• Published 26th Feb 2019
  • 7,657 Views, 263 Comments

We're both twins, yes! Now buzz off... - Desperate Dawn

Continuation of a certain story that is never completed, and it has been a long time. Thus, this happened.

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I yawned, occasionally glancing the clock as I spent the time mulling about in the library. Things have started to dwindle in Ponyville, not that I'm saying Ponyville had gotten peace lately. Ohoho, no, not in the slightest. It just, most of the stuff that happened, all marked as any other usual average day. Nopony glances at each disaster with analytical questions whatsoever, saying that it was part of the everyday life of those living in Ponyville.

I didn't even know that Cutiepox could occur. After all, this kind of illness rather rare nowadays, I mean, sure, there are a couple of records stating that it irregularly happened a couple of centuries back. Applebloom had to deal with all of it, that poor filly.

After some digging, asking how it all happened, Zecora explained that Applebloom's obsession with having her cutiemark causes all the ruckus. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see it since I switched out Wednesday to Tuesday on my library duty, it conveniently helped me on some occasion, although not as much.

On another note, Spike's growth increases by at least five percent, he had another Fire Ruby as his birthday gift a couple of days back, which marks the date of my birthday as well. It seems my initial assumptions were correct as the more Spike ate a Fire Ruby as part of his diet, the more he had some dragon-like tendency at some point, like amassing a hoard which clearly shown during his birthday. Thankfully, both Twilight and I hold onto most of his gifts, lest he'll get what a Dragon calls 'Greed Growth.'

It may seem insignificant at the moment, but perhaps Dragon's had a different life cycle than us ponies. He may as well reach the teenage years later than ponies usually are.

I glance up to the clock, the day almost reaching noon, and I'm already yearning for a meal. I got up from the counter after putting up a sign before heading out. The Golden Oaks Library that is our home had no one in it, which is why today is a bit boring.

But fate had to intervene as a familiar cry from a certain daring cyan Pegasus steadily growing louder...and louder. And then, like an instinct, my vines opened up the window in time for Rainbow Dash barging in and crash-landed on the library floor. Skidding on the ground before eventually crashing to the bookshelves, ruining at least a day worth of organizing, at least I took on the brighter note, I actually got things to do.

Rainbow Dash peaked her head out the pile that she was in, looking at me with a sheepish smile as I gave her my most greatest poker-face, courtesy of Princess Celestia.

"Ehehe, sorry, Vinny, I'll help you clean this up," Dashie said.

"No need," I replied, closing my eyes as I summoned forth my vines. I heard Dash's amazement as I felt each vine picked up a book and reshelved them accordingly. It was no easy feat by any means. Every vine I summoned, it was like stretching out my life energy, everything the vine touches, I could feel it. The closest analogy I could refer to was that of a Unicorn levitating multiple different things at the same time.

I am, by no means, the only one in the family that had such focus. I'm more likely to believe that it was a trait inherited by every member our family had. Take a look at Twilight, or Shining or, heck, even Spike has that focus. Of course, any unicorn would do if they had sufficient exercise. Rarity is the prime example due to her being a seamstress.

"I'm surprised that you haven't learned how to do stuff with that power of yours," I heard Dash said. I promptly opened my eyes, staring at the neatly reorganize shelves, still a few mixed books here and there, but overall a good work.

I sighed as I turned to Dash, now hovering a few feet off the ground. "I can't see why I should, seeing as these things weren't needed as much."

"Well, you totally should, cause that thing can kick some serious flank!" Dash exclaims with her hooves jabbing the air.

I groaned, "Dash, I got that a lot from Spike, I don't need another, especially from you."

"Come ooooonnn, Vinny, it won't hurt by practicing. Sides, how can you be as impressive as Twilight if you always stay in the sideline the whole time."

"It is unnecessary, and I rather not spook the populace," I answered flatly.

Dash rolled her eyes, "How can you know it's unnecessary? As I said, exploring your powers can benefit the town or even us! I mean, Flutters maybe a Pegasus, but she's too afraid exploring her abilities and look where she is now!"

"That is a very mean thing to say about her, Rainbow Dash," I said with a frown.

"I know!" She exclaims, throwing her hooves in the air, "But I can't help to know that Fluttershy could do it in a jiffy!"

