• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 12

“Hey, um, Chessk. Can I ask you a quick question?”

The bulky Trandoshan looked down and faced the young Padawan. <Now isn’t a good time to be asking questions, little Jedi. But if you wish to talk, speak.> Chessk replied in his native language.

Lyra tilted her head. Why is he preferring to speak in Dosh when he’s speaking only to me? Is it because he’s comfortable around me? She shrugged. If he preferred to speak to her this way, then she'll just have to get used to it. She understood the language after all, so there isn’t any real harm in it.

<Speak, Jedi. We don’t have much time.> Chessk said.

Lyra flinched. “Oh, right. Sorry about that. Well, you see, this has been stuck in my head for quite sometime ever since I got here. Before I got separated from my friends, Behssk mentioned back in the office that someone had broken into this stronghold before. I ignored his comments at first, but Geefour discovered that someone had tampered with your cousin’s computer. Do you happen to know anything about that?”

This caught Chessk by surprise. <Your little droid was able to figure that out? And in such a short time?> he asked in disbelief.

T3-G4 hummed as it strolled past the Trandoshan. “Yeah, Geefour is pretty advanced for a utility droid. Hider says he’s capable of doing a lot of things, but we've yet to see him in action.”

<Impressive. Fortune truly do favor you if you got a highly advanced machinery like that. But to answer your question, little Jedi; yes, someone did in fact break into this stronghold several days ago.>

“R-really?” Lyra asked in surprise. If anything, Chessk’s answer made her very curious. “Were you guys able to catch the intruders and figure out why they came here in the first place?”

Chessk sighed and folded his arms. <Well, to answer your first question, we were able to drive the intruders away, although to be frank, I did most of the work.> He frowned. <However, it came with a cost. Some of the intruders managed to kill some of Behssk’s mercenaries.>

“K-killed? Some of Behssk’s mercenaries were killed? By mere thieves?”

<I speak the truth, little Jedi. These weren’t just ordinary thieves. They were highly skilled. Way better than most of the mercenaries here. Perhaps a bit too skilled.>

“What do you mean?”

Chessk closed his eyes as a frown formed on his lips. <I… fought a handful of those thieves after the entire stronghold went on lock-down. I emerged victorious by killing two of them; however, during the battle, they wouldn’t go down so easily. They put up a tough fight, which was something that I hadn’t had since my Big Game Hunting days.>

He briefly paused, then continued: <I had to fight with all my strength that day. The thieves wore high tech cloaking devices that made it difficult for me to fight back. If it weren’t for my instincts, I probably would not have survived.>

Lyra gasped. “Y-you were almost killed?” she asked, to which Chessk confirmed with a nod.

<Yes. To my shame, I was nearly killed by a bunch of lowly thieves. Or at least that’s what I thought.> He paused again as his frown shifted into a grimace. <After I made my kill, the cloaking devices that the thieves wore deactivated, and I saw for my own eyes who were these highly trained intruders.>

“W-who did you see?” Lyra asked, who had grown very eager to learn more about these mysterious intruders. If they’d almost killed Chessk, it would certainly be something worth knowing, right?

But before Chessk could answer her question, Hider’s voice rang in her ears.

“Hey, you two! Are you guys trying to get shot by a stray blaster bolt or something?” the Former smuggler shouted. “Quit gossiping and get a move on. In case you forgot, we’re still in enemy territory!”

Lyra groaned. It looks like her answers about the mysterious thieves will have to wait. “Relax, Hider. I was just asking Chessk a question, that’s all,” she replied. “Besides, it’s not like we’re going to run into any mercenaries soon. The entire hallway’s deserted.”

The young Padawan let out a disappointing sigh. Ever since she and her friends had left the main office, the group had been pacing themselves in preparation for any ambush left by Behssk. But to their surprise, they’ve yet to meet any resistance.

“I’d be a bit more cautious if I were you, Padawan,” said Master Darran. “If we aren’t facing any mercenaries here, then it’s possible that Behssk is consolidating his forces at the bike garage, likely as a last-minute defense.”

“He’s right,” Hider replied. “Getting out of here won’t be easy. We need to come up with a plan now, or else we’ll be swarmed with blaster fire when we try to make an exit.”

Chessk, however, scoffed at the mere notion of Hider’s concerns. “Bah, we don’t need a plan,” he said in Basic. “Behssk and his grunts are nothing but pushovers. Just watch. I can overpower all of them in one fell swoop.”

