• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 103: The Most Powerful Warrior of the Universe: Galacta Knight

The most powerful warrior of the universe.

Just that.

The guy managed to eradicate almost his whole species, and faced the full might of the Ancients, destroying countless planets, before being sealed.

'Powerful' is too weak to describe how monstrous this Galacta must be.

And here, at the top of a tower in the middle of a battlefield, as explosions and screams can still be heard from below, Sweetie Belle and her friends are about to face this warrior.

Even the Lor Starcutter, who seems to have recovered its freedom from Magolor's control, has decided to fly away, leaving the heroes to deal with Galacta while it goes to help the others fight the drones. Either it really doesn't want to fight Galacta, or it fully trust in them to win. The Lor Starcutter was probably present at the time of Galacta's rampage, so it probably knows his power.

And Magolor is having a panic attack.

"He will destroy New Halcandra and everyone on it and there's nothing we can do to stop him because he's too powerful for us and he will crush us and this will be the end and-" Slap!

"Calm down, Magolor!" yells Sweetie Belle after slapping Magolor to stop his cries. "We have overcome every enemy we encountered until now, including beings that seemed impossible to defeat at first glance, like you possessed by the Master Crown!" She turns to look back at Galacta Knight as he slowly descends on the roof, circled by all her friends ready to attack. "We can defeat him!" She looks back at Magolor, giving him a smirk. "Defeating enemies dozens of times more powerful than us has become our specialty."

Before she can say more, or Magolor can reply, they hear a growl coming from Galacta Knight, getting their attention on him. The knight, who has now landed on the roof, is looking down, a shadow hiding his eyes. His growl eventually turns into laughter. The kind of laughter that says "I'm gonna enjoy it!"

Then, without warning, he charges toward Gooey, spear ready.

"Gooo?!" Gooey was not ready for this, Galacta's charge taking him by surprise. Thankfully, he's saved from the knight's spear by Dark Meta Knight parrying it at the last second. The force of the blow, however, is such that Dark Meta Knight is pushed back and rams Gooey before they're both sent beyond the edge of the roof. If they couldn't fly, they would have fallen.

Galacta Knight then turns to look at all of them, especially at Magolor, pure hate visible in his eyes.

"I will kill you."

Recovering from their surprise, everybody starts acting

Galacta Knight raises his shield to block the fire from Spikezilla, before he uses his spear to parry one of Sweetie Belle's swords. He quickly flies up to avoid the other swords, only to find himself in front of Marx about to spit his giant laser. However, Galacta slashes the laser, cutting it in two before he charges toward the jester to attack him. Marx teleports away, and Galacta quickly changes target, sending a shockwave from his spear at Taranza who also teleports to avoid it. Magolor, who has decided that it's better dying while fighting than dying while doing nothing, comes from behind and uses an Ultra Sword to slash the knight's back, but he still gets blocked by Galacta's shield before the knight sends a shock wave at him. Magolor quickly puts a star shield to protect himself from it, but the shockwave almost manages to break it.

Galacta Knight raises his spear, causing a lightning bolt to fall from the sky right on Adeleine as the girl has been painting something, before he gets circled by Sweetie's ten beam swords. Despite Sweetie attacking him with all of them, Galacta still manages to parry them without getting hit, but the filly is still able to get him by surprise with a magical beam among this storm of slashes. Galacta Knight quickly recovers from the beam and flies right through a gap between two swords to charge directly at Sweetie Belle and attack her. The filly materializes an ice sword and readies it to parry him, only for Galacta to use his shield to move the sword out of the way before attacking with his spear. His attack is stopped by one of Sweetie's own shields, but the shield doesn't stop it long before it breaks and the spear continues its course to impale her. The shield has still given Sweetie enough time to bring her ten beam swords back at her and use half of them to stop the spear while she uses the other half to attack the knight.

