• Published 14th Jan 2019
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The World is my Sandbox - PoniesMine

A human buys a planet called “Harmony” and decides to mess around with the natives. What could possibly go wrong when he provides weapons never even thought to exist?

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Chapter Twenty: How to crash a Canterlot Wedding.

Very important information that was never mentioned: Changelings have the ability to be able to transform into ponies (temporarily at least).

“No matter how much we modernise, no matter how social norms affect us, humans are foolish creatures.”
– Tanya Degurechaff
Chapter Twenty: How to crash a Canterlot Wedding.

“Sir,” a Griffon soldier highlighted, “We’ve got another defector, the patrol in sector 34-B caught sight of her hiding in a bush, her tail was poking out.”

Two griffons stood side by side as they inspected a captured griffon in her cell, the lady’s head was postponed down, she refused to talk to anybody, and even declined any questions entailing the diagrams she withheld, the parchments of paper located within her saddlebags.

“Do you know her name? Are you aware of her definite intentions yet?”

“Yes and no,” he answered, “The only information she willingly provided was her name, Erika. That, and also apparently she’s a blacksmith, she said, and I quote, ‘I’m willing to provide you with my schematics, along with explanations for my machines, as long if you let me go.’ ”

The griffon fetched up one of the aforementioned papers and presented it to the presiding officer next to him, the parchment itself showed some sort of weird contraption, “I have no idea what this thing is, but according to the little tidbit at the top of the page, it’s called a ‘Steam Engine’, whatever that is.”

The officer turns to face him, “And she was going to provide these to the enemy? The Republicans?”

He nodded his head, “That is what seems this situation entails.”

The other fell silent for a few seconds, his analytical mindset churned at several possible solutions, until he finally settled on one, the safest, yet easiest resolution, “We’ll burn them, make sure no griffon can get their claws on these, I have no idea—and neither do I want to find out—exactly what these machines are capable of, I think it's best nobody griffon does.”

The soldier bobbed his head, “And the prisoner?”

“I don’t know,” he dismissed, “execution? That’s what’d normally be called in this sort of situation. Starve her or something, I don’t care. Do whatever.”

The other occupant beamed, his smile seemed way too extensive for his features, “Is it safe to assume that I know exactly what you're entailing?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

The officer swished his claw, confirming the situation, “Sure, break a leg.”

[17th of November, 989. 1:14pm]

“I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

This guy obviously wasn’t listening to my prior instructions, what is he? Stupid? “Fly me up, and throw me through that window,” my intelligence realised I missed something important, “please.”

“Have you gone nuts??!” One of the griffon soldiers shrieked, “Don’t you realise those are Palace windows, where the freaking princess live?! If you did this, we’d probably have an international incident on our shoulders!”

Both myself, and two griffons were standing around at the front of the ‘Castle’ in Canterlot, my devices informed me of several high concentrations of ‘dark energy signatures' located behind that window, one of these included the ‘changeling’ one, its presence was the closest to the glass. The best course of action, through my eyes, would to tackle and/or kill the target as I crash through the window. I mean, it shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish, what was the worst that could happen?

“Phffft,” I dismissed with my hoof, “I don’t give a shit, fly me up there, and throw me through that window.” I eyed him warily, “Do you want to be pummelled for insubordination?”

Both griffons tensed up, until the left one sighed, and slumped forward, defeated, “No ma’am.”

I clapped my front hoof together a couple of times, “Chop! Chop! Hop to it then!” I pursed my lips, “Also, don’t come in, I’m doing this one by myself.”

The Republican soldiers gave me the ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’ expression, and eventually, hesitantly wrapped their claws around me, one by my abdomen, and the other, around the interlocution between my front forelegs. With a repetitive flap of their wings, both steadily rose from the ground. I could feel the air rushing through fur, the gushing of each flap, and especially the entertainment clattering within my bones for the gratification of a kill.

This without a doubt, is going to be a ripper.

