• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 86: Purple Fortress

The final world, Purple Fortress, which serves as Claycia's HQ, looks weird. From afar, it looks like a huge multicolored paintbrush surrounded by flows of paint and what seems to be gears. From close, it's a huge junkyard with many futuristic buildings. But somewhere, hidden, is Claycia's palace. but first, they have to find it. Thankfully, Elline knows where it is, so she makes them land in one of the junkyard near what seems to be a factory, and asks them to follow her.

They use a cannon to enter and pass a wall in front of the factory, discovering a new kind of door that they have to open by activating a Sensor Field, a blue field that they have to enter to activate it (making it turn pink). Entering the courtyard behind the wall, they have to explore it to find three keys, some of them hidden behind more Sensor Field Doors, to open the three locked doors blocking the way to the inside of the building.

Once inside, they find another Sensor Field Door, this one not remain open very long. This forces them to wait for some formless purple electrical goo to enter the Sensor Field to be able to pass the door before it closes. After it, they enter one of those suction pipes that gets them to a different room with more Sensor Field Doors and more of those purple goo. This time, not wanting to wait, Sweetie grabs one of the goo in her magic and tosses it inside the field opening the doors, and they enter another pipe.

In the next room, the Censor Fields don't open doors, but walls that start closing as soon as they leave them, so they have to make sure that the walls are wide open before they continue, unless they take the risk to be crushed, which isn't easy become the second field is on spikes. Thankfully, Elline and her rainbow rope are here. After a black door, they enter a big room with more goo, and at the top, they take another pipe that leads them to a different part of the factory.

After passing another moving wall, they are ambushed again by the two Hands who haven't learned their lesson, and after a quick beat down, they pass a black door that gets them outside the factory, in another courtyard where they pass a few more moving walls before passing yet another black door, returning inside the building.

They traverse a small hallway, and take a pipe that makes them pass through a weird machine before they exit in a room where one of the walls is a mirror.

Wait, no, the room reflected by the mirror isn't identical. This isn't a mirror but a big glass separating the room in two.

But then, who are those guys that look exactly like them at the other side?

The Sweetie at the left side rises her left forehoof. The Sweetie at the right side rises her left forehoof.

If the second Sweetie was a reflection, she should have raised the right forehoof...


What the bucking heck?

"This machine cloned us?!" shout both Bandana Dees at the same time.

Both Ellines giggle before saying "This was one of our little project to have fun. A cloning machine that would split us, and the two formed teams would have to work together through a series of obstacles. Imagine how much fun we could have with such an idea?"

"You mean Claycia can create machines to clone?" ask the Sweeties.

"She can create anything!"

"Darn... That's impressive!" shout the Bandanas. "But we should find a way to make them stop saying everything we say, this is starting to be annoying! Yes, stop saying what I say! No, you stop! Stop I said! STOP! SHUT-"

"Hey! Destroy those blocks in front of you! There's a pink switch just behind it that should open this door in front of us!" suddenly shouts the Sweetie at the left side.

"Alright!" shouts back the Sweetie at the right side.

"Woah... Good job Sweetie," says Left Bandana.


As told, the group at the right side destroys the wall of blocks in front and activates a pink switch, opening a door at the left side. Left team passes it, and destroy a bomb block, destroy a wall of blocks at both sides and revealing a black door for the two teams.

Right Sweetie giggles. "Elline is right, this will be fun, even if there will probably be many dangers."

"This will be no problems!" shout both Bandana before they glare at each other. "I told you, stop saying what I say! Stop, darn it!"

Rolling their eyes, the two Sweeties push the Bandanas through the black doors, followed by the laughing Kirbys and Ellines.

And the two teams start traversing a long hallway separated by another glass, starting by Right Team destroying a wall blocking its way, followed by Left Team also destroying one blocking both sides. Right Team then has to destroy a wall of blocks to reach a switch to open a door for Left Team. Further, Left Team has to do the same to open a trap door above Right Team, letting it reach another switch so Left Team can continue and activate three switches for Right Team. Another bomb block later, and both teams reach the end of the hallway and take the black doors here, appearing in an elevator.

The two Sweeties do a high five from both sides of the glass.

"Best obstacle from a bad guy ever!" they both shout.

"Poyo!" say the two Kirby as they point up, showing enemies coming at them from both sides.

"The calvary is coming!" shout the Bandanas.

