• Published 14th Jan 2019
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The World is my Sandbox - PoniesMine

A human buys a planet called “Harmony” and decides to mess around with the natives. What could possibly go wrong when he provides weapons never even thought to exist?

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Chapter Fourteen: When the world turns to Shit and Communism

“Equip yourself for life, not solely for your own benefit, but for the benefit of the whole community.”
—General John Monash, Australian Imperial Military
Chapter Fourteen: When the world turns to Shit and Communism

[14th of December, 989. One month after Atomic’s departure from the Hospital]

“Any news regarding the fugitive, Atomic Discharge?”

A royal guard deeply bows, expressing serious signs of gratitude to the princess. Obviously, he has nothing that would be considered ‘good news’, so it’s not a surprise he’s attempting to ‘soften the blow’ or ‘buttering her up’ by showcasing his extreme loyalty to the crown.

“No your highness, she was last seen in Ponyvile about two months back. Though local citizens did say she often appeared and disappeared at random, even Twilight Sparkle had something to say about it.”

Celestial seems to ponder for a moment, but for a very brief instance, “Yes, I do remember Twilight sending me a report on the specific individual,” she started to remove herself from the throne, using her hoofs to push her body from the gold-encrusted seat, “it, however, failed to present any useful information about her.”

The massive white alicorn trotted quite leisurely past the guard, and spoke with her eyes staring directly at the back of the guard’s head, as his body hadn’t moved a single centimetre since entering the throne room, “Make sure you report any extra findings on her, in the meantime, I’ll ask Twilight to deal with this subject.”

Despite Celestia practically out of the room, the guard still waited patiently, for whatever reason, his pupils still stared directly ahead, and his body at impeccable attention. “Your dismissed lieutenant,” Celestia declares, despite stating the obvious.

The lieutenant performed a 180-degree spin and marched several paces in the opposite direction. Though the alicorn was unsuccessful to perceive this whole movement, as she was already walking down the hallway, and in the general bearing of her retreat.

Celestial took his moment to relish the atmosphere, the only hoof beats were the of her own, the castle passageway eerily quiet, the only thing that accompanied her was the rhythmic, and repeating thoughts whisking through her head. Even if this journey will be a relatively short one.

It…was nice.

She rarely gets any time to herself, whether this is paperwork, nobles, or even her sister. Almost every second, of every day required her attention. It’s like the entire country is just one massive collection of stupid children.

Of course, the atmosphere was ruined once again by the rushed hoof beats of another pony sprinting down the hallway, evidently, Celestia was not too pleased with this. ‘Probably just a new recruit, they often disregarded castle rules.’

Imagine her surprise when she finds out it’s not a royal guard, but in fact, the minister of Defence, also known as the Captain of the entire Royal Guard, Shining Armour. The once extremely quiet, yet proud Equestrian tactician was literally sprinting, with what Celestia can discern was a terrified facade.

So instead of being rude, and continuously walking down the hall, the alicorn decided the best option was to pause patiently, to wait for him. The Unicorn didn’t seem to notice this as he continued to run directly past Celestia.

‘Maybe he’s not after me?’ She thought.

This notion was put to rest when he realised, by looking back, that in fact, he had initially missed his target, but this uneven balance in his body structure resulting in him face planting, hard, on the floor. The speed on which he was going would have had the action quite excruciating, because of this, he expelled a loud ‘grown’.

“Are you alright Captain?”

Shining Armour shoots up at attention, performs a 180-degree movement, marches several paces forward in front of Celestia, and solutes. His current expression hiding any sense of fear, and insecurity. He speaks at an almost monotone voice, “I have come bearing urgent news in relation to the guard.”

Celestia now aware that he has a message for her, and judging from the terrified expression from earlier, it’s defiantly nothing she wants to hear about, “What is it?”

He relaxes his posture, “Germaney has declared itself as an independent governing state, last night, declared war on Equestria, and has so far, pushed out all guards from the province,” his eyes portray signs of unadulterated panic, “This is a national emergency, the rebels have already secured several miles of our territory, it’s only a matter of time before they reach Canterlot!”


“Calm down Shining Amour,” she soothed, “A panicked soldier, is a soldier that makes mistakes.”

He seemed to stand there for several moments, with the sole purpose to catch his breath, and lower his heart rate, “We need to send in the guard, push them back by ‘utilising shock and awe’ before they can do any lasting damage to us.”

