• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 37

The meeting with the Senate took a lot of energy out of Lyra. Surprising really; but given that she had to speak in front of over a hundred people, the outcome was inevitable. Still, the worst part was over at least, and now she was certain that the Senate would side with her and her kin. But that decision did not come to pass. The Vice Chair ordered the Senate to go through a recess, delaying the vote for fifteen minutes.

At first, the decision for a recess annoyed her. Why would Vice Chair Larson do such a thing, especially when she was so close to getting her people a victory? However, an explanation by her master would answer her question.

Her mother was the reason for the recess. Her demand to the Senate is what made Vice Chair Larson do what he needed to do. According to Master Darran, the request made by her mother sent ripples through the Force. Naturally, Lyra didn’t know what he was talking about; but after a brief scolding, he explained that—through the Force—he could feel the emotions of the Senators. And they were not pleased.

Concerned, Lyra asked her master if it would affect the decision of the Senate. To her dismay, he told her that he didn’t know. They’ll just simply have to wait and see.

“Wow, that was a lot easier than I’d thought,” Hider said out loud. The chirpy tone in his voice snapped Lyra out of her thoughts. “Guess the Senate is siding with us one way or another.”

Pulling his arms back, the former smuggler yawned as he began to stretch his upper body. “It’s a good thing too, because it saves me the trouble of testifying before that damn Senate. After hearing them blabber for half an hour, I’ve just had enough of those losers.”

Master Darran frowned. “We’re not done yet, Hider. There’s still one last thing we got to do before the deciding vote today.”

“And that would be?”

“What else!” shouted Sweetie Drops who was sitting on a nearby bench alongside Lyra. “We need to convince the Senate to leave Equestria alone.”

Hider rolled his eyes. “Yeah, good luck with that fruitless endeavor. Last thing the Senate wants to do is waste a good opportunity to get rich,” he said apathetically, causing many of the ponies in the room to stare at him.

“You seem certain of their decision, criminal. What makes you think the Senate will vote against us?” asked Platinum as she glared at Hider.

“Whoa, take it easy, Captain. I didn’t mean to make any of you mad. All I’m saying is that it’s highly possible that the Senate ain’t gonna side with you on that request. Pretty sure you got them to agree to send in the Navy, but I doubt they’ll agree to leave your kind alone.”

“I concur,” said Chessk, who was resting besides Lyra at the moment. “It’s possible to convince them otherwise, but the fight will be difficult. The Republic simply wouldn’t leave a vulnerable planet alone like that. Especially when you consider its location.”

Hider nodded in agreement. “The big guy has a point. The way I see, there’s no way some of these Senators will just pack up and leave after the Mandalorians have been driven off. Think about it. A newly undiscovered planet located near the Republic’s major agricultural and manufacturing planets. To many, that’s a gold mine just waiting to happen.”

T3-G4, who was standing idly by next to Hider, let out a loud beep. “You said it, tin can. Doesn’t matter if it’s for the safety of the ponies or their pockets. I doubt the Senate is gonna leave pony planet alone.”

Lyra sighed. “Come on, Hider. Don’t be a killjoy. I’m sure the Senate will see reason.”

“I agree,” replied Master Darran. “But as condescending as Hider’s words may be, there is truth to them. Many in the Senate will not abide by Captain Impact’s request.”

“Don’t worry, Master. I’m sure we can convince them, otherwise,” said Lyra optimistically.”

“We shall see. In the meantime, I suggest that all of you should use your time wisely. This recess won’t last long, and I have a gut feeling that the Senate will prolong the meeting. Captain Impact’s demand will certainly cause more debate with the Senators.”

Hider groaned. “Great. Now I’m certain that I’ll have to speak before the Senate. Ugh, this day just keeps on getting worse.”

“Oh, come on. Speaking to the Senate is not that bad,” replied Lyra. “You’ll be fine, believe me. I mean, if I was able to do it, there’s no reason why you can too.”

T3-G4 replied with a beep; however, due to her inability to understand droid binary, she looked to her captain for a translation. “The tin can is saying that I’m not worried about speaking before the Senate, kid. It’s something else entirely,” Hider replied with a sigh.

“You worried that Senator Grimm might call you out?” asked Chessk.

“Interrogate is the word I’m looking for, but yes, I know he’s gonna call on me.”

