• Published 26th Feb 2019
  • 7,655 Views, 263 Comments

We're both twins, yes! Now buzz off... - Desperate Dawn

Continuation of a certain story that is never completed, and it has been a long time. Thus, this happened.

  • ...

The Elements

I gaze upon the night sky, it simply looked beautiful, the moon is shining brightly and the stars also tries to compete to shine the brightest amongst all others, determined to be brighter than the moon. I knew the night stars wouldn’t win against the beauty of the moon.

I leaned against my chair, looking high in the ceiling. Currently, I’m at my tower and sitting near my study-desk trying to do something to pass on the time. I always loved studying and working on a spell accompanied by the view of the Everfree and the small growing city near it alongside the quiet night sky. Suddenly, the door to my chambers was opened, a pale white unicorn mare with curly purple mane walked inside.

“The mistress wishes to see you now, Lady Twivine,” The unicorn said nervously.

Looking up-side-down from my chair, I stared at the unicorn with a bored look. Smirking, I summoned my vines, slowly creeping up behind her. The vines poked her which made her froze in place. She slowly looked behind her just like in the movies and stared up to the abomination of a vine that closely resembled a large bipedal wolf with its mouth open, a combination of a timber-wolves and werewolves made by my vines.

Horrified, she let out a scream as it closing in with its mouth ready to clamp her down, she closed her eyes waiting for the vines-like teeth to bite at her. It didn’t come, however, wondering why it didn’t. I let out a maniacal laughter that shook the unicorn out of her trance. She opened her eyes and blinked, staring as the bipedal vine-wolf smirked before slowly deforming and then retracted to their pots. I was still laughing, cackling madly of how funny to scare people to death. My laugh momentarily stopped as I fell out of my chair, rubbing my head and then stared at her before laughing again.

“That is not funny, Lady Twivine!” The unicorn snapped, although slightly afraid of unleashing my wrath.

“Y-you should've seen the look at your face,” I said between my laugh.

She huffed, puffing her cheeks. “While I have to say that you did give me a jump there, but you know the mistress wouldn’t be happy if you keep her waiting.”

My laughter finally died down as I stared at her with my usual bemused expression. “Very well, lead on then.

I followed her out of my chamber and then led me into a large oak gate. She motioned inside as she opened the gate with her pale blue magic and I walked into the throne room expecting nothing else. The throne room is empty save for four guards, standing at the opposite of each other on the side of the carpet. In the middle, a blue crystalline throne stood empty. I walked up to the center and waited for the eventual show of my mistress. And just like that, a black-furred alicorn full-on with its armor trotted out and stood in front of the throne.

“Good to see you, Queen Nightmare Moon.”

My eyes snapped open and I immediately sat up straight, sweating and breathing harshly. I looked at my room, each wall always had large bookshelves safe for one corner where my study-desk is placed near the window. I sighed in relief.

It’s just a dream, I mentally assured myself. I got up from the bed and head to the bathroom and proceeds on my morning routine. I trotted out of my room just in time for Spike serving breakfast, “Morning Spike.” I greeted him wearily.

“Morning,” He replied cheerfully before frowning. “H-hey, Twivine, is everything alright?”

I force a smile although he can tell that I’m slightly tired but whatever, “Yes, Spike, just one of those dreams.”

“Oh,” He said plainly before taking a seat and munched on his gems casually.

Rolling my eyes at his absent-minded reply, I took my seat and stared at the waffle that’s being served. My mouth waters momentarily before I dig into my food, can’t believe how hungry I am.

“Um, Twivine?” Spike stared at me before quickly realizing that I haven’t woke Twilight up, kinda tempted to leave her alone, but I’m not that mean.



Eh, maybe. It’s good that we stick to the usual routine. It’s kinda hard to tease her when she buried herself on a book, so waking her up like that is enough. I don’t want to repeat the last one when I bother her when she’s in the middle of her reading or research. Let’s just avoid a fiery Twilight, no literally, she can spontaneously combust.

Minutes later as I finishing up what was left of the breakfast, Twilight finally come down from her room and as usual, she opened her mouth to say something before groaning and trot over to her end of the table and starts on her breakfast, and again I summoned my vines to serve her coffee. I always do this as a safety measure, grumpy Twilight is not a happy Twilight.

“Spike, send this to the Princess.” Twilight levitated the scroll she made yesterday over to Spike.

“You got it.” He then proceeds to use his magical dragon-fire, burning the letter. The letter drift to the palace, slowly disappearing as it seeped through the wall. And the replied came as quickly as Spike burned the letter. He burped a scroll which he catches it mid-air. Both Twilight and I waited for him eagerly.

“So, what does the Princess say?” Twilight asked impatiently.

Spike glanced up from the scrolls and smiled nervously. “She specifically says this for you, Twilight. She said-“He paused for a moment. “-to get a life.”

There was an awkward silence afterward. I snorted and laughed as hard as I can Spike joining in moments later. Twilight right eye twitched as we keep on laughing our butt off. Spike’s laughter finally died down although I still laughing my flank off.

“There’s more,” Spike said while chuckling here and there which results in my laughter went to a small fit of giggles. Spike reads on the rest of the letter, “She says that both of you will supervise the Summer Sun Celebration, ensuring the small town of Ponyville to successfully prepares the celebration. There’s also another note, she says that she already dispatched a guard to escort you to Ponyville so you better prepare for departure. And again another note, she says to make some friends. Signed, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight sighed in disappointment. I trotted next to her and pat her in the back, “It’s alright Twilight, for now, let’s not overthink whether Equestria is doomed or not. We got a job to do.” Twilight nods, her mood slightly improving.

“I guess you’re right, I may overthink this a little too much.”

I smiled before grinning like a mad mare, “I guess you owe me twenty bits!”

Twilight groaned as I laughed again. As I laughed, there was a knock on the door which I immediately stop laughing and looked at the door. “I’ll get that.”

Humming a tune, I trotted to the door and opened it with my magic. A white Pegasus Guard stood absent-mindedly on the door; his gaze seems to be focused elsewhere, then he shifted his attention to me. From there I immediately saw a different expression rapidly, from shock to flustered and finally back to the usual stoic guard but struggling to stay flat-faced.

“T-Twivine, g-good to see you, I was expecting Twilight there, and uhh.” The guard cleared his throat. I’m pretty sure that I saw him blushing there, but I can’t know for certain. “My partner and I will be taking you, Twilight, and also little Spike to Ponyville at the Princess order.”

“Silver Sky?” I tilted my head as I recognized that voice and as soon the name came out, he went to stuttering incoherent words in two seconds. I giggled at him which made his blush even more at the clear. “I thought you’ll be in Cloudsdale.”

“W-well,” he stammered for a bit. “I was stationed there for a bit before transferred back to Canterlot, so here I am,” He smiled. Rather glad that the conversation shifts into a friendlier topic.

“Twivine, who is it?” Twilight called from the inside.

“It’s the guard that will escort us to Ponyville,” I replied. “Better prepare our stuff.”

“Twivine, there would be another guard that will bring your stuff to Ponyville, it is best for you to carry things you wish for the journey and let us carry yours.”

“Huh, that’s great,” I thought out loud.

