• Published 26th Feb 2019
  • 7,656 Views, 263 Comments

We're both twins, yes! Now buzz off... - Desperate Dawn

Continuation of a certain story that is never completed, and it has been a long time. Thus, this happened.

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I woke up with a scream, sitting up as I glanced over to the window, dreading for an unbelievable amount of absurdness that could happen outside. However, my fears are unfounded as everything, as far as I can see, looked normal. I breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing that the Discord threat have already passed, I must’ve slept through the whole thing, or that is just some creepy dream vision.

I shook my head, getting out of bed and head over to the bathroom. What I saw on the mirror made me scream in pure terror as I fall backward, the reflection showing not me, but a demon version of myself. Her wings, pitch-black as the void itself with a streak teal, her teal horn are jagged, almost crystal-like, her mane trailed all over in pure magic like a fiery inferno.

I tried to crawl away from the mirror, but then, it moved as the demon’s eyes pierced right through my soul. It attempted to get out of the mirror, I found myself screaming, shouting for help as the mirror cracked and the demon stepped out with all of its might.

I stared at it, unable to move, paralyzed at the sight as the demon smirked at me and opened her mouth to speak.

“Do you like what you’re seeing?”

I wanted to move and get as far away from her. The demon reared its head so close to my face I could feel her burning hot breath.

“You wanted it, do you?”

I wanted to say no, but nothing came out of my mouth. My head was then slammed to the floor as the demon’s hoof grasped my neck, choking me out of oxygen. As I grunted in pain, struggling to get out of her hold, she spoke again as the bathroom changed to a familiar Throneroom.

“I had to wonder why you’ve never bothered to show them, me,” the scene changed again to depict the demon battling against all known creatures known to ponykind. “You could’ve protect them all, and no one will ever defy you.” The scene once again changed to show both Celestia and Luna, bowing their heads with a massive crowd of ponies doing the same. The two offered the demon their crown.

As I watched the scene in horror, it again changed, this time, it showed the smiling form of Twilight. She wasn’t alone, behind her, Spike, Mom, Dad, Shining, and even Cadence, all doing the same. “And, most important of them all, they will love you.”

“NO!” I shouted, surprised that I found my voice, “They always loved me and always will!”

The demon looked at me quizzically and said what I dreaded to hear, “Do they?”

“O-Of course they are! Why wouldn’t they-“

“LIES!” The demon roared as her trailing mane lashed violently. “They never loved you, and will always treat you like a spawn of Tartarus!”

I shook my head rapidly, not even believing a single word from that demon. The Sparkles always loved and treat me just like Twilight was. I found the courage to talk back, “How can you say that I am a spawn of Tartarus while you, yourself, are one!”

The demon smirked and laughed, and as her maniacal laughter subsides, she grinned. “Unlike you, weakling, I have the power to do anything. Even the power to save her.”

The world darkened as the demon disappeared, and what was in front of me left me frozen in shock as Twilight jumped only to be impaled by a dark object.

Twilight and Spike were left alone on the couch, holding the sleeping form of Twivine, stroking her mane in worry. It has been an hour since Discord surrendered willingly, fifty minutes since the Princesses arrival and dragged Discord to discuss his fate. Her friends anxiously waits at the door, occasionally glancing towards the trio with concern.


Everypony’s ear presence flattened when they heard Discord frightened shouts. It was obvious who he was referring to, they all know what they’ve seen, but they refused to believe in themselves, and that includes the Sparkles siblings.

Twilight was startled when Twivine start to whimper on her sleep, the two siblings looked at each other in worry as her whimper became a grunt of pain, and then a sob. It seemed like Twivine was having a Nightmare again, but the two never seen her so…helpless.

Her limbs flailed weakly as she called on Twilight’s name, saying sorry over and over. The girls gathered around her, attempting to comfort the sleeping mare, but it kept getting worse as Twivine’s miserable cries become more and more uncontrollable, and her whimpers becomes clearer.

Just as they desperately attempt to comfort Twivine, the Princesses finally came out with Discord in tow. And with it, Twilight’s call for help.

“Princess Luna, please do something!”

Immediately, the Princesses feature turns into worried as they trot over to the trio, the girls clearing the way for the two royals to check up on Twivine. Discord went over to the corner of the ceiling, staying away as far away as possible.

“What’s going on, Twilight?” Princess Celestia asked as she bent to her knees, nuzzling the crying, sleeping mare.

“I don’t know, she started whimpering, and then, and then-“ Twilight was hushed as Princess Luna placed her hoof on her mouth.

