• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 8

“You want me to do what?”

Lyra watched Hider’s reaction as her master explained their situation to him. Earlier, they’ve returned to the Omega, hoping that the man they’ve befriended would help them again. Unfortunately, his reaction wasn’t something Lyra had hoped.

“You want me to sneak into an Exchange stronghold with you guys? Seriously?” shouted a bewildered Hider. The former smuggler began to protest as soon as Master Darran mentioned the Exchange, causing an argument to break out between the two. “Did our conversation on Taris slip past your heads or something? They have a bounty on my head! The moment I step close to that base, I’m dead!”

“We are aware of your troublesome past, Hider; but given our situation, you are the only one who we can turn to for help,” replied Master Darran. Despite the high tension between the two, the Jedi Master remained calm. “Surely you have something high tech equipment on board that can help us.”

“Oh, really? And what makes you say that, Jedi?”

“May I remind you of your former occupation, Mr. Louhun. Surely, you’ve thought of some sort of escape plan in case the law or the Exchange caught up with you.”

T3-G4 bleeped instinctively at Hider. “Oh, of course the droid takes your side!” Hider complained as he let out an annoyed groan. “Look, I get why you guys turned to me, but sneaking into an Exchange base is way too risky. There’s no telling what’s inside, not to mention the security they might have. I’d imagine their stronghold would be very secure.”

“Surely, you have something that can help us? Perhaps a fake ID we can use to sneak into the base?”

Hider briefly paused, then replied. “A fake ID would help, but even that wouldn’t last. The Exchange will catch on eventually; and believe me, they will hunt you down.”

“Ah, so you admit you have something that can help us.”

Hider’s eyes went wide as he realized what he just said. “Ah, bantha piss.”

Lyra sighed. She’s just about fed up with all this pointless back and forth arguing. It was time she took matters into her own hoof.

Standing upright, she trotted over to Hider’s position, sat down, and stared at him with wide puppy eyes. “Please, Mr. Louhun. We’re so close to rescuing those ponies, but we can’t complete our mission unless we get help from you. I understand your frustration. If we knew anyone else fit for the job, we’d leave you alone and turn to them instead. But we don’t.”

“I…. um.” Hider faltered at the sight of Lyra’s innocent look.

“Any moment now, those ponies will be sent off to space to who knows where. We got to rescue them, before it’s too late,” Lyra continued. “Please, help us.”

T3-G4 gave Hider a long-winded beep. “Oh, please. You’d give in too if you had a sucker for a cute face,” retorted the former Smuggler.

Master Darran folded his arms and frowned. “Are you comparing my Padawan to a common wench, Hider?”

“Not remotely what I meant, Master Jedi!” Hider let out a groan. “You know what, fine. If it means getting you Jedi off my back, then yes, I’ll help rescue those ponies.”

Lyra beamed. “Really?”

“Yes, really. However, I’m not doing this without some sort of payment. Since I’ll be helping you guys out—again—then I want something back in return.”

Master Darran smirked. “So, you’re willing to bargain now, huh? Very well. I assume you want credits, but by your standards, money isn’t the only thing you want out of this?”

“You catch on quick, Master Jedi. Yes, I want credits, but there are two more favors I want from you guys once the mission is done. First, I want to do a full interview with your Padawan and publish it at the news network I work with.”

“An interview with me?” asked Lyra with a raised brow. “Why do you want that?”

“Come on, Lyra, you gotta think. You are a recently discovered new species that most of the Republic aren’t aware of yet. My interview with you would garner so much publicity. There’s no telling how much attention I’d get once I make my article public.”

“Not only would you draw a crowd, but you’d also make a ton of money off of my Padawan and her kin,” said Master Darran with a frown. “Typical for a Smuggler. Even though you quit the profession, profit is still all you ever think about.”

“You make it sound like I’m a bad guy, Master Jedi,” Hider said, jokingly with a shrug. GeeFour, however, did not appreciate his mellow attitude. He promptly gave the former smuggler a beep of disapproval. “Please, like you’re any better than me, tin can.”

“It’s alright, Master. I’m okay with this,” assured Lyra. “Since we are risking his life, an interview is no big deal. Just promise me, Hider, that you’ll put it off until after we rescue the ponies, alright.”

