• Published 14th Jan 2019
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The World is my Sandbox - PoniesMine

A human buys a planet called “Harmony” and decides to mess around with the natives. What could possibly go wrong when he provides weapons never even thought to exist?

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Chapter Thirteen: The Reich Rises!

BCE: Before Common Era
ACE: After Common Era

“Dictators free themselves, but slave the people.”
-Charlie Chaplin
Chapter Thirteen: The Reich Rises!

Have you ever wondered how society actually processes forward? Specifically medieval societies? Back then, they didn’t have whole agencies dedicated to the research and development of weapons and machines, just, sole inspiration. Those unique, revolutionary ideas that are able to completely transform the entire of society. For instance, take Nikola Tesla, for example, his simple, yet incredible concepts formed the resemblance of the electric AC power system, it’s argued without him, humans may still be stuck a few hundred years in the past.

Now contemplate another inventor, Thomas Edison, the creator of the modern light bulb. He too was able to conceptualise several notions but proceeded to take it in a different direction.

Tesla and Edison are complete opposites, even though they technically worked in the same field, the science of electricity, and both developed means of improving it, allowing more humans to gain access to this new power source. One, however, implemented in the name of homosapian advancement, a humanist, to give without counting the cost, while the other, wanted money, and to furthermore, improve his social standing.

The question now is, which one triumphs in the end? The part Serbian? Or the born and bread American?

A few seconds to contemplate.

Alright, fine. I’ll give you a clue, his name starts with T.


This overall conclusion can easily be drawn to a griffon named Erika, she is an innovator, an inventor, and most importantly, she emphasises the value and agency of griffon beings in general. She doesn’t care for money, nor social standing, and prefers to use almost all her time, to develop machines that could potentially increase the overall wellness of the Griffon people. She has formulated many designs, most of which are utilised locally, for unnaturally low prices. One such example is the ‘Plow and Sow.’

To describe this particular being, she is whole-fully white, with dark grey tipped wings and ‘hair.’ You could often find her in a relatively basic brown suit, with an un-illuminated blue undergarment, laced with a comparatively fundamental red tie.

The OC Erika was created, and provided by Arstotzkan Border Patrol, that won the flag feature contest a few months back.

Erika was currently residing in her very own forge, passed on from generation to generation, of family members. Their lineage being of military blacksmiths, but Erika however, decided to flip this tradition on its head, by turning her back from sharp swords, and arrows —tools of murder. To gears, and the brilliant mathematics of engineering.

The place was a relatively moderate singular room, a furnace was situated in the right furthermost corner, the same side resided the large amount of necessary equipment to properly beat metal into shapes. While the other side of the room contained a series of benches, on-top stewed various amounts of tools, and pre-made machine parts.

Her current goal was to somehow transfer heat energy—flames, into physical movement. If this could be achieved, pumps no longer had to rely on moving water bodies, or wind to actually function, this would allow all towns, no matter how small or remote, to have access to plenty of pure water. Pumps, of course, had been invented decades earlier, but the limited rivers and wind speed have left 95% of all towns in the Griffon Empire without the proper water supply.

Sadly, the development of this ‘automatic ingenium’ (ingenium in Latin means inclination, intelligence, and natural capacity). Has been difficult to continue as ‘officially’, her forge was repurposed by the Monarch Government into a military workshop. Which basically just boils down to instead of manufacturing complex devices, she is to provide for the war effort. This was mostly overcome by simplycreating items just within the minimum quota, and of questionable quality, lest she wants to confronted by the authorities.

At this very moment, a half a meter by half a meter boiler was surprisingly, being heated to include a dangerously high amount of pressure. A valve is positioned towards the bottom of this cylinder, which can be opened up on demand. The goal of this experiment is to rotate an extremely heavy gear (located directly next to the boiler), weighing at 0.4 of a tonne, by spiting an intense stream of H20 gas at one spot.

This obviously didn’t work out, as before Erika could even really test this theory, the boiler exploded. She dramatically overestimated the structural integrity of the design, particularly the hastily put together joints, the part responsible for actually clasping the cylinder together.

