RHCP.”

“Whoah!” exclaimed he in a voice that hardly matched his form. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t see you.” He whistled loudly and everypony around them opened a path to outside the pit. He then helped Rainbow to her hooves and walked her out of the pit, soon joined by Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

“What in Sam Hill happened, Rainbow?” asked Applejack, worried that she may be hurt.

“I got knocked down,” admitted Rainbow reluctantly. In a ditch effort to save her reputation for being tough, she added, “I would have been fine, but this stallion picked me up before I could get up.”

“Un huh, sure,” said Applejack, sarcasm clear in her scarlet drawl. She then looked to the stallion and asked, “so you got a name, Partner?”

“Name’s Mosh Pit,” replied he, offering a hoof to the orange mare.

“Nice to meet ya, Mosh Pit. I’m Applejack,” replied she, shaking his hoof.

“Hey!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. Once the three ponies looked at her, she continued, “I’m pinkie Pie. You should meet our friends, Mosh!”

Mosh nodded, looked to the pit and said, “I’d hate to leave this great pit, but I’d love to meet your buddies.”

“Then it’s settled!” said Applejack, leading the ponies through the crowd to their group. “Come on, Slowpokes!”

When the three mares and stallion got to their group, not much had changed. Tech Specs had attempted to show Twilight Sparkle how to headbang, but the purple unicorn almost knocked herself and Tech unconscious.

“Hey Girls!” greeted Twilight as her friends appeared out of the crowd. She looked to the orange stallion and asked, “who’s your friend?”

“Mosh, what are you doing here?” asked Tech Specs from behind Twilight. “Shouldn’t you be backstage getting ready for your act?”

“And miss a chance to mosh to Metallica? No, thank you,” insisted he.

“You know him?” Twilight, Applejack, And Rainbow Dash looked to Tech Specs.

“Yeah,” replied Tech, “he’s the vocalist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, a band that’s performing today. A performance he should really be preparing for.” She looked to Mosh Pit again.

“Relax, Tech,” said he, almost laughing, “there’s another band between Metallica and the Chili Peppers; I’ve got time to have a little fun. Besides, Hummy’s around here somewhere too.”

“Hummy?” questioned Spike.

“Humm Bucker,” informed Tech, “the Chili Peppers’ bassist.”

The ponies introduced themselves to Mosh Pit, and he told them a the story of his band. They have been the Red Hot Chili Peppers for six years, but before that, and before they met Humm Bucker, Floyd Rose played Bass and their old friend, a pegasus stallion named Breakneck Shred, played guitar in a metal band without a name, of which Mosh was the vocalist and Bass Beat the drummer. Their band lasted for five years, until during one show, their equipment malfunctioned and caught fire. The building in which they were playing soon caught as well, and 5 ponies, including Shred, were killed. For a while, they had disbanded, until Floyd Rose met Humm Bucker in Cloudsdale. He taught Floyd how to play guitar, and they managed to get the band back together, with Floyd Rose on guitars and Humm Bucker, whom they call “Hummy,” on bass. Since then, they named themselves the Red Hot Chili Peppers and have shifted from a Metal band to an Alternative Rock sound.

By the time mosh had finished his band’s story, Metallica had finished their set and were soon replaced on stage by Unikorn. This band consisted of a unicorn stallion on lead guitar, another on vocals, and a third on drums, with a pegasus stallion on rhythm guitar, and an Earth Stallion on bass. Also joining them was a familiar white unicorn mare behind a turntable, among other functions the table served. The crowd cheered as they were announced and they took stage.

“Hello, Fillies and Gentlecolts,” sneered the singer, a rasp in his voice. “We’re pleased to have with us tonight, co-writer for our new record and honorary member of Unikorn, DJ-P0n3!” He pointed a hoof to Vinyl, who waved to the cheering audience. He then said, “this first one’s called ‘Blind.’”

“Oi! Mosh! Where are you?!” a voice called from the crowd, just within earshot of the ponies. “There you are,” said an aqua blue pegasus stallion as he approached Mosh. His mane was blue and laid back, as was his tail. a long blue goatee hung from his face and he wore a small pair of dark glasses with circular lenses. They were small enough for somepony to see his golden-coloured eyes. On his flank was a dual humbucker bass pickup wrapped in a purple ribbon. “Mosh,” said he, “save the groupies for after the show; we’re on soon.” His voice sounded as though it were normally very relaxed, and strained to sound as urgent as it did.

