• Published 26th Feb 2019
  • 7,634 Views, 263 Comments

We're both twins, yes! Now buzz off... - Desperate Dawn

Continuation of a certain story that is never completed, and it has been a long time. Thus, this happened.

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Two blades clashed, the enchanted crystalline blade sparked as it intertwined with each other, one colored red while the other was colored blue. Two pairs of eyes met, each glaring daggers at their foe, one looked purplish with a dragon-like eyes, the other was a normal magenta. The two blades separated for a moment before interlocking with each other again, it was then followed with the two blades consecutively swing at one another, trying to find a gap in one's defenses.

“Why have you strayed from your original path? Have I not taught you enough?” The white one said, separating her blue light-blade with her golden aura, swinging low at her opponent's leg. It missed as the foe raised their hooves and swung their own light-blade at her. She almost had her neck cut off, but she manages to break away.

“Tell me, why is it that you find in her that I do not have? Knowledge, power, what is it that you find so endearing?” She placed her light-blade at her side, glaring daggers at her opponent.

The pale lavender unicorn smirked, and then outright laughed at her. The white Alicorn raised her light-blade ever so slightly as her opponent laugh subsides.

“Oh, that was rich coming from you…” The unicorn mare said, grinning maniacally. But then it vanishes as soon as it appeared, her teal sclera faintly let off a green aura as her expression turns into one of anger. “You had given me everything…but, you used me, you used my sister!”

“What manner that I used the two of you? I’ve always tried to help as best as I can!” The white Alicorn blocks the incoming swing from the unicorn.

“YOU DON’T TRY HARD ENOUGH!” The unicorn roared in anger, delivering a swift swing one after another. The defense of the white alicorn quickly faltered from the aggressive form, the red light-blade manages to pass her guard but she teleported before it could hit.

The alicorn tears poured to her cheeks, her voice shakes as she speaks. “I’m sorry… I cannot be there for you when you’re on your weakest.” Another swing directed to her but, as it always proven time after time, were quickly intercepted by her own light-blade.

“SHUT UP! This time with her passing and you follow suit soon after, I’ll be the strongest of them all!” She proclaimed teleporting behind the alicorn and delivers another swing, but the alicorn is faster, just teleported in time before her swing, appearing in an elevated position.

“Please, stop this at once! You know you cannot win, Twivine, I have the high ground.” The alicorn warned her, but it fell on deaf ears.

“You underestimate my ability, Celestia…” She growled, and with a cry, she lunged above her.


With a loud thud, the unicorn fell and her body rolled to the ground below, her limbs severed leaving only one. Her vision blurred and slowly darkened, the last thing she saw was the white blur that soon left her as darkness consumes her vision. Then, a soft but cold tone, almost down to a whisper, greeted her.

“You will always be…weak.”

I wake up with a cold sweat, my breath ragged and shallow, and my ears ringing deafeningly. I quickly raised my forehooves to check on them, and then checked my hind hooves, they were still there. I looked around my bedroom, spotting a clock showing that the time was still around six, still quite early than my liking. I swept the sweat on my forehead, feeling a little light-headed.

‘What was that dream?’ I thought to myself, trying to calm my ragged breathing. Why was it so… real? I…what the hell kind of dream was that? Was it lucid, I don’t feel like one, it just feels…off for some reason. I took a moment to catch on my breathing, once I’m sure that I was calm, I hopped off the bed and head over to the bathroom for the usual routine.

I shook my head as I made my way back after finishing up with my morning routine, I still feel light-headed for some reason, perhaps a side-effect from that dream. It was strange because I didn’t have one over the course of three months since I last had a nightmare. And that was before the stuff that happens on Summer Sun Celebration.

I don’t know, maybe Ponyville really are just giving my mind a lot more stress. The deal with Rarity’s dresses, Winter-Wrap up, the fricking parasprite swarm, Rainbow Dash finally able to do a Sonic Rainboom on Best Young Flier competition, almost being turned to stone and quite a lot more of other stuff that happens around here is on every day to day basis and it was considered normal for anypony living here.

Today is just a nice one, the weather all good for a stroll around town, no weirdness or Cutie Mark Crusaders filled chaos. It’s all just a normal, quiet day for once.