Water sprouted in all directions, covering a large surface in extremely hot steam and water, the metal casing, launched into the roof, and out into the large, blue sky. Cutting a decently sized hole in the ceiling.

Lucky, she was mostly outside the radius of bast as she was busy in the forging section, only small splashes of fierily hot liquid came in contact with Erika’s skin. Don’t get me wrong, at the time of impact she screamed in utter pain, but fortunately missed the brute of the detonation.

You would think in this situation she would be crying, a helpless little organism that just couldn’t hold back the ferocious pelt up agony. This is, surprisingly, not the case. Instead, at that very moment, inspiration hit her like a brick, a single idea, that could potentially revolutionise the pump, and create a brand new age for the supply and removal of water.

Even though her leg and a few patches of skin were screaming at her to tear up in pain, her mind was instead occupied by this new thought, a singular thought, caused by the sheer force of a pressurised explosion, that will literally adjust her whole entire career for the better.

‘Why don’t I just push with pressure?’

This may seem like a very simple idea, and that’s because it is. All this time, after two years of research, she has been trying to push with steam, to spit a fountain of intense vapour in order to turn, or move objects. Of course, she has always had various degrees of success, but what she found was that it could never push anything too heavy.

But pressure can be changed to her will, so long as the boiler and pipes are strong enough, she could utilise a build up of pressure to thrust an object— no, a piston forward.

And she shall call it—the Steam Engine.

Before I can inform you about the current dealings of the Equestrian State of Germaney, I’m going to have to give you a little of its history, in order to properly understand its contemporary dealings.

It’s the national year of 19BCE.

The civil war between Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia is at an all-time high, both sides are massing as large of an army, as physically possible. Conscription is introduced, and civilian workshops, have been transformed into military forges.

At this stage, however, the Nightmare Empire has roughly the same industry, and economic power as Equestria, and so, they desire an edge, preferably a larger industry and more funds. Nightmares Moon turns to the only viable option, the neighbouring country of Germaney.

On the July 18th, 18BCE, they invade with 15,000 troops, all armed to the teeth with spears, swords, armour, magic, and experience. The defence force that of Germaney, is quite the opposite, their military was improperly equipped, had inferior technology, had next to no unicorns, and lacked the training, and skill to repel the invasion.

The government didn’t expect to be the target of a declaration of war, as Equestria was a peaceful country, and the other surrounding nations, like the Griffons, were in political shambles, provinces and territories were controlled by an abundance of different kings, no partnerships seemed clear anytime soon, so what’s the point spending a large percentage of your economy on the Military when you're not going to actually use it?

When War finally met Germaney at the gates, they were utterly unprepared. Their troops numbered to just 3,000, and total mobilisation had only just begun two weeks prior, as an incoming invasion was deemed ‘possible’.

Despite all this, however, the Germane put up a good fight, they used tactics similar to guerilla warfare, only attacked at nights, and with relatively small numbers. In fact, the ratio of casualties was in their favour, one to two. They were still being pushed back, however, every day the Nightmare Empire continued to take hold of more and more territory, until eventually, what’s left of the Germane army, is completely surrounded in a single province, on November 23rd, 19BCE, they are forced to surrender, bringing their lands under complete occupation.

The leader of the aggressive nation, Nightmare Moon, used the resources from Germaney, in her war effort. They exported funds, goods, and most importantly, iron. In fact, capturing this nation provided them with the necessary resources to really get the war rolling.

They clashed with Equestria, tolling significant casualties, capturing land was consistent, and it appeared as though they were actually be granted as victorious. However, Equestria had learned from its mistakes, it furthermore, implemented total military reformation. Organisation skyrocketed, strategies were more complex, a combination of efficient tactics was utilised to perfection.

This still wasn’t enough.

At this stage, The Nightmare Empire occupied 4/5 of Equestria, they took control of the mines, and forges as they continued to march forward. It looked hopeless.

