• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 88: Invasion!


"Do you really think those Shotzos will be able to do anything?"

"You have a better idea?"

Sweetie Belle spots the Halberd flying toward the ship and points at it. "We could do like them and send the Warhammer!"

Before Dedede could reply, giant lasers from the ship attack the castle and destroy a good part of the higher level above them, causing debris to rain on them. One of those debris falls on Dedede's head and knock him out right away, and Sweetie Belle quickly puts a shield around them and everyone else on the rampart to protect them. At this instant, she sees the Halberd being shot down with just one laser before crashing somewhere just under the entrance of the ship.

Just like that, the castle and the Halberd are down. Dedede is down. And Meta Knight... not sure. What about everyone else?

She has no time to think more. As the debris stop falling, she sees many of those grey robots coming toward the castle! She is then joined by Bandana Dee and Cape Knight.

"Everyone!" she shouts. "Be ready! They're coming." She points at Cape Knight. "We will send everyone to hide in the underground, in the hangar of the Warhammer and around it! Take King Dedede too, and try to give him something to heal!" She points at Bandana Dee. "Ready your elite and join me to defend the castle! I also want Poppy Bros and Bonkers ready on the ramparts pronto!"

"Yes your highness!" they both shout.

She then sees Spiky coming to her scared.

"Spiky! You are alright!" She takes Yin and Yarn and uses them to knit the doll. "Time to unleash Spikezilla!" Once the yarn dragon is ready, she shouts "Rampage like you want on the invaders!"


Using Yin and Yarn again, she then knits none other than the Yin Yarn Wizard! Two strings of yarn then wrap around the needles.

"Be ready to knit everything you can think of! Unleash Tartarus on them!"


Seeing the first of the robots approaching, she takes her whip and turns it into its ten cannons form. With the cannons and her horn, she starts firing at the robots and strikes them down. In reaction, much more robots are coming, hundreds of them! She also spots some giant green robot with red squared hands approaching behind them.

At this moment, Bandana comes back on the rampart followed by two dozens Spear Waddle Dees as well as many Poppy Bros both Jr and Sr, and Bonkers.

"We are ready!" shouts Bandana.

"Good! The Poppy Bros, I want you to throw your bombs at the Bonkers!"

"Uuh?!" shout the Bonkers in surprise.

"The Bonkers, I want you to hit those bombs with your hammers! Make sure to propel them toward the invaders! Use all your strength! Make those bombs real explosive bullets!"


So the Poppy Bros and Bonkers start to do what they have been told, helping Sweetie Belle in destroying more of the coming robots.

"As for you the Waddle Dees, be ready to attack any robots that land!"

"Yes my queen!"

"I hope troops are ready to take on any robots that may enter the castle!"

"Everyone is ready to attack anything that point their metallic body! Of course, they have an order to not attack the Gims, Capsule J, and other robotic friends," says Bandana Dee.


The first of the robots land on the ramparts, and the Spear Waddle Dees immediately charge at them along with Spikezilla while Yin Yarn knits dozens of minions to help. The robots, which are actually armors piloted by small robotic beings with a black screen-like face and white head, start punching left and right at the defenders, and some of the nearby Poppy Bros and Bonkers are forced to come help them. Thankfully, those Spear Waddle Dees have been well trained by Bandana, some they are able to destroy many of the armor, and thanks to some healers with bags of food, if one of them is hurt, they just have to eat something before returning to the front.

But more and more robots are able to land on the ramparts, and Sweetie Belle and the remaining Poppys and Bonkers are forced to stop attacking the ones coming. The filly uses absolutely everything she has to destroy dozens of them, and when the green one lands beside the rampart, she destroys it with one well placed laser at the head, but more are coming, and many robots are able to enter the castle through holes caused by the lasers earlier. Little by little, the defenders are forced to retreat inside the castle as the attackers are coming seemingly endlessly.

A Waddle Doo then comes from inside the castle in panic.

"Help! Some of those things are attacking the king!"

"Drat!" shouts Sweetie Belle before turning to Bandana. "I must go!"

"Ok! Don't worry about us! Hurry to save the king!"

Sweetie Belle turns around and enters the castle. She has an idea of where the king may be by now, so she quickly runs through rooms and hallways to reach him, destroying a few armors on the way. The situation inside the castle is absolute chaos. Both armor and members of Dedede's army are fighting everywhere, causing untold damage to the inside. Rooms she's used to traverse everyday are now mere ruins unrecognisable, and everywhere she passes, Dedede's minions are retreating before the submerging number of enemies.

What can they do to turn the table?

She finally reaches Dedede near a stair to an inferior floor, surrounded by four armors as everyone defending him, including Cape Knight, has been knocked out. But the four armors are empty, as their pilots are now beside Dedede, one of them taking some sample. Before they can even spot them, she fires a magical beam at one of the pilotes, destroying it in one shot. The three others immediately climb in their armor, and the one who has taken the sample runs away while the others turn to fight her, only to be quickly destroyed by the filly.

Some soldiers of Dedede's army are following her, and quickly surround the king.

"Some of you take Dedede and the others to shelter!"