The atmosphere was what most people would describe as…perfect. A faint wedding melody was leisurely playing in the background, an audience sat patiently, every creature/pony that consisted of this audience withheld the biggest of smiles, their expressions of utter awe. Nothing could ruin this wedding, not in one-hundred, million years, everything was set into motion, and best of all, the ceremony was just about to start.

Princess Cadenza, a pink coated alicorn with purple multi-coloured swirls as hair, and Captain Shining Armour, white coloured fur with blue highlights, stood adjacent to one another on the wedding stage. Each wore an absolutely fabulous wedding dress and suit accordingly. Respective participates stared into one another's eyes with undying love, though, what many ponies failed to notice was the ingenue expression the Captain wore, and the green tinge smeared within his eyeballs.

Everyone was idiots in that regard— overlooking the obvious. Even Princess Celestia was completely oblivious.

“Dearly beloved subjects and honoured guests,” the white-coated alicorn, Princess Celestia, who stood at the forefront of the assembly, vocalised.

“Mares and gentle-colts,” she continued, ”we are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain Shining Armour.”

The Princess smiled, “and the unending love exchanged between them.”

“This contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realisation of its obligations and responsibilities,” She cleared her throat, “the bride and groom have each prepared a vow, each will respectively read now.”

Princess Celesta rotated her head to look vacantly at her nephew, the pink pony princess, “Mi Amore Cadenza may start.”

The aforementioned pony’s facade transformed into a light scowl, before rapidly dissipating before anyone could actually notice, it moreover, restored back to a happy, carefree smile, “I Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, promise to—“

It was at this particular moment in time that everything took a turn for the worst, the most, unexpected, and strange phenomena occurred within the last few seconds, a situation so wacky, and peculiar, that not a soul could utter a singular word, each individual was shell-shocked to such a degree, that all they could do was stare. Even Princess Celestia was guilty of this, of all her time on this planet, not a single event could match up this what was about to take place.


One of the windows, the panel located in the middle, literally exploded.

All of this seemed to happen in slow motion, some would even go so far to describe the situation as majestic, colourful glass shards shattered in all directions, embedding itself into the surrounding environment. In the midst of all of this, a singular, pony shaped shadow came flying in the nucleus of the explosion.

The mysterious pony stumbled while sailing throughout the atmosphere, the legs pushed forward in an attempt to take the brunt of the glass, to act as a somewhat impromptu shield. The legs rotated in circular motions in an immense attempt to gain some footing on the air molecules as they soared past the unidentified being.

This ‘majestic motion’ came to a sudden halt, however, when the pony in question came crashing into one of the weddings participates, Captain Shining Armour. The offending distance between the audience and the delinquent, allowed them to determine the features/appearance of the person in question, a mare from the basis of what each can perceive.

She had glorious white fur, a blood-red mane/tail, with frighteningly piercing crimson pupils. Glass shards appeared to have penetrated themselves into the pony’s fur, leaving thin trails of blood in its wake, caking the fur in cherry. What was the most petrifying implement thought this whole ideal, was the overwhelmingly insane, and creepy expression smothered on her facade, she was, without a doubt, enjoying the current situation she placed herself into.

This moment would forever be embedded into the minds of every soul present, not a single one would be forgetting the gruesome display that was just about to occur.

Now, that is what I call an entrance— that singular thought that took its run throughout my mindset, was so agreeable, I couldn’t help but nod to the convection—

So this little bastard underneath me is the one responsible for ordering those little black shits (the changelings) for stealing my flintlock muskets from the Griffon Republic. Honestly, I wouldn’t have thought of all things, a changeling in the disguise of a white unicorn could've implemented it, I mean, seriously? Of all things, of course, it had to be a pity pony, I would’ve thought it would’ve been another one of those black things, but bigger. As, you know, I thought it would be demanding peace terms from the ponies, but instead, it’s hiding with them? The green tinge within his eye sockets only further demonstrated just how correct I was. Some of the changelings back in the griffon empire incorporated this physical characteristic.

