• Published 16th Mar 2019
  • 2,829 Views, 282 Comments

Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 2


Lyra yelped as her body smacked onto the surface floor. She gritted her teeth. It was bad enough that she got hit by a blaster bolt but falling flat on her back made the pain even worse. It’s as if she were stung by a wasp.

Eventually, the pain subsided; and with the worst of it gone, Lyra sat upright and examined her wound. She looked at her back to find that the bolt had hit her loin, leaving a burnt mark on her coat. After examining the wound further, she was pleased to find that there was no blood. The bolt hadn’t pierced through the tissue; however, it’d left her with a minor burn that needed to be treated.

Thankfully for her, she had the Force.

Placing her hoof on the wound, Lyra closed her eyes and began to meditate. Need to relax. Concentrate through the pain. Touch the Force, and renew!

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and looked at her loin. The burnt mark was gone. Whatever pain that was left had all but disappeared. Even her coat had returned to its normal color.

There, that’s better. But, what happened. How’d I let a blaster bolt hit me like that? She glanced over to the five remote droids around her. They appeared to have deactivated and had fallen to the ground. Curious, she walked over to one droid and touched it. But as her hoof touched the metal, Lyra immediately recoiled it back.

Ow! That’s hot! That’s hot! Lyra quickly blew on her hoof to ease the pain. Why is this droid so hot? I thought these things only overheat if you use them for too long. She paused. Wait, if these droids are so hot, how long have I been training?

She closed her eyes, as she tried to recall what had happened. Let’s see, I was practicing my reflexes after master left. During the training, I channeled the Force for power, and then—

She gasped. I…. I had a vision. The Force granted me an actual vision! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it!

Lyra clapped her hooves with joy. The thought of having a Force vision excited her to no end. Wait, should I really call it a vision? I didn’t even see anyone at all. I only heard screaming.

She rubbed her head. Let’s see. From what I heard, those people screaming seemed like they were in danger. Except for that sidious sounding person at the end. He just called them freaks and threatened to sell them off.

Lyra gasped. Wait, sell them off? Was the person in the end a slave trader? A troubling thought. If that person was indeed a slave trader, then those screaming people were in danger.

What do I do? Do I tell my master about this? The Council? Oh, Force, I don’t know!

Lyra quivered. A sliver of fear gushed through her head as she scampered across the room. However, her panic was put on hold when a loud ringing sound casted her fears away.

What was that?

Putting her panic aside, Lyra began searching for the source of whatever caused the noise. Eventually, she pinpointed its location, her master’s commlink.

Someone’s trying to call my master again? But, he’s not here right now. Should I just leave it alone? She shrugged. Well, it’ll be rude if I just ignore it. I’ll just tell whoever’s calling that master is busy and call later.

Lyra trotted over to the commlink and answered the incoming call.

“Good morning. This is Padawan Lyra speaking. How may I help you?”

“Ah, Padawan, there you are. I was hoping you’d answer. You saved me the trouble of walking back to my dojo to come get you.”

Lyra jumped. “M-master? Why are you calling your own commlink? Aren’t you in a meeting with the Council right now?”

“I did. We just got finished talking. Though the meeting itself took a bit longer than I thought. We spoke for at least half an hour.”

Lyra’s jaw dropped. It’s been thirty minutes?! But…. my training didn’t feel like thirty minutes at all! And I had that vision too.

“But here’s the thing, Padawan. The Council is now calling for you,” her master continued. “They want you to report here to their chambers immediately.”

“Huh? They’re…. asking for me?” Lyra tilted her head. “Why? What do they want?”

“Forgive me, Padawan, but the Council requested that I not say anything till you arrive. Only they can inform you on what’s going on.”

“O-okay. But what about my training?”

“That’ll have to wait. I’m sorry, Lyra; but if the Council requests your presence, it is always of great importance. Don’t worry about your training for now. We’ll continue when the meeting is done.”

“Yes, Master,” said Lyra with a sigh. Once the commlink disconnected, she immediately left the room.

Needless to say, she wasn’t happy with this outcome. It was bad enough that her master had to leave in the middle of their training, but now the Jedi Council requested her presence, postponing her exercises even further. Still, complaining won’t help. A great Jedi must learn to be patient. If she wanted to be one, she must learn patience.

But as she trotted down the hallway, her thoughts drifted back to her vision. She couldn’t take her mind off it. The sound of voices screaming in her head was very unsettling. Though she tried to decipher what it meant, she didn’t know where to start. The vision was too vague.