So the ride in the elevator mostly consists of fighting enemies coming at them from above until Left Team sees a trap door approaching. Right Team quickly flies up to reach a switch and open it. At this moment, they reach a section of the ride where the glass stops, and all the two teams have to do is destroying a wall of blocks to join each others as they are about to reach a no paint zone.

"Hey, me!" say the Sweeties as they hoof bump each other.

"This is so weird..." say the Bandana before they growl in annoyance.

The Kirbys roll their eyes. "Poyopoyo..." Tell me about this...

More enemies come at them, but now that the two teams are together, they easily destroy them as well as the many blocks on the way. Nothing resists them. And before long, they reach the end of the ride, and the black door, without a scratch.

And sadly, the fun has to end there. In the next room are two pipes, and it's not hard to guess what it means.
"Well, goodbye, me. It was fun," say the Sweeties.

"I wonder how it is to be put back as one," ask the Bandanas.

"Poyo poyo poyo." You will discover soon enough.

"It's a little weird..." says one of the Ellines

"But nothing bad," finishes the other before they both giggle.

"I love how you talk," say the Sweeties.

"Force of habit," reply the two fairies.

The two teams enter the pipes, and as they have thought,they enter a machine similar to the first, and out of it comes only one exemplary of everyone. When they exit the pipe, Sweetie and Bandana rub their head.

"Woah... Is it what it feels like to fuse? Now I have two sets of memories to sort through. It's so weird."

"Like Elline said."

"Is it what you felt Kirby after Dark Mind and Necrodeus? I can't think how it was to have four set of memories, and even less ten sets. And you were splitten much longer in both cases."

Kirby shrugs. "Poyo poyopo."

Bandana then looks up and see where they are. "Woah! Are we back in space? What is it about those swirls of clay? Are those trees that I see on one of them?"

"This one has a sun!" shouts Sweetie as she points to another swirl.

Elline looks at all the swirls in worry. "I... I think those are future worlds that Claycia is creating. But... How could she become so powerful? Just creating one world took years, but here, she's creating dozens at the same time!"

"What is this place?" asks Sweetie Belle.

"This is Claycia's home, a small dimension connected to ours where she creates everything she wants. We started from here to create Seventopia."

"So that random factory was actually a door to this dimension? Thank the stars you are here, it would have taken us forever to find it!" says Bandana.

"And now, let me guide you to her house."

They take a nearby black door, and enter a room where they encounter a weird creature that seems to be just a green floating squared head with a single big eye and a giant mouth. Abome them is also a green thing coming out of the ceiling and ending in a disk with a hole, like a funnel.

"This is a Warpspace," infoms Elline. "Don't worry, they are harmless. They eat us, and we come out by this hole, which is its tail. We may need to use them to continue at some points."

"Weird idea," comments Bandana.

"They are a security system. Who would think to let themselves being eaten to continue? And even if they are harmless, their tail can spit you at bad places, or make you lose time."

"Still weird."

They pass the Warpspace, and use a cannon to pass some blocks and continue and enter another room with two red Warpspaces, those ones having two eyes. Weirdly enough, the two seem to have the same tail. They pass those two too and take the next cannon to reach a third room with three eyed blue Warpspaces also partaging the same tail. In this room, the cannon is just between the two of them, making reaching it annoying because one wrong move and they get eaten and sent back at the start.

After successfully taking the cannon, they reach a new room where they face a new big enemy devoid of colors possessing a big spiked shield defending the path. The most annoying with those enemies is that if they aren't absolutely destroyed, they simply lose shape before reforming a few seconds later. After passing two of them, they passa black door.

The next room has more Warpspaces as well as those grey shield wielders charging with those shields to not only hurt them but also to push them toward the Warpspaces and make them restart. However, further up, they have to let themselves get eaten by a red one to be propelled toward some blocks blocking the way and destroy them. A blue one then propels them further up toward another room where they have to choose between three Warpspaces to be propelled back down to a different place.

Here, they get a new ride on a gondola, but they first have to get eaten by a green Warpspace to destroy the blocks preventing it to advance. From there, it's a simple climbing through many Warpspaces and no paint zones while avoiding Gordos before they reach a point where the gondola suddenly accelerates, making avoiding the obstacles harder until it reaches the end.

That's okay, it was fun. It was like a roller coaster, but without loops.

At the end, the Hands try again their chance, but like always, they are easily dispatched before the heroes take the next door. They enter a room where they have to fight a key to obtain it while avoiding being eaten by two Warpspaces here, unless they want to be propelled toward spikes. It's not hard for them to get the key like the previous time, and they use it to open a trapdoor above and continue. Here, they let themselves being eaten by a green Warpspace to be propelled up until reaching a windy area with giant Warpspaces. They have to let themselves being pushed by the wind while avoiding the Warpspaces to not restart.