“Shh, be calm, young Twilight Sparkle, We shall help thine sister.” Princess Luna’s horn shimmered in brilliant royal cobalt blue as it washed Twivine’s forehead. In an instant, her whimpering stops.

Twilight looked at Princess Celestia, “Princess, can you tell me what’s going on?”

The solar diarch shook her head, “Unfortunately, only Luna who had the most experience in this field.”

Twilight turned to the Lunar Princess, who was concentrating greatly. “Princess?”

“She is fine if that was thine question,” she said as she continued concentrating. After a long, agonizing two minutes, Princess Luna finally relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Just what is going on, Princess Luna?” Twilight asked.

“Thine sister, apparently having the greatest Nightmare she ever dreamt of, but alas, what We can help are only temporary solution as her dream can return whenever fair Twivine would close her eyes.” Princess Luna explained.

Spike clutched Twivine’s little purple trinket, “J-just, what are those dreams?”

Princess Luna turned towards the purple drake, raising an eyebrow at the small trinket. She walked up closer, “Just what art those trinkets thou held in thine arms?”

Spike looked at Twilight in concern, she only nod sadly, beckoning him to give it to her. Strangely, Princess Celestia also looked a bit downcast. Luna, who had no idea what are they on about, grasp the trinket with her magic, not noticing anything in particular.

The girls, curiously walked closer to see what’s with the trinket the Lunar Princess was holding. Princess Luna opened the trinket to reveal an old photo of filly Twilight and Twivine, barely even twelve, smiling alongside Princess Celestia just behind them with a slight smile of her own. What made the girls and the Lunar Princess gasps, however, was the dried blood that stains the bottom left corner of the picture.

Princess Luna looked at her sister for answers, and she received one.

“The picture that trinket resides, is one of the darkest memories I rather not remember.”

“Just, what happened?” Applejack asked, Twilight answering mere seconds later.

“That picture was taken an hour before our field-trip to Whitetail woods, and it was a tragedy that scarred Twivine for the rest of her life.”

Princess Celestia took charge of explaining as Twilight no longer wish to continue. “You see, it was supposed to be a fun little field-trip, but like you can all guess. It did not. Little Twilight and Twivine strayed far from the group just to have an adventure of their own,” the solar Princess chuckled dryly.

“I regret leaving them alone because when the group ventured out, both of them continued deeper. I was so worried when I’ve lost track of their magical signature, and when I found them back…”

Princess Celestia drew her words longer and longer, increasing the already thick tension around all of them. Only Rainbow Dash, who had the audacity to ask the dreaded question.

“Then, what happened?”

Princess Celestia was silent, Twilight holding back tears that threatened to burst as Spike buried his face on Twivine’s coat. At long last, the Princess continued.

“…they were covered in blood.”

Another gasp, but the Solar Princess didn’t stop there. “There were many remnants of branches and leaves around them, indicating the presence of Timberwolves, still to this day, I do not know why they traveled that far. But, the fact is clear, they’ve attacked the twins.

In all honesty, they wouldn’t be here if Twivine didn’t use her vines to crush them. But, that was when Twilight was bitten on her neck when they were running away.”

The usually calm, and stoic mask of Princess Celestia, crumbled as her tears streamed openly for all to see, “Poor Twivine kept crying, shouting for help as she tried to keep Twilight alive by holding on her wounds with her vines. Interestingly enough, it did help, and I was able to bring them to the hospital.”

The Solar Princess took a deep breath, taking a moment to compose herself before continuing. “Twivine never forgives herself from that day, and by sheer luck alone, Twilight recovered fully without having a lasting trauma.”

By this time, everypony present all cried, hearing such a horrible past, even Discord having a hard time showing his emotion as he continuously looked in between the ceilings and the walls.

Princess Luna sniffed, wiping her tears as she composed herself. “I see, it is no wonder why she was so protective over her older sister.” She took a deep breath, “I understand why she had her nightmares.”

Spike looked hopeful as he stared up at Princess Luna, “You do?”

“Yes,” she nodded, turning to Twilight. “Twivine had dreamt of your death, Twilight.”

Twilight wiped her tears as she nuzzled Twivine, wrapping her hooves around her, not letting her go anywhere. Luna wanted to say more, but she wanted to spare them of the actual story.

The two suffered enough as it is.

I woke up with a searing headache, the world was spinning as I sat up on the couch. Wait, couch!? I looked around me as I hopped off the couch. Everything looked normal, so far, I trotted to the door and opened it, revealing a normal view of the town.

After a brief look and making sure that I was indeed awake, and that includes me pinching my self multiple times, I trot back to the library.