"What do you mean by that?" I raised a brow, my curiosity piqued.

"Fluttershy may look like a weak flier, but if she had the drive to improve like I am, I'm betting you that Flutters will fly circles around me."

"Honestly, I had a hard time believing you, Dash."

Dash once again rolled her eyes, "Don't think this is weird, Vinny, but Fluttershy had the ideal wings of a racer! Not too big, or long either, perfectly balanced out with the right amount of fat."

"What an, awfully...precise observation, RD," I said with a growing smile of amusement.

Dash noticed how I looked at her and immediately looked away, her cheeks flushing, "Damn it, Vinny, I told you to not think it as weird!"

I chuckled, "Okay, okay, I'll stop." Rainbow Dash huffed as she dropped to the floor softly.

"Anyway, I'm not here to dandle around, do you had the next volume of Daring Do?"

"Which one?" I asked, my vine already searching for any relevant book.

"Um, after the Quest for the Sapphire Statue, because I just got into the series," Dash said awkwardly.

I remembered Dash's accident, on which she manages to sneak in the hospital to continue reading without being called an 'egghead,' even though it is perfectly fine for her to enjoy a good story without being named one. It is a silly thing on her part.

"Here you go," I smiled, giving her the book that no doubt would intrigue her, Daring Do and the Griffon Goblet.

"Thanks, Twivine, but seriously. Think about all the cool stuff you're holding onto," she said, before waving goodbyes, through the door this time.

As the rainbow-maned Pegasus disappeared behind the door, it left me alone with my thoughts. Will it be worth it?

I don't deny Twilight's prominence. I could see her road paved towards greatness. Heck, it may as well be, destined since the very beginning. It wasn't because of coincidences that Elements of Harmony chose her as Bearer of Magic. I believed it to my very core.

Me, I'm just a construct, for all things mattered. Just a throwaway? Maybe, it didn't stop Mom and Dad to love me, though.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled to relax my mind from these dark thoughts. It keeps happening lately, whenever Twilight and the girls do something great together, and I was there to see it.

I'm proud of her, yet at the same time, I don't know how to feel about it. This nagging feeling that I don't know how to convey keeps plaguing my mind. Maybe Dash's right, I might need to explore my abilities further. I need to shine alongside my siblings, or else, I'd fall behind them as they continue to do great deeds.

Yeah, it won't hurt anypony if I remained inconspicuous, and I know the place hidden away from the crowd to do so.

It's about time for me to stop hiding behind the shade and outshine them all.

The Castle of the Royal Sisters remained in its broken-down state just as we left them the first time around. There wasn't much dust as it originally had been, indicating that somepony had been here on some occasion.

I'm wouldn't be surprised if Twilight occasionally came here to study the ancient books this castle had.

The eerie silence as I entered gave me involuntary chills down to my spine, centuries-old magic persist on these walls and its surroundings, no doubt the remnants of the fight between the two sisters.

Still, out of all the places in the world, this one seemingly calling me forth, like a soft yet daunting whisper. Honestly, the whisper grew frequent the more I stalk the crumbled remains of this once magnificent halls.

I found myself not of any part that seems reasonable to visit. It was like a dungeon complex of some sort, the basement perhaps? The whispers came behind a cave covered in thick moss and other vegetation. I frowned, why do I felt a familiar magic in the air?

Quickly testing my theory, I summoned my vines, and surprisingly, they came behind the very same cave, beckoning me to come closer. I obeyed, my curiosity driving every motion. Now, my rational part of myself told me to turn tail and get the heck out of dodge, but it was left ignored.

As I trimmed the moss to make an entrance, I once more involuntarily shivered, the ambient magic that covered the castle upstairs grew tenfold when I entered. The inkling feelings of familiarity urge me to investigate further.

I blinked as I spotted a crystal tree of sort, each branch resembling a distinct similarity to that one pillar which holds the original Elements of Harmony.

"Am I suppose to be here?" I asked out loud, not expecting an answer.

"It depended on one's intention."

To say that I was shocked was an understatement, I look around in a panic to find the source of the speaker as it comes in a whisper. In doing so, urged me to summon my vines in preparation for an attack. "Who are you? Show yourself!"