Before another word was spoken, both Twilight and Spike was carrying a wooden box, undoubtedly filled with book and other things. She had a saddle-bag on her, most likely filled with books or something relevant to that. She also carries my saddle-bag with her, that one who had a spare spot for a pot so I can use it without doing collateral damage when I’m inside somepony’s house or building.

“That was quick,” Silver Sky commented. “But that is not necessary, miss Twilight. Just leave it there as there will be another guard who will carry your things.”

“Oh really?” Twilight asked which answered with a nod from the white Pegasus. “Okay then, when do we depart?”

“Sooner than you think, come, the chariot is right this way.” Silver Sky said leading us to a chariot already with a Pegasus that is waiting for us. He proceeds to hook himself to the chariot and nods to his partner before turning to us. “Just sit tight and enjoy the ride.”

We hopped in the chariot and moments later, we’re already in the sky. Spike and Twilight were chatting of another scroll that he burps that consisted of the things the Celebration needs to check at, I didn’t listen to them as my mind wanders as the wind peacefully collides into me.

“Heads up, Ponyville ahead!” Silver Sky shouted which wake me up from the quick nap I took on the way. It’s just so refreshing, I can’t help it. Looking down, I saw the small town approaching rapidly.

“Brace yourself, we’re landing,” Silver Sky warned.

The Pegasus escorts landed the chariot smoothly in the open ground, if I looked more closely, I’ll say that we’re at the center of the town. The three of us hopped off the chariot. Silver turned his head to us. “Your belongings should arrive in the old library, ask the mayor for the key. She is already been notified of your arrival so there shouldn’t be any problem. If there is, notify the Princess immediately.”

“Thanks for the heads up, Silver,” I smiled.

He nodded, returning the smile. He then turned to his partner nodding; the two Pegasus quickly took up to the sky with the chariot in tow, returning to Canterlot.

“So Spike,” Twilight began. “Where should we go first?”

Said Drake looked at the scroll, “First, we should check on the food, it was prepared by somepony named Applejack.”

“Alright, the sooner we’ll finish this task, the sooner we may prevent Nightmare Moon’s return.” Twilight walked away, following the road. She halted and turned to Spike. “Do you know where she is? Does the Princess give us a map?”

Spike shook his head. “It says that she lives in a place called Sweet Apples Acres, but it didn’t say where.”

Twilight groaned, “Great.”

I saw a pink pony with a poofy mane, a mare presumably, bouncing on the road. No, I’m serious, she jumped up and down and every time she did it, a ‘boink’ sound can be heard, don’t know how the pony did that but she did.

“I guess we can ask her.” I pointed at the pink mare.

“I guess it won’t hurt to ask a passerby, let’s go,” Twilight said, approaching the pink mare with the two of us following after.

“Hello,” Twilight greeted. “I was just wondering if you can-“ Twilight didn’t get a chance to finish as the pink mare suddenly gasped mid-air, and just like that she was gone in a pink blur. “O-okay, that was weird.”

“Not only that, she also breaks physics and defied gravity,” I commented.

“And here I thought Twivine was weird.” Spike chimed in, I immediately smacked his head with my plunder vines. “Ow, what was that for?”

“It’s because of how true it is,” I said as the vines retracted back to its pot.

“Guys, can we focus?” Twilight said, slightly irritated. She turned her head at me, “And you’re not weird, Twivine. You’re just… different.”

I shrugged, “I know that.”

After asking a few of the more normal ponies, we already found ourselves in the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres, the home of Applejack. And dear heavens that is a lot of apples. I saw Spike’s mouth watered at such massive display of apples, I’m betting they would at least need twenty to thirty workers to harvest that many. We continued deeper into the apple orchards with our jaw open, awed by the sheer size alone that we didn’t realize we ventured deeper.

There was a loud ‘thwack’ nearby; the three of us looked around where it came from. Turns out just a few meters in front of us, there was an orange mare with a blonde mane. She bucked the trees and manages to drop all the apples from the trees into the bucket below, she also wearing Stetson which completes the appearance of a typical cowpony.

I’m guessing that she’s Applejack if the cutiemark was any indication. We approached her which she immediately noticed.

“Howdy there, welcome tah Sweet Apple Acres where we provide tah finest apples in all of Equestria.” She greeted, lending out her legs to Twilight.

“Good Day, my name is Twilight Sparkle and we- Whoaaa,“ Twilight took Applejack’s legs on which the latter immediately shook it strongly.

“Well, nice ta meet yah, Twilight, a pleasure makin’ your acquaintance. Ah’m Applejack.” Applejack released her grip which Twilight silently thankful for.

“So what can Ah do for ya?” Applejack asked.

Twilight shook her head, trying to get the dizziness out of the way before clearing her throat. “Well, Applejack, it’s nice to see you. This is my sister, Twivine and this is Spike.” She gestured towards each of us.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Applejack.”

“Hello there!”

“Well hello to both of yah, and Ah don’t think ya’ll have a talkin’ lizard as a pet,” Applejack said nonchalantly. Spike immediately pouted as I hold a snicker of my own.

“He’s a Dragon,” Twilight said. “And we’re here to supervise the preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration, you’re in charge of the food correct?”

“Well sure Ah do, would ya like to try tah food?” Before any of us can respond she immediately shouts, ringing a triangle, “Soup’s on everypony!”

And just like that, we got stampeded to a table where she introduced each member of the family while placing associated food on the table. Spike’s mouth watered at the variety of food being served, literally. To be completely honest, every dish here is looking great and I’m impatient to try it out, of course, I’m being a good guest and waited for the host.

“Well, this great and all, but we should get going,” Twilight said hastily, a little bit nervous on her side I guess. And each member sighed disappointedly, that one filly called Apple Bloom pouted adorably which makes Twilight feeling guilty.

“I won’t mind being here for a minute or two,” I say quickly.

“Yeah me too, l-look at all of this food,” Spike chimed in and his stomach growled. Oooh yeah, he’s getting impatient alright.

Twilight’s eyes twitched at our sudden betrayal, you don’t deny food Twilight. You don’t. She groaned and sighed, “Fine, I’ll stay.” A chorus of ‘yay’ filled the air seconds afterward.

We started digging in on our food, chatting with Applejack’s family, many question either relate to me or Spike and both of us answered as best as we could. Twilight sulked near a tree nearby while eating a few pies, pouting.

Welp, all I can say the food is A-Okay.

“Uuugh, I eat way too much,” I groaned as my stomach growled of how full it had been filled.

“I have to admit that it’s a really good pie,” Twilight said as she cast a spell to ease my suffering. I think I learned a lesson not to eat more no matter how good they are, guess I have to work on my self-restrained on Applejack’s pastries or any food as good as her.

“So Spike, who will we meet next?” I asked.

“The weather,” Spike said cheerfully. Don’t know why Spike can be so energetic after eating a lot of that pie, Dragon metabolism I suppose. “The pony in charge would be Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight looked up at the not cleared sky for the celebration, “Well whoever in charge aren’t doing their job properly.”


I think I acted out of instinct, but the next thing I know is that I caught a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane on my vines just before she crashed into Twilight.