I’d hoped my first vision would’ve been something that made sense, but I guess the Force has other ideas. Lyra sighed. Some say that the Force is alive and has a will of its own. If that’s true, maybe I’ll politely ask it to give me a better vision.

As Lyra exited Enclave’s sub-level, she noticed that the courtyard was more populated than the last time she’d been here. A few Jedi were present, though given their attire, they were mostly students like her. Padawans and Initiates who’re ready to start their lessons for the day.

Seeing them made Lyra frown. There were only a handful of them at best. Just weeks ago, this courtyard was filled with so many of Jedi. People she’d befriended over the years gathered here at this one spot. And it wasn’t just Padawan learners either. Many Jedi Knights amassed here too, offering stories and lessons to the students who were willing to learn.

Now, they were all gone. The brothers and sisters that she’d grew to care for, all left to go fight in a galactic scale war. Their desire to fight and protect others had left a gaping hole here at the academy. And Lyra couldn’t help but feel sad.

“Good morning, Padawan Heartstrings.”

Lyra turned to see a young woman in a full-fledged body suit walking toward her. It was another Padawan like her, but this woman had far more recognition than any other student here, including herself.

“Hi, Bastila!” Lyra greeted back.

Her casual demeanor caused Bastila to flinch. “Lyra, please be more formal when addressing your brothers and sisters. You can’t just say hi back in such a casual matter. It’s rude.”

“Aw, there’s no need to be so stingy. We’re both Padawans aren’t we?” replied Lyra with a smile. “So, what are you doing out here? Getting ready for today’s training?”

“So much for being formal. Yes, Lyra, I am about to head down to the sub-levels for some saber practice. How about you? Does Master Darran have something planned this morning?”

“Well, I was having a training session with my master, but the Council interrupted us called him for a meeting ‘bout a half an hour ago. It’s over, but now they’re asking for me.” Lyra sighed. “What’s so important that the Council had to interrupt my training?”

“No complaining, Padawan,” scolded Bastila. “If the Council requests your presence, it is—”

“Always of great importance, yes, I know.” Lyra groaned. “Well, I better get going. The last thing I want is to be scolded for being late for the meeting. I’ll talk to you later, uh, Padawan Bastila. May the Force be with you.”

“And also with you. Take care, Padawan Lyra.”

After the two Padawans said their goodbyes, Lyra trotted toward the enclave’s inner sanctum. Once there, she was immediately greeted by Master Darran, who was waiting for her at the entrance.

“Ah, there you are Padawan,” said Master Darran. “Come, let’s not delay any longer. The Council is waiting for us as we speak.”

“Alright. But if I may, can I ask you a question, Master?” asked Lyra.

Darran shook his head. “Save it for later, Padawan. The meeting is more important.”

“Oh, okay.” Lyra’s ears drooped. She’d hoped that her master would explain everything, but it looked like that’ll have to wait. Quietly, she followed him down the courtyard and into the gathering chambers. Once there, she spotted four Jedi standing at the far side of the room. All of whom are part of the Council here on Dantooine.

“Ah, there you are, Padawan Heartstrings. It’s good to see you doing well,” said one of the Council masters. “Come, have a seat. We have much to discuss.”

“Yes, Master.” Doing what she’d been told, Lyra trotted over to the Jedi Masters and faced them. The first Master who’d greeted her was Master Zhar Lestin, a Twi’lek Jedi1. He was responsible for taking her into the academy and often trained her during her time as an Initiate. But he gave the reins over to Master Darran by the time she became a Padawan.

Next to him was Master Vrook Lamar2, an elderly human Jedi Master who’s been on the Council for as long as Lyra could remember. He has a reputation of not being friendly. Many Padawans and Initiates view him as a strict, stubborn old man who often scolded others. Though he meant well, it didn’t change the fact that many were terrified of him, including Lyra.

To the left of him was Master Dorak3, another human Jedi and the chronicler of the Jedi archives on Dantooine. Unlike Master Vrook, Lyra was comfortable around Dorak. She often met with him during her studies, to which he offered lessons on historical events and important Jedi holocrons.

The last Jedi master in the room was Master Vandar Tokare4. A small Jedi who was about the same size as Lyra. He’s the current head of the Jedi Enclave Council on Dantooine, and the most powerful Jedi present. But other than that, nobody knew anything about him. His past remained a mystery to many Jedi here.

“Now, before we begin, I’d first like apologize to you, Padawan,” began Zhar. “We heard from Master Darran that we interrupted your training when we called him. Though our meeting is the utmost important, we had no intention to disrupt your lessons. Do forgive us.”

“Eh, no biggies,” said Lyra, casually.