Hider rolled his eyes. “Look, buddy, we get that you’re a strong guy, but I don’t think we should be throwing ourselves into a fight where we are badly outgunned.”

“Are you doubting my strength, human?” asked Chessk with a snarl.

“N-no, I’m not. I’m just saying that we shouldn’t be taking any unnecessary risks. It’s possible that Behssk still has the advantage in numbers. Even with your enormous strength and the skill set of two Jedi, we’ll still be at a disadvantage. Not to mention we also have to protect little Sweetie Drops here.”

“Hey, who do you think I am? A helpless princess? I can handle myself in a fight just fine, thank you very much!” argued the Private.

Hider shook his head. “When you’ve learned how to use modern weaponry with those hooves of yours, little pony, then we can talk. Until that time comes, I suggest you stay back and let us do the fighting.”

Sweetie curled her lips. “If it weren’t for those stupid rifles of theirs, I would be fighting in the front lines too you know. For somepony like me who’s studied melee combat for three years in the military academy, sitting back and doing nothing is a load of horseapples.”

Chessk burst out laughing. “I’m impressed, creamy pony. Seems like you got the heart of a fighter in you. I like that. Tell you what, when we get out of here, I promise I will make you a weapon of your choice.”

“Seriously? You can do that?” asked Lyra in amazement.

“I can, little Jedi. Making weapons is a specialty of mine. Just tell me what kind of weapon you use, creamy pony, and I’ll make one for you.”

“Focus everyone,” berated Master Darran before turning his gaze over to the Trandoshan. “Chessk, none of us are doubting your capabilities in battle, but Hider raises a very good point. Situations like these require some planning before any engagement. Especially when there is a strong possibility that we might be outnumbered. When we near the garage, let us prepare our next move first before our final bout with your cousin.”

Chessk let out a disgruntled sigh. “Fine, have it your way. I’ll follow your lead, for now.”

“Thank you!” said a relieved Hider. “For a second there, I thought you were all brawn and no brains, big guy. Good to know that you’re not a complete dunce.”

Chessk growled. “I heard that, human,” he said in a menacing tone. “If you value your life, I suggest you apologize now!”

“Whoa, settle down, big guy. That was just a joke. I meant no offense, I swear,” Hider replied. Unfortunately, his apology was overshadowed when T3-G4 gave enthusiastic beeps at Chessk. “Don’t encourage him you stupid tin can!”

“Quiet, all of you!” berated Master Darran. The Jedi Master had stopped running to address the chaos that erupted within the group. “Now is not the time for us to be fighting with one another. We need to focus. Especially, now that we’ve arrived at the lobby.”

Lyra tilted her head. “We have?” She stopped running just in time to see a familiar door right in front of her. “Hey, we’re here! Gosh that was fast. Guess not having people shoot at you from all corners made our trip back here a lot faster.”

“Indeed,” Chessk replied as he slowly approached the door. “Just behind these doors lay my cousin and whatever minions he has left.” Clenching his fist, the former hunter began to grit his teeth. “Damn coward. He couldn’t face me when his lie was exposed, so he hides behind his mercenaries in hopes that they would stop me.”

“For a guy who’s considered a high ranking official in his company, he really doesn’t seem all that threatening if you think about it,” said Sweetie Drops. “Me and my friends were so terrified of him before; but now that his façade is gone, he doesn’t seem all that scary.”

“It’s because they’re all talk, Sweetie,” Lyra replied boldly, surprising everyone in the group. “Behssk and his mercenaries are so used to pushing others around. Especially, when their parade themselves with their heavy armor and big weapons. But when you remove all of that, they’re nothing but a bunch of weaklings.”

Master Darran frowned.

“Wow, that’s... a little dark coming from you, Lyra,” said Hider, who felt a bit uneasy with Lyra’s change in tone. “So, um, does anyone have any bright ideas on how we should approach this fight?”

“We need to figure out how many people are in the next room first,” said Master Darran. The Jedi Master stood in front of the door, arms folded, and head bent low. He kept quiet for some time, until finally, he spoke. “I… do not sense any presence in the next room. However, there seems to be a large gathering of life signatures in the bike garage.”

“That has to be my cousin,” Chessk replied. “If what you say is true Master Jedi, then he and the rest of his goons are mounting up a defensive position in hopes of stopping us.”

