• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Discord 2 - Chaos04

Twilight and Discord is happy living in the forest. Twilight's parents visit frequently, like every week. But, everything changes as Twilight wants to visit Ponyville, causing an somewhat of insecurity for Discord

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Chapter 2

Discord was in the Canterlot gardens, overlooking the other statues around him. He tried to move his eagle talons but to the draconequus's surprise, he couldn't move his talons. "What's happening?" Discord mentally panicked since his mouth was sealed, and his eyes looked on in great terror. Just in front of his stoned body was five mysterious ponies and Twilight, her crown was on her head. "No!!!"
"Discord?" The draconequus's eyes snapped wide open. Next, to his bed, the young alicorn looked at him with concern. "Are you okay? I could hear you from my bedroom and you didn't sound okay."

"Oh, Twilight, it just was nothing. Nothing to concern yourself with," he sighed in relief, looking around the room.

Twilight wasn't convinced, she gave him a stern look. "If it was nothing you wouldn't have yelled and of course it's my concern. You're my best friend after all!"

"Twilight, I promise you it was nothing. Now let's go and eat some breakfast and stop worrying about this minor issue." Discord snapped his talon, causing both Twilight and himself to disappear in a poof.
They reappeared at the kitchen table already seated in two chairs. "What would you like, my dear Twilight?" Discord asked conjuring himself a glass of chocolate milk, and a plate of sandwiches with scrambled eggs on top.

"A daffodil sandwich with a glass of chocolate milk, please?" She asked elegantly. Discord answered her request with a smile. He conjured a plate if daffodil sandwiches followed with a glass of chocolate milk and began to eat breakfast.
After breakfast, Twilight was outside patting Discord's pet Tatzlwurm with her hoof. In response, the Tatzlwurm licked her coat causing her to giggle. However, Discord was watching from afar with a smile. "Hello, Discord." The draconequus snapped to attention, he turned his head seeing a tall white alicorn with a flowing rainbow-like mane. Behind her was a younger alicorn but looked older than Twilight. And, next to her was a unicorn stallion.

"Princesses, Shining Armour, what are you doing here, the letter you sent said you were coming here tomorrow?" Discord asked slightly confused.

"You mean the letter we sent yesterday?" Cadence said.

"Yesterday? Oh right. Sorry about that," Discord apologized. "I guess I'll go fetch her." Discord vanished into thin air leaving the princesses and stallion.
Moments later, Twilight was galloping over to her parents. "Mum! Dad!" Twilight embraced her parents with a smile, the hugged her back with smiles of their own.

"Sunshine, sunshine,
Ladybugs awake!
Clap your hooves
And do a little shake!"

Cadence and Twilight recited their usual rhyme before hugging. "How are you doing, Twilight?"

"I'm doing great, mum. Discords a good coach...mostly," Twilight mumbled the last part with an eye roll.

"What do you mean...mostly?" Shining Armour raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I sorta crashed yesterday but it wasn't his fault it was mine. I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings as I should've been," Twilight said. Her eyes were closed and her head was bent forward, like in a bowing position.

"It's okay, Twilight. Every pony messes up with their flying, you'll learn," Cadence said giving a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, mum," Twilight said letting her head with a smile knowing she had supporting parents and a very best friend.
Meanwhile, Discord and Celestia were sitting on one of the draconequus's cotton candy clouds. "So, Discord how does it feel having Twilight around?"

"Well, it's a decent feeling. I wouldn't say a good feeling but a decent one. After all, I was an evil creature attempting to takeover Equestrian society what else? Oh right. I put a curse on the daughter of Princess Cadence, a curse on my best friend," Discord rambled on about his misdoings.

"While that indeed is true you still get another chance to live life at the fullest. No need wasting attempting to take over and all that. Now, that you're reformed, you'll finally learn what the magic of friendship could truly," Celestia said. The two began to converse in different rather interesting topics.
Meanwhile, Twilight and her family were sitting at a table inside the card-housed pyramid. Unbeknownst to the family, Discord was looking through the windows. He saw Twilight smiling wildly with her family and started thinking horrible thoughts, "What if she no longer needs me and has no reason to stay here."

"Twily, are you sure you want to stay, we always have room in the castle?" Shining Armour asked, looking around he mostly just saw card art.

Twilight gave her father a look of slight irritation. "Dad, we've been over this. I'm safe here, well protected, and most importantly I'm happy," Twilight replied.
Shining Armour, Princess Cadence, and Twilight walked outside. Outside awaiting the was both Princess Celestia and Discord. "I'm guessing it's time we go back?" Asked the royal white alicorn. Cadence and Shining Armour nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, we should be getting back. Plus Celestia, you still need to set the sun so Princess Luna can raise the moon," said Princess Cadence.

"Yeah," Shining Armour nodded.

Twilight and Discord bidded Shining Armour and the princesses farewell. "Bye mum! Bye, dad! Come back soon!"

Shining Armour and Cadence waved goodbye before they disappeared from the view of the young alicorn and draconequus.
It was well around evening, Twilight and Discord was having dinner. Twilight had hay fries in front of her, while Discord had a bowl of stew. "So, Twi what were you and parents talking about?" Discord asked causal

"Nothing much," the young alicorn replied. She took another hay fry into her mouth.

"Nothing much? How boring so glad I wasn't around then," the draconequus said. He took another bite of the stew.
Not much else was said during dinner, it was just a little too quiet. Both Discord and Twilight finished their meals before entering their bedchambers.

Twilight was laying down atop her blankets, yet she felt like she couldn't sleep. She stood up to walk to the window only to find the stars in their proper places. She sighed and went back to bed.
Discord, however, was still awake inside his room. As tired as he was he couldn't sleep. He just sat on the bed in a curled position. His legs were gone and he sat like a snake. Not long into the night, there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

Twilight walked inside closing the door behind her. She slowly trotted up to her friend. "Discord, mind if I stay here I can't sleep tonight?"

This request stunned the draconequus. Discord's mismatched eyes opened widely as the expression on his face showed clear shock. "Sure," said Discord, as he moved to make room.

Twilight jumped onto the bed with a sombre smile. Discord, however, took notice. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" Discord asked with a concerned tone.

Twilight sighed, "I just wish my dad can accept you more. Today he asked if I wanted to go back to the castle." Light tears fell from Twilight's eyes as she hugged the draconequus. She nuzzled his chest. Discord responded by hugging back, he even comfortly stroked her mane.
After a bit of hugging, Twilight felt loads better. She looked next to her and saw Discord asleep. Letting out a yawn, she said, "Goodnight." Her eyes closed and she fell asleep next to the snoozing draconequus.