Her blasé tone caused Master Vrook to scowl. “Padawan Lyra, I’d ask you to please be more formal when addressing a Jedi Master! No Padawan should ever greet their teachers in such an informal matter. Do I make myself clear?”

“Uh, I mean, no biggies Master Zhar?” said Lyra, though her attempts at being more formal only seemed to frustrate the old Jedi Master more.

“Ugh, why is it that one of our most promising Padawans act like she belongs to a Coruscant street gang?” Vrook asked while shaking his head.

Master Darran burst out laughing. “Don’t worry about it, Master Vrook. She does this to me too you know. You’ll get used to this eventually. Trust me.”

“I should be asking why you’re so nonchalant about this, Master Gizar! You’re her Master! You must discipline her better!”

“Enough you two,” interrupted Master Vandar. “We aren’t here to discuss Padawan Lyra’s problematic informal attitude. We’ve gathered because we have something important to share with the young apprentice.”

“Agreed,” said Master Zhar. He then looked at gave Lyra a stern glare. “Padawan, you’ve been here, with us for ten years now. When we took you in, you were lost and afraid; but now here you are, a fully-fledged Padawan. To be honest, I’d never thought you’d make it through this quickly. Your early blunders and difficulties fitting in had us worried.”

“Indeed,” said Master Dorak. “If I recall, you had many problems when you were but a mere Initiate. Difficulties at wielding training sabers, unstable powers, not to mention your chosen fighting style. The list goes on.”

“Yet despite these limitations, you persevered,” said Master Vrook. “You were able to acknowledge your flaws and move forward. Because of your resilience to adapt and do better, you were the first of your clan to rank Padawan. And for that, we congratulate you.”

Lyra tilted her head. “Um, thank you, Masters, but this isn’t the reason why you called me here, right? Didn’t you say that we’re meeting because something important has popped up?

“Correct, Padawan,” said Zhar. “You see, back at the temple on Coruscant, the Jedi have discovered a holo-recording of a particular interest.”

“A holo-recording?” Lyra asked. “A holo-recording of what?”

“Something of great importance,” explained Master Vandar. “Once it was deciphered, the Jedi of Coruscant sent it to us immediately. We wish to show it to you.”

Lyra blinked. “Uh, okay. So, where’s the recording?”

“Patience, Padawan,” said Master Darran. “Before we show you this recording, there is something we discuss first.”

“About what?”

“All we ask is that you keep your emotions in check. We fear that this recording might…. negatively affect you in more ways than one,” Vrook stated. His tone sounded sterner than before. “Keep the Jedi Code in mind while you listen. Remember, there is no emotion, there is peace.”

“Y-yes, Master Vrook.” I don’t get it. What’s so important about this holorecording that’s making them worry for me?

“Master Dorak, if you please.”

“Of course.” Reaching for his belt, Master Dorak pulled out a holo-recorder and gave it to Lyra. “Go ahead. Play it.”

Lyra nodded. As instructed, she went ahead and turned on the recorder. Yet though her mind was at ease, nothing could prepare her for what came next. Once the holo-projection appeared, Lyra could not help but gasp at what she saw.

Oh my gosh.

Standing in holographic form was a being that looked identical to her. It stood on four legs, had a mane, and a cutie mark on both sides of her flank. The only difference between them is the lack of horn on its forehead, and her mane was styled differently.

“No way! A-after all these years. There’s another pony?”

“Be mindful of your feelings, Padawan,” said Master Vandar. “Calm yourself and listen. You’ll find the answers you seek soon.”

Lyra nodded. Shaking her head, she snapped out of her stupor by reciting the Jedi code. Though it did help, she couldn’t shake off the shock. It’s been so long since she saw another pony. For the longest time, she didn’t think she’d ever see one again.

Hello? Hello? Oh, f-for Celestia’s sake, is this thing on?

Lyra gasped. The pony spoke. And judging from its voice, it was a mare like her.

“Padawan, calm yourself,” said Master Darran.


Wait, it’s on? Oh, I see. Uh, anyway, hello to anypony hearing this…. wait, should I use anypony? I don’t think we’ll be talking to ponies so maybe…. A-alright, captain, don’t yell! Okay, to any species listening to this, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Private Sweetie Drops.

Wait, private? Lyra’s tilted her head. This pony belongs to the military?

As you can see, I am what is called a pony. We are a young sentient species that had recently discovered space travel and have entered your domain. Domain? Really? That’s the best word you can come up with?

“P-ponies have made it to Republic space?!” asked a bewildered Lyra. “H-how? Since when?”