Hider groaned. “Great. Looks like we’re gonna have to fight our way out of here. Say old man, do you know exactly how many mercenaries are inside the garage?”

Master Darran curled his lips, then replied after a few seconds of silence. “I do not know the exact number of mercenaries that are waiting for us beyond this door. But if I had to make a guess, I’d say there is around fifteen mercenaries, including Behssk.”

“Seriously? Fifteen men? Damn it. We’re completely outnumbered.”

Sweetie’s ears flopped as she tilted her head in confusion. She then reached over to Lyra and whispered into the Padawan’s ear. “Hey, Lyra, how come your teacher knows how many people are in the next room?”

“Oh, that? Well, he’s using the same technique I used back at the main office. Basically, we use the Force to expand our senses beyond what we can see. In this case, he and I used the Force to sense any possible life signatures around us,” Lyra answered.

Sweetie blinked. “You can… sense where other people are?” she asked.

“Yup,” replied Lyra with a nod. “Though he’s much better at using that technique than me. Given that he’s a Miraluka, it doesn’t surprise me that he’s able to use Sense abilities at such high skill level.”

“He’s a what?” asked Sweetie Drops.

Lyra’s eyes widened upon realizing what she’d just said. “Oh, right. I… haven’t told you that my Master isn’t considered a human by galactic standards. Oh, gosh. I’m leaving you with only more questions now, aren’t I?”

“More than I can count,” said Sweetie with a sigh. “Just promise me that once we get out of here, you’ll tell me more about the galaxy and what this so-called Force is.”

“Y-yeah, of course.” Not looking forward to the day when I need to explain modern technology to her. I just hope she doesn’t get too astonished when she sees a landspeeder.

“So, does anyone here have any bright ideas they’d like to share?” asked Hider. “Anything would be helpful, as long as we don’t charge head first into a swarm of blaster fire.”

“Are there any alternative routes we can take? I’m sure there’s some other way we can reach the garage without Behssk noticing us,” said Lyra.

“Using another route would only give my cousin more time to prepare,” said Chessk. “Even if we catch him by surprise, it won’t turn the fight in our favor. He and his goons know the layout of this place in the back of their heads. I’m certain they’ll have all the additional exits covered.”

“There’s also the chance we might run into more mercenaries if we take a detour,” Hider stated. “If anyone were to see us, they’ll immediately alert their boss, which would give us an even greater disadvantage.”

Chessk frowned. “Damn it. My cousin may be a cowardly snake, but his plan is effective.”

“I concur,” said Master Darran. “Engaging the enemy here would be quite difficult. And with that many people shooting at us, it’ll be difficult for my Padawan to defend herself.”

“Oh, come on, Master. Do you really have to say that out loud!” complained Lyra.

Sweetie blinked. “Wait, you’re not good at defending against those rifle things? How? You defended yourself well back at the office room, so why is your teacher doubting your skill?”

Lyra winced. Although she was grateful that Sweetie defended her, there was a reason why her master showed caution. Despite having many Jedi Knights and Masters, including Master Darran himself, praise her as a prominent Padawan, there was one glaring weakness in her technique that she hadn’t overcome.

Her weakness against blaster fire.

Facing against a large group of blaster assailants would get her killed. Sure, she could fight against a few people wielding said weaponry, but there was no way she could fifteen of them. Against that many, she’ll have to rely heavily on her reflexes alone just to survive. And even that wouldn’t be enough.

“Um, hello? Is anyone in there? Come on, Lyra, what’s the matter with you?” asked Sweetie Drops.


“Did you not hear me? You got all quiet when your teacher mentioned you can’t fight against… whatever those weapons were.” The Private stared at Lyra suspiciously with a raised brow. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

Lyra sighed. “Okay, I admit, what my master said is true. I’m not exactly the best at defending against ranged weapons. In fact, I’m not even good at it!” she admitted, albeit in a rather frustrated tone. “The only reason why I was able to defend myself well so far is because master did most of the work! If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

“Don’t cut yourself short, Padawan. Just because you lack a certain skill doesn’t mean you are a bad duelist,” replied Master Darran. “Your use of the Force during our brief skirmishes with the enemy were well placed.”

“Are you guys done socializing yet? Cause now isn’t the time for us to be having idle conversations.” Both mares and the Jedi Master turned to face Hider, who seemed rather irritated that the group had lost focus. “Come on, we still need to come up with a plan to get out of here!”