Or maybe not since I just tempt fate now, goddamnit, it was going so well. Oh, screw it, might enjoy it while it lasted.

“Hey, Twilight,” I called out. “Is there anything on our schedule today?”

“Hang on let me check,” Twilight pull out a scroll from under her desk, she shook her head. “Nope, we don’t have anything besides looking out the library.”

“Alright. I’m heading out for a stroll, I’ll be back before lunch,” I simply said, opening the door and walked out.

“Don’t be late or you’ll lose your food!” Came Twilight muffled replies behind the door. I groaned.

Spike seriously has no consent regarding leftover food. I know he’s a dragon and all, and he also nearing ‘that’ age, it’s a surprise that he didn’t get chubbier or lazier and instead grows a bit taller and quite… ‘Active’ one would say. I might have to send Princess Celestia a letter regarding Spike’s diet and his behavior. Knowing the Solar Princess, however, she might provide cryptic answer as usual.

Exchanging greetings with the passing ponies, I continued towards the clearing on the outskirts of Ponyville. My ear twitched when I faintly heard somepony accuse me of ‘Nightmare’s Moon prodigy’. I simply ignored it and quicken my pace.

Finally, I arrived, the wind breezes by and blow my mane lightly. I enjoyed the feeling while I sat on my haunches.

I don’t know how long I sat there, but it was very peaceful, just enough to relax from earlier tensions from that dream. It was weird, to be honest. Nightmares or dreams do not specifically show us a certain event, they don’t work that way and usually showed us cryptically. Well, according to my knowledge anyway. Is that a vision? I don’t know for certain, it could be a vision, but… that last voice, it’s just too… specific.

It referred to me directly, well, I think so anyway.

A familiar ‘boink’ approached, I turned around and saw Pinkie, her hair slightly deflated and she greeted me somewhat anxiously. She even lost her usual cheery voice for some reason, something is definitely up.

“Heyy, Twivine, have you seen the girls lately?”

I shook my head, “No, I haven’t seen them in a while, why about it?”

Pinkie fidgets her hoof on the ground, her eyes went elsewhere, “Weeeeeell, it’s just that, for the past days, the girls seem to be avoiding me and worst of all, I don’t know why!”

I tilted my head and frowned, concerned on Pinkie’s wellbeing “Pinkie, are you okay?”

Pinkie deflated, “The truth is, I’m not okay, Twivy. The girls have been avoiding me for some reason and I’ve been trying to know why it’s just frustrating.”

I patted Pinkie’s shoulder for reassurance, “Pinks, you’re overthinking this, the girls probably have some surprise for you and are afraid that isn’t ready to be shown yet.”

Pinkie looked up to me, her hopeful eye staring back at me as she beams at me with a smile, “Really? Do you really think so?”

“Pinkie promise,” I did the Pinkie promise, smiling afterward
“Thanks, Twivy!” She hugged me tightly, took me by surprise but I welcomed it nonetheless.

“You’re welcome Pinkie.” We both then let go, Pinkie feeling a bit better as her hair no longer as down as it was before. I put my hoof on my chin, “Alright, where do you think a good place to hide a surprise under your nose?”

Pinkie in return crossed her eyes towards her nose, “I don’t know, I don’t see them here.”

I chuckled, “Maybe not directly under your nose, but maybe somewhere quiet, like Sweet Apple Acres!”

“Oooh~ do you think they put their surprises there?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know, but we won’t know for sure.”

“Onto Sweet Apple Acres we go!” Pinkie cheerfully proclaimed, bouncing towards the direction of where the orchards should be. I followed behind her.

Just by a few paces ahead, Pinkie abruptly halted in mid-air, a feat that she always able to break no matter how many laws of physics dictates otherwise. She turned to me, “Oh, Twivine, do you by any chance did a Pinkie Promise several years ago?”

My eyes went wide as my only response was a long stretch of, “Uuuuhhh.”


Streams of confetti all blared right in my face just as I opened the barn door. I yelped backward out of surprise and fell on my haunches.