Galacta flies back to avoid them, only to get hit by a dark lightning bolt from Gooey. Despite that, Galacta still cuts Daroach's ice beam, then also cuts the laser from Claycia's Bastron Head Cannon. Prince Fluff is able to wrap his yarn around his foot, but this reveals to be an error, because instead of Fluff slamming Galacta Knight on the roof, Galacta sends Fluff to ram Rick and Yin-Yarn. Galacta follows it by raising his spear, and out of it comes a beam that he uses to sweep the roof so rapidly and chaotically that some of the heroes aren't able to avoid it. In return, the knight is hit by a few projectiles from Susie's gun while also being slashed by one of Sweetie's swords.

Galacta stops his beam and swings his spears, creating several sword-shaped beams that home in some of the heroes, and he repeats the process a couple of times before slashing Dark Meta Knight who has been coming from behind. The dark knight counters by invoking four giant swords out of mirrors, one of them sending Galacta backward into a storm of arrows from Marx. Galacta quickly swings his spear, sending a bigger shockwave that cuts through the arrows and hits the jester, to his surprise.

A crescent projectile hits Galacta from behind, and he quickly turns around to deflect others before charging at their origin: a Painted Waiu ridden by Adeleine. But Sweetie Belle gets in his way and starts trading blows with him. While this happens, Galacta quickly uses his shield to block Dark Meta Knight's sword, then quickly spins to slash both the dark knight, Sweetie Belle, and also Coo who has been coming, Sweetie Belle being the only one able to parry this. More projectiles from Susie's gun, as well as crystals from Ribbon's crystal gun, hit him then, and Galacta raises his spear, causing two lightning bolts to strike the two girls. The knight then gathers energy in the spear before dropping, planting the spear in the roof. Out of the spear comes a tornado that takes Sweetie Belle by surprise and sweeps her away along with Spikezilla.

Yin-Yarn, taking the form of a giant scorpion, attacks him with the stinger of his tail, but again, the knight blocks the attack with his shield, so Yin-Yarn continues with his pincers, only for Galacta to point his spear at him before unleashing from it a lightning bolt that shocks Yin-Yarn. A bomb then rolls at Galacta's feet, and before he can understand what it is, the bomb explodes, blowing him toward the sky where he quickly recovers and spots the responsible: Daroach smirking toward him while tossing repeatedly a bomb.

"Eh! Talk about the most powerful warrior of the universe!" says the mouse proudly.

"He is just testing us, or playing with us," says Dark Meta Knight to him.

Daroach loses his smirk and stops tossing the bomb. "Oh..."

At this, Galacta Knight chuckles. "That's true... But this fight reveals to be more entertaining that I first thought. You're strong, I'll give you that. Some of you haven't even shown yet their full power too." At this, he looks at Sweetie Belle. "But if you still think that you stand a chance against me, then you are fools." He raises his spear, and the next instant, he's engulfed in light. "I AM GALACTA KNIGHT! FIRST SON OF THE GOD CREATOR VOID! MASTER OF THE FOUR MATTERS!"

The light disappears, revealing Galacta Knight with a pure white armor lined and marked with gold, and longer horns.

Aeon Hero
Galacta Knight (Light)

"Behold! The very power that helped to seal father!"

"Say what?!" yells Magolor.

Galacta Knight doesn't say more, instead rising his spear again, causing dozens of lightning bolts to strike the roof! He then rises it again, and this time, dozens of column of fire come out of the roof! Another rising of his spear, and giant spikes of ice appear all over the roof!

In just a few seconds, the knight has turned the fight into a massacre!

Despite all this, the heroes resist and counterattack with everything they have, even Sweetie Belle going all out with all kinds of projectiles while charging at the knight and attacking him with a double beam sword. But Galacta Knight seems to have gained speed, because he's able to dodge most of the projectiles sent at him, and parries or blocks anything else while flying around.

After a quick clash against Sweetie Belle, he manages to bonk her with his shield, the shield giving a small burst of energy that sends her beyond the edge of the roof before he starts slashing left and right at the heroes circling him, hitting them directly or with very fast and numerous shockwaves. The heroes don't give up despite the injuries and continue attacking Galacta who then decides to rise his spear again, gathering energy, before planting it in the roof, creating a dozen tornadoes circling him and forcing the heroes back. Sweetie Belle quickly comes back at this moment to attack again, only for the knight to fly up high in the sky where he raises his spear again. He is then surrounded by dozens and dozens of sword-shaped beams that start raining all over the roof.