Mosh looked to the stallion in bewilderment. He then replied, “first, they’re not groupies. These are Tech’s friends, see?” he motioned to Tech Specs, who was giggling uncontrollably. “And second,” continued he, “I was just about to find you and go back.”

“Tech?” questioned the stallion, then saying in realisation, “oh, yeah, that Tech!”

“And you are?” asked Twilight, raising an eyebrow at the stallion.

“Humm Bucker’s the name,” answered he, for everypony to hear, “but you lot can call me Hummy.” He then looked to the orange pegasus and repeated, “now, if you please, Mosh?”

“Okay, Mom,” replied Mosh Pit, laughing as he followed Hummy. He looked to Twilight and the others and said, “hey, come see us after the show; we’ll be waiting for you,” and he was off.

“By the way,” began Rarity to Tech Specs, “what is a ‘groupie?’” The blue mare whispered something in her ear, causing her to blush and exclaim, “my word! I would never do such a thing!”

By the time Mosh and Humm Bucker had left, Unikorn had gone through another of their songs and were playing the third. The only thing the ponies really noticed about the second song was that it was called “Got the Life.” The third song they were playing was called “Here to Stay.” When they finished their third, they played a song from their newest album, which was co-written by Vinyl Scratch. The track was called ”Narcissistic Cannibal.” Their fourth and final song was a cover of Slipknot’s “Sulfur.”

“And now, fillies and gentlecolts,” again announced the stallion in the balloon, “we give you the Red Hot Chili Peppers!” By cue, Mosh Pit, Bass Beat, Humm Bucker, and a fourth pegasus pony, a mare Mosh Pit previously identified as Floyd Rose, entered the stage. Floyd Rose wore a blue electric guitar on her shoulder, and Hummy possessed a glossy black bass guitar. Bass Beat sat down at the drum kit, and Mosh took his place at the microphone.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers played their four songs: “Under the Bridge”, “Soul to Squeeze”, “Tell Me Baby,” and “Monarchy of Roses.”

“Thank you, fillies and gentlecolts,” said he, smiling brightly and looking at the crowd. “I think I’m going to show everypony here why I’m called Mosh Pit. Floyd, if I may hold Typhoon, please?” The guitarist nodded and gave her guitar to Mosh. He put it on and then focused on Humm Bucker. “And Hummy, if you’d give Floyd your bass.” He nodded and did so. “Now, would you like to lead on Breakneck Shred’s guitar.”

“It would be my pleasure, Mosh,” said Hummy close enough to the microphone to be heard, but barely.

A roadie pony came out from the side of the stage, holding a slick black and silver guitar with sharper features than Floyd’s. He gave it to Hummy, and he put it on respectfully. He nodded to Mosh, and the orange pegasus said into his microphone, “this one’s for you, Shred.” They then played the DragonForce song, “Through the Fire and Flames.”

“Now that’s more like it!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Let’s go mosh, Applejack!” She flew into the pit, and Applejack followed close behind on the ground.

“Don’t forget about me!” shouted Pinkie Pie, trotting to keep up with the orange mare.

After the song, an explosion went off right behind the three pegasi, causing Mosh to shout, “what the hay!” He turned around to see Bass Beat, smiling ear to ear as the chain of flame boxes detonated perfectly in sync, sending five more balls of fire into the air. Mosh turned back to face the crowd, who were still cheering at the pyrotechnics. “Wasn’t expecting that,” admitted he to the crowd. “Heck of a way to end an act, eh? We love you, Fillydelphia! Enjoy the rest of the show!” The pegasi left the stage, Bass Beat noticeably laughing as she followed step.

“YES! That was perfect!” exclaimed Tech Specs, overjoyed at her flame boxes.

“Personally, I liked their first four songs,” huffed Rarity, in clear expression of her dislike of Heavy Metal.

In time, the three ponies who had run off to join the mosh pit returned, each with a few bruises on various parts of their bodies.

Seeing her friends battered up caused Fluttershy to lash out. “Oh my goodness!” exclaimed she, looking over the bruises. “What happened?”

“I’d say a bloody good mosh pit happened,” said Tech, laughing with the three ponies.

“Darn right,” confirmed Applejack. “Some ponies left that thing ableedin’ thanks to me and Rainbow.”

“That’s awful!” exclaimed Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike simultaneously.

Pinkie Pie laughed and said, “it’s all in good fun, isn’t it?”

“Certainly,” agreed Blades from atop Tech’s back. “Now that we’re all back together, what say you that we go see the Chili Peppers?” Everypony nodded, and Tech Specs led the way through the crowd.