What’s strange despite all of this, is in the time taken to process my current thoughts, the pony underneath me hadn’t even moved a single centimetre, he just kinda, withheld that blank, almost uncomfortable expression, he didn’t appear shocked, or flabbergasted, just…disconnected.

If anything, If I had any say in it, this pony looked like he was under primitive mind control. The kind of one that is easily detectable as long as you search for the right symptoms.

But here’s the thing, I don’t have any say in this situation, I’ve already landed on top of this person, and I’m not getting off.

That sounded so wrong. Get your mind out of the gutter! It’s not what you think, I can guarantee you.

Anyway, now that my stupid monologuing session is over, I’m gonna stab this thing below me.

I clasped the musket already in hoof even harder, and prepared myself for the coming action within the next few seconds, I dragged the bayonet back half a metre, similar to how you would work a bow, and thrusted with every fibre of my being, the blade sliced through the chest like how a knife would through bread, and drove the hilt all the way in. Causing red blood to spray all over myself, adding to the already small inlets of red fluid running down my form. I then proceeded to twist, transform the pony’s insides into a meat stew.

This singular action, in consequence, caused the creature underneath me, to immediately heaved for air (heh, must’ve punctured a lung), and his expression to merge into one of deep shock. The audience surrounding me perpetrated a horrified gasp, which at that moment in time, I had no idea, there actually was one. The loud reaction prompted me to ultimately take in my surroundings for once.

Huh, that’s a big audience, why are they’re eyes practically bulged out, and covering their eyes in a state of shock? If anything, it's like they just recently watched someone get murdered.


It’s my smell, isn’t it? I haven’t showered in like…three days? Fours days? I honestly can’t remember. I’ll have to mentally note down to do that sometime in the future.

And what’s this? Is that the white petty pony princess? Dumbass Celestia? I guess it is. I wonder why she withholds a furious expression. Did I do something wrong? Changelings were obviously enemies to Equestria, so she should be thankful for what I have achieved.

I don’t feel comfortable when people stare at me, perhaps I ought to alert them of this, “What?”

Nobody seemed to be affected by my sudden utterance.

Actually, this environment reminds me of a wedding, I further turned my head to take in more of the surroundings. Huh, and that pony looks like a bride, with a white dress and all. Out of the entire audience, she seemed the most surprised, in fact, she even had several drops of blood on her muzzle.

I gave her an acknowledged nod and continued my stabbing fest with ease. Well, that was until I noticed something peculiar.

Hey, wait a sec…isn’t changeling blood green? Why is this guy’s blood red?


He wasn’t anyone important, was he? Hopefully, he was just a nobody that no-one cared about, but with my strenuous luck, it’s most likely going to be the opposite.

I rotated my head to quickly scan the surrounding again, the device definitely did inform the thing with the large changeling dark energy signature was in here, so, where is it?

Eventually, my perception once again lands upon the bride in question. She withheld a very definitive feature in her expression.

For one, her previous facade matched a soldier who almost became meat mince from an explosion to an absolutely enraging utterance. Now, her algae-green eye sockets shined with premature displeasement.

I suppose I’m partly surprised, which admittedly, doesn’t happen often. I should’ve confirmed the situation before jumping in. Perhaps I'll have an international incident on my hands. This lady, this bride, is my real prey, perhaps I was just a little off target.

But as my parents would say; could’ve, should’ve, would’ve, didn’t.

The past is the past, it's behind me, water under the bridge. I can only move forward.

Starting with, finishing with what I started.

And so, I began to move in the direction of the bridesmaid, this plan, however, fell to absolute pieces when something ruined my chances of killing her. That Sunbut Princess must’ve registered my new intention, for I was pointing my blade towards the new direction. Pure instinct must’ve taken over her decisions, as at the corner of my vision, an intense yellow glow emitted from the tip her horn. Further, examination lead me to come to an annoying realisation.

She was charging for an attack.

“For fucks sak—“I never was able to finish my statement as a vigorous yellow beam smashed directly into my chest, the resulting continuous force engendered an unspoken acceleration, causing myself to go flying.