“Right, sorry,” said Lyra, sheepishly. “Um, could you go over what we’ve discussed so far? I kind of lost track on where we stand.”

Hider groaned. “You’re really making this difficult for me, aren’t you? Well, it’s just like I said before. A frontal assault will do us no good. Given the lizard’s huge numbers advantage, the odds of us winning is low. And taking another route is out of the picture as well since it’ll only give Behssk more time to prepare. Not to mention there’s the possibility of running into more mercenaries.”

“So, in order for us to escape, we need to somehow take Behssk by surprise and turn the fight in our favor,” said Lyra with a frown. “But how? It’s not like we have a lot of options here.”

Suddenly, from her right side, T3-G4 began to beep repeatedly at the Padawan. “Got something to say, tin can?” Hider asked, to which the droid chimed in response. “Well, spill it. Don’t keep us waiting.”

The utility droid continued to beep as it strolled past the group and stopped at a relatively large ventilation cover on the left side of the hallway.

“Is that… a ventilation shaft?” Lyra asked. The ventilation shaft itself was located mere inches away from the door to the lobby room. Judging from the size of the ventilation cover, she could fit inside the shaft with relative ease; but to do that, she’d have to bent down and crawl on her belly. “I don’t get it. How is that going to help us?”

“Ah, I see,” said Master Darran with a smile. “Geefour, this ventilation shaft leads to the bike garage, doesn’t it?”

The utility droid replied with an assuring beep. “Wait, seriously?” Hider asked in disbelief. “How does the tin can know that? That damn shaft could lead anywhere.”

“Before we went off and saved my Padawan and her friend here, Geefour downloaded the building schematics of the entire stronghold. According to him, this ventilation shaft leads straight to the bike garage.”

“Ah, I see. You plan on using this shaft here to catch my cousin off guard,” said Chessk with a smile. “Clever thinking. Once again, your droid turned out to be very resourceful, little Jedi.”

Hider winced. “Hey, that’s not her—ah forget it. The droid is still technically hers. Still, I don’t think this’ll change our situation. That shaft is way too tiny for all of us to fit.”

“We can use my Padawan. She is small enough to fit inside,” stated Master Darran, which caught Lyra off guard.


“Hear me out, Lyra. Aside from the Private, you are the only one here that can fit inside that ventilation shaft. Since Sweetie can’t fight, I need you to sneak inside the garage and catch those mercenaries off-guard so that we won’t have a huge disadvantage when we fight them.”

“Master I…. I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think I can take them all those mercenaries at once. There’s way too many of them. And even if I catch them by surprise, I’ll still be at a big disadvantage.”

“There must be something you can do to turn the tide. Can’t you use your Force abilities?” Hider asked.

Lyra shrugged. “Telekinesis is one thing I could try, but what would I use it for? Their speed bikes? I’m not capable of doing something like that. And even if I was, it would require a lot of concentration.”

“Here, you can use these, Jedi pony,” said Chessk. Lyra turned around and saw that the Trandoshan had pulled out a small pouch from inside his utility belt. “If you want to create a distraction, I suggest we go big. These grenades here will surely help you.”

Lyra’s eyes went wide. “What? Grenades?” Using her magic, she took the pouch from Chessk’s hand and peeked inside. Sure enough, he was telling the truth. The pouch contained a handful of throw-able frag grenades.

A curious Sweetie Drops also peeked inside the pouch, although she had a more confused reaction. “Uh, what exactly are these things? And how exactly are they going to help us?”

“You’ve never dealt throw-able explosives before, little ponies?” Chessk asked. Almost immediately, both Lyra and Sweetie Drops shook their heads at once.

“I’m aware of the destructive capabilities of these things, but I haven’t actually used them,” Lyra admitted. “Are you some sort of demolition expert, Chessk?”

“During my Big Game Hunting career, I learned how to handle and craft a variety of explosives so that I could kill my targets faster. Grenades, mines, detonators. I can make them all.”

“That is certainly helpful. But how do you suggest we use these grenades, Chessk?” asked Master Darran.

“We target their speed bikes. Many of the mercenaries here have purchased some highly expensive bikes, including my foolish cousin. They are attached to those machines. If we destroy them, it’ll provide a meaningful distraction.”

Hider cracked a smile. “Oh, so we’re blowing up their most prized possessions. I like the sound of that. Good thinking, big guy.”

