• Published 14th Jan 2019
  • 8,779 Views, 798 Comments

The World is my Sandbox - PoniesMine

A human buys a planet called “Harmony” and decides to mess around with the natives. What could possibly go wrong when he provides weapons never even thought to exist?

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Chapter TwentyEight: Dead a Dozen

"9 out of 10 voices in my head say that I'm crazy. The tenth is humming."

"It's sad to know I'm done. But looking back, I've got a lot of great memories."
—Bonnie Blair

Chapter TwentyEight: Dead a dozen.

[Status: okay] Booting HARMONY data and distribution AI 4.9.1v

[Status: OK] Windows experimental version 0.4.34-alpha
[Status: OK] Indicate Command: Maintenance Prophecy Function();
[Status: OK] Indicate Command: Friendship();

[Status: okay] Allowing 128 CPUs
[Status: okay] dev: initialised
[Status: okay] NEIT: Registered protocol
[Status: okay] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
[Status: okay] Lan found 1964720 devices

Scanning for corruption
…successful okay

Last activity 0.2 days

//Trying to unpack dark energy data
//Trying to unpack dark energy data
//Trying to unpack dark energy data

3x Data collection and analyse ERROR
Discrepancy found

Please refer to Scientific Collection Board for script analyse

Please refer to Scientific Collection Board for script analyse

Please refer to Scientific Collection Board for script analyse

ERROR Personal not found.

//Personal on planet HARMONY: 0

Calling emergency number for assistance….
Calling emergency number for assistance….
Calling emergency number for assistance….

Not found_invalid

[Status: okay] Crisis resolution initiated
[Status: okay] Initiate neural network v.4




Entity 273D
Species: Pony
Appearance: White and red
Inmate dark energy capability: Moderate
Personality: Unstable
DOB_Date_of_birth: …..unknown.
Age: …unknown.
Unrecognisable metal in system
Unrecognisable nano-devices
Thermonuclear mark__ERROR__.

Conclusion__threat to experiment…

REASON: Change society from path_negative

[Status: OK] Emergency Solution Function type_one_();
[Status: OK] Dark energy signal sent

[Status: okay] Maintain signals…

[Status: OK] //Closure…successful


Various mysteriously horrendous sounds diffracted in the surrounding air particles, the demon known commonly referred as 'Atomic Discharge' sailed from the massive front doors of the palace, her hooves drove into the bodies of griffon littered randomly on the ground. Their blood; seeped from the hundreds of various bullet wounds inflicted.

It was honestly quite difficult to avoid any of the deceased rag-dolls—there were so many. Most were fretted out in congregated lines at the front; they all had been prepared to fire upon Atomic, but one quick, and simple swoop of a machine gun quickly took care of that complication.

If one were to add all of the casualties inflicted, they'd find over 2000 was eliminated in combat. The division quickly relocated to the place after they witnessed the initial explosion. Too bad none of them actually made it out alive.

The other division, situated outside Griffonstone at the time, one, if I might add, with significantly less experience and training; was the only one that remained. After they had at first hand witnessed what had occurred, all of the 'soldiers' bolted abroad with their tails between their legs, and the complete contrasting direction—elsewhere from the city.

The fact one, singular, white pony was able to accomplish this was honestly, disappointing. The species often considered 'weak', was the one who placed their entire country into turmoil.

Who would've thought?


I would've thought these griffons could've put up more of a lasting fight—but all they did was stare in absolute shock as I gunned each one of them down. Maybe they didn't expect a weapon of that proportions could even exist.

I ascertained my front hoof downwards, compensating a somewhat weak SQUISH as it made contact with the flesh below. I repeated this motion with my back hooves until I reached a repetitive walking motion. Each step contributed to a solid *Squelch*, although slightly irritating to listen to, I slowly made my way across the sea of bloodied bodies.

Until I distinguished a rather unholy sight of what appeared to be a child— or chick as the griffons call them, hugging an intelligibly lifeless adult body. Tears poured from their eyelids, and various pitches of sobs broke from her beak. She was crying.

Probably a father or something.

Who gives a shit.

She, after all, originated from the generations upon generations of griffons ago, where, initially, were fabricated by the hands of intellectually intelligent humans. In that sense, she's nothing but a byproduct of one of the most significant societal experiments of all time.

Arguably, I can, therefore, establish that she, indeed, has no exact soul. Just an empty husk programmed to sustain vividly human emotions.

That's my opinion, at least.

Why do I feel so…for lack of better words; bad then?

It's abnormal, I've never really experienced a feeling like this before …it's …forcing me to regret my actions.

I actually pity that little chick, my inner emotions are screaming at me to silently pursue the words, 'everything will be alright.'

It even has the coercion to weigh down my next impending decision which would ultimately kill all the remaining hope that lactose throughout her being.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Never once in my entire life, I felt something even close to this trepidation, and, all of a sudden, suddenly drowning in it?