“H-hey, good catch, can you let me go now?” the cyan Pegasus said, slightly terrified and annoyed.

Blinking, the plunder vines slowly sink into the ground, releasing the cyan Pegasus although she’s somewhat slightly wary of me.

“I-I’m sorry, didn’t mean that,” I blurted out.

“Yeah, that is creepy although very cool.” The Pegasus shuddered. “Y-you’re eyes glowed green when I almost hit her… it was just really, really freaky. I thought something gonna happen there.”

“I’m guessing you’re Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, hiding her scowl.

“The one and only,” Rainbow Dash stretch her wings, sounding a lot of confidence all of a sudden.

“Well, not only you’re not clearing the skies, but you tried to crash into somepony and accidentally make my sister unleashed her vines to protect me.” Twilight narrowed her eyes, clearly unhappy.

“Hey, it was all an accident. I was just practicing my tricks!” She then glared at me. “And what kind of magic is that!? Are you an evil enchantress trying to take over Ponyville!”

Oh when the last one I was just slightly irritated, now I’m pretty much mad and pissed off by her arrogant ass motherb- Okay, just calm down Twivine, everything’s fine. You don’t need to attract unnecessary attention and also the possibility of getting kicked out of Ponyville.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke out as calmly as possible. “We’re both from Canterlot to supervise the preparation for the celebration and I don’t see you exactly ‘preparing’ by clearing off the sky.”

The arrogant motherbu- I mean Rainbow Dash scoffed, “Hah, that is a piece of cake. I can clear it in ten seconds flat!”

My eyes twitched. Not only had she boldly claimed that statement, which ticked me off even more. Twilight manages to calm me down, she then turned to the rainbow maned Pegasus. “Well if you boldly claimed to be capable of doing such feat, then I would like you to prove it.”

“Fine then!” She took up to the sky, hovering a few feet off the ground. “Prepare to be amazed.” With a blur she took off, clearing the skies way faster than I anticipated. I underestimated her, but if she still on that arrogant side then she is anywhere but good at my first impression.

She flew past me as soon as she was done with the sky, which results in my mane being a mess. She hovered above ground before slowly descending, “See, what do I tell you. Ten. Seconds. Flat.”

“That is impressive, but does flying past Twivine necessary?” Spike asked, sounding exactly not too happy.

“Well, that is just a reminder for her not to mess with the fastest flier in Equestria if she ever decides to take over Ponyville in my watch.” Okay, that’s it, I’ve had it.

Where everyone least expected it, my vines immediately grow out of the grounds and immediately wrapped her full with only her head sticking without giving her any chance to react nor counter-act it by flying away. I could feel my eyes glowing as I glared at her. She cowered as the vines moved her wrapped body closer to me until we meet face to face.

“Not only you boldly claimed to be the fastest which I perhaps can tolerate, but accusing me of doing something I would NEVER DO!?”I said all but shout at the last one, my eyes glowed brighter green and I felt my mane flows like a wild current all over which makes the cyan Pegasus whimpered.

“Twivine, please calm down!” Twilight shouts pleadingly. Hearing my sister plea, I quickly dropped Rainbow Dash to the ground which then my vines slowly retracted to the ground alongside me returning to normal although my mane is still a mess, but I don’t care. Twilight sighed in relief as I calmed down but I was not done with her.

“If you just assume and keep your thoughts to your head, this wouldn’t happen. Instead, you immediately confront me and accuse me of doing something I would never intend of doing.” I scowled. “And for the record, that wasn’t an ordinary magic that you shouldn’t be messing with. Period.”

I ‘humphed as I left both Twilight and the arrogant-bitch called Rainbow Dash alone, muttering some curses along the way, Spike, however, waddled after me. “Stupid, sonnofa- Oh hi Spike,” I said nonchalantly.

“Twivine, I know you’re mad right now-“ I cut him off.

“Oh, I’m not mad, I’m furious!”

“Yeaaah, but do you have to go that far?”

I took a deep breath and exhaled, putting the earlier events in the back of my mind. “Look, let’s not talk about it. Whose next we should meet?”

Spike looked at the scroll, “The next one in charge of the decoration would be Rarity.”

Just as we about to head to where the pony in charge, Twilight galloped towards us to catch up. We stopped for her to reach us.

“She says *huff* that she’s extremely sorry about that *huff* she want to do anything to make it up,” Twilight said between her heavy breathing when she finally reached us.

I scowled, that incident suddenly reignited from the back of my mind. I huffed, “As long she keeps up with that arrogance of her, she can kiss my flank!”

Twilight glared at the usage of the swear words I used, especially this close to Spike, but he thankfully understands the situation and set it aside. The two of my siblings finally remembers why you shouldn’t piss me off.

I guess I can say that was cleared. Onto the next one then.

“Well here it is, the Carousel Boutique,” Spike said as we stood in front of what it seems like closely resembled a circus tent, of course, you don’t judge a book by its cover.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Twilight walked up and knocked on the door. I reluctantly walked up beside her with Spike riding on my back.

“Just a moment darling~” comes a sing-song voice from the inside.

Moments later, the door was opened revealing a white unicorn with a curled mane. I raised an eyebrow at her, Have I seen her before?

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique where-“She gasped as she looked at me. “-What in Equestria happen to your mane!”

“Oh, this? Earlier I encountered something unpleasant which I don’t want to talk about it.” I replied nonchalantly, she just gasped again.

“I can’t simply ignore a crime of beauty goes unanswered,” She immediately dragged me inside.

For about twenty minutes the fashionasta drags me into whatever she was doing, there was a lot of quick movement and before I know it, I was standing in front of a mirror. I wore a very much elegant light bluish dress with a star pattern all over it, and also my mane was styled.

I heard a snicker from beside me thus I turned to see both Twilight and Spike trying to hold off a laugh. They failed miserably.

“Oh my Celestia, that just suits you perfectly.” Rarity, I assumed, walked up beside me as she looked at me.

“Yeah, as much as I love what you did to me, can I get off from this?” I asked rather annoyed.

“Of course darling, I apologize for dragging you into my… sprees as you may say.” Rarity smiled sheepishly and teleported (?) the dress somewhere.

“So,” she began. “Whom do I have the pleasure of becoming an acquaintance with?”

Twilight trotted over us, introducing each one of us. “Ah, my name is Twilight Sparkle, this is Spike and the one you’re dressing up is my sister, Twivine.”

“Wait, did you say, Twilight?” Rarity asked curiously.

Twilight nods then continued. “Yes, that is true. We came from Canterlot to supervise the preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

And again Rarity gasped, “Wait, you are the Twilight Sparkle do you?”

Both Twilight and I blinked, how did she know Twilight?

“Yeaaah? W-why do you ask?” Twilight asked nervously.

“Oooh, the Princess best protégé, not only capable to hatch a dragon while simultaneously created an exact copy of herself, she also well renowned for her beauty and even my Prince Charming tried to court her only to be stopped by her new sister. How could I not know Twilight Sparkle?” Rarity replied with the most dramatic fashion ever.

I raised an eyebrow, this is sorta creepy and wait… did she just say her Prince Charming? I decide to ask her, “Wait, did you mean Prince Blueblood?”