“How would my Padawan use these explosives?” asked Master Darran.

“She can use this,” Chessk answered as he reached into his belt once more and pulled out a small rectangular device. “This right here is a detonator. It’s connected to the grenades, so once they’ve been laid, she can detonate them with a single press.”

“Isn’t that dangerous? I mean, the last thing we want is for Lyra to accidentally blow herself up in those vents,” Hider remarked.

“The detonator button is sealed up tight, so there’s no need to worry about any accidental detonations,” Chessk replied. “Just be careful not to alert any of those mercenaries when you place them. The last thing we want is for them to catch wind of our plan.”

“Got it,” said Lyra. Taking the detonator with her magic, she turned and faced toward the ventilation shaft, only to find it’s cover already opened by Master Darran. “Thanks, Master.”

“Good luck, my Padawan. Now remember, it is essential that you complete this task quickly. Take too long, and Behssk might suspect something. You must make haste, and most importantly, trust in the Force. It will guide you,” lectured the Jedi Master.

Lyra nodded. Securing her lightsaber on her belt, she bent down on her knees and crawled into the ventilation shaft with the pouch of grenades and the detonator close behind her. She squirmed her way through the grimy, dust-filled ventilation shaft, until eventually, the light that emanated from the main hallway dimmed out, forcing the young Padawan to light her horn up just to guide her way.

She curled her lip as the dust began to accumulate on her face. I really should’ve asked Master or the others if they had something that could cover myself. Lyra then let out a loud sneeze that echoed inside the ventilation shaft. Oh, gosh. I hope no one heard that.

She continued to crawl her way inside the ventilation system, hoping that she would see another opening sometime soon. The dust was starting to get to her. At one point, she felt as if the grime had gone up her nose. Luckily for her, she spotted a bright light not too away from her.

Sighing in relief, she dimmed her horn and made her way toward the light. Once there, she peeked out of the ventilation shaft. Though the exit was sealed by another cover, she quickly noticed that she’d indeed arrived at the bike garage. And right in front of her were Behssk and a band of fifteen heavily armed mercenaries.

“Hurry up with those cannons!” ordered Behssk. “My cousin and that Jedi will be here at any moment!”

“Are you sure about this, boss?” asked one of the mercenaries. “I don’t mean to pry, but Chessk is your kin, isn’t he? I may not like the guy, but I don’t exactly like the idea of shooting your own family member.”

“Forget him! That idiot betrayed me when he joined sides with the Jedi and those ponies. He can die for all I care.”

Lyra deadpanned. Betrayed you? You’re the one who betrayed him you jerk! That stupid fake life debt of yours nearly destroyed him!

“What’re we going to do about those two ponies?” asked another mercenary.

“Try not to hurt them,” Behssk answered. “They’re still worth a lot of credits. It wouldn’t do us any good if any of them die today.”

“But isn’t one of those ponies a Jedi too? From what the guys told me, she was giving our men one heck of a beating.”

“That pony ain’t no Jedi!” Behssk said in denial. “She’s a fake! That human Jedi probably gave her a lightsaber just to scare us off, so there is nothing to worry about!”

Lyra twitched. He has the gall to deny the fact that I’m a Jedi? And to his own men too? She clenched her teeth. That’s it! No more playing nice mare. This time, I’m going to end this poser’s career.

Scooting closer to the ventilation exit, Lyra took a minute to observe her surroundings. Fortunately, the Force had favored her this day. Her location was a favorable one as all the speed bikes were within sight. With her telekinetic abilities, she could easily place the grenades in the right locations. What’s more is that she was behind the mercenaries. So, unless any of the them turned around, no one will see her lay the explosives.

The situation was perfect. All she had to do was make sure nobody paid attention to their blind spot.

“Sir, all the heavy turrets have been placed,” said another one of the mercenaries. “We’re ready to engage the Jedi at your command.”

Behssk gave off a wicked smirk. “Good,” he said as the Trandoshan pulled out his blaster pistol and aimed it at the door. “All forces aim your weapons directly at the door. When it opens, fire on my command. We’ll show Chessk and that Jedi who is the boss here by hammering them with blaster fire.”

Oh no you won’t! Levitating the grenade bag close to her, Lyra opened it and carefully took out the explosives with her magic. She then slid the grenades out of the ventilation shaft and lined them up in a straight horizontal line. Before she made her move, Lyra took a quick glance at Behssk and his mercenaries again. Their eyes were completely focused on the lobby doorway, ready to fire upon anyone who dared enter the garage.