“Absolutely not,” Celestia commanded, “Set defence perimeters a few kilometres from the nearest towns to Germaney, do NOT attack. I’m going to try and establish a political agreement.”

The caption didn’t seem to agree with that, “But Princess! We can’t let these brutes get away with this! They’ve used violence and killed over 1000 of the royal guard already! Are those death for literally nothing??!”

“Captain,” Celestia narrows her eyes, “This will be the best option for everypony, I can’t let any more blood be on my hooves, if I have the option to save as many lives as possible, I will take that alternative.”

The white alicorn begins to persist with walking down the hallway, towards her retreat, however when she gazed back, Shining Armour was still located there, staring at her incredulously so Celestia attempted to alter the situation, “I suggest you notify your subordinates, Captain.”

The Captain races off, hooves echoing down the hallway, and all throughout the castle, as panic was laced throughout his steps.

As Celestia set out in the direction of her retreat, her mind wandered to places. Places where all her little ponies, are never hurt, are always kind, and a treated equally to one another. Of course, this thought is completely obscure, to achieve that sort of utopia would be practically impossible, though, Equestria from the surface, to some travellers. May actually appear that way.

In Celestia's mind, Germany isn’t the biggest of problems, once they are recognised by Equestria as an official country, they will effortlessly subside all aggressions, the biggest problem on her mind, however, is still the ‘boomstick’ complication, this new ‘technology’ won’t just have an impact this century, but also many to come. Ever since she has taken the position of a Princess, she has always contained this lingering thought of dread for the advance of wartime technology. Even the printing press almost caused her a heart attack.

If she could somehow, remove firearms from the face of Eques, not only would she not have to worry about it being wielded on her ponies, but additionally, her ponies will not possess it either.

At this moment, her thoughts are cut when she arrives at her study, the room seems to exhibit a feeling of nostalgia. She enters the place, and furthermore, closes the single door behind her.

This particular bedroom is very similar to that of Luna’s, except for expressing the night sky, and the moon, the bright, beautiful daylight blue sky occupies the ceiling, with the featured colour, yellow, outlines objects like the bed frame.

The main reason she comes to this room is to sign and read documents. Before she can do this, however, a letter to Twilight Sparkle would be of most importance.

Utilising her magic, she grasps a scroll, and a quill from her study desk, and begins to formulate the writings of the letter.

My Most Faithful Student,
I must request your attendance in Caterlot immediately.
The task I have for you may very well determine the fate of the entire world,
Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

With that quick and reasonably simple message, she sends it on it way through Spike fire teleportation.

A few hours succeeding, Celestia meets Twilight in the Throne room, and assigns an overwhelmingly important duty, she is to track down Atomic Discharge, find out exactly why she is executing the particular tasks, stop them, and if possible, make friends with her.

You know, my whole life, I’ve had no goals, no occupation, and no purpose. I’ve always attempted to fill this hollow feeling through other means like hobbies, like my shooting exercises, though these activities only packed the empty tactility partially. I often found myself performing these useless ventures almost every single day, just so I can occupy myself.

Now, however, it’s different.

This ‘empty’ feeling has almost completely been filled, and I feel as though I’m actually making a difference. Why is this you ask? It’s relatively simple actually.

I accepted the citizenship, and military position in the Griffon Republic.

Did you know I actually get assigned work??! That I no longer have to ponder what to do with my life, as all my decisions are practically made for me!?? IT. IS. AMAZING! My gosh, you have no idea what it feels like, after hundreds of years, to finally do something that benefits others! And the best part is, I can boss people (or rather griffons) around! I can tell them to sit in that corner, or make me a coffee, or assign them research to complete at home! Absolutely! Positivity! Amazing!

Now that you know exactly how excited I am, I’m sure you would like to be informed of what I actually do. Well, it’s rather simple really. Design and ‘research’ weapons concepts, produce some of these new firearms and offer military tactics and strategic manoeuvres. Though, that last one, isn’t taken as seriously from me, as the generals prefer to perform that sort of business without my help, you know, pride and all.

Also, when I mean ‘design’ muskets, I literally mean just making the original gun more efficient, and easier to fire. However, I have offered the concept of the ‘flintlock’ trigger system and the recipe for gunpowder. I really don’t want to provide anything too powerful, at least, not just yet.