Once the rain of sword beams stops, he comes back, flying all over the roof while still rising his spear, creating three beams like earlier, sweeping the whole roof with them. Marx then appears right in front of him before spitting his giant beam right on his face, but Galacta Knight resists the beam and sends back his own beam from his spear, badly hurting the jester who crashes near the edge of the roof. Galacta then gather energy in his spear, and with one big swing, sends a giant shockwave toward the half unconscious Marx who's barely saved in time by Dark Meta Knight who grabs him and take him out of there. The shockwave then passes right through the roof, cutting a portion of it that falls.

Rick suddenly comes from above, falling right on the knight and headbutting him, but it barely does anything to him as he kicks the hamster back toward Coo, the owl being the one who dropped Rick. This, however, opens Galacta to a series of attacks from both Sweetie Belle, Gooey, and Daroach, attacking respectively with sword and beams, tongue, and Necrodeus' staff. Galacta takes Sweetie Belle by surprise by slapping her face with one of his wings, then slashes the filly to send her away, before he forces Daroach to teleport with some shockwaves.

And then, he... He cuts space, opening a hole from which comes a huge beam that takes everyone on the way, Gooey, Nago, and Claycia, by surprise, hurting them so badly that they lose consciousness. The roof under them is also destroyed, and they're saved from falling by Taranza, Magolor, and Elline. The beam also destroys some buildings further behind. At the same time, Susie decides to call her Business Suit (the normal version) and uses it to charge toward Galacta Knight while spinning its arms, only for Galacta to cut it in half with just one swing.

Seeing how the situation is getting out of hand, Sweetie Belle prepares herself to use a Soul Song, but Galacta feels it and charges toward her. Sweetie Belle sees him coming and parries his spear with some difficulty, only to be bonked by the shield again, and like before, it releases a burst of energy that sends her flying far.

Galacta returns to fight the others, avoiding a stream of water sent by Kine before firing back a lightning bolt. Magolor then creates a small black hole beside him, but it has no effects on the knight who simply raises his spear and causes dozens of lightning bolts to rain all over the roof again before swinging his spear repeatedly to send more sword beams.

By the time Sweetie returns on the roof, it's to her horror that she sees the majority of her friends unconscious or half unconscious. Magolor still tries to impale Galacta with dark spikes, but the knight avoids them easily before headbutting the mage who drops on his back. Galacta Knight then raises his spear above Magolor, the sharp end pointed right at him.

"You and your people can go to hell!"

He brings down the spear.

Sweetie Belle punches it to deviate it, taking Galacta Knight by surprise since she wasn't here the previous instant.

Something is different with the filly. Not only her eyes are glowing, but her mane is now... not on fire, but green and ethereal. Same with her tail. And Galacta can feel it, she's leaking soul energy in huge quantity. She has a hoof ready for a punch, glowing with energy.


At the word 'friend', she punches him right on the mask. Galacta is sent flying away of the roof, through the air above the now calm battlefield, and right into a skyscraper, causing it to collapse. Sweetie Belle immediately levitates after him, Galacta coming out of the rubble of the building, and the two collide, Sweetie's momentum getting them away from the tower, passing through another skyscraper, before Galacta uses his shield to get Sweetie away from him.

The filly quickly recovers, her ten cannons surrounding her in two arcs at her sides reminiscent of Star Dream's wings. She fires from them beams that home in at Galacta who manages to deflect or avoid all of them before rising his spear. Sweetie starts approaching Galacta, flying left and right to avoid the lightning bolts while firing more homing beams, until she grabs one of the cannons, a huge green beam sword coming of it before she swings it at Galacta Knight. The knight barely manages to parry it without being sent flying, only to be punched again. He resists the force of the punch, and counters by pointing his spear at her before firing a beam that sends her back.