"Hm, We seemeth to know why," it whispered again in an old dialect, similar to those of Luna.

I stopped myself and stared at the tree, my panic replaced with confusion as the cave itself seemingly illuminates with the crystal tree shining brightly.

"Calm thyself, and We shalt answer."

It took me a moment to regain some semblance of composure, but I finally manage to say, "W-what is this place?"

"Thou found where We resides for a thousand years after We first planted here," the whisper replied. What does that even mean?

"We understand thine confusion, but tis is the best answer We shalt give thee. In due time, realizes thou of thine magic, which art similar to Ours. We cannot explain why. Shrouded, thou art in strings of fate, one even We cannot influence. Tread lightly, or melancholy thou shalt received."

"I...what?" Honestly, I was beyond confused. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted as the tree(?) whispered again.

"Our guidance limited, but despair not. The seeds of chaos controlled, one that thou behold. The powers they gained were Ours to begin. Twas the time for thee to reach back the living."

I snapped my eyes open with a gasp. I've heard a sigh of relief all around me. It didn't take long to find seven familiar heads hovering above me with a relieved smile.

"Thank Celestia you're awake," Fluttershy said, pulling away her head to give some space for me, the rest soon followed.

"W-what happened?" I asked blearily, sitting up. I was back in the library, rested on the couch.

Twilight was the first to respond, "Zecora found you unconscious in the Everfree Forest, surrounded by your vines. Dash was fortunate to be nearby to inform all of us."

I stared at her numbly, feeling exhausted, both physically and mentally. An overwhelming hug from both Spike and Twilight interrupted me from speaking up. "We thought we lost you, Twivine, you weren't breathing when we pull you out of your vine."

I can feel her tears staining my coat. Spike opted to bury his face on to mine, not saying anything.

"I...I'm sorry, Twilight," I rasped, "for making you worried." I glance about in the room, noticing the others I add, "All of you."

The group smiled warmly, letting us on our moment. Eventually, we broke the hug, erasing all traces of tears on us. Rainbow Dash was the first to question me, followed by a barrage of questions by the rest.

"Everypony, calm down for a second, let me answer it one by one, alright?" I say, calming the frenzied crowd around me.

"Okay, I'm first, what happened back there, Vinny?" Dash asked.

I opened my mouth, they all looked at me with expectation, yet I've found no words leaving out of my cords. "I don't know," I finally say dejectedly.

"Twivine, talk to me," Twilight said as her face reared up to mine. "What do you remember? Anything!"

I grimaced, her voice full of concern and slightly distressed. "I have no memory of what happened I swore to you, Twilight. I most likely exhausted myself when I'm practicing."


"Yeah, I've been practicing my vines, because, you know..." I trailed off. The others looked on each other as I hopped off the couch.

"Well, if you're sure you're alright," Twilight blinked as her worry was washed away by excitement and fascination. "Wait, did you say you were practicing your vines abilities!?"

It certainly is a mistake revealing what I'm doing, since Twilight would invariably pester me about it now. Then again, I don't remember much what happened, so I'll use the excuse of 'training' as best as I can. What I did remember, however, was that I'm inside the Royal Sister's Castle at some point.

After a few exchanging a few reassuring words to the girls, life pretty much returned to normalcy, well, at least on Ponyville.

I wonder if that old castle still holds a few precious artifact, I'll try to persuade Twilight to go with me there next time.

Author's Note:

I'm not happy with this chapter if I'm being honest, however, I understand that sometimes, a Chapter just needed to be uploaded no matter the circumstances to advance the plot else I'll be stuck on a limbo. Like the great Monika once told me, "When the ink flows down into a dark puddle, just move your hand, write the way, into his heart."

Onto uhh, even dire news...

The circumstances of never updating my stories ever again almost came up, and honestly...I was scared when they says that I'm positive of the virus. I never felt so afraid in my entire life. Imagine my relief (and to my family) that I finally was discharge out of the hospital free from the virus after spending oh-so-few weeks in there.

And by Tartarus, it is buzzing with activity in there, I don't think I've ever seen an exhausted nurse before.

But anyway, I live and isolating! I'm not taking another chances, and so does my family. I hope you guys safe wherever you guys are!

-Desperate Dawn