On October 9, 15BCE, Nightmare Moon confronts Princess Celestia at the Capital, the Castle of the Two Sisters, and asks for surrender. The request is refused, which results in a totally epic magic battle between the two Alicorns, eventually, however, Celestia was able to utilise old, magical artefacts to teleport the Dictator, Nightmare Moon, funnily enough, on the large rock in space, also referred to as the ‘Moon’.

This resulted in the entire Nightmare Empire to suddenly collapse overnight, ponies under mind control suddenly broke free, and any actual loyal soldiers, had no-pony to turn to. Transforming the entire nation, into shambles overnight, only disorganised rebels with no actual centralised military, remained. Equestria was able to quickly seize all its territory back with practically no resistance.

This included Germaney.

Equestria thought that Germany was still under occupation, this, however, was not actually the case. Small formed militias were able to push any of the remaining rebels out of their country, giving them their independence for the second time. Princess Celestia was not aware, and so, she sent in the army, resulting in another invasion, for a second bloody time.

Germany was still in the process of Governmental reformation when this occurred, the military still hadn’t been officially initiated. The only armed forces technically defending the county were small privately owned, soldiers.

On December 2nd, 15BCE, Equestrian invaded with 10,000 troops, although not extremely experienced or well trained, they had exceedingly amazing organisation and attacked with the utmost efficiency.

A temporary Germane government was formed early during the invasion, they were able to successfully combine every private army, in one, singular military. Since every Germane militia beforehand, didn’t have anything standard, like weapons, or uniforms. It made it quite difficult for cooperation. Warlords still retained control of their army, the only difference is that they had to listen to the commands of higher up. Sadly, due to a rivalry between several of these people, they refused to work together. Strategies like guerilla warfare were difficult, and any other tactic conceptualised, wasn’t agreed upon.

The Equestrian Government was lead to believe, that all remaining forces in Germaney, were that of Nightmare Moon’s old soldiers, and just rebels. This idea was reinforced by all the different uniforms, and equipment each group withheld. The Equestrian army easily crushed any resistance, and with just two weeks, all of Germaney was captured.

Of course, the Germanes demand for their own right to govern, it was refused, however, as the population was thought, to still be under Nightmare Moon’s influence. This obviously, was not actually the case.

On the 3rd of September, 14BCE, Germaney is appointed as an official state of Equestria, due to this, the Equestrian Government is convinced they have a right, to continue to export, funds, goods, and other resources to the rest of Equestrian from that province.

This over the years, Equestria without knowledge, slowly drained their entire economy, unemployment began to rise, agricultural goods had to be imported into the state, and low education forced the much more literate ponies elsewhere in Equestria, to work the more complex, and mentally demanding jobs.

By 845ACE, the once proud, industrial, and economic might has fallen, and at this stage, is classified as the poorest sector in the whole country. Equestrian nobles pursued their own desires, by exploiting the area, disregarding any of the population, to become richer, and more influential. Everything that ever occurred in the domain was disguised with altered statistics, fake news reports, and societal inspectors viable to corruption. Civilians were obviously upset about these conditions, so they started to show their disapproval by causing civil unrest, defying their superiors, and even, urinating on historically or politically significant Equestrian landmarks.

Throughout the ages, a series of different revolts attempted to overthrow the local government, all regretfully failed. They either lacked enough individual support, collapsed due to insufficient funding, or were put down quickly by Equestrian authorities.

By the time Princess Celestia realised the condition the whole area is in, the population had a strong bitter taste that continued to linger towards all non-germane foreigners, which only proceeded increase exponentially, all peoples exemplified an extreme attitude of prejudice and racism.

Luckily, through Princess Celestia’s aid, the province has yet again, increased it’s economical powerhouse, though, still nowhere as superior as prior to the war. All companies, including the industry, within the state, were owned nationally, possessed by ponies located elsewhere in the nation.

In a roughly small period of time, Germaney actually was in a reasonable position, their economy wasn’t great but neither inadequate. Their industry was deemed as ‘satisfactory’, and unemployment decreased. Surprisingly enough, cheerfulness, for the first time in over eight centuries, wasn’t actually, terrible.