That was until my back strenuously impacted the corner wall, this, in consequence, effectuated my mid-spine to bend at an unnatural angle, accompanied by a loud satisfying *CRACK*. I swear the bricks I collide with fractured into several tiny pieces.

The proceeding events involved me to smack onto the floor below, landing in an unidentifiable heap. Along with a small puddle of blood to pool underneath me.

Of course, I attempted to stand, but this becomes exceedingly difficult when you can’t even feel your back legs. This simple circumstance inclined me to recognise the obvious, I was paralysed. The only way I could possibly move would be utilising my two front hooves to drag my autonomy.

To be straightforward, I wouldn’t be able to run away— or rush anyone anytime soon.

I should’ve packed a dark energy dispersion device, I’ll have to remember to do that in the future. This mistake is ethically embarrassing.

This whole situation made me pissed— really pissed. The fact this lady arrived at an incorrect conclusion without taking in all the variables infuriated me. Annoyed for there is a slight decrease in the probability of successfully completing my mission.

It was conspicuous that this Sunbut Princess desired to move over to my position, and pummel my being into non-existence. This succeeding deed was interrupted, however, when the entrance door to the massive room opened up in a slam.

A lilac unicorn came sprinting into the chamber, “Stop!”

Despite nobody was participating in anything, that thunderous phrase seems to have knocked the audience out of the respective slumber. Their eyes lazily blinked several times to finally retake in the new development, they're heads rotated to point towards the new disturbance.

I was located to the perimeter and in the shadow of this particular space, out of the general view of the audience, so it’s not a surprise that the purple pony—whose name I can’t quite remember, Tonight Sprinkle? Tinmight Dinkles? Skylight Sparkles? Whatever, she— failed to perceive me. The only objects in the room that this lady could possibly discern would be the crowd, the green-eyed bride, miss Sunbutt, and a dead unicorn on the stage — pretty much everything in the room besides me.

It was apparent the Fiancée was still attempting to process all of this information that germinated throughout the atmosphere, and as a result, could only expel a simple reaction to Skylight Dinkle’s declaration, “What?”

This was followed by another disturbance behind the purple unicorn, in the form of a secondary pink alicorn, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, except unlike the one located on the stage, this one didn’t withhold green eye sockets, “This is not your special day! It's mine!”

The crowd gasped.

The original bride still appeared confused, her eyes rapidly scanned over the environment, “What the actual FUCK is going on?!! Seriously?!” She narrowed her eyes, “Is this some sort of scheme? Or a badly made joke?!”

Twilight seemed convicted before, but now, she just looked confused, “What do you mean?”

It was at this specific moment that both the lilac pony and the newly arrived alicorn finally realised the obvious, there was a dead (I think anyway) white unicorn on the stage next to the bride. Both of which came to hastily, but incorrect conclusion due to certain circumstances, the pink changeling in disguise on the stage was responsible.

“Shinny!” The two new entries yelled, they initiated the process of the spiriting towards their intended target, the corpse lying on the floor.

Before either the unicorn, or the pink alicorn could actually make it to their desired location, a great green flame literally exploded on stage, an absolutely massive wave of algae flame spired in the configuration of a cylinder, and washed wave after wave of high-frequency dark energy all throughout my body.

The crowd gasped.

Almost immediately following these actions, the blaze settled, exposing a large black, ugly, changeling in its wake, a changeling with an extra long-horn, and extended wings.

This singular deed forced the running beings to come to a stop, both of which had tears laced throughout their face, “She's a changeling,” Princess Cadence darkly expressed, “She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them.”

The crowd gasped (Again).

Gaining energy from emotions through dark energy is extremely inefficient, 99.6% of it is lost in the process of transfer. A civilisation way back gained their electrical needs based on this, not long after their settlement, they imploded in on themselves.

The large black creature upfront cleared her throat, “Ummm, your correct Princess,” she gradually started, “And as the Queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!”

