• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 630 Views, 6 Comments

Discord 2 - Chaos04

Twilight and Discord is happy living in the forest. Twilight's parents visit frequently, like every week. But, everything changes as Twilight wants to visit Ponyville, causing an somewhat of insecurity for Discord

  • ...

Chapter 8

The sun peeked through the window of the card pyramid on top of a floating mountain.

Inside the room, a young purple alicorn mare laid asleep, a purple coloured blanket covering most of her sleeping form. As the sun slowly crawled on the surface of her muzzle, the alicorn's eyes opened. As she yawned, she covered her mouth with a hoof. A purple aura surrounded the entire blanket, and mere seconds later the blanket was levitated off of her.

She got out of bed before gently remaking the sheets. "Nicely done. Now, let's see what Discord has cooked up," she said to herself, recalling the events that had taken place last night.

After making sure the room was entirely cleaned, she exited her room. With a slight spring in her step, she trotted to the kitchen. The corridor she passed was strangely dim, normally they were brightly lit. "That's strange, Discord normally has the entire corridor lit. Oh well, guess it's up to me."

Twilight closed her eyes. Her horn glowed with a purple aura. The corridor began to brighten as the candles re-lit. She then continued on toward her destination.
Discord was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. A nice delectable smell emerged from a rusty old cauldron he was using. He was stirring the contents inside with his lion's paw. He hummed a sweet little tune as he continued stirring.

Moments later, the alicorn entered the room. Upon entering, she smelt something very nice. "Mmm. What's that delicious smell?"

Discord turned his head with a smile. "It's our breakfast, daffodil stew," Discord announced as he smelled the stew. He conjured up two bowls, before pouring the contents of the cauldron into them.
Both the draconequus and the alicorn sat at the table, the bowls set between them.

"Mmm. Not only does this smell good but it tastes so delicious," Twilight said, swallowing a spoonful of the delicious brew.

Discord smiled wholeheartedly at her compliment. "Thanks, Twi. I only aim to please."

The young alicorn giggled, before continuing to eat the delicious daffodil stew in front of her.

"I...thought about what you said," Discord said with an uneasy look. "But, I guess it's no problem to allow you to visit Ponyville..." Discord sighed. Indeed, he didn't want her to go, but he knew she'd be safe there.

Twilight looked at him with tears of joy. "Thank you so much!" the alicorn mare squealed out in delight, tightly hugging the draconequus, startling him in the process.

Discord returned the hug. "You're welcome."
After breakfast was eaten and a brief goodbye, Twilight started her trek to find the small town of Ponyville. As she trotted deeper, she spotted a dirt path. As she began to follow it, it got lighter, and even some of the plants were brighter out this way.

Finally, she emerged out of the forest only to see the small town of Ponyville. It was just as she remembered. Trotting along the bridge, the young alicorn saw a familiar pegasus mare laying on a cloud. "Rainbow Dash!"

The pegasus mare looked down to see Twilight waving her hoof. The pegasus flapped her wings and flew downwards to greet her friend.

"Hi, Twilight. Good to see you again, here I thought you weren't coming back," Rainbow Dash said with a bewildered expression.

"So, it might've been a couple of days but I'm here now. Anyway, what have you been up to or any of our other friends?" the alicorn mare asked.

"Applejacks out on at the market getting ready to sell apples. The others, I don't know. Wanna come and find out?"

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Sure."

Both the alicorn and the pegasus took off into the vast blue sky, no clouds covering the sun's rays as they lit up the town.
Back in the dark mysterious wood that was the Everfree forest, Discord was sitting on his bed. He regretted letting Twilight go, but he wanted her to be happy, and he knew she would return.

"You let your little friend go?" the mirror appeared with the reflection; the reflection had a smirk. "You really think she'll come back to you? You're so naive. Thinking she'll come back, so pathetic."

Discord lowered his head with his eyes closed. The reflection in the mirror smiled evilly. " Think of the potential you hold. As powerful as you may think you are, there's hidden knowledge within your magic. Knowledge that will not be revealed as long as the pony is around. Knowledge that can be yours,"the evil spirit said in a convincing tone.

"I won't fall for your lies. You have no power over me, all you are is just a reflection–"

"I'm very real, more real than you can imagine–"Discord's image ghostly exited the mirror and came face to face with the draconequus.

"This can't be–"

The evil reflection's eyes brightly lit up. "Oh, but it is. Finally, after a long time of being locked up due to your love for that...mare!"

Music began to fill the room, as the evil spirit looked at the draconequus.

"My dear, Discord, look how are you've fallen. Once upon a time, you were on top now look at where you are."

Discord lowered his head in shame.

"Now look at what you have become, an ally who probably won't be used." the evil spirit sang, with a crooked grin.

Discord tried to block out the evil spirit's song. "So blinded you cannot see the full picture. That little princess is manipulating, trying to break you from inside out. Let her go, make the wise decision and embrace your true destiny." The evil spirit's eyes began to swirl.

Discord remained strong as he looked directly into the evil spirit's swirling eyes. "You won't break me, never again will your lies bring me down. If you want to conquer this land, you'll need a body of your own."

The evil spirit in the mirror faded with an evil grin, leaving Discord by himself. Although Discord knew this wasn't the end; the worst was yet to come and he had to be ready, otherwise, Equestria was in strife. "Be safe, Twi."