It all seemed like everything would work out in the end.

Of course, anypony who thought that should smack themselves, nothing ever goes according to plan.

On the 14th of August, 971ACE, a mass drought swipes across the entirety of Eastern Equestria, water reserves dried up, crops die, the economy crashes. Investors in the province were concerned that they’d lose their funds, so what’s the most sensible thing to do? Withdraw your finances, and relocate them in a much more, suitable area.

At this stage, Germaney yet again is at rock bottom.

People begin to realise that it’s all just a cycle, nothing is changing, it's like it’s just fate for the Germane people to always suffer, to always possess a society destined for ruin, most actually accepted this. Very few were able to get their hooves onto Equestrian prohibited history books, discovering the wonders, and amazement of the old Empire, the content caused ponies’ hearts swell up in pride, signalling a sense of dramatic longing. Like the souls are just waiting, and preparing, to be finally realised, to show the might, and power of the Germane people.

So some decide to actually take action.

On the 2nd of January, 978ACE, a revolutionary group was constructed, it’s called the National Socialists Reformation of the Germane Ponies, or NSRGP, normally referred to as NSP for short. This congregation was initiated by a fifteen-year-old pony, Aryanne Hoofler, who had very recently received her unique cutie mark, her calling. Unlike all previously attempted revolts, they had the drive, support, soldiers and the intelligence to stay hidden in the shadows and turn the cogs from behind your back.

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They believed that if they were to have a successful revolution, they would have to require the support from the people, to have them behind their back. All prevoulsy attempted revolutions, tried to just take to government building by force, but when they failed, or even succeeded, the people simply didn’t care. There was no support, no-one joined up into the army, and people would fight with no confidence, or belief.

Propaganda was distributed through, newspapers, posters, and leaflets. Though every time Equestrian authorities tried to arrest whoever was responsible, leads simply came up blank. Speeches were conducted in private facilities, like beer halls, theatres, and sport grounds, with their flag proudly appearing inside these establishments, leading for it, to be almost unfeasible for authorities to arrest any individuals.

The NSP’s main intention was to allow the state of Germaney, to become fully independent, and most importantly, to value Germane blood, over any foreigners, especially to inferior bread Equestrians. People were sick of being dismissed, so when a group starts labelling Germanes as mighty, people tend to jump on the bandwagon.

The NSP militia, known as the Sturm Defence (Storm Defence), or SD for short, had been quietly gathering equipment from the very start, this included modern Griffon steel spears, amour and ranged weapons. Once more, their troops equated to 500 in the first half year alone, and continued to grow to 2,000 by 988ACE.

Their uniform wasn’t all spectacular, just a simple brown buttoned up shirt, with dark brown pants, and a loop of pink fabric around their shoulders, had a picture of the group’s flag. The grey armour was worn over the top, and the only body part that was completely bare, was the cranium, no hat of any sort, not even helmets was distributed, caps were only reserved for the officials.

One thing came abundantly clear, the NSP was gaining support, but quite enough. You see, ponies LOVED the idea of an independent nation, but some of the ideas proposed by this group were simply too radical, one such example would be; ponies are the superior species, all others, like griffons, zebras, and families affected with ‘interspecies’ should be exiled out of the country, as they were partly responsible for Germane’s economic crisis, furthermore endlong with the Equestrians.

This, along with a few other viewpoints, pushed some people off track. After all, some have grown up next to various different species, what’s so bad about them? While others completely agreed with the NSP, ponies wanted someone to fault for all their misfortunes, blaming the entirety on Equestria, and Princess Celestia seemed too much, someone can simply, not be responsible for all of Germaney’s misfortunes. So the accountable gets shared between multiple groups, the Equestrians, and non-pony species, the ones responsible for undermining the whole country.

Ever since the NSP had been gaining support, rebelling in the sovereign state had increased ten fold, however, may didn’t, as they believed things would eventually work out in the end, their physical life was not in danger.