The pink process assumed a counterargument, “They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spel—“ It was obvious at this stage, she realised, once again, her husband was lying on the ground, dead.

She chuckled, “Oh, I very much doubt that.”

Princess Cadence once again attempted to run to her (what I assume) husband but was once again stopped when the large changeling physically blocked her and continued her monologuing session.

“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t make me do something I’ll regret. Ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off Shining Armor's love for you. Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it.” She seemed to withhold that smug smile until she actualised that Shining Armor, the white unicorn, was dead on the floor.

As a response to this sudden realisation, the Queen quickly turned her head around and surveyed the window leading to the outside. Throughout these brief seconds of complication, she realised that the shield, in fact, was longer up. It was gone.

The profound reason for this was that Shining Armour— the pony reasonable for the spell—was incapacitated.

The queen began to laugh maniacally, “Go my changeling army! Attack Canterlot! Feed! And then, all of Equestria!”

This partly —what I have come to the conclusion of— telepathic message, gave the invading army, the order to indicate the final attack. Almost immediately, the outside consisted of a series of explosions of flintlock gunshots and the dying screams of the innocent.

For some reason, Princess Celestia, allowed the ‘villain’ to perform a succeeding monologuing session, but finally, she actually decided to do something about the invasion, “You won’t succeed!” She exclaimed, “You may have made it impossible for Shining Armour to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects from you and your changeling army!”

Like when Sunbutt launched an attack at Moi, she performed another one at the changeling queen. I’m not entry sure, but the Queen somehow realised her intentions and met the beam with a green one of her own. Transforming the situation into a massive tug of war between the two entities, each face was expressing their own fundamental exertion.

Much to my surprise, the Changeling actually won, blasting the alicorn back.

I’m not certain if it was because she wasted her energy on me, or the bug had a larger capacity of dark energy, the result, however, was still the same.

Then, for some reason, the purple unicorn quickly talked to the white princess and ran off with five other ponies, all of which seemed vaguely familiar. I don’t know why the fuck they’re running off when all the action is occurring right in this room, but, whatever, it’s their decision.

And, of course, the large back insectoid merged into another monologuing concourse, explaining how ‘amazing’ and ‘unstoppable’ she is. Partway through this explanation, the audience bolted out of the room due to more of those smaller ‘changelings’ that arrived, probably more soldiers or somethin’.

It was at this point I kinda tuned out the long rant, as much as I like when ‘villains’ exposed their entire plan right in front of their enemies, while the opposition systematically decides to not do anything about it, I honestly, have more important matters to take care of.

Which principally includes, achieving what the ponies were never manly enough to do.

Despite the moderate beating I took, I was able to cling to my musket long enough, so by the time I lost my grip on it, I had already hit the wall. This, in consequence, allowed the weapon in question to land only half a metre to the left of me.

This permitted me to retract the musket and utilise the floor as aim support, similar to how snipers would focus. Before I could achieve all of the above, nevertheless, I had to reposition myself into a comfortable configuration, which can be quite difficult when half of you appendages fail to operate correctly.

Eventually, I was able to achieve a desired orientation.

Alright, now to take aim at the bug in question, draw the flint back (cock it), and…..fire!

I, however, was rewarded with a deep clicking resonance, the musket failed to shoot correctly, a misfire.

Well, this is annoying.

A closer examination of the weapon lead me to arrive at the obvious conclusion, the gunpowder/ammunition within the barrel was too soaked with fluid to correctly operate. How did this occur? The blood collecting in a puddle underneath me somehow found it’s a way inside the muzzle and the touch hole (the tiny hole) of my carbine.

The only way for this to fire again would to clear the whole Goddamn thing. Which, can honestly take somewhere between three to twenty minutes manually, which I noticeably don’t have the time for.

My swirling motion of thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the click-clacking of approaching hooves. Glancing up confirmed the black insectoid, my target, the ‘Queen’, was purposely strolling towards me, in a timely, causal manner.

I just assumed an unimpressed facade.

“Well, well, well,” she announced, “What do we have here? Trying to shoot me, are you?”