Galacta swings his spear to send dozens of sword beams after her, but Sweetie Belle recovers, covers her hooves in energy, and punches all the sword beams into oblivion before firing an... Ultimate Force Blast? Despite its power, Galacta is still able to block it with his shield, moving it to send the blast flying toward a skyscraper. Galacta then remarks that Sweetie's ten cannons are forming a circle around him, and quickly flies up to avoid the beams coming out of them, only to fly right toward Sweetie Belle who has been waiting for him with a punch. The knight is sent toward the ground and crashes violently, forming a small crater. Sweetie Belle quickly follows her punch with dozens of energy balls that she forms from the air and exploding when impacting with their target, covering the area around Galacta Knight in a cloud of smoke and dust.

A huge beam comes out of the cloud, the same one that Galacta created by cutting a hole in space, and Sweetie quickly creates ten layers of shields around her before it hits. All the shields are destroyed, but by the time it reaches Sweetie Belle, the beam has lost its power, and it doesn't injure her too much. Galacta comes after the beam, and Sweetie takes a beam sword before the two clashes. The filly tries again to punch him, but Galacta protects himself with his shield this time, only for Sweetie Belle to put her back legs together before firing a big beam from them that sends Galacta Knight against a building. Sweetie then covers her front hooves in fire before swinging them at the knight, creating birds of fire that fly after him, but they are all destroyed by Galacta slashing them with his spear covered in water before he flies behind another building.

Sweetie Belle chases him, only to barely avoid a huge shockwave passing through one of the skyscrapers and that cuts it in two. She quickly flies away to avoid the building falling on her, then fires many beams at Galacta Knight once she spots him, only for him to take cover behind another skyscraper. Instead of flying around it, she passes right through it, tackling Galacta Knight before she throws him in the air above her. She then fires her Ultimate Doom Laser, much bigger and colored green, totally engulfing the knight with it.

Feeling that this isn't enough to kill Galacta Knight, she follows the beam into space where she finds Galacta Knight behind his shield, badly injured. The knight slowly lowers the shield as well as the spear as he starts growling, his body shaking in rage.

Then, with a yell, he raises his spear, and he's engulfed in darkness.

When the darkness disappears, Galacta has changed appearance again, much more significantly than the first time. He's now black, with black wings, grey horns, and a grey spear. His mask and armor are now purple with grey markings and linings, and his shield is also purple and grey.

Aeon Calamity
Galacta Knight (Dark)

"When I'm done with you, not even your soul will remain!"

Sweetie Belle forms a vertical circle around her with her ten cannons, all pointed at Galacta Knight, before she forms two green swords of pure energy.

And they charge, and clash, again, and again, and again. Between each clashes, they fire beams, fire, ice, lightning, the projectiles countering each others. After a few clashes, Galacta Knight gathers energy in his spear before sending giant shockwave that Sweetie has no problems avoiding. But the shockwave ends up slicing New Halcandra in two!

Sweetie Belle gasps at this, and looks back at Galacta Knight, her eyes glowing even more, and her skin starting to disappear at some places, replaced by an ethereal green skin.

Galacta sends another similar shockwave at her, only, this time, Sweetie reforms her staff, and a giant green sword comes out of it before she brings it down, cutting the shockwave in two. She then grabs the giant sword like a spear and throws it at Galacta Knight, the weapon flying at the speed of lightning. Galacta's eyes grow wide, and he barely places his shield in time to block it, only for his shield to explode on impact before he's thrown back by the shock. And as he's thrown back, Sweetie flies after him, grabbing her weapon on the way with her magic, before she thrusts it toward Galacta Knight who uses his spear to deflect it to his left. He quickly uses the opening to thrust back his spear at her, but she blocks it with one of her gauntlets. She still gets thrown back a bit by the force of the blow.