At the end of this path, they take a door, and appear in a different part of the dimension where they can see many small planets of clay, just in front of Claycia's... palace?

"But... It was a small and cute house last time I was here," says Elline.

"Seems like Claycia has gotten an ego," says Bandana.

"After her reaction when you treated her of idiot, that's not a surprise," says Sweetie Belle.

They enter the palace, and let an elevator ride them to the top, where they can see many non-finished clay statues of the various enemies they have encountered in this adventure. At the top, after a small hallway, they punch a living grey spiked ball toward a non-finished statue of Claycia blocking the way, destroying both of them before they continue. At the end of this path, they enter a door.

They enter a room where the Hands are awaiting them, but instead of attacking, they do a small movement, and a cyan haired girl of clay appear behind them, the Hands now at both ends of a giant lilac scarf, acting like a second pair of hands added to her disembodied normal white hands. She wears a magenta beret, magenta shoes, and a large purple coat with magenta dots.

But they can't see her face, because it is covered by a weird sunglasses with white pupils.

With a giggle, she waves at Elline. "Hello Elline. Nice seeing you again."


"So, those are your new friends?" says Claycia as she turns to the others, fixing Yin and Yarn for a small moment. "The friends of my friends are my friends! Too bad for you, she is now my enemy. What friend would oppose me like she did?"

At Claycia's words, Elline gets tears in her eyes, irritating her friends.

"Stop talking as if you were really Claycia! We are certain that it's you, Dark Crafter! Drop your masquerade!" shouts Sweetie Belle.

"Oh my... It seems I'm unmasked. Why am I not surprised?" asks rhetorically the revealed Dark Crafter as she stares again at Yin and Yarn, making the two of them gulp. "And you, you are the little thorns in my side that stopped my dear toys one after another." She puts one of the Hands on her forehead like a drama queen. "I just wanted some creativity! Why so much destruction? Wouldn't the universe have been more interesting if it was a giant painting that we could have painted and repainted like we wanted? What was so bad about everything being turned into soft yarn? It's a universe of dreams! A universe born from creativity! So why can't I create what I want?"

"Because you have a sick vision of creation! Who knows what kind of disgusting painting Drawcia would have made of Popstar if we had left her? And Yin and Yarn were not only turning Popstar into a world of yarn, but they tried to conquer it!"

"Of course they would want to conquer it. We possess what we create after all. And I don't care what you think of my vision."

"In other terms, you want to conquer the universe and turn it into your artistic sandbox without a care for others! You want to become an absolute God!"

"Uhuhuhuhuhuh! Exactly! And those two's creations were so perfect to reach this dream! A clay statue that can create worlds of clay! Two paintings that possessed the power to create things from paint, ink, or anything else to draw! Two knitting needles that could make wonders with yarn! That Life Giving Artist Magic they developed was the best thing ever for me!" She then growls. "But that fool just had to hide her little girl in a different dimension that he created himself to protect her! I lost countless years trying to find her! And then the needles got sealed, and the paintings were separated! It's only by luck that I found the elder painting and the needles and unleashed them! Because of a game of hide and seek that lasted centuries, I couldn't reach my dream! My power grows when my toys create, but how could they create when they were trapped?!" She laughs. "But thanks to Drawcia and Yin and Yarn's action, I gained some powers and was able to find this little dimension. Claycia's powers are the strongest of all! With them as mine, my goal is within reach!" Using the two Hands, she takes some clay and starts sculpting it. "And those are certainly not some little destructors like you that will stop me!"

Sweetie Belle looks at Elline, and they nod before the fairy takes her paintbrush that starts floating in the filly's magic. Sweetie Belle then grabs Yin and Yarn, readying them.

"I agree, we destroy a lot to save the universe. But I also can create!"

"Oooooh! Then may the best creator win!"