As she arrived at my destination, she pushed her snout to almost touch my own muzzle, “I must admit, your little action back there shocked me,” she gained a smug expression, “I would’ve thought all of Celestia’s ponies would only tolerate peace and harmony.”

The Queen shrugged, “Perhaps I was wrong.”

“I was going to thank you, you know,” she then proceeded to pick me up with her embedded green dark energy, levitation to be appropriate. My hind-legs dangled down in a floppy unresponsive manner, liquid life continued to drop from my body at a mild pace, sprinkling down like in a light downpour.

Her face merged into one of disgust, and mild pity.

The Queen mumbled underneath her breath, “Wow, that is a lot worse than I thought…”

Only to shake her head with the sole purpose to order her thoughts, “But you tried to kill me, it was quite obvious, honestly,” she pursed her lips, “I understand what you were trying to accomplish with that weapon, I know how they work.”

The large changeling narrowed her eyes, “Don’t take me for a fool.”

Pfffft! Mate, I already do. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

[Queen Chrysalis POV]

Queen Chrysalis was…so confused.

This pony before her was the weirdest anomaly in her entire career, not once in her whole life has she seen a discrepancy as large as this. The white-coated, and red-haired, mare before her outlived her expectations.

She couldn’t detect ANY emotion from her, even her facade was completely bland, only expressing what seemed to be mild annoyance. Which was quite the opposite of what she expected, Chrysalis presumed consistent struggling and a large amount of fear. She didn’t even seem to be in any pain! And yet, her spine was clearly broken, and blood was leaking from her wounds.

If Chrysalis was honest with herself, this pony…creeped her out. It was as if she was staring at a predator, an alpha wolf. The Queen’s brain was literally shouting at her to remove herself as far away from this being as possible.

But of course, she’s not going to listen to that.

Not in one-hundred, million years.

So, how exactly am I going to kill this person?


I’m still currently holding my musket, so, could I slash at her with the blade?

No, she seems out of my reach.

Tackle her?

No, her levitation field doesn’t allow for that much movement, what’s more, my back-legs are unresponsive, so even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to get far enough.

What to do, what to do…

Before I could ponder this any further, I was suddenly dropped to the ground below, this was followed by a succeeding CRACK, inducing my back to continue to bend at an even further unnatural angle.

This was in likelihood due to the surprise entrance of the doors slamming open to the same six ponies that exited earlier, all of which withheld several cuts and bruises. But to my surprise, no bullet holes. Are those changelings even using those muskets correctly? Do they not even have a doctrine?


Apparently, a cocoon had formed on the ceiling containing miss Sunbutt, and the pink alicorn had been stuck to the floor with a strange green gooey substance. I have legitimately no idea why they didn’t do the same thing to her, but, whatever, not my problem. She had tears streaming down her face, and consistency gazed in the direction of the bloodied white unicorn, only to quickly look away, and hyperventilate.

The Queen decided to address her new audience, “You do realise the reception's been cancelled, don't you?”

…Now I really want to kill her, that was a horrible joke. Seriously, she had so many other responses at her disposal, you know. Ones that exhibited fear, and repression?

You know what, let her do her monologuing, this will provide me the necessary time to clean, and reload my musket. Well, hopefully anyway.

First off, I needed to remove the musket ball from the muzzle, to accomplish this, I’m going to use something called a ‘ball puller’, which does exactly as it sounds. It pulls the projectile out of the tube. It’s basically this small screw attached to the end of my ramming rod, twisting said shaft while touching the ball will permit the spiral to embed itself into it.

Then, all you have to do it pull it out.

Easy peasy.

This was completed in less than two minutes, the ‘used’ rod culminated some splatters of blood from within the musket, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Removing the substance from within the barrel was even easier, I simply just tapped the furthermost end with a little force, permitting the material to loosen itself and proceeded to fall out onto the floor. This was slightly difficult considering the blood provided some sort of adhesive to the barrel, but soon enough, most of it came out.