This entirely changed as on the 14th of November, 989ACE, news reports came in that stated an extremely deadly disease, (roomers to be originally sourced from the alicorns themselves), has hit the streets. Ponies of the Germane area are now suddenly fearing for their life, and so they flock to the one group who declares are the protectors.


Group members absolutely exploded, and the SD’s number increased from 2000, to 10,000, in just half a month. Evaluating these aspects, the NSP decided to execute the next step to total independence, they revealed themselves. Speeches now expressed unconditionally in the public and propaganda was handed out more forcibly.

The leader, Aryanne Hoolfer, up until this point was practically a complete mystification to the people, presenting as practically unreachable. During this time however, she too, uncovers her identity. It’s not a surprise the Equestrian authorities attempted to arrest her, but 1000 soldiers stood in their way.

The NSP wanted to satisfy the population, and so, the SD was instructed to not wear their army uniforms, so to appear as any other non-military personal, and patrol the Germane border, refusing entry to any possibly infected foreign Equestrians. Even conventional citizens joined in the action, by wielding their own improvised weapons, like knives, and rolling pins.

At one particular point, the violence became so bad, several deaths were actually recorded. After word got out, ponies decided to travel to different provinces, that happened to be much more accepting.

As a response, Equestria dispatched more supplementary guards, attempting to quell this resistance, though that only seemed to piss off the general public even more, as it was seen as forced occupation, and an intimidation tactic.

Let’s just say that it didn’t exactly ‘work’, in fact, it was quite counterintuitive.

Then, like the NSP hasn’t gotten enough full streaks, news spread throughout Equestria that the Princesses failed to stop the Griffon Republic advance, their whole division, completely wiped out. The other side reported to only have minuscule casualties.

Now, particularly the Germanes, were convinced that they couldn't be protected, that the Equestrian military is insufficient at protecting their people. The equipment is absolutely trash, and the troops are utterly unprepared for war, they simply haven’t been trained to a good enough extent. With the rising power of the Republic, it’s not a surprise that the Germanes are starting to dwell on panic, after all, they are on the border to the Griffon Empire, will they be next?

Obviously, the NSP was able to turn this into a massive propaganda scheme, going so far to say, that without them, and their militia force, Germany will forever remain utterly unprotected, and that, they will eventually compel their armies wield these ‘boom-sticks’. This even further increased the support for the group, and citizens became not nearly as intimidated by the Equestrian guards compared to earlier.

(This has all happened in the story up until this point)

15:00, 11th of December, 989ACE, it was Hearts Warming Eve, fillies and colts were becoming increasing excited about the presents for the next day, some decided to stay up late, and attempt to steal a glance at their awaiting presents, while others, went to bed early like good little children, so the day would come quicker. This occurred everywhere, except for Germaney. You see, the citizens, even the children, were excited by something else, an early Hearts Warming Present, a speech, by Aryanne Hoofler.

Fillies and colts often stared wide eye while listening to her speeches—all the shouts of agreement, the applauding, and the general excitement in the atmosphere was utterly dissimilar to that on Germane streets, it contained, hope.

You see, a large percentage of the population was unemployed, and those who were, earned little, so a passionate articulation by a pony promising freedom and prosperity, really excited everyone. It was like watching your favourite TV show, but way better.

On this particular day, at this particular time, over 200,000 NSP supporters, the biggest one yet, included people of all age and gender, were all patiently waiting for Aryanne Hoofler to stride into the stand, and undertake her speech. The atmosphere was full of excitement, conversations covered how much of a good Germane role model Hoofler was, and a massive source of inspiration.

The speech was to be held outside the Equestrian State Centre, the control facility of all the ongoings, and happening within the Germaney. It wasn’t difficult to persuade any officials, and Equestrian Nobles within the place to allow them to proceed with the speech, just a few SD soldiers did the trick. Though it’s obvious that they called for Equestrian assistance from the government.

What got people really talking about however, was the 1000 guards that were gathering 50 metres around the sides of the general area, all were Equestrian imported, and loyal to the princess. To counteract this, 2000 SD soldiers protected the flanks, furthermore, front of the wooden podium, just incase the civilians, and their beloved role model is in the path of danger.