“Twivine!” I heard Twilight called out to me as I walked in. Before I could say anything, she tackle-hugged me to the ground. “Please don’t leave me like that!”

I patted Twilight’s head, “Hey, I’m not going anywhere, besides, I know you solved the problem with Discord. He deserves to be put back in stone anyway.”

Twilight nervously laugh, “Aha, about that.”

“Why hello there, the Twins Sparkle, I sure hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” Discord popped into reality. My blood boils upon seeing him up and running, I shout as loud as my voice can muster.

“DISCORD!” Immediately, vines sprouted of the walls of the library and wrapped Discord in place. “What are you doing here!?”

“At ease, Twivine Sparkle, he is not a threat.” That voice, my eyes widened as I whirled around to see both Princess Celestia and Luna walked up from the entrance.

“Princess!” I immediately went into a bow, stopped a second later by Princess Celestia.

“Please, Twivine, you’ve known me long enough not to bow,” she said with her usual motherly smile.

“Princess, I have to ask,” I said, pointing to Discord accusingly. “Why is he here, shouldn’t he be a statue by now?”

“On normal circumstances, yes, but that is no longer the case,” Princess Luna said. I quirk an eyebrow, as I asked them again.

“Okay, why?”

“It is because he surrendered willfully.” Princess Celestia said nonchalantly. “After witnessing the capabilities of your vines, Discord thought that he’ll stood no chance against you, and, so here he is.”

“But, here’s the thing, I’m not exactly comfortable on being released right now, I prefer to be a statue anytime.” Discord said, still wrapped with my vines. I begrudgingly released him, only that because the Princess told me to.

“Seriously, I’ll rather be in stone than around you, but since the bearers don’t want to put me back as a statue, so here I am doing community services.” Discord explained with a shrug, and before I could say anything, he popped out of reality to goddess knows where.

I sighed, “Okay, any more surprises?”

“Well, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about,” Princess Luna said. The two Royal Sister glanced at each other, nodding. “So, if you please?”

“Uhh, okay?” I hesitantly said.

Princess Celestia clapped her hooves, “Okay, Twilight, come now, you must show me your kitchen, and we can have a cookout!”

“Umm, Princess, I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Oh, nonsense, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

There the two goes, I guess, that left me with Princess Luna. “So um,” I cleared my throat, the awkwardness becoming palpable.

“Right,” Princess Luna cleared her throat. “I wanted to apologize.”

“Um, what for?” I asked in confusion.

“Do you remember being stalked recently?” She fearfully inquired, and that was enough to make me shout in disbelief.

“That was you!?”

Princess Luna raised her hoof, “I assure you, I have my reasons.”

I fell to my haunches, crossing my hooves, “Oh yeah, and that is?”

For once, I saw the Lunar Princess nervously rub her hooves like a school-filly getting caught stealing a cookie-jar. It is surreal enough to make me question my sanity, but knowing that weirder things happened, my sanity is the least of my concern.

“Do be mindful, Twivine Sparkle, we just got out of our banishment and had that parasite exorcised. Forgive us that we may harbor suspicion to thee, with how alike the two of you are, we cannot help but to suspect you.”

I took a deep breath and sighed, I already over this, by this point. “I guess, but please promise me that you wouldn’t do that again.”

Princess Luna smiled, chanting Pinkie’s Promise alongside with the gesture. “Crossed our heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake into our eyes.”

“Wait, how do you know that?”

“Dear Pinkie Pie had told us, breaking a promise is the fastest way to lose a friend.”

Three, two, one.


And there goes. Never change Pinkie.

“I still do not know how she can appear on multiple places at once,” Princess Luna murmured.

“Trust me, Princess, you don’t want to know.” I looked over at the kitchen, who is starting to smell something was burning. “Anyway, let’s check on these two at the kitchen and see who’s the worst at cooking.”

Princess Luna snorted, “We bet thee ten bits that my sister is still the worst one out there!”

“Heh, you’re on, Princess.”

Author's Note:

Desperate Dawn here, and oh by Harmony, I am on a ROLL!

I just had this sudden inspiration to write the next chapter after I uploaded the last chapter(Sorry brother xD). But anyway, as promised, 'Dark' tags are now added as we uncovered Twivine's past.

For those of you that were wondering 'What's the deal with the small trinket?' Well, there you have it. Oh, and also, I slipped in some foreshadowing on this chapter, heck, I put a few on earlier chapters as well! You might have an idea on what to come next. :raritywink:

See you guys later!

-Desperate Dawn & 'DeeDee'

Btw, here's the link to that awesome image
Brother's note:
The foreshadowing is so blatantly obvious, that without being addressed, no one would think about it.