“Well, if there’s any bad blood between you or that human, that’s your fault. You did, after all, abandon your duties,” said Platinum coldly.

Hider groaned again as he spun around and began walking to a nearby hallway. “I don’t care about your damn criticism of me, Captain pony. Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna go find the bathroom. Need a little refresher before the damn Senate will call on me.”

“Language!” scolded both Platinum and Master Darran.

“I don’t care!”

Master Darran sighed. “Captain Louhun’s attitude aside, does anyone else need to relieve themselves before the Senate reconvenes? Now would be a good time by the way.”

“I’ll go,” said Sweetie Drops as she jumped out of her seat to follow Hider. “If I’m going to talk in front of a hundred people, I might as well be presentable. Besides, I got to do something about these clothes. The longer I wear these, the itchier I get.”

“Be careful, Private Drops. I know these clothes look stupid, but they were given to us as gifts. The last thing we want is for you to be covered in water,” cautioned Platinum.

“Ma’am, yes, ma’am” shouted Sweetie in a respectful manner.

“Oh, let me come with you!” Lyra replied as she followed her friend into the hallway. “I’ve been meaning to go after the meeting is over. But since the meeting is probably going to continue, I might as well wash up a bit.”

“It’d be best that you hurry, Padawan. We only have fifteen minutes before the Senate reconvenes,” advised Master Darran. “We can’t afford to be late.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon!”

Following her companions through a neatly looking hallway, she looked around for any sign of the restroom. Thankfully, her search didn’t last long. To her right was a sign hanging overhead pointing toward the very thing she was looking for. Though to her surprise, her companions weren’t anywhere in sight. Perhaps they have already gone inside? No matter. As long as she found what she was looking for then she didn’t really care.

Before she could head inside, however, she felt a strange sensation pierce through her skull. Lyra winced. Her head was throbbing like crazy. It was as if she were hit in the head by a blaster bolt.

She frowned. It was the Force. It was calling out to her. For what reason she did not know. Panicked, she looked around the room for any sign of danger. It may have been a fruitless effort; however, it was the only thing she could do. The pain was so much. She couldn’t get herself to concentrate or muster any sort of strength.

But to her shock, a robed figure appeared before her. This person, or whoever this was, looked down at her and did nothing. It confused Lyra at first, but her eyes soon opened wide as she quickly realized something. This person is Force Sensitive!

Believing that she could very well be in danger, Lyra tried to call her lightsaber through the Force, but she couldn’t. Her head was still throbbing. But regardless of how terrible as the situation was, it quickly came to pass. To her shock, the robed person spun around and walked away. And as the figure took his leave, so too did her headache.

“Wait!” Lyra called out as the robbed person disappeared. Standing on all fours, she quickly chased the mysterious figure deeper into the hallway. A bad idea, perhaps, but she needed to know who this person was. Especially when the Force is involved.

After taking a sharp turn, the young Padawan quickly spotted the robbed figure again. It saw Lyra too, but made no further attempts to run away. This lack of response confused Lyra at first; however, she suddenly realized that the hallway was empty, and the restroom was nowhere in sight.

She was alone. Whoever this person was, wanted to isolate her away from her companions. And upon realizing this, Lyra immediately drew her weapon and activated it. “Who are you!” she shouted at the person in front of her.

“Whoa, take it easy! I’m not here to fight!” replied the hooded person, who threw its arms up in a fit of panic.

Seeing his reaction, Lyra tilted her head. Judging from what she heard, the robed figure was definitely a man. She couldn’t tell if he was human or alien though due to his hood covering his face. However, his reaction to her lightsaber made her realize that this man wasn’t looking for a fight. And the Force wasn’t giving her any warnings either.

“I’ll say it again,” Lyra said sternly with her lightsaber still ignited. “Who are you and what do you want to do with me?”

The robed figure sighed. “Wow, you really don’t know who I am. I’d figured my voice would be a giveaway but given that we haven’t seen each other for almost a year, I should’ve known something like this would happen.”

Lyra’s ears twitched. “Do I know you?” she asked.

“Of course you do! We trained together at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine! Partners in crime! But if you don’t recognize my voice, maybe it's best if I just remove this hood.”