“Padawan, for the last time, remain quiet and let the recording play!” berated Master Vrook.

“Y-yes! Sorry!”

We are currently looking for other sentient beings across the galaxy. As of right now, we are on board a single ship, searching for any sign of life. If you find this message, please find us. Including me, there’s a total of ten ponies on board eager to show see what's out there.

Lyra gasped. She couldn’t believe it. The unthinkable has happened. Ponies have achieved space travel and have come to Republic space. But questions popped in her head. How did they get here? Are they looking for her specifically, or do that have another goal in mind?

“Are you alright, Padawan?” asked Master Darran.

“S-sorry, Master, I was thinking about the ponies,” Lyra replied. “Never thought I’d ever get to see one again. After all these years, it just feels so unreal.”

“I understand what you’re going through, but please, remain calm. The recording isn’t over yet. Wait until it’s finished and then we’ll talk.”

Lyra nodded before turning back at Private Sweetie Drops.

The ship we are on is called the Celestial Sun. It’s in stable condition but we need to be found as soon as possible before our supplies run short. Should that happen, we will return home. Time is short, and we do not have the patience nor the supplies to wait out for days.

That got Lyra’s attention. Just how long have those ponies been waiting out in space? Master Vandar said the Jedi over at Coruscant discovered this message a while ago, but when did they discover this? The recording could be a couple days old at least by now.

Please, find us. We’ll be waiting for anyone to show. This is Private Sweetie Drops signing out.

The image flickered as the pony, Sweetie Drops, disappeared. Lyra sat in her seat, bewildered at what she’d just witnessed. Ponies have come to Republic space. After so many years, the possibility of her returning home is now a reality. And she could not help but smile.

“Masters, I…. I don’t know what to say.” She stuttered as tears flooded her eyes. “After so long, I can’t…. it’s so hard to image that ponies are here in Republic space.”

“Your feelings are understandable, Padawan. Having waited so long to hear from your kind is not an easy task. Your patience is very admirable,” said Master Vandar.

“Thank you, master,” Lyra replied as she bowed in front of the elderly Jedi. “So, what are we going to do now?”

“We’ve already decided our course of action, Padawan,” answered Master Vrook. “Due to the current circumstance, we will be patient and wait.”

Lyra froze. For a second, she couldn’t help but gawk at Master Vrook. She then looked around the room, eyeballing the other Jedi Masters for more answers. But they seem to agree with the grumpy old master. “Whoa, wait a second. That doesn’t make any sense,” she said. “Why should we wait? The ponies are already here. Shouldn’t we go search for them?”

Master Vrook frowned. “You best tame that eagerness of yours, Padawan. We understand that finding your kin is the utmost important but searching for them now is too risky.”

“I agree with Master Vrook,” said Master Zhar. “We don’t know where this message originated from, and if we start searching now, we’d be blind. I can assure you our intelligence team back on Coruscant is doing their best to track it, but it will take some time. Many of our Jedi Sentinels have joined the rogue Revan in his cause to fight the Mandalorians. I’m afraid they’re shorthanded these days.”

Lyra’s throat went dry. Hearing Master Zhar’s blunt reply devastated her. “D-don’t I have a say in this?” she asked.

Master Dorak simply shook his head. “No, Padawan. We’re sorry, but as Master Zhar stated, we cannot rush this without any sort of clue. Doing so would lead to unforeseen consequences.”

“Master Dorak is right,” stated Master Vrook. “Acting out of haste is not the Jedi way. If you truly wish to find your kin, then you must trust in the Force. Only it can guide you down the right path.”

Lyra looked at the three masters in shock. She couldn’t believe it. These people were Jedi Masters, people that others looked up to and trusted. Yet, they’re telling her to wait? Why? The mere thought of it was ridiculous.

She looked over to Master Vander. His expression was steadfast. It didn’t appear like he was likely to object the other master’s suggestions.

Her master had the same expression too, much to her disappointment. If she had to guess, he might’ve already agreed with the others even before their meeting started.

She sighed. It looked like none of the masters are willing to take her side. The only thing she could do now is to adhere to their wisdom.

“I…. I understand the decision you’ve made. I’ll do as you ask and wait for further instructions.”

“Thank you, Padawan,” said Master Vandar. “Know that we understand your frustrations but matters like these require patience.”

“I agree,” followed Master Darran. “Padawan, why don’t you go outside and meditate on this newfound knowledge. Perhaps it might help you find some measure of peace.”

“T-that’ll be helpful. Yeah, that’s exactly what I need right now. Thank you, master.”