“Well of course darling,” Rarity nods and continued again. “He is not only the eligible bachelor of all of Equestria, he is the most charming, handsomest and-“ I stopped Rarity’s rambling because this is getting ridiculous.

“Ooookay, as much as I like to hear you fantasizing about your Prince Charming, but we’re kinda in a hurry, so how’s the decoration going?”

As much as she didn’t like getting cut off like that, she answered nonetheless. “Well, the decoration is doing well and I suspect it’ll finish early.”

“Great, if that’s the case we’re going to check on the other preparation, good day miss Rarity,” I said as I pushed both Twilight and Spike out of the Boutique without them having the chance to respond.

“You know Twivine, that was rather rude of you,” Twilight chided as we finally exited the building.

“Well, why don’t you try to get yourself dragged and being dressed as a doll?” I snarked.

“Touché, but I still am flattered that she knows of me and also about our date.” Twilight rolled her eyes, she then turned to Spike. “Who’s next then Spike?”

Spike… strangely in a daze or something, he immediately shook his head and looked at the scroll. “Next up is Fluttershy, she’s in charge of the music.”

“Alright, let’s get this over with,” I say quickly, taking on the lead.

I just hope the next one won’t go as bad. I didn’t invoke Murphy, did I?

After a few asking here and there and also a quick visit to the Mayor to get the key for the library, we headed to the outskirts of Ponyville, just at the edge of the notorious forest of the Everfree.

“Sheesh, what kind of pony would be making music near the edge of Everfree, aren’t it will attract any unwanted predators?” Spike shuddered at the thought.

“Well, why don’t you ask her?” I said as we neared just enough to hear somepony humming alongside the chirping of the birds.

“Umm, Mr. Cooth, could you please focus on the tone? You are a tiny bit went too high there.” The kind butter-yellow Pegasus said at the birds. She has pink mane and also a cutiemark of butterflies, and if I’m right, this should be the one called Fluttershy. And by her name alone, I’m kinda hoping her not that exactly shy, but depending on my past event, names could be the one to determined one’s personality.

“Excuse me,” Twilight stepped forward suddenly, I resisted the urge to facehoof but I stick it at my mind. The poor Pegasus jumped, turned around and immediately looks as if she just saw a ghost. She tried to hide behind her mane and sinks lower to the ground as Twilight walked closer, oblivious of her reaction.

“Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle,” She gestured for us to walk closer. I reluctantly stepped forward. “This is my sister, Twivine Sparkle.”

I don’t know if it was my eye that disturb her or she’s just really, really awkward when meeting somepony new. Kinda reminds me of Twilight without her confidence and her list of things to prepare.

“And your name would be?” Twilight asked.

“I’m…fluttershy,” the Pegasus whispered. Of course, she would be shy. It’s already marked on her name. I was kinda hoping it wouldn’t the case but eehh, I’ve seen way worse so far.

“I’m sorry, but could you repeat that?” Twilight obliviously asked again. I rolled my eyes as I stepped in.

“I apologize for our sudden intrusion Miss Fluttershy, I see that the music is coming along well thus we’ll leave you alone.” I turned around, “Let’s go everypony.”

However, an audible gasp from behind stops me, “A baby dragon!” I craned my neck to see Fluttershy suddenly petting Spike who was riding me the whole time. He purred, yes he purred like a cat as Fluttershy keep on cooing at him. “Who’s a good baby dragon, oh yes you are.”

The three of us giggled at Spike as he seems to be enjoying himself and as much as I love the adorable sight we must continue on our task.

“Hello, Miss Fluttershy, it seems you have taken an interest on Spike, my brother,” I said formally, smiling.

She glanced towards me. Her eyes immediately went wide as she looked at me more clearly, more precisely at my draconic eye. Twilight was quick to calm her down. “It’s okay, she’s just my sister and yes she has the same eye as a dragon but I assure you that she’s fine.”

“Thank you, Twilight. As I was saying,” by this point Fluttershy relaxed although slightly worried but she kept herself busy with Spike. “We’ve come to check on the music for the Summer Sun Celebration,”

She suddenly lit up as she heard it. “O-oh yes, the music is coming along just fine, but I’m afraid we have to do a couple of adjustments for every bird to synched perfectly.”

Both Twilight and I raised an eyebrow, she used birds? Twilight was the first to ask regarding the matter. “Excuse me, but did you say birds?”

“Oh yes,” she answered. “They were nice enough to help me organize a song for the celebration.”

“So, you can talk to animals?” Spike asked, genuinely curious.

“Oh, n-not exactly, they can understand me but I can’t understand them without any sort of body language, well, I can still make up what are they trying to say although vague.”

“Welp, I guess I can say that we have done our job well,” I said as I levitate Spike’s scroll and ticked the last box. “Let’s go back to the library and sort our things.”

“How many animals do you have to look after?”

“Well, there are too many animals to count and most of them never stayed long, but the one that stayed… I’ll say around two hundred, but I can’t say for sure.”

Spike and Fluttershy’s conversation stretch on throughout the journey with Twilight occasionally commented on some topic, I too joined in for quite a while but stayed out most of the time. Spike’s interest and curiosity about something is a sight to behold, for whatever reason I expect him to behave…different than what I’m seeing as we grow up. It was no wonder he picked up Shining’s love for comics and the game ‘Ogres & Oubliettes’.

Eventually, we’ve reached the Golden Oaks Library and… our stuff is nowhere. Maybe they already put it inside, but why it’s so dark? I looked at the sky, the sun’s setting in but it can’t be that dark. When Twilight about to open the door with the key, there’s something comes to mind.

“Wait, Fluttershy, do you know anypony that had poofy pink mare on this town?”

“Umm, the only pink poofy pony I know is Pinkie Pie, why?” As soon as she said that, her eyes widened. “Wait, don’t tell me you met her already?”

I shrugged, “If you count gasping in mid-air while defying gravity and then immediately ran off somewhere, then yes, I’ve met her.”

Fluttershy cringed, making me somewhat know about what happens next. “Well, let’s just say that she’s overly enthusiastic to the point she’ll throw you a party.”

“Well, that’s overly nice of her to throw us a party, but I think it’s time for us to-WAAAAAH!” Twilight jumped as a chorus of ‘Surprise’ mixed with balloons and streamer burst our ears simultaneously. I merely rolled my eyes as I glance up to Fluttershy.

“That is a nice foreshadowing there, Fluttershy.”

“Sorry,” She squeaked timidly.

The expected pink party pony finally appears before us. “Hey, my name is Pinkie Pie and I just thrown you a ‘welcome to Ponyville’ surprise party at first I have this feeling that somepony had arrived to Ponyville and I start looking for them and when I see you I was *GAAASSP* and I immediately planned a party just only to welcome the both of you, so, so were you surprise, huh huh?”

Twilight, getting overwhelmed of how fast Pinkie can talk, couldn’t get her head around her thus her mind grinds a little bit more to process it, oh nevermind, Twilight.exe has stopped working guess I’ll go and help her reboot.

“While it is very nice of you to-“ Pinkie cut me short before I got the chance to finish.