Galacta Knight uses it to fly away, quickly chased by the filly. While flying, Galacta Knight cuts holes in space, firing dozens of those 'space beams' at Sweetie Belle who is able to slalom between them, even using her weapon to slice one. Growling, Galacta starts slicing space again, opening a giant hole the size of the Lor Starcutter. With an "Eep!" Sweetie Belle flies down to avoid the huge beam that results of it. The beam ends up blowing up New Halcandra's Moon!

Seeing that Galacta is starting to slice space again, Sweetie quickly sends a giant block of a shield after him, the block-shield slamming him from behind. Galacta has still managed to cut a hole in space, but not as big as he wanted, the beam resulting from it only blowing a big crater on New Halcandra, thankfully not where Sweetie's friends are. It causes, however, the part of New Halcandra hit to move away from the other.

Galacta Knight roars in rage before he raises his spear, summoning hundreds of giant pink needles with heart-shaped extremities all around him that immediately fly after Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle spreads her forelegs, her horn glowing green like never before, gathering a huge quantity of Dream Matter to create hundreds of beams all around her that she sends at Galacta Knight, the beams clashing against the heart needles.

Roaring again, Galacta Knight flies through the clashing beams and needle to attack directly Sweetie Belle with his spear, the spear getting surrounded by energy, making it look like it's many times bigger. Sweetie Belle parries it with her giant beam sword, the clash creating a shockwave.

"You... Curse you... Curse you all..." grumbles Galacta Knights before he fires a beam from his spear at Sweetie Belle.

Despite the beam, Sweetie Belle lights her horn, blinding Galacta Knight with a big flash of light. Using this, Sweetie Belle flies behind Galacta and grabs him, using her magic on his arm to make sure he can't use his spear, before she flies back toward New Halcandra with him. They both drop like a meteor toward the surface, passing through a couple of ruined skyscrapers before crashing.

Their crash leaves a huge crater, with Sweetie Belle on top of Galacta Knight, the knight returning back to normal. Seeing this, Sweetie Belle steps back, returning to normal too, breathing heavily, exhausted. She looks at her hooves in wonder, the whole fight playing again in her mind, especially that... power.

"What... was... Was that...?"

Before she can ponder more, Galacta Knight groans, and slowly gets up, dropping his spear. "C...Curse you..." He turns toward Sweetie Belle, advancing, step by step.

The filly stares at him in surprise. "You... You want to... continue...?"

"I... will not... let myself... getting sealed... again..." replies Galacta Knight before punching her.

Sweetie Belle recoils from the punch, but she punches him back, making him recoil too. "You started this... The Civil War... The Dark God... Zero... The corrupted Mirror... Star Dream... It's all your fault..."

Galacta Knight growls. "The story... is written... by the winners..." He punches her. "I didn't start anything!"

She punches him. "Yeah! Right!"

Galacta takes a couple of steps back after the punch, his mask dropping. He growls again. "I... only wanted... freedom... I wanted... to stop... serving father... He was okay... But not the others... Those stupid fanatics... They took their weapons first... And then, they called their dogs... I only defended myself..." He falls on his back, finally reaching his limit. "And then... those bastards... when father was about to destroy them, and the universe... they freed me... because they knew... that I was one of the few... who could face him... And despite everything.... I didn't want the universe... to be destroyed... So I fought him... with the help of three companions... and we sealed him... using those Heart Spears... like I used earlier..." He takes a big breath. "And when it was done, I was sealed again! They were too scared of my power! They feared that I would restart my 'rampage'! Those... Those..." He puts his hands on his eyes. "I just want to be left in peace!"

During Galacta Knight's rant, Sweetie Belle fell on the floor too, listening without saying anything. From what he says, he was not the monster depicted, but in the end, he's still at the origin of all grieves. This leaves Sweetie Belle conflicted, but right now, she's too exhausted to think about this. She's so exhausted that she can feel her consciousness slipping away.

The last thing she sees before she closes her eyes is a butterfly fluttering toward the now unconscious Galacta Knight.

Author's Note:

For info, when Galacta Knight used the Heart Spears, he wanted to seal Sweetie Belle. He was at this point where he just didn't care anymore and wanted to end this at all cost.

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