At this, Dark Crafter throws the clay in the ceiling, and out of it come dozens of cannons, not leaving any space. Without losing time, Sweetie Belle uses Yin and Yarn to knit a shield that she turns into metal, like in the fight against Magolor, and uses it to protect everyone from the following rain of lasers. Dark Crafter then does a circle with the Hands, surrounding herself in a no paint zone, rendering null all attacks with paint. She follows this by throwing more clay, this time in one of the walls, and Sweetie Belle immediately invokes an easel before painting some mirror on the canvas. It comes out, revealing it to be a mirror shield big enough for everyone to shelter behind, and when the cannons come out of the wall and fire their lasers, the mirror deflects the lasers and destroy the cannons. Once all the cannons of the wall firing at them are destroyed, Sweetie then places the mirror shield under the metal shield, then moves the metal shield so the mirror can also destroy the cannons of the ceiling. Feeling that it may be very useful, Sweetie then paints a smaller mirror, breaks it, and gives the shards to Kirby to give him the Mirror ability.

The lasers not working, Dark Crafter destroys all the remaining cannons, and uses their clay to create... an organ? She then uses more clay to create a new metal Clay Whispy to protect her as she sits in front of the organ and starts playing. Suddenly, at the rhythm of the music played, the floor separates into square columns that rise and lower, and with the Clay Whispy spawning his spiked balls while blowing his wind, it's a redoubtable combo.

"A musician is also an artist!" says Dark Crafter with a cackle.

Sweetie Belle throws a shield at one of the spiked balls and sends it at one of the Clay Whispy's eyes. Screaming in pain, the Clay Whispy stops blowing air, and Kirby and Bandana take the occasion to run around him, with difficulty because of the moving floor, and attack Dark Crafter, interrupting her song. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle paints and knits a small army of Knuckle Joes who all start pummeling the Clay Whispy with hundreds of jabs to the point that he loses his form and becomes just a pile of clay.

Dark Crafter slaps away Kirby and Bandana, then grabs the organ and throws it at them. The two heroes rapidly jump out of the way of the instrument before they return to attack, along with Sweetie's Knuckle Joes. Before they can reach her, Dark Crafter creates more laser cannons in the ceiling, and they fire a barrage of lasers that destroy all the Knuckle Joes, but the heroes are able to protect themselves with the mirrors like previously, and Sweetie takes the occasion to fire her own projectiles to attack.

Enveloping herself in her scarf, Dark Crafter teleports, then throws again clay in the ceiling and the walls, and out of them come giant fists of clay trying to punch the heroes. While Kirby and Bandana do all they can to avoid them, Sweetie opts to use her own hooves metallified and boosted by soul energy to punch them and destroy them before she knits a clone of Dedede and paints a clone of Meta Knight. The two clones immediately join Kirby and Bandana in attacking Dark Crafter, Paint Meta Knight using sword beams to attack from a distance and avoid approaching the no paint zone around her. Dark Crafter then quickly teleports again and starts flying near the ceiling, poking it at different place. The following instant, the places of the ceiling she has poked morph into columns that drop on the floor to crush the heroes and the clones. Yarn Dedede then grabs Kirby and hits him with his hammer, sending him right at Dark Crafter's face, stopping her attack as she drops on the floor dazed. They all take the occasion to attack her with all they have until Dark Crafter recovers, slaps everyone too close, and teleports. She then creates a no paint zone covering the whole room, having for effect to destroy Paint Meta Knight.

Kirby, Bandana, and Yarn Dedede still attack her, so she creates two swords to defend herself, handling them with Claycia's hands rather than the big one eyed Hands of the scarf. As she uses her swords to attack the three of them, she uses the Hands to sculpt more clay and create various enemies they have encountered in their adventure, from Cottas to the shield wielders, until she suddenly takes a shell in the face. Once she recovers from the explosion caused by it, she looks at the origin of the shell, and discovers Sweetie Belle now inside a tank made of yarn with a main cannon and ten turrets formed by the filly's ten cannons.

Smirking, Sweetie fires another shell that hits Dark Matter in the face while the turrets start firing their own projectiles. At this moment, the no paint zone disappears, and she paints mini tanks that surround her bigger one and immediately fire at their enemy. Avoiding another shell, Claycia throws two balls of clay at the walls at the opposite side of the tanks, and they start closing on them. Seeing this, Sweetie gives up the tank and flies away, avoiding being crushed, covers herself in a shield, and does her Giant Fiery Comet attack, hitting Dark Crafter and slamming her against the wall.

Now more angry than ever, Dark Crafter sinks in the floor, to everyone's wonder. The room then starts shaking, and it suddenly triples in size, before a giant arm of clay comes out of the floor and crush Yarn Dedede, destroying him. Another arm comes out, then a head, and finally, the torso. Dark Crafter, now a giant living clay statue of Claycia half immersed in the floor, roars at the heroes.