Grabbing his hood by both hands, the robbed figure swiped the cloth back, slowly revealing himself to the young mare. Lyra stood firm as she watched the mysterious figure take his hood off, only to gasp at the sight of the man’s face. There, a man stood before her. Tall. Muscular. His face was somewhat driveled, and a wide scar ran through his nose. But his features and long, lustrous blonde hair made up for it. Some might even call the man handsome.

“Who are you?” Lyra asked again. Despite the man’s claims, her skepticism remained.

“Showing my face wasn’t enough, huh? Guess that’s what happens when you’ve been at war for so long. The scar certainly doesn’t help either,” said the robbed man with a sigh. “It’s me, Lyra. Jordan Pritcher. We’ve known each other ever since you first stepped foot… err, hoof, on Dantooine.”

Lyra gasped. “J-Jordan? Is that really you?” Squinting, she stared at the young man in disbelief, uncertain if what he said was the truth. Physically, the man matched the appearance of her long-time friend. But that scar and the long hair only made her doubt the man’s claims. With no other choice, she reached out with the Force in search for answers. But as she did this, she let out a surprised gasp. That Force signature. There wasn’t any doubt! The man in front of her was indeed telling the truth.

“Jordan, it’s you! It’s really you! Oh sweet Celestia, I thought I’d never see you again!” Beaming, Lyra galloped to her best friend and gave him a big hug.

“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, Lyra,” Jordan replied as he embraced Lyra in his arms. “Force, it’s been so long. How have you been? Is Master Darran training you well?”

“I’ve been fine, actually. Master has taught me a lot since you and the others left. His training was really hard, but it was all worth it! Because of him, I was able to find my kin!”

“Yeah, I’m aware. Apparently, you and Master Darran went planet hopping for the past few days. And you even fought against Mandalorians too. Force, I wish I could’ve seen you in action. Bet you kicked some Mando butt out there.”

“Well, that’s not entirely true. I did have the help of some new friends I’ve made,” replied Lyra honestly. “If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have made it so far nor would I even be alive right now.”

“Excuse me?”

“Never mind, I’ll tell you about it later. So, Jordan, why are you here? I thought you went out to deep space to… well, fight off the Mandalorians.”

Jordan frowned as he let go over Lyra. “Yeah, I did. After leaving Dantooine, we were sent out by our leaders to small outer rim worlds. At first, it was to protect the refugees escaping from the Mandalorian threat, but it soon blew up to full scale skirmishes.”

He then pointed to the large scar on top of his nose. “I got this damn thing while dueling a crazed sword wielding Mandalorian neo-crusader. My fault, really. I got careless and allowed that fucker to get in close. If it weren’t for the Force, I probably wouldn’t be standing her today.”

“Jordan, language!”

“I don’t want to hear it, Lyra! After avoiding a near death situation, the last thing I want to be lectured for is my choice in language.”

Lyra frowned. “Jordan, please, don’t yell like that. Being angry doesn’t suit you.”

“Right… sorry about that. Guess I forgot about the Jedi Code. But to answer your question, Lyra, I’m here because me and the Revanchists heard about what happened between you and your kin. Our leader, Revan, sent us here in hopes of helping you with your endeavor.”

“Wait a second. Revanchists?” Lyra asked. However, she quickly recalled the sensation she had earlier outside the Senate building. It all made sense. Those Force signatures she sensed. It was Jordan and these Revanchist Jedi he mentioned.

“Luka and I’daka are here too,” Jordan explained, which made Lyra gasp out loud. “I wanted them to meet you here, but I’daka felt like it’d only be a distraction and Luka was too stubborn to come. And before you ask; yes, Luka’s still mad that you became a Padawan first.”

“I can care less what Luka thinks of me, Jordan. I’m more concerned about the Jedi here! Master Darran is aware of your presence, but I’m uncertain if he’s alerted any of the High Council members yet.”

“What!” shouted Jordan angrily. His once charming and benevolent smile from before turned into an angry scowl. “Damn it, Lyra! Did you tell Master Darran about us? He and the Jedi High Council weren’t supposed to know we are here!”

“How can I not tell him, Jordan? The Force was literally screaming in my head about all these Force sensitives all over the Senate building. If you really wanted to conceal your presence, you weren’t doing a good job.”

Jordan’s jaw slacked. “You… you were able to sense our presence? All of us?”

“Yeah, I did,” Lyra said boldly. “You and the others may have gone to war, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been slacking. Because of my Master, I was able to heighten my Sense and Alter abilities.”