“And you must be Twivine, Twilight’s twin little sister, well sister after she manages to magically create you out of thin air and somehow enlarged Spike here and also manage to turn her Parents to a cactus after a magical surge because of the sonic Rainboom ~which we all get our cutiemark afterward ~ but then the Princess stops it and so here you are as Twilight’s evil twin sister!”

I don’t know if my jaw-dropping is a sign of awe because Pinkie somehow knew my origin or is it because I’m too stunned to say anything because this is Pinkie we’re talking about. There is an unspoken rule which dictates that ‘if all methods of proving something failed from either logical or scientific means, then it’s because of magic, you just don’t question it’. In this case, Pinkie both magical and un-logical to able to explain things she’d done, this will save me from the headache I’ll get because of her.

Shaking my head, I finally regained my composure. “I’m not going to ask of how you knew but I’ll pretend I just told you my story.” I looked at Twilight who stills trying to reboot and all attempts failed. Walking over, I shook her body rapidly and slapped her, lightly mind you. That’ll it takes as Twilight blinked and looked at me. “Are you awake now?” I manage to ask.

Twilight looked back and forth between me and the pink demon, “How did she?”

“Rule number six Twilight, remember that and you’ll be okay,” I said as I turned to enjoy the party.

Just as I headed to the table where the punch was, Pinkie suddenly appeared above me. “Hey, Viney, what’s rule six?”

I flinched at the unexpected appearance but I manage to regain composure and answered, “It’s a little rule when both Twilight and I doing a study about something and Rule six is a rule when all else fails, its magical elements are too unpredictable and chaotic to the point it can’t be explained through normal means.”

“And that applies to me?” Pinkie curiously asked.

“Yes,” I said plainly.

Pinkie then makes ‘hmm’ sound, her face was all serious, and then she was smiling again. “Okie dokie lokey!” She disappeared to…I don’t know do I have to ask?

We’re at the Townhall, waiting for the Princess to begin the celebration. Twilight had runoff… somewhere and Spike are with the foals and happily chatting with them. The Mayor does the opening act and yada-yada, I’m not paying attention. I glanced up to the window and saw the moon and I immediately frowned in confusion. That is strange, since when the moon didn’t-

My thoughts were cut short as I heard a collective gasp from the crowd when Rarity said: “She’s gone!”

Looking back to the stage where the Princess should’ve been, I trotted to the nearest guard who was also equally confused as everypony. “Hey, what’s going on, I thought the Princess should be here.”

The guard flinched as he looked at me, he said something incoherent and I groaned as I realized who this is. “Goddess damnit Silver, this is not the time!”

Silver Sky cleared his throat, his guard training finally returning him to his senses. Is he sick or something, his cheeks were all red and sweating. “I’m sorry earlier, but uhh, this never happened before.”

I rolled my eyes, “Well, of course, this never happened genius, but what happened? Does the Princess say something before her disappearance?”

“Well that just it, she never said anything,” Silver said plainly.

Groaning, I turned back to look at the stage just in time as purple mist started to emerged from who knows where. From the mist, an Alicorn walked out of it and smiled wickedly.

“Oh my little subjects, it has been so long since I saw your sun-loving faces.”

Rainbow Dash flies up and pointed her forelegs at the black Alicorn, “What have you done to the Princess?”

The Alicorn had that dejected mocking smile of her that gives me the creeps. “Am I truly that forgotten? Pity, here I thought many will recognize me as royalty as I have been imprisoned for a thousand years.”

Twilight suddenly spoke up, “I know who you are, you’re Nightmare Moon! I have seen the signs of your return.”

The Alicorn turned to my sister, smiling. “Ah, so I am not truly forgotten, then you know why I am here?”

This time, Twilight hesitated. “Y-you’re here to… bring an eternal night.”

The Alicorn chuckled, “You all will remember this day, as it was the last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!” The Alicorn laughed which resulted in many of the crowd whimpering, frightened.

“Not if I can kick your flank first!” Rainbow Dash suddenly said, flying straight at her and my reaction was to immediately facehooved.

“Well, a hero appeared, but you are far too late to rescue everypony as you will die.” The Alicorn’s summoned what appeared to be a solidified form of the mist and bashed Rainbow Dash across the Town Hall but before she could even hit the wall, vines sprouted catching her midair.

Everypony inside was utterly confused safe from Spike, Twilight and Silver Sky as they know what my power is. I walked out to the open as my vines slowly descend the unconscious cyan mare and Fluttershy immediately flew over to check on her. “Well, as much is that really-really intriguing, but I’m afraid your plan will fail in three to four months.”

The Alicorn raised its eyebrows, “And who is this, another pony who dares to defy me?”

I shook my head, “No, not defying… I’m stating facts. If you manage to make the night eternal, then surely the plants will wither and die because they have no sunlight to grow and please for the love of harmony, enough with the ignorance, every creature knows that we need sunlight to survive. You need at least a hundred years or so for the creature to adapt and evolve of your precious night and by this point, the land is already frozen over because of this stupid plan.

I have the reason that you haven’t counsel this with your advisor or somepony to help you managing a nation, plus I’m sure the Royal Guards will attempt to resist because they have an oath to follow and a guard does not simply break them. I’m seeing no army to take the Royal Guards on, so this plan is already doomed from the start, so, well done.”

I clapped my hooves sarcastically as I finished my speech.

Everyone stared at me which makes me nervous, “What?” I finally said. “It’ll make sense if you think about it.”

The Alicorn eyes twitched, anger and hatred seems to be directed right at me for spoiling her plan. “How dare you question me, you will pay for your insolence!”

My eyes widened as the mist solidified to a spear-like and then it was launched at me. For a moment… I saw blood. Strangely enough, however, I didn’t feel anything but a wince from my face, I could only hear a muffled scream and shouts.

I opened my eyes, and my first sight was at the solidified mist that turned into spear, its tip is stained with blood, I don’t know who but I don't think it was mine. Strangely. I soon realized that something was on top of me, turning my snout was face to face to a white Pegasus snout that I recognized.

It took me a moment to realize what had transpired, my eyes widening. “SILVER!”

Said Pegasus guard merely grinned goofily, but behind that grin was a pained expression. I looked at his forelegs, and I was horrified to see his injured foreleg, his injury was severe as something just tore through his skin effortlessly, but thankfully it was just a scratch on his leg not through.

I just stared with my mouth agape, too shocked to say anything. Silver Sky simply wave with his wing, “Don’t worry, it’s just a flesh wound I’ll live.”

“FLESH WOUND?!” I roared as he gets off me because of my sudden outcry. I stood up with rage boiling steam, “YOU JUST GOT YOUR LEGS ALMOST TORN APART!”

“It wasn’t that bad,” He squeaked.

“IT WAS THAT BAD! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?” I felt my horn shimmered and my magical aura began enveloping his injured leg, sending a wave of healing spell. This kind of spell is dangerous if you don’t know the anatomy and nerve system on a pony, but thankfully the lesson in biology comes in handy on this kind of situation cause I know what I’m doing…probably.

“Twivine, are you okay!?” Twilight comes barging in trying to slip through the panicked crowd.