Immediately, Sweetie Belle turns Kirby and Bandana into their tank form before she moves as far away from the statue that she can as it starts pounding the floor to send shockwaves. Once she is near the opposite wall, the filly starts painting and knitting like never before, and the statue starts sculpting like crazy. The two creator then send at each others everything they can create, projectiles like rockets, small beings like Knuckle Joes, Knights, or Cottas, and stronger beings like the guardians, Kracko, Mr Bright and Mr Shine, and much more. The two formed armies, in one side of paint and yarn, and in the other of clay, clash in the middle of the room, with Kirby and Bandana not stopping firing at the giant statue who has formed a second pair of arms to continue pounding the floor.

In the chaos of elemental attacks, explosions, and weapons clashing, Dark Crafter starts talking.

"You are fighting well. Your creation skills are impressive, even if you are greatly helped by those toys. But..." She puts two hands on the ceiling and opens it, revealing the dark sky of space around the palace. She then starts twirling the hands, and swirls of clay appear in the sky. "You seem to forget... I AM THE MASTER OF CREATION!!!"

The swirls divide to form hundreds of meteors raining all over the palace. What she didn't think in her pride or anger is that those meteors would also rain on her and her creations... Thinking quickly, she makes herself rise toward the sky in a giant mountain of clay until she goes beyond the meteors.

Avoiding as best they can the meteors, the heroes, Kirby and Bandana now back to normal, use Elline's rainbow rope to follow Dark Crafter, around who a new swirl of clay is forming. When they reach her, Elline doesn't stop painting the rainbow rope so they can circle Dark Crafter without stopping, moving up and down, accelerating or slowing down to avoid the many projectiles that she throws at them. Meanwhile, on the rope, as the whole universe seems to fall on them, Sweetie has knitted three cannons that the heroes start using to pummel the statue with dozens and dozens of explosive bullets, damaging it more and more. Dark Crafter sends all the power of creation, meteors rains, weapon rains, laser rains, thrown clay boulders, sculpted minions of various forms, sizes and powers, everything, to stop them, and Elline has a more and moe hard time to draw a path for her friends to remain unharmed, to the point that more than once, they are forced to jump to avoid something or Elline is forced to start a new rope.

But then, from the sky, a familiar paintbrush suddenly comes flying toward Sweetie Belle, and the filly, when spotting it, immediately recognizes it with a gasp of surprise.

The Magical Paintbrush!

"You are back!" shouts Sweetie in joy as she catches the paintbrush. Immediately, she feels herself filled with its power. "Back to finish the job? Alright! Let's show Dark Crafter who is the real master of creation!"

She swings the paintbrush, and the universe around them distords before becoming a giant painting.

"What?" shouts Dark Crafter. With everything becoming a painting, she has lost control of the clay, now turned into paint. She immediately starts forming new clay. "I will not let you-" She is suddenly punched in the face by a giant painted fist.

Dozens of canvas appear around Sweetie Belle, a paintbrush painting fists on all of them, and Dark Crafter finds herself punched again and again while still being bombarded by Bandana and kirby's cannons. Dark Crafter surrounds herself in a no paint zone, destroying all of them, but them, Sweetie Belle uses her magic to grab all the clay that has been formed, and shapes it into a giant ball. She then uses another giant painted fist to punch the ball and slam it on Dark Crafter, breaking the no paint zone and opening her to more paint attack.

Using Yin and Yarn to knit more giant fist to continue punching their enemy, Sweetie then twirls the paintbrush, and the whole painting universe around starts swirling. Out of the swirl of paint, balls of paint start raining on the statue from all side until it almost reaches its breaking point. Sweetie then stops the barrage, and rises the paintbrush, and all the paint starts gathering in a planet sized ball of paint above them. Once all the paint has been gathered, Sweetie Belle brings down the paintbrush, and the ball starts falling. Again, Dark Crafter creates a no paint zone to protect herself, and the ball of paint clashes against it, only for the no paint zone to break, and the ball slams against the statue, destroying it. The statue destroyed, the ball explodes too, the paint returning to form the universe around.

Now, all that remains is Claycia's body floating above the surface of the mountain of paint/clay. Purple energy start escaping her body as she grasped her head in pain. With one last explosion, she falls on the surface of the mountain on her face, and the sunglasses bounce away, the big one eyed Hands disappearing from her scarf which becomes smaller.

"Claycia!" shouts Elline in panic as everyone joins the fallen statue girl of clay.