At 15:10, Aryanne Hoofler marches onto the stage, furthermore, behind the podium. The audience cheers with whistles, and thunderous applause, literally shaking the ground. She holds up her hoof at a 45 degree angle, and shouts directly into the magically manufactured voice amplifier, “Heil!”

The audience replied by them too, rising up their right foreleg, and stated with a perfect unification, “Heil!”

Aryanne Hoofler quickly clears her throats, and embarks the speech…

"Deutschland braucht keinen Kaiser.
Das ist nicht meine Sache.
Ich möchte niemanden regieren oder erobern.”

“Germaney doesn’t need emperor.
That’s not my business.
I don't want to rule or conquer anyone.”

The Equestrian guards move towards the audience, politely excusing anypony they bump into, their goal, most likely to arrest, and quell any aggressive protesting. Though, no-one noticed as every single soul, was unconditionally focused on the current speaker, latching onto every word, and engraving the letters into their mind.

“Wir sollten jede Klasse mit jeder Anerkennung unterstützen.
Die Armen - die Arbeiter - die Arbeitslosen.
Wir wollen uns alle gegenseitig helfen, Ponys sind so.
Wir wollen vom Glück des anderen leben.
Nicht durch das Elend des anderen.
Wir wollen uns nicht hassen und verachten. “

“We should aid every class, with every bit of recognition.
The poor - the workers - the unemployed.
We all want to help one another, ponies are like that.
We want to live by each other's happiness.
Not by each other's misery.
We don't want to hate and despise one another.”

Aryanne quickly nods at her subordinates, towards the equestrian guards, 1000 SD soldiers begin to slowly intercept. All had facades of determination, and were equipped with a multitude of top of the line, steel weapons.

“Und diese Welt hat nur so viel Platz, die Erde ist reich, kann aber nur für das Begrenzte sorgen.
Die Lebensweise kann frei und schön sein, wurde aber leider weggenommen.
Gier hat die Seelen des Reiters vergiftet, die Welt mit Gier verbarrikadiert, uns in Elend und Blutvergießen gefesselt.
Equestria hat sich entwickelt, hat uns aber von der Welt ausgeschlossen.
Ihr Mangel an Wissen hat sie zynisch gemacht.
Ihre Denkweisen, hart und unfreundlich.
Sie fühlen sich zu viel und handeln zu wenig. “

“And this world has only so much room, the Earth is rich, but can only provide for the limited.
The way of life can be free and beautiful, but it has sadly been taken away.
Greed has poisoned the Equestrian’s souls, has barricaded the world with greed, has strapped us into misery and bloodshed.
Equestria has developed, but shut us from the world.
Their lack of knowledge has made them cynical.
Their mindsets, hard and unkind.
They feel too much, and act too little.”

The SD troops meet the Equestrians guards half way, and proceed to position their spears directly forward, as if they’re a gigantic wall of spikes, nothing will be able to pass, especially since the Equestrians have nothing better than butter for amour.

“Was wir brauchen, ist Respekt, Anerkennung.
Mehr als Freundlichkeit brauchen wir Ermutigung und Intelligenz.
Ohne diese Qualitäten wird das Leben nicht fortschreiten und alles wird verloren gehen.
Die Druckmaschine und Stahl haben uns näher zusammengebracht.
Das Wesen dieser Erfindungen verlangt nach Intelligenz und Handwerkskunst aller deutschen Ponys - nach universeller Brüderlichkeit - nach der Einheit von uns allen.
Selbst jetzt erreicht meine Stimme Millionen in diesem Land - Millionen verzweifelter Hengste, Stuten und Kinder - Opfer eines schrecklichen Zyklus.“

“What we need, is respect, recognition.
More than kindness, we need encouragement and intelligence.
Without these qualities life will be unprogressive, and all will be lost.
The printing press, and steel has brought us closer together.
The very nature of these inventions cries out for the intelligence, and craftsmanship of all Germane ponies - cries out for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all.
Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout this country- millions of despairing stallions, mares, and children - victims of a horrible cycle.”