The government is currently attempting to increase the country’s overall industrial capacity, by installing million, upon millions of bits into upgrading, and building new forges. They are most likely preparing to go full scale on musket production, as I still provide over 80% of the requested firearms. Other small forges have attempted to produce, or shall I say, ‘copy’ my slightly old, matchlock design. Some have been reasonably successful, while others have had nothing more then their guns blowing up in their face, as they would’ve had horrible structural integrity

Since I’m legally apart of the Griffon Republic now, I’m forced to hand over the recipe for gunpowder, though, none of the scientists seemed partially pleased that the third and final substance, sulphur, that was missing, is overwhelmingly expensive, and hard to come by. So naturally, they asked where they could find the stuff, I replied with ‘volcanos’ and ‘hot springs’. And now, the only hot spring in all of the Griffon Replubic, has transformed from one of the biggest tourist attractions, into an overwhelmingly massive mine, scouring for every resource, and speck of sulphur from the earth.

So yeah, they make their own gunpowder now.

I’ve also decided to remove my old base from the Everfree Forest, and into my reasonably small, gifted (30 acres!) of land, this time, however, instead of disguising it as a factory. I used a regular griffon house, as the land I received already had a reasonably small, humble griffon residence located on top.

These thoughts come to a halt however, as a Griffon soldier walks into my office, and solutes me. So, I copy his action and perform the same military gesture back, putting him at ease.

He seems to straighten himself, “General Bridges is requesting your attendance at the war room.”

I gaze longingly at my dark blue uniform, the gold laced bottom spreading down my chest, and down my stomach. Light red pants extend from underneath the navy coat. If I’m totally honest, these uniforms appear as just a rip off those Napoleonic Era French officer uniforms.

I adjust my medal, the Steal Claws Badge slightly, to make myself seem more presentable. I switch my perception back onto the solider, “Tell the General I’ll be arriving shortly.”

With the reply the particular soldier was after, he turned on the sport, and marched back out the door.

I wonder what he called me for? Hopefully, it’s nothing too important.

We are yet again, brought to the location of the throne room in the Griffon Empire. Cautious was reporting to the King—like he usually does, except at this particular occasion he has some rather enlightening news. During this prevention, however, the King simply sat idly, twiddling a captured musket in his claw.

“Although the Republicans are still steadily moving into our territory, a third of which they own. It’s summarised their supply lines are becoming stretched. Not to mention the limited number of soldiers equipped with ‘firearms’, is making their push a little harder than necessary, as estimated numbers average around 2,500.”

He flips onto another page and the king continuously expresses a facade of boredom, “This leads me to my next point— by which I’m sure you’ll be pleased with. The scientists have successfully discovered a major flaw in the firearm design, one which we plan to utilise to the fullest. In effect, a quick and effective strike is currently being planned to disrupt their supply lines and cut off half their advancing army. This one singular attack, my very well change the entire tide of the war.”

The King finally gives Cautious a quick glance, and proceeded to continue to twiddle with the musket, “That’s good,” he calmly stated, “How’s the state of the army?”

Cautious winced, “Ever since you introduced forced conscription of every able, man and teenager. The conditions of the army have been quickly deteriorating, whether this be through discipline or rations. However, on the bright side, we number just over 20000, bigger then what our army was previously.”

The king leans back on his chair, stroking his chin, “Alert me if any new developments are discovered.”

Cautious bows, and begins to make his leave from the throne room, “Yes, your highness.”

A group of around thirty Griffons, pulled carriages loaded with over 60 muskets per box, adding to around 2000 in total. Another 50 soldiers, each equipped with firearms, patrolled around the edges of the convoy, protecting it from any foreseen danger.

“So, what’s so special about these weapons anyway? Our last procession only had half as many guards. ” A griffon enquires as he pulls a carriage loaded with equipment.

An adjacent griffon, a soldier equipped with a matchlock musket replies with an awkward amount of cheerfulness, “They’re brand new weapons, evidently they have something called the ‘Flintlock’ system, apparently, they’re way better than our current muskets.”

The carrier raises an eyebrow, “How could they possibly be better?”

The solider shrugs, “I don’t know, probably something to do with faster loading times.”

The whole atmosphere surrounding the group is full of excitement, and anticipation. For the soldiers, and even the civilians can’t wait to try out, or experience these new weapons. The last one, after all, was a huge success.

However, these ‘high’ feelings, became an all-time low, as one of the guards was tackled by a black blur, this obscure ‘thing’ was actually an insect, in the shape of a pony. You may ask yourself, why didn’t they see this coming? It’s quite simple really, green recruits tend to slack off, and never check what coming from underneath them, as currently, the covey is located high in the air.