I shake my head and try to refocus on the extraneous task at hand. My eyes narrow accordingly, and my facade sets in stone.

Do you want to know what I really don't give a fuck about?


This entire city.

An unconditionally, mcmassive explosion in the castle suddenly had the desire to make itself known behind me. Colossal orange and yellow flames expanded like a massive fireball, the overwhelmingly enormous amount of kinetic energy forced multiple bodies to fly through the air similar to a tornado. Stone became molten, and blocks became fragmented.

Dancing like sincere demons that consumed their daily sacrifices.

Atomic slid on some reflective black sunglasses.

Everything was destroyed.

Atomic isn't stupid enough to leave a rocket launcher, for God's sake, in the middle of a primitive kingdom.

Or a machine gun, for that matter.

Instead of taking the most practical route; simply collecting all mentioned weapons and disposing of them accordingly. Atomic just preferred to have it all blown up.

Honestly, it could've done with a makeover anyway.


The dark naval alicorn in question either didn't hear nor care that her sister, Princess of the Day, was attempting to gain her attention. Instead, she continued to thoroughly concentrate on the novel that was held in-between her forelegs.


The Princess of the night was rigorously enjoying that book—it was a science fiction novel permitting a futuristic magical pony. It was interesting.


Plus, this pillow was way too comfortable, the warm fireplace, and the sincere atmosphere was absolutely brilliant. She could stay like this for hours.


Until she came in here.


Celestia pursed her lips, striving not to laugh.

"I have a present for you."

Luna, with an expression of utter hatred, switched her gaze to the object in question, a long shaft, covered by some sort of tarp, held within Celestia's magical aurora.

"What is it?"

The white Princess grinned and gently placed it on her sister's forehooves.

"Go on, open it."

Luna shrugged.

Carefully utilising her hooves, Luna slowly unwrapped the cloth and transposed it, and furthermore, scowled at the thick crude metal tube located underneath it.

The weapon brought a foul test to her mouth.

"Seriously?" Luna levitated the musket to be eye level with herself and Celestia, "you and I both are aware that I absurdly despise these weapons, and yet, you offer one as a gift." She was not pleased.

Celestial rolled her eyes.

"No, it's different," she nodded towards it, "take a closer look."

Luna couldn't perceive anything out of it, only the eventful painful pierce at the back of her eyes.

She simply stared at her sister with a facade of irritation.

The Princess of the sun, yet again, rolled her eyes playfully.

"It's powered by magic."

Now she was interested.

"Magic?" Luna rotated the weapon around her forehooves, peering at it, "still seems like a useless piece of shit to me."

"Luna!" Celestia resorted, "the research team put a lot of work into this, and this is the first prototype, please treat it as such."

"Whatever," the dark alicorn pushed the object to the side, and turned back to the book she was reading in peace previously, "I still consider it dishonourable."

"I would doubt that," Celestia began, "It uses an enchanted crystal, which, when activated by unicorn magic, can push a metal projectile out at a relatively high speed."

"So what you're saying," Luna swivels her hooves around, "is that only my unicorn service-soldiers would be able to operate it?" She moderately raised her eyebrows, "I'd much prefer to utilise magic beams instead—much more effective."

Celestial shook her head, "magic struggles to pierce amour, this can," she paused, "to a degree."

The blue alicorn rolled her eyes, "I still fail to see the practicality, this would be a strain on the supply line to lug this thing," she switched her gaze to scrutinise the unholy sight, "around."

"Yes, I'll admit this does need a few improvements…." Celestial trailed off," But I assure you, I did this because of you!"

"Was it for me?" Luna's expression transfigured into one of roguish, "Or was it because you have no idea what the recipe for—what do you call it? Sugar powder? Grey powder?"


"Yes, that," She murmured, "this development is certainly better than those abominations, but I'm still not interested."

The President, and all of his subordinates, were speechless.

Placed around a circulated table sat three imposing individuals. Beaks in claw, they wiped the various droplets of sweat that dribbled across their facade. All attempted to maintain a rather stoic expression, though this became exceedingly difficult as the grim news continued to flow in. They were cracking.

They were backed into a corner.

Figuratively, It was only a matter of time before the pony stopped licking her lips.

"It's hopeless sir," General Garrison initiated, "An entire division, along with Major General Shrewd Preparation has been annihilated."

He compressed his wrinkled features onto the harden tabletop, his voice, muffled, "We've tried, and tried again to subdue that stupid pony, and yet, every time we think we've succeeded," he spread his arms out in exaggeration, "POOF! She back to hack our back from behind."

President Senatus pursed his beak, unsure, "Are you sure it was the demon that transcribed this event? Surely it could've been the Imperials."

Garrison leaned his face to peer upwards at the President, "Was there any other doubt?"

He continued to wither on the table.

General Bridges decided to tidbit in, "Multiple eyewitness accounts stated there was a massive explosion that decimated the entire palace, why would they do that? To their own city, no less?"