Hider nodded in agreement.

“If that is what you want, Padawan, then I am alright with it. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into,” said Master Darran. “So, Hider, what’s this last favor you wish from us?”

“Simple. Just make sure you keep me alive. When we get inside that base, I expect you Jedi to come to my rescue in case our cover is blown.”

“Sounds easy enough. Alright, then I guess we’re all in agreement. Hider will help us save the ponies in exchange for riches, an interview with me, and his guaranteed safety,” said Lyra. Before she could close the deal, T3-G4 whistled from behind as he slid toward the group. “Oh, right. I completely forgot about GeeFour. Um, should we bring him along too?”

Hider raised a brow. “Why are you still calling GeeFour a ‘he’? It’s a machine, not a living person.” His choice of words did not help as the utility droid immediately pulled out a stun gun and aimed it at him. “Whoa, take it easy, tin can! I meant no offense!”

Master Darran sighed. “Putting GeeFour’s violent tendencies aside, it would be beneficial for us to bring the droid along. We can use its hacking capabilities to steal the layout of the stronghold from their computer systems and locate the ponies quickly. However, we won’t get far unless we figure out how to get inside.”

“Fake ID’s are one way to get in, but there are two problems with that approach,” Hider replied. “Like I said before, even if I make a perfect fake ID, the Exchange will catch on eventually. The last thing we want is for them to box us in in the middle of their base.”

“Leave that to my Master and I,” replied Lyra with a smirk. “A little mind probing can buy us a significant amount time. We just got to get close and so we can get inside their heads.”

“Don’t like your tone, Padawan, but I do agree with you,” said Master Darran. “The Force has a strong influence on the weak-minded. We can convince those thugs to let us through their usual proceedings.”

Hider flinched. “Jeez, I never knew you Jedi could be so…. malicious.”

“We’d like to think that Mind Tricks as a viable non-violent solution, Mr. Louhun.”

“Right…. but this leads to my second point. What are we going to do about Lyra?”

Lyra tilted her head. “What about me?”

“Those Exchange thugs back in town knew who you were, right? So, it’s safe to assume that everyone in the base knows about the ponies. If they get one good look at you, Force powers or not, the entire stronghold will be gunning for us.”

“You raise a good point. Our cover will be blown the moment my Padawan steps near that stronghold. Not to mention, it might alarm many of the mercenaries inside,” said Master Darran.

“Then what do we do?” asked Lyra.

The room went quiet. Neither Jedi or Hider could think of a way to sneak inside the stronghold. But after a moment of silence, Hider was the first to speak. “I got an idea,” he said as he left the storage room. He quickly came back moments later with a white sheet and a small iron cage.

“What’s with the cage?” Lyra asked nervously. Oh, I have a bad feeling about this.

“Hear me out, okay,” Hider answered. “You’re probably not going to like this, but it gives us a chance to get inside that stronghold.”

“What do you propose?” asked Master Darran.

“Master Jedi, I propose you and I pose as slave dealers and approach the base as a sign of goodwill. When they see us, we offer them what they want. Your Padawan.”

Lyra began to twitch.

“We’ll put Lyra inside this cage and use her as leverage to get inside their base,” Hider continued. “If they really are holding her kin captive, then they will recognize her immediately and let us in.”

“No way! There is no way am I getting inside that thing!” Lyra protested. Her tone had raised so sharply that it caught both Hider and Master Darran off guard. “Think of something else, Hider, cause there’s no way am I going to act like I’m some helpless pony.”

From her right side, T3-G4 began to beep repeatedly. “See, even GeeFour thinks the plan is stupid,” said Lyra.

“First of all, you don’t even understand GeeFour. Second, that’s not what he said. Third, this plan isn’t meant to demean you, Lyra,” Hider rebuked. “Look, I know it’s risky, but it might be the only way to get inside that stronghold without causing too much uproar.”

“Did you not hear what I said? I am not getting inside that thing, ever! What kind of hero would I be if I show up in a locked cage of all things? The ponies will never take me seriously if I look like a helpless idiot!”

“Padawan, enough!”