“W-what?” Jordan stuttered as he found himself at a loss of words. After keeping quiet for several minutes, he finally brought himself to speak. “Holy kriff, you’re serious. I mean, I knew you excel when it comes to the Force, but to think you are that attuned with it already.”

“Being a Jedi isn’t only about swinging a lightsaber, Jordan. You have to put your faith and trust in the Force,” replied Lyra, recalling the words her master drilled into her years ago. “You do that, and you’ll begin to see the galaxy in a different light.”

“Just like how the High Council refuses to do nothing while innocents suffer?” Hider shot back. “The Force may connect us all, Lyra, but it’s a tool. And tools are meant for helping the Republic win wars, not pointless visions that do nothing.”

Lyra frowned. “Jordan, what you said wasn’t very Jedi like at all. I know the Mandalorians are a threat to the galaxy, but that doesn’t mean you should be so aggressive.”

“Lyra, you don’t get it!” Jordan snapped, causing the young mare to flinch backward. “I’ve seen what the Mandalorians can do. They are the most horrible beings in the galaxy that I’ve ever met! Nothing will stop them from completing their conquest unless we strike back!”

His fists clenched as he bit his lip in frustration. Despite his temper, the Jedi teachings buried within him prevented the man from unleashing his anger any further. “I’m sorry, Lyra. I didn’t mean to yell at you. It’s just that…being out there in the galaxy has been stressful. Not only did I get this scar on my face, I’ve also seen the cruelty of the Mandalorians first-hand. I…I don’t want that to happen anywhere else. Not to Dantooine, not to Coruscant, and especially not to the home of my friend.”


“I know you are skeptical of us Revanites, Lyra, and I don’t blame you for it. But know this. We are willing to do whatever it takes to help you out. I don’t care what Master Darran or the High Council thinks of us. We left Dantooine for a reason, and no way are we going back.”

Strapping on his hood once again, Jordan spun around and began to walk away from Lyra. “This may be uncalled for, but me and the others are willing to let you join us as Revanites. With your Force abilities, we can really use a pony like you, Lyra. You don’t have to decide right now. Just think about it, okay? Me, Luka, and I’daka will be waiting.”

Giving Lyra one last smile, Jordan left the young mare alone in the neat golden hallway. And as her friend disappeared from view, Lyra couldn’t help but frown. This whole situation with her home had suddenly taken an unexpected turn. Who were these Revanites, and why were Jordan and her clanmates so committed to them?

Those answers had to wait, however. Too much time had passed. The meeting with the Senate was bound to start again soon. With no other choice, Lyra spun around and galloped back to where she came.

“Order! Order! We will have Order!” shouted Vice Chair Larson. The man was screaming at the top of his lungs, slamming his gavel as hard as he could to calm the unsettled crowd. It had been almost an hour since the Senate had readjourned and the vote for the aid of Lyra’s home had been cast. Though not before the Senate demanded more testimonies from Lyra’s companions.

Senators, particularly the ones from Corellia, Ord Mantell, and Alderaan, wanted to know more about the people she met and how they affected her journey. Needless to say, this irked Hider the most. From the start, the man never wanted to be put in the spotlight over fears of being called out or chastised by the public. And he was right. Many berated him for abandoning his position in the Navy for a life of crime, especially Senator Grimm. It would’ve continued too if it weren't for the Supreme Chancellor demanding order. Still, the Senate acknowledged Hider’s commitment to Lyra and made an agreement to let him go and continue his job as a journalist.

Lyra’s other companions received a fairer treatment compared to her captain. Chessk earned the sympathy of his people and the Wookies as his tale about how he became indebted to Lyra for freeing him from his greedy cousin. Sweetie was surprisingly well liked due to her mannerisms, and any Senators felt pity for her capture and separation from her kin.

As for T3-G4, nobody trusted the droid at all. Upon hearing it’s violent tendencies, some Senators immediately called for the droid’s memory to be wiped. However, their calls were quickly brushed aside as Master Darran stated that the decision laid upon the owner of the machine, not the Senate.

And lastly were the ponies. Aside from Platinum, the Senate really didn’t need to hear everypony’s story as they had heard all that they needed to hear from the leader of the pack.