Now was the time to strike.

Using this opportunity, Lyra used the Force to conjure a telekinetic wave, pushing the grenades away from her. One by one, each grenade rolled about on the metal floor, generating some noise, but not enough to catch the attention of the mercenaries. As her explosives stopped right underneath the speed bikes, she levitated the detonator to her hooves.

She opened the lid that covered the detonation button and immediately pressed it.

Explosions followed. One by one, each of the grenades she placed exploded, laying waste to the speed bikes that the mercenaries were so fond of. Lyra observed the destruction in front of her, amazed by the sheer power of Chessk’s grenades. Just how much power did he put in those things anyway? It must’ve taken a lot of dedication and skill to make something so powerful.

As the bike garage was set ablaze, the once prepped mercenaries began to panic. Some of them immediately abandoned their posts and went straight for the bikes. This in turn infuriated Behssk, who scolded his men to get them back in line.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he shouted.

“The bikes. We got to save the bikes!” panicked a distressed mercenary as he and many others tried to extinguish the flames. Their response enraged Behssk even further as he stomped his left foot in frustration.

“Forget about those things! Get it line now, or else the Jedi and my cousin are going to kill us all!” he barked. To his dismay, his orders were ignored. His mercenaries simply didn’t care anymore. And as he tried to calm everyone down, the doorway to the lobby swung open.

On cue, Master Darran charged into the fray with his blue hued lightsaber, cutting down the mercenaries who didn’t disobey their orders. Chessk and Hider followed too, providing the old master some support from the distance. Geefour and Private Sweetie Drops were absent from the fighting, but that was probably for the best though as neither of those two were fit for large scale combat.

Seeing that she was needed, Lyra called upon the Force and outstretched both her hooves, causing a massive Force Push that forced opened the ventilation cover. Taking her lightsaber, she crawled out of the shaft and ignited her weapon, which got the attention of a few mercenaries. They quickly pointed their blasters at her, but Lyra was faster as she conjured another Force Push, knocking the mercs over.

With her enemies down, she leapt into the fray and landed right next to her fallen enemies. Before any of them could recover, she cut them down one by one. Though she had no intent on killing them, Lyra delivered powerful strikes that left many mercs wounded on the floor. She even destroyed their weapons too, just to make sure no one could use them again.

Eventually, she rejoined her master at the center of the garage; and together, they pummeled the mercenaries into submission. What was once a large force of fifteen trained sharpshooters now laid decimated. Those that did survive the onslaught quickly gave up and fled, leaving behind their weapons and wounded companions.

As the fighting settled, Sweetie Drops and T3-G4 came out of hiding from the lobby room. “I-Is it over? Did they win?” she asked.

Geefour gave a reassuring beep in response. “Sure, looks like it,” said Hider confidently as he put away his two blaster pistols. “Mission accomplished guys. We’re free to go.”

Lyra looked around the room to make sure that the garage was truly mercenary free. Sure enough, it was, and a wide smile formed on her lips. She deactivated her saber and galloped to her master’s location. “Master, we won! We won!” she yelled happily.

“Indeed, we have,” replied Master Darran. “Excellent work, my Padawan. You’ve fought well.

“Well, I couldn’t have done it without your help, Master. You took down way more mercs than me. And it wasn’t for both Geefour and Chessk, we wouldn’t even be in this situation in the first place.” She paused. “Wait, where is Chessk?”

She scanned the room for any sign of her new friend, only to spot him near some bike debris with his rifle raised. At first, she was confused. Why hadn’t he put his weapon away yet? There were no more mercenaries left to fight.

The answer came to her quickly as Lyra spotted an injured Behssk lying in the debris.

“Chessk, wait!” Lyra cried as darted toward the Trandoshan for fear that he intended to kill his cousin for the lies he’s done. However, she stopped when Chessk lowered his rifle and hoisted it on his back. “C-Chessk?”

<Forgive me, I was just having a few final words with my cousin.> the Trandoshan admitted in Dosh. <Don’t worry. I have no intention to hurt him any further. Especially, since his wounds are already great.>

“H-he’s not dying, is he?” Lyra asked, showing a bit of sympathy for the Trandoshan.