“Oh, hehe, sorry Twivine, I thought Pinkie was the one opening the doors,” Rainbow said as she helped me up. I merely rolled my eyes as a muted reply. Standing up, I saw a banner that says ‘Happy Birthday Pinkie!’ I look over to see Pinkie’s reaction. She looked surprised with a bit of disbelief, but otherwise beaming with happiness.

“Wow, you guys did all this for me?”

“We sure did, if ya throw us a party all the time, it’s about time we throw ya one.” Applejack said, approaching Pinkie to hug her.

“Aww, thanks AJ,” Pinkie hugged back, looking all to her friends. “No, I shall say, thank you to all of you. I didn’t even remember my birthday.”

“It’s all Twilight’s idea,” Rainbow pointed out. “She accidentally saw your id card lying around and saw that your birthday is coming soon, so we all decided to throw you a surprise one, Pinks!”

“Is that why you all avoiding me?” Pinkie asked.

“We can’t help it,” Twilight chuckled nervously. “We were just so excited, but it is a surprise and we don’t want it to be spoiled before the time comes.”

Rarity nodded, “Yes darling, it is a very horrible thing for us to keep you away from all of this, but it is all necessary. I sure hope that you’re not offended.”

“Are you kidding?” Pinkie exclaimed, her face grinning with full of happiness. “This is the bestest of surprise in the history of surprise party, EVER!!!”

Rainbow Dash decides to join in, “Yeah, are we done with all the sappy stuff, cause we need to PARTAAY!”

“YEAAH, LET’S GO TO PARTAYYY!!” With that exclamation, the place suddenly burst with streamers and balloons alike. I don’t know where that came from but hey, it’s Pinkie, you don’t get a headache if you don’t ask.

And helloooooo Sweet Apples Cider.

Princess Celestia walked on a dark hallway, dimly lit with torches. She approached a figure, a hooded one. Princess Celestia nodded to the hooded pony, walking past and heading over to an old wooden door at the far side of the hall.

“Has you notify your agents, Lucerina?” She asked the hooded pony, a dark greyish unicorn named Lucerina.

“Yes, your Highness, one of our agents wandered far too close the other day and was being reprimanded, we still continuing our surveillance within the new boundaries as per your request,” Lucerina stated.

“Good. Is there anything else? A development of sorts, no matter how small it may seem to be.”

Lucerina shook her head, “That would be a negative, your Highness, however, if you count interacting with the elements and other ponies, then perhaps.”

Celestia rolled her eyes as Lucerina grins, “Just be mindful of your agents, Lucerina. If a day on battling Discord taught me anything; is to always look for a certain horizon.”


The two arrived at the door. Celestia wrapped the iron handle with her magic and pulled, opening the door to reveal none other than her younger sister.

“Now that thou hast seen here, it is imperative for thou too-“ Luna stopped and looked over to the door, a black unicorn stallion soon followed her gaze.

“Luna, what are you doing in my war room?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, thou war room? Our apologies, but We thought this is an unused part that and we quote ‘I don’t need anymore, feel free to use it.’” Luna said mockingly, her face rather annoyed.

Celestia sighed, “Luna, I do indeed say that, but I thought you were referring to the room on the left!”

Luna huffed, “We did, but when we saw this room already filled with the things that we needed, why wouldn’t we use it?”

Celestia’s gaze then turned towards the unicorn stallion, “Who is he, if I may ask?”

The stallion in question answered before Luna does, “Greetings your Highness, my name is Nightclaw. I have been employed by your Highness Princess Luna to spy on somepony.”

Celestia then turned her attention to the blackboard on the room, it was sprawled with photos, a familiar lavender unicorn with five other familiar ponies being lined up on each other. Celestia nodded in acknowledgment, “It seems that we both have the same goal, Luna.”

Luna walked up beside her and shook her head, “Nay, we may forsooth have the same goal in mind, but I assure thee, whatever it is thine intention, it will not be the same of us.”

The two looked at each other intensely, before looking over at the same time towards the photo that was circled with red. It was a particular pale lavender unicorn with teal sclera and slitted eyes.

For once, the two Royal Sister nodded at each other in silent understanding.

Author's Note:

-Grammatical error fixes

-Desperate Dawn & 'DeeDee'