This was quickly followed by dozens of others, griffons tackled had to put up with a sharp horn lodging into their chests, as amour was too ponderous to wear. Some lucky guards, however, were able to raise their musket bayonets, and use it as a bug kebab spear.

Griffons, once recovering from the shock of the situation, opened fire, it, however, caused little damage as both sides were scattered across the sky, and muskets are highly inaccurate. Some lucky soldiers’ pot shots nevertheless, actually hit their mark, resulting in the black, incestuous body to fall down to the ground far below.

During this time, the unknown creatures, of unknown origin, stole as many carriages as they could get their hooves on. Removing the creates from the back, and carrying them in their ugly green magic.

“They’re stealing the weapons!” the Lieutenant shouts, “Quick! Everybody, get in a line!”

The griffons pulled away from their engagements in order to meet up with the commander of the platoon and formed a relatively crud line, each began to perform the process of reloading their weapons, however, Lieutenant soon realised their flanks are completely unprotected, so he makes a hastily, yet brilliant decision.

“Far left and right sides, bend around to make to a circle! Quickly!”

During this little, ‘reorganisation’, however, the front of the convoy is left completely unprotected, allowing the bug-horses to take advantage of the situation, and secured more cargo.

“All with a creature in slight fire at my command!”

A brief, tense few second pause, follows.


Musket gold rounds fire from the barrel of their projectiles, and launch in the general direction of the intruders. This was followed with a relativity deviating effect, as just over ten of the creatures, suddenly dropped out of the sky, some were holding stolen cargo, and as a result, it too dropped to the ground with them.

As soon as the invaders realised they no longer had the upper hoof, they decided to ditch the area with what little equipment they acquired. Which just happened to be around 25% of the cargo.

“Kill those bastards before they get away!” the Lieutenant squarks.

However, the extreme loading time of the matchlock muskets, combined with the fact the intruders were more scattered than a split blow of cereal, inspired to the situation to not be in their favour. The explosions of gunpowder and smoke were continuously exhausted into the sky, it proved naught, however, and the projectiles persisted with missing the thieves by near inches.

Before they knew it, they disappeared into the glaring sun, taking a reasonable chunk of flintlock muskets with them.

United Zebra Soviets
[15th of November, 989]
A government building of unknown origin was swarmed with zebras, each had their own official responsibility, position and red clothing. This resulted in what you’d refer to as, ‘a sea of red.’ Every individual zigzagged, and crossed in dozens of different directions.

The quietest section of this building however, just happened to be the most important, only officials with the highest military and political access was allowed to enter. Nevertheless, at this current predicament, only two zebras remained the in the room, one was behind the desk smoking a heavy cigar, while the other, was almost shivering as though there was a consistent cold breeze in the room.

The zebra holding the cigar — the one with more integrate, and fancy clothing— inhales a significant portion of the addictive nicotine, and blows into the other person’s face. Causing said mentioned, to cough repeatedly.

“We called you here today, for your opinion on a particular manner,” the cigar zebra enlightened, “It’s always good to receive opinions from new employees, particularly ones from newly integrated areas.”

He reclined forward, and pressed the rolled tobacco onto a worn smoke tray, depositing it, “What do you think of our way of governing?” He leaned back into his chair and stared directly into the eyes of the opposite zebra.

“It’s very good, Vozhd Lenin.”

He seemed somewhat pleased with the answer and continued to slack in his chair, “What about,” he grabs another cigar, and lights it from a nearby candle, “our situation?”

The zebra visually gulps, “Could you please reframe that?”

“I mean,” he waves his hooves around, gesturing to his surroundings, “Do you think we will be successful in uniting all Zebra Tribes under our banner?”

“Of course, Vozhd Lenin,” he somewhat confidently states.

He nods, “Good, good,” he takes a brief puff from his newly lit cigaret, “Obviously, your job as Conflicts Manager, is to formulate reports, and means to unravel political issues with minor tribes in your issued sector,” he informs as if brushing it off as ‘no big deal’.

“Anyway,” he leans slightly forward, “You know those weapons we’ve been hearing about, right?”

The Zebra simply stares with a blank look.

He rubs his eyes with his right foreleg, as if a little agitated, “The ‘boom-sticks’?”

An expression of sudden realisation spreads across the features of the manger, “Yes, I’m aware of those.”

“So my question is,” He waves his cigarette clasped hoof around to empathise his point, “if we were to unconditionally integrate these weapons into our military, how would the other tribes, or city-states react?”