After giving one last bow, Lyra stood up and trotted toward the chamber exit. Though displeased with the current situation, it’d be pointless to argue with the Council.

As she made her way outdoors, Lyra trotted to a nearby patch of grass. The least she could do is calm herself by meditating. She looked around the area, checking to see if any other Jedi were nearby. Though she preferred meditating in private, the area here was fine. The breezy open area felt great on her coat, and thankfully, no one else was present. At the very least, she can meditate alone in peace.

She sat down and entered to her usual meditation stance and closed her eyes. What she needed was some peace, and what better way to achieve it is through the Force.

As a starting point, Lyra centered herself in attempt to purge the emotions she had built up. Needless to say, it worked. She could feel her anger slipping away into nothingness. Once purged of it, she allowed the Force to flow through her body, allowing its energies to fill her with much relief and serenity.

But as the energy coursed through her body, Lyra felt something off. Suddenly, the Force went wild. Instead of a gentle stream, it felt as if she were riding a raging river rapid.

Something’s disturbing the natural flow of the Force again. Lyra thought. This feeling. It’s akin to what I felt back into the dojo. Maybe if I go deeper like last time, the vision might come back.

Concentrating, Lyra delve deep into the Force in attempt to find her answer. But guiding through those raging rapids wasn’t easy. The sheer amount of power coursing through her was too much at first, and it nearly broke her meditation.

But she pulled through. Eventually, the Force burst open, causing the natural energies to spasm around her. As the current began to wane, the voices from her previous vision had returned; however, something was different.

H-hey! What’s going on?

W-who are those creatures? What do they want with us?

I don’t think they’re friendly!

Captain, they’re pulling our crewmates into cages! What should we do?!

Lyra gasped. The Force had granted her a much bigger vision than before. Instead of just voices, she could actually see what was happening. A feat worthy of praise, but there wasn’t time to celebrate. She had to focus on the vision.

But what she saw horrified her.

Earlier, she assumed that the screaming voices were either humans or aliens. But she was wrong. The source of the screaming didn’t come from either species. Rather, it was ponies.

You let them go this instant!

Shut up! We’re gonna earn lots of credits selling you and your little freak friends off!

Lyra watched in horror as the ponies were dragged helplessly into cages by the thugs. Some tried to fight back, but their resistance was futile and were quickly put down. As the last pony was placed into a cage, the images began to fade. She could no longer sense the Force spasm around her. The vision was over, and natural currents returned to its original state.

“No!” Lyra shouted as the last bits of her vision faded away. Her voice echoed across the inner courtyard, yet no one was present. She was still alone.

T-those ponies. How horrible. Lyra frowned as her eyes slowly began to water. Something bad is going to happen to them, I just know it. There’s got to be a way to save them, but what should I do?

As she wiped the tears away, the door to the Council Chambers suddenly went wide open. Lyra turned to see Master Darran step outside. “Lyra, what’s going on?” he asked. “Me and the other masters heard you scream. Did something happen?”

“Oh, I…. uh—” Lyra froze. She didn’t think her master would hear her, let alone the entire Council. T-they heard me. W-what should I do? Confess and tell him what happened? Her lip quivered. I mean, he is my master. He deserves to know. But what if he won’t listen? What if the Council won’t listen? What if they’ll ignore me?


Lyra looked up to see her master looking straight at her; at least, that’s what she thought he was doing. Even though she couldn’t read his facial expression, she knew that he was worried about her.

What am I thinking? Of course, he needs to know. No way should I keep him out of this.

“Padawan, are you alright?” asked Master Darran, who sounded even more worried by the second. “What happened? Why did you scream?”

Lyra sighed, releasing a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. “I’m sorry about the silence, Master. I’m just a little tense right now.”

“Tense? What do you mean by that, Padawan? I thought you were just meditating."

“Something big just happened, Master. I can explain, but this is something that the Council needs to hear too,” Lyra replied as she stood up and galloped back into the Council Chambers, leaving her confused master behind in the courtyard.

Author's Note:
  1. Jedi Master Zhar Lestin
  2. Jedi Master Vrook Lamar
  3. Jedi Master Dorak
  4. Jedi Master Vandar Tokare
    Source: Wookiepedia, KOTOR

Hooray, an update. I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter. Sorry this took so long. Writing a big story like this takes a lot of my time, and I'm not exactly a fast writer.

I said it before and I'll say it again, bi-weekly updates are necessary to keep up with my pace. New chapters will come out every two weeks, that is the plan. I got to keep a schedule with this somehow.

Anyway, if you find any errors, let me know in the comment section below. See you guys in two weeks.