Senatus could only rub his chin in response.

They sat there for a concession moment, mulling over the event.

The demonic pony, or God, as some have decided to call it—is more than a nuisance, she always seemed one step ahead. Poking at their pride. It was like she knew their future plans for her. Perhaps they're going to have to suck up their pride, it was apparent options were running thin; their entire country was spread out on melting ice. Perhaps they're going to have to consider something different.

"I think this leaves us with only one option," the generals exchanged their gazes to the President, his face, darkened with shame, "We need to cut our losses, and evacuate from the remains of the Griffon Empire—we have no idea what her next move will be. I think it's in our best interests we leave her be."

"Only then," he shook his fist, "can we create some sort of peace treaty with her; let the situation cool off."

It was evident no-one was thrilled with his decision, but it was the least risky option.

The whole war. Was for nothing.

They'll have to finish the job another day. It just won't be anytime soon.

"Very well," Garrison stood up and saluted, "I'll immediately alert the other generals of our decisions and send a couple of runners off to the main army."

Maps were rolled up, and invasion plans sent to the flames.

They shook claws, the meeting adjourned.

Twilight was not a happy camper.

She was beginning to think pink was a horrific colour.

Everything had been going to plan, and everything had been executed to the fullest extent.

She had been reading hundreds of texts surrounded with in-depth knowledge of military strategy and tactics. The Lylaic unicorn had even dedicated an entire bookshelf to the whole ideal. And yet, it wasn't enough.

Enough is never enough.

Twilight had challenged the current Captain of the Guard to a game of Kriegspiel, a game that he had 'claimed' to be extremely proficient at.

Of course, with his smug demure he accepted.

A deal had been made, and a deal had been broken. If Twilight were to 'beat' him, his rank of Captain would be ultimately removed, and given to her. If Celestia's student lost; she would 'piss off' and 'never come back to Canterlot again.'

Throughout the game, the Captain, a mock to her precious brother's achievements, took quick, and rash decisions. His smile never faulted...until he began to lose.

He was crushed, totally and utterly destroyed. The pink unicorn had freaking flipped the table in fury, and stormed off.

When confronted by Twilight when he, "Will revoke his rank". The Captain proceeded to pretend he, 'had no idea what she was talking about'.

Twilight was furious. She'll just have to find another way to undermine him.

Something isn't right.

I feel...different.

I ascertained my front hoof downwards, differentiating into a walk style. I attempted to feel confident with each solid step, but this was becoming especially difficult with the mix of competitive emotions that ran through me. Each passerby I came across in this destroyed city brought a somewhat sharp ping to my heart.

Just before, I was even complementing the colour pink. Pink! The most feminine colour in existential existence and I was beginning to think, it was an okay colour!

No...this will simply not stand. Something is being tampered within me— I'm not sure if it's because I've been alive in this body for an extended period or... Potentially, a unicorn of some kind has gained the ability for direct emotional alterations, which, despite this planet's primitive nature, is still entirely possible.

My face wrinkles at the thought.

Body tensed, I gradually slow down, my hooves withdraw from the repeated walking motion.

My eyes complemented the buildings around me. Another ping of regret slams into my soul—several griffons from the splinted doorways, and smoked stone buildings peaked frozen in horror.

My face relaxed, I actually felt bad for them.

Which is entirely unacceptable.

"Fuck it."

A sword I had 'acquired' from the now-deceased General, previously intended as a trophy, is to be repurposed as a useful tool to escape subjugation.

"I'll be back."

In one swift motion, I skewered the thin sword in the midst of my neck. Although my vision blanked instantaneously, for a brief moment, I could still feel the warm thick blood slither down my fur.

It tickled.

What remained of Atomic Discharge was nothing short of a monument. She prevailed as a standing flesh statue, on all fours, eyes wide open, peering into the wind. The long silver sword caked in red obeyed her, it rested against the hardened soil. She stood standing.

The onlookers gaped in horror.

Author's Note:


I'm going, to be honest— I've lost almost all motivation for this story.

Does this mean story won't continue...? Probably.

This novel has had too many potholes; so many that I can't even count, and there are so many things I want to change. The only reason I even finished this chapter was due to the 2500 word minimum I set myself from the start.

I had so many plans; so much foreshadowing.

I know what I feels like for a book you've really gotten into to be suddenly cancelled—and I feel bad for inflicting it on some of you.

I'm still going through a decision process, but as of now, I feel as though halting the development of this story is the best option. I'll alert you of my final decision in the form of a chapter update.

For now, I have plans. Many plans, I have not given up on writing, I've started to flesh out another idea. I've put precautions in place so mistakes will not be repeated.

Best of all? Same main character, just a different timeline and situation. More technological development, war, political drama and characterisation.

And of course, Atomic will still give zero fucks.

Tell what you guys think, can this story be saved? Any ideas you want to throw out? Questions? I will answer (almost) anything.

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