I nodded as I wiped the sweat off my forehead, spell-like that is quite taxing on my concentration but at least I manage to stop most of the bleeding. “Yeah, but this idiot almost got himself killed.” I summoned a bandage out of my pocket void and starts wrapping his wound. You know the kinda pocket you can teleport stuff in it and can be summoned whenever and wherever you like? Called aether or something, couldn’t recall.

“I’m fine geez, I think you should worry more about Nightmare Moon,” Silver Sky said with a roll of his eyes and attempt to stand back on all four.

“Exactly, we have to hurry and try to find a way to stop her. I’ll meet you back in the library!” Twilight immediately ran off, soon afterward, the five ponies we met earlier followed after. I merely nodded and continue bandaging Silver’s wound.

“There,” I said as I’m done wrapping his injury. “Don’t strain yourself and for the love of Celestia, do something with this crowd.” I gestured at the screaming masses of pony, running around the Town Hall while the guards tried desperately to calm them.

“I’ll take care of it, you go after your sister, now go!” Silver Sky commanded, I nodded and make my way out this blob of ponies but before I even took a step, Silver called out my name, I’d turn to see him smiling.

“Good luck.”

With his word, I galloped off to catch up with Twilight and the five ponies.

I panted as the Library finally on view, I switch from full-on gallop to a slow canter, Celestia know that both of us physical exercise is almost non-existent and four-minute of full gallop is enough to feel like I was walking for five miles without water.

I’ve regained my breath as I approached the Library’s door and just in time to hear the five ponies shouts, “The Everfree Forest!?”

Wrapping the handle with my magic, I opened the door to see Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Fluttershy and somehow I feel that ‘de ja vu’ vibe. I know that I’ve seen this before but where?

“Twivine, great timing, c’mon we’re going to chase after Nightmare Moon!” Twilight starts to drag me out of the Library. Just yank me off from the front door with her levitation.

“Whoa whoa, wait on a minute, can you brief me of what in the buck is going on?” I asked while upside down due to her levitation focused more on my rear, like come on my kink is not into that.

“Remember the letter I’ve sent the Princess and about the-“ I put a hoof on her mouth.

“I know that, but what’s with we going to the spooky forest?”

Twilight moved my hooves off her mouth with a simple levitation, “The Elements of Harmony! We need to find the Elements to defeat Nightmare Moon and bring back Princess Celestia.”

“Okay, do you have any idea where should we look then?” I asked, not too happy at her plan as I felt like it’ll go wrong somewhere along the way.

“In an old castle deep within the forest, now come on!” Twilight starts to drag me again, still in her levitation.

“Fine fine, hold your horses… and will you put me down already!”

Twilight chuckled sheepishly as she put me down not too subtly, I grumbled as I stood back in all four and starts following her.

The two of us followed along the path, walking cautiously for any traps or dangers that could put our lives at stake, except timber-wolves, they’ll just a piece of nuisance and stood no chance against my vines. Two dared to reveal themselves baring their teeth only to get wrecked by my vines that sprouted below their legs and wrapped them before crushing them to bits.

Twilight could stare with mouth hanging open as the vine retracted back to the ground, I maaaayy smiled too innocently there.

We continued deeper into the forest, my ears perked up at a sudden noise of a broken branch. With a roar, manticore leaped out of the bush in front of us baring its teeth. We both screamed and huddled in together as the manticore swept its claw at us.

“YEEEHAAW!” Comes the familiar voice of Applejack, she throws her lasso right at the Manticore’s neck and pulled it back. The manticore roared as the claw barely scratch us, a sudden cyan blur hit the manticore right at the back of its head resulting it roared in anger.

“Come and get some you overgrown cat!” Rainbow Dash taunted with her hoof up.

The manticore growled at the newcomer and attempt to yank Rainbow off the sky but unable too since the combined effort of Applejack, Rarity, and strangely Pinkie pulling the manticore. Wait a second, did they want to fricking suffocate the manticore to death?! The manticore’s limb flailed in the sky as it tried to overpower the group of mares that tries to strangle him. Luckily enough for the manticore, it manage to released itself from the attempted strangling as it succeed at overpowering them, launching them to the sky before dropping down to the ground while taking Rainbow with them as well.

Before the manticore even thinks of swinging its claw or impaling the group of mares with its stinger, Twilight fired a bolt at the back of its head and once again the manticore roared. The manticore turned to face the two of us, growled maliciously as it stared at us.

“WAAAAIIT!!” Fluttershy suddenly cried out, launching herself between the manticore and the two of us.

All of us sans Pinkie ~whom the latter just giggled~ have our mouths agape when Fluttershy talked to it, then pulled out a branch out of its feet before being licked. Fluttershy then patted the manticore who in returned nuzzled at the yellow Pegasus before it ran off somewhere, vanishing amidst the trees.

Twilight has the widest among all of us as she asks Fluttershy, “HOW!?”

Fluttershy just smiled weakly, “Oh, it doesn’t hurt if we show a little kindness.”

All seven of us continued on our journey, much to Twilight displeasure. The five mares insisted to help us tackle whatever Nightmare Moon might throw at us just to stop us down. At first, Twilight was stubborn and refused any help from the five, but then relented when I stepped in and side with them.

Grudges aside, I can’t help but to feel like…being avoided. Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow were chatting among themselves with Twilight yet again occasionally chimed in. Fluttershy just being Fluttershy and avoided any sort of interaction, Applejack, however, she’s just obviously avoiding me. She kept her distance, avoiding all eye contact, and seemingly worried over something.

I really didn’t like that at all, with all the stuff that happened in the past, I can’t help but to ask her directly. Maybe if I talk to her and ask what was the problem with me then she might be more accepting.

“Hey, Applejack, you’re alright?” I asked suddenly.

Applejack flinched, “W-what do ya mean sugarcube?”

“Well,” I started. “The fact that you tried to avoid me for no exact reason, I can’t help but to ask.” Applejack winced as soon as I finish.

Applejack sighed, “Look sugarcube, Ah know that Ah don’t have any reason ta avoid ya but Ah feel like to fer some reason.”

“You worried about nothing but avoid me anyway?” I repeated, raising a brow.

“Didn’t mean it like that, jus’…” She sighed. “Look, Ah’m sorry fer makin’ ya feel a bit out ta place, but Ah really didn’t mean it, it jus’ that feelin’ of danger especially that eye of yers.”

I rolled my eyes as I heard her statement, at this point, it was already normal for ponies to think that I’m a ‘danger’ and how many times do I’ve heard it? Too b*cking much…

“It’s alright, AJ, thanks for being honest about it,” I smiled.

“Yer too kind, Twivine,” Applejack returned the smile.

“Hey, isn’t that a good friend would do?”

“Eeyup, yer very much right.”

The seven of us walked through the forest after a session of laugh from Pinkie when the forest somehow turned scary for some reason or another, I blame Nightmare Moon. But we’ve got past on that and returned to our journey, and not long until we have to stop because the River can’t be crossed due to the raging current.

“Now what do we do?” Twilight exclaimed. Rainbow Dash then flew up in front of her, clearing her throat. “Oh, right,” She smiled sheepishly.

“Alright, everypony gather around, I’m going to fly each of you.” Rainbow Dash commanded and immediately the others went into a line. “Flutters, why are you in the line, you can fly for Celestia's sake.”