Lyra flinched. She turned around and saw that her master was looking directly at her with a frown on his lips. Even though his headband was blocking his eyes, she could tell he was very upset with her.

“Lyra, are you telling me the reason why we went on this rescue mission—why you begged the Council and I to send you here—is because you want recognition? So, that your kin to see you as a hero? A savior?”

“M-master, that’s not what I meant,” Lyra replied, nervously. The tone of her master’s voice caused her to go pale.

“What is it then?” snapped the Jedi Master.

Lyra gulped. Her throat went dry as she lowered her head in shame. Never did she ever hear her master speak like this. Sure, he berated her on mistakes that she made, but never was he this angry.

“Padawan, what is the third line of the Jedi Code?” Master Darran asked.

Lyra hesitated, then answered. “T-there is no passion, there is serenity.”

Her master nodded. “Our duty as Jedi is to preserve life and defend the weak. We do not do these things for the recognition of others, nor for fame. Those are passions that we push aside for the greater good.”

Lyra nodded, sheepishly.

“Lyra, I know you want to prove yourself, but cast away your drive for glory. Focus, and remember why you are here. You wish to save your kin from a fate they don’t deserve.”

“I understand, Master. Forgive me for my rudeness,” replied Lyra, solemnly.

“Pardon me, Master Jedi. But does this mean you agree with my plan?” asked Hider.

“Since it is our best course of action, you have my support,” answered the Jedi Master. “If our time wasn’t so dire, I’d rather think of another plan. But what my Padawan said earlier is correct. Those ponies are in grave danger if we do not hurry”

T3-G4 chimed repeatedly at the Master Darran. “Ah, an excellent idea, GeeFour. Posing as if I’m a blind man with you as my guide would be a great cover up. Plus, it’ll give us a perfect excuse to bring you inside as well.”

“Then it’s settled,” said Hider. “We are to pose as slave traders and use Lyra as a means to get inside the base.” He turned to Lyra and frowned. “Sorry, kid. But it looks like you’ll have to suck it up and deal with this. It’s may not the kind of rescue mission you want, but it does get us closer to your goal.”

Without saying a word, Lyra replied with a timid nod.

“Are there any clothes I can wear to look the part, Mr. Louhun?” asked Master Darran.

“Y-yeah, I might have something in this room that’ll fit you. Just need to wash it first though. It hasn’t been worn in a while.”

“Understood. I will wait at the crew quarters until it’s ready,” the Jedi Master replied before facing Lyra once again. “In the meantime, Padawan, I suggest you stay here for now and prepare yourself for the upcoming battle. Meditate if you must. And remember, you are here to save you kin, not pursue personal glory.”

“Y-yes, Master,” said Lyra meekly as her master left the room, leaving her alone with both Hider and T3-G4. She sighed. The scolding she received was probably the worst she’d ever gotten from him. It was if she was being scolded by Master Vrook himself!

By the Force, what was I thinking. She thought. I must’ve really let him down.

“Hey, cheer up kid. No one said becoming a Jedi would be easy,” Hider said in attempt to cheer Lyra up. “Look, I don’t personally agree with the old man’s belief on being passionate, but he’s got a point. Saving your kin is what’s important here, not fame or recognition.”

Coming from behind, T3-G4 gave off some friendly beeps. “See, even the droid agrees with me. I know you want to prove that you’re a capable Jedi and all, but you gotta focus on yourself first. Quit worrying about what other people think of you.”

Lyra bit her lip. “Yeah, I know. It’s just that, there’s a reason why I want others to recognize me for who I am. Master always told me to push it aside; but sometimes, I can’t stop thinking about it.”

“This isn’t the first time your master got mad at you for wanting fame?”

Lyra nodded. “Before I came to this galaxy, I was a little filly born into a high-class family. My mom was a high-ranking royal guard. One of the fastest pegasus to ever serve in the military. And my dad, he was a renowned unicorn archeologist. Some considered him to be the brightest to ever teach at my country’s top university.”

“Wait a minute. Pegasus? Unicorn?” Hider raised a brow. “Lyra are you talking about your species?”