Sweetie Belle then looks at the remaining armor now without pilote. From close, they just look like metallic grey balls on feet with two arms, some spikes, a red eye, and what looks like the tip of a screwdriver for shoulders. Nothing too dangerous. But... Maybe it could be useful. She approaches it in wonder, and eventually decides to climb to the cockpit.

As soon as she enters it, the armor suddenly starts glowing! Before everyone's eyes, the metallic grey becomes as white as her fur with some pink and purple like her mane, two green eyes appear above what looks like a muzzle, and a horn like hers appear above them! Some cask then appears on her head, with some ring around her horn linked to the armor!

Already, she can feel as if she was a part of the armor, and the armor was a part of her!

And already, she has the perfect name for it.

With a laugh, she faces some approaching armors, and smiles. "Invaders! Be ready to face... the Sweetie Bot Armor!"

Using the armor's jet pack to charge at the enemies, she readies a punch that she envelops with Soul Energy, and when coming close enough, unleashes it! Hitting the air, the punch creates a terrible shockwave that exterminates the enemies in front of her!

Smiling even more, she starts singing.

"I will fight the foes! It's time, here I go!"

And as an aura envelops the whole armor, she starts walking, searching for more foes.

"I've fought a king and met a knight,
I'll battle throughout the night!
Darkness and hate flee from my light,
you will not give me fright!"

Through a hole in a wall, she enters a hall where Dedede's soldiers are ferociously fighting the invaders. Turning the hands of the armor into swords, she cuts in two a good dozen of the enemies before destroys the remaining ones by turning the hands into laser guns and firing lasers from them. With the room clean of enemies, she exits it through another hole, entering a hallway where the allies are running away from a real wave of enemy armor.

"You should run away
Or be ready to become... my preys."

Well, she will answer a wave by a wave! With some magic allied to Dream Energy, the Sweetie Bot armor turns into blue with some darker blue forming waves, and the hands turn into water cannons. She targets the floor at her sides, and expels from the cannons a great quantity of water. The feet of the armor then turn into ski boards as the water forms a giant wave that starts to advance toward the enemies like a tsunami, the Sweetie Bot Armor riding it. All the enemies are swept by the water, and to finish them as they are trapped in the water, she turns the armor's hands into coils, jumps from the wave and uses them to electrify it, the electricity short-circuiting all the bots.

With all the enemies on the floor not moving anymore, she continues her advance. By now, Dedede's soldiers have stopped running, and seeing Sweetie Belle destroying the invaders, some of them follow her while others escape to the underground.

"As you invade, you hear the gears
Of the Sweetie Bot Armor
And very soon, you'll learn to fear
The Sweetie Bot Armor!"

Following some soldiers, she enters the kitchen where the Cook Waddle Dees and Chef Kawazakis are proving that they're not to be messed with. Sweetie Belle happily joins them to clean the room from enemy bots. As they see her coming, the cooks decide to step back and let her do her job. Smiling, she turns the arms of her armor into flamethrowers as it becomes red with fire patterns.

"The fire of my wrath
Will destroy my enemies... and will clean my path."

The enemy bots charge at her, some of them jumping to attack from above. Sweetie Belle makes Sweetie Bot spin with the flamethrowers pointing at the floor while firing, creating a terrifying column of powerful fire that turns all the enemies into piles of molten metal.

She exits the kitchen to enter the mess room which is also full of enemy bots, followed by the cooks and the soldiers.

"Dear invaders, you have messed with our beautiful world.
Dear invaders, you have made a joke of our dreamworld.
Dear invaders, you have taken a one-way ticket to the netherworld!
You chose the wrong world!
Let's go!"

While her army charges toward the enemies, she jumps and punches the floor in the middle of them, creating a huge shockwave that propels and destroys most of the bots. Following this charges to the nearest enemy still standing and punches a hole through it, then does the same to the armor next to it, before sweeping a part of the room where there are no allies with a huge laser. In the matter of a few seconds, all the enemies in the room have been destroyed, but more are coming from the hallway, so she charges at them, destroys the first few with some punches, then turns her armor into a giant speaker that start bombarding the enemies with music notes and sound waves as she advances.

"We will advance! You will step back!
We'll recuperate our home!
Until the end, we will attack!
So right now leave our home!"

By now, the enemies are coming from everywhere to try to stop her rampage, only to be destroyed in the blink of an eye. With the enemies focusing on her, Dedede's army is able to take back the castle room by room, pushing back the invaders. Broom Hatters sweep the hallways to the point that the armors slip on the floor, opening them to the assault of the rest. Phan Phans and Bugzzys throw Rockys like boulders. While everyone is assaulting the armors, Spynums, blue bipedal creatures wearing a purple cloak and a red hat, are raining their arrows from behind the line. Spear Waddle Dees are riding on Wheelies and on Nruffs while charging spear first at the bots. Bronto Burts and Birdons are dropping Bombers on them.

By now, Sweetie Belle has changed the arms of Sweetie Bot into giant energy whips that she uses to throw enemy armor into enemy armor. She then turns the arms into giant gears that she throws to cut some enemies facing a small group of soldiers.