Chessk shook his head. <He’ll be fine. Despite his frail body, he’ll heal in time. But it is unlikely that he’ll keep his position here. The Exchange doesn’t tolerate failure. Once word gets out about what happened here, he’ll likely lose his position.>

“I see.”

<C-Chessk.> Lyra’s ears wobbled as she heard a weak voice coming from the bike rubble. It was Behssk. Despite his wounds, the Trandoshan had miraculously willed himself to speak. And in his native language surprisingly. <Chessk. y-you’re leaving me for her? After all that I’ve done for you?>

Chessk sighed. <Cousin, you forced me to live a life that I didn’t want. Led me down a false life debt that you orchestrated simply because you disagreed with what I did for a living.>

<But, you’re my family! Are you seriously going to abandon your own cousin in favor of some animal!>

<She’s not an animal!> Chessk barked as he turned around and shot a vicious glare at the wounded Trandoshan. <She is a Jedi! And a damn worthy one at that!>

No response came. Instead, Behssk laid still on the floor, lamenting.

With nothing else to say, Chessk turned away from his cousin and began walking in the direction toward Master Darran and the rest of the Omega’s crew. <Come, little Jedi. We mustn’t keep the others waiting.>

“R-right,” said Lyra as she stared at the broken Behssk one last time. She sighed. Despite the crimes he did against her Sweetie and the other ponies, she couldn’t help but pity him. All the harm he’s done, the lies he fashioned. His sins coming back to him in the worst possible way.

<Hey, Jedi! Are you coming or not?>

“Huh? Oh, right. I’m coming,” Lyra replied. She left Behssk behind and rejoined Chessk, where they made their way toward Master Darran and the others at Hider’s borrowed land speeder. All of them have already boarded, expect for Sweetie Drops.

“Are you sure this is safe?” the Private asked, who hesitated on boarding the vehicle.

Hider facepalmed. “Oh, for crying out loud. Look, pony. I know you probably haven’t seen land speeders before, but you gotta trust me on this. The vehicle is safe,” he replied. His words didn’t reach the Private, however, as the mare began to backpedal away.

“But ... isn't there any other way we can get out of here? A train perhaps?”

Lyra could not help but chuckle at Sweetie’s reluctance. Her previous assumption proved to be correct. The mare is refusing to use, let alone trust technology. Seeing that mare act like that made her wonder how exactly the rest of the ponies will react when they see just how advanced the rest of the galaxy is. Perhaps it is something she can look forward to when her mission is complete, especially if their reaction is akin to Sweetie’s.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” asked Sweetie Drops

“Oh, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about something, that’s all,” Lyra replied. Okay, that was a lie. But seriously, I can’t help myself. Her reaction is just too funny.

“Just board the damn land speeder, little pony. There’s no harm in doing so,” Behssk ordered in Basic. “Unless of course that human drives recklessly and crashes into a tree or something.”

“Screw you!” Hider yelled.

“What about you, Chessk? Are you coming along with us too?” asked Lyra as she and Sweetie Drops boarded the speeder.

The Trandoshan nodded. He then walked over to an undamaged speed bike that had miraculously survived the pervious skirmish. “This bike is mine. Behssk bought it for me shortly after he rose to his position. Though I am ashamed to admit it, this vehicle is the sole benefit of being his lapdog.”

“Don’t worry about it. We all got our guilty pleasures,” said Hider as he and Chessk started their vehicles. As the landspeeder began rumble and levitate in mid-air, Sweetie Drops yelped out of fear. “Oh, for the love of... would you please just calm down? We haven’t even left the building yet for crying out loud!”

Lyra chuckled. “Go easy on her, Hider. It’s her first time seeing a vehicle like this in action. Trust me, she’ll get over it in time.”

Hider rolled his eyes. Ignoring the jitters of Sweetie Drops, he pushed his foot on the gas pedal, causing the land speeder to move forward. Chessk followed on his bike as the two drivers made their way out of the garage and into the mountains of Ord Mantell.

Author's Note:

As promised, here is the new chapter for Star Wars: Jedi Lyra. I know it took a while, but with real life issues getting in the way, I had to post phone this one for a week. But here we are.

This chapter marks the closure of the Ord Mantell arc. There's going to be one more chapter that will tie up some loose ends before the group makes their way to the next planet. Hope you all look forward to it. Again, if you see any errors, let me know in the comments below.

May the Force be with you guys. See you all on the next chapter.