• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Discord 2 - Chaos04

Twilight and Discord is happy living in the forest. Twilight's parents visit frequently, like every week. But, everything changes as Twilight wants to visit Ponyville, causing an somewhat of insecurity for Discord

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Chapter 10

The sun had set since the young alicorn was escorted the giant hive-like cave. There was a bug-like pony on either side of her, and in front was the red-spined, purple-eyed changeling. As they approached the cave wall, it opened up, allowing the changelings and pony to enter. Once inside, the pony felt a little dizzy, considering each hole opened and closed.

"What's the deal with this place, it's always changing?" The young alicorn observed her surroundings; each hole was opening, allowing bug ponies to enter before closing.

"If you really must know–" the leading changeling sighed. "–this is a changeling hive it shifts and changes, only we changelings are able to navigate it," he said in a gruff voice.

"Changeling, what's that?" Twilight asked, feeling a tad curious. However, the leading changeling didn't respond. Instead, he and the others continued walking.

After about five minutes of walking in silence, they arrived at an entrance. Guarding said entrance was a pack of five changelings clade in armour. The red-spined changeling walked up to the guard. "Pharynx, what brings you to meet her majesty," said the guarding changeling.

"General, I brought the young princess," Pharynx said, stepping aside to reveal the young alicorn.

The general looked the alicorn over, and with a satisfied glance, stood aside as the door began. Pharynx walked in with the changelings and the alicorn in toll.

Once inside, they stopped upon reaching a dark throne, sitting on top was the changeling queen. She looked down to the young alicorn with a satisfied expression. "You have done well, Pharynx," the queen paused, before looking at the young alicorn.

"What do you want with me?" the young alicorn said, with an annoyed gaze.

The changeling queen smirked with an evil grin. "Quite curious aren't you?" The queen's horn was covered in a green aura as the queen now looked like the purple alicorn.

"Pharynx, make sure she is locked up tight and secured at all times otherwise the plan is ruined," the changeling queen known as Chrysalis demanded.

"With all do with respect, your majesty but what was the entire plan, you never told us in full depth?" Pharynx asked curiously.

"That is none of your concern, Pharynx. You or the others will remain here and make sure to keep an eye on her," the changeling queen said in Twilight's voice with a devious smile before exiting the throne room.
In the Everfree forest inside the card pyramid, Discord was pacing. It had only been hours since Twilight departed and yet hadn't returned."Still, believe the magic of friendship works for you. She's gone–" the evil spirit was cut off by the young alicorn's voice.


The draconequus's ears perked up at the voice of his friend, however, the spirit didn't take kindly to this and clutched his fists. The evil spirit then disappeared without a word.

The alicorn walked amongst the room trying to locate the draconequus. Eventually, the draconequus appeared in front of her. "Welcome back, Twilight. How was your day in Ponyville, fine I hope?" The draconequus greeted with a smile.

"It was okay," the alicorn answered simply.

The draconequus then smiled. "That's good," he said before embracing the alicorn however before he could wrap his arms around her she stood back with a small frown.

Discord looked Twilight with a baffled expression. "Twi..? "

The alicorn forced a sad expression. "Discord..." Unknown to the draconequus, the young alicorn had a devious smirk. "I can't stay here...I know it may hurt but my parents and the princesses will need my help. I don't expect you to visit though not until the time is right..."

Discord gave her a bewildered expression. "But–"

"But what?!" the alicorn cut him off with a frown. A cascade of fake tears rolled down her face. "Just leave me alone!" In a flash, she was gone.

Discord looked at the spot the young alicorn was standing. He felt broken, the feeling of loneliness that was gone was brought back into the light. Soon a cascade of tears began to fill his mismatched eyes.

What happened next caught the draconequus of guard. In front of him was the evil spirit, except he was faded. "Hurts, doesn't it? The feeling of loneliness because of a friend deserting you. Wish I could say I saw this coming but in all honesty, after the way you talked about her I was starting to think the bond between you two were unbreakable."

"Never thought you'd be sympathising with me. After all, you are my evil half," said the draconequus with a chocked voice.

"But you got to see the good in this situation. And, with the potential, you could learn you'll never feel lonely among a whole world of chaos. Ponies can only see the bad in your chaos, not the good hidden within."

The draconequus thought about what his evil doppelganger was saying, and without Twilight what was the point. It was she who broke him. Finally, he stood up a regretful frown formed on his face. "Do what must be done."

The evil spirit grinned with a shimmering grin. "Finally, you see things my way? As you wish." the evil spirit slowly deformed into chaotic energy before entering the body of the draconequus.

The draconequus screamed in agonising pain, as his long lost twisted thoughts emerged. The feeling of conquest finally entering every aspect of his twisted mind. An evil smile formed on his mismatched face.

He flew high above the sky with a mighty flap of his different wings, his velocity was enough power to reach the hight of a mountain in minutes.

"Equestria, the master of chaos has finally returned. At long last, I can finish making Equestria bow before me."

The ground of Equestria became checkerboarded, tree turned into candy canes as the clouds above turned into chocolate milk. The conquest of chaos finally at an eagle talon, for him it felt good. But down below, memories of pain was contained and unable to rise to the surface.