The yellow Pegasus timidly walked out of the line saying “Sorry” over and over. Just as Rainbow Dash lifted the first pony, Steven Magnet comes out the river crying. Whoa whoa, wait, where did that come from? Shaking my head from the incoming headache, I decide not to voice out this eerie feeling of familiarity, like I feel like having known of this somewhere but I couldn’t get my hooves on it.

Rarity stepped in asking what seems to be the problem for the Sea Serpent and turns out his mustache had been cut from a passing purple mist, talk about Nightmare Moon trying to stop us but failed.

Rainbow Dash frowned, “Seriously, that was the problem?”

“Tah be honest though, Ah don’t see what’s wrong with ya’ll look like, it’s fine by me.” Applejack shrugged.

“Oh please darling don’t be so inconsiderate, just look at him, he’s hideous without his mustache when his scale, his mane and his manicure seemingly outdo those around him.” Rarity said, pointing out the following by order.

Steven Magnet sniffed as he wailed dramatically, “Oh please tell me about it, I can’t stand how hideous I am.”

“I cannot let this crime of fabulosity go unanswered.” Rarity trotted to the Sea Serpent and proceeds to tear off one of the Serpent’s scale.

“Ouch, why did you do that for?” It was soon answered by Rarity cutting her tail, then levitating it to where the cut was and attach it to the Serpent’s mustache. “Ohohoh, how wonderful!” Steven gleefully exclaimed at his new mustache.

Twilight trotted to Rarity, concerned, “Oh Rarity, your tail…”

“It’s alright darling, short tails are in season. Besides they’ll grow back to their original sizes,” Rarity said with a reassuring smile.

“And so did the mustache,” Rainbow Dash grumbled but her complaint fell in deaf ears.

And just like that, the river was no longer uncrossable as the current slowed down and calm once more. “Look, girls, we can cross the river now,” Twilight exclaimed, immediately crossing the river but stopped by Steven.

“Allow me,” He lets himself to be a temporary bridge to the other side. We excitedly use the scaly bridge and crossed to the other side.

Just as we said our goodbyes to the kind Serpent, a thought crossed my mind and then my eyes widened as I’ve come to a realization. This is where Twilight and the others will get the elements and defeat Nightmare Moon and turning her back to Luna, but this where it comes complicated; what will happen if I was in there, does the Element suddenly come up with the seventh element? I started to panic but immediately calm myself. Even if it does happen, I reckon nothing would change because the more they change the more they stay the same or so as they say. Right? I mean, what would I represent as?

My internal struggle was cut short when Twilight was suddenly in front of me. I let out a yelp as I almost hit her muzzle. Twilight looked at me with a worry on her face, “Twivine, are you okay, you’ve just spaced out for at least three and a half minute. What happened?”

I just grinned nervously, “N-nothing, I just remembered something.” Twilight merely looked at me, unconvinced. Come on, find something to distract her. “Oh look, the bridge is out!” I pointed out to the bridge that had been cut off up ahead and it worked. Twilight snapped towards that direction and trotted there, with the six of us in tow.

All seven of us approached the broken-down bridge that supposedly connects between the castle and the forest. “That is a looooong way down!” Pinkie remarked as she casually look down to the bottom that is obstructed by a thick fog.

“Well either we could transport everypony there, or somepony get down there and attach the bridge back,” I say, half commanding. half suggesting.

“Don’t worry, I got this,” Rainbow Dash flew to the fog. Moments later, she reappeared with the remnant of the bridge on her mouth and after a brief wave at us, she flew towards the other side. However, the fog seemingly thickens to the point we couldn’t see the brash rainbow Pegasus.

“Oh I hope Dash’s okay,” Fluttershy muttered timidly.

Rarity pats Fluttershy’s shoulder, “Oh don’t worry darling, I’m sure Rainbow Dash is just going to be-“ The bridge suddenly went down without a single trace of the Rainbow mane Pegasus, “-fine.”

We all blinked of what just happened and Applejack is the first to spoke up. “Uuh, what just happen?”

“DASH!” Fluttershy tried to fly after Rainbow Dash into the fog but was held by both Rarity and Twilight magic.

Fluttershy could only sob as her best friend's fate went unknown, then suddenly a thought occurred that make me want to facehooved from not thinking about it earlier. I summoned my vines to create a makeshift bridge just beside the bridge itself, I make sure the thorns wouldn’t be in the way by making some sort of a platform for us to walk on.

“Why didn’t I think of this earlier?” I loudly mused, ignoring all of shocked stares and mouth agape and started to cross the bridge to the other side.

Okay, to be frank, I didn’t expect Rainbow Dash being restrained by Nightmare Moon after Dash beat up the Shadow Bolt. Moreover, I also didn’t expect to be foalnapped by Nightmare Moon and guess who’s right beside me? Yes, Friking, Princess Celestia herself and currently we watched the event playing out from somewhere in a pocket dimension or other shit that Nightmare Moon put us into.

“So uh,” I coughed, trying to get some kind of conversation to pass the time. “How’s the plan coming along by the way?”

Wow, that sounded close to sarcasm. I swear it played out differently in my head.

10 Minutes earlier…

“Ah, so Celestia protégé finally comes, at last, tell me little filly. Where is the rest of your friend?” Nightmare Moon said coldly, firming her magic on Dash’s restrains on which made her grunt in pain.

I tilt my head, deadpanning. “The latter is on the other side with their mouth wide from my vine’s capabilities, but if you haven’t yet realized that I am nowhere near the same coloration of my twin, and also the fact that I had the same dragon slit eye like you. Then I guess you’re just either blind or worst.”

Of course, I have might be too snarky there but come on! Everypony knows twin could always be distinguished based on their coloration and/or personality, but I think I might be exaggerating on that.

Nightmare Moon blinked then frowned, “Our utmost of apology, but I really can’t tell nor distinguish between the two of you.”

I facehooved, “Really, out of all ponies to…” I groaned as I put up a fighting stance, you know, that one stance that looks like a mage or a spellcaster casting up spells like the one in Harry Potter? Except instead of hands, you got yourselves a horn pointing at the- Okay I think you get the picture.

Nightmare, surprisingly, trotted to me till she leaned her head down to an eye level of me. I had to resist the urge to bite the horse and threw her off the cliff and be done with it, but then I yeet that out of the window since I know Nightmare Moon can turn into purple dust and flew off.

“My little pony, tell me, why a nightmare force such as yourself sided with these sun-loving ponies when you can rule Equestria alongside my stead?” Nightmare Moon asked calmly, not a single trace of hostility is found on the tone. Of course, that made me wary but I stand firm and play her game for now.

“Because, one, it’s boring to rule an empire and lastly, it is because my friend you’re dealing with!” Nightmare Moon stepped back as my eye turned white as I channel my magic to my horn and also at the same time, summoning my vines that seemed ready to back me up.

“Say hello to my little frie-“

I suddenly found myself somewhere in a starry filled void. At first, I thought that I was teleported straight to the fricking Milky Way Galaxy, but then I noticed Celestia staring at me with some sort of a displaying view at the side.

I merely waved my hooves nervously.