The castle suddenly starts shaking. To see what's going on, Sweetie Belle creates a shield under the feet of her armor and uses it to ascend, passing through floors and ruin of floors before exiting the castle and see that it's now surrounded by those green giant robots. Eight in total!

"You are not the first
You will fail like the others... Vanish with a burst!"

She surround the horn of Sweetie Bot with her ten cannons, and fire while spinning her Ultimate Doom Laser, which is two times bigger than normal, destroying all the giant robots!

Then, as she stops firing the laser, a giant version of the armor, four times bigger than Sweetie Bot, drops from the sky and lands just in front of her on the ruins of the castle. This one is far better armed, with missile launchers on its shoulders, laser cannons as eyes, a flamethrower in the mouth, and some unknown giant cannon on its back, pointed at the sky. It also has a big H between the eyes and the mouth, along with what looks like a broken heart.

"So it's you who took down so much of our invader armors!" shouts the little bot piloting it. "With the Star Armor, I will teach you that primitive life-forms shouldn't oppose us, the Haltmann Works Company, and should remain in their place, under our feet!"

"Yeah, I'm a primitive life-form who just eradicated your 'advanced' army. I wonder who are the real primitives, here."

Steam visibly comes out from the head of the pilot as it becomes red. "You stole one of our armor and used it against us! It doesn't count!"

"Not really. I was just ONE armor against HUNDREDS, and I still won."

"Buuuurn!" she suddenly hears Yin Yarn shout. Looking at her right, she sees him floating at the edge of the ruins.

"Well, my SUPERIOR armor will crush you! You will see! There is no way for me to lose with my advantage!"

"Then will you shut up and start already? Or I will just destroy you before you start!"

More steam comes out from the pilot, and one of the feet of the Star Armor rises to crush her, but Sweetie Belle simply jumps back to avoid it before she fires a magical beam from Sweetie Bot's horn. The Star Armor then fires lasers from his eyes, only for a mirror to surround Sweetie Bot and deflect the lasers back to it. Enraged, the Star Armor shoots missiles, which are all destroyed by Sweetie's cannons while Sweetie Bot turns into Spark Mode and fires dozens of electric balls. Screaming in rage, Star Armor uses his flamethrower, only for Sweetie Bot to turn blue with giant fans and blow cold air to counter it. Again, while it continues using the flamethrower, Star Armor fires again its lasers, only for them to be deflected by a mirror. Sweetie Bot's horn then fires a more powerful beam that actually forces Star Armor to step back, which moves the fire stream and lets her ice stream reach its mouth and freeze it.

The pilot slams its hand on a button, and the cannon on the back of Star Armor charges a big ball of energy before firing it toward the sky and quickly using its jetpack to move away. The ball then explodes into hundreds of small energy beams that are raining everywhere. To protect herself, Sweetie Belle makes the armor pick a huge debris of the castle before lifting it above her, using it like a shield until the rain stops.

Sweetie Belle then sees the Star Armor charge toward her, and punches the debris she has used as a shield toward it, stopping it on its course. Immediately, she pushes a button she hasn't used until now, and causes the right arm to turn into a giant screwdriver. She then jumps toward Star Armor, activates the screwdriver, and drills a huge hole through it.

"Impossible!" shouts the pilot, before the Star Armor explodes.

Sweetie Belle sighs, then looks down at the armor. "You were incredible, Sweetie Bot."

"Sweetie Belle!" she hears. Looking around, she spots Bandana approaching her with Spikezilla and Yin Yarn. "You were awesome! Thanks to you, we were able to expel the invaders out of the castle!"

"I wonder what is their reaction," says Yin Yarn with a laugh.

"But now, what will you do? You'll go to attack that giant ship directly?"

Before she can answer, a huge explosion suddenly comes from the foot of the ship, and she spots a small light flying away from it before taking the direction of one of the other foot.

"Kirby did that?!" asks Yin Yarn.

"Yes! That was him!" says Bandana excitedly.

Sweetie Belle grins as she looks at the light. "I know what I will do. Kirby seems to have decided to take down the feet of the ship. He probably has an idea behind his mind. But now, I fear that he will be targeted by the invaders, the Haltmann Works Company, and he could get overwhelmed by their army." She looks at Bandana, smirking. "So I will make sure that they remain focused on me. I will go directly toward their ship. With what I just did, they will probably get scared and send everything to stop me, and leave Kirby mostly alone."

"Alright! But what about us?"

She sighs. "With Dedede KO, it should be best if you, all of you, remain here to protect him and the castle. Yes, I'm including you, Yin Yarn and Spikezilla. You should also ready the Warhammer, just in case. Don't try to attack the ship with it! It will just be shot down like the Halberd! Just, ready it."

"Ok, but then, you will be alone? You were never alone until now! Will you be alright?"

"What a question," says Yin Yarn. "Of course she will be alright! She just exterminated a whole army of robots almost by herself!"

She giggles. "Yes, don't worry. Also, I will try to find the Halberd and see if I can't help the Meta Knights."

They nod. "Good luck."

"Thank you." Saying those last words, Sweetie Belle turns toward the giant ship, and smirks. "Here I come."

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