The guards where obviously not trained for this, only momentarily briefed on the situation. Most stopped, their facade expressing deep signs of fear, and uncertainty. While other pressed onwards, attempting to push past the soil brick wall.

“Zu denen, die mich hören können, sage ich - verzweifle nicht.
Das Elend, das jetzt auf uns ist, ist nur das Vergehen von Gier - die Verbitterung derer, die den Weg des Ponyfortschritts fürchten.
Der Hass wird nicht vergehen, die Adligen sterben, und die Macht, die sie dem Volk genommen haben, wird an die nächste weitergegeben. Es ist der Tod, der uns nur dazu ermutigt, weiter voranzukommen und den Mut zu haben, der nächsten Generation ein besseres und erfüllenderes Leben zu ermöglichen.
Und solange wir sterben, wird die Freiheit niemals verloren gehen….”

“To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair.
The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of those who fear the way of pony progress.
Hate will not pass, nobles die, and the power they took from the people will be passed onto the next. It is death that only encourages us to press onward, to have the courage to provide a better, more fulfilling life for the next generation.
And so long as we die, liberty will never perish….”

It’s not a surprise the NSP soldiers didn’t bulge, their muscularity, and determination was more then enough to stop them from progressing. It was obvious that nothing was going to enter anytime soon.

Gönnen Sie sich nicht Pferden - denen, die Sie verachten - Sie versklaven - die Ihr Leben regimentieren - sagen Sie, was Sie tun sollen - was Sie denken und was Sie fühlen sollen!
Wer Sie bohrt - Diät Sie - behandelt Sie wie Vieh, benutzt Sie als Futter.
Gib dich diesen unnatürlichen Kreaturen nicht, sie sind Maschinen mit Maschinengeist und Maschinenherzen!
Du bist keine Maschine! Du erschaffst sie!
Du bist kein Vieh! Du bist Hirten!
Sie sind keine Reiter! Sie sind Germanen!
Du bist mächtig!
Sie verdienen besser!
Nur die Reichen unterwerfen sich - die Reichen und Schwachen!“

Don't give yourselves to Equestrians - those who despise you - enslave you - who regiment your lives - tell you what to do - what to think and what to feel!
Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use you as fodder.
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural creatures, they are machines, with machine minds, and machine hearts!
You are not machines! You create them!
You are not cattle! You are shepherds!
You are not Equestrians! You are Germanes!
You are mighty!
Strong willed!
You deserve better!
Only the wealthy submit - the wealthy and the weak!”

Germane ponies among themselves, glanced at one other, recognising the exhausted, dirty, and almost depressed depiction each of them withheld. Only now—do they realise exactly that they are not alone, that everypony, every Germane is suffering just like they are, and that they too, want to properly be appreciated.

Kämpfe nicht für die Sklaverei!
Kampf für Freiheit!
Sie, die Leute, haben die Macht - die Macht, Maschinen zu schaffen.
Die Kraft, Glück zu schaffen!“

Don't fight for slavery!
Fight for liberty!
You, the people have the power - the power to create machines.
The power to create happiness!”

With the rise of tonne, and shrieking of Aryanne Speech, along with the ascending belief that they hold the power, not some stupid Equestrian Government! They can do, and feel exactly as they want to! People become hyped up, like actually, each one of them, want to make a difference.

“Sie, die Menschen, haben die Kraft, dieses Leben frei und schön zu gestalten, um dieses Leben zu einem wundervollen Abenteuer zu machen!
Mit der Überlegenheit des Nationalsozialismus - lasst uns diese Macht nutzen - lasst uns alle vereinen!
Lasst uns für eine neue Welt kämpfen - eine anständige Welt, die deutschen Ponys eine Chance zur Arbeit gibt -, die der Jugend eine Zukunft und ein hohes Alter der Sicherheit gibt!
Lasst uns jetzt kämpfen, um dieses Versprechen zu erfüllen!
Lasst uns kämpfen - um nationale Barrieren zu beseitigen - um Gier, Harmonie und Toleranz zu beseitigen.
Lasst uns für eine Welt der Vernunft kämpfen, eine Welt, in der Wissenschaft und Fortschritt zu allem Glück führen werden.
Im Namen des Nationalsozialismus sollten wir uns alle unter einem einzigen Banner vereinen und wieder die Kontrolle übernehmen.“