Present time…

“To be honest, I do not expect you to follow along Twilight alongside the bearer to the forest in search of the Elements, but it seems that no matter where Twilight goes, you followed.” Princess Celestia calmly sips on her tea that somehow appeared out of nowhere while still watching through the viewing display.

“Well, I know Twilight could get a lot of trouble –and that includes me as well– but seriously why are you so calm about this, I know that you went into some kind of a fight with your sister that results in you being severely drained or exhausted. Why though?” I asked, clearly confused by all this. Not mentioning my knowledge on some fanfiction regarding how Celestia gets captured and/or imprisoned in the first place.

“Well, certainly I can’t deny how much that you know about me and my sister,” Celestia calmly said. Even so, it’s enough for me to freeze completely at the statement. She then glances at me with a neutral expression, “Ah, so I was right then?”


I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, “It is kinda obvious really. The story said that when the two sisters ruled, the younger one blah-blah things like that, we know the story. And since you’re the only Alicorn besides Cadence who lived long enough, I got this feeling that you two might be related.”

Smooth Twivine, very smooth indeed.

The Solar Princess thought for a moment before finally speaking up, “That does... kind of obvious. Sharp as always I see,” Princess Celestia mused, half teasing.

I blushed at her praise. I cleared my throat in an attempt to focus the topic elsewhere, “Well, if you ignore the slightest of detail in history, you might interpret them wrong.”

The Princess nodded sagely on my wisdom-filled words, “Indeed, but I have my reasons for that part of history left falsely interpreted.”

Suddenly, I have the urge to just smack some sense into the solar Princess, her self-doubt irritate me. I sighed, “Whatever happens in the past, stays in the past.”

And that remark left us with an absolute silence as the two of us watched the events played out.

After the bright flash, Twilight and the others woke up with a pained groan after unleashing the Elements at Nightmare Moon. Twilight's first instinct was to find her sister and so she did. Twilight frantically looked around the damaged throne room where she and Nightmare Moon went into a little skirmish. Even so, Twilight couldn’t find a trace of where Nightmare Moon would put her prisoner. The five companions looked at each other with concern as Twilight continued her futile effort of finding her sister.

Twilight, realizing that she couldn’t find anything starts to slow down and finally, her dam burst and her tears flow freely out of her cheeks. The Throne room was silence but the sobbing of the lavender unicorn, the five ponies trotted next to Twilight and start comforting her.

“Ah’m mighty sorry fer yer loss, Twilight…” Applejack said, hugging the sobbing unicorn.

Rainbow Dash launched her hooves in the sky, shouting, “It’s entirely my fault!”

“But Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy tries to interject but Rainbow Dash was stubborn and shook her head at Fluttershy.

“No, it was all my fault, if I was fast on defeating those guys and put the bridge up, maybe Twivine would be here.”

“It is not your fault, Bearer of Loyalty,” the voice interrupted, making itself known with a brilliant light as the moon was lowered at the same time as the sun being raised. Every single pony in the room had to shield their eyes from the bright light, Twilight manages to make out two forms coming out from the light. The Light dissipated revealing the Princess of the Sun and

“TWIVINE!” Twilight shouted, lunging towards her LSBFF and hugged her.

Twivine merely smiled as she returns the embrace, stroking her BSBFF mane. “Hey, Twilight, I’m back.”

Twilight broke the hug, “Don’t you ever disappear like that again.” She then returns to her little sister warm embrace.

“It is great to see you once again my students.” Princess Celestia makes herself known to Twilight which the latter immediately broke the hug and stared up at the Princess, smiling.

“It’s good to see you again, Princess.”

“Yer Highness,” Applejack was the first one to bow to their monarch, the rest followed suit soon after.

Princess Celestia turned towards the five bearers with her usual serene smile, “Raise, bearer of the Elements. You all had done well.” She then turned towards the twin sisters, “As of for the two of you, I cannot tell how proud I am. I just knew you two are the key to unlock the power of the Elements and defeat Nightmare Moon.”

“B-but, didn’t you said in your letters that Nightmare Moon was just an old tale?” Twilight asked.

“I only write to go and make some friends, and you accomplish more than just that,” Princess Celestia said with her motherly smile. She turned to Twivine, but with an unreadable expression that Twilight nor did the rest of the five ponies could get a hold for. It is somewhere along curiosity or something else. She continued nonetheless.

“Despite so, it seems that your sister here that perhaps pushed you on letting the magic of friendship to finally unlock you the key to eventually defeat Nightmare Moon.” There was a pregnant pause before the wreckage where Nightmare Moon once stood shook.

“If some also let one through the hatred and anger of their heart,” Princess Celestia finally said as she trotted over to the wreckage.

All of the mares excluding Twivine let out a collective gasp, in the wreckage, it wasn’t Nightmare Moon but instead a midnight bluish Alicorn with a light blue mane trapped in a large block of stone. The Alicorn gasped, as her conscious finally returning, her eyes whirled towards the towering Solar Princess, widening as she saw Princess Celestia lift the stone block with her magic and walked up to her.

“It has been a millennia sister and I know anything that had happened between us cannot be forgotten, but will you accept my friendship and return to where we supposed to be?” Princess Celestia offered her hooves to the smaller Alicorn.

“You know it sort of had a double meaning if you put it that way, yes?” Twinvine suddenly said which earns her another collective gasp from the six mares.

“Twivine, you can’t say that!” Twilight said, a little bit of shouting on her part. She turned towards her mentor and grinned nervously, “Ehehe, you know how Twivine goes, Princess, she can throw her remark casually without even thinking.”

“Twivine does quite right on that one Twilight,” Princess Celestia said, helping the smaller Alicorn back on her hooves albeit struggling to do so.

Twilight turned pale, she then glanced back and forth between her mentor and Twivine, who unusually calm regarding the matter. “B-but-“ Twilight tried to make a counter-argument but having none, left her stuttering.

The older Alicorn turned to the younger Alicorn, her head sunk low almost up level to the midnight Alicorn. “It is foolish of me to think that we may reconcile that easily but after what you have gone through, a simple hug wouldn’t make up of what I’ve done in the past. It is also foolish of me to even beg for your forgiveness, I know what I’ve done cannot be forgiven in your part, and-“

Whatever the Solar Princess was about to say, it was cut short by the midnight Alicorn hugging her. This left her stunned as the two hugged in absolute silence, the others haven’t had a clue of what to do with the Royals in front of them.

“Okay, as much as I don’t like ruining the moment, but don’t we have a celebration to attend to?” Twivine finally broke the awkward silence.

The two Alicorns reluctantly let go of their embrace, Celestia realized that her coat was slightly damped and a glance towards the younger Alicorn is enough for her to see how much her little sister was hurting and Celestia hated her past-self for letting herself blinded by the praise of others.

What happens in the past, stays in the past. That word swirled around the Princess’s mind repeatedly. Twivine is right, I shouldn’t stay in the past any longer, Princess Celestia takes a deep breath to calm herself, completely unaware of the stares from all eight ponies in the room. Upon realizing it, Celestia cleared her throat as she returns to her usual calm mask.

“Yes, we do have a celebration to attend.”

Author's Note:

-Grammatical error fixes (Minor)
-Scene transition to 2nd Part (Major)

-Desperate Dawn & 'DeeDee'