• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 87: Peace Again... Or Not

As soon as Dark Crafter explodes, all the colors he had absorbed are expelled into space. Elline collects them immediately with her paintbrush form so she can give them back to Popstar.

"We did it!" shouts Sweetie Belle. "Finally, this whole artistic nightmare should end!"

"Unless we learn that Dark Crafter had a twin brother," says Bandana with a laugh.

"Poyo poyo!"

"Yes! Don't jinx us!"

Having finished collecting the colors, Elline returns to them. "Let's return to Claycia. She must be worried."

They nod, and turn back to fly toward the portal to Claycia's universe.

"Yes! YES! They did it! They got it! It's finally gone!" celebrates Rainbow Dash.

"It's about time they got that Dark guy. It's probably the one that gave them the most troubles," says Applejack

"It's a draw with Zero. They got three adventures because of Crafty, and three adventures because of Zero. Mindy doesn't count!" says Pinkie Pie.

"Mindy?" asks Applejack.

"Dark Mind," explains Discord. "Zero's counterpart from the Mirror World which, while we are at it, we can thanks for two adventures."

"But the big boss remains the Dark God. He's behind EVERYTHING! Or almost," says Pinkie.

"I still dread the day they will fight him," says Rarity.

"I really wonder how they will be able to defeat a God," says Starlight.

"With the power of friendship of course!" shouts Pinkie.

Starlight raises an eyebrow. "I understand that friendship is a powerful magic, but would this be enough to surpass the power of a God?"

"Friendship defeated Discord."

"As much as it pains me to say it, I'm not a real God. I'm just a more powerful than average spirit incarnating chaos. If I was to fight a real God face to face, I would be crushed in a few seconds."

"But in each adventure, Sweetie Belle becomes stronger, and makes new powerful friends," says Twilight. "If the day of the fight against the Dark God comes, I don't doubt they will be ready to face him."

The heroes return where they have left Claycia, and as Eline has said, the poor girl has been floating back and forth in worry. But as soon as she sees them coming back, her worry turns into joy. When they leave the ship, she hugs Elline, then thanks and congratulates one by one the heroes.

"I can't thank you enough! Dark Crafter was the cause of so much suffering for me and my family! Now that he's gone, I will be able to live my life like I desire without having to hide." Claycia then looks at Yin and Yarn. "And I'm so glad that you two are still alive."

"Trust us..."

"We are glad too."

Claycia then grabs the Magical Paintbrush and hugs it. "I'm glad to see you too. Thank you."

"What now?" asks Bandana Dee.

"Now, we return to Popstar so I can give it back all its colors," says Elline.

"Let me help for that," says Claycia.

The clay girl takes some clay and sculpts it into a star. Understanding what she wants to do, Elline paints it yellow, thus creating a Warp Star big enough for the three heroes to ride on.

So Sweetie Belle, Kirby, and Bandana Dee jump on it, and they fly toward Dark Crafter's portal, followed by Elline and Claycia. As soon as they pass it, the Magical Paintbrush closes the portal.

In the ride back to the hole to Popstar, Claycia explains everything. The Great Artist was an Ancient of the Mage Clan survivor of the Great War who decided to left the folly of the others to live his dream: create. So he came to Popstar alongside his sister, where he built his home in Floralia, and created the Life Giving Artist Magic. So he created the Magical Paintbrush, and with it, first created Claycia while his sister created Yin and Yarn and used them to knit Patch Land. But then, as he painted Paintra and Drawcia, Dark Crafter came, and corrupted the two paintings before corrupting Yin and Yarn. The Great Artist was able to use the Magical Paintbrush to force him to run away, and used the occasion to hide the paintings while his sister sealed Yin and Yarn in Patch Land. As for Claycia, to protect her, the Great Artist used all his powers to create a small universe just for her, where she would hide, and create whatever she wanted.

But when the Great Artist died of old age, Claycia was feeling very alone despite all her and the artist's creations populating her universe, so the Magical Paintbrush used all his creation power to create a friend for her: Elline. It then started to explore the universe to find a way to get rid of Dark Crafter.

But eventually, Dark Crafter found Drawcia, then Yin and Yarn, and used them to gain enough power that he could open holes in space and find Claycia's dimension, and possess her to use her powers to eventually become a new God. He would create more, and more, and more, and gain more powers, until he would reach the level of the Dark God, and maybe even surpass him. And the whole Dream Universe would have become his sandbox.

It's terrifying to think that the Dark God's own creations could become that powerful if left to do what they want...

Before long, they pass all the worlds of Seventopia, and reach the hole to Popstar. Now back in the star-shaped world, Elline turns into her paintbrush form, Claycia grabs her, and in a few swings, colors are restored, and life comes back.

"I missed Popstar so much," says then Claycia. "I wonder if dad's home is still here."

"It's still here," says Sweetie Belle. She turns to the Magical Paintbrush. "Now, one of my friends lives there. She's the one who helped me learn the Life Giving Artist Magic after our fight against Drawcia. She wants to turn the Great Artist's home into a school to teach this magic."

"That's wonderful! I would like to meet your friend!" says Claycia happily.

"And I'm sure she will be happy to meet you and Elline. She will probably ask you to help her run the school, because while she's getting very good with painting, she doesn't know much about sculpting."

"If you go to Floralia, could you first drop me at King Dedede's castle? I will tell him what happened," asks Bandana Dee.

"Ok, what about you Kirby?"

Kirby answers her by yawning, making her giggle.

"Understood. Ok!" She turns to the Magical Paintbrush. "Will you come? This would make Adeleine's day."