The still unnamed zebra conceptualised his knowledge very thoroughly, to limit the amount of unwanted information that could possibly expel from his mouth, “I know they’d all react quite negatively, Vozhd Lenin,” he informs, “At the moment, most are confident in their defensive capabilities, but if we were to use these weapons…some may form defensive alliances with one another, to attempt to match our military strength.”

“So what your saying is,” he narrows his eyes, “That’d we’d be facing a larger threat, essentially, biting off more then we can chew.”

“Pretty much, yes,” he concurred.

“Alright,” he switches his gaze to piercingly stare at his companion, “What are your recommendations?”

The zebra seemed surprised at this prospect, “Me? Why would you want my suggestions?”

“Answer the question.”

“Yes! Of course, Vozhd Lenin!” He straightens himself, “We should only provide a small amount for restricted support, nothing more, nothing less.”

“I see,” he reclines backwards, and rotates his head to stare at a bell on his desk, and rings it by smashing his cigar hoof on it, smoke leaving a small trail in the air from the path it took. The opposite zebra tensed up at this at the sudden influx of noise.

Almost immediately, a zebra soldier bursts through the doors, clothed in a complete set of iron armour, and a fully enclosed helmet. A decently sized, white star with red outlines is located at the forefront of the head protection gear.

He stood perfect attention, and gave an impeccable solute, “Yes, sir!”

“Inform the field marshal that I’ve made my decision,” he took another quick whiff of his smoke, “Furthermore, that I’ll meet him in the war room in the next 20 minutes.”

He adjusts the rotational position of his head to gaze at the zebra his sitting opposite to him, “Thank you for your time,” he places the cigarette in his mouth, waves the other person off, “your dismissed.”

(All conversation is in Germane)

In a reasonably well-lit room, a small group of important Generals, and of course, Aryanne Hoofler, were located and referring to the rectangular table in front of them, it withheld a map of Equestrian and Germane territory. Four NSP flags were dotted in the corners of this space, the whole room is completely devoid of any other pony life, that is, besides the tacticians.

The Führer stood confident and calculating at the forefront of the circle, her pure white coat was silently glistening throughout the ambience, bond hair tricked down her neck, pricing blue irises stared down at the map, and a crimson NSP officer’s hat, with her unique cutie mark, perched on-top her cranium.

“..troops have been steadily occupying Equestrian provinces with next to no resistance, ve believe they’ve set up some defensive lines several kilometres inward, probably with the purpose to deter our army from any reasonably populated towns,” a grey mare in a General’s uniform illuminated, “however, our scouts have yet to discover anything worth of note.”
The Führer nods to this, seemingly approving of her observation.

“Another thing worth considering,” a different General prompted, gaining the leader’s attention, “Is that ve still have the ‘non-Germane population’ difficulty, they’re antics are without a doubt, going to ruin or slow down our operation. I recommend we remove this ‘bad blood’ by secretly gathering up, and killing th—“ before he could finish however, the Führer decided to interrupt this settlement.

“Nein! Nein! NEIN! Absolutely not!” Aryanne Hoofler slams her hoof down, “What are you? Dummkopf?! Ve cannot simply kill them overnight! Not only do ve require the populous to support the action before ve execute that operation, but the envoy ve sent to the Griffon Republic vould be ALL FOR NOTHING! DO YOU VANT TO THROW AVAY THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN A DECENT A MILITARY??! THOSE FIREARMS COULD BE THE KEY IN GERMANE DOMINANCE!”

The atmosphere lingering in the room became exponentially chilled, as their leader’s voice seemed to carry a large amount of threat, and forceful supremacy.

Aryanne sighed and leaned back to appear less intimidating, “Our situation is very fragile at the moment, and if ve’re not careful, ve may lack behind the rest of the neighbouring countries in technology. Ve would prefer to wait until ve have received the firearm concepts before we execute anything too rash.”

Current Map of the World;

Character Sheet:

Hello guys, editor crimson here, so we have Soviets too hmmm and Hoofler is smart to secure better military equipment and borders, before any big projects (even if they are horrible). Anyway, imma go play COH2, also remember to watch out for the Commissar distants screams of URAAAAA

Author's Note:

The spiciness continues....

Anyway, I recently reread some of my early chapters in this book, and they're so BAD. Horrendously TERRIBLE! WHAT THE HECK WAS I BLOODY THINKING??!

Do they need to be rewritten?

Do I have the time to rewrite them?

Am I going to actually do it?

(And yes, I drew the picture of Atomic myself.)

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