Since I had no cloth to wipe it down, I was obliged to utilise the edge of my saddlebag to complete the job, which completed it to a satisfactory standard.

I then made headway into actually reloading the weapon itself.

Mind you, I was able to do all of this without the bug Queen noticing. Is she just that stupid? Even the changeling soldiers didn’t seem to be aware and/or care.

Thought my whole ideal, the six ponies who came back into the space were in the process of being ‘glued’ down by the green sticky substance, and the large black insectoid’s head was turning my direction.

…Oh, shit.

I was still in the process of attempting to retain a good shot, her constant movements, and my…disability, compelled the task to be exceedingly difficult.

“You know,” the Queen began the process of walking towards me with a superior expression, “I’m going to have to kill you, your aware of that, right?”

“Not that I hate you,” she continued, “Your jus—“

She paused mid-sentence, her eyes widened, and for the first time today, her facade transformed into fear, pure, unadulterated, fear. The kind of emotion that you retain once you know your ultimate demise was well on its way.

For the first time during this sort one-sided conversation, she finally registered that fact I was holding a loaded musket directly at her

I could pursue the exact expression across her face, ‘Please don’t kill me! I’ll give you anything!’

I’ve seen it already on a number of occasions.

There, nevertheless, was one similarity between each of these instances.

I always pull the trigger.

A loud BANG and accompanied hiss of a bullet sailed through the air, smoke extended over my form, and red ashes settled at my hooves. Her chest imploded, the bullet sliced straight through her torso, and travelled through her extended frame and exited from the spine. Leaving a trail of thick algae blood to stream from behind.

She collapsed immediately, green blood pooled under her in large aggregates.

That was…easier than I expected.

Each body within the room just stared at me, the purple unicorn along with the other ponies must’ve finally realised my existence. Not a single soul moved, all was deathly silent within the room.

Following my action, all gunshots and sounds of battle outside immediately halted. The small changelings within the space appeared the most shocked out of everybody, their mouths hung open, their eyes, the size of small dinner plates.

The atmosphere then filled with frantic buzzing, the aforementioned changelings from earlier were attempting to fly out of the room as quickly as possible, a swift glance to the outside confirmed my suspicions, the entire invasion army was evacuating. Hordes of the black insects flew as fast as physically possible, to get away.

Welp, mission complete, if I do say so myself, time to get out of here.

Using my front fore-hooves, I slowly, but surely hauled myself over the ground, leaving a thick line of crimson blood behind me. This process was repeated until I reached the middle window, the very same one I knocked myself through.

Without even looking at the shocked expressions behind me, I continued to push myself over the glass shards —all of which loved to stick to my body and cause an even greater crimson mess—and propel my body over the edge, inspiring me to accelerate towards the Earth at 9.81ms-2.

Sadly, before I could kill myself—thus, allow me to respawn and remove my paralysation— I was caught by my two griffon subordinates.

They did not look happy.

A seemingly normal statue located in a distinctly beautiful garden, shifted, an indescribable amount, a length, so minuscule, the only way to have noticed would be by a telescope. Then, it buckled, the whole being shook, rattled, it’s already cracked material breaking even further, pieces crumbled off, stone plunged to the ground, and in its wake stood a being.

A being who was now very much free from its prison.

Editor's Note:
Well ...THE BLACK BITCH IS DEAD! Atomic Deployed like a Commando and killed shit. Oorah.
For that I give atomic the awards of “badassery” and “hard to kill”, let's see how much PTSD the ponies just got.
Music Listened to while editing: [10 HOURS] Lil Boom - Already Dead (Omae Wa Mou) instrumental (prod. deadman 死人)
(I don’t know why but this video makes me happy for some reason. What about you author?)
Author: I’d have to disagree.

Author's Note:

I apologise for the late update, I honestly didn't start writing this until Sunday, so, blame me for my poor scheduling skills, and just general laziness.

Also, just in case you didn't understand that last little 'event', Discord, the Lord of Chaos broke out of his stone prison.


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