The paintbrush moves up and down to say yes.

So they drop Kirby at his house for a well deserved nap, and Bandana Dee at the castle to report to Dedede. Once done, they fly to the Dreamstalk, then ascend toward the sky until reaching Lollipop Land where they fly to the Great Artist's house.

Inside it, they find Adeleine reading one of the scrolls.

"Adeleine!" calls Sweetie Belle, gaining the attention of her friend.

"Is that you, Swee...tie?" Hearing her, Adeleine turns her head towards her as she starts speaking, only to stare in shock at the floating paintbrush, then at Claycia.

"Hey, Adeleine! I present to you the Magical Paintbrush, Elline, and Claycia! Claycia is the clay statue you told me about."

Adeleine faints.

"How can I repay you?"

"You don't need."

"I insist! I must repay you! Thanks to you, I finally got to see THE MAGICAL PAINTBRUSH!"

"Then just continue teaching me. It will be enough. Or, if you really want to do something, then learn everything you can about the Great Artist from Claycia and create the best school ever."

"I will!"

Claycia giggles. "She is really devoted, uh? I will gladly help teaching the art of my father."

At this moment, the Magical Paintbrush approaches the human girl. When Adeleine looks at it with a questioning expression, the paintbrush points at her hand, then pokes it. Adeleine understands what it means, but because she can't believe it, or because her brain just freezes at this moment, all she says in return is "Uh?" with a dumb look.

"It wants you to become its new user!" shouts Sweetie Belle in joy. "Your dream comes true!"

Adeleine faints, again.

"Stop it! You are becoming like my sister!"

"I just can't believe it. You three saved the world, and nobody would have known it if Bandana hadn't told me," says Dedede as he drops a plate of food in his mouth. "Mmmh! That okonomiyaki is perfect! That was a good idea!"

"Thank you. The best with this adventure is that we finally got to kill Dark Crafter. Hopefully, it is the last time that Popstar gets artistically changed," says Sweetie Belle.

"I wouldn't mind if a bad guy comes and changes everything into food."

"Please, no. There's already an island entirely made of food above our heads, that's enough. And don't forget Cookie Country, and the food randomly popping everywhere, and those ice trees in White Wafers... We don't need more food."

"Don't care. I want more food."

"Anyway. There are not many bad guys remaining among the ones we know. There's the Dark God himself, but also that cylinder-shaped machine and that Child of the God who exterminated the others. I wonder who will be next."

"I hope this is not the God. I don't know if we are ready. We may need more time."

Sweetie Belle nods. "I agree, but I don't know who I would prefer to fight first among the two others. The machine is apparently an evil Clockwork Star, but weaker."

"Weaker or not, fighting a wish-granting machine would be a pain," agrees Dedede.

"But the Child of the God is said to be powerful enough to destroy whole worlds. You imagine? A Meta Knight who could maybe cut the whole planet in two with a single swing of his sword!"

"Yeah. Whoever comes next, this will be hard. Unless we get some unknown bad guy like Necrodeus, then we may have an easier time."

"We should still ready for the worse."

"This is what we already do. You train hard everyday. And the others train a lot too."

"And yet, today, if that wasn't for Elline, Popstar would have been doomed."

"As if anyone would expect some weird beam to suddenly appear from a hole in the sky to steal all the colors of Popstar."

She giggles. "True."

"Even when we prepare for the worst, something even worst can happen. We can't be prepared for everything. We just have to ready ourselves, and when something happens, we adapt to whatever happens, and we act. This is the best we can do. But can you hurry and get those wings? It would help a lot against those bad guys!"

She laughs. "I will get them the day you will learn to really fly like a bird, by flapping your arms."

Dedede sighs before laughing.

The days pass in peace, and Dedede is pleased to see his army grow stronger each day. More species are joining it from all of Popstar. The kitchen staff now counts half of its members as Chef Kawasakis! Dedede may not be stronger than Meta Knight, but at least now, he can boast about having the strongest army of Popstar and even beyond. He is even thinking of building a second battleship! And a third! And a fourth. And a tenth... And by now, the Space Resort is almost finished!

Of course, Sweetie knows that most of the new recruits are there to join her army, but until she moves to Floralia's new castle, they're 'officially' part of Dedede's army. But gosh, the day she will really start her role as queen of Floralia, she will probably be the one with the most powerful army of Popstar. Maybe she should build her own battleship? Maybe in a few years.

And now, she and Dedede are having a peaceful time at Dedede's favorite spot on the castle's rampart, playing chess.

She moves her bishop to check Dedede, sacrificing it to Dedede's queen, she moves her pawn to turn it into her third queen and...


"Rah... Come on! Again! I will win the next one!"

"You said that the previous time, and the previous previous time, and..."

"Yeah yeah. Let's just start the next party."

But as they place the pieces, the filly laughing, a big shadow suddenly covers them, and the whole castle. Looking up, what they see is... beyond anything they could imagine.

Up in the sky, a spherical, planet-sized ship approaches the surface of Popstar! Then, in a terrible din, and shaking the whole planet, some kind of giant pyramid-shaped foot plants itself in Dreamland's soil a few miles away, the thing towering over everything toward the sky! Four others can be spotted far away in the horizon, each planting at one of the branches of Popstar! The next instant, thousands of machines looking like giant bulbs on drill are raining everywhere, and any lands they plant themselves on are turned into some twisted mechanical version, while hundreds of round, grey armor are deployed!

It's an alien invasion!

"Aliens... Of course..." says Sweetie Belle.

Author's Note:

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