With everyone done speaking, the Senate finally casted their vote laid out by Lyra and her mother. The proposition to send out the Republic Navy to the pony’s home planet passed with an overwhelming majority, much to the delight of every pony present. As for the second proposition, that was a different story. The Senate was split down the line when it came to allowing the ponies to live independently from the Republic; but thankfully, there were enough fence sitting Senators who were willing to side with the ponies.

In a small majority, the ponies were to be left in peace after the Mandalorians were driven away. It was a decision that made Platinum Impact and the other ponies very happy, and surprised Hider for the most part. But Lyra knew that, through the Force, many in the Senate shared their displeasure over this decision.

“The votes have been cast!” shouted the Vice Chair again. He slammed his gavel once more, gaining immediate success this time as the crowd noise began to settle down. “By the order of the Senate and the Supreme Chancellor, a contingent of the Navy will be sent in defense of the home of Padawan Lyra Heartstrings and her kin. Once the Mandalorian threat has been cast aside, the Navy will retreat and allow the equines to live their lives independently from the Republic, but not before establishing close connections with Equestria’s ruler.”

Lyra sighed in relief. One of the reasons why the second proposition passed was because her mother agreed to allow the Supreme Chancellor to have close relations with Equestria’s Princess. A minor detail that was added, but nopony disagreed with the proposal.

With the vote cast and done, the meeting was about to be adjourned. However, a sudden beep was heard on the platform where Lyra sat. “Senator Grimm, you have the floor!” shouted Larson.

“Oh, no. What does he want now?” Hider asked in disgust.

“Easy now, Hider. The vote has been cast, so there isn’t much he can do now, cautioned Master Darran.

“I know that, but you still can’t trust the guy. He’s planning something, I just know it!”

“Perhaps it’s just your paranoia,” remarked Chessk.

“Hey, you don’t know politicians like I do, big guy. The last thing you want to do is to put your faith into these people.”

“Please, Hider, be quiet! I want to hear what he has to say,” replied Lyra as the Corellian Senator appeared on the platform control panel again.

“Thank you, Vice Chair Larson,” said Senator Grimm. “Senators today is a marking point in the history of our Republic. With our vote, we will launch a counter assault at the blood-thirsty barbarians skulking in the outer rim. Today, we strike back! The Mandalorians will pay for all the atrocities they’ve committed!”

Cheers erupted in the Senate room as the Corellian Senator received a standing ovation. However, Hider didn’t share such enthusiasm. “Oh come on. Get on with it, old man! We don’t need hear another arousing speech!” he shouted.

“Settle down. If you shout like that, he might hear you,” cautioned Master Darran.

“Like I give a crap. He’s seriously wasting everyone’s time!”

Darran sighed. “Just be patient, Hider. He’ll be done eventually.”

“Although I am happy to assist these equines on the defense of their home, it pains me to know that my Senators have made a dangerous decision. Granted, I would have least negotiated with the equine’s ruler to see if we can agree to a compromise, but a deal is a deal. The equine world will not become part of Republic space.”

“At least he’s willing to accept defeat,” said Platinum.

“However, before we adjourn this meeting, Corellia would like to make a request,” continued the Senator. “In defense of the equine’s home planet, I’d like to send one of our own Republic officers into the fight. He is a renowned Fleet Admiral who’s remained loyal to us for years, Admiral Saul Karath.”

“Oh, no. Not him,” Hider muttered in complete horror. “Please, for the love of all things good, not him.”

“Wait, Saul Karath? Did you say on Dantooine that he is your uncle?” asked Lyra.

“Yes, Fleet Admiral Saul Karath. One of the most well-known military officers in the Republic Navy,” explained Master Darran. “He’s also a vocal advocate of the Revanchists as well. Rumor says that there are already several Jedi amongst his ranks.”

Lyra curled her lip. Could Jordan and the rest of her clanmates be part of Admiral Karath’s crew? A possibility perhaps, but despite her and her kin’s win in the Senate, she couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The only thing she could truly hope for is to protect her home and pray that these Revanchists won’t cause any trouble.

Author's Note:

I really wish I could've written a better conversation between Lyra and her clanmate, but it is what it is. I'm happy with how this chapter went. So, we're reaching the end game now. A big space battle will occur between the Republic Navy and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.

It's going to be a lot of work, but I'll manage. Wish me luck guys. Because these next few chapters are going to be tenacious.