“You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure!
With the supremacy of National Socialism- let us use that power - let us all unite!
Let us fight for a new world - a decent world that will give Germane ponies a chance to work - that will give youth a future and old age of security!
Now let us fight to fulfil that promise!
Let us fight - to do away with national barriers - to do away with greed, ‘harmony’ and tolerance!
Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all happiness.
In the name of National Socialism, let us all unite under a single banner, and retake control.”

Not sure if you noticed, but that exact line, the very last line of that speech, literally changed Germaney forever, for those who don’t understand, the term ‘Kontrolle übernehmen’ were the trigger statement. That as soon as the SD herd those exact words, they took action.

All of the Germane NSP soldiers with an Equestrian guard located directly ahead, thrusted their steal spears onwards, right through the amour, and pricing the skin. Almost the whole line of Equestrian guards suddenly drop, their bodies twitching on the ground, and blood pooling under them, transforming into something not unlike of a red ocean.

The SD continues forward, utterly unfrazzoled by the actions of themselves, and others as they persisted with stabbing, and plunging their weapons. The Equestrians failed to penetrate the steel armor that of the NSP, as gold simply doesn’t contain the density required to make much of an effect. A few lucky gold tin cans, were able to stab at exposed skin, or other bare locations. Though, before they could perform any lasting damage, other SD guards were able to kill them.

The crowd from previously, was cheering, there was hoof stomps, whistles, and shout of words of encouragement to the SD, which withered away any sense of self-doubt, and motivated them even further, to march onwards.

All of the Equestrian force was utterly defeated, every guard either was killed, or ran away in a massive feat of cowardice, ditching their armor and weapon in the process. They would find out later on that day, that the causally rate was 1 to 1000.

After this, they all set their eyes on the next target, the Germane State Government Operating Centre or GSGOC for short. Thousands of soldiers stormed through the building, some citizens even joined on to effort by utilising random picked up objects on the side of the street, like rocks.

They smashed, and destroyed almost everything inside the building, as they went, soldiers carried and planted NSP flags on the walls, signifying their take over of the government building, and the age of a new era.

As it is recorded in the history books, the Equestrian Noble Governor of the Germane sector was resting in his office, completing and signing several documents that allowed the relocation of resources to other cities like Manehattern and Canterlot. Imagine his surprise when three SD soldiers burst into this room, and forcibly took him by the shoulders and mane. Dragging him down the hallway, causing him to scream and kick throughout the whole trip.

Unknown to him, later that day he would be publicly executed on a guillotine, in the forefront, of all the Germane people. The Equestrian guard eventually arrived at Germany, but the huge resistance put forth by the civilians forced them to pull out, as no civvies were permitted to be injured.

The Equestrian flag located on-top of the Germane State Operating Centre, was forcibly taken down, drowning under the sheer force placed upon it, a hoof ripped it off, throwing it to the side, and inspiring it to slowly drift to the earth, until it sat there, discarded, forgotten, removed, replaced with a better, stronger banner. Slowly and confidently, the NSP flag was risen up, bellowing, and proudly hanging from the clouds.

In the end though; only one flag waves in the wind.

Hey guys editor Crimson here, I just want to let you know, I listened to rise of evil by Sabaton while Editing the chapter and accidently woke up my neighbors by a combination of the music, and me yelling the speech in german, anyway, this should be fun and remember;

Author's Note:

Please comment below if you think this story is a bit hard to follow, if this becomes the case, I'll dial down the number of separate POVs from Atomic Discharge.

Also, this chapter is not meant to encourage NAZISM, but in fact, discourage it. If you don't see it this way, please tell me and I'll add a disclaimer at the beginning.

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