The Padawan nodded. “Yes. There’s a total of three pony species found on my home. The two I mentioned before are unicorns and pegasus ponies. The third are earth ponies.” She raised her hoof and pointed at the horn on her forehead. “I’m a unicorn. We have a unique trait that allows us to cast magic with these horns. We can lift objects up and manipulate them, set things on fire, and a lot more.”

“So that explains the golden glow I saw back when you helped me on Taris. Magic, huh? Do the other pony species use it in some way?”

Lyra nodded. “Pegasus ponies use magic on their wings for flight and for the manipulation of weather. Earth ponies neither have a horn or wings, but their magic gives them enhanced strength. They’re also capable of accelerating plant growth, making them the most able farmers.”

“Weather manipulation? Enhanced strength?” Hider’s jaw dropped. “Incredible. Your kind can perform feats usually done by machinery today. Only more natural due to your given traits.”

“I’ll explain more later, but for now, let’s get back to my story. You see, my parent’s stature caused many ponies to believe I had a bright future. That I’ll be just as smart as my dad or be as powerful and strong like my mom.”

T3-G4 did not like where Lyra’s story was going. As such, it began to beep rather uncomfortably. “Looks like the droid knows where this is going,” Hider said. “Let me guess, you weren’t able to fill those expectations.”

Lyra shook her head. “I didn’t. Once ponies got wind my shortcomings, they started to think less of me. Some said I wasn’t the star child they thought I was. I admit, I did make some accomplishments, such as getting into a prestigious magic school. But I underperformed. Badly too. Which only made things even worse.”

Hider facepalmed. “Seriously? Come on, you were just a kid. No one should’ve put that much pressure on you.”

“But they did. Eventually, their delusions of me caused many to look down and pity me. Mom wasn’t happy and tried to push me to the very limit, saying that if I work hard, ponies will respect me. Dad…. he didn’t push me like mom or other ponies. Instead, he just let me be a kid and have fun.”

Lyra frowned. “Their different styles of parenting caused a fracture in their marriage. I remember hiding in my room when they argued, and how it always escalated into a big fight.”

Hider sighed. “Wow. I guess the adults on your world really push their kids, huh?”

“Oh, no, that isn’t true at all! Dad said adult ponies don’t always act like that. I grew up in a high-class urban environment filled with pompous nobles. It’s the reason why so many adults like my mom are so strict on their kids.”

T3-G4 replied with a continuous round of malevolent beeps. “You said it, tin can. What a bunch of uptight pricks,” Hider replied. “Did anything change when you joined the Jedi Order?”

Lyra shook her head. “No. When it came to expectations, it was the exact opposite from what I experienced back home. Many of my brothers and sisters thought of me as a small frail creature. They didn’t think I’d make it very far, and for the longest time, I thought so too.”

“But you’re a Padawan now. You proved a lot of people wrong already, didn’t you? So why obsess over your image?

Lyra gave Hider no response. Instead, she simply looked away in shame.

Hider sighed. “If you’re gonna stay quiet like that, then I guess our conversation is done,” he said as he stood up from his chair. “Looks like you got some thinking to do, huh? Tell you what, why don’t I leave you here alone for a while. Perhaps you can meditate like your master said. Think things over before we head out.”

T3-G4 chimed as it followed Hider out of the room. “The hunk of metal’s got a point,” Hider said. “The last thing your kin needs is a Jedi fantasizing about her image. Just remember, quit worrying about what other people think of you and focus on what’s ahead of you.”

Hider and T3-G4 left the room, leaving Lyra alone with the small iron cage. She stared at her fake cell for some time as the words of both Hider and her master still rang inside her head.

Cast away your drive for glory. Focus and remember why you are here.

Quit worrying about what other people think of you. Focus on the here and now.

She sighed. Trotting away from the cage, Lyra sat down in her usual meditation stance. Closing her eyes, she allowed the currents of the Force to flow through her, giving her a much-needed sense of relief.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late posting, but I promised that I would post this new chapter this week, so here it is. Hope you all enjoyed it, because the next chapter will have our heroes begin their rescue mission. Will they save the ponies in time? Find out in the next chapter.

Leave a comment and tell me what you think. And if you find any errors, let me know.

One more thing. I also want to make note that one of my editors has left. I am currently looking for a new editor for the story. If anyone wants to volunteer, please let me know. Thank you.