The little fairy starts crying against her friend's hair, asking for Claycia to wake up, hoping that the fight hasn't killed her.

And with a groan, Claycia slowly goes up, rubbing her head. Now that the sunglasses aren't covering her face, they can see it, but now, her eyes are covered by her hair.

As Claycia barely starts to recover from what happened, Elline screams "Claycia!" in joy before hugging her. Despite her surprise, Claycia catches catches Elline in her hands and hugs her.

"Elline! You are alright! Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything that I said and did!"

"I know! You were possessed! But now, Dark Crafter is gone, and you are safe!" With a big, happy smile, Elline turns to Sweetie and the others. "Thank you!"

Claycia turns toward them, and upon spotting the Magical Paintbrush, gasps. "Is that...?"

Before they can continue, the sunglasses restart bouncing, then they float, and out of them comes a black smoke. Blobs of darkness start appearing, forming some kind of cloud. And before the heroes, Dark Crafter's true form appear, with the sunglasses, two Hands, and one big smiling mouth. It grows, and grows, then roars, revealing that the smiling mouth is also an angry eye.

What is it with smiling mouths having angry eyes in them?

Whatever, the heroes prepare themselves to fight, and destroy for good, their enemy. But to their surprise, Dark Crafter starts by absorbing the colors of the universe around them, becoming a cloud of colors, before flying away, opening a portal and passing it.

That coward just ran away!

We must go after it!" shouts Sweetie Belle.

Elline and Claycia look at each other, nod, and the clay girl sculpts an easel. Once she's done, Elline paints on it and transformed Kirby into his rocket form. Before she can continue to do the same to Sweetie and Bandana, the filly stops her.

"Wait, Elline, I have an idea."

She grabs the paintbrush and Yin and Yarn, and approaches Elline and Claycia before she starts whispering something to all of them, sometimes one of them nodding.


"I don't know what she's preparing, but they should hurry," says Bandana.

Sweetie and the others then turn toward Kirby. After some painting, sculpting, and knitting, a whole little spaceship has been created around him, the rocket puffball at the nose. The main body of the spaceship is made of clay painted pink with a star symbol at the sides, while there are two turrets on the back that are made of yarn. Below Kirby, just in case, is a painted bow cutter.

Their job done, Sweetie Belle looks at Bandana and points at the turrets. Understanding, Bandana jumps in one of them, and Sweetie jumps in the other. As the spaceship takes off, Elline joins Kirby and remains at his side, wanting to be here in case she may be useful. With everyone ready, Kirby flies through the portal, returning in the Dream Universe, where they appear not far above Purple Fortress, which has lost all colors, as well as all the worlds of Seventopia.

After flying a little, they spot Dark Crafter, and quickly catch up to it, or him, or whatever. Dark Crafter seems surprised to see them coming, and immediately doubles his speed to try to escape them, only for this to be in vain as Sweetie and Bandana start to fire at him, each hit causing him to lose some color and reveal his black, Dark Matter-like body.

Seeing he can't escape them with speed, Dark Crafter throws mines at them, and Sweetie and Bandana have to destroy them. Kirby decides then to accelerate, and successfully rams into Dark Crafter, impaling him with the bow cutter. In return, Dark Crafter punches the spaceship, damaging it, and forcing the heroes back. He continues throwing mines, while he starts using the colors of his body to create various obstacles, mainly minions like Bronto Burts, but also projectiles, like creating fireballs from the red and the orange, or ice spikes from the blue. Yellow goes for lightning bolts, and brown goes for the creation of boulders. He uses green to create a whip-like vine and uses it to attack the heroes, while he gathers some purple to create a cloud of poisonous gas.

Kirby does his best to avoid the most obstacles and projectiles possible while Elline uses her rainbow ropes to protect him, and Sweetie and Bandana destroy the ones that can be destroyed, and once they have an occasion they attack Dark Crafter, turning his body more and more black. The more his body becomes black, the more Dark Crafter becomes desperate, and he multiplies the number of mines and other attacks and obstacles his throws at the spaceship damaging it more and more. One of the wings is destroyed, but Kirby remains in control and is even able to ram Dark Crafter again to impale him. Sweetie Belle and Bandana Dee fire at the Hands to avoid the ship being punched again, until the Hands are finally destroyed, making Dark Crafter panic. By now, the majority of his body is black.

They then target his mouth-eye, and fire.

A dozen shots later, Dark Crafter yells in pain as the dark energy starts escaping his body.

And finally, he explodes.

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